Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, vcs=None):
     os.environ["ZESTRELEASER"] = "We are called from within zest.releaser"
     # ^^^ Env variable so called tools can detect us. Don't depend on the
     # actual text, just on the variable's name.
     if vcs is None:
         self.vcs = choose.version_control()
         # In a fullrelease, we share the determined vcs between
         # prerelease, release and postrelease.
         self.vcs = vcs
     self.data = {
         'name': self.vcs.name,
         'nothing_changed_yet': NOTHING_CHANGED_YET,
         'reporoot': self.vcs.reporoot,
         'workingdir': self.vcs.workingdir,
     self.setup_cfg = pypi.SetupConfig()
     if utils.TESTMODE:
         pypirc_old = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
             'zest.releaser.tests', 'pypirc_old.txt')
         self.pypiconfig = pypi.PypiConfig(pypirc_old)
         self.pypiconfig = pypi.PypiConfig()
     if self.pypiconfig.no_input():
         utils.AUTO_RESPONSE = True
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _update_version(self, version):
        """Find out where to change the version and change it.

        There are three places where the version can be defined. The first one
        is an explicitly defined Python file with a ``__version__``
        attribute. The second one is some version.txt that gets read by
        setup.py. The third is directly in setup.py.
        if self.get_python_file_version():
            setup_cfg = pypi.SetupConfig()
            filename = setup_cfg.python_file_with_version()
            lines = open(filename).read().split('\n')
            for index, line in enumerate(lines):
                match = UNDERSCORED_VERSION_PATTERN.search(line)
                if match:
                    lines[index] = "__version__ = '%s'" % version
            contents = '\n'.join(lines)
            open(filename, 'w').write(contents)
            logger.info("Set __version__ in %s to %r", filename, version)

        version_filenames = ['version']
        for extension in TXT_EXTENSIONS:
            version_filenames.append('.'.join(['version', extension]))
        versionfile = self.filefind(version_filenames)
        if versionfile:
            # We have a version.txt file but does it match the setup.py
            # version (if any)?
            setup_version = self.get_setup_py_version()
            if not setup_version or (setup_version
                                     == self.get_version_txt_version()):
                open(versionfile, 'w').write(version + '\n')
                logger.info("Changed %s to %r", versionfile, version)

        good_version = "version = '%s'" % version
        line_number = 0
        setup_lines = open('setup.py').read().split('\n')
        for line in setup_lines:
            match = VERSION_PATTERN.search(line)
            if match:
                logger.debug("Matching version line found: %r", line)
                if line.startswith(' '):
                    # oh, probably '    version = 1.0,' line.
                    indentation = line.split('version')[0]
                    # Note: no spaces around the '='.
                    good_version = indentation + "version='%s'," % version
                setup_lines[line_number] = good_version
            line_number += 1
        contents = '\n'.join(setup_lines)
        open('setup.py', 'w').write(contents)
        logger.info("Set setup.py's version to %r", version)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def _update_python_file_version(self, version):
     setup_cfg = pypi.SetupConfig()
     filename = setup_cfg.python_file_with_version()
     lines, encoding = utils.read_text_file(filename)
     lines = lines.split('\n')
     for index, line in enumerate(lines):
         match = UNDERSCORED_VERSION_PATTERN.search(line)
         if match:
             lines[index] = "__version__ = '%s'" % version
     contents = '\n'.join(lines)
     utils.write_text_file(filename, contents, encoding)
     logger.info("Set __version__ in %s to %r", filename, version)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def get_python_file_version(self):
     setup_cfg = pypi.SetupConfig()
     if not setup_cfg.python_file_with_version():
     lines = open(setup_cfg.python_file_with_version()).read().split('\n')
     for line in lines:
         match = UNDERSCORED_VERSION_PATTERN.search(line)
         if match:
             logger.debug("Matching __version__ line found: %r", line)
             line = line.lstrip('__version__').strip()
             line = line.lstrip('=').strip()
             line = line.replace('"', '').replace("'", "")
             return utils.strip_version(line)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, reporoot=None):
     self.workingdir = os.getcwd()
     if reporoot is None:
         self.reporoot = self.workingdir
         self.relative_path_in_repo = ''
         self.reporoot = reporoot
         # Determine relative path from root of repo.
         self.relative_path_in_repo = os.path.relpath(
             self.workingdir, reporoot)
     self.setup_cfg = pypi.SetupConfig()
     pypi_cfg = pypi.PypiConfig()
     self.fallback_encoding = pypi_cfg.encoding()
Exemplo n.º 6
 def get_python_file_version(self):
     setup_cfg = pypi.SetupConfig()
     if not setup_cfg.python_file_with_version():
     lines, encoding = utils.read_text_file(
     encoding  # noqa, unused variable
     lines = lines.splitlines()
     for line in lines:
         match = UNDERSCORED_VERSION_PATTERN.search(line)
         if match:
             logger.debug("Matching __version__ line found: %r", line)
             line = line.lstrip('__version__').strip()
             line = line.lstrip('=').strip()
             line = line.replace('"', '').replace("'", "")
             return utils.strip_version(line)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self, vcs=None):
     if vcs is None:
         self.vcs = choose.version_control()
         # In a fullrelease, we share the determined vcs between
         # prerelease, release and postrelease.
         self.vcs = vcs
     self.data = {'workingdir': self.vcs.workingdir,
                  'reporoot': self.vcs.reporoot,
                  'name': self.vcs.name}
     self.setup_cfg = pypi.SetupConfig()
     if self.setup_cfg.no_input():
         utils.AUTO_RESPONSE = True
     if utils.TESTMODE:
         pypirc_old = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
             'zest.releaser.tests', 'pypirc_old.txt')
         self.pypiconfig = pypi.PypiConfig(pypirc_old)
         self.pypiconfig = pypi.PypiConfig()
Exemplo n.º 8
    def _update_version(self, version):
        """Find out where to change the version and change it.

