import os logging.config.fileConfig('/home/thiago/YAFS/src/examples/Tutorial/logging.ini') start_time = time.time() # duracao a simulacao simulated_time = 100 main(simulated_time=simulated_time) print("\n--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) ### Finally, you can analyse the results: print "-"*20 print "Results:" print "-" * 20 m = Stats(defaultPath="Results") #Same name of the results time_loops = [["M.Cam1","M.MLT", "M.FLT"]] # TODO: COLOCAR AS OUTRAS MENSAGENS EM time_loops m.showResults2(simulated_time, time_loops=time_loops) m.df["date"] = m.df.time_in.astype('datetime64[s]') m.df.index = print "Media da latencia a cada 10 segundos" print m.df.resample('10s').agg(dict(time_latency='mean')) print "\t- Network saturation -" print "\t\tAverage waiting messages : %i" % m.average_messages_not_transmitted() print "\t\tPeak of waiting messages : %i" % m.peak_messages_not_transmitted() print "\t\tTOTAL messages not transmitted: %i" % m.messages_not_transmitted() # print "\n\t- Stats of each service deployed -" # print m.get_df_modules()
'module': False, 'time': 9700 }, { 'id': 56, 'module': False, 'time': 9800 }, { 'id': 290, 'module': False, 'time': 9900 }] print "Number of nodes removed: ", len(failures) # Basic analysis time_loops = [["M.Action"]] s = Stats(defaultPath=path + "Results_%s_exp" % (size)) s.showResults2(size, time_loops=time_loops) # Visualization of latency time series: dfail = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(failures) dfail["date"] = dfail.time.astype('datetime64[s]') dfail.index = dfail['module'] = dfail.module.astype(str) dfail = dfail.resample('10s').agg( {"module": "-".join}) #OPTIONAL BE CAREFOUL: resampling -> agg events #dict(module=''))['module'].apply(list) df = s.df dfl = s.df_link
if __name__ == '__main__': import logging.config import os logging.config.fileConfig(os.getcwd() + '/logging.ini') start_time = time.time() main(simulated_time=1000) print("\n--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) ### Finally, you can analyse the results: print "-" * 20 print "Results:" print "-" * 20 m = Stats(defaultPath="Results_multiple") #Same name of the results time_loops = [["M.A", "M.B"]] m.showResults2(1000, time_loops=time_loops) print "\t- Network saturation -" print "\t\tAverage waiting messages : %i" % m.average_messages_not_transmitted( ) print "\t\tPeak of waiting messages : %i" % m.peak_messages_not_transmitted( ) print "\t\tTOTAL messages not transmitted: %i" % m.messages_not_transmitted( ) print "\n\t- Stats of each service deployed -" print m.get_df_modules() print m.get_df_service_utilization("ServiceA", 1000) print "\n\t- Stats of each DEVICE -"
time_loops = [["M.EGG", "M.Sensor", "M.Concentration"]] #### ANALYSE FILES YAFS police = "cloud" police = "edge" # print depth # for idx1, depth in enumerate([4, 8, 12, 16]): for idx1, depth in enumerate([2]): # 1000, 10000, for idx2,size in enumerate([1000,10000,100000]): # size = 100000 print "DEPTH: %i | TIME: %s" %(depth , size) s = Stats(defaultPath="Results_%s_%s_%s"%(police,size,depth)) #Network s.showResults2(size, time_loops=time_loops) print "\t Bytes transmitted: " ,s.bytes_transmitted() print "\t Messages transmitted: ",s.count_messages() print "\t- Network saturation -" print "\t\tAverage waiting messages : %i" % s.average_messages_not_transmitted() print "\t\tPeak of waiting messages : %i" % s.peak_messages_not_transmitted() print "\t\tTOTAL messages not transmitted: %i" % s.messages_not_transmitted() #LOOPS # res = s.showLoops(time_loops) # loopstime[depth][idx2]=res[0]
from pandas import Series, date_range from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter # for size in [100,1000,10000,100000,1000000]: time_loops = [["M.Action"]] #### ANALYSE FILES YAFS app1 = "app1" app2 = "app2" size = 12000 path = "examples/DynamicAllocation/" #s = Stats(defaultPath=path+"Results_%s"%(size)) s1 = Stats(defaultPath=path + "Results_%s_singleApp1" % (size)) #s2 = Stats(defaultPath=path+"Results_%s_singleApp2" % (size)) #Network #s.showResults2(size, time_loops=time_loops) #app1 based on dinamic Edge s1.showResults2(size, time_loops=time_loops) #app2 based on static Cloud #s2.showResults2(size, time_loops=time_loops) df = s1.df dfl = s1.df_link #df["date"]=df.time_in.astype('timedelta64[s]') df["date"] = df.time_in.astype('datetime64[s]') df.index =, show_progress_monitor=False) # s.draw_allocated_topology() # for debugging if __name__ == '__main__': import logging.config import os logging.config.fileConfig(os.getcwd() + '/logging.ini') start_time = time.time() main(simulated_time=1000) print("\n--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) ### Finally, you can analyse the results: print "-" * 20 print "Results:" print "-" * 20 m = Stats(defaultPath="Results") #Same name of the results time_loops = [["M.A", "M.B"]] m.showResults2(1000, time_loops=time_loops) print "\t- Network saturation -" print "\t\tAverage waiting messages : %i" % m.average_messages_not_transmitted( ) print "\t\tPeak of waiting messages : %i" % m.peak_messages_not_transmitted( ) print "\t\tTOTAL messages not transmitted: %i" % m.messages_not_transmitted( )