Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_sw_detect_multi(self):
        """Test sw_detect_multi"""
        data_full = file_full.get('data')
        sw = sw_detect_multi(data_full, sf_full, chan_full)
        sw_no_out = sw_detect_multi(data_full, sf_full, chan_full,
        assert sw_no_out.shape[0] < sw.shape[0]
        bv = get_bool_vector(data_full, sf_full, sw)
        assert bv.shape[0] == len(chan_full)

        # Test with hypnogram
        sw_detect_multi(data_full, sf_full, chan_full,
                        hypno=hypno_full, include=3)

        # Now we replace one channel with no slow-wave / bad data
        data_full[1, :] = np.random.random(data_full.shape[1])

        # Test where data.shape[0] != len(chan)
        with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
            sw_detect_multi(data_full, sf_full, chan_full[:-1])

        # Test with only bad channels
        data_full[0, :] = np.random.random(data_full.shape[1])
        data_full[2, :] = np.random.random(data_full.shape[1])
        with self.assertLogs('yasa', level='WARNING'):
            sp = sw_detect_multi(data_full, sf_full, chan_full)
            assert sp is None
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_spindles_detect_multi(self):
        """Test spindles_detect_multi"""
        sp = spindles_detect_multi(data_full, sf_full, chan_full)
        sp_no_out = spindles_detect_multi(data_full, sf_full, chan_full,
        sp_multi = spindles_detect_multi(data_full, sf_full, chan_full,
        assert sp_multi.shape[0] < sp.shape[0]
        assert sp_no_out.shape[0] < sp.shape[0]
        bv = get_bool_vector(data_full, sf_full, sp)
        assert bv.shape[0] == len(chan_full)

        # Test with hypnogram
        spindles_detect_multi(data_full, sf_full, chan_full, hypno=hypno_full,

        # Now we replace one channel with no spindle / bad data
        data_full[1, :] = np.random.random(data_full.shape[1])

        # Test where data.shape[0] != len(chan)
        with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
            spindles_detect_multi(data_full, sf_full, chan_full[:-1])

        # Test with only bad channels
        data_full[0, :] = np.random.random(data_full.shape[1])
        data_full[2, :] = np.random.random(data_full.shape[1])
        with self.assertLogs('yasa', level='WARNING'):
            sp = spindles_detect_multi(data_full, sf_full, chan_full)
            assert sp is None
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_rem_detect(self):
        """Test function REM detect
        file_rem = np.load('notebooks/data_EOGs_REM_256Hz.npz')
        data_rem = file_rem['data']
        loc, roc = data_rem[0, :], data_rem[1, :]
        sf_rem = file_rem['sf']
        # chan_rem = file_rem['chan']
        hypno_rem = 4 * np.ones_like(loc)

        # Parameters product testing
        freq_rem = [(0.5, 5), (0.3, 8)]
        duration = [(0.3, 1.5), [0.5, 1]]
        amplitude = [(50, 200), [60, 300]]
        downsample = [True, False]
        hypno = [hypno_rem, None]
        prod_args = product(freq_rem, duration, amplitude, downsample, hypno)

        for i, (f, dr, am, ds, h) in enumerate(prod_args):

        # With isolation forest
        df_rem = rem_detect(loc, roc, sf)
        df_rem2 = rem_detect(loc, roc, sf, remove_outliers=True)
        assert df_rem.shape[0] > df_rem2.shape[0]
        assert get_bool_vector(loc, sf, df_rem).size == loc.size

        # With REM hypnogram
        hypno_rem = 4 * np.ones_like(loc)
        df_rem = rem_detect(loc, roc, sf_full, hypno=hypno_rem)
        hypno_rem = np.r_[np.ones(int(loc.size / 2)),
                          4 * np.ones(int(loc.size / 2))]
        df_rem2 = rem_detect(loc, roc, sf_full, hypno=hypno_rem)
        assert df_rem.shape[0] > df_rem2.shape[0]

        # Test with wrong data amplitude on ROC
        with self.assertLogs('yasa', level='ERROR'):
            rd = rem_detect(loc * 1e-8, roc, sf)
        assert rd is None

        # Test with wrong data amplitude on LOC
        with self.assertLogs('yasa', level='ERROR'):
            rd = rem_detect(loc, roc * 1e8, sf)
        assert rd is None

        # Hypnogram with sf = 150
        with self.assertLogs('yasa', level='WARNING'):
            rem_detect(loc, roc * 1e8, sf=150)  # Fake sampling frequency

        # No values in hypno intersect with include
        with self.assertLogs('yasa', level='ERROR'):
            sp = rem_detect(loc, roc, sf_full, hypno=hypno_rem, include=5)
            assert sp is None
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_get_bool_vector(self):
     """Test functions get_bool_vector"""
     # Numpy
     sp_params = spindles_detect(data, sf)
     out = get_bool_vector(data, sf, sp_params)
     assert out.size == data.size
     assert np.unique(out).size == 2
     # MNE
     # Single channel
     sp_params = spindles_detect_multi(data_mne_single)
     out = get_bool_vector(data_mne_single, detection=sp_params)
     assert out.size == max(data_mne_single.get_data().shape)
     assert np.unique(out).size == 2
     # Multi-channels
     sp_params = spindles_detect_multi(data_mne)
     out = get_bool_vector(data_mne, detection=sp_params)
     assert out.size == data_mne.get_data().size
     assert np.unique(out).size == 2
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_get_bool_vector(self):
     """Test functions get_bool_vector"""
     sp_params = spindles_detect(data, sf)
     out = get_bool_vector(data, sf, sp_params)
     assert out.size == data.size
     assert np.unique(out).size == 2