Exemplo n.º 1
def tree(grp, expand=False, level=None):
    """Provide a ``print``-able display of the hierarchy. This function is provided
    mainly as a convenience for obtaining a tree view of an h5py group - zarr groups
    have a ``.tree()`` method.

    grp : Group
        Zarr or h5py group.
    expand : bool, optional
        Only relevant for HTML representation. If True, tree will be fully expanded.
    level : int, optional
        Maximum depth to descend into hierarchy.

    >>> import zarr
    >>> g1 = zarr.group()
    >>> g2 = g1.create_group('foo')
    >>> g3 = g1.create_group('bar')
    >>> g4 = g3.create_group('baz')
    >>> g5 = g3.create_group('qux')
    >>> d1 = g5.create_dataset('baz', shape=100, chunks=10)
    >>> g1.tree()
     ├── bar
     │   ├── baz
     │   └── qux
     │       └── baz (100,) float64
     └── foo
    >>> import h5py
    >>> h5f = h5py.File('data/example.h5', mode='w')
    >>> zarr.copy_all(g1, h5f)
    (5, 0, 800)
    >>> zarr.tree(h5f)
     ├── bar
     │   ├── baz
     │   └── qux
     │       └── baz (100,) float64
     └── foo

    See Also

    Please note that this is an experimental feature. The behaviour of this
    function is still evolving and the default output and/or parameters may change
    in future versions.


    return TreeViewer(grp, expand=expand, level=level)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def tree(self, expand=False, level=None):
        """Provide a ``print``-able display of the hierarchy.

        expand : bool, optional
            Only relevant for HTML representation. If True, tree will be fully expanded.
        level : int, optional
            Maximum depth to descend into hierarchy.

        >>> import zarr
        >>> g1 = zarr.group()
        >>> g2 = g1.create_group('foo')
        >>> g3 = g1.create_group('bar')
        >>> g4 = g3.create_group('baz')
        >>> g5 = g3.create_group('quux')
        >>> d1 = g5.create_dataset('baz', shape=100, chunks=10)
        >>> g1.tree()
         ├── bar
         │   ├── baz
         │   └── quux
         │       └── baz (100,) float64
         └── foo
        >>> g1.tree(level=2)
         ├── bar
         │   ├── baz
         │   └── quux
         └── foo
        >>> g3.tree()
         ├── baz
         └── quux
             └── baz (100,) float64

        Please note that this is an experimental feature. The behaviour of this
        function is still evolving and the default output and/or parameters may change
        in future versions.


        return TreeViewer(self, expand=expand, level=level)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def tree(self, expand=False, level=None):
        """Provide a ``print``-able display of the hierarchy.

        expand : bool, optional
            Only relevant for HTML representation. If True, tree will be fully expanded.
        level : int, optional
            Maximum depth to descend into hierarchy.

        >>> import zarr
        >>> g1 = zarr.group()
        >>> g2 = g1.create_group('foo')
        >>> g3 = g1.create_group('bar')
        >>> g4 = g3.create_group('baz')
        >>> g5 = g3.create_group('quux')
        >>> d1 = g5.create_dataset('baz', shape=100, chunks=10)
        >>> g1.tree()
         ├── bar
         │   ├── baz
         │   └── quux
         │       └── baz (100,) float64
         └── foo
        >>> g1.tree(level=2)
         ├── bar
         │   ├── baz
         │   └── quux
         └── foo
        >>> g3.tree()
         ├── baz
         └── quux
             └── baz (100,) float64


        return TreeViewer(self, expand=expand, level=level)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __str__(self):
        """ Generate the string for printing """
        affine = np.array(self.voxel_to_rasmm, dtype=np.float32)
        dimensions = np.array(self.dimensions, dtype=np.uint16)
        vox_sizes = np.array(voxel_sizes(affine), dtype=np.float32)
        vox_order = ''.join(aff2axcodes(affine))

        text = 'VOXEL_TO_RASMM: \n{}'.format(
                            formatter={'float_kind': lambda x: "%.6f" % x}))
        text += '\nDIMENSIONS: {}'.format(np.array2string(dimensions))
        text += '\nVOX_SIZES: {}'.format(
                            formatter={'float_kind': lambda x: "%.2f" % x}))
        text += '\nVOX_ORDER: {}'.format(vox_order)

        text += '\nNB_STREAMLINES: {}'.format(self.nb_streamlines)
        text += '\nNB_POINTS: {}'.format(self.nb_points)

        text += '\n' + TreeViewer(self._zcontainer).__unicode__()

        return text
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, group, expand=False, level=None):
     TreeViewer.__init__(self, group, expand, level)