Пример #1
def nearestNeighbor_Dubins_Cost(p,Tree):
  returns the node which has shortest dubins distance to p
  # --------- Compute arguments for dubins curve -----------------#
  d = math.sqrt(distance_Euclidian(p,Tree[0].getVertex()))

  angle_goal = math.atan2(p[1] - Tree[0].getVertex()[1],p[0] - Tree[0].getVertex()[0])
  if(angle_goal < 0):
    angle_goal = 2*math.pi + angle_goal

  alpha = Tree[0].getVertex()[2] - angle_goal
  if(alpha < 0):
    alpha = 2*math.pi + alpha

  beta = math.atan2(p[1] - Tree[0].getVertex()[1], p[0] - Tree[0].getVertex()[0])
  if (beta < 0):
    beta = 2* math.pi + beta
  beta = p[2] - beta
  if(beta < 0):
    beta = 2*math.pi + beta

  dubinscurve = dubins(alpha,beta,d,Tree[0])
  min_d = dubinscurve[1] + dubinscurve[2] + dubinscurve[3]
  if(min_d >= 0):
    min_d = min_d + Tree[0].getCost()
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------- #

  nN = Tree[0]
  count = 0
  for node in Tree:
    d = math.sqrt(distance_Euclidian(p,node.getVertex()))

    angle_goal = math.atan2(p[1] - node.getVertex()[1], p[0] - node.getVertex()[0])

    alpha = node.getVertex()[2] - angle_goal
    if(alpha < 0):
      alpha = 2*math.pi + alpha

    beta = math.atan2(p[1] - node.getVertex()[1], p[0] - node.getVertex()[0])
    if (beta < 0):
      beta = 2* math.pi + beta

    beta = p[2] - beta
    if(beta < 0):
      beta = 2*math.pi + beta

    dubinscurve = dubins(alpha,beta,d,node)
    d = dubinscurve[1] + dubinscurve[2] + dubinscurve[3]
    if(d >= 0):
      d = d + node.getCost()

    if (d >= 0) and ((d < min_d) or (min_d < 0)):
      nN = node
      min_d = d

    count = count + 1
  print "nearest neighbor found ",nN.getVertex()
  return nN
Пример #2
def nearestNeighbor_Dubins(p, Tree):
  returns the node which has shortest dubins distance to p
    # --------- Compute arguments for dubins curve -----------------#
    d = math.sqrt(distance_Euclidian(p, Tree[0].getVertex()))

    angle_goal = math.atan2(p[1] - Tree[0].getVertex()[1],
                            p[0] - Tree[0].getVertex()[0])
    if (angle_goal < 0):
        angle_goal = 2 * math.pi + angle_goal

    alpha = Tree[0].getVertex()[2] - angle_goal
    if (alpha < 0):
        alpha = 2 * math.pi + alpha

    beta = math.atan2(p[1] - Tree[0].getVertex()[1],
                      p[0] - Tree[0].getVertex()[0])
    if (beta < 0):
        beta = 2 * math.pi + beta
    beta = p[2] - beta
    if (beta < 0):
        beta = 2 * math.pi + beta

    dubinscurve = dubins(alpha, beta, d, Tree[0])
    min_d = dubinscurve[1] + dubinscurve[2] + dubinscurve[3]
    nN = Tree[0]

    count = 0
    for node in Tree:
        d = math.sqrt(distance_Euclidian(p, node.getVertex()))

        angle_goal = math.atan2(p[1] - node.getVertex()[1],
                                p[0] - node.getVertex()[0])

        alpha = node.getVertex()[2] - angle_goal
        if (alpha < 0):
            alpha = 2 * math.pi + alpha

        beta = math.atan2(p[1] - node.getVertex()[1],
                          p[0] - node.getVertex()[0])
        if (beta < 0):
            beta = 2 * math.pi + beta

        beta = p[2] - beta
        if (beta < 0):
            beta = 2 * math.pi + beta

        dubinscurve = dubins(alpha, beta, d, node)
        d = dubinscurve[1] + dubinscurve[2] + dubinscurve[3]

        if (d >= 0) and ((d < min_d) or (min_d < 0)):
            nN = node
            min_d = d

        count = count + 1
    print "nearest neighbor found ", nN.getVertex()
    return nN
Пример #3
def build_RRT(x1, y1, th1, x2, y2, th2, Tree):
    global RRT_goalfound
    p_init = (x1, y1, th1)
    p_goal = (x2, y2, th2)
    #print ("init ",p_init," goal ", p_goal)
    init_Node = RRTNode(p_init)
    for i in range(1000):
        #print i

