Exemplo n.º 1
    def finalize_message(self, message):
        if "correlation_id" in message["body"]["headers"]:
            message["properties"]["correlation_id"] = message["body"][
        if "reply_to" in message["body"]["headers"]:
            message["properties"]["reply_to"] = message["body"]["headers"][
        # print("finalize message: %s" % message)
        message["body"] = msgpack.dumps(message["body"])

        # Lets test if we can compress. Set headers as needed.
        if len(message["body"]) > 800:
            beforeZlib = len(message["body"])
            message["body"] = zlib.compress(
                message["body"], 5
            )  # 5 appears to be the best speed/compression ratio - MSchwenk
            afterZlib = len(message["body"])
            message["meta"]["compression_percent"] = percentage(
                afterZlib, beforeZlib)

            message["properties"]["content_encoding"] = "zlib"
            message["properties"]["content_encoding"] = "text"
        message["meta"]["finalized_for_sending"] = True
        return message
Exemplo n.º 2
    def finalize_message(self, message):
        if 'correlation_id' in message['body']['headers']:
            message['properties']['correlation_id'] = message['body'][
        if 'reply_to' in message['body']['headers']:
            message['properties']['reply_to'] = message['body']['headers'][
        # print("finalize message: %s" % message)
        message['body'] = msgpack.dumps(message['body'])

        # Lets test if we can compress. Set headers as needed.
        if len(message['body']) > 800:
            beforeZlib = len(message['body'])
            message['body'] = zlib.compress(
                message['body'], 5
            )  # 5 appears to be the best speed/compression ratio - MSchwenk
            afterZlib = len(message['body'])
            message['meta']['compression_percent'] = percentage(
                afterZlib, beforeZlib)

            message['properties']['content_encoding'] = "zlib"
            message['properties']['content_encoding'] = 'text'
        # request_msg['meta']['content_encoding'] = request_msg['properties']['content_encoding']
        # request_msg['meta']['payload_size'] = len(request_msg['body'])
        message['meta']['finalized_for_sending'] = True
        return message
Exemplo n.º 3
    def finalize_message(self, message: dict):
        if "correlation_id" in message["body"]["headers"]:
            message["properties"]["correlation_id"] = message["body"]["headers"]["correlation_id"]
        if "reply_correlation_id" in message["body"]["headers"]:
            message["properties"]["headers"]["reply_correlation_id"] = message["body"]["headers"]["reply_correlation_id"]
        message["body"] = msgpack.packb(message["body"])

        # Lets test if we can compress. Set headers as needed.

        beforeZlib = len(message["body"])
        if beforeZlib > 900:
            message["properties"]["content_type"] = "msgpack_zip"
            message["body"] = self._Tools.data_pickle(message["body"], "zip")
        message["meta"]["compression_percent"] = round(percentage(len(message["body"]), beforeZlib), 2)
        message["meta"]["finalized_for_sending"] = True
        return message
Exemplo n.º 4
    def generate_message(self,
        When interacting with Yombo AMQP servers, we use a standard messaging layout. The below helps other functions
        and libraries conform to this standard.

        This only creates the message, it doesn't send it. Use the publish() function to complete that.


        .. code-block:: python

           requestData = {
               "exchange_name"  : "gw_config",
               "source"        : "yombo.gateway.lib.configurationupdate",
               "destination"   : "yombo.server.configs",
               "callback" : self.amqp_direct_incoming,
               "body"          : {
                 "DataType"        : "Object",
                 "Request"         : requestContent,
           request = self.AMQPYombo.generateRequest(**requestData)

        :param exchange_name: The exchange the request should go to.
        :type exchange_name: str
        :param source: Value for the 'source' field.
        :type source: str
        :param destination: Value of the 'destination' field.
        :type destination: str
        :param header_type: Type of header. Usually one of: request, response
        :type header_type: str
        :param headers: Extra headers
        :type headers: dict
        :param body: The part that will become the body, or payload, of the message.
        :type body: str, dict, list
        :param callback: A pointer to the function to return results to. This function will receive 4 arguments:
          sendInfo (Dict) - Various details of the sent packet. deliver (Dict) - Deliver fields as returned by Pika.
          props (Pika Object) - Message properties, includes headers. msg (dict) - The actual content of the message.
        :type callback: function
        :param body: The body contents for the mesage.
        :type body: dict

