def connect(self): fn_server_public = os.path.expanduser(constants.FN_SERVER_CERT_PUBLIC) xt_server_cert = self.config.get_vault_key("xt_server_cert") use_public_half = False # cannot get the public half approach to work try: # write CERT file JIT if use_public_half: _, public_half = xt_server_cert.split("END PRIVATE KEY-----\n") file_utils.write_text_file(fn_server_public, public_half) else: file_utils.write_text_file(fn_server_public, xt_server_cert) self.conn = rpyc.ssl_connect(self.ip, port=self.port, keyfile=None, certfile=fn_server_public) if self.conn: # magic step: allows our callback to work correctly! # this must always be executed (even if self.conn is already true) self.bgsrv = rpyc.BgServingThread(self.conn) console.diag(" now running BgServingThread") finally: # delete the CERT file #os.remove(fn_server_public) pass connected = not (not self.conn) return connected
def set_timer(timeout): console.print("set_timer called: timeout=", self.timeout) time.sleep(self.timeout) console.diag("timer triggered!") plt.close("all") print("closed all plots and the fig")
def sync_run_ssh(caller, box_addr, box_cmd, report_error=True, capture_output=True, capture_as_bytes=False): ''' This can be used to execute a cmd on the remote box, provided that an XT key has previously been sent to the box with the 'xt keysend' command. Note: - we use the "-i <file>" option to send public half of keypair (avoid entering password) - we use the "-v" (verbose) option to avoid a "quick edit" mode non-responsive issue (avoid ENTER key pressing) ''' ssh_parts = make_ssh_cmd_parts(box_addr, box_cmd, capture_output, capture_as_bytes) console.diag(" running SSH: " + " ".join(ssh_parts)) exit_code, output = sync_run(ssh_parts, report_error=report_error, capture_output=capture_output, capture_as_bytes=capture_as_bytes) console.diag(" <script completed OK>") return exit_code, output
def get_secret(name): name = correct_name(name) secrets = {} if os.path.exists(FN_SECRETS): text = file_utils.read_text_file(FN_SECRETS) secrets = json.loads(text) value = secrets[name] if name in secrets else None console.diag("get_secret: name={}, value={}".format(name, value)) return value
def sync_run(cmd_parts, capture_output=True, shell=False, report_error=False, env_vars=None, capture_as_bytes=False): ''' this does a synchronous run of the specified cmd/app and returns the app's exitcode. It runs in the current working directory, but target app MUST be a fully qualified path. ''' universal_newlines = False #cmd = " ".join(cmd_parts) if isinstance(cmd_parts, list) else cmd_parts console.diag("sync_run: {}".format(cmd_parts)) # linux won't accept a command, only cmd parts #assert isinstance(cmd_parts, (list, tuple)) if isinstance(cmd_parts, str): cmd_parts = cmd_parts.split(" ") if capture_output: process =, cwd=".", env=env_vars, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=universal_newlines, shell=shell) output = process.stdout if not capture_as_bytes: if not universal_newlines: # since universal_newlines=False, we need to map bytes to str output = output.decode("utf-8", errors='backslashreplace').replace( '\r', '') output = filter_out_verbose_lines(output) else: process =, cwd=".", env=env_vars, shell=shell) output = None exit_code = process.returncode if report_error and exit_code: console.print(output) raise Exception("sync run failed, exit code={}, error={}".format( exit_code, output)) return exit_code, output
def set_secret(name, value): name = correct_name(name) console.diag("set_secret: name={}, value={}".format(name, value)) file_utils.ensure_dir_exists(file=FN_SECRETS) secrets = {} # read existing secrets, if any if os.path.exists(FN_SECRETS): text = file_utils.read_text_file(FN_SECRETS) secrets = json.loads(text) secrets[name] = value # write updates secrets text = json.dumps(secrets) file_utils.write_text_file(FN_SECRETS, text)
def scp_copy_file_to_box(caller, box_addr, fn_local, box_fn, report_error=True): #cmd = 'scp -i {} "{}" {}:{}'.format(constants.LOCAL_KEYPAIR_PRIVATE, fn_local, box_addr, box_fn) cmd_parts = [ "scp", "-i", os.path.expanduser(constants.LOCAL_KEYPAIR_PRIVATE), fn_local, "{}:{}".format(box_addr, box_fn) ] console.diag(" copying script to box; cmd={}".format(cmd_parts)) exit_code, output = sync_run(cmd_parts) if report_error and exit_code: console.print(output) raise Exception("scp copy command failed: {}".format(output)) return exit_code, output
def _load_grok_creds(self): fn_keys = "keys.bin" loaded = False if not os.path.exists(fn_keys): fn_keys = os.path.expanduser("~/.xt/teams/{}/keys.bin".format( self.team_name)) if os.path.exists(fn_keys): # GROK server creds creds = file_utils.read_text_file(fn_keys) self.apply_creds(creds) fn_cert = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fn_keys), "xt_cert.pem") if os.path.exists(fn_cert): cert = file_utils.read_text_file(fn_keys) self.keys["xt_server_cert"] = cert console.diag("init_creds: using grok server 'keys.bin' file") loaded = True return loaded
