Exemplo n.º 1
 def checkout_from_tag(self, version):
     package = self.name
     prefix = '%s-%s-' % (package, version)
     tagdir = self.prepare_checkout_dir(prefix)
     cmd = self.cmd_checkout_from_tag(version, tagdir)
     print system(cmd)
Exemplo n.º 2
def version_control():
    """Return an object that provides the version control interface based
    on the detected version control system."""
    curdir_contents = os.listdir('.')
    if '.svn' in curdir_contents:
        return svn.Subversion()
    elif '.hg' in curdir_contents:
        return hg.Hg()
    elif '.bzr' in curdir_contents:
        return bzr.Bzr()
    elif '.git' in curdir_contents:
        return git.Git()
        # Try finding an svn checkout *not* in the root.
        last_try = utils.system("svn info")
        if 'Repository' in last_try:
            return svn.Subversion()
        # true means that we are in the work tree, false that we are in the
        # .git tree. If we are not in a git repository, the answer will looks
        # like 'Not a git repository' or even 'git: not found'
        last_try = utils.system("git  rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree")
        if last_try == 'true\n':
            return git.Git()
        logger.critical('No version control system detected.')
Exemplo n.º 3
 def get_setup_py_name(self):
     if os.path.exists('setup.py'):
         # First run egg_info, as that may get rid of some warnings
         # that otherwise end up in the extracted name, like
         # UserWarnings.
         return system(utils.setup_py('--name')).strip()
Exemplo n.º 4
 def get_setup_py_name(self):
     if os.path.exists('setup.py'):
         # First run egg_info, as that may get rid of some warnings
         # that otherwise end up in the extracted name, like
         # UserWarnings.
         return system(utils.setup_py('--name')).strip()
Exemplo n.º 5
 def checkout_from_tag(self, version):
     package = self.name
     prefix = '%s-%s-' % (package, version)
     tagdir = self.prepare_checkout_dir(prefix)
     cmd = self.cmd_checkout_from_tag(version, tagdir)
     print system(cmd)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _tags_name(self):
        """Return name for tags dir

        Normally the plural /tags, but some projects have the singular /tag.

        default_plural = 'tags'
        fallback_singular = 'tag'
        # svn 1.7 introduced a slightly different message and a warning code.
        failure_messages = ["non-existent in that revision", "W160013"]
        base = self._base_from_svn()
        tag_info = system('svn list %s%s' % (base, default_plural))
        # Look for one of the failure messages:
        found = [1 for mess in failure_messages if mess in tag_info]
        if not found:
            return default_plural
        logger.debug("tags dir does not exist at %s%s", base, default_plural)

        tag_info = system('svn list %s%s' % (base, fallback_singular))
        # Look for one of the failure messages:
        found = [1 for mess in failure_messages if mess in tag_info]
        if not found:
            return fallback_singular
        logger.debug("tags dir does not exist at %s%s, either", base,
        return None
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _tags_name(self):
        """Return name for tags dir

        Normally the plural /tags, but some projects have the singular /tag.

        default_plural = 'tags'
        fallback_singular = 'tag'
        # svn 1.7 introduced a slightly different message and a warning code.
        failure_messages = ["non-existent in that revision", "W160013"]
        base = self._base_from_svn()
        tag_info = system('svn list %s%s' % (base, default_plural))
        # Look for one of the failure messages:
        found = [1 for mess in failure_messages if mess in tag_info]
        if not found:
            return default_plural
        logger.debug("tags dir does not exist at %s%s", base, default_plural)

        tag_info = system('svn list %s%s' % (base, fallback_singular))
        # Look for one of the failure messages:
        found = [1 for mess in failure_messages if mess in tag_info]
        if not found:
            return fallback_singular
        logger.debug("tags dir does not exist at %s%s, either", base,
        return None
Exemplo n.º 8
    def available_tags(self):
        base = self._base_from_svn()
        tags_name = self._tags_name
        if tags_name is None:
            # Suggest to create a tags dir with the default plural /tags name.
            print "tags dir does not exist at %s" % base + 'tags'
            if utils.ask("Shall I create it"):
                cmd = 'svn mkdir %stags -m "Creating tags directory."' % (base)
                logger.info("Running %r", cmd)
                print system(cmd)
                tags_name = self._tags_name
                assert tags_name == 'tags'