        :return: A dictionary that can be directly returned to Yombo Gateways via AMQP
        :rtype: dict
        # print("body: %s" % body)
        request_msg = {
            "exchange_name": exchange_name,
            "routing_key": '*',
            "body": msgpack.dumps(body),
            "properties": {
                # "correlation_id" : correlation_id,
                "user_id": self.
                gateway_id,  # system id is required to be able to send it.
                "content_type": 'application/msgpack',
                "headers": {
                    # "requesting_user_id"        : user
                    "source": source + ":" + self.gateway_id,
                    "destination": destination,
                    "type": header_type,
                    "protocol_verion": PROTOCOL_VERSION,
                    "message_id": random_string(length=20),
                    "msg_created_at": str(time()),
            "meta": {
                "content_type": 'application/msgpack',
            "created_at": time(),

        if "callback" is not None:
            request_msg['callback'] = callback
            if correlation_id is None:
                request_msg['properties']['correlation_id'] = random_string(
                request_msg['properties']['correlation_id'] = correlation_id

        if message_id is None:
            request_msg['properties']['message_id'] = random_string(length=26)
            request_msg['properties']['message_id'] = message_id

        # Lets test if we can compress. Set headers as needed.
        if len(request_msg['body']) > 800:
            beforeZlib = len(request_msg['body'])
            request_msg['body'] = zlib.compress(
                request_msg['body'], 5
            )  # 5 appears to be the best speed/compression ratio - MSchwenk
            afterZlib = len(request_msg['body'])
            request_msg['meta']['compression_percent'] = percentage(
                afterZlib, beforeZlib)

            request_msg['properties']['content_encoding'] = "zlib"
            request_msg['properties']['content_encoding'] = 'text'
        request_msg['meta']['content_encoding'] = request_msg['properties'][
        request_msg['meta']['payload_size'] = len(request_msg['body'])
        return request_msg
Exemplo n.º 5
    def amqp_incoming(self, deliver, properties, msg, queue):
        All incoming messages come here. It will be parsed and sorted as needed.  Routing:

        1) Device updates, changes, deletes -> Devices library
        1) Command updates, changes, deletes -> Command library
        1) Module updates, changes, deletes -> Module library
        1) Device updates, changes, deletes -> Devices library
        1) Device updates, changes, deletes -> Devices library

        Summary of tasks:

        1) Validate incoming headers.
        2) Setup ACK/Nack responses.
        3) Route the message to the proper library for final handling.
        # self._local_log("info", "AMQPLibrary::amqp_incoming")
        # print " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "
        # print "properties: %s" % properties
#        log.msg('%s (%s): %s' % (deliver.exchange, deliver.routing_key, repr(msg)), system='Pika:<=')

        if properties.user_id is None:
            self._Statistics.increment("lib.amqpyombo.received.discarded.nouserid", bucket_time=15, anon=True)
            raise YomboWarning("user_id missing.")
        if properties.content_type is None:
            self._Statistics.increment("lib.amqpyombo.received.discarded.content_type_missing", bucket_time=15, anon=True)
            raise YomboWarning("content_type missing.")
        if properties.content_encoding is None:
            self._Statistics.increment("lib.amqpyombo.received.discarded.content_encoding_missing", bucket_time=15, anon=True)
            raise YomboWarning("content_encoding missing.")
        if properties.content_encoding != 'text' and properties.content_encoding != 'zlib':
            self._Statistics.increment("lib.amqpyombo.received.discarded.content_encoding_invalid", bucket_time=15, anon=True)
            raise YomboWarning("Content Encoding must be either  'text' or 'zlib'. Got: " + properties.content_encoding)
        if properties.content_type != 'text/plain' and properties.content_type != 'application/msgpack' and  properties.content_type != 'application/json':
            self._Statistics.increment("lib.amqpyombo.received.discarded.content_type_invalid", bucket_time=15, anon=True)
            logger.warn('Error with contentType!')
            raise YomboWarning("Content type must be 'application/msgpack', 'application/json' or 'text/plain'. Got: " + properties.content_type)

