Exemplo n.º 1
def get_zonefile(domain):
    resp = rest_to_api("/v1/names/{}/zonefile".format(domain))
    if resp.status_code != 200:
        log.error("Error fetch zonefile for {} : {} {}".format(
            domain, resp.status_code, resp.text))
        raise Exception("Failed to fetch zonefile")
    zf_raw = resp.json()["zonefile"]
    if zf_raw:
        return ysi_zones.parse_zone_file(str(zf_raw))
    raise Exception("No zonefile returned")
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_cached_zonefile( zonefile_hash, zonefile_dir=None ):
    Get a cached zonefile dict from local disk 
    Return None if not found
    data = get_cached_zonefile_data( zonefile_hash, zonefile_dir=zonefile_dir )
    if data is None:
        return None

        zonefile_dict = ysi_zones.parse_zone_file( data )
        assert ysi_client.is_user_zonefile( zonefile_dict ), "Not a user zonefile: %s" % zonefile_hash
        return zonefile_dict
    except Exception, e:
        log.error("Failed to parse zonefile")
        return None
Exemplo n.º 3
def lookup_index_manifest_url(blockchain_id, driver_name, index_stem,
    Given a blockchain ID, go and get the index manifest url.

    This is only applicable for certain drivers--i.e. the ones that 
    need a name-to-URL index since the storage system generates URLs
    to data on-the-fly.  This includes Dropbox, Google Drive, Onedrive,

    The storage index URL will be located as an 'account', where
    * 'service' will be set to the driver name
    * 'identifier' will be set to 'storage'
    * 'contentUrl' will be set to the index url

    Return the index manifest URL on success.
    Return None if there is no URL
    Raise on error

    TODO: this method needs to be rewritten to use the token file format,
    and to use the proper public key to verify it.
    import ysi_client
    import ysi_client.proxy as proxy
    import ysi_client.user
    import ysi_client.storage
    import ysi_client.schemas

    if blockchain_id is None:
        # try getting it directly (we should have it)
        return index_settings_get_index_manifest_url(driver_name, config_path)

    name_record = proxy.get_name_blockchain_record(blockchain_id)
    if 'error' in name_record:
        raise Exception(
            "Failed to load name record for {}".format(blockchain_id))

    zonefile_txt = get_zonefile_from_atlas(blockchain_id,
    zonefile_pubkey = None

        zonefile = ysi_zones.parse_zone_file(zonefile_txt)
        zonefile = dict(zonefile)
        zonefile_pubkey = ysi_client.user.user_zonefile_data_pubkey(zonefile)
        raise Exception("Non-standard zonefile for {}".format(blockchain_id))

    # get the profile...
    # we're assuming here that some of the profile URLs are at least HTTP-accessible
    # (i.e. we can get them without having to go through the indexing system)
    # TODO: let drivers report their 'safety'
    profile_txt = None
    urls = ysi_client.user.user_zonefile_urls(zonefile)
    for url in urls:
        profile_txt = None
            profile_txt = get_chunk_via_http(url, blockchain_id=blockchain_id)
        except Exception as e:
            if DEBUG:

            log.debug("Failed to load profile from {}".format(url))

        if profile_txt is None:
            log.debug("Failed to load profile from {}".format(url))

        profile = ysi_client.storage.parse_mutable_data(
        if not profile:
            log.debug("Failed to load profile from {}".format(url))

        # TODO: load this from the tokens file
        # got profile! the storage information will be listed as an account, where the 'service' is the driver name and the 'identifier' is the manifest url
        if 'account' not in profile:
                "No 'account' key in profile for {}".format(blockchain_id))
            return None

        accounts = profile['account']
        if not isinstance(accounts, list):
            log.error("Invalid 'account' key in profile for {}".format(
            return None

        for account in accounts:
            except jsonschema.ValidationError:

            if account['service'] != driver_name:
                log.debug("Skipping account for '{}'".format(

            if account['identifier'] != 'storage':
                log.debug("Skipping non-storage account for '{}'".format(

            if not account.has_key('contentUrl'):

            url = account['contentUrl']
            parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(url)

