Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: view.py Projeto: zfeed/zulip
def api_pagerduty_webhook(
        request: HttpRequest, user_profile: UserProfile,
        payload: Dict[str, Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]]=REQ(argument_type='body'),
) -> HttpResponse:
    for message in payload['messages']:
        message_type = message.get('type')

        # If the message has no "type" key, then this payload came from a
        # Pagerduty Webhook V2.
        if message_type is None:

        if message_type not in PAGER_DUTY_EVENT_NAMES:
            raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType('Pagerduty', message_type)

        format_dict = build_pagerduty_formatdict(message)
        send_formated_pagerduty(request, user_profile, message_type, format_dict)

    for message in payload['messages']:
        event = message.get('event')

        # If the message has no "event" key, then this payload came from a
        # Pagerduty Webhook V1.
        if event is None:

        if event not in PAGER_DUTY_EVENT_NAMES_V2:
            raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType('Pagerduty', event)

        format_dict = build_pagerduty_formatdict_v2(message)
        send_formated_pagerduty(request, user_profile, event, format_dict)

    return json_success()
Exemplo n.º 2
def api_basecamp_webhook(request: HttpRequest, user_profile: UserProfile,
                         payload: Dict[str, Any]=REQ(argument_type='body')) -> HttpResponse:
    event = get_event_type(payload)

    if event not in SUPPORT_EVENTS:
        raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType('Basecamp', event)

    subject = get_project_name(payload)
    if event.startswith('document_'):
        body = get_document_body(event, payload)
    elif event.startswith('question_answer_'):
        body = get_questions_answer_body(event, payload)
    elif event.startswith('question_'):
        body = get_questions_body(event, payload)
    elif event.startswith('message_'):
        body = get_message_body(event, payload)
    elif event.startswith('todolist_'):
        body = get_todo_list_body(event, payload)
    elif event.startswith('todo_'):
        body = get_todo_body(event, payload)
    elif event.startswith('comment_'):
        body = get_comment_body(event, payload)
        raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType('Basecamp', event)

    check_send_webhook_message(request, user_profile, subject, body)
    return json_success()
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_zulip_event_name(
    header_event: str,
    payload: Dict[str, Any],
    branches: Optional[str],
) -> Optional[str]:
    Usually, we return an event name that is a key in EVENT_FUNCTION_MAPPER.

    We return None for an event that we know we don't want to handle.
    if header_event == "pull_request":
        action = payload['action']
        if action in ('opened', 'synchronize', 'reopened', 'edited'):
            return 'opened_or_update_pull_request'
        if action in ('assigned', 'unassigned'):
            return 'assigned_or_unassigned_pull_request'
        if action == 'closed':
            return 'closed_pull_request'
        if action == 'review_requested':
            return "pull_request_review_requested"
        if action == 'ready_for_review':
            return 'pull_request_ready_for_review'
        if action in IGNORED_PULL_REQUEST_ACTIONS:
            return None
    elif header_event == "push":
        if is_commit_push_event(payload):
            if branches is not None:
                branch = get_branch_name_from_ref(payload['ref'])
                if branches.find(branch) == -1:
                    return None
            return "push_commits"
            return "push_tags"
    elif header_event == "check_run":
        if payload['check_run']['status'] != 'completed':
            return None
        return header_event
    elif header_event == "team":
        action = payload["action"]
        if action == "edited":
            return "team"
        if action in IGNORED_TEAM_ACTIONS:
            # no need to spam our logs, we just haven't implemented it yet
            return None
            # this means GH has actually added new actions since September 2020,
            # so it's a bit more cause for alarm
            raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType(
                "GitHub", f"unexpected team action {action}")
    elif header_event in list(EVENT_FUNCTION_MAPPER.keys()):
        return header_event
    elif header_event in IGNORED_EVENTS:
        return None

    complete_event = "{}:{}".format(header_event,
                                    payload.get("action", "???"))  # nocoverage
    raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType('GitHub', complete_event)
Exemplo n.º 4
def api_newrelic_webhook(
    request: HttpRequest,
    user_profile: UserProfile,
    alert: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = REQ(validator=check_dict([]),
    deployment: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = REQ(validator=check_dict([]),
) -> HttpResponse:
    if alert:
        # Use the message as the subject because it stays the same for
        # "opened", "acknowledged", and "closed" messages that should be
        # grouped.
        subject = alert['message']
        content = "%(long_description)s\n[View alert](%(alert_url)s)" % (alert)
    elif deployment:
        subject = "%s deploy" % (deployment['application_name'])
        content = """`%(revision)s` deployed by **%(deployed_by)s**

