def __init__(self, barriername, number_of_workers): = threading.Condition() self.connected = False self.barrier = "/" + barriername self.workers = number_of_workers zookeeper.set_log_stream(open('/dev/null')) def watcher(handle, type, state, path): self.connected = True self.handle = zookeeper.init("localhost:2181", watcher, 10000) if not self.connected: print "Connection to ZooKeeper cluster timed out - is a server running on localhost:2181?" sys.exit() try: zookeeper.create(self.handle, self.barrier, '\x00', [ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE], 0) except zookeeper.NodeExistsException: pass except Exception, ex: print ex raise ex
def test_sync_get_large_datanode(self): """ Test that we can retrieve datanode sizes up to 1Mb with default parameters (depends on ZooKeeper server). """ data = ''.join(["A" for x in range(1024 * 1023)]) self.ensureDeleted("/zk-python-test-large-datanode") zookeeper.create(self.handle, "/zk-python-test-large-datanode", data, [{ "perms": 0x1f, "scheme": "world", "id": "anyone" }]) (ret, stat) = zookeeper.get(self.handle, "/zk-python-test-large-datanode") self.assertEqual( len(ret), 1024 * 1023, "Should have got 1Mb returned, instead got %s" % len(ret)) (ret, stat) = zookeeper.get(self.handle, "/zk-python-test-large-datanode", None, 500) self.assertEqual( len(ret), 500, "Should have got 500 bytes returned, instead got %s" % len(ret))
def __init__(self, service_name, connect_string, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, default_port=6664): self.SERVICE_NODE = "/" + service_name self.AVAILABILITY_NODE = self.SERVICE_NODE + "/available" self.MEMBERSHIP_NODE = self.SERVICE_NODE + "/members" self.connected = False self.timeout = timeout self.default_port = default_port self.conn_cv = threading.Condition() self.conn_cv.acquire() self.handle = zookeeper.init(connect_string, self.connection_watcher, timeout) self.conn_cv.wait(timeout / 1000) self.conn_cv.release() self.watcher_lock = threading.Lock() self.logger = logging.getLogger("sincc") if not self.connected: raise SinClusterClientError("Unable to connect to %s" % connect_string) for path in [self.SERVICE_NODE, self.AVAILABILITY_NODE, self.MEMBERSHIP_NODE]: if not zookeeper.exists(self.handle, path): zookeeper.create(self.handle, path, "", [ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE], 0) self.listeners = [] # Start to watch both /members and /available zookeeper.get_children(self.handle, self.MEMBERSHIP_NODE, self.watcher) available = zookeeper.get_children(self.handle, self.AVAILABILITY_NODE, self.watcher) self.available_nodes = {} for node_id in available: self.available_nodes[int(node_id)] = Node(int(node_id), zookeeper.get(self.handle, self.AVAILABILITY_NODE + "/" + node_id)[0])
def connect(host=None): global conn_cv, connected, handle global reconnect_host if host is None: host = "localhost:2181" reconnect_host = host conn_cv.acquire() handle = zookeeper.init(host, my_connection_watcher, 10000) while not connected: conn_cv.wait() conn_cv.release() connected = False while not connected: try: zookeeper.create(handle, ROOT, "1", [ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE], 0) connected = True except zookeeper.NodeExistsException as e: # No worries connected = True except zookeeper.ConnectionLossException: continue except: raise
def register_consumer(self, consumer_group, consumer_id, topic): """Creates the following permanent node, if it does not exist already: /consumers/{consumer_group}/ids The data written at this node is just the consumer_id so that we can later track who created what. We then create the following emphemeral node: /consumers/{consumer_group}/ids/{consumer_id} The data written in this node is a dictionary of topic names (in unicode) to the number of threads that this consumer has registered for this topic (in our case, always one). """ self._create_path_if_needed(self.path_for_consumer_ids(consumer_group), consumer_id) # Create an emphermal node for this consumer consumer_id_path = self.path_for_consumer_id(consumer_group, consumer_id)"Registering Consumer {0}, trying to create {1}" .format(consumer_id, consumer_id_path)) zookeeper.create(self._zk.handle, consumer_id_path, json.dumps({topic : 1}), # topic : # of threads ZKUtil.ACL, zookeeper.EPHEMERAL)