        if properties.content_encoding == 'zlib':
            beforeZlib = len(msg)
            msg = zlib.decompress(msg)
            afterZlib = len(msg)
            logger.debug("Message sizes: msg_size_compressed = {compressed}, non-compressed = {uncompressed}, percent: {percent}",
                         compressed=beforeZlib, uncompressed=afterZlib, percent=percentage(beforeZlib, afterZlib))
            self._Statistics.increment("lib.amqpyombo.received.compressed", bucket_time=15, anon=True)
            self._Statistics.averages("lib.amqpyombo.received.compressed.percentage", percentage(beforeZlib, afterZlib), bucket_time=15, anon=True)
            self._Statistics.increment("lib.amqpyombo.received.uncompressed", bucket_time=15, anon=True)
        self._Statistics.averages("lib.amqpyombo.received.payload.size", len(msg), bucket_time=15, anon=True)

        if properties.content_type == 'application/json':
            if self.is_json(msg):
                msg = json.loads(msg)
                raise YomboWarning("Receive msg reported json, but isn't.")
        elif properties.content_type == 'application/msgpack':
            if self.is_msgpack(msg):
                msg = msgpack.loads(msg)
                raise YomboWarning("Received msg reported msgpack, but isn't.")

        if properties.headers['type'] == 'request':
            self._Statistics.increment("lib.amqpyombo.received.request", bucket_time=15, anon=True)

        # if a response, lets make sure it's something we asked for!
        elif properties.headers['type'] == "response":
            # print "send_correlation_ids: %s" % self.amqp.send_correlation_ids
            if properties.correlation_id not in self.amqp.send_correlation_ids:
                self._Statistics.increment("lib.amqpyombo.received.discarded.correlation_id_missing", bucket_time=15,
                raise YomboWarning("correlation_id missing.")

            time_info = self.amqp.send_correlation_ids[properties.correlation_id]
            daate_time = time_info['time_received'] - time_info['time_sent']
            milliseconds = (
                           daate_time.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + daate_time.seconds) * 1000 + daate_time.microseconds / 1000.0
            logger.debug("Time between sending and receiving a response:: {milliseconds}", milliseconds=milliseconds)
            self._Statistics.averages("lib.amqpyombo.amqp.response.time", milliseconds, bucket_time=15, anon=True)

            if properties.correlation_id is None or not isinstance(properties.correlation_id, six.string_types):
                self._Statistics.increment("lib.amqpyombo.received.discarded.correlation_id_invalid", bucket_time=15, anon=True)
                raise YomboWarning("Correlation_id must be present for 'Response' types, and must be a string.")
            if properties.correlation_id not in self.amqp.send_correlation_ids:
                logger.debug("{correlation_id} not in list of ids: {send_correlation_ids} ",
                             correlation_id=properties.correlation_id, send_correlation_ids=self.amqp.send_correlation_ids.keys())
                self._Statistics.increment("lib.amqpyombo.received.discarded.nocorrelation", bucket_time=15, anon=True)
                raise YomboWarning("Received request {correlation_id}, but never asked for it. Discarding",
            self._Statistics.increment("lib.amqpyombo.received.discarded.unknown_msg_type", bucket_time=15, anon=True)
            raise YomboWarning("Unknown message type recieved.")

        # self._local_log("debug", "PikaProtocol::receive_item4")

        # if we are here.. we have a valid message....

        if properties.headers['type'] == 'request':
                logger.debug("headers: {headers}", headers=properties.headers)
                if properties.headers['request_type'] == 'control':
                    self.controlHandler.process_control(msg, properties)
                elif properties.headers['request_type'] == 'system':
                    self.process_system_request(msg, properties)

            except Exception, e:
                logger.error("--------==(Error: in response processing     )==--------")
                logger.error("{error}", error=sys.exc_info())
                logger.error("{trace}", trace=traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def generate_message(self, exchange_name, source, destination, header_type, headers, body, callback=None):
        When interacting with Yombo AMQP servers, we use a standard messaging layout. The below helps other functions
        and libraries conform to this standard.

        This only creates the message, it doesn't send it. Use the publish() function to complete that.