            # must be valid http(s) URL, or a test:// URL
            if (not parsed_url.scheme or
                    not parsed_url.netloc) and not url.startswith('test://'):
                log.warning("Skip invalid '{}' driver URL".format(driver_name))

            log.debug("Index manifest URL for {} is {}".format(
                blockchain_id, url))
            return url

    return None
def check(state_engine):

    global wallet_keys, datasets, zonefile_hash

    # not revealed, but ready
    ns = state_engine.get_namespace_reveal("test")
    if ns is not None:
        print "namespace not ready"
        return False

    ns = state_engine.get_namespace("test")
    if ns is None:
        print "no namespace"
        return False

    if ns['namespace_id'] != 'test':
        print "wrong namespace"
        return False

    # not preordered
    preorder = state_engine.get_name_preorder(
        "foo.test", virtualchain.make_payment_script(wallets[2].addr),
    if preorder is not None:
        print "still have preorder"
        return False

    # registered
    name_rec = state_engine.get_name("foo.test")
    if name_rec is None:
        print "name does not exist"
        return False

    # owned
    if name_rec['address'] != wallets[3].addr or name_rec[
            'sender'] != virtualchain.make_payment_script(wallets[3].addr):
        print "name has wrong owner"
        return False

    srv = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://localhost:%s" % ysi.RPC_SERVER_PORT)

    # zonefile and profile replicated to ysi server
        zonefile_by_hash_str = srv.get_zonefiles([name_rec['value_hash']])
        zonefile_by_hash = json.loads(zonefile_by_hash_str)

        assert 'error' not in zonefile_by_hash, json.dumps(zonefile_by_hash,

        zf1 = None
            zf1 = base64.b64decode(
            print zonefile_by_hash

        zonefile = ysi_zones.parse_zone_file(zf1)

        user_pubkey = ysi_client.user.user_zonefile_data_pubkey(zonefile)
        assert user_pubkey is not None, "no zonefile public key"

        profile_resp_txt = srv.get_profile("foo.test")
        profile_resp = json.loads(profile_resp_txt)
        assert 'error' not in profile_resp, "error:\n%s" % json.dumps(
            profile_resp, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        assert 'profile' in profile_resp, "missing profile:\n%s" % json.dumps(
            profile_resp, indent=4, sort_keys=True)

        # profile will be in 'raw' form
        raw_profile = profile_resp['profile']
        profile = ysi_client.storage.parse_mutable_data(
            raw_profile, user_pubkey)

    except Exception, e:
        print "Invalid profile"
        return False
Exemplo n.º 5
def scenario( wallets, **kw ):

    global wallet_keys, wallet_keys_2, error, index_file_data, resource_data

    wallet_keys = testlib.ysi_client_initialize_wallet( "0123456789abcdef", wallets[5].privkey, wallets[3].privkey, wallets[3].privkey )
    test_proxy = testlib.TestAPIProxy()
    ysi_client.set_default_proxy( test_proxy )

    testlib.ysi_namespace_preorder( "test", wallets[1].addr, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.ysi_namespace_reveal( "test", wallets[1].addr, 52595, 250, 4, [6,5,4,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], 10, 10, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.ysi_namespace_ready( "test", wallets[1].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.ysi_name_preorder( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )
    testlib.ysi_name_register( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )
    # migrate profiles, but no data key in the zone file 
    res = testlib.migrate_profile( "foo.test", zonefile_has_data_key=False, proxy=test_proxy, wallet_keys=wallet_keys )
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to initialize foo.test profile'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    # tell serialization-checker that value_hash can be ignored here
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    config_path = os.environ.get("BLOCKSTACK_CLIENT_CONFIG", None)

    # make a session 
    datastore_pk = keylib.ECPrivateKey(wallets[-1].privkey).to_hex()
    res = testlib.ysi_cli_app_signin("foo.test", datastore_pk, 'register.app', ['names', 'register', 'prices', 'zonefiles', 'blockchain', 'node_read', 'user_read'])
    if 'error' in res:
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    ses = res['token']

