class ILockType(Interface): """Representation of a type of lock """ __name__ = schema.TextLine(title=u"Name", description=u"The unique name of the lock type") stealable = schema.Bool( title=u"Stealable", description=u"Whether this type of lock is stealable") user_unlockable = schema.Bool( title=u"User unlockable", description= u"Whether this type of lock should be unlockable immediately") timeout = schema.Int(title=u"lock timeout", description=u"Locking timeout in minutes")
class IParty(component.Interface): partyno = HiddenInt(title=u'') owner = schema.Int(title=u'Owner ID: ') party_name = schema.TextLine(title=u'Party Name: ') type = schema.Choice(title=u'Type: ', values=[u'WvW', u'PvE', u'PvP'], default=u'WvW') view = schema.Choice(title=u'View: ', values=[ u'Summary', u'Stats', u'Gear', u'Skills', u'CCs', u'Conditions', u'Boons', u'Traits' ]) members = schema.List(title=u'Members', value_type=schema.Object(schema=IUser), unique=True, default=[])
class ISuperfishSettings(Interface): """ """ add_portal_tabs = schema.Bool( title=u'Add portal_tabs from portal_actions', default=False, ) menu_depth = schema.Int( title=u'Menu depth', default=2, ) superfish_options = schema.Text( title=u'Options for Superfish call', )
class IClassroom(model.Schema): """ Marker interface and Dexterity Python Schema for Classroom """ seat = schema.Int( title=_(u"Seat"), description=_(u"Number of seats."), required=True ) seatState = schema.TextLine( title=_(u'Seat State'), default=u'3|4|3', description=_(u'For example, 3|4|3 or 4|3|3 ext.'), required=True )
class IAgendaVilaixPortlet(IPortletDataProvider): count = schema.Int(title=_(u'Number of items to display'), description=_(u'How many items to list.'), required=True, default=5, min=5, max=7) state = schema.Tuple( title=_(u"Workflow state"), description=_(u"Items in which workflow state to show."), default=('published', ), required=True, value_type=schema.Choice( vocabulary=""))
class ITokenRoleMailerAdapter(Interface): """Token role mailer adapter""" # -*- schema definition goes here -*- private_doc = schema.Object( title=_(u"Private doc"), required=True, description=_(u"Choose the private item you are going to share"), schema=Interface, # specify the interface(s) of the addable types here ) # minutes = schema.Int( title=_(u"Validity (minutes)"), required=True, description=_(u"Type the token validity in minutes"), )
class IClassInformation(Interface): """Information concerning a class """ class_id = schema.Int(title=_(u"Class identifier"), description=_(u"A unique id for a class"), required=True, readonly=True) schoolinformation = schema.Object(title=_(u"School"), schema=ISchoolInformation, required=True, readonly=True) class_name = schema.TextLine(title=_(u"Class name"), required=True, readonly=True) email = schema.TextLine(title=_(u"Email"), required=True, readonly=True)
class IRepositoryFolderRecords(Interface): """ Configuration for repository folder """ maximum_repository_depth = schema.Int(title=u'Maximum Repository Depth', default=DEFAULT_REPOSITORY_DEPTH) show_documents_tab = schema.Bool(title=u'Show documents tab on repository folder', default=True) show_tasks_tab = schema.Bool(title=u'Show tasks tab on repository folder', default=True) show_proposals_tab = schema.Bool( title=u'Show proposals tab on repository folder', default=True)
class IRecentVideos(IPortletDataProvider): """A portlet It inherits from IPortletDataProvider because for this portlet, the data that is being rendered and the portlet assignment itself are the same. """ tag = schema.TextLine(title=_(u'Tag'), description=_(u"Tag to filter the videos "), required=True) limit = schema.Int(title=_(u'Limit'), description=_(u"The maximum results number."), required=True, default=5)
class IParaText(Interface): title = schema.TextLine( title=_(u'Parameter title'), required=True, ) showName = schema.TextLine( title=_(u'Parameter show name'), required=True, ) price = schema.Int( title=_(u'Price'), required=True, )
class ICheckboxSchema(ISchema): """ Schema """ default = schema.List( title=_(u'Default value'), description=_(u'Default items (one per line)'), required=False, unique=True, value_type=schema.TextLine(title=u'Item'), ) operator = schema.Choice( title=_(u'Default operator'), description=_(u'Search with AND/OR between elements'), vocabulary=SimpleVocabulary([ SimpleTerm(u'or', u'or', u'OR'), SimpleTerm(u'and', u'and', u'AND') ]), default=u'or') operator_visible = schema.Bool( title=_(u"Operator visible"), description=_(u"Let the end-user choose to search with " u"AND or OR between elements"), required=False, default=False) vocabulary = schema.Choice( title=_(u"Vocabulary"), description=_(u'Vocabulary to use to render widget items'), vocabulary=u'eea.faceted.vocabularies.PortalVocabularies', required=False) catalog = schema.Choice(title=_(u'Catalog'), description=_(u"Get unique values from catalog " u"as an alternative for vocabulary"), vocabulary=u'eea.faceted.vocabularies.UseCatalog', required=False) maxitems = schema.Int(title=_(u"Maximum items"), description=_(u'Number of items visible in widget'), default=0, required=False) sortreversed = schema.Bool(title=_(u"Reverse options"), description=_(u"Sort options reversed"), required=False)