def __init__(self, queuename): self.connected = False self.queuename = "/" + queuename = threading.Condition() zookeeper.set_log_stream(open("/dev/null")) def watcher(handle, type, state, path): print "Connected" self.connected = True self.handle = zookeeper.init("localhost:2181", watcher, 10000) if not self.connected: print "Connection to ZooKeeper cluster timed out - is a server running on localhost:2181?" sys.exit() try: zookeeper.create(self.handle, self.queuename, "queue top level", [ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE], 0) except zookeeper.NodeExistsException: print "Queue already exists"
def __tryGC(self, app_id, app_path): try: # print "try to obtrain app %s lock" % app_id val = zookeeper.get(self.handle, PATH_SEPARATOR.join([app_path, GC_TIME_PATH]), None)[0] lasttime = float(val) except zookeeper.NoNodeException: lasttime = 0 if lasttime + GC_INTERVAL < time.time(): # try to gc this app. gc_path = PATH_SEPARATOR.join([app_path, GC_LOCK_PATH]) try: now = str(time.time()) zookeeper.create(self.handle, gc_path, now, ZOO_ACL_OPEN, zookeeper.EPHEMERAL) # succeed to obtain lock. # TODO: should we handle the timeout of gc also? try: self.__executeGC(app_id, app_path) # update lasttime when gc was succeeded. now = str(time.time()) self.__updateNode(PATH_SEPARATOR.join([app_path, GC_TIME_PATH]), now) except Exception, e: print "warning: gc error %s" % e traceback.print_exc() zookeeper.delete(self.handle, gc_path, -1) except zookeeper.NodeExistsException: # fail to obtain lock. try next time. pass
def __init__(self,queuename): self.connected = False self.queuename = "/" + queuename = threading.Condition() zookeeper.set_log_stream(open("/dev/null")) def watcher(handle,type,state,path): print "Connected" self.connected = True self.handle = zookeeper.init("localhost:2181", watcher, 10000, 0) if not self.connected: print "Connection to ZooKeeper cluster timed out - is a server running on localhost:2181?" sys.exit() try: zookeeper.create(self.handle,self.queuename,"queue top level", [ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE],0) except IOError, e: if e.message == zookeeper.zerror(zookeeper.NODEEXISTS): print "Queue already exists" else: raise e
def create_node(zh, options, path): try: zookeeper.create(zh, path, options.VALUE, acl_openbar, zookeeper.EPHEMERAL)"OK create %s", path) except Exception as e:"ERROR create %s: %s", path, e)
def set(self, path, data='', previous_data=None): path = '%s%s' % (self.prefix, path) try: current_data, current_meta = zookeeper.get(self.handle, path, None) except zookeeper.NoNodeException: if not previous_data: try: zookeeper.create(self.handle, path, data, [ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE]) return True except: self.log.exception('Failed to create a missing key %s', path) return False else: return False except: self.log.exception('Failed to set key %s', path) return False version = None if previous_data: if current_data != previous_data: self.log.error('Previous data constraint failed') return False version = current_meta['version'] try: if version is None: zookeeper.set(self.handle, path, data) else: zookeeper.set(self.handle, path, data, version) except: self.log.exception('Set failed') return False return True
def setUp( self ): zktestbase.TestBase.setUp(self) try: zookeeper.create(self.handle, "/zk-python-existstest","existstest", [ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE],zookeeper.EPHEMERAL) zookeeper.create(self.handle, "/zk-python-aexiststest","existstest",[ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE],zookeeper.EPHEMERAL) except: pass
def watch_session(handle, event_type, state, path): assert event_type == zookeeper.SESSION_EVENT assert not path if state == zookeeper.CONNECTED_STATE: if self.handle is None: self.handle = handle for watch in self._watch(watch) for path, data in list(self.ephemeral.items()): zookeeper.create(self.handle, path, data['data'], data['acl'], data['flags']) else: assert handle == self.handle connected.set()'connected %s', handle) elif state == zookeeper.CONNECTING_STATE: connected.clear() elif state == zookeeper.EXPIRED_SESSION_STATE: connected.clear() if self.handle is not None: zookeeper.close(self.handle) self.handle = None init() else: logger.critical('unexpected session event %s %s', handle, state)