        tag_info = system('svn list %s%s' % (base, tags_name))
        if 'Could not resolve hostname' in tag_info or \
                'Repository moved' in tag_info:
            logger.error('Network problem: %s', tag_info)
        tags = [line.replace('/', '').strip()
                for line in tag_info.split('\n')]
        tags = [tag for tag in tags if tag]  # filter empty ones
        logger.debug("Available tags: %r", tags)
        return tags
Exemplo n.º 9
    def available_tags(self):
        base = self._base_from_svn()
        tags_name = self._tags_name
        if tags_name is None:
            # Suggest to create a tags dir with the default plural /tags name.
            print "tags dir does not exist at %s" % base + 'tags'
            if utils.ask("Shall I create it"):
                cmd = 'svn mkdir %stags -m "Creating tags directory."' % (base)
                logger.info("Running %r", cmd)
                print system(cmd)
                tags_name = self._tags_name
                assert tags_name == 'tags'

        tag_info = system('svn list %s%s' % (base, tags_name))
        if 'Could not resolve hostname' in tag_info or \
                'Repository moved' in tag_info or 'E670008' in tag_info:
            logger.error('Network problem: %s', tag_info)
        tags = [line.replace('/', '').strip()
                for line in tag_info.split('\n')]
        tags = [tag for tag in tags if tag]  # filter empty ones
        logger.debug("Available tags: %r", tags)
        return tags
Exemplo n.º 10
    def _upload_distributions(self, package, sdist_options, pypiconfig):
        # See if creating an egg actually works.
        logger.info("Making an egg of a fresh tag checkout.")
        print system(utils.setup_py('sdist ' + sdist_options))

        # First ask if we want to upload to pypi, which should always
        # work, also without collective.dist.
        use_pypi = package_in_pypi(package)
        if use_pypi:
            logger.info("This package is registered on PyPI.")
            logger.warn("This package is NOT registered on PyPI.")
        if pypiconfig.is_old_pypi_config():
            pypi_command = 'register sdist %s upload' % sdist_options
            shell_command = utils.setup_py(pypi_command)
            if use_pypi:
                default = True
                exact = False
                # We are not yet on pypi.  To avoid an 'Oops...,
                # sorry!' when registering and uploading an internal
                # package we default to False here.
                default = False
                exact = True
            if utils.ask("Register and upload to PyPI", default=default,
                logger.info("Running: %s", shell_command)
                result = system(shell_command)