class ISQLMultiplexControlPanel(Interface): """Control panel Settings """ enabled = schema.Bool( title=_(u"Enabled"), default=False, required=False, ) host = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"Server"), default=u"localhost", required=False, ) port = schema.Int( title=_(u"Port"), min=0, max=65535, default=3306, required=False, ) database = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"Database name"), default=u"senaite", required=False, ) user = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"Database user"), default=u"root", required=False, ) password = schema.Password( title=_(u"Database user password"), default=u"", required=False, ) content_types = schema.List( title=_(u"Tables"), required=False, value_type=schema.Choice( source="senaite.sqlmultiplex.vocabularies.portal_types"))
class ISlider(IPortletDataProvider): show_transitions = schema.Choice(title=u"Image Transitions?", vocabulary=transitions, required=True, default=0) random_start = schema.Choice(title=u"Pick random image to start with?", vocabulary=yesno, required=True, default=0) show_title = schema.Choice(title=u"Show Image Title?", vocabulary=yesno, required=True, default=0) show_description = schema.Choice(title=u"Show Image Description?", vocabulary=yesno, required=True, default=0) show_dots = schema.Choice(title=u"Show Image Dots?", vocabulary=yesno, required=True, default=1) show_arrows = schema.Choice(title=u"Show Image Arrows?", vocabulary=yesno, required=True, default=0) transition_time = schema.Int(title=u"Seconds between transitions?", description=u"Please specify an integer.", required=True, default=30) folder_id = schema.TextLine( title=u"ADVANCED: Folder Storage ID", description=u"Do not change unless the main folder is moved or renamed", required=True, default=u"slider-images") show_images = schema.Text(title=u"ADVANCED: List of images to show", description=u"Do not change", required=False, default=u"")
class IContentListingTile(Schema): """A tile that displays a listing of content items""" title = schema.TextLine(title=_(u'label_title', default=u'Title'), required=False) description = schema.Text( title=_(u'label_description', default=u'Summary'), description=_(u'help_description', default=u'Used in item listings and search results.'), required=False, missing_value=u'', ) widget(query=QueryStringFieldWidget) query = schema.List( title=_(u"Search terms"), value_type=schema.Dict(value_type=schema.Field(), key_type=schema.TextLine()), description=_(u'Define the search terms for the items ' u'you want to list by choosing what to match on. The ' u'list of results will be dynamically updated'), required=False) sort_on = schema.TextLine( title=_(u'label_sort_on', default=u'Sort on'), description=_(u'Sort the collection on this index'), required=False, ) sort_reversed = schema.Bool( title=_(u'label_sort_reversed', default=u'Reversed order'), description=_(u'Sort the results in reversed order'), required=False, ) limit = schema.Int( title=_(u'Limit'), description=_(u'Limit Search Results'), required=False, default=100, min=1, ) view_template = schema.Choice(title=_(u'Display mode'), source=_(u'Available Listing Views'), required=True)
class IQueryPortlet(IPortletDataProvider): """A portlet which renders the results of a collection object. """ header = schema.TextLine(title=_(u"Portlet header"), description=_(u"Title of the rendered portlet"), required=True) query = schema.List( title=_(u'label_query', default=u'Search terms'), description=_(u"""Define the search terms for the items you want to list by choosing what to match on. The list of results will be dynamically updated"""), value_type=schema.Dict(value_type=schema.Field(), key_type=schema.TextLine()), required=False) sort_on = schema.TextLine( title=_(u'label_sort_on', default=u'Sort on'), description=_(u"Sort the collection on this index"), required=False, ) sort_reversed = schema.Bool( title=_(u'label_sort_reversed', default=u'Reversed order'), description=_(u'Sort the results in reversed order'), required=False, ) limit = schema.Int( title=_(u"Limit"), description=_(u"Specify the maximum number of items to show in the " u"portlet. Leave this blank to show all items."), required=False) random = schema.Bool( title=_(u"Select random items"), description=_(u"If enabled, items will be selected randomly from the " u"collection, rather than based on its sort order."), required=True, default=False) more = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"Show more link"), description=_( u"Link to display in the footer, leave empty to hide it"), required=False)
class IJob(interface.Interface): """An internal job object.""" id = schema.Int(title=u'Id', description=u'The job id.', required=True) task = schema.TextLine(title=u'Task', description=u'The task to be completed.', required=True) status = schema.Choice(title=u'Status', description=u'The current status of the job.', values=[ QUEUED, PROCESSING, CANCELLED, ERROR, COMPLETED, DELAYED, CRONJOB, STARTLATER ], required=True) input = schema.Object(title=u'Input', description=u'The input for the task.', schema=interface.Interface, required=False) output = schema.Object(title=u'Output', description=u'The output of the task.', schema=interface.Interface, required=False, default=None) error = schema.Object( title=u'Error', description=u'The error object when the task failed.', schema=interface.Interface, required=False, default=None) created = schema.Datetime( title=u'Creation Date', description=u'The date/time at which the job was created.', required=True) started = schema.Datetime( title=u'Start Date', description=u'The date/time at which the job was started.') completed = schema.Datetime( title=u'Completion Date', description=u'The date/time at which the job was completed.')