    # register the name bar.test. autogenerate the rest 
    old_user_zonefile = ysi_client.zonefile.make_empty_zonefile('bar.test', None)
    old_user_zonefile_txt = ysi_zones.make_zone_file(old_user_zonefile)

    res = testlib.ysi_REST_call('POST', '/v1/names', ses, data={'name': 'bar.test', 'zonefile': old_user_zonefile_txt, 'make_profile': True} )
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to register user'
        print json.dumps(res)
        error = True
        return False

    print res
    tx_hash = res['response']['transaction_hash']

    # wait for preorder to get confirmed...
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'preorder', tx_hash )
    if not res:
        return False

    # wait for the preorder to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 4):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # wait for register to go through 
    print 'Wait for register to be submitted'

    # wait for the register/update to get confirmed 
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'register', None )
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 4):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # wait for register to go through 
    print 'Wait for zonefile to replicate'

    res = testlib.ysi_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test", ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    old_expire_block = res['response']['expire_block']

    # get the zonefile
    res = testlib.ysi_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/zonefile", ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name zonefile'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # zonefile must not have a public key listed
    zonefile_txt = res['response']['zonefile']
    print zonefile_txt

    parsed_zonefile = ysi_zones.parse_zone_file(zonefile_txt)
    if parsed_zonefile.has_key('txt'):
        print 'have txt records'
        print parsed_zonefile
        return False

    # renew it, but put the *current* owner key as the zonefile's *new* public key
    new_user_zonefile = ysi_client.zonefile.make_empty_zonefile('bar.test', wallets[3].pubkey_hex )
    new_user_zonefile_txt = ysi_zones.make_zone_file(new_user_zonefile)

    res = testlib.ysi_REST_call("POST", "/v1/names", ses, data={'name': 'bar.test', 'zonefile': new_user_zonefile_txt} )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 202:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to renew name'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # verify in renew queue
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'renew', None )
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 4):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # new expire block
    res = testlib.ysi_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test", ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    new_expire_block = res['response']['expire_block']

    # do we have the history for the name?
    res = testlib.ysi_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/history", ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = "Failed to get name history for bar.test"
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # valid history?
    hist = res['response']
    if len(hist.keys()) != 3:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get update history'
        res['history'] = hist
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    # get the zonefile
    res = testlib.ysi_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/zonefile", ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name zonefile'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # zonefile must have old owner key
    zonefile_txt = res['response']['zonefile']
    parsed_zonefile = ysi_zones.parse_zone_file(zonefile_txt)
    if not parsed_zonefile.has_key('txt'):
        print 'missing txt'
        print parsed_zonefile
        return False

    found = False
    for txtrec in parsed_zonefile['txt']:
        if txtrec['name'] == 'pubkey' and txtrec['txt'] == 'pubkey:data:{}'.format(wallets[3].pubkey_hex):
            found = True

    if not found:
        print 'missing public key {}'.format(wallets[3].pubkey_hex)
        return False

    # profile lookup must work 
    res = testlib.ysi_REST_call("GET", "/v1/users/bar.test", ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['text'] = 'failed to get profile for bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    print ''
    print json.dumps(res['response'], indent=4, sort_keys=True)
    print ''

    # verify pushed back 
    if old_expire_block + 12 > new_expire_block:
        # didn't go through
        print >> sys.stderr, "Renewal didn't work: %s --> %s" % (old_expire_block, new_expire_block)
        return False
Exemplo n.º 6
def decode_name_zonefile(name, zonefile_txt, allow_legacy=False):
    Decode a serialized zonefile into a JSON dict.
    If allow_legacy is True, then support legacy zone file formats (including Onename profiles)
    Otherwise, the data must actually be a Blockstack zone file.
        * If the zonefile does not have $ORIGIN, or if $ORIGIN does not match the name,
          then this fails.
    Return None on error

    user_zonefile = None
        # by default, it's a zonefile-formatted text file
        user_zonefile_defaultdict = ysi_zones.parse_zone_file(zonefile_txt)
        assert user_db.is_user_zonefile(
            user_zonefile_defaultdict), 'Not a user zonefile'

