Exemplo n.º 1
def main(argv):
    opts = docopt.docopt(__doc__, argv)

    with kmers(opts['<ref>'], 'r') as z:
        K = z.meta['K']
        xs = array.array('L', readKmers(z))
    Z = len(xs)

    with kmers(opts['<input>'], 'r') as z0:
        K0 = z0.meta['K']
        if K0 != K:
            print >> sys.stderr, "mismatched K (%d)" % (K0, )

        with kmers(opts['<output>'], 'w') as z:
            z.meta['K'] = K
            if 'counts' in z0.meta:
                ys = readKmersAndCounts(z0)
                writeKmersAndCounts(z, project2(xs, ys))
                z.meta['kmers'] = 'kmers'
                z.meta['counts'] = 'counts'
                ys = readKmers(z0)
                writeKmers(z, project1(xs, ys))
                z.meta['kmers'] = 'kmers'
            z.meta['hist'] = z0.meta['hist']
Exemplo n.º 2
def main(argv):
    opts = docopt.docopt(__doc__, argv)

    if opts['-X']:
        K = 27
        if opts['-K']:
            K = int(opts['-K'])

        buildIndex(K, opts['<input>'], opts['<alleles>'])


    idx = index(opts['<alleles>'])

    for inp in opts['<input>']:
        with kmers(inp, 'r') as z:
            K0 = z.meta['K']
            if K0 != idx.K:
                print >> sys.stderr, 'Input "%d" has different k to index' % (
                    inp, )
            xs = readKmers(z)

            cs = [idx.lens[i] for i in xrange(len(idx.lens))]

            for x in xs:
                for j in idx[x]:
                    cs[j] -= 1

            for j in xrange(len(idx.lens)):
                assert cs[j] >= 0
                if cs[j] == 0:
                    print '%s\t%d\t%s' % (inp, j, idx.names[j])
Exemplo n.º 3
def main(argv):
    opts = docopt.docopt(__doc__, argv)

    L0 = None
    if opts['-l']:
        L0 = int(opts['-l'])

    for inp in opts['<input>']:
        with kmers(inp, 'r') as z:
            K = z.meta['K']
            L = L0
            if L is None:
                L = 2*K

            xs = array.array('L', readKmers(z))
            S = sparse(2*K, xs)

            seen = bitvec(S.count())
            for i in xrange(S.count()):
                if seen[i]:

                x = S.select(i)
                xb = rc(K, x)
                xp = succ(K, S, xb)
                if xp == 1:
                    # x isn't the start of a contig

                pth = [x]
                seen[i] = 1
                xn = succ(K, S, x)
                while len(xn) == 1:
                    if seen[xn[0]] == 1:
                    x = S.select(xn[0])
                    seen[xn[0]] = 1
                    xb = rc(K, x)
                    j = S.rank(xb)
                    seen[j] = 1
                    xn = succ(K, S, x)

                if len(pth)+K-1 < L:

                s = [render(K, pth[0])]
                for j in xrange(1, len(pth)):

                print '>contig_%d\n%s' % (i, ''.join(s))
Exemplo n.º 4
def main(argv):
    opts = docopt.docopt(__doc__, argv)

    nms = [str(i+1) for i in xrange(len(probesMTB))]
    probes = probesMTB

    if opts['-p'] is not None:
        nms = []
        probes = []
        bad = False
        with open(opts['-p']) as f:
            i = 0
            ln = 0
            for l in f:
                ln += 1
                if l[0] == '#':
                i += 1
                t = l.split()
                if len(t) == 1:
                elif len(t) == 2:
                    bad = True
                    print >> sys.stderr, '%s line %d, badly formatted.' % (opts['-p'], i)
        if bad:

    for inp in opts['<input>']:
        with kmers(inp, 'r') as z:
            K = z.meta['K']
            xs = readKmers(z)
            xs = sparse(2*K, array.array('L', xs))

        res = []
        for i in xrange(len(probes)):
            if findProbe(probes[i], K, xs):
        if opts['-l']:
            for i in xrange(len(nms)):
                print '%s\t%s\t%s' % (inp, nms[i], res[i])
            print inp + '\t' + ''.join(res)
Exemplo n.º 5
def main(argv):
    opts = docopt.docopt(__doc__, argv)

    inp = opts['<input>']
    with kmers(inp, 'r') as z:
        K = z.meta['K']
        if 'kmers' not in z.meta:
            print >> sys.stderr, 'cannot dump "%s" as it contains no k-mers' % (inp,)
        if 'counts' in z.meta:
            xs = readKmersAndCounts(z)
            for (x, c) in xs:
                print '%s\t%d' % (render(K, x), c)
            xs = readKmers(z)
            for x in xs:
                print render(K, x)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def prep(self, K, fn):
        with kmers(fn, 'r') as z:
            fK = z.meta['K']
            if fK < K:
                raise MismatchedK(K, fK)
            xs = readKmers(z)
            if self.vec:
                S = 2 * (fK - K)
                v = array.array('I', [0 for i in xrange(1 << (2 * K))])
                for (x, c) in xs:
                    y = x >> S
                    v[y] += c
                return v

            S = 2 * (fK - K)
            v = array.array('L', [])
            for x in xs:
                y = x >> S
                if len(v) == 0 or v[-1] != y:
            return v
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_kmersList():
    K = 25
    M = (1 << (2 * K)) - 1
    N = 65536

    xs = [random.randint(0, M) for i in xrange(N)]

    with autoremove():
        t = tmpfile()

        with casket(t, 'w') as z:
            zs = [x for x in xs]
            writeKmersList(z, zs)

        with casket(t, 'r') as z:
            ys = list(readKmers(z))

        assert len(xs) == len(ys)
        for i in xrange(len(xs)):
            assert xs[i] == ys[i], '%d\t%s\t%s' % (i, render(
                K, xs[i]), render(K, ys[i]))
Exemplo n.º 8
def main(argv):
    opts = docopt.docopt(__doc__, argv)

    with kmers(opts['<ref>'], 'r') as z:
        K = z.meta['K']
        xs = readKmers(z)

        if opts['-H'] is not None:
            d = int(opts['-H'])
            ref = hamming(K, d, xs)
        elif opts['-L'] is not None:
            d = int(opts['-L'])
            ref = levenshtein(K, d, xs)
            ref = ksnp(K, xs)

        xs = []
        for ys in ref:
            xs += ys
    with kmers(opts['<output>'], 'w') as z:
        writeKmers(z, xs)
        z.meta['kmers'] = 'kmers'
        z.meta['K'] = K
Exemplo n.º 9
def main(argv):
    opts = docopt.docopt(__doc__, argv)

    fns = opts['<input>']

    p = None
    if opts['-p'] is not None:
        p = float(opts['-p'])

    if len(fns) == 1 and isFasta(fns[0]):
        K = 25
        seqs = []
        with openFile(fns[0]) as f:
            for (nm, seq) in readFasta(f):
                xs = set(basics.kmers(K, seq, True))
                xs = list(xs)
                xs = array.array('L', xs)
                seqs.append((nm.split()[0], xs))
        Z = 1
        if opts['-a']:
            Z = len(seqs)

        print len(seqs)

        for i in xrange(Z):
            xnm = seqs[i][0]
            xs = seqs[i][1]
            for j in xrange(i + 1, len(seqs)):
                ynm = seqs[j][0]
                ys = seqs[j][1]
                (isec, union, d) = jaccard(xs, ys)
                if p is None:
                    print '%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%f' % (
                        xnm, ynm, len(xs), len(ys), isec, union, d)
                    pv = logIx(p, isec + 1, (union - isec) + 1) / math.log(10)
                    q05 = quantBeta(0.05, isec + 1, (union - isec) + 1)
                    q95 = quantBeta(0.95, isec + 1, (union - isec) + 1)
                    print '%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%f\t-%f\t+%f\t%f' % (
                        xnm, ynm, len(xs), len(ys), isec, union, d, d - q05,
                        q95 - d, pv)


    Z = 1
    if opts['-a']:
        Z = len(fns)

    for i in xrange(Z):
        with kmers(fns[i], 'r') as z0:
            xK = z0.meta['K']
            xs = array.array('L', readKmers(z0))
            for j in xrange(i + 1, len(fns)):
                with kmers(fns[j], 'r') as z1:
                    yK = z1.meta['K']
                    ys = array.array('L', readKmers(z1))
                    if xK != yK:
                        print >> sys.stderr, 'mismatched K:', fns[j]
                    (isec, union, d) = jaccard(xs, ys)
                    if p is None:
                        print '%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%f' % (
                            fns[i], fns[j], len(xs), len(ys), isec, union, d)
                        pv = logIx(p, isec + 1,
                                   (union - isec) + 1) / math.log(10)
                        q05 = quantBeta(0.05, isec + 1, (union - isec) + 1)
                        q95 = quantBeta(0.95, isec + 1, (union - isec) + 1)
                        print '%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%f\t-%f\t+%f\t%f' % (
                            fns[i], fns[j], len(xs), len(ys), isec, union, d,
                            d - q05, q95 - d, pv)
Exemplo n.º 10
def main(argv):
    opts = docopt.docopt(__doc__, argv)

    if opts['-X']:
        K = 27
        S = []
        N = 0
        qacgt = [0, 0, 0, 0]
        for fn in opts['<input>']:
            with open(fn) as f:
                for (nm, seq) in readFasta(f):
                    if len(seq) < K:
                    for (x, p) in kmersWithPos(K, seq, True):
                        qacgt[x & 3] += 1
                        N += 1
        qacgt = [float(c) / float(N) for c in qacgt]
        S = sparse(2 * K, array.array('L', uniq(S)))
        lens = []
        nms = []
        seqs = []
        n = 0
        tmp = [[] for i in xrange(S.count())]
        for fn in opts['<input>']:
            with open(fn) as f:
                for (nm, seq) in readFasta(f):
                    if len(seq) < K:
                        print >> sys.stderr, "warning: `%s' skipped" % (nm, )
                    for (x, p) in kmersWithPos(K, seq, True):
                        r = S.rank(x)
                        tmp[r].append((n, p))
                    n += 1
        T = array.array('I', [])
        U = array.array('I', [])
        V = array.array('i', [])
        t = 0
        for nps in tmp:
            t += len(nps)
            for (n, p) in nps:
        del tmp

        gfn = opts['<genes>']
        with casket(gfn, 'w') as z:
            meta = {}
            meta['K'] = K
            meta['lens'] = lens
            meta['qacgt'] = qacgt
            meta['nms'] = nms
            meta['seqs'] = seqs

            z.add_content('__meta__', json.dumps(meta))
            write64(z, S.xs, 'S')
            write32(z, T, 'T')
            write32(z, U, 'U')
            write32s(z, V, 'V')


    print >> sys.stderr, "loading..."

    gfn = opts['<genes>']
    with casket(gfn, 'r') as z:
        mf = z.open('__meta__')
        meta = json.load(mf)
        K = meta['K']
        lens = meta['lens']
        qacgt = meta['qacgt']
        nms = meta['nms']
        seqs = meta['seqs']

        S = read64(z, 'S')
        S = sparse(2 * K, S)
        T = read32(z, 'T')
        U = read32(z, 'U')
        V = read32s(z, 'V')

    print >> sys.stderr, "done."

    for fn in opts['<input>']:
        L = array.array('B', [0 for i in xrange(S.count())])
        Y = array.array('L', [0 for i in xrange(S.count())])
        with kmers(fn, 'r') as z:
            sacgt = z.meta['acgt']
            xs = readKmers(z)
            X = array.array('L', xs)
        M = len(X)
        resolveAll(K, S, L, Y, X)
        X = sparse(2 * K, X)

        g = sum([qp * sp for (qp, sp) in zip(qacgt, sacgt)])
        print >> sys.stderr, "g =", g
        nm = [null(g, M, j) for j in range(0, K + 1)]

        # counts for computing distribution of prefix lengths
        cnt = [[0 for j in xrange(K + 1)] for i in xrange(len(nms))]

        # the k-mers that we pulled by lcp from the sample
        # for each position of each query.
        P = [
            array.array('L', [0 for j in xrange(lens[i] - K + 1)])
            for i in xrange(len(lens))

        # the length of the lcp for each position of each query.
        Q = [
            array.array('B', [0 for j in xrange(lens[i] - K + 1)])
            for i in xrange(len(lens))

        for i in xrange(S.count()):
            for j in xrange(T[i], T[i + 1]):
                n = U[j]
                p = V[j]
                y = Y[i]
                l = L[i]
                cnt[n][l] += 1
                if p > 0:
                    p -= 1
                    p = -(p + 1)
                    y = rc(K, y)
                if l > Q[n][p]:
                    Q[n][p] = l
                    P[n][p] = y

        for i in xrange(len(nms)):
            # iterate over the queries

            qc = math.log(K * 0.05 / float(lens[i] - K + 1) / 2)

            # Link up "de Bruijn" sequences
            m = (1 << (2 * K - 2)) - 1
            py = 0
            u = unionfind()
            for j in xrange(lens[i] - K + 1):
                x = P[i][j]
                y = x >> 2
                if j > 0:
                    d = ham(py, y)
                    if d == 0:
                        u.union(j - 1, j)
                py = x & m

            # Gather up the de Bruin fragments
            udx = {}
            for j in xrange(lens[i] - K + 1):
                v = u.find(j)
                if v not in udx:
                    udx[v] = []

            # Index the left hand k-mers
            idxLhs = {}
            kx = []
            for (jx, js) in udx.iteritems():
                q = 0
                for j in js:
                    q += math.log1p(-nm[Q[i][j]])
                if q > math.log(0.05 / len(js)):
                kx.append((-len(js), jx))
                idxLhs[P[i][js[0]]] = jx

            # Attempt to link up fragments
            links = {}
            for (_, jx) in kx:
                jR = udx[jx][-1]
                if jR == lens[i] - K + 1:
                x = P[i][jR]
                xs = []
                lnk = None
                for k in xrange(100):
                    ys = succ(K, X, x)
                    if len(ys) != 1:
                    x = ys[0]
                    if x in idxLhs:
                        lnk = idxLhs[x]
                if lnk is not None:
                    links[jx] = xs
                    u.union(jx, lnk)

            # Gather up the linked fragments
            vdx = {}
            for j in [jx for (_, jx) in kx]:
                v = u.find(j)
                if v not in vdx:
                    vdx[v] = []

            res = []
            for (jxx, jxs) in vdx.iteritems():
                # Order the gragments by start position
                fs = [(udx[jx][0], jx) for jx in jxs]
                sxs = []
                for fj in xrange(len(fs)):
                    (_, jx) = fs[fj]
                    beg = udx[jx][0]
                    end = udx[jx][-1] + 1
                    if fj == 0:
                        for j in xrange(beg):
                            sxs.append((0, 0))
                    xs = links.get(jx, None)
                    for j in xrange(beg, end):
                        x = P[i][j]
                        l = Q[i][j]
                        sxs.append((x, l))
                    if xs:
                        for x in xs:
                            sxs.append((x, 27))
                        if fj < len(fs) - 1:
                            nxt = fs[fj + 1][0]
                            nxt = lens[i] - K + 1
                        for j in xrange(end, nxt):
                            sxs.append((0, 0))
                seq = [[0, 0, 0, 0] for j in xrange(len(sxs) + K - 1)]
                for j in xrange(len(sxs)):
                    (x, l) = sxs[j]
                    p = math.log1p(-nm[l])
                    for k in xrange(K):
                        seq[j + K - k - 1][x & 3] += p
                        x >>= 2
                ax = []
                p = None
                inf = False
                for j in xrange(len(seq)):
                    b = 0
                    for k in xrange(4):
                        if seq[j][k] < qc:
                            b |= 1 << k
                    ssj = sum(seq[j])
                    if p is None:
                        p = ssj
                        p = logAdd(p, ssj)
                    if ssj > -1e-300:
                        inf = True
                dst = counts2cdf(cnt[i])
                (_, kd) = ksDistance2(dst, nm)
                df = math.ceil(len(seq) / float(K))
                if inf:
                    q = 1e300
                    pv = 0.0
                    q = 2 * math.exp(p)
                    pv = chi2(df, q)
                res.append((pv, q, kd, ''.join(ax)))

            if len(res) == 0:

            if res[0][0] < -2:
                #ed = lev(seqs[i], res[0][2])
                ed = 0
                pv = res[0][0] / math.log(10)
                c2 = res[0][1]
                kd = res[0][2]
                a = res[0][3]
                print '%d\t%d\t%d\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%s\t%s' % (
                    i, lens[i], len(a), kd, c2, pv, nms[i], a)