Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: smt.py Projeto: LRGH/amoco
def op_to_z3(e, slv=None):
    "translate op expression into its z3 form"
    l, r = e.l, e.r
    op = e.op
    if op.symbol == ">>":
        op = z3.LShR
    elif op.symbol == "//":
        op = operator.rshift
    elif op.symbol == ">>>":
        op = z3.RotateRight
    elif op.symbol == "<<<":
        op = z3.RotateLeft
    elif op.symbol == "**":
        l = l.zeroextend(2 * l.size)
        r = r.zeroextend(2 * r.size)
        op = (l * r).op
    z3l = l.to_smtlib(slv)
    z3r = r.to_smtlib(slv)
    if z3.is_bool(z3l):
        z3l = _bool2bv1(z3l)
    if z3.is_bool(z3r):
        z3r = _bool2bv1(z3r)
    if z3l.size() != z3r.size():
        greatest = max(z3l.size(), z3r.size())
        z3l = z3.ZeroExt(greatest - z3l.size(), z3l)
        z3r = z3.ZeroExt(greatest - z3r.size(), z3r)
    res = op(z3l, z3r)
    if z3.is_bool(res):
        res = _bool2bv1(res)
    return res
Exemplo n.º 2
def op_to_z3(e, slv=None):
    l, r = e.l, e.r
    op = e.op
    if op.symbol == '>>': op = z3.LShR
    elif op.symbol == '//': op = operator.rshift
    elif op.symbol == '>>>': op = z3.RotateRight
    elif op.symbol == '<<<': op = z3.RotateLeft
    elif op.symbol == '**':
        l = l.zeroextend(2 * l.size)
        r = r.zeroextend(2 * r.size)
        op = (l * r).op
    z3l = l.to_smtlib(slv)
    z3r = r.to_smtlib(slv)
    if z3.is_bool(z3l):
        z3l = _bool2bv1(z3l)
    if z3.is_bool(z3r):
        z3r = _bool2bv1(z3r)
    if z3l.size() != z3r.size():
        greatest = max(z3l.size(), z3r.size())
        z3l = z3.ZeroExt(greatest - z3l.size(), z3l)
        z3r = z3.ZeroExt(greatest - z3r.size(), z3r)
    res = op(z3l, z3r)
    if z3.is_bool(res):
        res = _bool2bv1(res)
    return res
Exemplo n.º 3
    def visitCompare(self, node):
        children = node.getChildren()
        if len(children) == 3:
            left = node.getChildren()[0]
            op = str(node.getChildren()[1])
            if op == "==" or op == "!=":
                right = node.getChildren()[2]
                left_z3 = self.visit(left)
                right_z3 = self.visit(right)
                if z3.is_string(left_z3) and z3.is_string(
                        right_z3) or z3.is_bool(left_z3) and z3.is_bool(
                    if op == "==":
                        result = z3.simplify(
                            z3.Not(z3.Distinct(left_z3, right_z3)))
                        return result
                    elif op == "!=":
                        # sys.stderr.write("%s != %s\n" % (left_z3, right_z3))
                        result = z3.simplify(z3.Distinct(left_z3, right_z3))
                        return result
                # elif z3.is_string(left_z3) and z3.is_bool(right_z3):
                #   if op == "==":
                #     pass
                #   elif op == "!=":
                #     pass
                # elif z3.is_bool(left_z3) and z3.is_string(right_z3):
                #   if op == "==":
                #     pass
                #   elif op == "!=":
                #     pass

        # this expression is not supported, so make a predicate variable for it
        predicate = str(node)
        return z3.Bool("PREDICATE_%s" % (predicate))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def xor(self, ctx, return_type, a, atype, b, btype):
        assert atype == return_type
        assert atype == btype