        # force dict
        user_zonefile = dict(user_zonefile_defaultdict)

    except (IndexError, ValueError, ysi_zones.InvalidLineException):
        if not allow_legacy:
            return {'error': 'Legacy zone file'}

        # might be legacy profile
            'WARN: failed to parse user zonefile; trying to import as legacy')
            user_zonefile = json.loads(zonefile_txt)
            if not isinstance(user_zonefile, dict):
                log.debug('Not a legacy user zonefile')
                return None

        except Exception as e:
            if BLOCKSTACK_DEBUG:

            log.error('Failed to parse non-standard zonefile')
            return None

    except Exception as e:

        log.error('Failed to parse zonefile')
        return None

    if user_zonefile is None:
        return None

    if not allow_legacy:
        # additional checks
        if not user_zonefile.has_key('$origin'):
            log.debug("Zonefile has no $ORIGIN")
            return None

        if user_zonefile['$origin'] != name:
            log.debug("Name/zonefile mismatch: $ORIGIN = {}, name = {}".format(
                user_zonefile['$origin'], name))
            return None

    return user_zonefile
Exemplo n.º 7
def scenario( wallets, **kw ):

    global wallet_keys, wallet_keys_2, error, index_file_data, resource_data

    wallet_keys = testlib.ysi_client_initialize_wallet( "0123456789abcdef", wallets[5].privkey, wallets[3].privkey, wallets[3].privkey )
    test_proxy = testlib.TestAPIProxy()
    ysi_client.set_default_proxy( test_proxy )

    testlib.ysi_namespace_preorder( "test", wallets[1].addr, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.ysi_namespace_reveal( "test", wallets[1].addr, 52595, 250, 4, [6,5,4,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], 10, 10, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.ysi_namespace_ready( "test", wallets[1].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.ysi_name_preorder( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )
    testlib.ysi_name_register( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )
    # migrate profiles, but no data key in the zone file 
    res = testlib.migrate_profile( "foo.test", zonefile_has_data_key=False, proxy=test_proxy, wallet_keys=wallet_keys )
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to initialize foo.test profile'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    # tell serialization-checker that value_hash can be ignored here
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    config_path = os.environ.get("BLOCKSTACK_CLIENT_CONFIG", None)

    # make a session 
    datastore_pk = keylib.ECPrivateKey(wallets[-1].privkey).to_hex()
    res = testlib.ysi_cli_app_signin("foo.test", datastore_pk, 'register.app', ['names', 'register', 'prices', 'zonefiles', 'blockchain', 'node_read', 'user_read'])
    if 'error' in res:
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    ses = res['token']

    # register the name bar.test. autogenerate the rest 
    old_user_zonefile = ysi_client.zonefile.make_empty_zonefile('bar.test', None)
    old_user_zonefile_txt = ysi_zones.make_zone_file(old_user_zonefile)

    res = testlib.ysi_REST_call('POST', '/v1/names', ses, data={'name': 'bar.test', 'zonefile': old_user_zonefile_txt, 'make_profile': True} )
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to register user'
        print json.dumps(res)
        error = True
        return False

    print res
    tx_hash = res['response']['transaction_hash']

    # wait for preorder to get confirmed...
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'preorder', tx_hash )
    if not res:
        return False

    # wait for the preorder to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 4):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # wait for register to go through 
    print 'Wait for register to be submitted'

    # wait for the register/update to get confirmed 
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'register', None )
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 3):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # should have nine confirmations now
    res = testlib.get_queue(ses, 'register')
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return False
    if len(res) != 1:
        print res
        return False

    reg = res[0]
    confs = ysi_client.get_tx_confirmations(reg['tx_hash'])
    if confs != 9:
        print 'wrong number of confs for {} (expected 9): {}'.format(reg['tx_hash'], confs)
        return False

    # stop the API server

    # advance blockchain 

    confs = ysi_client.get_tx_confirmations(reg['tx_hash'])
    if confs != 11:
        print 'wrong number of confs for {} (expected 11): {}'.format(reg['tx_hash'], confs)
        return False

    # make sure the registrar does not process reg/up zonefile replication
    # (i.e. we want to make sure that the zonefile gets processed even if the blockchain goes too fast)

    print 'Wait to verify that we do not remove the zone file just because the tx is confirmed'

