Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_override_os(self, mock_load_os_plugins):
        mock_load_os_plugins.return_value = _os_plugin_list

        o = OSSupport()
        o.override_os(("ubuntu", "precise"))
        os = o.current_os
        assert(os.name == "ubuntu")
        assert(os.all_names == ["ubuntu", "debian"])
        assert(os.get_version() == "precise")
        assert(os.get_all_tuples("precise") == [("ubuntu", "precise"), ("debian", None)])
        assert(os.default_installer == "apt")
        assert(os.get_core_installers("precise", {}) == ["apt"])
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_get_current_os(self, mock_load_os_plugins):
        mock_load_os_plugins.return_value = _os_plugin_list

        # get_current_os calls detect_os if no os not set yet
        o1 = OSSupport()
        os1 = o1.current_os

        o2 = OSSupport()
        os2 = o2.current_os

        assert(os1.get_tuple() == os2.get_tuple())
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_default_installer_name(self, mock_load_os_plugins):
        mock_load_os_plugins.return_value = _os_plugin_list

        o = OSSupport()

        expected = _default_installers
        result = o.get_default_installer_names()
        if expected != result:
        assert(expected == result)
Exemplo n.º 4
def main(args=None):
    args = command_handle_args(args, definition)
        # prepare arguments
        filepath = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(args.rules_file))

        # parse rules file
        with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
            data = to_str(f.read())
        rules = load_yaml(data)
        rules = expand_rules(rules)

        # compact rules
        compacted = compact_rules(rules,

        # output result
        dump = dump_yaml(compacted)
        if args.write:
            with open(filepath, 'wb') as f:
    except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
Exemplo n.º 5
    def setup_os(self):
        """Create `OSSupport` and detect or override OS depending on config.

        :raises xylem.os_support.UnsupportedOsError: if OS override was
            invalid and detection failed
        :raises xylem.os_support.UnsupportedOSVersionError: if override
            version is not valid for override OS
        self.os_support = OSSupport(self.config.disabled_plugins.os)
        if self.config.os_override is None:
            info_v("detected OS [%s]" % self.get_os_string())
            info_v("overriding OS to [%s:%s]" % self.config.os_override)
            if self.config.os_override[1] is None:
                info_v("detected OS version [%s]" % self.get_os_string())
        self.get_os().options = self.config.os_options
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_current_os_throws(self, mock_load_os_plugins):
        mock_load_os_plugins.return_value = _os_plugin_list

        o = OSSupport()

        # override invalid os
        with self.assertRaises(UnsupportedOSError):
            o.override_os(("foo", "bar"))
            print("invalid os 'foo' did not raise")

        with self.assertRaises(UnsupportedOSVersionError):
            o.override_os(("ubuntu", "bar"))
            print("invalid ubuntu version 'bar' did not raise")

        # fake failed detection
        o.os_plugins = []
        with self.assertRaises(UnsupportedOSError):
            print("failed detection did not raise")
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_detect_version_only(self):
        # test that the actual OS is detected (no exception is raised)
        o = OSSupport()
        name, version = o.current_os.get_tuple()

        o = OSSupport()
        o.override_os((name, None))
        os = o.current_os
        assert(name == os.name)
        assert(version == os.get_version())
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: impl.py Projeto: catkin/xylem
    def setup_os(self):
        """Create `OSSupport` and detect or override OS depending on config.

        :raises xylem.os_support.UnsupportedOsError: if OS override was
            invalid and detection failed
        :raises xylem.os_support.UnsupportedOSVersionError: if override
            version is not valid for override OS
        self.os_support = OSSupport(self.config.disabled_plugins.os)
        if self.config.os_override is None:
            info_v("detected OS [%s]" % self.get_os_string())
            info_v("overriding OS to [%s:%s]" % self.config.os_override)
            if self.config.os_override[1] is None:
                info_v("detected OS version [%s]" % self.get_os_string())
        self.get_os().options = self.config.os_options
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: impl.py Projeto: catkin/xylem
class InstallerContext(object):

    """Manages the context of OS and installers for xylem.

    It combines OS plugins, installer plugins and user settings to
    manage the current OS and installers to be used.

    :ivar dict config: config dictionary used; e.g. for os override, os
        options, installer options
    :ivar OSSupport os_support: os support object managing current
        (or override) os; is set by :meth:`setup_os`
    :ivar installer_plugins: list of all known installer objects,
        independent of the current OS
    :type installer_plugins: `list` of `Installer`
    :ivar core_installers: list of the core installer objects for
        the current os; is set by :meth:`setup_installers`
    :type core_installers: `list` of `Installer`
    :ivar additional_installers: list of the additional installer
        objects for the current os; is set by :meth:`setup_installers`
    :type additional_installers: `list` of `Installer`

    def __init__(self, config=None, os_support=None, setup_installers=True):

        if config is None:
            config = get_config()
        self.config = config
        if os_support is None:
            self.os_support = os_support
        self.installer_plugins = load_installer_plugins(
        if setup_installers:
            self.core_installers = []
            self.additional_installers = []

    def setup_os(self):
        """Create `OSSupport` and detect or override OS depending on config.