        # If collective.dist is installed (or we are using
        # python2.6 or higher), the user may have defined
        # other servers to upload to.
        for server in pypiconfig.distutils_servers():
            if pypi.new_distutils_available():
                commands = ('register', '-r', server, 'sdist',
                            sdist_options, 'upload', '-r', server)
                ## This would be logical, given the lines above:
                #commands = ('mregister', '-r', server, 'sdist',
                #            sdist_options, 'mupload', '-r', server)
                ## But according to the collective.dist documentation
                ## it should be this (with just one '-r'):
                commands = ('mregister', 'sdist',
                            sdist_options, 'mupload', '-r', server)
            shell_command = utils.setup_py(' '.join(commands))
            default = True
            exact = False
            if server == 'pypi' and not use_pypi:
                # We are not yet on pypi.  To avoid an 'Oops...,
                # sorry!' when registering and uploading an internal
                # package we default to False here.
                default = False
                exact = True
            if utils.ask("Register and upload to %s" % server,
                         default=default, exact=exact):
                logger.info("Running: %s", shell_command)
                result = system(shell_command)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def get_setup_py_version(self):
     if os.path.exists('setup.py'):
         # First run egg_info, as that may get rid of some warnings
         # that otherwise end up in the extracted version, like
         # UserWarnings.
         version = system(utils.setup_py('--version'))
         return utils.strip_version(version)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def checkout_from_tag(self, version):
     package = self.name
     prefix = '%s-%s-' % (package, version)
     # Not all hg versions can do a checkout in an existing or even
     # just in the current directory.
     tagdir = tempfile.mktemp(prefix=prefix)
     cmd = self.cmd_checkout_from_tag(version, tagdir)
     print system(cmd)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def prepare_checkout_dir(self, prefix):
     # Watch out: some git versions can't clone into an existing
     # directory, even when it is empty.
     temp = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=prefix)
     cwd = os.getcwd()
     cmd = 'git clone %s %s' % (self.workingdir, 'gitclone')
     clonedir = os.path.join(temp, 'gitclone')
     cmd = 'git submodule update --init --recursive'
     return clonedir
Exemplo n.º 14
 def _check_if_tag_already_exists(self):
     """Check if tag already exists and show the difference if so"""
     version = self.data['version']
     if self.vcs.tag_exists(version):
         self.data['tag_already_exists'] = True
         q = ("There is already a tag %s, show "
              "if there are differences?" % version)
         if utils.ask(q):
             diff_command = self.vcs.cmd_diff_last_commit_against_tag(
             print diff_command
             print system(diff_command)
         self.data['tag_already_exists'] = False
Exemplo n.º 15
 def is_clean_checkout(self):
     """Is this a clean checkout?
     head = system('git symbolic-ref --quiet HEAD')
     # This returns something like 'refs/heads/maurits-warn-on-tag'
     # or nothing.  Nothing would be bad as that indicates a
     # detached head: likely a tag checkout
     if not head:
         # Greetings from Nearly Headless Nick.
         return False
     if system('git status --short --untracked-files=no'):
         # Uncommitted changes in files that are tracked.
         return False
     return True
Exemplo n.º 16
 def is_clean_checkout(self):
     """Is this a clean checkout?
     head = system('git symbolic-ref --quiet HEAD')
     # This returns something like 'refs/heads/maurits-warn-on-tag'
     # or nothing.  Nothing would be bad as that indicates a
     # detached head: likely a tag checkout
     if not head:
         # Greetings from Nearly Headless Nick.
         return False
     if system('git status --short --untracked-files=no'):
         # Uncommitted changes in files that are tracked.
         return False
     return True
Exemplo n.º 17
 def prepare_checkout_dir(self, prefix):
