Exemplo n.º 1
    def __str__(self):
        head = """
  Update ID : %(update_id)s
    Release : %(release)s
       Type : %(type)s
     Status : %(status)s
     Issued : %(issued)s
""" % self._md

        if self._md['updated'] and self._md['updated'] != self._md['issued']:
            head += "    Updated : %s" % self._md['updated']

        # Add our bugzilla references
        bzs = filter(lambda r: r['type'] == 'bugzilla', self._md['references'])
        if len(bzs):
            buglist = "       Bugs :"
            for bz in bzs:
                buglist += " %s%s\n\t    :" % (bz['id'], 'title' in bz
                                               and ' - %s' % bz['title'] or '')
            head += buglist[:-1].rstrip() + '\n'

        # Add our CVE references
        cves = filter(lambda r: r['type'] == 'cve', self._md['references'])
        if len(cves):
            cvelist = "       CVEs :"
            for cve in cves:
                cvelist += " %s\n\t    :" % cve['id']
            head += cvelist[:-1].rstrip() + '\n'

        if self._md['description'] is not None:
            desc = utf8_text_wrap(self._md['description'],
                                  subsequent_indent=' ' * 12 + ': ')
            head += "Description : %s\n" % '\n'.join(desc)

        #  Get a list of arches we care about:
        #XXX ARCH CHANGE - what happens here if we set the arch - we need to
        # pass this in, perhaps
        arches = set(rpmUtils.arch.getArchList())

        filelist = "      Files :"
        for pkg in self._md['pkglist']:
            for file in pkg['packages']:
                if file['arch'] not in arches:
                filelist += " %s\n\t    :" % file['filename']
        head += filelist[:-1].rstrip()

        return head
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: gui.py Projeto: rbuj/yumex
    def show_update_info(self, upd_info):
        head = ""
        head += ("%14s " % _("Release")) + ": %(release)s\n"
        head += ("%14s " % _("Type")) + ": %(type)s\n"
        head += ("%14s " % _("Status")) + ": %(status)s\n"
        head += ("%14s " % _("Issued")) + ": %(issued)s\n"
        head = head % upd_info

        if upd_info['updated'] and upd_info['updated'] != upd_info['issued']:
            head += "    Updated : %s" % upd_info['updated']

        head = ""

        # Add our bugzilla references
        if upd_info['references']:
            bzs = [ r for r in upd_info['references'] if r and r['type'] == 'bugzilla']
            if len(bzs):
                header = "Bugzilla"
                for bz in bzs:
                    if 'title' in bz and bz['title']:
                        bug_msg = ' - %s' % bz['title']
                        bug_msg = ''
                    self.console.write("%14s : " % header, newline=False)
                    self.console.add_url(bz['id'], self.frontend.settings.bugzilla_url + bz['id'])
                    header = " "

        # Add our CVE references
        if upd_info['references']:
            cves = [ r for r in upd_info['references'] if r and r['type'] == 'cve']
            if len(cves):
                cvelist = ""
                header = "CVE"
                for cve in cves:
                    cvelist += "%14s : %s\n" % (header, cve['id'])
                    header = " "
                head += cvelist[:-1].rstrip() + '\n\n'

        if upd_info['description'] is not None:
            desc = utf8_text_wrap(upd_info['description'], width=64,
                                  subsequent_indent=' ' * 14 + ' : ')
            head += "%14s : %s\n" % (_("Description"), '\n'.join(desc))

        head += "\n"
Exemplo n.º 3
    def text(self, skip_data=('files', 'summary', 'rights', 'solution')):
        head = """
  Update ID : %(update_id)s
    Release : %(release)s
       Type : %(type)s
     Status : %(status)s
     Issued : %(issued)s
""" % self._md

        if self._md['updated'] and self._md['updated'] != self._md['issued']:
            head += "    Updated : %s" % self._md['updated']

