Exemplo n.º 1
	def run(self, context):
			Calls the wrapped run method
		retries = None
		retryNumber = 0 # 1=first retry, etc
		self.target.retriesRemaining = int(self.target.options['Target.failureRetries']) # default is 0
		backoffSecs = self.target.options['Target.failureRetriesInitialBackoffSecs']
		while True:
				implicitInputs = self.__getImplicitInputs(context)
				if implicitInputs or self.isDirPath:

				if retryNumber > 0: self.target.log.warning('Target %s succeeded on retry #%d', self, retryNumber)
			except Exception as ex:
				if self.target.retriesRemaining == 0: 
					if retryNumber > 0: 
						self.target.log.warning('Target %s failed even after %d retries', self, retryNumber)

				self.target.retriesRemaining -= 1
				retryNumber += 1
				self.target.log.info('Target %s failed on attempt #%d, will now clean before retry', self, retryNumber)
				# hopefully after the backoff time enough file handles will have been removed for the clean to succeed 
				except Exception as ex:
					self.target.log.error('Failed to cleanup during retry, after initial failure of %s', self)

				# this logic is to prevent CI (e.g. TeamCity) error messages from one retry from causing the whole job to be flagged as a 
				# failure even if a subsequent retry succeeds
				buf = outputBufferingManager.resetStdoutBufferForCurrentThread()
				self.target.log.warning('Target %s failed on attempt #%d, will retry after %d seconds backoff (see .log file for details).', self, retryNumber, backoffSecs)
				# for now let's just throw away buf - user can look at the .log file to see what happened before the failure if they care 
				# (can't just re-log it here as that would result in duplication with the .log output)

				backoffSecs *= 2
		# we expect self.path to NOT be in the fileutils stat cache at this point; 
		# it's too costly to check this explictly, but unwanted incremental rebuilds 
		# can be caused if the path does get into the stat cache since it'll have a stale value
		# if target built successfully, record what the implicit inputs were to help with the next up to date 
		# check and ensure incremental build is correct
		if implicitInputs or self.isDirPath:
			log.debug('writing implicitInputsFile: %s', self.__implicitInputsFile)
			with openForWrite(self.__implicitInputsFile, 'wb') as f:
Exemplo n.º 2
    def updateStampFile(self):
		.. private:: Not useful enough to be in the public API. 
		Assumes self.path is a stamp file that just needs creating / timestamp updating and does so """
        path = normLongPath(self.path)
        with openForWrite(path, 'wb') as f:
Exemplo n.º 3
def jar(path, manifest, sourcedir, options, preserveManifestFormatting=False, update=False, outputHandler=None):
	""" Create a jar file containing a manifest and some other files

	@param path: jar file to create. Typically this file does not already exist, but if it does 
	then the specified files or manifest will be merged into it. 
	@param manifest: path to the manifest.mf file (or None to disable manifest entirely)

	@param sourcedir: the directory to pack everything from (this method may add extra files to this dir)

	@param options: options map. jar.options is a list of additional arguments

	@param preserveManifestFormatting: an advanced option that prevents that jar executable from 
	reformatting the specified manifest file to comply with Java conventions 
	(also prevents manifest merging if jar already exists)
	# work out if we need to create a parent directory
	dir = os.path.dirname(path)
	if dir and not os.path.exists(dir): mkdir(dir)
	# location of jar
	if options['java.home']:
		binary = os.path.join(options['java.home'], "bin/jar")
		binary = "jar"
	# build up arguments
	args = [binary]

	if update:
	if not manifest: 
		args.extend([mode+"fM", path])
	elif preserveManifestFormatting:
		srcf = normLongPath(sourcedir+'/META-INF/manifest.mf')

		with open(manifest, 'rb') as s:
			with openForWrite(srcf, 'wb') as d:
		args.extend([mode+"f", path])
		args.extend([mode+"fm", path, manifest])

	if sourcedir: 
		args.extend(["-C", sourcedir, "."])

	# actually call jar
	call(args, outputHandler=outputHandler, timeout=options['process.timeout'])
Exemplo n.º 4
def create_manifest(path, properties, options):
	""" Create a manifest file in path from the map properties.