     # Watch out: some git versions can't clone into an existing
     # directory, even when it is empty.
     temp = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=prefix)
     cwd = os.getcwd()
     cmd = 'git clone %s %s' % (self.workingdir, 'gitclone')
     clonedir = os.path.join(temp, 'gitclone')
     cmd = 'git submodule update --init --recursive'
     return clonedir
Exemplo n.º 18
 def get_setup_py_version(self):
     if os.path.exists('setup.py'):
         # First run egg_info, as that may get rid of some warnings
         # that otherwise end up in the extracted version, like
         # UserWarnings.
         version = system(utils.setup_py('--version')).splitlines()[0]
         if version.startswith('Traceback'):
             # Likely cause is for example forgetting to 'import
             # os' when using 'os' in setup.py.
             logger.critical('The setup.py of this package has an error:')
             print version
             logger.critical('No version found.')
         return utils.strip_version(version)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def get_setup_py_version(self):
     if os.path.exists("setup.py"):
         # First run egg_info, as that may get rid of some warnings
         # that otherwise end up in the extracted version, like
         # UserWarnings.
         version = system(utils.setup_py("--version"))
         if version.startswith("Traceback"):
             # Likely cause is for example forgetting to 'import
             # os' when using 'os' in setup.py.
             logger.critical("The setup.py of this package has an error:")
             print version
             logger.critical("No version found.")
         return utils.strip_version(version)
Exemplo n.º 20
 def get_setup_py_version(self):
     if os.path.exists('setup.py'):
         # First run egg_info, as that may get rid of some warnings
         # that otherwise end up in the extracted version, like
         # UserWarnings.
         version = system(utils.setup_py('--version')).splitlines()[0]
         if version.startswith('Traceback'):
             # Likely cause is for example forgetting to 'import
             # os' when using 'os' in setup.py.
             logger.critical('The setup.py of this package has an error:')
             print version
             logger.critical('No version found.')
         return utils.strip_version(version)
Exemplo n.º 21
 def available_tags(self):
     tag_info = system('hg tags')
     tags = [line[:line.find(' ')] for line in tag_info.split('\n')]
     tags = [tag for tag in tags if tag]
     tags.remove('tip')  # Not functional for us
     logger.debug("Available tags: %r", tags)
     return tags
Exemplo n.º 22
def main():
                        format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
    vcs = zest.releaser.choose.version_control()
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        found = sys.argv[-1]
        found = utils.get_last_tag(vcs)
    name = vcs.name
    full_tag = vcs.tag_url(found)
    logger.debug("Picked tag %r for %s (currently at %r).", full_tag, name,
    logger.info("Showing log since tag %s and the last commit.", full_tag)
    log_command = vcs.cmd_log_since_tag(found)
    print log_command
    print system(log_command)
Exemplo n.º 23
 def _diff_and_commit(self):
     diff_cmd = self.vcs.cmd_diff()
     diff = system(diff_cmd)
     if sys.version.startswith('2.6.2'):
         # python2.6.2 bug... http://bugs.python.org/issue5170 This is the
         # spot it can surface as we show a part of the changelog which can
         # contain every kind of character.  The rest is mostly ascii.
         print "Diff results:"
         print diff
         # Common case
         logger.info("The '%s':\n\n%s\n" % (diff_cmd, diff))
     if utils.ask("OK to commit this"):
         msg = self.data['commit_msg'] % self.data
         commit_cmd = self.vcs.cmd_commit(msg)
         commit = system(commit_cmd)
Exemplo n.º 24
def main():
                        format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
    vcs = zest.releaser.choose.version_control()
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        found = sys.argv[-1]
        found = utils.get_last_tag(vcs)
    name = vcs.name
    full_tag = vcs.tag_url(found)
    logger.debug("Picked tag %r for %s (currently at %r).",
                 full_tag, name, vcs.version)
    logger.info("Showing log since tag %s and the last commit.",