def zookeeper_node_set(nodepath, nodevalue, perms, **option): ephemeral = 0 if option.has_key('ephemeral') and option['ephemeral']: ephemeral = zookeeper.EPHEMERAL parent_perms = perms if option.has_key('parent_perms'): parent_perms = option['parent_perms'] p = FilePath('/') for v in nodepath.split('/'): p = p / v if not zookeeper.exists(G.zookeeper, p): if not option.has_key('nocreate') or not option['nocreate']: if p == nodepath: print zookeeper.create(G.zookeeper, p, nodevalue, [{ "perms": perms, "scheme": "world", "id": "anyone" }], ephemeral) return True else: zookeeper.create(G.zookeeper, p, '', [{ "perms": parent_perms, "scheme": "world", "id": "anyone" }], 0) elif p == nodepath: print zookeeper.set(G.zookeeper, p, nodevalue) return True return False
def create(self, path, data="", flags=0, makepath=False, force=False): """ 创建节点 """ acl2 = {"perms": 0x1f, "scheme": "world", "id": "anyone"} if self.acl["scheme"] == "digest": user, _ = self.acl["id"].split(':') id2 = "%s:%s" % (user, base64.b64encode("sha1", self.acl["id"]).digest())) acl2 = {"perms": self.acl["perms"], "scheme": "digest", "id": id2}"zk create [%s]" % path) if makepath: if not self.exists(os.path.dirname(path)): self.create(path=os.path.dirname(path), data="", flags=flags, makepath=True) if force and self.exists(path): self.delete(path) zookeeper.create(self.handle, path, data, [acl2], flags) if self.exists(path): return 1 else: return 0
def register_consumer(self, consumer_group, consumer_id, topic): """Creates the following permanent node, if it does not exist already: /consumers/{consumer_group}/ids The data written at this node is just the consumer_id so that we can later track who created what. We then create the following emphemeral node: /consumers/{consumer_group}/ids/{consumer_id} The data written in this node is a dictionary of topic names (in unicode) to the number of threads that this consumer has registered for this topic (in our case, always one). """ self._create_path_if_needed(self.path_for_consumer_ids(consumer_group), consumer_id) # Create an emphermal node for this consumer consumer_id_path = self.path_for_consumer_id(consumer_group, consumer_id)"Registering Consumer {0}, trying to create {1}".format( consumer_id, consumer_id_path)) zookeeper.create( self._zk.handle, consumer_id_path, json.dumps({topic: 1}), # topic : # of threads ZKUtil.ACL, zookeeper.EPHEMERAL)
def _create_path_if_needed(self, path, data=None): """Creates permanent nodes for all elements in the path if they don't already exist. Places data for each node created. (You'll probably want to use the consumer_id for this, just for accounting purposes -- it's not used as part of the balancing algorithm). Our zc.zk.ZooKeeper object doesn't know how to create nodes, so we have to dig into the zookeeper base library. Note that we can't create all of it in one go -- ZooKeeper only allows atomic operations, and so we're creating these one at a time. """ if not path.startswith("/"): raise ValueError("Paths must be fully qualified (begin with '/').") def _build_path(nodes): return "/" + "/".join(nodes) nodes_to_create = path[1:].split("/") # remove beginning "/" created_so_far = [] for node in nodes_to_create: created_path = _build_path(created_so_far) if node and node not in self._zk.children(created_path).data: node_to_create = _build_path(created_so_far + [node]) # If data is a string, we'll initialize the node with it... if isinstance(data, basestring): init_data = data else: init_data = json.dumps(data) zookeeper.create(self._zk.handle, node_to_create, init_data, ZKUtil.ACL) created_so_far.append(node)
def _real_register(self): for znode, data in self._register_entry_set.iter_entry(): if self._base_znode == "/": znode = "/%s" % znode else: znode = "%s/%s" % (self._base_znode, znode) while True: try: zookeeper.create( self._register_handler, znode, data, # 权限 [{ "perms": 0x1f, "scheme": "world", "id": "anyone" }], # 节点类型 zookeeper.EPHEMERAL)"create znode: %s successfully" % znode) break except zookeeper.NodeExistsException: if self._delete_if_exists:"%s already exists, delete it anyway" % znode) try: zookeeper.delete(self._register_handler, znode) except zookeeper.NoNodeException: pass continue raise