	@param path: The absolute path in which to create a manifest file. If None is specified, 
	no file is written but a byte string containing the file contents is returned. 

	@param properties: A map of manifest keys to values (unicode character strings). 
	Must follow java jar file format specification, e.g. headers cannot contain spaces. 

	@param options: The options to use for creating the manifest (prefix: jar.manifest)

	# merge in the defaults to the map (properties will already have been expanded
	fullmap = {}
	for source in [options['jar.manifest.defaults'], properties]:
		for key in source:
			fullmap[key] = source[key]

	# build up the list of lines
	lines = []
	for key in sorted(fullmap.keys()): # select a deterministic order
		# strip whitespace since it isn't needed, and could confuse the continuation character logic
		line = ("%s: %s") % (key.strip(), fullmap[key].strip())
		assert ' ' not in key.strip(), 'manifest.mf key "%s" does not confirm to jar file specification - cannot contain spaces'%(key.strip())
		assert '\n' not in line, repr(line)
		# assume character strings as input; must convert to utf8 before applying continuation char logic
		line = line.encode('utf-8')
		# spec says: No line may be longer than 72 bytes (not characters), in its UTF8-encoded form
		# If a value would make the initial line longer than this, it should be continued on extra lines (each starting with a single SPACE).
		maxbytes = 72-1 # remove one byte for the newline
		while len(line) > maxbytes:
			line = b" %s" % line[maxbytes:]
		assert line
	lines.append(b'') # need a trailing newline else Java ignores last line!

	lines = b'\n'.join(lines) # don't use os.linesep for simplicity, and because spec says only \r\n, \n, \r are valid not \n\r

	# write out the file
	if path:
		with openForWrite(path, 'wb') as f:
	else: # this case for unit testing
		return lines
Exemplo n.º 5
def javadoc(path, sources, classpath, options, workDir, outputHandler):
	""" Create javadoc from sources and a set of options

	@param path: The directory under which to create the javadoc

	@param sources: a list of source files

	@param classpath: a list of jars for the classpath

	@param options: the current set of options to use
	@param workDir: where temporary files are stored
	@param outputHandler: the output handler (optional)
	# location of javadoc
	if options['java.home']:
		binary = os.path.join(options['java.home'], "bin/javadoc")
		binary = "javadoc"

	# store the list of files in a temporary file, then build from that.
	inputlistfile = os.path.join(workDir, "javadoc.inputs")
	with openForWrite(inputlistfile, 'w', encoding=locale.getpreferredencoding()) as f:
		f.writelines('"'+x.replace('\\','\\\\')+'"'+'\n' for x in sources)

	# build up arguments
	args = [binary]
	if options['javadoc.ignoreSourceFilesFromClasspath']:
		args.extend(['-sourcepath', path+'/xpybuild_fake_sourcepath'])
		"-d", path,
		"-classpath", classpath,
		"-windowtitle", options['javadoc.title'],
		"-doctitle", options['javadoc.title'],
		"-%s" % options['javadoc.access'],
		"@%s" % inputlistfile
	# actually call javadoc
	call(args, outputHandler=outputHandler, timeout=options['process.timeout'])
Exemplo n.º 6
 def _copyFile(self, context, src, dest):
     with open(src, 'rb') as inp:
         with openForWrite(dest, 'wb') as out:
             shutil.copyfileobj(inp, out)
     shutil.copymode(src, dest)
     assert os.path.exists(dest)
Exemplo n.º 7
def javac(output, inputs, classpath, options, logbasename, targetname, workDir):
	""" Compile some java files to class files.

	Will raise BuildException if compilation fails.