        There are three places where the version can be defined. The first one
        is an explicitly defined Python file with a ``__version__``
        attribute. The second one is some version.txt that gets read by
        setup.py. The third is directly in setup.py.
        if self.get_python_file_version():
            setup_cfg = pypi.SetupConfig()
            filename = setup_cfg.python_file_with_version()
            lines, encoding = utils.read_text_file(filename)
            lines = lines.split('\n')
            for index, line in enumerate(lines):
                match = UNDERSCORED_VERSION_PATTERN.search(line)
                if match:
                    lines[index] = "__version__ = '%s'" % version
            contents = '\n'.join(lines)
            utils.write_text_file(filename, contents, encoding)
            logger.info("Set __version__ in %s to %r", filename, version)

        version_filenames = ['version']
        for extension in TXT_EXTENSIONS:
            version_filenames.append('.'.join(['version', extension]))
        versionfile = self.filefind(version_filenames)
        if versionfile:
            # We have a version.txt file but does it match the setup.py
            # version (if any)?
            setup_version = self.get_setup_py_version()
            if not setup_version or (setup_version
                                     == self.get_version_txt_version()):
                with open(versionfile, 'w') as f:
                    f.write(version + '\n')
                logger.info("Changed %s to %r", versionfile, version)

        good_version = "version = '%s'" % version
        line_number = 0
        setup_lines, encoding = utils.read_text_file('setup.py')
        setup_lines = setup_lines.split('\n')
        for line_number, line in enumerate(setup_lines):
            match = VERSION_PATTERN.search(line)
            if match:
                logger.debug("Matching version line found: %r", line)
                if line.startswith(' '):
                    # oh, probably '    version = 1.0,' line.
                    indentation = line.split('version')[0]
                    # Note: no spaces around the '='.
                    good_version = indentation + "version='%s'," % version
                setup_lines[line_number] = good_version
                contents = '\n'.join(setup_lines)
                utils.write_text_file('setup.py', contents, encoding)
                logger.info("Set setup.py's version to %r", version)

            "We could read a version from setup.py, but could not write it " +
            "back. See " +
            "http://zestreleaser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/versions.html " +
            "for hints.")
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot set version")
Exemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self):
     self.vcs = choose.version_control()
     self.data = {'workingdir': self.vcs.workingdir, 'name': self.vcs.name}
     self.setup_cfg = pypi.SetupConfig()
     if self.setup_cfg.no_input():
         utils.AUTO_RESPONSE = True