def PlayYouTube(name,url,iconimage): import yt youtube=yt.PlayVideo(url) liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(name, iconImage='DefaultVideo.png', thumbnailImage=iconimage) liz.setInfo(type='Video', infoLabels={'Title':name}) liz.setProperty("IsPlayable","true") liz.setPath(str(youtube)) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, liz)
def get_PLAYlink(name, url): HTML = process.OPEN_URL(url) match_youtube = re.compile( '<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>' ).findall(HTML) for url in match_youtube: yt.PlayVideo(url) match = re.compile('<script data-config="(.+?)" data-height').findall(HTML) for playlink in match: if 'div' in playlink: pass else: Playlink = (playlink).replace('/v2', '').replace( 'zeus.json', 'video-sd.mp4?hosting_id=21772').replace( '', '') process.Big_Resolve(name, 'http:' + Playlink)
def Download_Extract(url,video): global download_thread global endtime download_thread = threading.Thread(target=Download_Function, args=[url]) updatescreen_thread = threading.Thread(target=Update_Screen) try: download_thread.start() starttime = print"###Download Started" except: dialog.ok('Error','Unable to download updates from server. Please try opening a web browser on your PC to make sure your internet is working correctly. Click OK to try again.') return try: yt.PlayVideo(video) except: pass while xbmc.Player().isPlaying(): xbmc.sleep(500) updatescreen_thread.start() while download_thread.isAlive(): xbmc.sleep(500) # This is used to get our speedtest results, you probably won't need this endtime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(lib)) timediff = endtime-starttime libsize = os.path.getsize(lib) / (128*1024.0) timediff = str(timediff).replace(':','') speed = libsize / float(timediff) writefile = open(timepath, mode='w+') writefile.write(str(speed)) writefile.close() # Deal with the downloaded file, you'll need to extract but pass through a password because it will be pw protected zip if os.path.exists(lib) and zipfile.is_zipfile(lib): zin = zipfile.ZipFile(lib, 'r') zin.extractall(rootfolder) try: os.remove(lib) except: print"### Failed to remove temp file" Remove_Textures() if not os.path.exists(RunWizard): os.makedirs(RunWizard) print"### Removed textures" KILL_KODI()
def Download_Extract(url, video): global download_thread global endtime if not os.path.exists(RunWizard): os.makedirs(RunWizard) download_thread = threading.Thread(target=Download_Function, args=[url]) updatescreen_thread = threading.Thread(target=Update_Screen) download_thread.start() starttime = try: yt.PlayVideo(video) except: pass while xbmc.Player().isPlaying(): xbmc.sleep(500) updatescreen_thread.start() while download_thread.isAlive(): xbmc.sleep(500) endtime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(lib)) timediff = endtime - starttime libsize = os.path.getsize(lib) / (128 * 1024.0) timediff = str(timediff).replace(':', '') speed = libsize / float(timediff) writefile = open(timepath, mode='w+') writefile.write(str(speed)) writefile.close() if os.path.exists(lib) and zipfile.is_zipfile(lib): zin = zipfile.ZipFile(lib, 'r') zin.extractall(rootfolder) try: os.remove(lib) except: print "### Failed to remove temp file" Remove_Textures() print "### Removed textures" KILL_KODI()
pass print str(PATH) + ': ' + str(VERSION) print "Mode: " + str(mode) print "URL: " + str(url) print "Name: " + str(name) print "IconImage: " + str(iconimage) #####################################################END PROCESSES############################################################## if mode == None: Main_Menu() elif mode == 1: Second_Menu(url) elif mode == 2: if 'youtube' in url: url = (url).replace('', '').replace('', '') yt.PlayVideo(url) else: resolve(url) elif mode == 3: Search() elif mode == 4: addon_log("addFavorite") try: name = name.split('\\ ')[1] except: pass try: name = name.split(' - ')[0] except: pass addFavorite(name, url, iconimage, fanart, fav_mode)
def doMenu(): try: import utils except: doStandard(useScript=False) return active = [1, 2, 25, 40, 500, 501, 502] #28 is video Playlist window = xbmcgui.getCurrentWindowId() utils.log('Window : %d' % window) if window - 10000 not in active: doStandard(useScript=False) return import contextmenu # to prevent master profile setting being used in other profiles if utils.ADDON.getSetting('CONTEXT') != 'true': doStandard(useScript=False) return folder = xbmc.getInfoLabel('Container.FolderPath') #ignore if in Super Favourites if utils.ADDONID in folder: doStandard(useScript=False) return choice = 0 label = xbmc.getInfoLabel('ListItem.Label') path = xbmc.getInfoLabel('ListItem.FolderPath') filename = xbmc.getInfoLabel('ListItem.FilenameAndPath') name = xbmc.getInfoLabel('ListItem.Label') thumb = xbmc.getInfoLabel('ListItem.Thumb') playable = xbmc.getInfoLabel( 'ListItem.Property(IsPlayable)').lower() == 'true' fanart = xbmc.getInfoLabel('ListItem.Property(Fanart_Image)') isFolder = xbmc.getCondVisibility('ListItem.IsFolder') == 1 try: file = xbmc.Player().getPlayingFile() except: file = None isStream = False if file: isStream = file.startswith('http://') #GOTHAM only #if hasattr(xbmc.Player(), 'isInternetStream'): # isStream = xbmc.Player().isInternetStream() #elif file: # isStream = file.startswith('http://') utils.log('**** Context Menu Information ****') utils.log('Label : %s' % label) utils.log('Folder : %s' % folder) utils.log('Path : %s' % path) utils.log('Filename : %s' % filename) utils.log('Name : %s' % name) utils.log('Thumb : %s' % thumb) utils.log('Fanart : %s' % fanart) utils.log('Window : %d' % window) utils.log('IsPlayable : %s' % playable) utils.log('IsFolder : %s' % isFolder) utils.log('File : %s' % file) utils.log('IsStream : %s' % isStream) menu = [] #if (len(menu) == 0) and window == 12005: #video playing #if isStream: # menu.append(('Download %s' % label, _DOWNLOAD)) # menu.append(('Show Playlist', _PLAYLIST)) #else: # return doStandard() #cancel download feature for now #return doStandard() if (len(menu) == 0) and len(path) > 0: ytID = '' if path.startswith( 'plugin://') and 'videoid=' in path: try: ytID = path.rsplit('videoid=', 1)[-1][0:11] menu.append((utils.GETTEXT(30104), _PLAYTUBE)) except: ytID = '' utils.verifySuperSearch() default = getDefaultSearch() menu.append((utils.GETTEXT(30047), _ADDTOFAVES)) menu.append((utils.GETTEXT(30049), _SF_SETTINGS)) menu.append((utils.GETTEXT(30054), _SEARCH)) if len(default) > 0: menu.append((utils.GETTEXT(30098) % default, _SEARCHDEF)) menu.append((utils.GETTEXT(30048), _STD_SETTINGS)) #elif window == 10000: #Home screen # menu.append((utils.GETTEXT(30053), _LAUNCH_SF)) # menu.append((utils.GETTEXT(30049), _SF_SETTINGS)) if len(menu) == 0: doStandard() return xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('SF_MENU_VISIBLE', 'true') choice = contextmenu.showMenu(utils.ADDONID, menu) if choice == _STD_SETTINGS: doStandard() return xbmc.executebuiltin('Dialog.Close(all, true)') if choice == _PLAYLIST: xbmc.executebuiltin('ActivateWindow(videoplaylist)') #if choice == _DOWNLOAD: # import download #, 'c:\\temp\\file.mpg', 'Super Favourites') if choice == _PLAYTUBE: if len(ytID) != 11: return import yt if not yt.PlayVideo(ytID): utils.DialogOK(utils.GETTEXT(30105)) if choice == _STD_SETTINGS: doStandard() if choice == _SF_SETTINGS: utils.ADDON.openSettings() if choice == _ADDTOFAVES: if isFolder: cmd = 'ActivateWindow(%d,"%s' % (window, path) elif path.lower().startswith('script'): if path[-1] == '/': path = path[:-1] cmd = 'RunScript("%s' % path.replace('script://', '') elif path.lower().startswith('videodb') and len(filename) > 0: cmd = 'PlayMedia("%s' % filename #elif path.lower().startswith('musicdb') and len(filename) > 0: # cmd = 'PlayMedia("%s")' % filename else: cmd = 'PlayMedia("%s&sf_win_id=%d_' % (path, window) import urllib if '?' in cmd: cmd += '&' else: cmd += '?' cmd += 'sf_fanart=%s_")' % urllib.quote_plus(fanart) copyFave(name, thumb, cmd) if choice == _LAUNCH_SF: xbmc.executebuiltin('ActivateWindow(programs,plugin://%s)' % utils.ADDONID) if choice == _SEARCH or choice == _SEARCHDEF: if utils.ADDON.getSetting('STRIPNUMBERS') == 'true': name = clean(name) thumb = thumb if len(thumb) > 0 else 'null' fanart = fanart if len(fanart) > 0 else 'null' _SUPERSEARCH = 0 #declared as 0 in _SUPERSEARCHDEF = 10 #declared as 10 in mode = _SUPERSEARCH if (choice == _SEARCH) else _SUPERSEARCHDEF videoID = 10025 #video if window == 10000: #don't activate on home screen, push to video window = videoID import urllib cmd = 'ActivateWindow(%d,"plugin://%s/?mode=%d&keyword=%s&image=%s&fanart=%s")' % ( window, utils.ADDONID, mode, urllib.quote_plus(name), urllib.quote_plus(thumb), urllib.quote_plus(fanart)) activateCommand(cmd)
def showVideo(): import yt yt.PlayVideo('-DpU4yOJO_I', forcePlayer=True) xbmc.sleep(500) while xbmc.Player().isPlaying(): xbmc.sleep(500)
def setView(content, viewType): if content: xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), content) if mode == None: Main_Menu() elif mode == 1: Stand_up() elif mode == 2: Search() elif mode == 3: Play_Stage(url) elif mode == 4: Regex(url) elif mode == 5: Resolve(url) elif mode == 8: Search() elif mode == 7: grab_youtube_playlist(url) elif mode == 9: yt.PlayVideo(url) elif mode == 100: Grab_Season(iconimage, url, extra) elif mode == 101: Grab_Episode(url, name, fanart, extra, iconimage) elif mode == 102: Get_Sources(name, url, iconimage, fanart) elif mode == 106: Get_site_link(url, name) elif mode == 103: addon_log("getFavorites") getFavorites() elif mode == 104: addon_log("addFavorite") try: name = name.split('\\ ')[1] except: pass try:
recommendIMDB(imdb, keyword) except: winID = xbmcgui.getCurrentWindowId() cmd = '%s?mode=%d&keyword=%s&imdb=%s&callback=%s' % ( sys.argv[0], _RECOMMEND_IMDB, urllib.quote_plus(keyword), urllib.quote_plus(imdb), 'callback') xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Refresh(%s)' % cmd) cacheToDisc = False doEnd = False elif mode == _PLAYTRAILER: import yt if not yt.PlayVideo(path): utils.DialogOK(GETTEXT(30092)) elif mode == _MAIN: main() else: #do nothing nItem = 1 #make sure at least 1 line is showing to allow context menu to be displayed if nItem < 1: addDir('', _SEPARATOR, thumbnail=BLANK, isFolder=False) if doRefresh: refresh()