def __init__(self, cellname): self.context = moose.PyMooseBase.getContext() self.cellname = cellname load_channels() load_synapses(synchan_activation_correction) MML = MorphML({'temperature': CELSIUS}) if cellname == 'PG': filename = 'PG_aditya2010_neuroML_L1_L2_L3.xml' self.ORNCellSynapse = 'ORN_PG' self.somaName = 'soma_0' self.numORNSyns = NUM_ORN_PG_SYNS elif cellname == 'mitral': filename = 'mitral_bbmit1993davison_neuroML_L1_L2_L3_mod_withspikeinit.xml' self.ORNCellSynapse = 'ORN_mitral' self.somaName = 'Seg0_soma_0' self.numORNSyns = NUM_ORN_MITRAL_SYNS self.cellSegmentDict = MML.readMorphMLFromFile(filename, {}) self.cell = moose.Cell(self.context.deepCopy(self.context.pathToId('/library/'+cellname),\ self.context.pathToId('/'),cellname)) self.soma = moose.Compartment('/' + self.cellname + '/' + self.somaName) self.soma_vm = setupTable('soma_vm', self.soma, 'Vm') if mpisize > 1: self.soma_vm.stepMode = TAB_SPIKE # store only spikes self.soma_vm.stepSize = -0.030 # that cross -30 mV self.spikeTableList = [] self.attachORNs()
def __init__(self, cellname): self.context = moose.PyMooseBase.getContext() self.cellname = cellname load_channels() load_synapses(synchan_activation_correction) MML = MorphML({'temperature':CELSIUS}) if cellname == 'PG': filename = 'PG_aditya2010_neuroML_L1_L2_L3.xml' self.ORNCellSynapse = 'ORN_PG' self.somaName = 'soma_0' self.numORNSyns = NUM_ORN_PG_SYNS elif cellname == 'mitral': filename = 'mitral_bbmit1993davison_neuroML_L1_L2_L3_mod_withspikeinit.xml' self.ORNCellSynapse = 'ORN_mitral' self.somaName = 'Seg0_soma_0' self.numORNSyns = NUM_ORN_MITRAL_SYNS self.cellSegmentDict = MML.readMorphMLFromFile(filename,{}) self.cell = moose.Cell(self.context.deepCopy(self.context.pathToId('/library/'+cellname),\ self.context.pathToId('/'),cellname)) self.soma = moose.Compartment('/'+self.cellname+'/'+self.somaName) self.soma_vm = setupTable('soma_vm', self.soma,'Vm') if mpisize>1: self.soma_vm.stepMode = TAB_SPIKE # store only spikes self.soma_vm.stepSize = -0.030 # that cross -30 mV self.spikeTableList = [] self.attachORNs()
def __init__(self, OBfile, synchan_activation_correction, tweaks, mpirank, uniquestr, granfilebase, resptuned=False, spiketable=False): self.mpirank = mpirank self.uniquestr = uniquestr self.context = moose.PyMooseBase.getContext() self.granfilebase = granfilebase self.spiketable = spiketable ## netseed is between 'seed' and '_' / '.xml' in OBfile ## ensure there is an _ before .xml, to consider both endings. OBfile_underscored = OBfile.replace('.xml','_.xml') self.netseed = float((OBfile_underscored.split('seed')[1]).split('_')[0]) load_channels() ## synchan_activation_correction depends on SIMDT, ## hence passed all the way down to ## granule_mitral_GABA synapse from the top level load_synapses(synchan_activation_correction) self.cellSegmentDict = load_cells() filename = OBfile NML = NetworkML({'temperature':CELSIUS}) ## Below returns populationDict = { 'populationname1':(cellname,{instanceid1:moosecell, ... }) , ... } ## and projectionDict = { 'projectionname1':(source,target,[(syn_name1,pre_seg_path,post_seg_path),...]) , ... } (self.populationDict,self.projectionDict) = \ NML.readNetworkMLFromFile(filename,self.cellSegmentDict,params=tweaks) if VARY_GRANS_RMP: self.set_granules_rmp(gran_RMP_SD) if VARY_PGS_RMP: self.set_pgs_rmp(PG_RMP_SD) # let PGs vary also self.set_different_pgs() # set cells as PG_LTS or PG ## Vary synapse/channel Gbar-s only after setting them as PG_LTS or PG above self.set_pgs_input_conductances() # set input conductance based on PG type #self.set_pgs_tca_var() # changes TCa for all PGs ## for PG_LTS, varying ELeak or TCa doesn't change RMP, varying KCa does self.set_pgs_kca_var() # changes KCa for PG_LTSs #### Granule baseline synapses and connected timetables are created #### by the networkml reader from the network xml file. #### But the firefiles need to be loaded into timetables. self.connect_granule_baselines_to_files('granule_baseline') #### mitral baseline synapses and connected timetables are created #### by the networkml reader from the network xml file. #### But the firefiles need to be loaded into timetables. #print "Connecting 10000 files per mit" ## connect baseline inhibition to mitrals at lateral dendrites #self.connect_granule_baselines_to_files('mitral_baseline') ## connect baseline inhibition to mitrals at tuft dendrites #self.connect_granule_baselines_to_files('tuft_mitral') #printCellTree(moose.Cell('granules_singles_0')) # unordered dictionary self.populationDict['mitrals'][1] is # renamed to a more friendly self.mitralTable self.mitralTable = self.populationDict['mitrals'][1] self.setupMitralRecordingTables() #printNetTree() print "OB Network from",OBfile,"loaded!"
