def menuDirective(_context, id=None, class_=BrowserMenu, interface=None,
                  title=u'', description=u''):
    """Registers a new browser menu."""
    if id is None and interface is None:
        raise ConfigurationError(
            "You must specify the 'id' or 'interface' attribute.")

    if interface is None:
        if id in dir(menus):
            # reuse existing interfaces for the id, without this we are not
            # able to override menus.
            interface = getattr(menus, id)
            interface = InterfaceClass(id, (),
                                       __doc__='Menu Item Type: %s' %id,
            # Add the menu item type to the `menus` module.
            # Note: We have to do this immediately, so that directives using the
            # MenuField can find the menu item type.
            setattr(menus, id, interface)
        path = '' + id
        path = interface.__module__ + '.' + interface.getName()

        # If an id was specified, make this menu available under this id.
        # Note that the menu will be still available under its path, since it
        # is an adapter, and the `MenuField` can resolve paths as well.
        if id is None:
            id = path
            # Make the interface available in the `` module, so
            # that other directives can find the interface under the name
            # before the CA is setup.
                discriminator=('browser', 'MenuItemType', path),
                args=(path, interface, IMenuItemType,
            setattr(menus, id, interface)

    # Register the layer interface as an interface
        discriminator=('interface', path),
        args=(path, interface),

    # Register the menu item type interface as an IMenuItemType
        discriminator=('browser', 'MenuItemType', id),
        args=(id, interface, IMenuItemType,

    # Register the menu as a utility
    utility(_context, IBrowserMenu, class_(id, title, description), name=id)
Exemplo n.º 2
def menuDirective(_context, id=None, class_=BrowserMenu, interface=None,
                  title=u'', description=u''):
    """Registers a new browser menu."""
    if id is None and interface is None:
        raise ConfigurationError(
            "You must specify the 'id' or 'interface' attribute.")

    if interface is None:
        if id in dir(menus):
            # reuse existing interfaces for the id, without this we are not
            # able to override menus.
            interface = getattr(menus, id)
            interface = InterfaceClass(id, (),
                                       __doc__='Menu Item Type: %s' %id,
            # Add the menu item type to the `menus` module.
            # Note: We have to do this immediately, so that directives using the
            # MenuField can find the menu item type.
            setattr(menus, id, interface)
        path = '' + id
        path = interface.__module__ + '.' + interface.getName()

        # If an id was specified, make this menu available under this id.
        # Note that the menu will be still available under its path, since it
        # is an adapter, and the `MenuField` can resolve paths as well.
        if id is None:
            id = path
            # Make the interface available in the `` module, so
            # that other directives can find the interface under the name
            # before the CA is setup.
                discriminator = ('browser', 'MenuItemType', path),
                callable = provideInterface,
                args = (path, interface, IMenuItemType,
            setattr(menus, id, interface)

    # Register the layer interface as an interface
        discriminator = ('interface', path),
        callable = provideInterface,
        args = (path, interface),
        kw = {'info':}

    # Register the menu item type interface as an IMenuItemType
        discriminator = ('browser', 'MenuItemType', id),
        callable = provideInterface,
        args = (id, interface, IMenuItemType,

    # Register the menu as a utility
    utility(_context, IBrowserMenu, class_(id, title, description), name=id)
Exemplo n.º 3
def layer(_context, name=None, interface=None, base=IBrowserRequest):
    """Provides a new layer.

    >>> class Context(object):
    ...     info = u'doc'
    ...     def __init__(self): self.actions = []
    ...     def action(self, **kw): self.actions.append(kw)

    Possibility 1: The Old Way
    >>> context = Context()
    >>> layer(context, u'layer1')
    >>> iface = context.actions[0]['args'][1]
    >>> iface.getName()
    >>> ILayer.providedBy(iface)
    >>> hasattr(sys.modules[''], 'layer1')

    >>> del sys.modules[''].layer1

    Possibility 2: Providing a custom base interface
    >>> class BaseLayer(IBrowserRequest):
    ...     pass
    >>> context = Context()
    >>> layer(context, u'layer1', base=BaseLayer)
    >>> iface = context.actions[0]['args'][1]
    >>> iface.getName()
    >>> iface.__bases__
    >>> hasattr(sys.modules[''], 'layer1')

    >>> del sys.modules[''].layer1

    Possibility 3: Define a Layer just through an Interface

    >>> class layer1(IBrowserRequest):
    ...     pass
    >>> context = Context()
    >>> layer(context, interface=layer1)
    >>> context.actions[0]['args'][1] is layer1
    >>> hasattr(sys.modules[''], 'layer1')

    Possibility 4: Use an Interface and a Name

    >>> context = Context()
    >>> layer(context, name='layer1', interface=layer1)
    >>> context.actions[0]['args'][1] is layer1
    >>> hasattr(sys.modules[''], 'layer1')
    >>> import pprint
    >>> pprint.pprint([action['discriminator'] for action in context.actions])
    [('interface', ''),
     ('layer', 'layer1')]

    Here are some disallowed configurations.