        if z3.is_bool(a) or z3.is_bool(b):
            a = util.as_bool(a)
            b = util.as_bool(b)
            assert return_type.size() == 1
            return z3.Xor(a, b)
            return a ^ b
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: smt.py Projeto: LRGH/amoco
def vec_to_z3(e, slv=None):
    "translate vec expression into z3 Or form"
    # flatten vec:
    # translate vec list to z3:
    beqs = []
    for x in e.l:
        zx = x.to_smtlib()
    if len(beqs) == 0:
        return exp(e.size)
    if slv is None:
        # if no solver is provided, it needs to be
        # a list of boolean equations
        if all([z3.is_bool(x) for x in beqs]):
            if len(beqs) == 1:
                return beqs[0]
            return z3.Or(*beqs)
            return top_to_z3(top(e.size))
        # if the solver is provided (default)
        # then a new local variable is added which
        # should equal one of the z3 expression.
        var = newvar("_var", e, slv)
        slv.solver.add(z3.Or([var == x for x in beqs]))
    return var
Exemplo n.º 6
 def visitNot(self, node):
     # sys.stderr.write("not %s\n" % (str(node)))
     operand = self.visit(node.expr)
     if z3.is_bool(operand):
         return z3.Not(operand)
         return z3.BoolVal(True)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def checkFormat(self, formula):
        """Check if the formula for a given predicate is of the supported format
			Supported formats include: 1. A Bool Ref such as A_x
									   2. An Arithmetic Ref such as a <= x or x <= a where a is number and x is Real/IntRef
									   3. An Arithmetic Ref such as a >= x or x >= a where a is number and x is Real/IntRef

        nbGroundAtoms = self.countGroundAtoms(formula)
        if not z3.is_bool(formula):
            raise Exception(
                "Predicate formula is not Bool: {}".format(formula))

        #print("Bool formula: {},{},{}, nbGroundAtoms: {}".format(formula, type(formula), formula.children(),nbGroundAtoms))
        if len(formula.children()) == 0:
            #print("Boring old Variables such as A_x")
            return False
        if len(formula.children()) == 2:
            if nbGroundAtoms == 1:
                if z3.is_le(formula) or z3.is_ge(formula):
                    #print("Two Children, and <= or => and nbGroundAtoms == 1")
                    return True
                    raise Exception("Not supported expression type f: {}, type: {}, nbGroundAtoms: {}".format(\
                     formula,type(formula), nbGroundAtoms))
                raise AbstractionCondition(
                    "Not supported number of groundVariables: {}, nbGroundAtoms: {}"
                    .format(formula, nbGroundAtoms))
            raise Exception("Predicate formula has an unsupported number of children: {}, type: {}, nbChidren: {}".format(\
Exemplo n.º 8
    def getNearestFeasible(self, coord):
        # get the variables corresponding to the axis names
        for i in self.axis_names:
            locals()[i] = Globals.z3variables[i]

        # Convert into parameters
        rpp = self.search.coordToPerfParams(coord)
        for i, name in enumerate(self.axis_names):
            if not self.z3IsNumeric(i):
                rpp[name] = Globals.z3types[name].index(rpp[name])

        # create a new scope

        # Get a possible point that minimizes the 1-norm distance to this random point
        # forget the booleans

        l = []
        for name in self.axis_names:
            if not z3.is_bool(locals()[name]):
                l.append(self.z3abs(locals()[name] - rpp[name]))
        definition = z3.Sum(l)
        # For some reason, it does not work with a list comprehension.
        #        self.optim.minimize( z3.Sum( [ self.z3abs( locals()[name] - rpp[name] )for name in self.axis_names  if not z3.is_bool( locals()[name] ) ] ) )
        if z3.unsat == self.optim.check():
            return None
        model = self.optim.model()

        # restore the state (exit the scope)
        return self.z3ToPoint(model)
Exemplo n.º 9
def is_atom(a):
    Check if the input formula is an atom. In FOL, atoms are
    defined as atom := t1 = t2 | R(t1,..,tn) where ti are terms.
    In addition, this function also allows Bool variable to
    be terms (in propositional logic, a bool variable is considered term)


    >>> from z3 import *
    >>> is_atom(3)

    >>> is_atom(Bool('b'))

    >>> is_atom(Int('x'))

    >>> is_atom(TRUE)

    >>> is_atom(FALSE)

    >>> is_atom(Int('x') + Int('y') > 3)

    >>> is_atom(Bool('x') == TRUE)

    >>> is_atom(Int('x') == 3)

    >>> is_atom(IntVal(3))

    >>> is_atom(Not(TRUE))

    >>> is_atom(Or(TRUE,FALSE))

    >>> is_atom(Or(Bool('b'),Bool('y')))


    if not is_bool(a):
        return False

    if is_expr_val(a):
        return False

    if is_expr_var(a):
        return True

    return is_app(a) and a.decl().kind() not in CONNECTIVE_OPS and\
                all(is_term(c) for c in a.children())
Exemplo n.º 10
def conjuncts(exp):
    assert z3.is_bool(exp)
    if z3.is_and(exp):
        for i in range(exp.num_args()):
            yield exp.arg(i)
        yield exp
Exemplo n.º 11
def is_term(a):
    Check if the input formula is a term. In FOL, terms are
    defined as term := const | var | f(t1,...,tn) where ti are terms.