def __init__(self,queuename, port, is_producer=False): self.connected = False self.queuename = "/" + queuename = threading.Condition() zookeeper.set_log_stream(open("/dev/null")) def watcher(handle,type,state,path): print "Connected" self.connected = True self.handle = zookeeper.init("localhost:%d" % port, watcher, 10000) if not self.connected: print "Connection to ZooKeeper cluster timed out - is a server running on localhost:%d?" % port sys.exit() if is_producer: while True: try: zookeeper.create(self.handle,self.queuename,"queue top level", [ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE],0) print "Fila criada, OK" return except zookeeper.NodeExistsException: print "Tratorando filas existentes" while True: children = sorted(zookeeper.get_children(self.handle, self.queuename,None)) if len(children) == 0: (data,stat) = zookeeper.get(self.handle, self.queuename, None) zookeeper.delete(self.handle, self.queuename, stat["version"]) break for child in children: data = self.get_and_delete(self.queuename + "/" + child)
def main(): from optparse import OptionParser as OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action="store_true", dest="flag_verbose", help='Triggers debugging traces') (options, args) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv) # Logging configuration if options.flag_verbose: logging.basicConfig( format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S', level=logging.DEBUG) else: logging.basicConfig( format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S', level=logging.INFO) if len(args) < 2: raise ValueError("not enough CLI arguments") ns = args[1] cnxstr = load_config().get(ns, 'zookeeper') zookeeper.set_debug_level(zookeeper.LOG_LEVEL_INFO) zh = zookeeper.init(cnxstr) zookeeper.create(zh, PREFIX, '', acl_openbar, 0) create_tree(zh, boot_tree()) init_namespace(zh, ns) zookeeper.close(zh)
def __init__(self, zkhosts, root=NODE_HQ_ROOT, alivenode='alive'): """zkhosts: a string or a list. list will be ','.join-ed into a string. root: root node path (any parents must exist, if any) """ if not isinstance(zkhosts, basestring): zkhosts = ','.join(zkhosts) self.zkhosts = zkhosts self.ROOT = root self.alivenode = alivenode self.nodename = os.uname()[1] self.NODE_SERVERS = self.ROOT + '/servers' self.NODE_ME = self.NODE_SERVERS+'/'+self.nodename self.zh = zk.init(self.zkhosts, self.__watcher) = {} self.initialize_node_structure() if not zk.exists(self.zh, self.NODE_ME): zk.create(self.zh, self.NODE_ME, '', PERM_WORLD) # setup notification zk.get_children(self.zh, self.NODE_SERVERS, self.__servers_watcher) #zk.get_children(self.zh, self.NODE_ME, self.__watcher) self.NODE_JOBS = self.NODE_ME+'/jobs' zk.acreate(self.zh, self.NODE_JOBS, '', PERM_WORLD)
def try_lock(self): while True: try: zookeeper.create(self.handle, self.lockname, self.uuid, [ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE], zookeeper.EPHEMERAL) except: self.log.debug('Failed to acquire lock (%r)' % self.lockname) return False try: (data, _) = zookeeper.get(self.handle, self.lockname, None) break except: self.log.exception( 'try_lock: create succeeded but get failed? (%r)' % self.lockname) continue if data == self.uuid: self.log.debug('Lock acquired (%r)' % self.lockname) return True else: self.log.error( 'try_lock: create succeeded but data is wrong? (%r)' % self.lockname) print "failed to acquire lock" return False
def register_machine(self, machine, data): if not isinstance(data, odin_pb2.Machine): raise TypeError('data must be a protobuffer Machine') zookeeper.create(self._z, machine, data.SerializeToString(), [ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE], zookeeper.EPHEMERAL)
def create(self, path="", value=""): try: zookeeper.create(self.zk, path, value, self.acl, self.flags) except zookeeper.NodeExistsException: pass except zookeeper.NoNodeException: self.create(path=path.rsplit("/", 1)[0], refactor=False) self.create(path=path, value=value, refactor=False)
def mark_node_available(self, node_id, data=""): """Mark a node available.""" path = self.AVAILABILITY_NODE + "/" + str(node_id) try: zookeeper.create(self.handle, path, data, [ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE], zookeeper.EPHEMERAL)"Node %d: %s is now available" % (node_id, data)) except zookeeper.NodeExistsException: self.logger.warn("%s already exists" % path)
def set(i): nodeinfo = '/node%d' % i datainfo = 'datajfajdfkjaslkjdfajsfiwerkjkjelkjkljafd%d' % i zookeeper.create(zk, nodeinfo, datainfo, [{ "perms": 0x1f, "scheme": "world", "id": "anyone" }], 0) print 'insert number %d is ok! ' % i
