def main(args): target_precision, query_terms, api, engine = validate(args) global nocol nocol = args.nocol # set Rocchio weights: relevant 0.75, irrelevant 0.25 ro = Rocchio(0.75, 0.25) iteration, precision = 0, 0.0 while iteration == 0 or precision < target_precision: print color("=" * 80, "delim") print color("[iteration: ", "bold") + color(str(iteration), "strong") + \ color("]", "bold") print color("query: ", "bold") + color(" ".join(query_terms), "strong") # apply search on the current query terms docs = gsearch(" ".join(query_terms), api, engine) # collect user feedback rel, irrel, precision = feedback(docs, query_terms) print color("[iteration: ", "bold") + color(str(iteration), "strong") + color("] ", "bold") + \ color(str(len(rel)), "strong") + color(" relevant, ", "bold") + \ color(str(len(irrel)), "strong") + color(" irrelevant, ", "bold") + \ color("%0.1f" % precision, "strong") + color(" precision", "bold") if precision >= target_precision: # target achieved print color( "target precision %.1f has been achieved" % target_precision, "rel") break elif precision == 0: # no need to move on print color("no need to continue under zero precision", "error") break # update query string query_terms += ro.generate_query(rel, irrel, query_terms) iteration += 1 if iteration >= 10: # maximum iteration print color("maximum iteration exceeded", "error") break print color("Exit...\n", "bold")
def main(args): api, engine, relation, threshold, nr_tuples, query_terms = validate(args) print "\nParameters:" print "Client key = " + api print "Engine key = " + engine print "Relation = " + relation print "Threshold = " + str(threshold) print "Query = " + " ".join(query_terms) print "# of Tuples = " + str(nr_tuples) # set of output tuples tuples = { } # key:hash of RelationTuple instance, value: RelationTuple instance # set of tuples used as query terms queries = set() # set of documents processed processed = set() # NLP parser nlplib = '/usr/local/Cellar/stanford-corenlp-full-2017-06-09' parser = NLPParser(nlplib) iteration, maxit = 1, 10 while True: query = " ".join(query_terms) print "=========== Iteration: {} - Query: {} ===========".format( iteration, query) # search Google docs = gsearch(query, api, engine) queries.add(tuple(query_terms)) # process each document of Google search results new_tuples_found = False for i, doc in enumerate(docs, 1): print "[{}] Processing: {}".format(i, doc.url) if doc.key in processed: # no need to process if already processed print "Already processed, skipping..." continue processed.add(doc.key) count = 0 for rt in parser.extract_relation(doc, relation): # rt is a RelationTuple class instance key = hash(rt) if not key in tuples: # new tuple for ISE new_tuples_found = True tuples[key] = rt count += 1 print rt elif tuples[key] < rt: # existing tuple, but this one has better confidence, update it tuples[key] = rt print "Relations extracted from this website: {} (Overall: {})".format( count, len(tuples)) print "Pruning relations below threshold..." pruned = sorted(filter(lambda x: x.prob >= threshold, tuples.values()), reverse=True) print "Number of tuples after pruning: {}".format(len(pruned)) print "================== ALL RELATIONS =================" for rt in pruned: line = "Relation Type: %s | Confidence: %.3f |" % (relation, rt.prob) line += " Entity #1: {} ({})\t|".format(rt.value0, rt.type0) line += " Entity #2: {} ({})".format(rt.value1, rt.type1) print line if not new_tuples_found: print "No new tuples found. Shutting down..." break if len(pruned) >= nr_tuples: print "Program reached {} number of tuples. Shutting down...".format( len(pruned)) break if iteration > maxit: print "Maximum iterations reached. Shutting down..." break iteration += 1 # new query terms for next iteration, derived from the tuple with # highest confidence and has not yet been used as query terms query_terms, best = [], 0.0 for rt in tuples.values(): q = (rt.value0, rt.value1) if not q in queries and rt.prob > best: query_terms, best = q, rt.prob
