Exemplo n.º 1
    def parse(cls, string):
        """Returns a Semantic object"""
        string = string.replace(" ", "")
        if "|" in string:
            quant_str, string = string.split("|")
            quant_str, string = "", string

        # Parse conjuncted relations
        relations = []
        while len(string) > 0:
            relation, string = RelationParser.parse(string)
        sem = Semantics(relations)

        # Parse any quantifiers
        quantification_dict = QuantificationParser.parse(quant_str)
        sem.quantification_dict = quantification_dict

        return sem
Exemplo n.º 2
    def fromxml(cls, vn_class, xml, frame_num):
        """Returns a Frame object from the VerbNet XML representation"""
        primary = xml.find("DESCRIPTION").attrib.get("primary", "")
        secondary = xml.find("DESCRIPTION").attrib.get("secondary", "")
        sem_dict = Semantics.semdict_fromxml(xml.find("SEMANTICS"))

        # Need the order of np vars given in syntax for mapping to subst nodes
        nps = xml.find("SYNTAX").findall("NP")
        np_order = [np.attrib["value"] for np in nps]
        sem_vars = [v for s in sem_dict.values() for v in s.variables()]
        np_var_order = []
        for np in np_order:
            match = [v for v in sem_vars if v.orig_name == np]
            if len(match) > 0 and not match[0].missing: # Ignore "?" variables

        example = xml.find("EXAMPLES").find("EXAMPLE").text.replace('"', '')
        return Frame(vn_class, frame_num, primary, secondary, sem_dict, np_var_order, example)