        .. code-block:: python

           requestData = {
               "exchange_name"  : "gw_config",
               "source"        : "yombo.gateway.lib.configurationupdate",
               "destination"   : "yombo.server.configs",
               "callback" : self.amqp_direct_incoming,
               "body"          : {
                 "DataType"        : "Object",
                 "Request"         : requestContent,
           request = self.AMQPYombo.generateRequest(**requestData)

        :param exchange_name: The exchange the request should go to.
        :type exchange_name: str
        :param source: Value for the 'source' field.
        :type source: str
        :param destination: Value of the 'destination' field.
        :type destination: str
        :param callback: A pointer to the function to return results to. This function will receive 4 arguments:
          sendInfo (Dict) - Various details of the sent packet. deliver (Dict) - Deliver fields as returned by Pika.
          props (Pika Object) - Message properties, includes headers. msg (dict) - The actual content of the message.
        :type callback: function
        :param body: The body contents for the mesage.
        :type body: dict

        :return: A dictionary that can be directly returned to Yombo Gateways via AMQP
        :rtype: dict
        request_msg = {
            "exchange_name"    : exchange_name,
            "routing_key"      : '*',
            "body"             : msgpack.dumps(body),
            "properties" : {
                # "correlation_id" : correlation_id,
                "user_id"        : self.user_id,
                "content_type"   : 'application/msgpack',
                "headers"        : {
                    "source"        : source + ":" + self.user_id,
                    "destination"   : destination,
                    "type"          : header_type,
                    "protocol_verion": PROTOCOL_VERSION,
            "callback": callback,

        # Lets test if we can compress. Set headers as needed.

        self._Statistics.averages("lib.amqpyombo.sent.size", len(request_msg['body']), bucket_time=15, anon=True)
        if len(request_msg['body']) > 800:
            beforeZlib = len(request_msg['body'])
            request_msg['body'] = zlib.compress(request_msg['body'], 5)  # 5 appears to be the best speed/compression ratio - MSchwenk
            request_msg['properties']['content_encoding'] = "zlib"
            afterZlib = len(request_msg['body'])
            self._Statistics.increment("lib.amqpyombo.sent.compressed", bucket_time=15, anon=True)
            self._Statistics.averages("lib.amqpyombo.sent.compressed.percentage", percentage(afterZlib, beforeZlib), anon=True)
            request_msg['properties']['content_encoding'] = 'text'
            self._Statistics.increment("lib.amqpyombo.sent.uncompressed", bucket_time=15, anon=True)

        return request_msg
Exemplo n.º 7
    def status_update(self, house, unit, command, status=None, deviceObj=None):
        Called by interface modules when a device has a change of status.
        logger.info("x10api - status update: {house}{unit}:{command}",
        unit = int(unit)
        if deviceObj is None:
            if house in self.x10_devices and unit in self.x10_devices[house]:
                deviceObj = self.x10_devices[house][unit]
                    "X10 API received a status update, but no device object to reference it."

        newstatus = None
        humanstatus = None
        tempcmd = command.upper()

        #        self._DevicesByType('x10_appliance')
        device_type = self._DeviceTypes[deviceObj.device_type_id]
            "self._DevicesByType('x10_appliance'): {dt}",
        logger.debug("device_type: {dt}", dt=device_type.label)
        if device_type.machine_label == 'x10_appliance':
            logger.debug("in x10 appliance")
            if tempcmd == 'ON':
                newstatus = 1
                humanstatus = 'On'
            elif tempcmd == 'OFF':
                newstatus = 0
                humanstatus = 'Off'
        elif device_type.machine_label == 'x10_lamp':  # basic lamp
            logger.debug("in x10 lamp")
            if tempcmd == 'ON':
                newstatus = 1
                humanstatus = '100%'
            elif tempcmd == 'OFF':
                newstatus = 0
                humanstatus = 'Off'
            elif tempcmd == 'DIM':
                if type(deviceObj.status[0]['status']) is int:
                    newstatus = percentage(deviceObj.status[0]['status'] -
                                           12 / 100)
                    newstatus = 0.88
                    humanstatus = '88%'
            elif tempcmd == 'BRIGHT':
                if type(deviceObj.status[0]['status']) is int:
                    newstatus = percentage(deviceObj.status[0]['status'] +
                                           12 / 100)
                    newstatus = 100
                    humanstatus = '100%'

            if type(newstatus) is int:
                if newstatus > 1:
                    newstatus = 1
                    humanstatus = '100%'
                elif newstatus < 0:
                    newstatus = 0
                    humanstatus = 'Off'
                newstatus = 0
                humanstatus = 'Off'

            "status update.  Machine: {newstatus}   Human: {humanstatus}",

        human_message = "%s is now %s. " % (deviceObj.area_label,