%(changelog)s""" % (deployment)
        raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType('New Relic', 'Unknown Event Type')

    check_send_webhook_message(request, user_profile, subject, content)
    return json_success()
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_event(request: HttpRequest, payload: Dict[str, Any],
              branches: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]:
    event = validate_extract_webhook_http_header(request, 'X_GITLAB_EVENT',
    if event == "System Hook":
        # Convert the event name to a Gitlab event title
        event_name = payload.get('event_name', payload.get('object_kind'))
        event = event_name.split("__")[0].replace("_", " ").title()
        event = f"{event} Hook"
    if event in [
            'Confidential Issue Hook', 'Issue Hook', 'Merge Request Hook',
            'Wiki Page Hook'
        action = payload['object_attributes'].get('action', 'open')
        event = f"{event} {action}"
    elif event in ['Confidential Note Hook', 'Note Hook']:
        action = payload['object_attributes'].get('noteable_type')
        event = f"{event} {action}"
    elif event == 'Push Hook':
        if branches is not None:
            branch = get_branch_name(payload)
            if branches.find(branch) == -1:
                return None

    if event in list(EVENT_FUNCTION_MAPPER.keys()):
        return event

    raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType('GitLab', event)
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_body_function_based_on_type(payload: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any:
    action = get_action_with_primary_id(payload)
    event = "{}_{}".format(action["entity_type"], action["action"])

    changes = action.get("changes")
    if changes is not None:
        if changes.get("description") is not None:
            event = "{}_{}".format(event, "description")
        elif changes.get("state") is not None:
            event = "{}_{}".format(event, "state")
        elif changes.get("workflow_state_id") is not None:
            event = "{}_{}".format(event, "state")
        elif changes.get("name") is not None:
            event = "{}_{}".format(event, "name")
        elif changes.get("archived") is not None:
            event = "{}_{}".format(event, "archived")
        elif changes.get("complete") is not None:
            event = "{}_{}".format(event, "complete")
        elif changes.get("epic_id") is not None:
            event = "{}_{}".format(event, "epic")
        elif changes.get("estimate") is not None:
            event = "{}_{}".format(event, "estimate")
        elif changes.get("file_ids") is not None:
            event = "{}_{}".format(event, "attachment")
        elif changes.get("label_ids") is not None:
            event = "{}_{}".format(event, "label")
        elif changes.get("project_id") is not None:
            event = "{}_{}".format(event, "project")
        elif changes.get("story_type") is not None:
            event = "{}_{}".format(event, "type")
            raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType("Clubhouse", event)

    return EVENT_BODY_FUNCTION_MAPPER.get(event)
Exemplo n.º 7
def get_type(request: HttpRequest, payload: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
    if payload.get('push'):
        return 'push'
    elif payload.get('fork'):
        return 'fork'
    elif payload.get('comment') and payload.get('commit'):
        return 'commit_comment'
    elif payload.get('commit_status'):
        return 'change_commit_status'
    elif payload.get('issue'):
        if payload.get('changes'):
            return "issue_updated"
        if payload.get('comment'):
            return 'issue_commented'
        return "issue_created"
    elif payload.get('pullrequest'):
        pull_request_template = 'pull_request_{}'
        # Note that we only need the HTTP header to determine pullrequest events.
        # We rely on the payload itself to determine the other ones.
        event_key = validate_extract_webhook_http_header(
            request, "X_EVENT_KEY", "BitBucket")
        action = re.match('pullrequest:(?P<action>.*)$', event_key)
        if action:
            action_group = action.group('action')
            if action_group in PULL_REQUEST_SUPPORTED_ACTIONS:
                return pull_request_template.format(action_group)
        event_key = validate_extract_webhook_http_header(
            request, "X_EVENT_KEY", "BitBucket")
        if event_key == 'repo:updated':
            return event_key

    raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType('BitBucket2', event_key)
Exemplo n.º 8
def api_clubhouse_webhook(
    request: HttpRequest,
    user_profile: UserProfile,
    payload: Dict[str, Any] = REQ(argument_type='body')
) -> HttpResponse:

    # Clubhouse has a tendency to send empty POST requests to
    # third-party endpoints. It is unclear as to which event type
    # such requests correspond to. So, it is best to ignore such
    # requests for now.
    if payload is None:
        return json_success()

    event = get_event(payload)
    if event is None:
        return json_success()

    body_func = EVENT_BODY_FUNCTION_MAPPER.get(event)  # type: Any
    topic_func = get_topic_function_based_on_type(payload)
    if body_func is None or topic_func is None:
        raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType('Clubhouse', event)
    topic = topic_func(payload)
    body = body_func(payload)

    if topic and body:
        check_send_webhook_message(request, user_profile, topic, body)

    return json_success()
Exemplo n.º 9
def compose_notification_message(payload: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
    """Composes a message that contains information on the error

    :param payload: Raygun payload
    :return: Returns a response message

    # Get the event type of the error. This can be "NewErrorOccurred",
    # "ErrorReoccurred", "OneMinuteFollowUp", "FiveMinuteFollowUp", ...,
    # "HourlyFollowUp" for notification error.
    event_type = payload['eventType']

    # "NewErrorOccurred" and "ErrorReoccurred" contain error instance
    # information, meaning that it has payload['error']['instance']. The other
    # event type (the follow ups) doesn't have this instance.

    # We now split this main function again into two functions. One is for
    # "NewErrorOccurred" and "ErrorReoccurred", and one is for the rest. Both
    # functions will return a text message that is formatted for the chat.
    if event_type == "NewErrorOccurred" or event_type == "ErrorReoccurred":
        return notification_message_error_occurred(payload)
    elif "FollowUp" in event_type:
        return notification_message_follow_up(payload)
        raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType('Raygun', event_type)
Exemplo n.º 10
def api_jira_webhook(
    request: HttpRequest,
    user_profile: UserProfile,
    payload: Dict[str, Any] = REQ(argument_type='body')
) -> HttpResponse:

    event = get_event_type(payload)
    if event in IGNORED_EVENTS:
        return json_success()

    subject = get_issue_subject(payload)

    content_func = get_event_handler(event)

    if content_func is None:
        raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType('Jira', event)

    content = content_func(payload, user_profile)  # type: str

    return json_success()
Exemplo n.º 11
def repo_push_branch_data(payload: Dict[str, Any],
                          change: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, str]:
    event_type = change["type"]
    repo_name = payload["repository"]["name"]
    user_name = payload["actor"]["name"]
    branch_name = change["ref"]["displayId"]
    branch_head = change["toHash"]

    if event_type == "ADD":
        body = get_create_branch_event_message(user_name=user_name,
    elif event_type == "UPDATE":
        body = BRANCH_UPDATED_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.format(user_name=user_name,
    elif event_type == "DELETE":
        body = get_remove_branch_event_message(user_name, branch_name)
        message = "%s.%s" % (payload["eventKey"], event_type)  # nocoverage
        raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType("BitBucket Server", message)

    subject = TOPIC_WITH_BRANCH_TEMPLATE.format(repo=repo_name,
    return {"subject": subject, "body": body}
Exemplo n.º 12
def get_event_type(event: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
    event_type_match = re.match('check.(.*)', event['event'])
    if event_type_match:
        event_type = event_type_match.group(1)
        if event_type in EVENT_TYPE_BODY_MAPPER:
            return event_type
    raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType('Updown', event['event'])
Exemplo n.º 13
def api_raygun_webhook(request: HttpRequest, user_profile: UserProfile,
                       payload: Dict[str, Any] = REQ(argument_type='body')) -> HttpResponse:
    # The payload contains 'event' key. This 'event' key has a value of either
    # 'error_notification' or 'error_activity'. 'error_notification' happens
    # when an error is caught in an application, where as 'error_activity'
    # happens when an action is being taken for the error itself
    # (ignored/resolved/assigned/etc.).
    event = payload['event']

    # Because we wanted to create a message for all of the payloads, it is best
    # to handle them separately. This is because some payload keys don't exist
    # in the other event.

    if event == 'error_notification':
        message = compose_notification_message(payload)
    elif event == 'error_activity':
        message = compose_activity_message(payload)
        raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType('Raygun', event)

    topic = 'test'

    check_send_webhook_message(request, user_profile, topic, message)

    return json_success()
Exemplo n.º 14
Arquivo: view.py Projeto: zkenes/zulip
def api_harbor_webhook(request: HttpRequest, user_profile: UserProfile,
                       payload: Dict[str, Any] = REQ(argument_type='body')) -> HttpResponse:

    operator_username = u"**{}**".format(payload["operator"])

    if operator_username != "auto":
        operator_profile = guess_zulip_user_from_harbor(
            operator_username, user_profile.realm)