    log_command = vcs.cmd_log_since_tag(found)
    print log_command
    print system(log_command)
Exemplo n.º 25
 def _diff_and_commit(self):
     diff_cmd = self.vcs.cmd_diff()
     diff = system(diff_cmd)
     if sys.version.startswith('2.6.2'):
         # python2.6.2 bug... http://bugs.python.org/issue5170 This is the
         # spot it can surface as we show a part of the changelog which can
         # contain every kind of character.  The rest is mostly ascii.
         print "Diff results:"
         print diff
         # Common case
         logger.info("The '%s':\n\n%s\n" % (diff_cmd, diff))
     if utils.ask("OK to commit this"):
         msg = self.data['commit_msg'] % self.data
         commit_cmd = self.vcs.cmd_commit(msg)
         commit = system(commit_cmd)
Exemplo n.º 26
 def is_clean_checkout(self):
     """Is this a clean checkout?
     # The --quiet option ignores untracked (unknown and ignored)
     # files, which seems reasonable.
     if system('hg status --quiet'):
         # Local changes.
         return False
     return True
Exemplo n.º 27
 def _push(self):
     """Offer to push changes, if needed."""
     push_cmds = self.vcs.push_commands()
     if not push_cmds:
     if utils.ask("OK to push commits to the server?"):
         for push_cmd in push_cmds:
             output = system(push_cmd)
Exemplo n.º 28
 def _svn_info(self):
     """Return svn url"""
     our_info = system('svn info')
     if not hasattr(self, '_cached_url'):
         url = [line for line in our_info.split('\n')
                if line.startswith('URL')][0]
         # In English, you have 'URL:', in French 'URL :'
         self._cached_url = url.split(':', 1)[1].strip()
     return self._cached_url
Exemplo n.º 29
 def _svn_info(self):
     """Return svn url"""
     our_info = system('svn info')
     if not hasattr(self, '_cached_url'):
         url = [line for line in our_info.split('\n')
                if line.startswith('URL')][0]
         # In English, you have 'URL:', in French 'URL :'
         self._cached_url = url.split(':', 1)[1].strip()
     return self._cached_url
Exemplo n.º 30
 def _push(self):
     """Offer to push changes, if needed."""
     push_cmds = self.vcs.push_commands()
     if not push_cmds:
     if utils.ask("OK to push commits to the server?"):
         for push_cmd in push_cmds:
             output = system(push_cmd)
Exemplo n.º 31
def main():
    vcs = choose.version_control()
    changelogs = Changelogs(vcs)
    last_tag = utils.get_last_tag(vcs)
    git_command = vcs.cmd_log_since_tag(last_tag)
    changes = GitChanges(utils.system(git_command))
    print 'There are {0} commit(s) for {1} line(s) in changelog'.format(
Exemplo n.º 32
 def _make_tag(self):
     if self.data['tag_already_exists']:
     cmds = self.vcs.cmd_create_tag(self.data['version'])
     if not isinstance(cmds, list):
         cmds = [cmds]
     if len(cmds) == 1:
         print "Tag needed to proceed, you can use the following command:"
     for cmd in cmds:
         print cmd
         if utils.ask("Run this command"):
             print system(cmd)
             # all commands are needed in order to proceed normally
             print "Please create a tag for %s yourself and rerun." % \
     if not self.vcs.tag_exists(self.data['version']):
         print "\nFailed to create tag %s!" % (self.data['version'],)
Exemplo n.º 33
def show_longdesc():
    filename1 = tempfile.mktemp()
    filename2 = tempfile.mktemp()
    filename2 = filename2 + '.html'
    # Note: for the setup.py call we use system() from our utils module. This
    # makes sure the python path is set up right.
    # For the other calls we use os.system(), because that returns an error
    # code which we need.
    system(utils.setup_py('--long-description > %s' %
    error = os.system('rst2html.py %s > %s' % (filename1, filename2))
    if error:
        # On Linux it needs to be 'rst2html', without the '.py'
        error = os.system('rst2html %s > %s' % (filename1, filename2))
    if error:
        # Alternatively, zc.rst2 provides rst2 xyz.
        error = os.system('rst2 html %s > %s' % (filename1, filename2))
    if error:
            'Error generating html. Please install docutils (or zc.rst2).')
    url = 'file://' + filename2
    logging.info("Opening %s in your webbrowser.", url)
Exemplo n.º 34
    def is_clean_checkout(self):
        """Is this a clean checkout?