def write(self, path, contents, ephemeral=False, exclusive=False): """ Writes the contents to the path in zookeeper. It will create the path in zookeeper if it does not already exist. This method will return True if the value is written, False otherwise. (The value will not be written if the exclusive is True and the node already exists.) """ partial_path = '' # We start from the second element because we do not want to inclued # the initial empty string before the first "/" because all paths begin # with "/". We also don't want to include the final node because that # is dealt with later. for path_part in path.split("/")[1:-1]: partial_path = partial_path + "/" + path_part if not(zookeeper.exists(self.handle, partial_path)): try: zookeeper.create(self.handle, partial_path, '', [self.acl], 0) except zookeeper.NodeExistsException: pass exists = zookeeper.exists(self.handle, path) # Don't create it if we're exclusive. if exists and exclusive: return False # We make sure that we have the creation flags for ephemeral nodes, # otherwise they could be associated with previous connections that # have not yet timed out. if ephemeral and exists: try: zookeeper.delete(self.handle, path) except zookeeper.NoNodeException: pass exists = False if exists: zookeeper.set(self.handle, path, contents) return True else: flags = (ephemeral and zookeeper.EPHEMERAL or 0) try: zookeeper.create(self.handle, path, contents, [self.acl], flags) return True except zookeeper.NodeExistsException: if not(exclusive): # Woah, something happened between the top and here. # We just restart and retry the whole routine. self.write(path, contents, ephemeral=ephemeral) return True else: return False
def __init__(self, semaphorename, hostname, port, initial_value = 0): ZooKeeperBase.__init__(self, hostname, port) self.semaphorename = "/" + semaphorename try: zookeeper.create(self.handle,self.semaphorename,"semaphore top level", [ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE],0) self.signal(initial_value) print "Created new semaphore, OK" except zookeeper.NodeExistsException: print "Semaphore Already Exists"
def __init__(self,queuename, hostname, port, is_producer=False): ZooKeeperBase.__init__(self, hostname, port) self.queuename = "/" + queuename if is_producer: try: zookeeper.create(self.handle,self.queuename,"queue top level", [ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE],0) print "Created new Queue, OK" except zookeeper.NodeExistsException: print "Queue Already Exists"
def register_node(self, node_id, host, port=0): """Register a node to the cluster.""" path = self.MEMBERSHIP_NODE + "/" + str(node_id) if port <= 0: port = self.default_port try: data = host + ":" + str(port) zookeeper.create(self.handle, path, data, [ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE], 0)"Node %d: %s is registered" % (node_id, data)) except zookeeper.NodeExistsException: self.logger.warn("%s already exists" % path)
def createRootNode(self, root): #Create root node recursively from back to front to back if root == '/': return while True: try: root = root[:-1] zookeeper.create(self.zh, root, '', [ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE], 0) return except zookeeper.NodeExistsException: return except zookeeper.NoNodeException: self.createRootNode(root.rsplit('/', 1)[0] + '/')
def create_zookeeper_without_delete_children(zk, path, data): try: if zookeeper.exists(zk, path): return zookeeper.create(zk, path, data, [{ "perms": 15, "scheme": "world", "id": "anyone" }], 0) except zookeeper.NodeExistsException, e: err_str = "path %s exist\n" % path handle_output(False, err_str)
def _action_generator(self, parsed_args): for zh, group in self.iterate_groups(parsed_args): for key, first, last in self._list_elections(zh, group): tail = str(1+int(last)).rjust(10, '0') suffix = key + '-' + tail path = group + '/' + suffix try: zookeeper.create(zh, path, parsed_args.value, _acl_openbar, 0) yield group, suffix, "OK" except Exception as ex: yield group, suffix, str(ex)
def test_empty_node(self): """ Test for a bug when instead of empty string we can get random data from buffer malloc'ed to hold node contents. See ZOOKEEPER-1906 for details """ NODE_PATH = "/zk-python-test-empty-node" self.ensureDeleted(NODE_PATH) zookeeper.create(self.handle, NODE_PATH, "", [{"perms":0x1f, "scheme":"world", "id" :"anyone"}]) (data,stat) = zookeeper.get(self.handle, NODE_PATH, None) self.assertEqual(data, "", "Data is not empty as expected: " + data)
