Пример #1
	def to_graphs( self ):
		graphs = []
		steps = [ Step() ]
		V, E = set(), set()
		for action in self._actions:
			action( steps )
			V |= steps[ -1 ].V
			E |= steps[ -1 ].E
		for n, s in enumerate( steps ):
			graph = [ 'digraph G {' ]
			for v in V: graph.append( '{} {};'.format( v, s.node_format( v ) ) )
			for e in E: graph.append( '{}->{} {};'.format( e[0], e[1], s.edge_format( e ) ) )
			graph.append( '}' )
			graphs.append( '\n'.join( graph ) )
		return graphs
Пример #2
 def test_duration_stats(self):
         action(['PewDiePie'], start_date, end_date,
         merge(['PewDiePie'], start_date, end_date,
                   'count', 'mean', 'std', 'min', 'max'
Пример #3
 def __init__(self, screen, estado, x, y, w, h, ncells):
     self.screen = screen
     self.estado = estado
     self.geometry = (x,y,w,h)
     self.ncells = ncells
     self.tamcells = (w/ncells)
     self.action = action(self.grid, self.geometry, self.tamcells)
     self.estado.action = self.action
Пример #4
def output():
    The function displays the output produced by the program.
    while True:
            # Prompt user to enter a desired action.
            variable = input(
                'Please choose one of the following actions: number, duration, or published \n> '
            if variable == 'quit':
            # If the user chooses "number", display the number of videos.
            elif variable == 'number':
                result = merge(channel_list, start_date, end_date, API_key)
            # If the user chooses "duration", display the summary statistics and plot the histograms of video durations.
            elif variable == 'duration':
                result = action(channel_list, start_date, end_date, API_key)
            # If the user chooses "published", display the summary statistics and plot the barplots of video published times.
            elif variable == 'published':
                result = action(channel_list, start_date, end_date, API_key)
                raise ActionError  # Need to specify
        # In the case of ActionError or KeyboardInterrupt, prompt user to enter a desired action again.
        except ActionError:
                'Invalid action: please choose from number, duration, and published'
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print('You have hit the interrupt key')
        # In the case of ChannelError or HttpError, end the program.
        except ChannelError:
            print('Invalid channel name(s)')
Пример #5
    def resolve(self, args, mode_help, rule_help):
        Find what action to and execute it.
        # specify all commands possible
        cf = ConfigCommands(self.config)
        rc = RuleCommands(self.config)
        fc = FileCommands(self.config)

        # actions reachable from cmd line args
        # special "_key" : key to find the value in args to find the next action
        # special "_help": help to use in case of unknown value
        action = {
            "_key": "mode",
            "_help": mode_help,
            "init": cf.init,
            "test": fc.test,
            "log": {
                "_key": "clear",
                "_help": None,
                False: fc.log,
                True: fc.clear_log
            "rename": fc.rename,
            "manual-test": fc.manual_test,
            "rules": {
                "_key": "action",
                "_help": rule_help,
                "add": rc.add,
                "list": rc.list,
                "remove": rc.remove

        # resolve command to apply
        while not callable(action) and action is not None:
            key = action["_key"]
            help = lambda _, f=action["_help"]: f()
            next = getattr(args, key)
            action = action.get(next, help)

        # do action
Пример #6
 def selection_sort(self):
     for i in range(self.length-1):
         # Find the minimum element in remaining 
         min_idx = i
         for j in range(i+1, self.length):
             #notify two elements selected
             self.notify_observers(action(SELECTED, i, j, self.elements))
             if self.elements[min_idx] > self.elements[j]:
                 min_idx = j
                 #notify new minimum element found
                 self.notify_observers(action(FOUND_LOWER, j, None, self.elements))        
         # Swap the found minimum element with the first element        
         self.elements[i], self.elements[min_idx] = self.elements[min_idx], self.elements[i]
         #notify the array modification
         self.notify_observers(action(MODIFIED, i, min_idx, self.elements))
         #notify the element that is in its final position
         self.notify_observers(action(COMPARED, i, None, self.elements))
     #notify array has ben sorted
     self.notify_observers(action(DONE, None, None, self.elements))
Пример #7
    def unpack(reader):
        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
        subclass = action.subtypes.get(subtype)
        if subclass:
            return subclass.unpack(reader)

        obj = action()
        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
        orig_reader = reader
        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len - (2 + 2))
        return obj
Пример #8
 def bubble_sort(self):
     n = len(self.elements)
     # Traverse through all arrayay elements
     for i in range(n-1):
         # range(n) also work but outer loop will repeat one time more than needed
         if(i != n-1):
             # Last i elements are already in place
             for j in range(0, n-i-1):
                 #notify two elements selected
                 self.notify_observers(action(SELECTED, j, j+1, None))
                 # Swap if the element found is greater than the next element
                 if self.elements[j] > self.elements[j+1] :
                     #notify a grater element has been found
                     self.notify_observers(action(FOUND_LOWER, j+1, None, None))
                     #modify the array
                     self.elements[j], self.elements[j+1] = self.elements[j+1], self.elements[j]
                     #notify the modification
                     self.notify_observers(action(MODIFIED, j, j+1, self.elements))
             #notify the element that is in its final position        
             self.notify_observers(action(COMPARED, j+1, None, None))
     #notify array has ben sorted               
     self.notify_observers(action(DONE, None, None, None))
Пример #9
def inquire_msg(msg, s, selfid):
    global total_pot
    act_count = 0 if len(flop) == 0 else len(flop) - 2
    global cp
    for line in msg:
        if ':' not in line:
            line = line.strip().split(' ')
            pid = line[0]
            players[pid].jetton = int(line[1])
            players[pid].money = int(line[2])
            players[pid].bet = int(line[3])
            if players[pid].turn >= players[selfid].turn and act_count > 0 and cp:
                players[pid].new_bet[act_count - 1] = int(line[3])
                players[pid].action[act_count - 1] = line[4]
                players[pid].new_bet[act_count] = int(line[3])
                players[pid].action[act_count] = line[4]
            l = line.strip().split(' ')
            total_pot = int(l[2])
    cp = False
    send = action(hold_card, flop, selfid, players, act_count, total_pot, round_count, gamp, db)
    s.sendall(send + ' \n')
Пример #10
 def __init__(self, socket, team, port, host):
     self._posX = 0
     self._posY = 0
     self._lenMapX = 0
     self._lenMapY = 0
     self._socket = socket
     self._orientation = 0
     self._map = []
     self._team = team
     self._inventaire = inventaire()
     self._action = action()
     self._queue = Queue.Queue()
     self._elevation = elevation()
     self._lvl = 1
     self._nourritureMinimal = 0
     self._foodToHelp = 0
     self._foodToRequest = 0
     self._ping = True
     self._toIncanteX = -1
     self._toIncanteY = -1
     self._leveling = False
     self._waiting = 0
     self._call = False
     self._coolDown = 0
     self._intervalle = 0
     self._lead = False
     self._pong = False
     self._numClient = -1
     self._answers = []
     self._group = False
     self._port = port
     self._host = host
     self._id = 0
     self._count = 0
     self._arrived = False
     self._countAnswer = 0
     self._boolAnswer = False
Пример #11
STYLES = { 'FINE': {'fg': 'green'}, 'ERROR': {'fg': 'red'}, 'WARNING': {'fg': 'yellow', 'bold': True},    }

TITLES = { 'state': 'Status', 'creation_time': 'Creation Date', 'id': 'Identifier', 'desc': 'Description', 'name': 'Name',}
MAX_COLUMN_WIDTHS = { 'desc': 50, 'name': 20,}
output_option = click.option('-o', '--output', type=click.Choice(['text', 'json', 'tsv', 'yaml']), default='text', help='Use alternative output format')json_output_option = click.option('-o', '--output', type=click.Choice(['json', 'yaml']), default='json', help='Use alternative output format')watch_option = click.option('-w', '--watch', type=click.IntRange(1, 300), metavar='SECS', help='Auto update the screen every X seconds')

def watching(watch: int): if watch:        click.clear() yield 0 if watch: while True:            time.sleep(watch)            click.clear() yield 0

def print_version(ctx, param, value): if not value or ctx.resilient_parsing: return    click.echo('ClickClick Example {}'.format(__version__))    ctx.exit()

@click.group(cls=AliasedGroup, context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS)@click.option('-V', '--version', is_flag=True, callback=print_version, expose_value=False, is_eager=True, help='Print the current version number and exit.')def cli(): pass

@cli.command('list')@output_option@watch_optiondef list_dummy_states(output, watch): '''Example for Listings'''    states = ['ERROR', 'FINE', 'WARNING']    i = 0 for _ in watching(watch):        i += 1        rows = [] for y in (1, 2, 3): id = i * y - i            rows.append({'id': id, 'name': 'Column #{}'.format(id), 'state': states[id % len(states)], 'creation_time': 1444911300, 'desc': 'this is a ve' + 'r' * 50 + 'y long description', 'without_title': 'column without title', 'missing_column': 'Column are not in output'})
 with OutputFormat(output):            print_table('id name state creation_time desc without_title'.split(), rows, styles=STYLES, titles=TITLES, max_column_widths=MAX_COLUMN_WIDTHS)

@cli.command()@output_optiondef output(output): '''Example for all possible Echo Formats    You see the message only, if the Output TEXT ''' with OutputFormat(output):        action('This is a ok:')        ok()        action('This is a ok with message:')        ok('all is fine')        action('This is a warning:')        warning('please check this') with Action('Start with working..') as act: # save_the_world()            act.progress()            act.progress()            act.progress()            act.progress()        print_table('id name'.split(), [{'id': 1, 'name': 'Test #1'}, {'id': 2, 'name': 'Test #2'}])        info('Only FYI')        action('This is a error:')        error('this is wrong, please fix')        action('This is a fatal error:')        fatal_error('this is a fuckup')        info('I\'am not printed, the process a dead')

@cli.command()def localtime(): '''Print the localtime''' print('Localtime: {}'.format(get_now()))

@cli.command('work-in-progress')def work_in_progress(): '''Work untile working is done'''
 with Action('do anything..'): pass
 try: with Action('create an excption..'): raise except: pass
 with Action('Start with working..') as act: # save_the_world()        act.progress()        act.progress()        act.progress()        act.progress()
 with Action('Calc 1 + 1..') as act: # save_the_world()        act.ok(1+1)
 with Action('Oh, I make an error..') as act: # clear_the_oceans()        act.error('work not complete done')
 with Action('Oh, I make a warning..') as act: # clear_the_air()        act.warning('work is complicated')
 try: with Action('Start an exception..') as act:            function_not_found()  # noqa            act.progress() except: pass
 with Action('Make a final error..') as act:        act.fatal_error('this is the end..')
 with Action('This should not run..'): pass

@cli.command()@click.argument('percentage', type=FloatRange(0, 100, clamp=True), required=True)def work_done(percentage): '''Work done in ?? %'''    state = choice('Please select the state of your work', ['Done', 'In Progress', 'unknown', 'lost'], default='lost')
Пример #12
	def steps( self ):
		steps = [ Step() ]
		for action in self._actions:
			action( steps )
		return steps