    if operator_profile:
        operator_username = u"@**{}**".format(operator_profile.full_name)  # nocoverage

    event = payload["type"]
    topic = payload["event_data"]["repository"]["repo_full_name"]

    if event in IGNORED_EVENTS:
        return json_success()

    content_func = EVENT_FUNCTION_MAPPER.get(event)

    if content_func is None:
        raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType('Harbor', event)

    content = content_func(payload, user_profile,
                           operator_username)  # type: str

    check_send_webhook_message(request, user_profile,
                               topic, content,
    return json_success()
Exemplo n.º 15
def api_gogs_webhook(
    request: HttpRequest,
    user_profile: UserProfile,
    payload: Dict[str, Any] = REQ(argument_type='body'),
    branches: Optional[str] = REQ(default=None)
) -> HttpResponse:

    repo = payload['repository']['name']
    event = validate_extract_webhook_http_header(request, 'X_GOGS_EVENT',
    if event == 'push':
        branch = payload['ref'].replace('refs/heads/', '')
        if branches is not None and branches.find(branch) == -1:
            return json_success()
        body = format_push_event(payload)
        topic = SUBJECT_WITH_BRANCH_TEMPLATE.format(repo=repo, branch=branch)
    elif event == 'create':
        body = format_new_branch_event(payload)
        topic = SUBJECT_WITH_BRANCH_TEMPLATE.format(repo=repo,
    elif event == 'pull_request':
        body = format_pull_request_event(payload)
        raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType('Gogs', event)

    check_send_webhook_message(request, user_profile, topic, body)
    return json_success()
Exemplo n.º 16
def get_subject_and_body(payload: Mapping[str, Any], action_type: str) -> Optional[Tuple[str, str]]:
    if action_type in SUPPORTED_CARD_ACTIONS:
        return process_card_action(payload, action_type)
    if action_type in SUPPORTED_BOARD_ACTIONS:
        return process_board_action(payload, action_type)

    raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType("Trello", f'{action_type} is not supported')
Exemplo n.º 17
def api_jira_webhook(
    request: HttpRequest,
    user_profile: UserProfile,
    payload: Dict[str, Any] = REQ(argument_type='body')
) -> HttpResponse:

    event = get_event_type(payload)
    if event == 'jira:issue_created':
        subject = get_issue_subject(payload)
        content = handle_created_issue_event(payload)
    elif event == 'jira:issue_deleted':
        subject = get_issue_subject(payload)
        content = handle_deleted_issue_event(payload)
    elif event == 'jira:issue_updated':
        subject = get_issue_subject(payload)
        content = handle_updated_issue_event(payload, user_profile)
    elif event == 'comment_created':
        subject = get_issue_subject(payload)
        content = handle_updated_issue_event(payload, user_profile)
    elif event in IGNORED_EVENTS:
        return json_success()
        raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType('Jira', event)

    return json_success()
Exemplo n.º 18
def get_event(request: HttpRequest, payload: Dict[str, Any],
              branches: str) -> Optional[str]:
    event = validate_extract_webhook_http_header(request, 'X_GITHUB_EVENT',
    if event == 'pull_request':
        action = payload['action']
        if action in ('opened', 'synchronize', 'reopened', 'edited'):
            return 'opened_or_update_pull_request'
        if action in ('assigned', 'unassigned'):
            return 'assigned_or_unassigned_pull_request'
        if action == 'closed':
            return 'closed_pull_request'
        if action == 'review_requested':
            return '{}_{}'.format(event, action)
        # Unsupported pull_request events
        if action in ('labeled', 'unlabeled', 'review_request_removed'):
            return None
    if event == 'push':
        if is_commit_push_event(payload):
            if branches is not None:
                branch = get_branch_name_from_ref(payload['ref'])
                if branches.find(branch) == -1:
                    return None
            return "push_commits"
            return "push_tags"
    elif event in list(EVENT_FUNCTION_MAPPER.keys()) or event == 'ping':
        return event
    elif event in IGNORED_EVENTS:
        return None

    raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType('GitHub', event)
Exemplo n.º 19
def api_pingdom_webhook(request: HttpRequest, user_profile: UserProfile,
                        payload: Dict[str, Any]=REQ(argument_type='body')) -> HttpResponse:
    check_type = get_check_type(payload)

    if check_type in SUPPORTED_CHECK_TYPES:
        subject = get_subject_for_http_request(payload)
        body = get_body_for_http_request(payload)
        raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType('Pingdom', check_type)