        :raises xylem.os_support.UnsupportedOsError: if OS override was
            invalid and detection failed
        :raises xylem.os_support.UnsupportedOSVersionError: if override
            version is not valid for override OS
        self.os_support = OSSupport(self.config.disabled_plugins.os)
        if self.config.os_override is None:
            info_v("detected OS [%s]" % self.get_os_string())
            info_v("overriding OS to [%s:%s]" % self.config.os_override)
            if self.config.os_override[1] is None:
                info_v("detected OS version [%s]" % self.get_os_string())
        self.get_os().options = self.config.os_options

    def get_os(self):
        """Get the current OS plugin object.

        :rtype xylem.os_support.OS: the current OS object
        :raises xylem.os_support.UnsupportedOsError: if OS was not
            detected correctly
        return self.os_support.current_os

    def get_os_tuple(self):
        """Get the current OS (name,version) tuple.

        :return: (os_name, os_version)
        :rtype: ``(str,str)``
        :raises xylem.os_support.UnsupportedOsError: if OS was not
            detected correctly
        return self.get_os().get_tuple()

    def get_os_string(self):
        """Get the cuurent OS name and version as ``'name:version'`` string.

        :rtype: `str`
        :raises xylem.os_support.UnsupportedOsError: if OS was not
            detected correctly
        return "%s:%s" % self.get_os_tuple()

    def get_default_installer_name(self):
        """Get name of default installer for current OS.

        :rtype: `str`
        return self.os_support.current_os.default_installer

    def installers(self):
        """Get list of core and additional installers.

        :meth:`setup_installers` needs to be called beforehand.

        :rtype: `list` of `Installer`
        return self.core_installers + self.additional_installers

    def installer_names(self):
        """Get list of names for core and additional installers.

        :meth:`setup_installers` needs to be called beforehand.

        :rtype: `list` of `str`
        return [i.name for i in self.installers]

    def core_installer_names(self):
        """Get list of names for core installers.

        :meth:`setup_installers` needs to be called beforehand.

        :rtype: `list` of `str`
        return [i.name for i in self.core_installers]

    def additional_installer_names(self):
        """Get list of names for additional installers.

        :meth:`setup_installers` needs to be called beforehand.

        :rtype: `list` of `str`
        return [i.name for i in self.additional_installers]

    def installer_plugin_names(self):
        """Get list of names for all known installers.

        :rtype: `list` of `str`
        return [i.name for i in self.installer_plugins]

    def lookup_installer(self, name):
        """Get installer object by name.

        :param str name: name of the installer
        :return: if found, installer object, else ``None``
        :rtype: `Installer` or ``None``
        for inst in self.installer_plugins:
            if inst.name == name:
                return inst
        return None

    def setup_installers(self):
        """For current os, setup configured installers.

        Installers are set based on the current os, user config and
        installer plugins.
        os = self.get_os()
        os_tuple = os.get_tuple()
        _, os_version = os_tuple

        self.core_installers = []
        self.additional_installers = []

        #  1. Go through all installers and set options from config
        for inst in self.installer_plugins:
            inst.options = self.config.installer_options.get(inst.name, {})

        #  2. setup core installers from config or OS plugin
        if self.config.core_installers is not None:
            core_installer_names = self.config.core_installers
            info_v("setting up core installers from config: '{}'".
                   format(", ".join(core_installer_names)))
            core_installer_names = os.get_core_installers(os_version,
            info_v("setting up core installers from os plugin: '{}'".
                   format(", ".join(core_installer_names)))

        for name in core_installer_names:
            inst = self.lookup_installer(name)
            if inst is None:
                error("ignoring core installer '{}'; according plugin was not "

        #  3. Go through all installers and check if they should be used
        #     as additional installers for the current OS.
        if self.config.use_additional_installers:
            for inst in self.installer_plugins:
                if inst not in self.core_installers and \
        info_v("Using additional installers: '{}'".format(
               ", ".join([i.name for i in self.additional_installers])))
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_detect_running_os(self):
     # test that the actual OS is detected (no exception is raised)
     o = OSSupport()
     name, version = o.current_os.get_tuple()
     assert(name is not None)
     assert(version is not None)
Exemplo n.º 11
class InstallerContext(object):
    """Manages the context of OS and installers for xylem.

    It combines OS plugins, installer plugins and user settings to
    manage the current OS and installers to be used.