        When you try to do commits in bazaar but you are on a tag you
        will get this error:

        "working tree is out of date, run 'bzr update'"

        That should be clear enough already.  Well, we can run 'bzr
        status' and see what we get.
        # Check for changes to versioned files.
        if system('bzr status --versioned'):
            # Local changes.
            return False
        return True
Exemplo n.º 35
    def is_clean_checkout(self):
        """Is this a clean checkout?

        When you try to do commits in bazaar but you are on a tag you
        will get this error:

        "working tree is out of date, run 'bzr update'"

        That should be clear enough already.  Well, we can run 'bzr
        status' and see what we get.
        # Check for changes to versioned files.
        if system('bzr status --versioned'):
            # Local changes.
            return False
        return True
Exemplo n.º 36
 def cmd_log_since_tag(self, version):
     """Return log since a tagged version till the last commit of
     the working copy.
     url = self._svn_info()
     tag_url = self.tag_url(version)
     tag_info = system('svn info %s' % tag_url)
     # Search for: Last Changed Rev: 42761
     revision = None
     for line in tag_info.split('\n'):
         line = line.lower()
         if len(line.split(':')) == 2:
             revision = line.split(':')[-1].strip()
     if not revision:
         logger.error('Could not find revision when tag was made: %s',
     return "svn --non-interactive log -r%s:HEAD %s" % (revision, url)
Exemplo n.º 37
 def cmd_log_since_tag(self, version):
     """Return log since a tagged version till the last commit of
     the working copy.
     url = self._svn_info()
     tag_url = self.tag_url(version)
     tag_info = system('svn info %s' % tag_url)
     # Search for: Last Changed Rev: 42761
     revision = None
     for line in tag_info.split('\n'):
         line = line.lower()
         if len(line.split(':')) == 2:
             revision = line.split(':')[-1].strip()
     if not revision:
         logger.error('Could not find revision when tag was made: %s',
     return "svn --non-interactive log -r%s:HEAD %s" % (revision, url)
Exemplo n.º 38
def version_control():
    """Return an object that provides the version control interface based
    on the detected version control system."""
    curdir_contents = os.listdir('.')
    if '.svn' in curdir_contents:
        return svn.Subversion()
    elif '.hg' in curdir_contents:
        return hg.Hg()
    elif '.bzr' in curdir_contents:
        return bzr.Bzr()
    elif '.git' in curdir_contents:
        return git.Git()
        # Try finding an svn checkout *not* in the root.
        last_try = utils.system("svn info")
        if 'Repository' in last_try:
            return svn.Subversion()
        logger.critical('No version control system detected.')
Exemplo n.º 39
def _check_travis(data):  # pragma: no cover
    """Check if Travis reports that everything is ok.
    (used to perform checks before releasing a new version).
    import json
    import sys

    from zest.releaser.utils import system, ask
    if not ask('Check with Travis before releasing?'):

        # Python 3
        from urllib.request import urlopen

        def get(url):
            return urlopen(url).read().decode('utf-8')

    except ImportError:
        # Python 2
        from urllib2 import urlopen

        def get(url):
            return urlopen(url).read()

    url = 'https://api.github.com/repos/%s/%s/status/%s'

    username = '******'
    repo = 'pint'
    commit = system('git rev-parse HEAD')

        result = json.loads(get(url % (username, repo, commit)))['state']
        print('Travis says: %s' % result)
        if result != 'success':
            if not ask('Do you want to continue anyway?', default=False):
    except Exception:
        print('Could not determine the commit state with Travis.')
        if ask('Do you want to continue anyway?', default=False):
Exemplo n.º 40
def _check_travis(data):   # pragma: no cover
    """Check if Travis reports that everything is ok.
    (used to perform checks before releasing a new version).
    import json
    import sys

    from zest.releaser.utils import system, ask
    if not ask('Check with Travis before releasing?'):

        # Python 3
        from urllib.request import urlopen
        def get(url):
            return urlopen(url).read().decode('utf-8')

    except ImportError:
        # Python 2
        from urllib2 import urlopen
        def get(url):
            return urlopen(url).read()

    url = 'https://api.github.com/repos/%s/%s/status/%s'

    username = '******'
    repo = 'pint'
    commit = system('git rev-parse HEAD')

        result = json.loads(get(url % (username, repo, commit)))['state']
        print('Travis says: %s' % result)
        if result != 'success':
            if not ask('Do you want to continue anyway?', default=False):
    except Exception:
        print('Could not determine the commit state with Travis.')
        if ask('Do you want to continue anyway?', default=False):
Exemplo n.º 41
 def available_tags(self):
     tag_info = system('bzr tags')
     tags = [line[:line.find(' ')] for line in tag_info.split('\n')]
     tags = [tag for tag in tags if tag]
     logger.debug("Available tags: %r", tags)
     return tags
Exemplo n.º 42
def setup(test):
    partstestdir = os.getcwd()  # Buildout's test run in parts/test
    test.orig_dir = partstestdir
    test.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='testtemp')
    test.orig_argv = sys.argv[1:]
    sys.argv[1:] = []
    # Monkey patch sys.exit
    test.orig_exit = sys.exit

    def _exit(code=None):
        msg = "SYSTEM EXIT (code=%s)" % code
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

    sys.exit = _exit

    # Monkey patch urllib for pypi access mocking.
    test.orig_urlopen = urllib2.urlopen
    test.mock_pypi_available = []

    def _mock_urlopen(url):
        #print "Mock opening", url
        package = url.replace('http://pypi.python.org/simple/', '')
        if package not in test.mock_pypi_available:
            raise urllib2.HTTPError(
                url, 404,
                'HTTP Error 404: Not Found (%s does not have any releases)' %
                package, None, None)
            answer = ' '.join(test.mock_pypi_available)
        return StringIO.StringIO(buf=answer)

    urllib2.urlopen = _mock_urlopen

    # Extract example project
    example_tar = pkg_resources.resource_filename('zest.releaser.tests',
    tf = tarfile.TarFile(example_tar)
    except AttributeError:
        # BBB for python2.4
        for name in tf.getnames():
            tf.extract(name, test.tempdir)

    sourcedir = os.path.join(test.tempdir, 'tha.example')