    check_send_webhook_message(request, user_profile, subject, body)
    return json_success()
Exemplo n.º 20
def api_transifex_webhook(request: HttpRequest, user_profile: UserProfile,
                          project: str=REQ(), resource: str=REQ(),
                          language: str=REQ(), translated: Optional[int]=REQ(default=None),
                          reviewed: Optional[int]=REQ(default=None)) -> HttpResponse:
    subject = "{} in {}".format(project, language)
    if translated:
        body = "Resource {} fully translated.".format(resource)
    elif reviewed:
        body = "Resource {} fully reviewed.".format(resource)
        raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType('Transifex', 'Unknown Event Type')
    check_send_webhook_message(request, user_profile, subject, body)
    return json_success()
Exemplo n.º 21
def gogs_webhook_main(integration_name: str, http_header_name: str,
                      format_pull_request_event: Callable[..., Any],
                      request: HttpRequest, user_profile: UserProfile,
                      payload: Dict[str, Any], branches: Optional[str],
                      user_specified_topic: Optional[str]) -> HttpResponse:
    repo = payload['repository']['name']
    event = validate_extract_webhook_http_header(request, http_header_name,
    if event == 'push':
        branch = payload['ref'].replace('refs/heads/', '')
        if branches is not None and branch not in branches.split(','):
            return json_success()
        body = format_push_event(payload)
        topic = TOPIC_WITH_BRANCH_TEMPLATE.format(repo=repo, branch=branch)
    elif event == 'create':
        body = format_new_branch_event(payload)
        topic = TOPIC_WITH_BRANCH_TEMPLATE.format(repo=repo,
    elif event == 'pull_request':
        body = format_pull_request_event(payload,
                                         is not None)
        topic = TOPIC_WITH_PR_OR_ISSUE_INFO_TEMPLATE.format(
    elif event == 'issues':
        body = format_issues_event(payload,
                                   is not None)
        topic = TOPIC_WITH_PR_OR_ISSUE_INFO_TEMPLATE.format(
    elif event == 'issue_comment':
        body = format_issue_comment_event(payload,
                                          is not None)
        topic = TOPIC_WITH_PR_OR_ISSUE_INFO_TEMPLATE.format(
        raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType('Gogs', event)

    check_send_webhook_message(request, user_profile, topic, body)
    return json_success()
Exemplo n.º 22
def handle_issue_payload(action: str, issue: Dict[str, Any],
                         actor: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[str, str]:
    """ Handle either an issue type event. """
    subject = issue["title"]
    datetime = issue["lastSeen"].split(".")[0].replace("T", " ")

    if issue["assignedTo"]:
        if issue["assignedTo"]["type"] == "team":
            assignee = "team {}".format(issue["assignedTo"]["name"])
            assignee = issue["assignedTo"]["name"]
        assignee = "No one"

    if action == "created":
        context = {
            "title": subject,
            "level": issue["level"],
            "datetime": datetime,
            "assignee": assignee,
        body = ISSUE_CREATED_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.format(**context)

    elif action == "resolved":
        context = {
            "title": subject,
            "actor": actor["name"],
        body = ISSUE_RESOLVED_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.format(**context)

    elif action == "assigned":
        context = {
            "title": subject,
            "assignee": assignee,
            "actor": actor["name"],
        body = ISSUE_ASSIGNED_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.format(**context)

    elif action == "ignored":
        context = {
            "title": subject,
            "actor": actor["name"],
        body = ISSUE_IGNORED_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.format(**context)

        raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType("Sentry", "unknown-issue-action type")

    return (subject, body)
Exemplo n.º 23
def get_team_body(payload: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
    changes = payload["changes"]
    if "description" in changes:
        actor = payload["sender"]["login"]
        new_description = payload["team"]["description"]
        return "**{}** changed the team description to:\n```quote\n{}\n```".format(actor, new_description)
    if "name" in changes:
        original_name = changes["name"]["from"]
        new_name = payload["team"]["name"]
        return "Team `{}` was renamed to `{}`.".format(original_name, new_name)
    if "privacy" in changes:
        new_visibility = payload["team"]["privacy"]
        return "Team visibility changed to `{}`".format(new_visibility)
    else:  # nocoverage
        raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType("GitHub", "Team Edited: {}".format(changes.keys()))
Exemplo n.º 24
Arquivo: view.py Projeto: zackw/zulip
def get_team_body(payload: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
    changes = payload["changes"]
    if "description" in changes:
        actor = payload["sender"]["login"]
        new_description = payload["team"]["description"]
        return f"**{actor}** changed the team description to:\n```quote\n{new_description}\n```"
    if "name" in changes:
        original_name = changes["name"]["from"]
        new_name = payload["team"]["name"]
        return f"Team `{original_name}` was renamed to `{new_name}`."
    if "privacy" in changes:
        new_visibility = payload["team"]["privacy"]
        return f"Team visibility changed to `{new_visibility}`"
    else:  # nocoverage
        raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType("GitHub", f"Team Edited: {changes.keys()}")
Exemplo n.º 25
def get_template(request: HttpRequest, payload: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:

    message_template = 'The build [{build_name}]({build_url}) on branch {branch_name} '
    event = validate_extract_webhook_http_header(request, 'X_NETLIFY_EVENT', 'Netlify')

    if event == 'deploy_failed':
        return message_template + payload['error_message']
    elif event == 'deploy_locked':
        return message_template + 'is now locked.'
    elif event == 'deploy_unlocked':
        return message_template + 'is now unlocked.'
    elif event in EVENTS:
        return message_template + 'is now {state}.'.format(state=payload['state'])
        raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType('Netlify', event)
Exemplo n.º 26
def repo_push_tag_data(payload: Dict[str, Any], change: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, str]:
    event_type = change["type"]
    repo_name = payload["repository"]["name"]
    tag_name = change["ref"]["displayId"]

    if event_type == "ADD":
        action = "pushed"
    elif event_type == "DELETE":
        action = "removed"
        message = "%s.%s" % (payload["eventKey"], event_type)  # nocoverage
        raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType("BitBucket Server", message)

    subject = BITBUCKET_TOPIC_TEMPLATE.format(repository_name=repo_name)
    body = get_push_tag_event_message(get_user_name(payload), tag_name, action=action)
    return {"subject": subject, "body": body}
Exemplo n.º 27
def api_reviewboard_webhook(
        request: HttpRequest, user_profile: UserProfile,
        payload: Dict[str, Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]]=REQ(argument_type='body')
) -> HttpResponse:
    event_type = validate_extract_webhook_http_header(
        request, 'X_REVIEWBOARD_EVENT', 'ReviewBoard')
    assert event_type is not None

    body_function = RB_MESSAGE_FUNCTIONS.get(event_type)
    if body_function is not None:
        body = body_function(payload)
        topic = get_review_request_repo_title(payload)
        check_send_webhook_message(request, user_profile, topic, body)
        raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType('ReviewBoard', event_type)

    return json_success()
Exemplo n.º 28
def api_sentry_webhook(request: HttpRequest, user_profile: UserProfile,
                       payload: Dict[str, Any] = REQ(argument_type="body")) -> HttpResponse:
    data = payload.get("data", None)

    # We currently support two types of payloads: events and issues.
    if data:
        if "event" in data:
            subject, body = handle_event_payload(data["event"])
        elif "issue" in data:
            subject, body = handle_issue_payload(payload["action"], data["issue"], payload["actor"])
            raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType("Sentry", str(list(data.keys())))
        subject, body = handle_deprecated_payload(payload)

    check_send_webhook_message(request, user_profile, subject, body)
    return json_success()
Exemplo n.º 29
def repo_push_handler(payload: Dict[str, Any], branches: Optional[str]=None
                      ) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
    data = []
    for change in payload["changes"]:
        event_target_type = change["ref"]["type"]
        if event_target_type == "BRANCH":
            branch = change["ref"]["displayId"]
            if branches:
                if branch not in branches:
            data.append(repo_push_branch_data(payload, change))
        elif event_target_type == "TAG":
            data.append(repo_push_tag_data(payload, change))
            message = "%s.%s" % (payload["eventKey"], event_target_type)  # nocoverage
            raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType("BitBucket Server", message)
    return data
Exemplo n.º 30
def api_transifex_webhook(
    request: HttpRequest,
    user_profile: UserProfile,
    project: str = REQ(),
    resource: str = REQ(),
    language: str = REQ(),
    translated: Optional[int] = REQ(validator=check_int, default=None),
    reviewed: Optional[int] = REQ(validator=check_int, default=None),
) -> HttpResponse:
    subject = f"{project} in {language}"
    if translated:
        body = f"Resource {resource} fully translated."
    elif reviewed:
        body = f"Resource {resource} fully reviewed."
        raise UnexpectedWebhookEventType('Transifex', 'Unknown Event Type')
    check_send_webhook_message(request, user_profile, subject, body)
    return json_success()