def node_add(): basepath = request.args.get('path', '') if request.method == 'POST': path = request.form.get('path') data = request.form.get('data') print request.form print request.values verify = True if len(path) == 0: verify = False flash('"Node Path" not allow empty') elif path[0] == '/': verify = False flash('"Node Path" can not start with "/"') else: path = CONFIG_NODE / basepath / path if zookeeper.exists(zk, path): verify = False flash('Path already exists:"%s"' % (path)) if verify: nodepath = FilePath('/') try: for node in path.split('/'): nodepath = nodepath / node if not zookeeper.exists(zk, nodepath): if nodepath != path: zookeeper.create(zk, nodepath, '', [{ "perms": zookeeper.PERM_ALL, "scheme": 'world', "id": 'anyone' }], 0) else: zookeeper.create(zk, nodepath, data, [{ "perms": zookeeper.PERM_ALL, "scheme": 'world', "id": 'anyone' }], 0) return redirect('/node') except BaseException, e: flash(e.message) formdata = { 'path': request.form.get('path') if path != '' else '', 'data': data }
def _write(self, path, contents, ephemeral, exclusive, sequential, mustexist): # We start from the second element because we do not want to inclued # the initial empty string before the first "/" because all paths begin # with "/". We also don't want to include the final node because that # is dealt with later. partial_path = '' for path_part in path.split("/")[1:-1]: partial_path = partial_path + "/" + path_part if not (zookeeper.exists(self.handle, partial_path)): try: zookeeper.create(self.handle, partial_path, '', [self.acl], 0) except zookeeper.NodeExistsException: pass if sequential: exists = False else: exists = zookeeper.exists(self.handle, path) # Don't create it if we're exclusive. if exists and exclusive: return False # Check if we require the node to exist. if not exists and mustexist: return False # We make sure that we have the creation flags for ephemeral nodes, # otherwise they could be associated with previous connections that # have not yet timed out. if ephemeral and exists: try: zookeeper.delete(self.handle, path) except zookeeper.NoNodeException: pass exists = False if exists: zookeeper.set(self.handle, path, contents) return path else: flags = 0 if ephemeral: flags = flags | zookeeper.EPHEMERAL if sequential: flags = flags | zookeeper.SEQUENCE # NOTE: We return the final path created. return zookeeper.create(self.handle, path, contents, [self.acl], flags)
def before_request(): if not zookeeper.exists(zk, ROOT_NODE): zookeeper.create(zk, ROOT_NODE, '', [{ "perms": zookeeper.PERM_ALL, "scheme": "world", "id": "anyone" }], 0) elif not zookeeper.exists(zk, CONFIG_NODE): zookeeper.create(zk, CONFIG_NODE, '', [{ "perms": zookeeper.PERM_ALL, "scheme": "world", "id": "anyone" }], 0)
def post(self): request_dict = self.request.arguments cluster_name = (request_dict['cluster_name'])[0] zk=zookeeper.init(self.zk_connect(cluster_name)) new_node = (request_dict['New_post_node'])[0] new_value = (request_dict['new_node_value'])[0] if zookeeper.exists(zk,new_node): zookeeper.close(zk) self.write("此节点存在") else: zookeeper.create(zk,new_node,new_value,[{"perms":0x1f,"scheme":"world","id":"anyone"}],0) zookeeper.close(zk) self.write("增加成功")
def main(): from optparse import OptionParser as OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option( '-v', '--verbose', action="store_true", dest="flag_verbose", help='Triggers debugging traces') parser.add_option( '--slow', action="store_true", dest="SLOW", help='Only play with small batches to avoid timeouts on slow hosts.') parser.add_option( '--avoid', action="append", type="string", dest="AVOID_TYPES", help='Do not populate entries for the specified service types') (options, args) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv) # Logging configuration if options.flag_verbose: logging.basicConfig( format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S', level=logging.DEBUG) else: logging.basicConfig( format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S', level=logging.INFO) if len(args) < 2: raise ValueError("not enough CLI arguments") ns = args[1] cnxstr = load_namespace_conf(ns)['zookeeper'] zookeeper.set_debug_level(zookeeper.LOG_LEVEL_INFO) zh = zookeeper.init(cnxstr) # synchronous creation of the root try: zookeeper.create(zh, PREFIX, '', acl_openbar, 0) except zookeeper.NodeExistsException: pass create_tree(zh, namespace_tree(ns, options), options) zookeeper.close(zh)
