def f2(element, energy): """ The imaginery part of anomalous X-ray scattering factor for selected input energy (or energies) in eV. using xraylib backend Parameters: element : Name, Symbol or Atomic Number (Z) as input energy : energy in keV - scalar, list, tuple or numpy array Returns: f2 : float or numpy array - same size as input energy imaginery part of anomalous X-ray scattering factor at input energy or energies """ z = elementDB[element]["Z"] if isinstance(energy, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): f2 = np.zeroslike(energy) for i,enrg in enumerate(energy): f2[i] = xraylib.Fii(z,enrg) else: f2 = xraylib.Fii(z,enrg) return f2
def Fii(ID,E=None): if E==None: E=pypsepics.get("SIOC:SYS0:ML00:AO627")/1000 E=eV(E)/1000 z=elementZ[ID] f=xraylib.Fii(z,E) return f
def reflectivity(descriptor,energy,theta,density=None,rough=0.0): if isinstance(descriptor,str): Z = xraylib.SymbolToAtomicNumber(descriptor) symbol = descriptor else: Z = descriptor symbol = xraylib.AtomicNumberToSymbol(descriptor) if density == None: density = xraylib.ElementDensity(Z) atwt = xraylib.AtomicWeight(Z) avogadro = codata.Avogadro toangstroms = codata.h * codata.c / codata.e * 1e10 re = codata.e**2 / codata.m_e / codata.c**2 / (4*numpy.pi*codata.epsilon_0) * 1e2 # in cm molecules_per_cc = density * avogadro / atwt wavelength = toangstroms / energy * 1e-8 # in cm k = molecules_per_cc * re * wavelength * wavelength / 2.0 / numpy.pi f1 = numpy.zeros_like(energy) f2 = numpy.zeros_like(energy) for i,ienergy in enumerate(energy): f1[i] = Z + xraylib.Fi(Z,1e-3*ienergy) f2[i] = - xraylib.Fii(Z,1e-3*ienergy) alpha = 2.0 * k * f1 gamma = 2.0 * k * f2 rs,rp,runp = interface_reflectivity(alpha,gamma,theta) if rough != 0: rough *= 1e-8 # to cm debyewaller = numpy.exp( -( 4.0 * numpy.pi * numpy.sin(theta) * rough / wavelength)**2) else: debyewaller = 1.0 return rs*debyewaller,rp*debyewaller,runp*debyewaller
def new_bragg(cls, DESCRIPTOR="Graphite", H_MILLER_INDEX=0, K_MILLER_INDEX=0, L_MILLER_INDEX=2, TEMPERATURE_FACTOR=1.0, E_MIN=5000.0, E_MAX=15000.0, E_STEP=100.0, SHADOW_FILE="bragg.dat"): """ SHADOW preprocessor for crystals - python+xraylib version -""" # retrieve physical constants needed codata = scipy.constants.codata.physical_constants codata_e2_mc2, tmp1, tmp2 = codata["classical electron radius"] # or, hard-code them # In [179]: print("codata_e2_mc2 = %20.11e \n" % codata_e2_mc2 ) # codata_e2_mc2 = 2.81794032500e-15 fileout = SHADOW_FILE descriptor = DESCRIPTOR hh = int(H_MILLER_INDEX) kk = int(K_MILLER_INDEX) ll = int(L_MILLER_INDEX) temper = float(TEMPERATURE_FACTOR) emin = float(E_MIN) emax = float(E_MAX) estep = float(E_STEP) # # end input section, start calculations # f = open(fileout, 'wt') cryst = xraylib.Crystal_GetCrystal(descriptor) volume = cryst['volume'] #test crystal data - not needed itest = 1 if itest: if (cryst == None): sys.exit(1) print(" Unit cell dimensions are %f %f %f" % (cryst['a'], cryst['b'], cryst['c'])) print(" Unit cell angles are %f %f %f" % (cryst['alpha'], cryst['beta'], cryst['gamma'])) print(" Unit cell volume is %f A^3" % volume) print(" Atoms at:") print(" Z fraction X Y Z") for i in range(cryst['n_atom']): atom = cryst['atom'][i] print(" %3i %f %f %f %f" % (atom['Zatom'], atom['fraction'], atom['x'], atom['y'], atom['z'])) print(" ") volume = volume * 1e-8 * 1e-8 * 1e-8 # in cm^3 #flag ZincBlende f.write("%i " % 0) #1/V*electronRadius f.write("%e " % ((1e0 / volume) * (codata_e2_mc2 * 1e2))) #dspacing dspacing = xraylib.Crystal_dSpacing(cryst, hh, kk, ll) f.write("%e " % (dspacing * 1e-8)) f.write("\n") #Z's atom = cryst['atom'] f.write("%i " % atom[0]["Zatom"]) f.write("%i " % atom[-1]["Zatom"]) f.write("%e " % temper) # temperature parameter f.write("\n") ga = (1e0+0j) + cmath.exp(1j*cmath.pi*(hh+kk)) \ + cmath.exp(1j*cmath.pi*(hh+ll)) \ + cmath.exp(1j*cmath.pi*(kk+ll)) gb = ga * cmath.exp(1j * cmath.pi * 0.5 * (hh + kk + ll)) ga_bar = ga.conjugate() gb_bar = gb.conjugate() f.write("(%20.11e,%20.11e ) \n" % (ga.real, ga.imag)) f.write("(%20.11e,%20.11e ) \n" % (ga_bar.real, ga_bar.imag)) f.write("(%20.11e,%20.11e ) \n" % (gb.real, gb.imag)) f.write("(%20.11e,%20.11e ) \n" % (gb_bar.real, gb_bar.imag)) zetas = numpy.array([atom[0]["Zatom"], atom[-1]["Zatom"]]) for zeta in zetas: xx01 = 1e0 / 2e0 / dspacing xx00 = xx01 - 0.1 xx02 = xx01 + 0.1 yy00 = xraylib.FF_Rayl(int(zeta), xx00) yy01 = xraylib.FF_Rayl(int(zeta), xx01) yy02 = xraylib.FF_Rayl(int(zeta), xx02) xx = numpy.array([xx00, xx01, xx02]) yy = numpy.array([yy00, yy01, yy02]) fit = numpy.polyfit(xx, yy, 2) #print "zeta: ",zeta #print "z,xx,YY: ",zeta,xx,yy #print "fit: ",fit[::-1] # reversed coeffs #print "fit-tuple: ",(tuple(fit[::-1].tolist())) # reversed coeffs #print("fit-tuple: %e %e %e \n" % (tuple(fit[::-1].tolist())) ) # reversed coeffs f.write("%e %e %e \n" % (tuple(fit[::-1].tolist()))) # reversed coeffs npoint = int((emax - emin) / estep + 1) f.write(("%i \n") % npoint) for i in range(npoint): energy = (emin + estep * i) f1a = xraylib.Fi(int(zetas[0]), energy * 1e-3) f2a = xraylib.Fii(int(zetas[0]), energy * 1e-3) f1b = xraylib.Fi(int(zetas[1]), energy * 1e-3) f2b = xraylib.Fii(int(zetas[1]), energy * 1e-3) out = numpy.array([energy, f1a, abs(f2a), f1b, abs(f2b)]) f.write(("%20.11e %20.11e %20.11e \n %20.11e %20.11e \n") % (tuple(out.tolist()))) f.close() print("File written to disk: %s" % fileout)
def bragg(): """ SHADOW preprocessor for crystals - python+xraylib version -""" # retrieve physical constants needed codata = scipy.constants.codata.physical_constants codata_e2_mc2, tmp1, tmp2 = codata["classical electron radius"] # or, hard-code them # In [179]: print("codata_e2_mc2 = %20.11e \n" % codata_e2_mc2 ) # codata_e2_mc2 = 2.81794032500e-15 print("bragg: SHADOW preprocessor for crystals - python+xraylib version") fileout = raw_input("Name of output file : ") f = open(fileout, 'wb') print(" bragg (python) only works now for ZincBlende Cubic structures. ") print(" Valid descriptor are: ") print(" Si (alternatiovely