def test_create_delete_workspace(self): y = Zenoh.login(ZSERVER) admin = y.admin() stid = '123' admin.add_storage(stid, {'selector': '/myzenoh/**'}) time.sleep(1) # TODO remove workspace = y.workspace('/myzenoh') self.assertEqual(workspace.path, Path('/myzenoh')) admin.remove_storage(stid) y.logout()
def test_create_delete_storage(self): y = Zenoh.login(ZSERVER) admin = y.admin() stid = '123' res1 = admin.add_storage(stid, {'selector': '/myzenoh/**'}) time.sleep(1) # TODO remove res2 = admin.remove_storage(stid) y.logout() self.assertTrue(res1) self.assertTrue(res2)
def test_put_get_remove(self): y = Zenoh.login(ZSERVER) admin = y.admin() stid = '123' admin.add_storage(stid, {'selector': '/myzenoh/**'}) time.sleep(1) # TODO remove workspace = y.workspace('/myzenoh') d = Value('hello!', encoding=Encoding.STRING) self.assertTrue(workspace.put('/myzenoh/key1', d)) data = workspace.get('/myzenoh/key1')[0] self.assertEqual(data.get_value(), d) self.assertEqual(data.get_path(), '/myzenoh/key1') self.assertTrue(workspace.remove('/myzenoh/key1')) self.assertEqual(workspace.get('/myzenoh/key1'), []) admin.remove_storage(stid) y.logout()
def test__big_put_get_remove(self): y = Zenoh.login('') admin = y.admin() stid = '123' admin.add_storage(stid, {'selector': '/myzenoh/**'}) time.sleep(1) # TODO remove workspace = y.workspace('/myzenoh') for i in range(0, 100): v = 'x{}'.format(i) * 512 workspace.put('/myzenoh/big/{}'.format(i), Value(v, encoding=Encoding.STRING)) dataset = workspace.get('/myzenoh/big/**') self.assertEqual(len(dataset), 100) admin.remove_storage(stid) y.logout()
def test_eval(self): y = Zenoh.login(ZSERVER) admin = y.admin() stid = '123' admin.add_storage(stid, {'selector': '/myzenoh/**'}) time.sleep(1) # TODO remove workspace = y.workspace('/myzenoh') def cb(path, args): return Value('{} World!'.format(args['hello']), encoding=Encoding.STRING) workspace.register_eval('/myzenoh/key1', cb) dataset = workspace.get('/myzenoh/key1?(hello=mondo)') self.assertEqual(dataset[0].get_path(), '/myzenoh/key1') self.assertEqual(dataset[0].get_value(), Value('mondo World!', encoding=Encoding.STRING)) workspace.unregister_eval('/myzenoh/key1') admin.remove_storage(stid) y.logout()
def test_sub_remove(self): y = Zenoh.login(ZSERVER) admin = y.admin() stid = '123' admin.add_storage(stid, {'selector': '/myzenoh/**'}) time.sleep(1) # TODO remove workspace = y.workspace('/myzenoh') local_var = mvar.MVar() workspace.put('/myzenoh/key1', Value('123', encoding=Encoding.STRING)) def cb(kvs): self.assertEqual(kvs[0].get_path(), '/myzenoh/key1') self.assertEqual(kvs[0].get_kind(), ChangeKind.REMOVE) local_var.put(kvs) sid = workspace.subscribe('/myzenoh/key1', cb) workspace.remove('/myzenoh/key1') self.assertTrue(workspace.unsubscribe(sid)) admin.remove_storage(stid) y.logout()
description='Produces float values') parser.add_argument('--path', '-p', dest='path', default='/zenoh/examples/native/float', type=str, help='the path representing the float resource') parser.add_argument( '--locator', '-l', dest='locator', default=None, type=str, help='The locator to be used to boostrap the zenoh session.' ' By default dynamic discovery is used') args = parser.parse_args() # zenoh code --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- z = Zenoh.login(args.locator) w = z.workspace() while (True): v = input("Insert value (\'.\' to exit): ") if v != '.': w.put(args.path, float(v)) else: z.logout() break
#, or the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which is available at # # SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0 # # Contributors: # ADLINK zenoh team, <*****@*****.**> import sys from zenoh import Zenoh, Selector, Path, Workspace, Encoding, Value selector = '/demo/example/**' if len(sys.argv) > 1: selector = sys.argv[1] locator = None if len(sys.argv) > 2: locator = sys.argv[2] print('Login to Zenoh (locator={})...'.format(locator)) z = Zenoh.login(locator) print('Use Workspace on "/"') w = z.workspace('/') print('Get from {}'.format(selector)) for data in w.get(selector): print(' {} : {}'.format(data.path, data.value)) z.logout()
def test_create_close_api(self): y = Zenoh.login(ZSERVER) self.assertTrue(y.rt.running) y.logout() self.assertFalse(y.rt.running)