Exemplo n.º 1
    def status(params):
        Displays status of Zorp instance(s) by instance name
        expects sequence of name(s)
        can display more detailed status with -v or --verbose option
        s_parse = argparse.ArgumentParser(
             prog='zorpctl status',
             description="Displays status of the specified Zorp instance(s)." +
                  "For additional information use status -v or --verbose option")
        s_parse.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true')
        s_parse.add_argument('listofinstances', nargs='*')
        s_args = s_parse.parse_args(params)

        if not s_args.listofinstances:
            UInterface.informUser(ZorpHandler.detailedStatus() if s_args.verbose else ZorpHandler.status())
            algorithm = DetailedStatusAlgorithm() if s_args.verbose else StatusAlgorithm()
            Zorpctl.runAlgorithmOnList(s_args.listofinstances, algorithm)