Si_NIST, Si2) ") print(" Ge") print(" Diamond") print(" GaAs, GaSb, GaP") print(" InAs, InP, InSb") print(" SiC") descriptor = raw_input("Name of crystal descriptor : ") cryst = xraylib.Crystal_GetCrystal(descriptor) #test crystal data - not needed itest = 1 if itest: if (cryst == None): sys.exit(1) print " Unit cell dimensions are %f %f %f" % (cryst['a'],cryst['b'],cryst['c']) print " Unit cell angles are %f %f %f" % (cryst['alpha'],cryst['beta'],cryst['gamma']) volume = cryst['volume'] print " Unit cell volume is %f" % volume volume = volume*1e-8*1e-8*1e-8 # in cm^3 print " Atoms at:" print " Z fraction X Y Z" for i in range(cryst['n_atom']): atom = cryst['atom'][i] print " %3i %f %f %f %f" % (atom['Zatom'], atom['fraction'], atom['x'], atom['y'], atom['z']) print " " print("Miller indices of crystal plane of reflection.") miller = raw_input("H K L: ") miller = miller.split() hh = int(miller[0]) kk = int(miller[1]) ll = int(miller[2]) #flag ZincBlende f.write( "%i " % 0) #1/V*electronRadius f.write( "%e " % ((1e0/volume)*(codata_e2_mc2*1e2)) ) #dspacing dspacing = xraylib.Crystal_dSpacing(cryst, hh, kk, ll) f.write( "%e " % (dspacing*1e-8) ) f.write( "\n") #Z's atom = cryst['atom'] f.write( "%i " % atom[0]["Zatom"] ) f.write( "%i " % atom[7]["Zatom"] ) temper = raw_input("Temperature (Debye-Waller) factor (set 1 for default): ") temper = float(temper) f.write( "%e " % temper ) # temperature parameter f.write( "\n") ga = (1e0+0j) + cmath.exp(1j*cmath.pi*(hh+kk)) \ + cmath.exp(1j*cmath.pi*(hh+ll)) \ + cmath.exp(1j*cmath.pi*(kk+ll)) gb = ga * cmath.exp(1j*cmath.pi*0.5*(hh+kk+ll)) ga_bar = ga.conjugate() gb_bar = gb.conjugate() f.write( "(%20.11e,%20.11e ) \n" % (ga.real, ga.imag) ) f.write( "(%20.11e,%20.11e ) \n" % (ga_bar.real, ga_bar.imag) ) f.write( "(%20.11e,%20.11e ) \n" % (gb.real, gb.imag) ) f.write( "(%20.11e,%20.11e ) \n" % (gb_bar.real, gb_bar.imag) ) zetas = numpy.array([atom[0]["Zatom"],atom[7]["Zatom"]]) for zeta in zetas: xx01 = 1e0/2e0/dspacing xx00 = xx01-0.1 xx02 = xx01+0.1 yy00= xraylib.FF_Rayl(int(zeta),xx00) yy01= xraylib.FF_Rayl(int(zeta),xx01) yy02= xraylib.FF_Rayl(int(zeta),xx02) xx = numpy.array([xx00,xx01,xx02]) yy = numpy.array([yy00,yy01,yy02]) fit = numpy.polyfit(xx,yy,2) #print "zeta: ",zeta #print "z,xx,YY: ",zeta,xx,yy #print "fit: ",fit[::-1] # reversed coeffs #print "fit-tuple: ",(tuple(fit[::-1].tolist())) # reversed coeffs #print("fit-tuple: %e %e %e \n" % (tuple(fit[::-1].tolist())) ) # reversed coeffs f.write("%e %e %e \n" % (tuple(fit[::-1].tolist())) ) # reversed coeffs emin = raw_input("minimum photon energy (eV): ") emin = float(emin) emax = raw_input("maximum photon energy (eV): ") emax = float(emax) estep = raw_input("energy step (eV): ") estep = float(estep) npoint = int( (emax - emin)/estep + 1 ) f.write( ("%i \n") % npoint) for i in range(npoint): energy = (emin+estep*i) f1a = xraylib.Fi(int(zetas[0]),energy*1e-3) f2a = xraylib.Fii(int(zetas[0]),energy*1e-3) f1b = xraylib.Fi(int(zetas[1]),energy*1e-3) f2b = xraylib.Fii(int(zetas[1]),energy*1e-3) out = numpy.array([energy,f1a,abs(f2a),f1b,abs(f2b)]) f.write( ("%20.11e %20.11e %20.11e \n %20.11e %20.11e \n") % ( tuple(out.tolist()) ) ) f.close() print("File written to disk: %s" % fileout) return None