	@param output: path to a directory in which to put the class files (will be created)

	@param inputs: list of paths (.java files) to be compiled

	@param classpath: classpath to compile with, as a string

	@param options: options map. javac.options is a list of additional arguments, javac.source is the source version, 
	javac.target is the target version

	@param logbasename: absolute, expanded, path to a directory and filename prefix 
		to use for files such as .err, .out, etc files

	@param targetname: to log appropriate error messages
	@param workDir: where temporary files are stored.  


	assert logbasename and '$' not in logbasename
	logbasename = os.path.normpath(logbasename)
	# make the output directory
	if not os.path.exists(output): mkdir(output)
	# location of javac
	if options['java.home']:
		javacpath = os.path.join(options['java.home'], "bin/javac")
		javacpath = "javac" # just get it from the path
	# store the list of files in a temporary file, then build from that.
	argsfile = os.path.join(workDir, "javac_args.txt")
	# build up the arguments
	args = ["-d", output]
	if options["javac.source"]: args.extend(["-source", options["javac.source"]])
	if options["javac.target"]: args.extend(["-target", options["javac.target"]])
	if options["javac.encoding"]: args.extend(["-encoding", options["javac.encoding"]])
	if options["javac.debug"]:
	if options['javac.warningsAsErrors']:
	# TODO: should add -Xlint options here I think
	if classpath: args.extend(['-cp', classpath])
	args.extend([x for x in inputs if x.endswith('.java')]) # automatically filter out non-java files

	with openForWrite(argsfile, 'w', encoding=locale.getpreferredencoding()) as f:
		for a in args:


		log.info('Executing javac for %s, writing output to %s: %s', targetname, logbasename+'.out', ''.join(['\n\t"%s"'%x for x in [javacpath]+args]))
		# make sure we have no old ones hanging around still
			deleteFile(logbasename+'-errors.txt', allowRetry=True)
			deleteFile(logbasename+'-warnings.txt', allowRetry=True)
			deleteFile(logbasename+'.out', allowRetry=True)
		except Exception as e:
			log.info('Cleaning up file failed: %s' % e)
		outputHandler = options.get('javac.outputHandlerFactory', JavacProcessOutputHandler)(targetname, options=options)
		if hasattr(outputHandler, 'setJavacLogBasename'):
		call([javacpath, "@%s" % argsfile], outputHandler=outputHandler, outputEncoding='UTF-8', cwd=output, timeout=options['process.timeout'])
		if (not os.listdir(output)): # unlikely, but useful failsafe
			raise EnvironmentError('javac command failed to create any target files (but returned no error code); see output at "%s"'%(logbasename+'.out'))
		success = True
		if not success and classpath:
			log.info('Classpath for failed javac was: \n   %s', '\n   '.join(classpath.split(os.pathsep)))
Exemplo n.º 8
	def handleEnd(self, returnCode=None):
		assert self._logbasename # could make this optional, but for now don't
		if self._contents:
			with openForWrite(self._logbasename+'.out', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fo:
		errs = []
		warns = []
		errmsg = None
		for c in self._chunks:
			loc = re.match('(.*\.java:\d+): *(.*)', c[0])
			msg = re.match('.*\.java:\d+: *(.*)', c[0])
			if msg and loc: 
				msg, loc = msg.group(1), loc.group(1) # key by message
				msg = c[0]
				loc = None
			# special-case merging for common multi-line messages to give better diagnostics
			i = 1
			while i < len(c):
				if c[i].strip().startswith('symbol'):
					msg += ': <'+re.search('symbol *: *(.*)', c[i]).group(1)+'>'
					del c[i]
				elif c[i].strip().startswith('location'):
					msg += ' in <'+re.search('location *: *(.*)', c[i]).group(1)+'>'
					del c[i]
					i += 1
			# check returncode since we must never treat stderr output as an error if it returned success, as annotation processes can output all kinds of stuff
			iswarning = returnCode==0 or (re.match('.*\.java:\d+: warning: .*', c[0]) or (len(c) > 1 and 'to suppress this warning' in c[1]))
			addto = warns if iswarning else errs
			existing = next((x[1] for x in addto if x[0] == msg), None)
			if not existing:
				existing = []
				addto.append( (msg, existing) )
			existing.append([loc+': '+msg if loc else msg]+c[1:])
			if not iswarning and not errmsg: errmsg = msg+(' at %s'%loc if loc else '')
		if errs:
			with openForWrite(self._logbasename+'-errors.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fo:
				for x in errs:
					# x[0] is the common msg type, x[1] is a list of places where it occured, each of which 
					# in log, summarize the first error of this type (e.g. if a symbol wasn't found in 20 places just log it once)
					filename = None
					lineno = None
						filename = re.sub("^(.*):([0-9]+): .*",r"\1",x[1][0][0])
						lineno = int(re.sub("^(.*):([0-9]+): .*",r"\2",x[1][0][0]))
					self._log(logging.ERROR, '\njavac> '.join(x[1][0]), 
					print('- '+x[0], file=fo)
					i = 0
					for x2 in x[1]: # print the detail of later similar ones only at INFO
						if i != 0:
							self._log(logging.INFO, 'similar error: \n    %s'%('\n    '.join(x2)))
						self._errors.append(' / '.join(x2[0]))
						for x3 in x2:
			self._log(logging.ERROR, '%d javac ERRORS in %s - see %s'%(sum([len(x[1]) for x in errs]), self._targetName, self._logbasename+'-errors.txt'), 
			publishArtifact('javac %s errors'%self._targetName, self._logbasename+'-errors.txt')
		if warns:
			self._log(logging.WARNING, '%d javac WARNINGS in %s - see %s; first is: %s'%(sum([len(x[1]) for x in warns]), self._targetName, self._logbasename+'-warnings.txt', warns[0][0]), 
			with openForWrite(self._logbasename+'-warnings.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fo:
				for x in warns:
					if not errmsg and (returnCode != 0): 
						errmsg = x[1][0][0]
						if len(warns)>1:
							errmsg = 'Failed due to %d warnings, first is: %s'%(len(warns), errmsg)
						# it IS worth publishing warnings if they caused a failure
						publishArtifact('javac %s warnings'%self._targetName, self._logbasename+'-warnings.txt')
					print('- '+x[0], file=fo)
					for x2 in x[1]:
						for x3 in x2:
							print(x3, file=fo)
			# might add an option to publish warnings as artifacts, but don't by default as it happens a lot on some projects
		if errmsg: 
			msg = errmsg
			if len(self._errors)>1:
				msg = '%d errors, first is: %s'%(len(self._errors), errmsg)
		elif returnCode:
			msg = 'javac failed with return code %s'%(returnCode)
			assert not errs
		publishArtifact('javac %s output'%self._targetName, self._logbasename+'.out')
		raise BuildException(msg)
Exemplo n.º 9
	def run(self, context):
		self.keystore = context.expandPropertyValues(self.keystore)
		options = self.options