def assistant(command): "if statements for executing commands" #os.system('nircmd.exe killprocess wmplayer.exe') if command == "hello1" or command == "hi1" or command == "hey1": print("hello ") talkToMe("hello sir") elif command == "what time is it" or command == "tell me time" or command == "what's the time" or command == "time" or command == "what is today" or command == "what's today": t = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())) talkToMe(t) elif command == "bye" or command == "buy" or command == 'exit': if hr >= 20 and hr <= 24: print("Good night\n") talkToMe("Good night") sys.exit() else: print("see you again \n") talkToMe("see you again ") sys.exit() elif command == "how are you1": print("I'm good. How are you?\n") talkToMe("I'm good. How are you?") elif command == "ok1" or command == 'okay1' or command == 'yeah1': print("Yes") talkToMe("yes") elif 'open website' in command: reg_ex ='open website (.+)', command) if reg_ex: domain = url = 'https://www.' + domain print('Done!') else: pass elif 'movie' in command: command = command.replace("about movie", "") command = command.title() print("Name of a movie:" + command.replace("about movie", "")) #try: app = imdb.IMDb() results = app.search_movie(command) #if not results: #breturn "error 404" first = results[0] ID = first.movieID data = app.get_movie(ID) talkToMe("Year: " + str(data['year'])) talkToMe("IMDb ratings: " + str(data['rating'])) #except: # talkToMe("Error 404") elif 'google' in command or 'images of' in command or 'image of' in command or 'google map' in command: if 'images' in command: url = "{}".format( command.replace("images of", "")) #command=command.replace('on',"") elif 'google map' in command: url = "" + command.replace( "google map", "") else: command = command.replace('google', "") gsearch(command) elif 'youtube' in command or "video" in command: command = command.replace("on", "") command = command.replace("search", "") if 'play' in command: command = command.replace("play", "") command = command.replace("on", "") command = command.replace("youtube", "") try: def ytDownloader(word): a = [] #word = input() url = '' + word yt = '' #webbrowser.open_new_tab(url) class MyOpener(FancyURLopener): version = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; it; rv: Gecko/20071127 Firefox/' # Set this to a string you want for your user agent myopener = MyOpener() page = webpage = page.decode('utf-8') soup = bs.BeautifulSoup(webpage, 'lxml') div = soup.body for data in div.find_all(href=True): a.append(data.get('href')) #print(a) matching = [s for s in a if '/watch?' in s] # print(matching[0]) ytplaylink = yt + matching[0] # print(ytplaylink) # pwrshllink= 'powershell -command Invoke-WebRequest '+ytplaylink+' -OutFile '+word+'.mp3' webbrowser.open_new_tab(ytplaylink) ytDownloader(command) except: ytDownloader(command) if "download" in command: command = command.replace("video", "") command = command.replace("download", "") a1 = [] a11 = [] word1 = command #input('ENTER THE VIDEO NAME TO DOWNLOAD') url1 = '' + word1 yt1 = '' #webbrowser.open_new_tab(url) class MyOpener1(FancyURLopener): version1 = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; it; rv: Gecko/20071127 Firefox/' # Set this to a string you want for your user agent myopener1 = MyOpener1() page1 = webpage1 = page1.decode('utf-8') soup1 = bs.BeautifulSoup(webpage1, 'lxml') div1 = soup1.body for data1 in div1.find_all(href=True): a1.append(data1.get('href')) #print(a) matching1 = [s1 for s1 in a1 if '/watch?' in s1] ytplaylink1 = yt1 + matching1[0] print(ytplaylink1) #os.walk(r"D:\ArmanK\python programs\SUBLIME FILES\SpeechRecog\video") os.system('"cd E:\\VIDEOS" & youtube-dl -f 22 ' + ytplaylink1) else: ysearch(command.replace('youtube', "")) elif 'joke' in command: res = requests.get('', headers={"Accept": "application/json"}) if res.status_code == talkToMe(str(res.json()['joke'])) else: talkToMe('hahaha') elif 'facts' in command: fw = open('.facts.txt', encoding="utf8") facts = facts = facts.split('\n') while True: i = random.randrange(0, len(facts) - 1) #print(facts[i]) talkToMe(facts[i]) break elif 'quotes' in command: fw = open('.quotes.txt', 'r') vocab = vocab = vocab.split('\n') while True: i = random.randint(0, 2002) if i % 2 == 0: if len(vocab[i]) < 118: #sendmessage(vocab[i],vocab[i+1]) #print(vocab[i]+" said by "+vocab[i+1]) talkToMe(vocab[i] + " said by " + vocab[i + 1]) break else: continue else: continue elif 'teach me some word' in command: fw = open('.vocab.txt', 'r') vocab = vocab = vocab.split('\n') while True: i = random.randint(0, len(vocab) - 1) if i % 2 == 0: #sendmessage(vocab[i],vocab[i+1]) print(vocab[i] + "--" + vocab[i + 1]) for j in range(3): talkToMe(vocab[i] + ". meaning ." + vocab[i + 1] + ".") break else: continue elif 'cricket score' in command: url = "" sc = requests.get(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(sc.text, 'lxml') i = 1 for data in soup.findAll('item'): print(str(i) + '. ' + data.find('description').text) i += 1 '''for i in range(10): url = ''+str(i+1) print('url:',url) sc = requests.get(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(sc.text,'lxml') fact = soup.findAll('p',{'class':'fact_detail'}) print('fact:',fact) for i in range(len(fact)): fw.write(fact[i].text+'\n') ''' elif 'email' in command: talkToMe('Who is the recipient?') recipient = myCommand() if 'armaan' in recipient: talkToMe('What should I say?') content = myCommand() #init gmail SMTP mail = smtplib.SMTP('', 587) #identify to server mail.ehlo() #encrypt session mail.starttls() #login mail.login('username', 'password') #send message mail.sendmail('Arman Khan', '*****@*****.