    :ivar dict config: config dictionary used; e.g. for os override, os
        options, installer options
    :ivar OSSupport os_support: os support object managing current
        (or override) os; is set by :meth:`setup_os`
    :ivar installer_plugins: list of all known installer objects,
        independent of the current OS
    :type installer_plugins: `list` of `Installer`
    :ivar core_installers: list of the core installer objects for
        the current os; is set by :meth:`setup_installers`
    :type core_installers: `list` of `Installer`
    :ivar additional_installers: list of the additional installer
        objects for the current os; is set by :meth:`setup_installers`
    :type additional_installers: `list` of `Installer`
    def __init__(self, config=None, os_support=None, setup_installers=True):

        if config is None:
            config = get_config()
        self.config = config
        if os_support is None:
            self.os_support = os_support
        self.installer_plugins = load_installer_plugins(
        if setup_installers:
            self.core_installers = []
            self.additional_installers = []

    def setup_os(self):
        """Create `OSSupport` and detect or override OS depending on config.

        :raises xylem.os_support.UnsupportedOsError: if OS override was
            invalid and detection failed
        :raises xylem.os_support.UnsupportedOSVersionError: if override
            version is not valid for override OS
        self.os_support = OSSupport(self.config.disabled_plugins.os)
        if self.config.os_override is None:
            info_v("detected OS [%s]" % self.get_os_string())
            info_v("overriding OS to [%s:%s]" % self.config.os_override)
            if self.config.os_override[1] is None:
                info_v("detected OS version [%s]" % self.get_os_string())
        self.get_os().options = self.config.os_options

    def get_os(self):
        """Get the current OS plugin object.

        :rtype xylem.os_support.OS: the current OS object
        :raises xylem.os_support.UnsupportedOsError: if OS was not
            detected correctly
        return self.os_support.current_os

    def get_os_tuple(self):
        """Get the current OS (name,version) tuple.

        :return: (os_name, os_version)
        :rtype: ``(str,str)``
        :raises xylem.os_support.UnsupportedOsError: if OS was not
            detected correctly
        return self.get_os().get_tuple()

    def get_os_string(self):
        """Get the cuurent OS name and version as ``'name:version'`` string.

        :rtype: `str`
        :raises xylem.os_support.UnsupportedOsError: if OS was not
            detected correctly
        return "%s:%s" % self.get_os_tuple()

    def get_default_installer_name(self):
        """Get name of default installer for current OS.

        :rtype: `str`
        return self.os_support.current_os.default_installer

    def installers(self):
        """Get list of core and additional installers.

        :meth:`setup_installers` needs to be called beforehand.

        :rtype: `list` of `Installer`
        return self.core_installers + self.additional_installers

    def installer_names(self):
        """Get list of names for core and additional installers.

        :meth:`setup_installers` needs to be called beforehand.

        :rtype: `list` of `str`
        return [i.name for i in self.installers]

    def core_installer_names(self):
        """Get list of names for core installers.

        :meth:`setup_installers` needs to be called beforehand.

        :rtype: `list` of `str`
        return [i.name for i in self.core_installers]

    def additional_installer_names(self):
        """Get list of names for additional installers.

        :meth:`setup_installers` needs to be called beforehand.

        :rtype: `list` of `str`
        return [i.name for i in self.additional_installers]

    def installer_plugin_names(self):
        """Get list of names for all known installers.

        :rtype: `list` of `str`
        return [i.name for i in self.installer_plugins]

    def lookup_installer(self, name):
        """Get installer object by name.

        :param str name: name of the installer
        :return: if found, installer object, else ``None``
        :rtype: `Installer` or ``None``
        for inst in self.installer_plugins:
            if inst.name == name:
                return inst
        return None

    def setup_installers(self):
        """For current os, setup configured installers.

        Installers are set based on the current os, user config and
        installer plugins.
        os = self.get_os()
        os_tuple = os.get_tuple()
        _, os_version = os_tuple

        self.core_installers = []
        self.additional_installers = []

        #  1. Go through all installers and set options from config
        for inst in self.installer_plugins:
            inst.options = self.config.installer_options.get(inst.name, {})

        #  2. setup core installers from config or OS plugin
        if self.config.core_installers is not None:
            core_installer_names = self.config.core_installers
            info_v("setting up core installers from config: '{}'".format(
                ", ".join(core_installer_names)))
            core_installer_names = os.get_core_installers(
                os_version, os.options)
            info_v("setting up core installers from os plugin: '{}'".format(
                ", ".join(core_installer_names)))

        for name in core_installer_names:
            inst = self.lookup_installer(name)
            if inst is None:
                error("ignoring core installer '{}'; according plugin was not "

        #  3. Go through all installers and check if they should be used
        #     as additional installers for the current OS.
        if self.config.use_additional_installers:
            for inst in self.installer_plugins:
                if inst not in self.core_installers and \
        info_v("Using additional installers: '{}'".format(", ".join(
            [i.name for i in self.additional_installers])))