		for src, dest in self.jars.resolveWithDestinations(context):
			if '..' in dest:
					# to avoid people abusing this to copy files outside the dest directory!
					raise Exception('This target does not permit destination paths to contain ".." relative path expressions')

				with open(src, 'rb') as s:
					with openForWrite(os.path.join(self.path, dest), 'wb') as d:

				shutil.copystat(src, os.path.join(self.path, dest))
				# When we re-jar with the user specified manifest entries, jar will complain
				# about duplicate attributes IF the original MANIFEST.MF already has those entries.
				# This is happening for latest version of SL where Application-Name, Permission etc
				# were already there.
				# The block of code below will first extract the original MANIFEST.MF from the source
				# jar file, read all manifest entry to a list.  When constructing the new manifest entries,
				# make sure the old MANIFEST.MF doesn't have that entry before putting the new manifest entry
				# to the list.  This will avoid the duplicate attribute error.
				if self.manifestDefaults:
					lines = []
					# read each line of MANIFEST.MF of the original jar and put them in lines
					with zipfile.ZipFile(src, 'r') as zf:
						lst = zf.infolist()
						for zi in lst:
							fn = zi.filename
							if fn.lower().endswith('manifest.mf'):
									manifest_txt = zf.read(zi.filename).decode('utf-8', errors='strict')
								except Exception as e:
									raise BuildException('Failed reading the manifest file %s with exception:%s' % (fn, e))