def _write(self, path, contents, ephemeral, exclusive, sequential, mustexist): # We start from the second element because we do not want to inclued # the initial empty string before the first "/" because all paths begin # with "/". We also don't want to include the final node because that # is dealt with later. partial_path = '' for path_part in path.split("/")[1:-1]: partial_path = partial_path + "/" + path_part if not(zookeeper.exists(self.handle, partial_path)): try: zookeeper.create(self.handle, partial_path, '', [self.acl], 0) except zookeeper.NodeExistsException: pass if sequential: exists = False else: exists = zookeeper.exists(self.handle, path) # Don't create it if we're exclusive. if exists and exclusive: return False # Check if we require the node to exist. if not exists and mustexist: return False # We make sure that we have the creation flags for ephemeral nodes, # otherwise they could be associated with previous connections that # have not yet timed out. if ephemeral and exists: try: zookeeper.delete(self.handle, path) except zookeeper.NoNodeException: pass exists = False if exists: zookeeper.set(self.handle, path, contents) return path else: flags = 0 if ephemeral: flags = flags | zookeeper.EPHEMERAL if sequential: flags = flags | zookeeper.SEQUENCE # NOTE: We return the final path created. return zookeeper.create(self.handle, path, contents, [self.acl], flags)
def post(self): request_dict = self.request.arguments node_json_list = (eval(request_dict['node_json'][0])).values() cluster_name = (request_dict['cluster_name'])[0] current_node = (request_dict['current_node'])[0] if current_node == "/" : current_node = "" zk=zookeeper.init(self.zk_connect(cluster_name)) for item in node_json_list: key = current_node + "/" + item[0] value = item[1] if not zookeeper.exists(zk, key): zookeeper.create(zk, key , value , [{"perms":0x1f,"scheme":"world","id":"anyone"}],0) self.write("写入成功") zookeeper.close(zk)
def electLeader(self, handle, nodename, candidateName): ''' This method elects the new leader from the list of candidates. The candidate with the lowest sequence Id gets to be the leader. ''' candidates = zookeeper.get_children(handle, nodename) myName = candidateName.rsplit('/',1)[1] leader = sorted(candidates)[0] if ( myName == leader): try: zookeeper.create(handle, nodename+"/leader",myName,[ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE],zookeeper.EPHEMERAL)" I won the elections, I am leader now :)") self.isLeader = True except zookeeper.NodeExistsException,e:
def _recursivelyCreatePath(self, path, intermediate_data=''): ''' Should do a check to see if this dir already exists. ''' current_path = '' for part in path.split('/'): if len(part) > 0: try: current_path += '/' + part zookeeper.create(self._z, current_path, intermediate_data, [ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE]) except zookeeper.NodeExistsException: pass
def __init__(self, name): = ROOT + '/' + name = threading.Condition() created = False while not created: try: zookeeper.create(handle,, "0", [ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE], 0) created=True except zookeeper.NodeExistsException: # S'ok. created = True except zookeeper.ConnectionLossException: continue self.znode = None
def test_sync_get_large_datanode(self): """ Test that we can retrieve datanode sizes up to 1Mb with default parameters (depends on ZooKeeper server). """ data = "".join(["A" for x in xrange(1024 * 1023)]) self.ensureDeleted("/zk-python-test-large-datanode") zookeeper.create( self.handle, "/zk-python-test-large-datanode", data, [{"perms": 0x1F, "scheme": "world", "id": "anyone"}] ) (ret, stat) = zookeeper.get(self.handle, "/zk-python-test-large-datanode") self.assertEqual(len(ret), 1024 * 1023, "Should have got 1Mb returned, instead got %s" % len(ret)) (ret, stat) = zookeeper.get(self.handle, "/zk-python-test-large-datanode", None, 500) self.assertEqual(len(ret), 500, "Should have got 500 bytes returned, instead got %s" % len(ret))