print("CS2 Refractive Index at 10.0 keV : {} - {} i".format(xraylib.Refractive_Index_Re("CS2",10.0,1.261), xraylib.Refractive_Index_Im("CS2",10.0,1.261))) print("C16H14O3 Refractive Index at 1 keV : {} - {} i".format(xraylib.Refractive_Index_Re("C16H14O3",1.0,1.2), xraylib.Refractive_Index_Im("C16H14O3",1.0,1.2))) print("SiO2 Refractive Index at 5 keV : {} - {} i".format(xraylib.Refractive_Index_Re("SiO2",5.0,2.65), xraylib.Refractive_Index_Im("SiO2",5.0,2.65))) print("Compton profile for Fe at pz = 1.1 : {}".format(xraylib.ComptonProfile(26,1.1))) print("M5 Compton profile for Fe at pz = 1.1 : {}".format(xraylib.ComptonProfile_Partial(26, xraylib.M5_SHELL,1.1))) print("M1->M5 Coster-Kronig transition probability for Au : {}".format(xraylib.CosKronTransProb(79, xraylib.FM15_TRANS))) print("L1->L3 Coster-Kronig transition probability for Fe : {}".format(xraylib.CosKronTransProb(26, xraylib.FL13_TRANS))) print("Au Ma1 XRF production cs at 10.0 keV (Kissel): {}".format(xraylib.CS_FluorLine_Kissel(79, xraylib.MA1_LINE,10.0))) print("Au Mb XRF production cs at 10.0 keV (Kissel): {}".format(xraylib.CS_FluorLine_Kissel(79, xraylib.MB_LINE,10.0))) print("Au Mg XRF production cs at 10.0 keV (Kissel): {}".format(xraylib.CS_FluorLine_Kissel(79, xraylib.MG_LINE,10.0))) print("K atomic level width for Fe: {}".format(xraylib.AtomicLevelWidth(26, xraylib.K_SHELL))) print("Bi L2-M5M5 Auger non-radiative rate: {}".format(xraylib.AugerRate(86, xraylib.L2_M5M5_AUGER))) print("Bi L3 Auger yield: {}".format(xraylib.AugerYield(86, xraylib.L3_SHELL))) print("Sr anomalous scattering factor Fi at 10.0 keV: {}".format(xraylib.Fi(38, 10.0))) print("Sr anomalous scattering factor Fii at 10.0 keV: {}".format(xraylib.Fii(38, 10.0))) symbol = xraylib.AtomicNumberToSymbol(26) print("Symbol of element 26 is: {}".format(symbol)) print("Number of element Fe is: {}".format(xraylib.SymbolToAtomicNumber("Fe"))) Z = np.array([26]) symbol = xraylib.AtomicNumberToSymbol(Z[0]) print("Symbol of element 26 is: {}".format(symbol)) print("Pb Malpha XRF production cs at 20.0 keV with cascade effect: {}".format(xraylib.CS_FluorLine_Kissel(82, xraylib.MA1_LINE,20.0))) print("Pb Malpha XRF production cs at 20.0 keV with radiative cascade effect: {}".format(xraylib.CS_FluorLine_Kissel_Radiative_Cascade(82, xraylib.MA1_LINE,20.0))) print("Pb Malpha XRF production cs at 20.0 keV with non-radiative cascade effect: {}".format(xraylib.CS_FluorLine_Kissel_Nonradiative_Cascade(82, xraylib.MA1_LINE,20.0))) print("Pb Malpha XRF production cs at 20.0 keV without cascade effect: {}".format(xraylib.CS_FluorLine_Kissel_no_Cascade(82, xraylib.MA1_LINE,20.0))) print("Al mass energy-absorption cs at 20.0 keV: {}".format(xraylib.CS_Energy(13, 20.0))) print("Pb mass energy-absorption cs at 40.0 keV: {}".format(xraylib.CS_Energy(82, 40.0))) print("CdTe mass energy-absorption cs at 40.0 keV: {}".format(xraylib.CS_Energy_CP("CdTe", 40.0)))