    >>> context = Context()
    >>> layer(context, 'foo,bar')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TypeError: Commas are not allowed in layer names.
    >>> layer(context)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ConfigurationError: You must specify the 'name' or 'interface' attribute.
    >>> layer(context, base=BaseLayer)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ConfigurationError: You must specify the 'name' or 'interface' attribute.

    >>> layer(context, interface=layer1, base=BaseLayer)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ConfigurationError: You cannot specify the 'interface' and 'base' together.
    if name is not None and "," in name:
        raise TypeError("Commas are not allowed in layer names.")
    if name is None and interface is None:
        raise ConfigurationError("You must specify the 'name' or 'interface' attribute.")
    if interface and not interface.extends(IBrowserRequest):
        raise ConfigurationError("The layer interface must extend `IBrowserRequest`.")
    if base is not IBrowserRequest and not base.extends(IBrowserRequest):
        raise ConfigurationError("The base interface must extend `IBrowserRequest`.")
    if interface is not None and base is not IBrowserRequest:
        raise ConfigurationError("You cannot specify the 'interface' and 'base' together.")

    if interface is None:
        interface = InterfaceClass(str(name), (base,), __doc__="Layer: %s" % str(name), __module__="")
        # Add the layer to the layers module.
        # Note: We have to do this immediately, so that directives using the
        # InterfaceField can find the layer.
        setattr(, name, interface)
        path = "" + name
        path = interface.__module__ + "." + interface.getName()

        # If a name was specified, make this layer available under this name.
        # Note that the layer will be still available under its path, since it
        # is an adapter, and the `LayerField` can resolve paths as well.
        if name is None:
            name = path
            # Make the interface available in the `` module, so
            # that other directives can find the interface under the name
            # before the CA is setup.
            setattr(, name, interface)

    # Register the layer interface as an interface
        discriminator=("interface", path), callable=provideInterface, args=(path, interface), kw={"info":}

    directlyProvides(interface, ILayer)

    # Register the layer interface as a layer
        discriminator=("layer", name), callable=provideInterface, args=(name, interface, ILayer,
Exemplo n.º 4
def skin(_context, name=None, interface=None, layers=None):
    """Provides a new skin.

    >>> import pprint
    >>> class Context(object):
    ...     info = u'doc'
    ...     def __init__(self): self.actions = []
    ...     def action(self, **kw): self.actions.append(kw)

    >>> class Layer1(ILayer): pass
    >>> class Layer2(ILayer): pass

    Possibility 1: The Old Way
    >>> context = Context()
    >>> skin(context, u'skin1', layers=[Layer1, Layer2])
    >>> iface = context.actions[3]['args'][1]
    >>> iface.getName()
    >>> pprint.pprint(iface.__bases__)
    >>> hasattr(sys.modules[''], 'skin1')

    >>> del sys.modules[''].skin1

    Possibility 2: Just specify an interface

    >>> class skin1(Layer1, Layer2):
    ...     pass

    >>> context = Context()
    >>> skin(context, interface=skin1)
    >>> context.actions[0]['args'][1] is skin1

    Possibility 3: Specify an interface and a Name

    >>> context = Context()
    >>> skin(context, name='skin1', interface=skin1)
    >>> context.actions[0]['args'][1] is skin1
    >>> import pprint
    >>> pprint.pprint([action['discriminator'] for action in context.actions])
    [('skin', 'skin1'),
     ('interface', ''),
     ('skin', '')]

    Here are some disallowed configurations.

    >>> context = Context()
    >>> skin(context)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ConfigurationError: You must specify the 'name' or 'interface' attribute.
    >>> skin(context, layers=[Layer1])
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ConfigurationError: You must specify the 'name' or 'interface' attribute.
    if name is None and interface is None:
        raise ConfigurationError("You must specify the 'name' or 'interface' attribute.")

    if name is not None and layers is not None:
        interface = InterfaceClass(str(name), layers, __doc__="Skin: %s" % str(name), __module__="")

        # Add the layer to the skins module.
        # Note: We have to do this immediately, so that directives using the
        # InterfaceField can find the layer.
        setattr(, name, interface)
        path = "" + name

        # Register the layers
        for layer in layers:
                discriminator=None, callable=provideInterface, args=(layer.getName(), layer, ILayer,

        path = interface.__module__ + "." + interface.getName()

        # Register the skin interface as a skin using the passed name.
        if name is not None:
                discriminator=("skin", name), callable=provideInterface, args=(name, interface, ISkin,

        name = path

    # Register the skin interface as an interface
        discriminator=("interface", path), callable=provideInterface, args=(path, interface), kw={"info":}

    # Register the skin interface as a skin
        discriminator=("skin", name), callable=provideInterface, args=(name, interface, ISkin,