class IUser( IApplicationContent ): """ """ login = schema.TextLine(title=_(u"User Id")) first_name = schema.TextLine(title=_(u"First Name")) last_name = schema.TextLine(title=_(u"Last Name")) email = schema.TextLine(title=_(u"Email Address"), constraint=check_email ) empNum = schema.Int( title=_(u"Employee Number")) status = schema.Choice( title=_(u"Status"), values=["A", "I"] ) role = schema.TextLine(title=_(u"Role") ) actionsLead = interface.Attribute("actionsLead") actionsInvolved = interface.Attribute("actionsInvolved") offices = interface.Attribute('offices')
class IQuestionModification(Interface): """Information concerning a questions modification times """ modification_id = schema.Int( title=_(u"Question modification identifier"), description=_(u"A unique id for the modification"), required=True, readonly=True) question_id = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"Question which was modified"), description=_(u"The question object which was modified"), required=True, readonly=True) modification_time = schema.Date( title=_(u"Date/Time when question with id=question_id was modified"), )
class IAutoTOCSchema(ITitledContent): _local_types = schema.Set( title=_("Types to list"), description=_( "Select here the content types you wish to see in " "the table of content. You need to selected container types " "(e.g. Folder and Publication) in order for the TOC to " "display their contents."), value_type=schema.Choice(source=silva_content_types), default=set(['Silva Document', 'Silva Folder', 'Silva Publication']), required=True) _toc_depth = schema.Int( title=_("Depth"), description=_( "The depth to which the Table of Contents will be rendered " "(-1 means unlimited depth.)"), default=-1, min=-1, max=99, required=True) _display_desc_flag = schema.Bool( title=_("Display description"), description=_( "If selected, each item displayed will include its title " "and metadata description, if available. "), default=False, required=True) _show_icon = schema.Bool( title=_("Show icon"), description=_( "If selected, each item displayed will include its icon. "), default=False, required=True) _show_container_link = schema.Bool( title=_("Show container link"), description=_( "If selected, there will be a link to the container " "(as an H3) before the TOC list."), default=False, required=True) _sort_order = schema.Choice( title=_("Sort order"), description=_("The order items in a container will be sorted"), source=sort_order_source, default='silva', required=True)
class ICollectionPortlet(IPortletDataProvider): """A portlet which renders the results of a collection object. """ header = schema.TextLine(title=_(u"Portlet header"), description=_(u"Title of the rendered portlet"), required=True) target_collection = schema.Choice( title=_(u"Target collection"), description=_(u"Find the collection which provides the items to list"), required=True, source=SearchableTextSourceBinder( {'object_provides': IATTopic.__identifier__}, default_query='path:')) limit = schema.Int( title=_(u"Limit"), description=_( u"Specify the maximum number of items to show in the portlet. " "Leave this blank to show all items."), required=False) random = schema.Bool( title=_(u"Select random items"), description=_( u"If enabled, items will be selected randomly from the collection, " "rather than based on its sort order."), required=True, default=False) show_more = schema.Bool( title=_(u"Show more... link"), description=_( u"If enabled, a more... link will appear in the footer of the portlet, " "linking to the underlying Collection."), required=True, default=True) show_dates = schema.Bool( title=_(u"Show dates"), description= _(u"If enabled, effective dates will be shown underneath the items listed." ), required=True, default=False)
class IOfficeInfo(model.Schema): """Behavior schema """ order_after(room='IContactInfo.phone_number') room = schema.TextLine( title=_(u'Room'), # description=_(u'Room Info'), required=False ) order_after(short_number='IContactInfo.phone_number') widget(short_number=ShortNumberFieldWidget) short_number = schema.Int( title=_(u'Short number'), required=False, constraint=is_short_number )
class ISearchSettings(Interface): path_based_breadcrumbs = schema.Bool( title=_(u'Use Path for Breadcrumbs'), default=False, ) max_breadcrumbs = schema.Int( title=_(u'Max. Breadcrumbs'), default=3, ) respect_navroot = schema.Bool( title=_(u'Respect Navigation Root'), description=_(u'Constrain searches to navigation root'), default=False, )
class IProduct(model.Schema): """Marker for content that can be purchased.""" product_category = schema.Choice( title=u'Product Category', required=False, vocabulary='', ) price = Currency( title=u'Unit Price', default=Decimal("0.00"), min=Decimal("0.00"), ) stock_level = schema.Int( title=u'Stock Level', description=u'Number of items remaining in warehouse. ' u'Leave blank for no limit.', required=False, min=0, ) taxable = schema.Bool( title=u'Taxable?', description=u'Mark the box if this product is subject to sales tax.', default=True, ) weight = schema.Float( title=u'Weight (lbs)', description=u'Used to calculate shipping.', required=False, ) model.fieldset( 'shop', label=u"Shop", fields=( 'product_category', 'price', 'stock_level', 'taxable', 'weight', ), )
class IIPnextViewletBlogSettings(Interface): """Describes registry records """ allowed_types = schema.List( title=_(u"Content types that display blog posts"), description=_(u"A list of content types that should display" + u" a relevant blog post in a viewlet."), value_type=schema.TextLine(), default=DEFAULT_ENABLED_TYPES, ) description_maxchars = schema.Int( title=_(u"Maximum characters to display"), description=_(u"The maximum number of characters to display" + u" in the blog excerpt."), default=500, )
class IPinsPortlet(IPortletDataProvider): """A portlet It inherits from IPortletDataProvider because for this portlet, the data that is being rendered and the portlet assignment itself are the same. """ portlet_title = schema.TextLine(title=_(u'Title'), description=_(u'Title of the portlet.'), required=True, default=u'My Pins') count = schema.Int(title=_(u'Number of items to display'), description=_(u'How many items to list.'), required=True, default=10)
class ILoggerAction(Interface): """Interface for the configurable aspects of a logger action. This is also used to create add and edit forms, below. """ targetLogger = schema.ASCIILine(title=_(u'Logger name'), default='Plone') loggingLevel = schema.Int(title=_(u'Logging level'), default=20) # INFO message = schema.TextLine(title=_(u"Message"), description=_('help_contentrules_logger_message', default=u"&e = the triggering event, &c = the context, &u = the user"), default=_('text_contentrules_logger_message', default=u"Caught &e at &c by &u"))
class PersonalPageDonation(model.Schema, ITemplate, IBaseCampaignEmail): amount = schema.Int( title=u"Amount", description=u"The amount of the donation", ) donor_first_name = schema.TextLine( title=u"Donor First Name", description=u"The first name of the donor", ) donor_last_name = schema.TextLine( title=u"Donor Last Name", description=u"The last name of the donor", ) donor_email = schema.TextLine( title=u"The Donor's email address", description=u"The last name of the donor", )
class IRefresh(model.Schema): """Reload the current page after a certain amount of time.""" model.fieldset('settings', fields=['enable_refresh', 'ttl']) enable_refresh = schema.Bool( title=_(u'Enable refresh'), description=_(u'Enable refresh of the current page.'), default=False, ) ttl = schema.Int( title=_(u'Time to live'), description=_( u'Number of seconds after which to reload the current page.'), default=300, )
class IRelevantAceContentItemsTile(ISearchAceContentTile): search_type = schema.Choice( title=_(u"Aceitem type"), vocabulary="eea.climateadapt.search_types_vocabulary", required=True) nr_items = schema.Int( title=_(u"Nr of items to show"), required=True, default=5, ) show_share_btn = schema.Bool( title=_(u"Show the share button"), default=False, )
class IFilter(Interface): """A filter that accepts raw HTML and returns a filtered version. Register a named multi-adapter from (context, request) to this interface to install a new filter. To control the order of filters, use the 'order' attribute. It may be positive or negative.""" order = schema.Int(title=u"Order") def is_enabled(): """Returns a boolean indicating whether the filter should be applied.""" def __call__(data): """Apply the filter.