def __init__(self, outputtype): load_channels() ## synchan_activation_correction depends on SIMDT, ## hence passed all the way down to ## granule_mitral_GABA synapse from the top level load_synapses(synchan_activation_correction) MML = MorphML({'temperature':CELSIUS}) self.outputType = outputtype self.cellList = [] ## order matters, as self.cellname etc remain that in last iteration for cellname in ['PG','mitral']: if cellname == 'PG': #filename = 'PG_aditya2010_neuroML_L1_L2_L3.xml' filename = 'PG_aditya2012_neuroML_L1_L2_L3.xml' self.ORNCellSynapse = 'ORN_PG' self.somaName = 'soma_0' self.numORNSyns = NUM_ORN_PG_SYNS elif cellname == 'mitral': #filename = 'mitral_bbmit1993davison_neuroML_L1_L2_L3_mod.xml' filename = 'mitral_bbmit1993davison_neuroML_L1_L2_L3_mod_withspikeinit.xml' #filename = 'mitral_migliore_etal_2007.xml' self.ORNCellSynapse = 'ORN_mitral' self.somaName = 'Seg0_soma_0' self.numORNSyns = NUM_ORN_MITRAL_SYNS self.cellname = cellname ## returns {cellname:segDict} ## where segDict = { segid1 : [ segname,(proximalx,proximaly,proximalz), ## (distalx,distaly,distalz),diameter,length,[potential_syn1, ... ] ] , ... } cellDict = MML.readMorphMLFromFile(filename,{}) segDict = cellDict[cellname] self.context = moose.PyMooseBase.getContext() self.cell = moose.Cell(self.context.deepCopy(\ self.context.pathToId('/library/'+cellname),self.context.pathToId('/'),cellname)) self.soma = moose.Compartment('/'+self.cellname+'/'+self.somaName) self.soma_vm = setupTable('soma_vm', self.soma,'Vm') self.soma_vm.stepMode = TAB_SPIKE # store only spikes self.soma_vm.stepSize = -0.020 # that cross -20 mV self.spikeTableList = [] self.makeSynapses(segDict,self.cell) self.attachORNs() #printCellTree(self.cell) #self.soma.inject = 1e-9 # Ampere ## 0th cell is PG, 1st cell is mitral self.cellList.append((self.cell,self.soma,self.soma_vm,self.spikeTableList)) if self.outputType == 'both': self.attachInhibition()
def __init__(self, cellname, pseudosynname, libsynname, synfactor, Vclamp, numsyns, syntime, stagger, comp_name=None): load_channels() ## synchan_activation_correction is for graded synapses -- not useful for this script load_synapses(synchan_activation_correction) MML = MorphML({'temperature': CELSIUS}) if cellname == 'PG': #filename = 'PG_aditya2010_neuroML_L1_L2_L3.xml' #filename = 'PG_aditya2012_neuroML_L1_L2_L3.xml' #filename = 'PG_aditya2013_neuroML_L1_L2_L3.xml' #cellname = 'PG_LTS' ## Choose one the two below ## set the ORN->PG and mitral->PG to 0.45 vs 1.25 nS for plateauing vs LTS #filename = 'PG_aditya2010unified_neuroML_L1_L2_L3.xml' # plateauing i.e. non-LTS filename = 'PG_aditya2013unified_neuroML_L1_L2_L3.xml' # LTS self.somaName = 'soma_0' elif cellname == 'mitral': #filename = 'mitral_bbmit1993davison_neuroML_L1_L2_L3_mod.xml' #filename = 'mitral_bbmit1993davison_neuroML_L1_L2_L3.xml' filename = 'mitral_bbmit1993davison_neuroML_L1_L2_L3_mod_withspikeinit.xml' #filename = 'mitral_bbmit1993davison_neuroML_TEST_L1_L2_L3.xml' #filename = 'mitral_bbmit1993davisonMS_neuroML_L1_L2_L3.xml' #filename = 'mitral_migliore_etal_2007.xml' self.somaName = 'Seg0_soma_0' elif cellname == 'granule': filename = 'granule_granadityaMS2007_neuroML_L1_L2_L3.xml' self.somaName = 'soma_0' self.cellName = cellname self.synName = libsynname self.pseudoSynName = pseudosynname self.synFactor = synfactor self.Vclamp = Vclamp self.numSyns = numsyns self.synTime = syntime self.stagger = stagger self.compName = comp_name if self.stagger: self.synRUNTIME = self.synTime * (self.numSyns) + 2 * SETTLETIME else: self.synRUNTIME = self.synTime + 2 * SETTLETIME self.cellsDict = MML.readMorphMLFromFile(filename, {}) self.context = moose.PyMooseBase.getContext() self.cell = moose.Cell( self.context.deepCopy(\ self.context.pathToId('/library/'+cellname),self.context.pathToId('/'),cellname) ) self.soma = moose.Compartment('/' + self.cellName + '/' + self.somaName) self.somaVm = setupTable('soma_vm', self.soma, 'Vm') if cellname == 'mitral': ## inject a current into tuft of mitral tuftcomp = moose.Compartment('/' + self.cellName + '/Seg0_glom_81_102') tuftcomp.inject = injtuft ## inject a current into soma of mitral self.soma.inject = injsoma ## if nerve shock, inject a sharp current into tuft compartments if nerve_shock: ## We want a single sharp current injection at SETTLETIME, so cannot use soma.inject ## segment info - see ## Only connect to 25 tuft compartments for seginfo in (self.cellsDict[self.cellName].values() )[0:num_tuft_comps_shock]: ## seginfo[5] is a list of potential synapses at this segment if 'ORN_mitral' in seginfo[5]: ## wrap this segment, seginfo[0] is segment name tuftcomp = moose.Compartment('/' + self.cellName + '/' + seginfo[0]) ## compartment, name_extn, start_time, duration, current (all SI) setup_iclamp(tuftcomp, '_nerveshock',\ SETTLETIME, 1e-3, tuft_shock_inject) self.spikeTableList = [] self.attachSpikeTables() #printCellTree(self.cell) if cellname == 'mitral': ## monitor Vm at the base of the tuft tuftbase_seg = moose.Compartment('/'+self.cellName+\ #'/Seg0_tuftden_19_23') # for migliore and shepherd 2007 cell '/Seg0_prim_dend_5_20') # tuft base self.tuftBaseTable = setupTable('mitdendTable', tuftbase_seg, 'Vm') ## monitor Vm at secondary dendrite dend_seg = moose.Compartment('/'+self.cellName+\ #'/Seg0_sec_dendp4_0_254') # at 43.86 microns from soma #'/Seg0_sec_dendd3_0_204') # at 190.56 microns from soma '/Seg0_sec_dendd4_2_269') # at 1004.47 microns from soma self.secDendTable = setupTable('mitdendTable', dend_seg, 'Vm') ## monitor Vm in the tuft compartment ## same as current injection above self.tuftTable = setupTable('mitTuftTable', tuftcomp, 'Vm')
try: import moose except ImportError: print "ERROR: Could not import moose. Please add the directory containing in your PYTHONPATH" import sys sys.exit(1) from pylab import * SETTLETIME = 0.25 # s RUNTIME = 1.0+SETTLETIME # s SIMDT = 5e-6 #s PLOTDT = 5e-6 #s if __name__ == "__main__": load_synapses(1.0) idx = test_synapse_index syn_name = synapse_names[idx] context = moose.PyMooseBase.getContext() soma = moose.Compartment('/soma') soma.length = 1e-6 # m soma.diameter = 1e-6 # m soma.Cm = 0.01 * 3.14159 * soma.length * soma.diameter synid = context.deepCopy(context.pathToId('/library/'+syn_name),,syn_name) syn = moose.SynChan(synid) #### connect the soma to the synapse if syn.getField('mgblock')=='True': # If NMDA synapse based on mgblock, connect to mgblock mgblock = moose.Mg_block(syn.path+'/mgblock') compartment_connection = mgblock