print("Au Ma1 XRF production cs at 10.0 keV (Kissel): {}".format( xraylib.CS_FluorLine_Kissel(79, xraylib.MA1_LINE, 10.0))) print("Au Mb XRF production cs at 10.0 keV (Kissel): {}".format( xraylib.CS_FluorLine_Kissel(79, xraylib.MB_LINE, 10.0))) print("Au Mg XRF production cs at 10.0 keV (Kissel): {}".format( xraylib.CS_FluorLine_Kissel(79, xraylib.MG_LINE, 10.0))) print("K atomic level width for Fe: {}".format( xraylib.AtomicLevelWidth(26, xraylib.K_SHELL))) print("Bi L2-M5M5 Auger non-radiative rate: {}".format( xraylib.AugerRate(86, xraylib.L2_M5M5_AUGER))) print("Bi L3 Auger yield: {}".format(xraylib.AugerYield(86, xraylib.L3_SHELL))) print("Sr anomalous scattering factor Fi at 10.0 keV: {}".format( xraylib.Fi(38, 10.0))) print("Sr anomalous scattering factor Fii at 10.0 keV: {}".format( xraylib.Fii(38, 10.0))) symbol = xraylib.AtomicNumberToSymbol(26) print("Symbol of element 26 is: {}".format(symbol)) print("Number of element Fe is: {}".format(xraylib.SymbolToAtomicNumber("Fe"))) Z = np.array([26]) symbol = xraylib.AtomicNumberToSymbol(Z[0]) print("Symbol of element 26 is: {}".format(symbol)) print("Pb Malpha XRF production cs at 20.0 keV with cascade effect: {}".format( xraylib.CS_FluorLine_Kissel(82, xraylib.MA1_LINE, 20.0))) print( "Pb Malpha XRF production cs at 20.0 keV with radiative cascade effect: {}" .format( xraylib.CS_FluorLine_Kissel_Radiative_Cascade(82, xraylib.MA1_LINE, 20.0))) print(
def test_refractiveindex(self): density = float(2.328) c = compoundfromformula.CompoundFromFormula("Si", density, name="silicon") energy = np.asarray([5, 10], dtype=float) Z = 14 # Xraylib (TODO: n_im sign is wrong!) n_re0 = np.asarray( [xraylib.Refractive_Index_Re("Si", e, density) for e in energy] ) n_im0 = -np.asarray( [xraylib.Refractive_Index_Im("Si", e, density) for e in energy] ) # Exactly like Xraylib (TODO: CS_Total -> CS_Photo_Total) delta = ( density * 4.15179082788e-4 * (Z + np.asarray([xraylib.Fi(Z, e) for e in energy])) / xraylib.AtomicWeight(Z) / energy ** 2 ) beta = ( np.asarray([xraylib.CS_Total(Z, e) for e in energy]) * density * 9.8663479e-9 / energy ) n_re1 = 1 - delta n_im1 = -beta np.testing.assert_allclose(n_re0, n_re1) np.testing.assert_allclose(n_im0, n_im1) # Im: Kissel n_im1b = ( -np.asarray([xraylib.CS_Total_Kissel(Z, e) for e in energy]) * density * 9.8663479e-9 / energy ) # Im: Kissel with pint n_im1d = ( ureg.Quantity(c.mass_att_coeff(energy), "cm^2/g") * ureg.Quantity(c.density, "g/cm^3") * ureg.Quantity(energy, "keV").to("cm", "spectroscopy") / (4 * np.pi) ) n_im1d ="dimensionless").magnitude r = n_im1b / n_im1d np.testing.assert_allclose(r, r[0]) # Im: other formula n_im1c = ( density * 4.15179082788e-4 * (np.asarray([xraylib.Fii(Z, e) for e in energy])) / xraylib.AtomicWeight(Z) / energy ** 2 ) # Spectrocrunch n_re2 = c.refractive_index_real(energy) n_im2 = c.refractive_index_imag(energy) np.testing.assert_allclose(n_re2, n_re0) np.testing.assert_allclose(n_im2, n_im1c, rtol=1e-6)