Exemplo n.º 1
def read_zlib_chunks(read_some, dec_size, buffer_size=4096):
    """Read zlib data from a buffer.

    This function requires that the buffer have additional data following the
    compressed data, which is guaranteed to be the case for git pack files.

    :param read_some: Read function that returns at least one byte, but may
        return less than the requested size
    :param dec_size: Expected size of the decompressed buffer
    :param buffer_size: Size of the read buffer
    :return: Tuple with list of chunks, length of compressed data length and
        and unused read data.
    :raise zlib.error: if a decompression error occurred.
    if dec_size <= -1:
        raise ValueError("non-negative zlib data stream size expected")
    obj = zlib.decompressobj()
    ret = []
    fed = 0
    size = 0
    while obj.unused_data == "":
        add = read_some(buffer_size)
        if not add:
            raise zlib.error("EOF before end of zlib stream")
        fed += len(add)
        decomp = obj.decompress(add)
        size += len(decomp)
    if size != dec_size:
        raise zlib.error("decompressed data does not match expected size")
    comp_len = fed - len(obj.unused_data)
    return ret, comp_len, obj.unused_data
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: pack.py Projeto: tmc/dulwich
def read_zlib_chunks(read_some, dec_size, buffer_size=4096):
    """Read zlib data from a buffer.

    This function requires that the buffer have additional data following the
    compressed data, which is guaranteed to be the case for git pack files.

    :param read_some: Read function that returns at least one byte, but may
        return less than the requested size
    :param dec_size: Expected size of the decompressed buffer
    :param buffer_size: Size of the read buffer
    :return: Tuple with list of chunks, length of compressed data length and
        and unused read data.
    :raise zlib.error: if a decompression error occurred.
    if dec_size <= -1:
        raise ValueError("non-negative zlib data stream size expected")
    obj = zlib.decompressobj()
    ret = []
    fed = 0
    size = 0
    while obj.unused_data == "":
        add = read_some(buffer_size)
        if not add:
            raise zlib.error("EOF before end of zlib stream")
        fed += len(add)
        decomp = obj.decompress(add)
        size += len(decomp)
    if size != dec_size:
        raise zlib.error("decompressed data does not match expected size")
    comp_len = fed - len(obj.unused_data)
    return ret, comp_len, obj.unused_data
Exemplo n.º 3
 def read(self, size: int = -1) -> bytes:
     if size < 0:
         return self.readall()
     if not size:
         return b''
     return_data = b''
     stream_position = self._stream.tell()
     while True:
         if self._decompressor.eof:
         read_size = size - len(return_data)
         if read_size == 0:
         compressed_chunk = self._decompressor.unconsumed_tail or self._stream.read(
         if compressed_chunk == b'':
             decompressed_part = self._decompressor.decompress(
                 compressed_chunk, read_size)
         except zlib.error as e:
             raise zlib.error('Corrupted stream') from e
         return_data += decompressed_part
     return return_data
Exemplo n.º 4
 def decompress(head_: bytes, handle_: BytesIO) -> Iterator[bytes]:
     # try several most common offsets
     offsets = [zlib.MAX_WBITS, -zlib.MAX_WBITS, zlib.MAX_WBITS | 16]
     for offset in offsets:
         with suppress(zlib.error):
             dec = zlib.decompressobj(offset)
             first = dec.decompress(head_)
             return (F(chunk) >> (map, dec.decompress) >>
                     (chain, [first]) >> (filter, bool))(handle_)
     raise zlib.error('failed decompression')
Exemplo n.º 5
 def decompress(self, stream):
         dec = create_decompressor()
         for chunk in stream:
             rv = dec.decompress(chunk)
             if rv:
                 yield rv
             if dec.unused_data:
                 dec = create_decompressor()
     except zlib.error as e:
         msg = str(e)
         if msg.startswith('Error -3 '):
             msg += ". Use NoDecompressor if you're using uncompressed input."
         six.reraise(zlib.error, zlib.error(msg), sys.exc_info()[2])
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_decompress_zlib_error(self, mock_zlib):
        the_error = zlib.error("TEST ERROR")

        def raiser(*args, **kwargs):
            raise the_error

        mock_zlib.decompress.side_effect = raiser
        # put this back.
        mock_zlib.error = zlib.error

        input = mock.Mock(name='compressed')

        with self.assertRaises(cache.CacheDecodeError) as cm:

        self.assertIs(cm.exception.from_err, the_error)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_decompress_pkg_index_gz_failure(self):
        Test decompression for Packages.gz file failure handling.

        zdcmp = MagicMock(side_effect=zlib.error("Firewall currently too hot"))
        xdcmp = MagicMock(side_effect=lzma.LZMAError(""))
        with patch("spacewalk.common.repo.zlib.decompress", zdcmp) as m_zlib, \
            patch("spacewalk.common.repo.lzma.decompress", xdcmp) as m_lzma:
            with pytest.raises(GeneralRepoException) as exc:

        assert not xdcmp.called
        assert zdcmp.called
        assert "hot" in str(exc.value)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def _read_blocks(self):
     f = self.f
     self.loc = self.header_size
     data = b''
     for n in range(self.nblocks):
         block_size = b2i(f.read(WORD))
         block_size_decomp = b2i(f.read(WORD))
         self.loc += DWORD
         raw = f.read(block_size)
         # Have to use Decompression obj rather than the decompress() func.
         # This avoids 'incomplete or truncated stream' errors
         #   dat = zlib.decompress(raw, 15, block_size_decomp)
         d = zlib.decompressobj()
         dat = d.decompress(raw, block_size_decomp)
         if len(dat) != block_size_decomp:
             raise zlib.error(
                 "Decompressed data size does not match expected size.")
         data += dat
Exemplo n.º 9
def eq4():
    irc.send(chan=channel, msg='!ep4')
    text = refresh()
    m = re.search('(?<= botep \:)(.*)', str(text))
    if m is not None:
            data = str(m.group(1))
            print('[+] catched ' + str(data))
            decode = base64.b64decode(data)
            print('[+] decoded ' + decode)
            uncompress = zlib.decompress(decode)
            print('[+] decompressed ' + uncompress)
            forge = '!ep4 -rep ' + str(uncompress)
            print('[+] Sending back ' + str(forge))
            irc.send(chan=channel, msg=forge)

        except zlib.error():
            print("[-] Zlib error :'( )'")
Exemplo n.º 10
 def bad_open(*args, **kwargs):
     raise zlib.error('bad tar')
Exemplo n.º 11
 def bad_open(*args, **kwargs):
     raise zlib.error('bad tar')
Exemplo n.º 12
 def flush(self) -> None:
     raise zlib.error()
Exemplo n.º 13
def good_case1():
    """zlib.error is defined in C module."""
    import zlib
    raise zlib.error(4)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def test_generic_zlib_error(self):
     from zlib import error
     msg = "Error -3 while decompressing data: incorrect data check"
     self.assertTranslationEqual(('error', 'zlib.error', msg),
Exemplo n.º 15
 def flush(self):
     raise zlib.error()
 def compress(self, *args, **kwargs):
     raise zlib.error()
Exemplo n.º 17
def good_case1():
    """zlib.error is defined in C module."""
    import zlib
    raise zlib.error(4)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def scan_next(self, last_scan_result, current_path, next_path):
        lookup_key = "{current_path}->{next_path}".format(
            current_path=current_path, next_path=next_path)
        # print(f"testing {lookup_key}")
        conti = self.lookup.get(lookup_key, True)
        if not conti:
            return False, None, None, None, None
            is_single_header = last_scan_result[0]
            last_file_data = copy.deepcopy(last_scan_result[1])
            data_to_skip = copy.deepcopy(last_scan_result[2])
            decomp_obj = last_scan_result[3].copy()

            data = last_file_data
            total_read = 0
            with open(next_path, "rb") as f:
                    while True:
                        decomp_buf = bytearray()
                        buf = f.read(self.DEFAULT_TRUNK_SIZE)
                        self.total_read_in_bytes += self.DEFAULT_TRUNK_SIZE
                        total_read += self.DEFAULT_TRUNK_SIZE
                        if len(buf) == 0:
                            # reach the file end
                            return True, data, data_to_skip, decomp_obj, self.TAR_BODY_MARK
                            decomp_buf = decomp_obj.decompress(buf)
                        except zlib.error:
                            # self.lookup[lookup_key] = False
                            # return False
                            raise zlib.error("GZ decompress fail.")
                        if data_to_skip > len(data):
                        elif data_to_skip > 0:
                            data = data[data_to_skip:]
                        reach_end = False
                        while not reach_end:
                            if len(data) >= self.TAR_HEAD_SIZE:
                                header = self.parse_tar_header_simple(

                                pl_size = math.ceil(
                                    header['size'] /
                                    self.TAR_BLOCK_SIZE) * self.TAR_BLOCK_SIZE
                                tar_entry_size = self.TAR_HEAD_SIZE + pl_size
                                if tar_entry_size < len(data):
                                    data = data[tar_entry_size:]
                                    data_to_skip = tar_entry_size - len(data)
                                    data = bytearray()
                                    reach_end = True
                                data_to_skip = 0
                                reach_end = True
                except tarfile.InvalidHeaderError as err:
                    if not any(data):
                        self.logger.info("reaches the last file")
                        return True, bytearray(
                        ), 0, decomp_obj, self.TAR_TAIL_MARK
                        # print("look like this file is not continuous")
                        # print(err)
                        return False, None, -1, None, None
                except zlib.error as zerr:
                    # print("GZ decompress error")
                    return False, None, -1, None, None
 def test_generic_zlib_error(self):
     from zlib import error
     msg = "Error -3 while decompressing data: incorrect data check"
     self.assertTranslationEqual(('error', 'zlib.error', msg), error(msg))
Exemplo n.º 20
# For further info, check  http://launchpad.net/filesync-server

"""Resumable decompression

A ctypes interface to zlib decompress/inflate functions that mimics
zlib.decompressobj interface but also supports getting and setting the
z_stream state to suspend/serialize it and then resume the decompression
at a later time.

import cPickle
import ctypes
import zlib

if zlib.ZLIB_VERSION != '' and zlib.ZLIB_VERSION != '':
    raise zlib.error("zlib version not supported: %s" % (zlib.ZLIB_VERSION))

if zlib.ZLIB_VERSION == '':
    # from inftrees.h
    ENOUGH = 2048
elif zlib.ZLIB_VERSION == '':
    ENOUGH_LENS = 852
    ENOUGH_DISTS = 592

# from inflate.h
#     gzip header information passed to and from zlib routines.  See RFC 1952
#  for more details on the meanings of these fields.