def __init__(self, OBfile, synchan_activation_correction, tweaks, mpirank, uniquestr, granfilebase, resptuned=False, spiketable=False): self.mpirank = mpirank self.uniquestr = uniquestr self.context = moose.PyMooseBase.getContext() self.granfilebase = granfilebase self.spiketable = spiketable ## netseed is between 'seed' and '_' / '.xml' in OBfile ## ensure there is an _ before .xml, to consider both endings. OBfile_underscored = OBfile.replace('.xml', '_.xml') self.netseed = float( (OBfile_underscored.split('seed')[1]).split('_')[0]) load_channels() ## synchan_activation_correction depends on SIMDT, ## hence passed all the way down to ## granule_mitral_GABA synapse from the top level load_synapses(synchan_activation_correction) self.cellSegmentDict = load_cells() filename = OBfile NML = NetworkML({'temperature': CELSIUS}) ## Below returns populationDict = { 'populationname1':(cellname,{instanceid1:moosecell, ... }) , ... } ## and projectionDict = { 'projectionname1':(source,target,[(syn_name1,pre_seg_path,post_seg_path),...]) , ... } (self.populationDict,self.projectionDict) = \ NML.readNetworkMLFromFile(filename,self.cellSegmentDict,params=tweaks) if VARY_GRANS_RMP: self.set_granules_rmp(gran_RMP_SD) if VARY_PGS_RMP: self.set_pgs_rmp(PG_RMP_SD) # let PGs vary also self.set_different_pgs() # set cells as PG_LTS or PG ## Vary synapse/channel Gbar-s only after setting them as PG_LTS or PG above self.set_pgs_input_conductances( ) # set input conductance based on PG type #self.set_pgs_tca_var() # changes TCa for all PGs ## for PG_LTS, varying ELeak or TCa doesn't change RMP, varying KCa does self.set_pgs_kca_var() # changes KCa for PG_LTSs #### Granule baseline synapses and connected timetables are created #### by the networkml reader from the network xml file. #### But the firefiles need to be loaded into timetables. self.connect_granule_baselines_to_files('granule_baseline') #### mitral baseline synapses and connected timetables are created #### by the networkml reader from the network xml file. #### But the firefiles need to be loaded into timetables. #print "Connecting 10000 files per mit" ## connect baseline inhibition to mitrals at lateral dendrites #self.connect_granule_baselines_to_files('mitral_baseline') ## connect baseline inhibition to mitrals at tuft dendrites #self.connect_granule_baselines_to_files('tuft_mitral') #printCellTree(moose.Cell('granules_singles_0')) # unordered dictionary self.populationDict['mitrals'][1] is # renamed to a more friendly self.mitralTable self.mitralTable = self.populationDict['mitrals'][1] self.setupMitralRecordingTables() #printNetTree() print "OB Network from", OBfile, "loaded!"
