Exemplo n.º 1
def ImageFieldWidget(field, request):
    image = FieldWidget(field, ImageWidget(request))
    image.value = field.title
    # Get the full resource URL for the image:
    site = hooks.getSite()
    image.src = unicode(zope.traversing.api.traverse(site, "++resource++" + field.image, request=request)())
    return image
Exemplo n.º 2
def ImageFieldWidget(field, request):
    image = FieldWidget(field, ImageWidget(request))
    image.value = field.title
    # Get the full resource URL for the image:
    site = hooks.getSite()
    image.src = util.toUnicode(zope.traversing.api.traverse(
        site, '++resource++' + field.image, request=request)())
    return image
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_widget_values(self):
        from plone.app.widgets.dx import RichTextWidget
        from plone.app.textfield.value import RichTextValue

        widget = FieldWidget(self.field, RichTextWidget(self.request))
        # set the context so we can get tinymce settings
        widget.context = self.portal
        widget.value = RichTextValue(u'Lorem ipsum \u2026')
        base_args = widget._base_args()
        self.assertEquals(base_args['value'], u'Lorem ipsum \u2026')
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_dx_tinymcewidget_multiple_mimetypes_edit(self):
        """A RichTextWidget with multiple available mimetypes should render a
        mimetype selection widget along with the textfield. When there is
        already a RichTextValue, it's mimetype should be preselected.
        if IMarkupSchema:
            # if not, don't run this test
            self._set_mimetypes(allowed=('text/html', 'text/plain'))
            from plone.app.z3cform.widget import RichTextWidget
            from plone.app.textfield.value import RichTextValue
            widget = FieldWidget(self.field, RichTextWidget(self.request))
            # set the context so we can get tinymce settings
            widget.context = self.portal
            widget.value = RichTextValue(u'Hello world', mimeType='text/plain')
            rendered = widget.render()

            self.assertTrue('<select' in rendered)
            self.assertTrue('pat-textareamimetypeselector' in rendered)
            self.assertTrue('data-pat-textareamimetypeselector' in rendered)
                '<option value="text/plain" selected="selected">' in rendered)
            self.assertTrue('pat-tinymce' not in rendered)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_dx_tinymcewidget_multiple_mimetypes_edit(self):
        """A RichTextWidget with multiple available mimetypes should render a
        mimetype selection widget along with the textfield. When there is
        already a RichTextValue, it's mimetype should be preselected.
        if IMarkupSchema:
            # if not, don't run this test
            self._set_mimetypes(allowed=('text/html', 'text/plain'))
            from plone.app.z3cform.widget import RichTextWidget
            from plone.app.textfield.value import RichTextValue
            widget = FieldWidget(self.field, RichTextWidget(self.request))
            # set the context so we can get tinymce settings
            widget.context = self.portal
            widget.value = RichTextValue(u'Hello world', mimeType='text/plain')
            rendered = widget.render()

            self.assertTrue('<select' in rendered)
            self.assertTrue('pat-textareamimetypeselector' in rendered)
            self.assertTrue('data-pat-textareamimetypeselector' in rendered)
                '<option value="text/plain" selected="selected">' in rendered)
            self.assertTrue('pat-tinymce' not in rendered)
Exemplo n.º 6
def ButtonFieldWidget(field, request):
    button = FieldWidget(field, ButtonWidget(request))
    button.value = field.title
    return button
Exemplo n.º 7
def SubmitFieldWidget(field, request):
    submit = FieldWidget(field, SubmitWidget(request))
    submit.value = field.title
    return submit