def test_empty_node(self): """ Test for a bug when instead of empty string we can get random data from buffer malloc'ed to hold node contents. See ZOOKEEPER-1906 for details """ NODE_PATH = "/zk-python-test-empty-node" self.ensureDeleted(NODE_PATH) zookeeper.create(self.handle, NODE_PATH, "", [{ "perms": 0x1f, "scheme": "world", "id": "anyone" }]) (data, stat) = zookeeper.get(self.handle, NODE_PATH, None) self.assertEqual(data, "", "Data is not empty as expected: " + data)
def create_namespace_tree(zh, ns, logger, batch_size=2048, precheck=False): if precheck and _probe(zh, ns, logger): return 0, 0 # Synchronous creation of the root, helps detecting a lot of # problems with the connection try: zookeeper.create(zh, _PREFIX, '', _acl_openbar, 0)"Created %s", _PREFIX) except zookeeper.NodeExistsException:"Already %s", _PREFIX) pass nodes = generate_namespace_tree(ns, [t for t, _, _ in _srvtypes]) return _create_tree(zh, nodes, logger, int(batch_size))
def main(): from optparse import OptionParser as OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action="store_true", dest="flag_verbose", help='Triggers debugging traces') parser.add_option( '--slow', action="store_true", dest="SLOW", help='Only play with small batches to avoid timeouts on slow hosts.') parser.add_option( '--avoid', action="append", type="string", dest="AVOID_TYPES", help='Do not populate entries for the specified service types') (options, args) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv) # Logging configuration if options.flag_verbose: logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S', level=logging.DEBUG) else: logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S', level=logging.INFO) if len(args) < 2: raise ValueError("not enough CLI arguments") ns = args[1] cnxstr = load_namespace_conf(ns)['zookeeper'] zookeeper.set_debug_level(zookeeper.LOG_LEVEL_INFO) zh = zookeeper.init(cnxstr) # synchronous creation of the root try: zookeeper.create(zh, PREFIX, '', acl_openbar, 0) except zookeeper.NodeExistsException: pass create_tree(zh, namespace_tree(ns, options), options) zookeeper.close(zh)
def testmanyhandles(self): """ Test the ability of the module to support many handles. """ # We'd like to do more, but currently the C client doesn't # work with > 83 handles (fails to create a pipe) on MacOS 10.5.8 handles = [zookeeper.init( for i in xrange(63)] cv = threading.Condition() self.connected = False def connection_watcher(handle, type, state, path): cv.acquire() self.connected = True self.assertEqual(zookeeper.CONNECTED_STATE, state) self.handle = handle cv.notify() cv.release() cv.acquire() ret = zookeeper.init(, connection_watcher) cv.wait(15.0) cv.release() self.assertEqual(self.connected, True, "Connection timed out to " + for i, h in enumerate(handles): path = "/zkpython-test-handles-%s" % str(i) self.assertEqual( path, zookeeper.create(h, path, "", [ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE], zookeeper.EPHEMERAL)) self.assertEqual( True, all(zookeeper.close(h) == zookeeper.OK for h in handles))
def create(self, path, data="", flags=0, acl=[ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE]): start = time.time() result = zookeeper.create(self.handle, path, data, acl, flags) if VERBOSE: print("Node %s created in %d ms" % (path, int((time.time() - start) * 1000))) return result
def create(self, path, data="", flags=0, acl=[ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE]): start = time.time() result = zookeeper.create(self.handle, path, data, acl, flags) if verbose: print("Node %s created in %d ms" % (path, int((time.time() - start) * 1000))) return result
def test_async_delete(self): ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE = { "perms": 0x1f, "scheme": "world", "id": "anyone" } self.assertEqual(self.connected, True) ret = zookeeper.create(self.handle, "/zk-python-adeletetest", "nodecontents", [ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE], zookeeper.EPHEMERAL) self.assertEqual(ret, "/zk-python-adeletetest") = threading.Condition() self.callback_flag = False self.rc = -1 def callback(handle, rc): self.callback_flag = True self.rc = rc # don't assert this here, as if the assertion fails, the test will block ret = zookeeper.adelete(self.handle, "/zk-python-adeletetest", -1, callback) self.assertEqual(ret, zookeeper.OK, "adelete failed") while not self.callback_flag: self.assertEqual(self.callback_flag, True, "adelete timed out") self.assertEqual(self.rc, zookeeper.OK)