        # 50% of the time, sample the goal
        # 50% of the time, sample other half randomly

        # extend right Tree to goal
        if (RRT_goalfound == False):
            success = False
            while (success == False):
                choice = random.random()
                if (choice >= 0.3):
                    p_rand = (x2, y2, th2)
                    p_rand = (random.random() * 60 / ROBOT_RADIUS,
                              (random.random() * 120) / ROBOT_RADIUS,
                              random.random() * 2 * math.pi)
                #  p_rand = (random.random()*60/ROBOT_RADIUS,(60+random.random()*60)/ROBOT_RADIUS,random.random()*2*math.pi)
                #   p_rand = (random.random()*60/ROBOT_RADIUS,(random.random()*120)/ROBOT_RADIUS,random.random()*2*math.pi)
                #print p_rand
                success = extend_RRT(p_rand, Tree)

            success_vertex = success.getVertex()

            # try to connect this new vertex to the goal using a dubins curve.
            #if this succeeds, stop building tree and return the node that connects to the goal via dubins

            (alpha, beta, d) = dubinsparams_calc(success_vertex, p_goal)

            dubinscurve = dubins(alpha, beta, d, success)
            min_d = dubinscurve[1] + dubinscurve[2] + dubinscurve[3]

            if (min_d >= 0):
                #print "goal node ",success_vertex," start node ",p_goal, "curve number ",dubinscurve[0]
                RRT_goalfound = True
                Tree_end = success

                return Tree_end

    #print "build_RRT returning false"
    return False
Пример #4
def build_RRT(x1,y1,th1,x2,y2,th2,Tree):
  global RRT_goalfound
  p_init = (x1,y1,th1)
  p_goal = (x2,y2,th2)
  #print ("init ",p_init," goal ", p_goal)
  init_Node = RRTNode(p_init)
  for i in range(1000):
    #print i
    # 50% of the time, sample the goal
    # 50% of the time, sample other half randomly    

    # extend right Tree to goal
    if(RRT_goalfound == False):
      success = False
      while (success == False) :
        choice = random.random()
        if(choice >= 0.3):
          p_rand = (x2,y2,th2)
          p_rand = (random.random()*60/ROBOT_RADIUS,(random.random()*120)/ROBOT_RADIUS,random.random()*2*math.pi)
        #  p_rand = (random.random()*60/ROBOT_RADIUS,(60+random.random()*60)/ROBOT_RADIUS,random.random()*2*math.pi)
        #   p_rand = (random.random()*60/ROBOT_RADIUS,(random.random()*120)/ROBOT_RADIUS,random.random()*2*math.pi)
        #print p_rand
        success = extend_RRT(p_rand,Tree)
      success_vertex = success.getVertex()

      # try to connect this new vertex to the goal using a dubins curve.
      #if this succeeds, stop building tree and return the node that connects to the goal via dubins

      (alpha,beta,d) = dubinsparams_calc(success_vertex,p_goal)
      dubinscurve = dubins(alpha,beta,d,success)
      min_d = dubinscurve[1] + dubinscurve[2] + dubinscurve[3]

      if(min_d >= 0):
        #print "goal node ",success_vertex," start node ",p_goal, "curve number ",dubinscurve[0]
        RRT_goalfound = True
        Tree_end = success

        return Tree_end
  #print "build_RRT returning false"
  return False
Пример #5
def plan(canvas, X, Y, TH, X2, Y2, TH2, Tree):
    global RRT_goalfound
    t1 = time.time()
    RRT_goalfound = False
    query_node = build_RRT(X, Y, TH, X2, Y2, TH2, Tree)

    if (query_node == False):
        return False

    t1 = time.time() - t1

    canvas.create_oval((X2) * 5 * 1.91 - 2,
                       600 - (Y2 * 5 * 1.91) - 2, (X2 * 5 * 1.91) + 2,
                       600 - (Y2 * 5 * 1.91) + 2,

    count = 0
    displayTree(canvas, Tree)

    t2 = time.time()
    path = query_RRT(query_node, Tree)
    count = len(path)
    print "finish searching RRT for solution"