        # Add our bugzilla references
        bzs = filter(lambda r: r['type'] == 'bugzilla', self._md['references'])
        if len(bzs) and 'bugs' not in skip_data:
            buglist = "       Bugs :"
            for bz in bzs:
                buglist += " %s%s\n\t    :" % (bz['id'], 'title' in bz
                                               and ' - %s' % bz['title'] or '')
            head += buglist[: - 1].rstrip() + '\n'

        # Add our CVE references
        cves = filter(lambda r: r['type'] == 'cve', self._md['references'])
        if len(cves) and 'cves' not in skip_data:
            cvelist = "       CVEs :"
            for cve in cves:
                cvelist += " %s\n\t    :" % cve['id']
            head += cvelist[: - 1].rstrip() + '\n'

        if self._md['summary'] and 'summary' not in skip_data:
            data = utf8_text_wrap(self._md['summary'], width=64,
                                  subsequent_indent=' ' * 12 + ': ')
            head += "    Summary : %s\n" % '\n'.join(data)

        if self._md['description'] and 'description' not in skip_data:
            desc = utf8_text_wrap(self._md['description'], width=64,
                                  subsequent_indent=' ' * 12 + ': ')
            head += "Description : %s\n" % '\n'.join(desc)

        if self._md['solution'] and 'solution' not in skip_data:
            data = utf8_text_wrap(self._md['solution'], width=64,
                                  subsequent_indent=' ' * 12 + ': ')
            head += "   Solution : %s\n" % '\n'.join(data)

        if self._md['rights'] and 'rights' not in skip_data:
            data = utf8_text_wrap(self._md['rights'], width=64,
                                  subsequent_indent=' ' * 12 + ': ')
            head += "     Rights : %s\n" % '\n'.join(data)

        if self._md['severity'] and 'severity' not in skip_data:
            data = utf8_text_wrap(self._md['severity'], width=64,
                                  subsequent_indent=' ' * 12 + ': ')
            head += "   Severity : %s\n" % '\n'.join(data)

        if 'files' in skip_data:
            return head[:-1] # chop the last '\n'

        #  Get a list of arches we care about:
        #XXX ARCH CHANGE - what happens here if we set the arch - we need to
        # pass this in, perhaps
        arches = set(rpmUtils.arch.getArchList())

        filelist = "      Files :"
        for pkg in self._md['pkglist']:
            for file in pkg['packages']:
                if file['arch'] not in arches:
                filelist += " %s\n\t    :" % file['filename']
        head += filelist[: - 1].rstrip()

        return head
Exemplo n.º 4
    def text(self, skip_data=('files', )):
        head = """
  Update ID : %(update_id)s
    Release : %(release)s
       Type : %(type)s
     Status : %(status)s
     Issued : %(issued)s
""" % self._md

        if self._md['updated'] and self._md['updated'] != self._md['issued']:
            head += "    Updated : %s" % self._md['updated']

        # Add our bugzilla references
        bzs = filter(lambda r: r['type'] == 'bugzilla', self._md['references'])
        if len(bzs) and 'bugs' not in skip_data:
            buglist = "       Bugs :"
            for bz in bzs:
                buglist += " %s%s\n\t    :" % (bz['id'], bz.has_key('title')
                                               and ' - %s' % bz['title'] or '')
            head += buglist[:-1].rstrip() + '\n'

        # Add our CVE references
        cves = filter(lambda r: r['type'] == 'cve', self._md['references'])
        if len(cves) and 'cves' not in skip_data:
            cvelist = "       CVEs :"
            for cve in cves:
                cvelist += " %s\n\t    :" % cve['id']
            head += cvelist[:-1].rstrip() + '\n'

        if self._md['summary'] and 'summary' not in skip_data:
            data = utf8_text_wrap(self._md['summary'],
                                  subsequent_indent=' ' * 12 + ': ')
            head += "    Summary : %s\n" % '\n'.join(data)

        if self._md['description'] and 'description' not in skip_data:
            desc = utf8_text_wrap(self._md['description'],
                                  subsequent_indent=' ' * 12 + ': ')
            head += "Description : %s\n" % '\n'.join(desc)