    >>> from z3 import *
    >>> assert is_term(TRUE)
    >>> assert is_term(Bool('x'))
    >>> assert not is_term(And(Bool('x'),Bool('y')))
    >>> assert not is_term(And(Bool('x'),Not(Bool('y'))))
    >>> assert is_term(IntVal(3))
    >>> assert is_term(Int('x'))
    >>> assert is_term(Int('x') + Int('y'))
    >>> assert not is_term(Int('x') + Int('y') > 3)
    >>> assert not is_term(And(Int('x')==0,Int('y')==3))
    >>> assert not is_term(Int('x')==0)
    >>> assert not is_term(3)
    >>> assert not is_term(Bool('x') == (Int('y')==Int('z')))

    if not is_expr(a):
        return False

    if is_const(a):  #covers both const value and var
        return True
    else:  #covers f(t1,..,tn)
        return not is_bool(a) and all(is_term(c) for c in a.children())
Exemplo n.º 12
def simplify_z3_constraints(constraints):
    Simplifies the constraint list, only by expressions that can be determined to evaluate to a a specific boolean value
    :param constraints:
    simp_const = constraints
    # Currently not running the individual simplification algorithm on every simplification call for
    # simp_const = simplify_constraints_individually(constraints)
    simp_const = list(
        filter(lambda c: not is_bool(c) or not is_true(c), simp_const))
    falses = list(filter(lambda c: is_bool(c) and is_false(c), simp_const))
    if len(falses) > 0:
        return [deepcopy(falses[0])]