								# if we have all manifest text, parse and save each line
								if manifest_txt:
									# CR LF | LF | CR  can be there as line feed and hence the code below
									lines = manifest_txt.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r','\n').split('\n')
								# done
					original_entries = collections.OrderedDict()  # to ensure we don't overwrite/duplicate these
					# populate the manifest_entries with original values from original manifest
					for l in lines:
						if ':' in l and not l.startswith(' '): # ignore continuation lines etc because keys are all we care about
							key,value = l.split(':', 1)
							original_entries[key] = value.strip()
					# build up a list of the new manifest entries (will be merged into any existing manifest by jar)
					manifest_entries = collections.OrderedDict()
					for i in self.manifestDefaults:
						# if entry isn't there yet, add to the list
						if i not in original_entries:
							manifest_entries[i] = context.expandPropertyValues(self.manifestDefaults[i])
					# create the manifest file
					# we want to add the manifest entries explicitly specified here but 
					# NOT the 'default' manifest entries we usually add, since these 
					# are likely to have been set already, and we do not want duplicates
					manifest = os.path.join(self.workDir, "MANIFEST.MF") # manifest file

					options = dict(options)
					options['jar.manifest.defaults'] = {}
					create_manifest(manifest, manifest_entries, options)
					# update the EXISTING jar file with the new manifest entries, which will be merged into 
					# existing manifest by the jar tool
					jar(os.path.join(self.path, dest), manifest, None, options, update=True)
				signjar(os.path.join(self.path, dest), self.keystore, options, alias=self.alias, storepass=self.storepass, 
					outputHandler=ProcessOutputHandler.create('signjars', treatStdErrAsErrors=False, options=options))
			except BuildException as e:
				raise BuildException('Error processing %s: %s'%(os.path.basename(dest), e))
Exemplo n.º 10
	def run(self, context):
		options = self.options

		# make sure temp dir exists

		classes = os.path.join(self.workDir, "classes") # output dir for classes
		# create the classpath, sorting within PathSet (for determinism), but retaining original order of 
		# PathSet elements in the list
		classpath = os.pathsep.join(self.classpath.resolve(context)) 

		# compile everything
		mkdir(classes) # (need this for assembling other files to package later on, even if we don't do any javac)
		if self.compile:
			javac(classes, self.compile.resolve(context), classpath, options=options, logbasename=options.get('javac.logs')+'/'+targetNameToUniqueId(self.name), targetname=self.name, workDir=self.workDir)

		manifest = os.path.join(self.workDir, "MANIFEST.MF") # manifest file
		if isinstance(self.manifest, str):
			manifest = context.getFullPath(self.manifest, self.baseDir)
		elif self.manifest == None:
			manifest = None
		else: # generate one
			# rewrite property values in the manifest
			manifest_entries = {}
			for i in self.manifest:
				manifest_entries[i] = context.expandPropertyValues(self.manifest[i])
			# determine classpath for manifest
			classpath_entries = []
			if "Class-path" not in manifest_entries: # assuming it wasn't hardcoded, set it here
				for src, dest in self.classpath.resolveWithDestinations(context):
					# we definitely do want to support use of ".." in destinations here, it can be very useful
				assert isinstance(options['jar.manifest.classpathAppend'], list), options['jar.manifest.classpathAppend'] # must not be a string
				classpath_entries.extend(options['jar.manifest.classpathAppend'] or [])
				# need to always use / not \ for these to be valid
				classpath_entries = [p.replace(os.path.sep, '/').replace('\\', '/') for p in classpath_entries if p]
				if classpath_entries:
					manifest_entries["Class-path"] = " ".join(classpath_entries) # include the classpath from here
			if not manifest_entries.get('Class-path'): # suppress this element entirely if not needed, otherwise there would be no way to have an empty classpath
			# create the manifest file
			create_manifest(manifest, manifest_entries, options=options)

		# copy in the additional things to include
		for (src, dest) in self.package.resolveWithDestinations(context):
			if '..' in dest: raise Exception('This target does not permit packaged destination paths to contain ".." relative path expressions')
			mkdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.join(classes, dest)))
			destpath = normLongPath(classes+'/'+dest)
			srcpath = normLongPath(src)

			if os.path.isdir(srcpath):
				with open(srcpath, 'rb') as s:
					with openForWrite(destpath, 'wb') as d:

		# create the jar
		jar(self.path, manifest, classes, options=options, preserveManifestFormatting=self.preserveManifestFormatting, 
			outputHandler=ProcessOutputHandler.create('jar', treatStdErrAsErrors=False,options=options))