Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_update(self):
     from zope.app.cache.ram import RAMCache
     c = RAMCache()
     c.update(1, 2, 3)
     s = c._getStorage()
     self.assertEqual(s.maxEntries, 1, "maxEntries not set")
     self.assertEqual(s.maxAge, 2, "maxAge not set")
     self.assertEqual(s.cleanupInterval, 3, "cleanupInterval not set")
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_getStatistics(self):
        from zope.app.cache.ram import RAMCache
        c = RAMCache()
        c.set(42, "object", key={'foo': 'bar'})
        c.set(43, "object", key={'foo': 'bar'})
        c.query("object", key={'foo': 'bar'})
        r1 = c._getStorage().getStatistics()
        r2 = c.getStatistics()

        self.assertEqual(r1, r2, "see Storage.getStatistics() tests")
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_buildKey(self):
        from zope.app.cache.ram import RAMCache

        kw = {'foo': 1, 'bar': 2, 'baz': 3}

        key = RAMCache._buildKey(kw)

        self.assertEqual(key, (('bar',2), ('baz',3), ('foo',1)), "wrong key")
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_getStorage(self):
        from zope.app.cache.ram import RAMCache
        c = RAMCache()
        c.maxAge = 123
        c.maxEntries = 2002
        c.cleanupInterval = 42
        storage1 = c._getStorage()
        storage2 = c._getStorage()
        self.assertEqual(storage1, storage2,
                         "_getStorage returns different storages")

        self.assertEqual(storage1.maxAge, 123,
                         "maxAge not set (expected 123, got %s)"
                         % storage1.maxAge)
        self.assertEqual(storage1.maxEntries, 2002,
                         "maxEntries not set (expected 2002, got %s)"
                         % storage1.maxEntries)
        self.assertEqual(storage1.cleanupInterval, 42,
                         "cleanupInterval not set (expected 42, got %s)"
                         % storage1.cleanupInterval)

        # Simulate persisting and restoring the RamCache which removes
        # all _v_ attributes.
        for k in c.__dict__.keys():
            if k.startswith('_v_'):
                del c.__dict__[k]
        storage2 = c._getStorage()
        self.assertEqual(storage1, storage2,
                         "_getStorage returns different storages")
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_set(self):
        from zope.app.cache.ram import RAMCache

        ob = ('path',)
        keywords = {"answer": 42}
        value = "true"
        c = RAMCache()
        c.requestVars = ('foo', 'bar')
        key = RAMCache._buildKey(keywords)

        c.set(value, ob, keywords)
        self.assertEqual(c._getStorage().getEntry(ob, key), value,
                         "Not stored correctly")
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_query(self):
        from zope.app.cache.ram import RAMCache

        ob = ('aaa',)

        keywords = {"answer": 42}
        value = "true"
        c = RAMCache()
        key = RAMCache._buildKey(keywords)
        c._getStorage().setEntry(ob, key, value)

        self.assertEqual(c.query(ob, keywords), value,
                         "incorrect value")

        self.assertEqual(c.query(ob, None), None, "defaults incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(c.query(ob, {"answer": 2}, default="bummer"),
                         "bummer", "default doesn't work")
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_invalidate(self):
        from zope.app.cache.ram import RAMCache

        ob1 = ("loc1",)
        ob2 = ("loc2",)
        keywords = {"answer": 42}
        keywords2 = {"answer": 41}
        value = "true"
        c = RAMCache()
        key1 = RAMCache._buildKey(keywords)
        key2 = RAMCache._buildKey(keywords)
        key3 = RAMCache._buildKey(keywords2)

        # Test invalidating entries with a keyword
        c._getStorage().setEntry(ob1, key1, value)
        c._getStorage().setEntry(ob2, key2, value)
        c._getStorage().setEntry(ob2, key3, value)

        c.invalidate(ob2, keywords)

        c._getStorage().getEntry(ob1, key1)
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, c._getStorage().getEntry, ob2, key2)
        c._getStorage().getEntry(ob2, key3)

        # Test deleting the whole object
        c._getStorage().setEntry(ob1, key1, value)
        c._getStorage().setEntry(ob2, key2, value)
        c._getStorage().setEntry(ob2, key3, value)

        self.assertRaises(KeyError, c._getStorage().getEntry, ob2, key2)
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, c._getStorage().getEntry, ob2, key3)
        c._getStorage().getEntry(ob1, key1)

        # Try something that's not there
Exemplo n.º 8
# Unfortunately we needed more information, like the username that the ticket
# belongs to so that content can be created with the correct ownership.  And
# the username retrieval is quite Zope2-specific.
from Acquisition import aq_inner
from collective.quickupload import logger
from zope.security.interfaces import Unauthorized

import AccessControl
import random

    from zope.app.cache.ram import RAMCache
except ImportError:
    from zope.ramcache.ram import RAMCache

ticketCache = RAMCache()

def issueTicket(ident):
    """ issues a timelimit ticket
    >>> type(issueTicket(object()))== type('')
    ticket = str(random.random())
    sm = AccessControl.getSecurityManager()
    user = sm.getUser()
    if user is None:
        raise Unauthorized('No currently authenticated user')
    ticketCache.set(user.getId(), ident, key=dict(ticket=ticket))
    return ticket