    # verify that this is still in the queue
    res = testlib.get_queue(ses, 'register')
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return False
    if len(res) != 1:
        print res
        return False
    # clear the fault
    print 'Clearing regup replication fault'

    # wait for register to go through 
    print 'Wait for zonefile to replicate'

    res = testlib.ysi_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test", ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    old_expire_block = res['response']['expire_block']

    # get the zonefile
    res = testlib.ysi_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/zonefile", ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name zonefile'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # zonefile must not have a public key listed
    zonefile_txt = res['response']['zonefile']
    print zonefile_txt

    parsed_zonefile = ysi_zones.parse_zone_file(zonefile_txt)
    if parsed_zonefile.has_key('txt'):
        print 'have txt records'
        print parsed_zonefile
        return False

    # renew it, but put the *current* owner key as the zonefile's *new* public key
    new_user_zonefile = ysi_client.zonefile.make_empty_zonefile('bar.test', wallets[3].pubkey_hex )
    new_user_zonefile_txt = ysi_zones.make_zone_file(new_user_zonefile)

    res = testlib.ysi_REST_call("POST", "/v1/names", ses, data={'name': 'bar.test', 'zonefile': new_user_zonefile_txt} )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 202:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to renew name'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # verify in renew queue
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'renew', None )
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 3):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )
    # should have nine confirmations now
    res = testlib.get_queue(ses, 'renew')
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return False
    if len(res) != 1:
        print res
        return False

    reg = res[0]
    confs = ysi_client.get_tx_confirmations(reg['tx_hash'])
    if confs != 9:
        print 'wrong number of confs for {} (expected 9): {}'.format(reg['tx_hash'], confs)
        return False

    # stop the API server

    # advance blockchain 

    confs = ysi_client.get_tx_confirmations(reg['tx_hash'])
    if confs != 11:
        print 'wrong number of confs for {} (expected 11): {}'.format(reg['tx_hash'], confs)
        return False

    # make the registrar skip the first few steps, so the only thing it does is clear out confirmed updates
    # (i.e. we want to make sure that the renewal's zonefile gets processed even if the blockchain goes too fast)

    # wait a while
    print 'Wait to verify that clearing out confirmed transactions does NOT remove zonefiles'

    # verify that this is still in the queue
    res = testlib.get_queue(ses, 'renew')
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return False
    if len(res) != 1:
        print res
        return False

    # clear the fault
    print 'Clearing renewal replication fault'

    # now the renewal zonefile should replicate
    print 'Wait for renewal zonefile to replicate'

    # new expire block
    res = testlib.ysi_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test", ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    new_expire_block = res['response']['expire_block']

    # do we have the history for the name?
    res = testlib.ysi_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/history", ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = "Failed to get name history for bar.test"
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # valid history?
    hist = res['response']
    if len(hist.keys()) != 3:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get update history'
        res['history'] = hist
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    # get the zonefile
    res = testlib.ysi_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/zonefile", ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name zonefile'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # zonefile must have old owner key
    zonefile_txt = res['response']['zonefile']
    parsed_zonefile = ysi_zones.parse_zone_file(zonefile_txt)
    if not parsed_zonefile.has_key('txt'):
        print 'missing txt'
        print parsed_zonefile
        return False

    found = False
    for txtrec in parsed_zonefile['txt']:
        if txtrec['name'] == 'pubkey' and txtrec['txt'] == 'pubkey:data:{}'.format(wallets[3].pubkey_hex):
            found = True

    if not found:
        print 'missing public key {}'.format(wallets[3].pubkey_hex)
        return False

    # profile lookup must work 
    res = testlib.ysi_REST_call("GET", "/v1/users/bar.test", ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['text'] = 'failed to get profile for bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    print ''
    print json.dumps(res['response'], indent=4, sort_keys=True)
    print ''

    # verify pushed back 
    if old_expire_block + 10 > new_expire_block:
        # didn't go through
        print >> sys.stderr, "Renewal didn't work: %s --> %s" % (old_expire_block, new_expire_block)
        return False