def read_file(self, fn, start_offset, end_offset): fn = file_utils.fix_slashes(fn, is_linux=True) # # leverage the read_file() function in # ssh_cmd = "cd ~/.xt/cwd; python -c 'import psm; psm.read_file(\"{}\", {}, {})'" \ # .format(fn, start_offset, end_offset) # error_code, read_bytes = process_utils.sync_run_ssh(None, self.box_addr, ssh_cmd, capture_as_bytes=True, report_error=False) new_bytes = b"" try: with self.ftp_client.file(fn) as infile: if end_offset: new_bytes = - start_offset) else: new_bytes = except BaseException as ex: console.diag("exception: ex={}".format(ex)) #new_bytes = read_bytes if not error_code else b"" return new_bytes
def plot_data(self, data_frames_by_cols): console.diag("starting to plot data") # on-demand import for faster XT loading import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl import pylab if not self.show_toolbar: # hide the ugly toolbar at bottom left of plot window mpl.rcParams['toolbar'] = 'None' # apply seaborn styling if sns.set_style( # decide how layout, titles, etc. will be set group_names = set() # gather group names (usually all are in the first dataset, but not always) for dfx in data_frames_by_cols.values(): name_list = dfx[self.group_by].unique() group_names.update(set(name_list)) group_names = list(group_names) # this will sort the group names in a number-smart way group_names.sort(key=utils.natural_keys) group_count = len(group_names) col_count = len(self.col_names) break_on_groups = self.break_on and ("run" in self.break_on or "group" in self.break_on) break_on_cols = self.break_on and "col" in self.break_on if break_on_groups and break_on_cols: plot_count = group_count * col_count elif break_on_groups: plot_count = group_count elif break_on_cols: plot_count = col_count else: plot_count = 1 # calc true layout if self.layout: plot_rows, plot_cols = self.calc_actual_layout( plot_count, self.layout) else: plot_cols = plot_count plot_rows = 1 runs_per_plot = 1 if break_on_groups else group_count cols_per_plot = 1 if break_on_cols else col_count if runs_per_plot == 1: plot_title = "$run" legend_text = "$col" elif cols_per_plot == 1: plot_title = "$col" legend_text = "$run" else: plot_title = None legend_text = "$col ($run)" if not self.plot_titles and plot_title: self.plot_titles = [plot_title] if not self.legend_titles: self.legend_titles = [legend_text] # configure matplotlib for our subplots sharex = True sharey = True #plt.close() window_size = (14, 6) fig, plots = plt.subplots(plot_rows, plot_cols, figsize=window_size, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey, constrained_layout=True) if not isinstance(plots, np.ndarray): # make it consistent with plot_count > 1 plots plots = [plots] elif plot_rows > 1: plots = plots.flatten() fig.suptitle(self.title, fontsize=16) if self.timeout: # build a thread to close our plot window after specified time from threading import Thread def set_timer(timeout): console.print("set_timer called: timeout=", self.timeout) time.sleep(self.timeout) console.diag("timer triggered!") plt.close("all") print("closed all plots and the fig") thread = Thread(target=set_timer, args=[self.timeout]) thread.daemon = True # mark as background thread thread.start() line_index = 0 plot_index = 0 trace_count = 0 x_label = self.x_label if self.x_label else self.x_col if self.aggregate == "none": self.aggregate = None if (self.aggregate and (break_on_cols and not break_on_groups)) \ or ((not self.aggregate) and break_on_cols): # columns needs to be the outer loop for c, col in enumerate(self.col_names): if trace_count >= self.max_traces: break if c and break_on_cols: plot_index += 1 line_index = 0 for r, group_name in enumerate(group_names): if trace_count >= self.max_traces: break if r and break_on_groups: plot_index += 1 line_index = 0 # PLOT MIDDLE ax = plots[plot_index] # .gca() self.plot_middle(data_frames_by_cols, ax, group_name, col, self.x_col, x_label, line_index) line_index += 1 trace_count += 1 else: # run will work as the outer loop for r, group_name in enumerate(group_names): if trace_count >= self.max_traces: break if r and break_on_groups: plot_index += 1 line_index = 0 for c, col in enumerate(self.col_names): if trace_count >= self.max_traces: break if c and break_on_cols: plot_index += 1 line_index = 0 # PLOT MIDDLE ax = plots[plot_index] #.gca() self.plot_middle(data_frames_by_cols, ax, group_name, col, self.x_col, x_label, line_index) line_index += 1 trace_count += 1 if self.save_to: plt.savefig(self.save_to) if self.show_plot: