Пример #1
def writereport(dict, dir, title):
	shutil.rmtree(dir, True)
	f = open(dir+'/index.html', 'w')
	print >>f, '<html>'
	print >>f, '<head>'
	print >>f, '<title>'+title+'</title>'
	# print >>f, '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="newspaper.css">'
	print >>f, '<style type="text/css">'
	css = open(rel+'newspaper.css')
	for line in css:
		print >>f, line.rstrip()
	print >>f, '</style>'
	print >>f, '</head>'
	print >>f, '<body>'
	if len(dict) == 0:
		print >>f, '<h3>No recent changes</h3>'
		print >>f, '<table id="newspaper">'
		print >>f, '<caption>'+title+'</caption>'
		print >>f, '<tr>'
		print >>f, '<th>Plugin</th>'
		print >>f, '<th>Hudson Version</th>'
		print >>f, '<th>Jenkins Version</th>'
		print >>f, '</tr>'
		for key in sorted(dict.keys()):
			row = dict[key]
			hversion = row['hversion']
			jversion = row['jversion']
			td = '<td>'
			needtoknow = False
			if cmpversion(hversion, jversion) < 0:
				color = "#FDFFBB" # pastel yellow
				if percentmap is not None:
					percent = percentmap.get(key, None)
					if percent:
						if percent >= 5.0:
							color = "#FFCBE2" # pastel red
							needtoknow = True
						elif percent >= 2.0:
							color = "#FFD5BF" # pastel amber
							needtoknow = True
				td = '<td bgcolor="%s">' % color
			if row['hversion'] != 'None' or needtoknow:
				print >>f, '<tr>'
				print >>f, td+key+'</td>'
				print >>f, td+hversion+'</td>'
				print >>f, td+jversion+'</td>'
				print >>f, '</tr>'
		print >>f, '</table>'
	print >>f, '<div id="newspaper">'
	print >>f, '<p>Legend:</p>'
	for line in legend:
	  print >>f, line
	print >>f, '</div>'
	print >>f, '</body>'
	print >>f, '</html>'
Пример #2
def resetToHighTag():
	p = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'tag'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True)
	tags = []
	while True:
		line = p.stdout.readline()
		if not line:
	if p.wait() == 0:
		if _debug: print tags
		max = 'max'
		for tag in tags:
			if cmpversion(max, tag) < 0:
				max = tag
		if _debug: print max
		if max != 'max':
			if not subprocess.call(['git', 'reset', '--hard', max]):
				if _debug: print max
				return max
	if _debug: print 'Failed'
	return None
for key, jplugin in jplugins.items():
	jversion = jplugin['version']
	hplugin = hplugins.get(key, None)
	extract[key] = ex = {}
	ex['version'] = jversion
	ex['url'] = jplugin['url']
	setscm(key, ex)
	ex['diff'] = 'Same'
	labels = jplugin.get('labels')
	addlabels(jlabels, labels)
	if labels and '' in labels:
	if not hplugin:
		ex['diff'] = 'Missing'
	if hplugin is not None and cmpversion(hplugin['version'], jversion) < 0:
		ex['diff'] = 'Older'

for key, hplugin in hplugins.items():
	labels = hplugin.get('labels')
	if len(labels) > 1:
		multilabels[key] = labels
	if '' in labels:
	addlabels(hlabels, labels)
	if not jplugins.get(key, None):
		# We have already added all the hudson/jenkins pairs

difflabels = jlabels.difference(hlabels)
Пример #4
uptodate = 0
forked = 0
forkedolder = 0
forkeduptodate = 0
forkedpattern = re.compile(r"-h-[0-9]")
original = 0
featured = 0

for key, jplugin in jplugins.items():
	jversion = jplugin['version']
	hplugin = hplugins.get(key, None)
	splugin = status.get(key, None)
	if key in donotupdate:
	  featured += 1
	if hplugin and (not splugin or not splugin.get('jversion', None) or cmpversion(splugin['jversion'], jversion) != 0):
		hversion = hplugin['version']
		if cmpversion(hversion, jversion) < 0:
			# this is a reportable change!
			changes[key] = change = {}
			change['hversion'] = hversion
			change['jversion'] = jversion
	status[key] = stat = {}
	stat['jversion'] = jversion
	if hplugin:
		hversion = hplugin['version']
		stat['hversion'] = hversion
		old = cmpversion(hversion, jversion) < 0
		fork = re.search(forkedpattern, hversion)
		if old:
			older += 1