    RRT_goal_node = path[-1]
    RRT_goal = RRT_goal_node.getVertex()
    goal = (X2, Y2, TH2)

    # --------- Compute arguments for dubins curve -----------------#
    (alpha, beta, d) = dubinsparams_calc(RRT_goal, (X2, Y2, TH2))
    #print "Dubins: d ",d," alpha ",alpha
    (curve_number, t, p, q) = dubins(alpha, beta, d, RRT_goal_node)

    t2 = time.time() - t2

    #print "Dubins ",curve_number," t ",t," p ",p," q ",q
    appendDubins(path, curve_number, t, p, q)

    #print "EXECUTION TIME\n RRT built in ",t1,"seconds\n Path found in ",t2,"seconds"

    return path
Пример #6
def build_RRT(x1, y1, th1, x2, y2, th2, Tree):
    global RRT_goalfound
    p_init = (x1, y1, th1)
    p_goal = (x2, y2, th2)
    init_Node = RRTNode(p_init)
    for i in range(1000):
        print i

        # 50% of the time, sample the goal
        # 50% of the time, sample other half randomly

        # extend right Tree to goal
        if (RRT_goalfound == False):
            success = False
            while (success == False):
                choice = random.random()
                if (choice >= 0.5):
                    p_rand = (x2, y2, th2)
                elif (choice >= 0.3):
                    p_rand = (random.random() * 60 / 1.91,
                              (60 + random.random() * 60) / 1.91,
                              random.random() * 2 * math.pi)
                    p_rand = (random.random() * 60 / 1.91,
                              (random.random() * 120) / 1.91,
                              random.random() * 2 * math.pi)
                #print p_rand
                success = extend_RRT(p_rand, Tree)

            success_vertex = success.getVertex()
            (alpha, beta, d) = dubinsparams_calc(success_vertex, p_goal)

            dubinscurve = dubins(alpha, beta, d, success)
            min_d = dubinscurve[1] + dubinscurve[2] + dubinscurve[3]

            if (min_d >= 0):
                print "goal node ", success_vertex, " start node ", p_goal, "curve number ", dubinscurve[
                RRT_goalfound = True
                RightTree_goal = success

                return RightTree_goal

    return False
Пример #7
def plan(canvas,X,Y,TH,X2,Y2,TH2,Tree):
  global RRT_goalfound
  t1 = time.time()
  RRT_goalfound = False
  query_node = build_RRT(X,Y,TH,X2,Y2,TH2,Tree)

  if(query_node == False):
    return False

  t1 = time.time() - t1
  canvas.create_oval((X2)*5*1.91 - 2,600-(Y2*5*1.91)-2,(X2*5*1.91) +2,600-(Y2*5*1.91) + 2,width=1,outline = 'green',fill = 'green')

  count = 0

  t2 = time.time()
  path = query_RRT(query_node,Tree)
  count = len(path)
  print "finish searching RRT for solution"

  RRT_goal_node = path[-1]
  RRT_goal = RRT_goal_node.getVertex()
  goal     = (X2,Y2,TH2)
  # --------- Compute arguments for dubins curve -----------------#
  (alpha,beta,d) = dubinsparams_calc(RRT_goal,(X2,Y2,TH2))
  #print "Dubins: d ",d," alpha ",alpha
  (curve_number,t,p,q) = dubins(alpha,beta,d,RRT_goal_node)
  t2 = time.time() - t2