**', content) #end mail connection mail.close() talkToMe('Email sent.') elif 'lock' == command:'rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation') elif 'new folder' in command: os.system('mkdir ad') elif 'new file' in command: talkToMe("name of a file?") #name=str(myCommand()) name = str(typeCommand()) if ('python' in command): os.system('NUL >' + name + '.py') else: os.system('NUL >' + name + '.txt') talkToMe("File Created") elif 'open chrome' in command: os.system( 'start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"' ) elif 'close chrome' in command: os.system('nircmd.exe killprocess chrome.exe') elif 'vlc' in command: os.system('start "" "C:\\Program Files\\VideoLAN\\VLC\\vlc.exe"') elif 'sublime' in command: os.system( 'start "" "C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Sublime Text 3.lnk"' ) elif 'cmd' in command: os.system('start "" "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe"') elif 'take a note' in command: f = open('Notes.txt', 'a') t = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())) f.write('\n' + t + '\n' + command.replace('take a note that', "")) f.close() talkToMe("Done") elif 'read my notes' in command: f = open('Notes.txt', 'r') talkToMe( f.close() elif 'clear my notes' in command: f = open('Notes.txt', 'w') f.close() talkToMe("Done") elif 'open my notes' in command: os.system('start "" "D:\\PYTHON"') elif 'minimise all' in command: os.system('nircmd sendkeypress rwin+"d"') elif 'maximise all' in command: os.system('nircmd sendkeypress rwin+shift+"m"') elif 'max volume' in command or 'full volume' in command or 'volume max' in command or 'volume' in command: os.system('nircmd.exe mutesysvolume 0') elif 'increase volume' in command or 'volume up' in command: os.system('nircmd.exe changesysvolume 10000') elif 'decrease volume' in command or 'volume down' in command: os.system('nircmd.exe changesysvolume -10000') elif 'silent' in command: os.system('nircmd.exe mutesysvolume 1') elif 'low brightness' in command or 'low light' in command: os.system('nircmd.exe setbrightness 5') elif 'medium brightness' in command or 'medium light' in command: os.system('nircmd.exe setbrightness 50') elif 'full brightness' in command or 'max light' in command: os.system('nircmd.exe setbrightness 100') elif 'screen of' in command: os.system('nircmd.exe monitor off') elif 'screen on' in command: os.system('nircmd sendkeypress ctrl') elif 'empty bin' in command: os.system('nircmd.exe emptybin') elif 'play some music' in command or 'play music' in command: a = str(random.choice(os.listdir("E:\\MUSIC"))) path = "E:\\MUSIC" + '\\' + a os.system('"' + path + '"') elif 'play song' in command: command = command.title() for root, dirs, files in os.walk("E:\\MUSIC"): for file in files: if command.replace('Play Song', "") in file.replace('_', ' '): path = "E:\\MUSIC" + '\\' + file os.system(path) break else: talkToMe("Song Not Found Please Download it") #if 'video' in command: # command=command.title() elif 'next' in command: a = str(random.choice(os.listdir("E:\\MUSIC"))) path = "E:\\MUSIC" + '\\' + a os.system(path) elif 'stop music' in command: os.system('nircmd.exe killprocess wmplayer.exe') elif 'task manager' in command: os.system('nircmd sendkeypress ctrl+shift+esc') elif 'clipboard' in command or 'clip board' in command: talkToMe(clipboard.paste()) elif 'calculate' in command: value = command.replace("what's ", "") value = command.replace("calculate", "") value = value.replace(" times", "*") value = value.replace(" plus", "+") value = value.replace(" minus", "-") value = value.replace(" divides", "/") value = value.replace(" divide", "/") value = value.replace(" x", "*") print(value) try: finalValue = eval(value) #print(finalValue) #eval(finalValue) talkToMe(finalValue) except: try: client = wolframalpha.Client("4E3H79-A3ARKHYKU9") #print('command:',command) res = client.query(command) answer = next(res.results).text #print(answer) #print("IN WIKI") talkToMe(answer) except: talkToMe("I don't Understand") elif 'current temperature' in command: owm = pyowm.OWM('3b8dc8474c4fdddfea2631f41f134a97') obs = owm.weather_at_place("Mumbai,in") temperature = obs.get_weather().get_temperature('celsius') talkToMe("The temperature is " + str(temperature['temp_max']) + " degree celsius") elif 'change wallpaper' in command: a = str( random.choice( os.listdir( "D:\\ArmanK\\python programs\\SUBLIME FILES\\SpeechRecog\\images" ))) print('a', a) pic_path = "D:\\ArmanK\\python programs\\SUBLIME FILES\\SpeechRecog\\images" + '\\' + a print('pic_path', pic_path) cmd = 'REG ADD \"HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\" /v Wallpaper /t REG_SZ /d \"%s\" /f' % pic_path os.system(cmd) os.system('rundll32.exe user32.dll, UpdatePerUserSystemParameters') os.system('rundll32.exe user32.dll, UpdatePerUserSystemParameters') print('Wallpaper is set.') elif 'open' in command: #command = 'open notepad' command = command.replace('open', "") command = command.replace(" ", "") os.system('nircmd sendkeypress rwin') for i in command: os.system('nircmd sendkeypress ' + i) os.system('nircmd sendkeypress enter') elif 'news' in command: req = Request( '', headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}) web_byte = urlopen(req).read() webpage = web_byte.decode('utf-8') soup = bs.BeautifulSoup(webpage, 'lxml') div = soup.body for data in div.find_all('h3'): news = data.text print(news) elif ('do' in command or 'thank' in command or 'yeah' in command or 'yes' in command or 'okay' in command or 'ok' in command or 'great' in command or 'nice' in command or 'awesome' in command or 'excellent' in command or 'hi' in command or 'hey' in command or 'good' in command or 'lol' in command or 'haha' in command or 'hello' in command or 'what' in command or 'where' in command or 'who' in command or 'whose' in command or 'when' in command or 'how' in command or 'whom' in command or 'why' in command or 'which' in command): #talkToMe('I don\'t know what you mean!') try: request = ai.text_request() request.query = command response = request.getresponse().read() output = json.loads(response) answer = output["result"]["fulfillment"]["speech"] #print('answer:',answer) #talkToMe(answer) if (answer == "" or answer == "not found"): #talkToMe(answer+" on layer 1") try: client = wolframalpha.Client("4E3H79-A3ARKHYKU9") #print('command:',command) res = client.query(command) answer = next(res.results).text #print(answer) talkToMe(answer) #talkToMe("improve your internet speed") except: try: print("IN WIKI") talkToMe(wikipedia.summary(command)) #talkToMe("improve your internet speed") except: talkToMe("I can't Understand what you said") else: talkToMe(answer) pass except: pass elif (command == ""): assistant(typeCommand()) else: request = ai.text_request() request.query = command response = request.getresponse().read() output = json.loads(response) answer = output["result"]["fulfillment"]["speech"] #talkToMe(answer) if (answer == "" or answer == "not found"): talkToMe("What " + command + "? " + "do you want me to search deeply?") #if(myCommand()=='yes'): if (typeCommand() == "yes"): try: client = wolframalpha.Client("4E3H79-A3ARKHYKU9") #print('command:',command) res = client.query(command) answer = next(res.results).text #print(answer) #print("IN WIKI") talkToMe(answer) #talkToMe("improve your internet speed") except: try: #print(wikipedia.summary(command)) print("IN WIKI") talkToMe(wikipedia.summary(command)) #talkToMe("improve your internet speed") except: talkToMe("Even internet has no answer about it.") else: talkToMe("OK, ask me some thing else") else: talkToMe(answer)
if "images" in query or "image" in query: query = query.replace("images of","") query = query.replace("image of","") url = f"{query}" webbrowser.get(using='google-chrome').open(url,new=2) elif "map" in query: query = query.replace("google map","") query = query.replace("google map of","") query = query.replace("map","") query = query.replace("map of","") url = f"{query}" webbrowser.get(using='google-chrome').open(url,new=2) else: query = query.replace("search","") query = query.replace("google","") gsearch(query) except: print("sorry,not able to understand.please say it again") speak("sorry,not able to understand.please say it again") elif "image to text" in query or "images to texts" in query or "image to txt" in query or "images to txt" in query: try: path= input("Please enter the path of the image: ") speak("Please enter the path of the image: ") img = pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Tesseract-OCR\\tesseract.exe" result = pytesseract.image_to_string(img) print(result) speak(result) user = input("Want to write the content inside the file (Press 'Y' for Yes and 'N' for No) : ") speak("Want to write the content inside the file. Press 'Y' for Yes and 'N' for No")