        if self._md['solution'] and 'solution' not in skip_data:
            data = utf8_text_wrap(self._md['solution'],
                                  subsequent_indent=' ' * 12 + ': ')
            head += "   Solution : %s\n" % '\n'.join(data)

        if self._md['rights'] and 'rights' not in skip_data:
            data = utf8_text_wrap(self._md['rights'],
                                  subsequent_indent=' ' * 12 + ': ')
            head += "     Rights : %s\n" % '\n'.join(data)

        if self._md['severity'] and 'severity' not in skip_data:
            data = utf8_text_wrap(self._md['severity'],
                                  subsequent_indent=' ' * 12 + ': ')
            head += "   Severity : %s\n" % '\n'.join(data)

        if 'files' in skip_data:
            return head[:-1]  # chop the last '\n'

        #  Get a list of arches we care about:
        arches = set(rpmUtils.arch.getArchList())

        filelist = "      Files :"
        for pkg in self._md['pkglist']:
            for file in pkg['packages']:
                if file['arch'] not in arches:
                filelist += " %s\n\t    :" % file['filename']
        head += filelist[:-1].rstrip()

        return head
Exemplo n.º 5
    def text(self, skip_data=("files", "summary", "rights", "solution")):
        head = (
  Update ID : %(update_id)s
    Release : %(release)s
       Type : %(type)s
     Status : %(status)s
     Issued : %(issued)s
            % self._md

        if self._md["updated"] and self._md["updated"] != self._md["issued"]:
            head += "    Updated : %s" % self._md["updated"]

        # Add our bugzilla references
        bzs = filter(lambda r: r["type"] == "bugzilla", self._md["references"])
        if len(bzs) and "bugs" not in skip_data:
            buglist = "       Bugs :"
            for bz in bzs:
                buglist += " %s%s\n\t    :" % (bz["id"], "title" in bz and " - %s" % bz["title"] or "")
            head += buglist[:-1].rstrip() + "\n"

        # Add our CVE references
        cves = filter(lambda r: r["type"] == "cve", self._md["references"])
        if len(cves) and "cves" not in skip_data:
            cvelist = "       CVEs :"
            for cve in cves:
                cvelist += " %s\n\t    :" % cve["id"]
            head += cvelist[:-1].rstrip() + "\n"

        if self._md["summary"] and "summary" not in skip_data:
            data = utf8_text_wrap(self._md["summary"], width=64, subsequent_indent=" " * 12 + ": ")
            head += "    Summary : %s\n" % "\n".join(data)

        if self._md["description"] and "description" not in skip_data:
            desc = utf8_text_wrap(self._md["description"], width=64, subsequent_indent=" " * 12 + ": ")
            head += "Description : %s\n" % "\n".join(desc)

        if self._md["solution"] and "solution" not in skip_data:
            data = utf8_text_wrap(self._md["solution"], width=64, subsequent_indent=" " * 12 + ": ")
            head += "   Solution : %s\n" % "\n".join(data)

        if self._md["rights"] and "rights" not in skip_data:
            data = utf8_text_wrap(self._md["rights"], width=64, subsequent_indent=" " * 12 + ": ")
            head += "     Rights : %s\n" % "\n".join(data)

        if self._md["severity"] and "severity" not in skip_data:
            data = utf8_text_wrap(self._md["severity"], width=64, subsequent_indent=" " * 12 + ": ")
            head += "   Severity : %s\n" % "\n".join(data)

        if "files" in skip_data:
            return head[:-1]  # chop the last '\n'

        #  Get a list of arches we care about:
        # XXX ARCH CHANGE - what happens here if we set the arch - we need to
        # pass this in, perhaps
        arches = set(rpmUtils.arch.getArchList())

        filelist = "      Files :"
        for pkg in self._md["pkglist"]:
            for file in pkg["packages"]:
                if file["arch"] not in arches:
                filelist += " %s\n\t    :" % file["filename"]
        head += filelist[:-1].rstrip()

        return head