  #print "Dubins ",curve_number," t ",t," p ",p," q ",q

  #print "EXECUTION TIME\n RRT built in ",t1,"seconds\n Path found in ",t2,"seconds"

  return path
Пример #8
def build_RRT(x1,y1,th1,x2,y2,th2,Tree):
  global RRT_goalfound
  p_init = (x1,y1,th1)
  p_goal = (x2,y2,th2)
  init_Node = RRTNode(p_init)
  for i in range(1000):
    print i
    # 50% of the time, sample the goal
    # 50% of the time, sample other half randomly    

    # extend right Tree to goal
    if(RRT_goalfound == False):
      success = False
      while (success == False) :
        choice = random.random()
        if(choice >= 0.5):
          p_rand = (x2,y2,th2)
          p_rand = (random.random()*60/1.91,(60+random.random()*60)/1.91,random.random()*2*math.pi)
           p_rand = (random.random()*60/1.91,(random.random()*120)/1.91,random.random()*2*math.pi)
        #print p_rand
        success = extend_RRT(p_rand,Tree)
      success_vertex = success.getVertex()
      (alpha,beta,d) = dubinsparams_calc(success_vertex,p_goal)
      dubinscurve = dubins(alpha,beta,d,success)
      min_d = dubinscurve[1] + dubinscurve[2] + dubinscurve[3]

      if(min_d >= 0):
        print "goal node ",success_vertex," start node ",p_goal, "curve number ",dubinscurve[0]
        RRT_goalfound = True
        RightTree_goal = success

        return RightTree_goal

  return False
Пример #9
def startPlanner(X,Y,TH,X2,Y2,TH2):
  global Tree
  Tree = []

  X = float(X)
  Y = float(Y)
  TH = math.radians(float(TH))
  X2 = float(X2)
  Y2 = float(Y2)
  TH2 = math.radians(float(TH2))
  if not((newState((X,Y,TH))) and (newState((X2,Y2,TH2)))):
    print "Invalid start and/or goal configuration"

  t1 = time.time()
  t1 = time.time() - t1
  count = 0
  for v in Tree:
    x = v.getVertex()[0]*50
    y = 600 - v.getVertex()[1]*50
    canvas.create_oval(x-1,y-1,x+1,y+1,width = 1,outline = 'red',fill = 'red')
    count = count + 1
  print "finished building RRT in time ",t1

  t2 = time.time()
  path = query_RRT((X,Y,TH),(X2,Y2,TH2))
  count = len(path)
  print "finish searching RRT for solution"

  RRT_goal_node = path[-1]
  RRT_goal = RRT_goal_node.getVertex()
  goal     = (X2,Y2,TH2)
  # --------- Compute arguments for dubins curve -----------------#
  d = math.sqrt(distance_Euclidian(RRT_goal,goal))
  angle_goal = math.atan2(goal[1]-RRT_goal[1],goal[0]-RRT_goal[0])
  if(angle_goal < 0):
    angle_goal = 2*math.pi + angle_goal
  alpha = RRT_goal[2] - angle_goal
  if(alpha < 0):
    alpha = 2*math.pi + alpha

  beta = math.atan2(goal[1] - RRT_goal[1], goal[0] - RRT_goal[0])
  if(beta < 0):
    beta = 2*math.pi + beta

  beta = goal[2] - beta
  if(beta < 0):
    beta = 2*math.pi + beta

  print "Dubins: d ",d," alpha ",alpha
  (curve_number,t,p,q) = dubins(alpha,beta,d,RRT_goal_node)
  t2 = time.time() - t2

  print "Dubins ",curve_number," t ",t," p ",p," q ",q

  # --------------------------------------------------------------#
  i = 0
  print "Total path length = ", len(path)
  for v in path:
    x = v.getVertex()[0]*50
    y = 600 - v.getVertex()[1]*50
    if(i < count):
      color = 'blue'
      color = 'black'
    canvas.create_oval(x - 1, y-1,x+1,y+1,width=1,outline = color, fill = color)
    i = i+1

  #canvas.create_oval((X2)*50 - 2,600-(Y2)*50 -2,(X2)*50 +2,600-(Y2)*50 + 2,width=1,outline = 'green',fill = 'green')

  print "EXECUTION TIME\n RRT built in ",t1,"seconds\n Path found in ",t2,"seconds"