    # Init svn repo.
    repodir = os.path.join(test.tempdir, 'svnrepo')
    system('svnadmin create %s' % repodir)
    repo_url = 'file://' + repodir  # TODO: urllib or so for windows
    # Import example project
    system('svn mkdir %s/tha.example -m "mkdir"' % repo_url)
    system('svn mkdir %s/tha.example/tags -m "mkdir"' % repo_url)
    system('svn import %s %s/tha.example/trunk -m "import"' %
           (sourcedir, repo_url))
    # Subversion checkout
    svnsourcedir = os.path.join(test.tempdir, 'tha.example-svn')
    system('svn co %s/tha.example/trunk %s' % (repo_url, svnsourcedir))
    system('svn propset svn:ignore tha.example.egg-info %s/src ' %
    system('svn up %s' % svnsourcedir)
    system('svn commit %s -m "ignoring egginfo"' % svnsourcedir)

    # Mercurial initialization
    hgsourcedir = os.path.join(test.tempdir, 'tha.example-hg')
    shutil.copytree(sourcedir, hgsourcedir)
    system("hg init %s" % hgsourcedir)
    open(os.path.join(hgsourcedir, '.hgignore'),
    system("hg add %s" % hgsourcedir)
    system("hg commit -m 'init' %s" % hgsourcedir)

    # Bazaar initialization
    bzrsourcedir = os.path.join(test.tempdir, 'tha.example-bzr')
    shutil.copytree(sourcedir, bzrsourcedir)
    system("bzr init %s" % bzrsourcedir)
    open(os.path.join(bzrsourcedir, '.bzrignore'),
    system("bzr add %s" % bzrsourcedir)
    system("bzr commit -m 'init' %s" % bzrsourcedir)

    # Git initialization
    gitsourcedir = os.path.join(test.tempdir, 'tha.example-git')
    shutil.copytree(sourcedir, gitsourcedir)
    system("git init")
    open(os.path.join(gitsourcedir, '.gitignore'),
    system("git add .")
    system("git commit -a -m 'init'")

    # Git svn initialization
    gitsvnsourcedir = os.path.join(test.tempdir, 'tha.example-gitsvn')
    system('git svn clone -s %s/tha.example %s' % (repo_url, gitsvnsourcedir))

    def svnhead(*filename_parts):
        filename = os.path.join(svnsourcedir, *filename_parts)
        lines = open(filename).readlines()
        for line in lines[:5]:
            print line,

    def hghead(*filename_parts):
        filename = os.path.join(hgsourcedir, *filename_parts)
        lines = open(filename).readlines()
        for line in lines[:5]:
            print line,

    def bzrhead(*filename_parts):
        filename = os.path.join(bzrsourcedir, *filename_parts)
        lines = open(filename).readlines()
        for line in lines[:5]:
            print line,

    def githead(*filename_parts):
        filename = os.path.join(gitsourcedir, *filename_parts)
        lines = open(filename).readlines()
        for line in lines[:5]:
            print line,