    return simp_const
Exemplo n.º 13
def elim_bool_ite(exp):
    if z3.is_quantifier(exp):
        (qvars, matrix) = strip_qblock(exp)
        matrix = elim_bool_ite(matrix)
        if exp.is_forall():
            e = z3.ForAll(qvars, matrix)
            e = z3.Exists(qvars, matrix)
        return e
    if not z3.is_bool(exp): return exp
    if z3.is_true(exp) or z3.is_false(exp): return exp
    assert z3.is_app(exp)
    decl = exp.decl()
    args = map(elim_bool_ite, exp.children())
    # need to worry about And and Or because they can take >2 args and
    # decl(*args) doesn't seem to work with the py interface
    if z3.is_and(exp):
        return z3.And(*args)
    elif z3.is_or(exp):
        return z3.Or(*args)
    elif is_ite(exp):
        impl1 = z3.Implies(args[0], args[1])
        impl2 = z3.Implies(z3.Not(args[0]), args[2])
        return z3.And(impl1, impl2)
        return decl(*args)
Exemplo n.º 14
Arquivo: z3eval.py Projeto: ekiwi/irpy
 def sext(self, ctx, return_type, a, atype, **kwargs):
     outsize = itypes.integer_size(return_type)
     insize = itypes.integer_size(atype)
     assert outsize > insize
     if z3.is_bool(a):
         return util.If(a, z3.BitVecVal(1, outsize), z3.BitVecVal(0, outsize))
     return z3.SignExt(outsize - insize, a)
Exemplo n.º 15
Arquivo: smt.py Projeto: LRGH/amoco
def cast_z3_bool(x, slv=None):
    "translate boolean expression into its z3 bool form"
    b = x.to_smtlib(slv)
    if not z3.is_bool(b):
        assert b.size() == 1
        b = b == z3.BitVecVal(1, 1)
    return b
Exemplo n.º 16
def _is_literal(z3ast):
    if z3.is_int(z3ast):
        return z3.is_int_value(z3ast)
    if z3.is_bool(z3ast):
        return z3.is_true(z3ast) or z3.is_false(z3ast)
    if z3ast.sort_kind() == z3.Z3_UNINTERPRETED_SORT:
        return z3.is_const(z3ast) and '!' in str(z3ast)
    raise NotImplementedError('Don\'t know how to literal-check %s' % z3ast)
Exemplo n.º 17
def uop_to_z3(e,solver=None):
    r = e.r
    op = e.op
    z3r = r.to_smtlib(solver)
    if z3.is_bool(z3r):
        z3r = _bool2bv1(z3r)
    return op(z3r)
Exemplo n.º 18
def _is_literal(z3ast):
    if z3.is_int(z3ast):
        return z3.is_int_value(z3ast)
    if z3.is_bool(z3ast):
        return z3.is_true(z3ast) or z3.is_false(z3ast)
    if z3ast.sort_kind() == z3.Z3_UNINTERPRETED_SORT:
        return z3.is_const(z3ast) and '!' in str(z3ast)
    raise NotImplementedError('Don\'t know how to literal-check %s' % z3ast)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def get(self, v):
     assert self._model is not None
     assert type(v) is Z3BoolRef
     v = self._model.eval(v.val, model_completion=True)
     assert z3.is_bool(v)
     t = z3.is_true(v)
     f = z3.is_false(v)
     assert t or f, f'bad {v}'
     return int(t)
Exemplo n.º 20
Arquivo: smt.py Projeto: LRGH/amoco
def uop_to_z3(e, slv=None):
    "translate uop expression into its z3 form"
    r = e.r
    op = e.op
    z3r = r.to_smtlib(slv)
    if z3.is_bool(z3r):
        z3r = _bool2bv1(z3r)
    return op(z3r)
Exemplo n.º 21
Arquivo: smt.py Projeto: LRGH/amoco
def cast_z3_bv(x, slv=None):
    translate expression x to its z3 form, if x.size==1 the
    returned formula is (If x ? 1 : 0).
    b = x.to_smtlib(slv)
    if z3.is_bool(b):
        b = z3.If(b, z3.BitVecVal(1, 1), z3.BitVecVal(0, 1))
    return b
Exemplo n.º 22
def simplify_constraints(constraints):
    Simplifies the list of constraints, as well as the constraints individually.
    :param constraints: in Annotary representation, z3 constraints and metadata.
    :return: the simplified constraints.
    for const in constraints:
    # Todo simplification of the sum of constraints
    simp_const = list(
            lambda c: not is_bool(c.constraint) or not is_true(c.constraint),
    falses = list(
        filter(lambda c: is_bool(c.constraint) and is_false(c.constraint),
    if len(falses) > 0:
        return [deepcopy(falses[0])]
    return simp_const
Exemplo n.º 23
 def _enc_bool_expr(self, c):
     if z3.is_bool(c):
         return c
     elif isinstance(c, bool):
         return c
     elif isinstance(c, VerifierBoolExpr):
         return self._enc_verifier_bool_expr(c)
         raise RuntimeError("unsupported expression of type " +
Exemplo n.º 24
def op_to_z3(e, solver=None):
    l, r = e.l, e.r
    op = e.op
    if op.symbol == '>>': op = z3.LShR
    elif op.symbol == '//': op = operator.rshift
    elif op.symbol == '>>>': op = z3.RotateRight
    elif op.symbol == '<<<': op = z3.RotateLeft
    z3l = l.to_smtlib(solver)
    z3r = r.to_smtlib(solver)
    if z3.is_bool(z3l):
        z3l = _bool2bv1(z3l)
    if z3.is_bool(z3r):
        z3r = _bool2bv1(z3r)
    if z3l.size() != z3r.size():
        greatest = max(z3l.size(), z3r.size())
        z3l = z3.ZeroExt(greatest - z3l.size(), z3l)
        z3r = z3.ZeroExt(greatest - z3r.size(), z3r)
    return op(z3l, z3r)
Exemplo n.º 25
 def visitOr(self, node):
     # sys.stderr.write("or %s\n" % (str(node)))
     children = node.getChildren()
     # sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % str(children))
     operands = [self.visit(child) for child in children]
     # sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % str(operands))
     # for child in operands:
     #   sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % str(child))
     #   sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % str(z3.is_bool(child)))
     operands = [(child if z3.is_bool(child) else z3.BoolVal(False))
                 for child in operands]
     return z3.Or(operands)
Exemplo n.º 26
def resolveOpsOnParent(op_obj, types):
    # this is parent or nothing
    if len(op_obj['old_ops']) < 1:
        return None
    val = createZ3ExpressionFromConstraint({'identifier': op_obj['old_identifier'], 'ops': op_obj['old_ops']}, types)

    if val is None or (val.decl().kind() == z3.Z3_OP_UNINTERPRETED and not z3.is_array(val)):
        # this is the case when the parent elems have no ops on them
        return None
    if z3.is_bool(val) and len(val.children()) and val.children()[0].decl().kind() == z3.Z3_OP_UNINTERPRETED:
        return None
    val = transformNonBooleanLazyEvaluations(val)
    return val
Exemplo n.º 27
def unveil(solver, item, phase=0):
    if type(item) == list:
        for i in item:
            indent = lambda n: ''.join(['\t'] * (n))
            if type(i) != list: i = ["else", i]
            if is_bool(i[1]):
                print(indent(phase), i[0], '->', evaluate(solver, i[1]))
                print(indent(phase), i[0], '->')
                unveil(solver, i[1], phase + 1)
        if is_bool(item):
            return item
        elif is_as_array(item):
            return unveil(solver, as_list(solver, item), phase)
        elif item.decl().name() == 'if':
            return unveil(solver, [list(i) for i in zip(ITE, item.children())],
        elif is_ast(item):
            return unveil(solver, evaluate(solver, item), phase)
            return "#unspecified"
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_feature(pred, test_case, cache):
    pred_smt = cache[test_case.type_model]
  except KeyError:
    smt = Encoder(test_case.type_model)
    pre = smt(pred)
    assert not (pre.defined or pre.nonpoison or pre.aux or pre.qvars)
    pred_smt = (pre.safe, pre.value)
    cache[test_case.type_model] = pred_smt

  if pred_smt[0]:
    safe = z3.simplify(z3.substitute(mk_and(pred_smt[0]), *test_case.values))
    assert z3.is_bool(safe)
    if z3.is_false(safe):
      return UNSAFE

  e = z3.simplify(z3.substitute(pred_smt[1], *test_case.values))
  assert z3.is_bool(e)
  if z3.is_true(e):
    return ACCEPT

  return REJECT
Exemplo n.º 29
    def quantifier_free(self, formula):
        term = self.convert(formula)
        if not z3.is_bool(term):
            return term
        if term in self.cache_qf:
            return self.cache_qf[term]
        simplifier = z3.Tactic('simplify')
        eliminator = z3.Tactic('qe')
        res = term
        res = simplifier(res,   elim_and=True,
        res = eliminator(res).as_expr()
#         print(term, " -> ", res)
        self.cache_qf[term] = res
        return res
Exemplo n.º 30
def createZ3ForBool(var):
    if z3.is_int(var):
        return var != z3.IntVal(0)
    elif z3.is_string(var):
        return var != z3.StringVal('')
    elif z3.is_array(var):
        return z3.BoolVal(True)
    elif z3.is_bool(var):
        return var
    elif var is None:
        # this should be the case when we have a JSON value that is just inside a conditional etc
        return None
    elif z3.is_seq(var):
        # not string but still something ref-like we only found cases where this was string comparisons using <, >, etc.
        return var
        raise Exception('unhandled type in uninterpreted if')
Exemplo n.º 31
    def __init__(self, input_module: InputModule, forall_mode: ForallMode, smt_program):
        self.variables = input_module.variables.values()
        self.forall_mode = forall_mode
        self.input_module = input_module
        self.smt_program = smt_program
        self._function_types: Dict[int, Any] = dict()
        self._z3_var_list = [var.variable for var in self.variables]
        self._z3_sorts = [
            z3_variable.sort() for z3_variable in self._z3_var_list

        self._z3_local_var_list = [
            Bool("var_" + str(var)) if is_bool(var) else INPUTPROGRAM.INT_CTOR("var_" + str(var))
            for var in self._z3_var_list
        self._z3_local_subst = [(old_var, self._z3_local_var_list[i])
                                for i, old_var in enumerate(self._z3_var_list)]
        self.macro_substs = self._get_macro_substs(input_module)
Exemplo n.º 32
def conjuncts (exp) :
  assert z3.is_bool (exp)
  if z3.is_and (exp) :
    for i in range (exp.num_args ()) :
      yield exp.arg (i)
  else : yield exp
Exemplo n.º 33
def get_conjuncts (exp) :
  assert z3.is_bool (exp)
  if z3.is_and (exp) : return exp.children ()
  else : return [exp]