        'tempdir': test.tempdir,
        'repo_url': repo_url,
        'svnsourcedir': svnsourcedir,
        'hgsourcedir': hgsourcedir,
        'bzrsourcedir': bzrsourcedir,
        'gitsourcedir': gitsourcedir,
        'gitsvnsourcedir': gitsvnsourcedir,
        'svnhead': svnhead,
        'hghead': hghead,
        'bzrhead': bzrhead,
        'githead': githead,
        'mock_pypi_available': test.mock_pypi_available,
Exemplo n.º 43
 def list_files(self):
     """List files in version control."""
     return system('bzr ls --recursive').splitlines()
Exemplo n.º 44
 def available_tags(self):
     tag_info = system('git tag')
     tags = [line for line in tag_info.split('\n') if line]
     logger.debug("Available tags: %r", tags)
     return tags
Exemplo n.º 45
 def list_files(self):
     """List files in version control."""
     return system('git ls-tree -r HEAD --name-only').splitlines()
Exemplo n.º 46
 def cmd_log_since_tag(self, version):
     current_revision = system('hg identify')
     current_revision = current_revision.split(' ')[0]
     # + at the end of the revision denotes uncommitted changes
     current_revision = current_revision.rstrip('+')
     return "hg log -r %s -r %s" % (version, current_revision)
Exemplo n.º 47
 def list_files(self):
     """List files in version control."""
     return system('hg manifest').splitlines()
Exemplo n.º 48
    def _release(self):
        """Upload the release, when desired"""
        if utils.TESTMODE:
            pypirc_old = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
                'zest.releaser.tests', 'pypirc_old.txt')
            pypiconfig = pypi.PypiConfig(pypirc_old)
            pypiconfig = pypi.PypiConfig()

        # Does the user normally want a real release?  We are
        # interested in getting a sane default answer here, so you can
        # override it in the exceptional case but just hit Enter in
        # the usual case.
        main_files = os.listdir(self.data['workingdir'])
        if 'setup.py' not in main_files and 'setup.cfg' not in main_files:
            # Neither setup.py nor setup.cfg, so this is no python
            # package, so at least a pypi release is not useful.
            # Expected case: this is a buildout directory.
            default_answer = False
            default_answer = pypiconfig.want_release()

        if not utils.ask("Check out the tag (for tweaks or pypi/distutils "
                         "server upload)", default=default_answer):

        package = self.vcs.name
        version = self.data['version']
        logger.info("Doing a checkout...")
        self.data['tagdir'] = os.path.realpath(os.getcwd())
        logger.info("Tag checkout placed in %s", self.data['tagdir'])

        # Possibly fix setup.cfg.
        if self.setup_cfg.has_bad_commands():
            logger.info("This is not advisable for a release.")
            if utils.ask("Fix %s (and commit to tag if possible)" %
                         self.setup_cfg.config_filename, default=True):
                # Fix the setup.cfg in the current working directory
                # so the current release works well.
                # Now we may want to commit this.  Note that this is
                # only really useful for subversion, as for example in
                # git you are in a detached HEAD state, which is a
                # place where a commit will be lost.
                # Ah, in the case of bazaar doing a commit is actually
                # harmful, as the commit ends up on the tip, instead
                # of only being done on a tag or branch.
                # So the summary is:
                # - svn: NEEDED, not harmful
                # - git: not needed, not harmful
                # - hg: not needed, not harmful
                # - bzr: not needed, HARMFUL
                # So for clarity and safety we should only do this for
                # subversion.
                if self.vcs.internal_filename == '.svn':
                    command = self.vcs.cmd_commit(
                        "Fixed %s on tag for release" %
                    print system(command)
                    logger.debug("Not committing in non-svn repository as "
                                 "this is not needed or may be harmful.")

        sdist_options = self._sdist_options()
        # Run extra entry point

        if 'setup.py' in os.listdir(self.data['tagdir']):
            if not pypiconfig.config:
                logger.warn("You must have a properly configured %s file in "
                            "your home dir to upload an egg.",
                self._upload_distributions(package, sdist_options, pypiconfig)

        # Make sure we are in the expected directory again.
Exemplo n.º 49
 def list_files(self):
     """List files in version control."""
     return system('svn ls --recursive').splitlines()
Exemplo n.º 50
 def cmd_diff_last_commit_against_tag(self, version):
     current_revision = system('hg identify')
     current_revision = current_revision.split(' ')[0]
     # + at the end of the revision denotes uncommitted changes
     current_revision = current_revision.rstrip('+')
     return "hg diff -r %s -r %s" % (version, current_revision)