def __init__(self, cellname, pseudosynname, libsynname, synfactor, Vclamp, numsyns, syntime, stagger, comp_name=None): load_channels() ## synchan_activation_correction is for graded synapses -- not useful for this script load_synapses(synchan_activation_correction) MML = MorphML({'temperature':CELSIUS}) if cellname == 'PG': #filename = 'PG_aditya2010_neuroML_L1_L2_L3.xml' #filename = 'PG_aditya2012_neuroML_L1_L2_L3.xml' #filename = 'PG_aditya2013_neuroML_L1_L2_L3.xml' #cellname = 'PG_LTS' ## Choose one the two below ## set the ORN->PG and mitral->PG to 0.45 vs 1.25 nS for plateauing vs LTS #filename = 'PG_aditya2010unified_neuroML_L1_L2_L3.xml' # plateauing i.e. non-LTS filename = 'PG_aditya2013unified_neuroML_L1_L2_L3.xml' # LTS self.somaName = 'soma_0' elif cellname == 'mitral': #filename = 'mitral_bbmit1993davison_neuroML_L1_L2_L3_mod.xml' #filename = 'mitral_bbmit1993davison_neuroML_L1_L2_L3.xml' filename = 'mitral_bbmit1993davison_neuroML_L1_L2_L3_mod_withspikeinit.xml' #filename = 'mitral_bbmit1993davison_neuroML_TEST_L1_L2_L3.xml' #filename = 'mitral_bbmit1993davisonMS_neuroML_L1_L2_L3.xml' #filename = 'mitral_migliore_etal_2007.xml' self.somaName = 'Seg0_soma_0' elif cellname == 'granule': filename = 'granule_granadityaMS2007_neuroML_L1_L2_L3.xml' self.somaName = 'soma_0' self.cellName = cellname self.synName = libsynname self.pseudoSynName = pseudosynname self.synFactor = synfactor self.Vclamp = Vclamp self.numSyns = numsyns self.synTime = syntime self.stagger = stagger self.compName = comp_name if self.stagger: self.synRUNTIME = self.synTime*(self.numSyns)+2*SETTLETIME else: self.synRUNTIME = self.synTime+2*SETTLETIME self.cellsDict = MML.readMorphMLFromFile(filename,{}) self.context = moose.PyMooseBase.getContext() self.cell = moose.Cell( self.context.deepCopy(\ self.context.pathToId('/library/'+cellname),self.context.pathToId('/'),cellname) ) self.soma = moose.Compartment('/'+self.cellName+'/'+self.somaName) self.somaVm = setupTable('soma_vm', self.soma,'Vm') if cellname=='mitral': ## inject a current into tuft of mitral tuftcomp = moose.Compartment('/'+self.cellName+'/Seg0_glom_81_102') tuftcomp.inject = injtuft ## inject a current into soma of mitral self.soma.inject = injsoma ## if nerve shock, inject a sharp current into tuft compartments if nerve_shock: ## We want a single sharp current injection at SETTLETIME, so cannot use soma.inject ## segment info - see ## Only connect to 25 tuft compartments for seginfo in (self.cellsDict[self.cellName].values())[0:num_tuft_comps_shock]: ## seginfo[5] is a list of potential synapses at this segment if 'ORN_mitral' in seginfo[5]: ## wrap this segment, seginfo[0] is segment name tuftcomp = moose.Compartment('/'+self.cellName+'/'+seginfo[0]) ## compartment, name_extn, start_time, duration, current (all SI) setup_iclamp(tuftcomp, '_nerveshock',\ SETTLETIME, 1e-3, tuft_shock_inject) self.spikeTableList = [] self.attachSpikeTables() #printCellTree(self.cell) if cellname=='mitral': ## monitor Vm at the base of the tuft tuftbase_seg = moose.Compartment('/'+self.cellName+\ #'/Seg0_tuftden_19_23') # for migliore and shepherd 2007 cell '/Seg0_prim_dend_5_20') # tuft base self.tuftBaseTable = setupTable('mitdendTable',tuftbase_seg,'Vm') ## monitor Vm at secondary dendrite dend_seg = moose.Compartment('/'+self.cellName+\ #'/Seg0_sec_dendp4_0_254') # at 43.86 microns from soma #'/Seg0_sec_dendd3_0_204') # at 190.56 microns from soma '/Seg0_sec_dendd4_2_269') # at 1004.47 microns from soma self.secDendTable = setupTable('mitdendTable',dend_seg,'Vm') ## monitor Vm in the tuft compartment ## same as current injection above self.tuftTable = setupTable('mitTuftTable',tuftcomp,'Vm')
import operator # has itemgetter() for sorted() sys.path.extend(["..","../neuroml","../cells","../channels","../networks","../simulations"]) from neuroml_utils import * from sim_utils import * # has build_tweaks() from networkConstants import * ## these are needed to load mitral cell and get segids and synapse locations from load_channels import * from load_synapses import * from load_cells import * from simset_odor import * # has synchan_activation_correction load_channels() ## synchan_activation_correction depends on SIMDT, ## hence passed all the way down to ## granule_mitral_GABA synapse from the top level load_synapses(synchan_activation_correction) ## cellSegmentDict[<cellname>] = { segid1 : [ segname,(proximalx,proximaly,proximalz), ## (distalx,distaly,distalz),diameter,length,[potential_syn1, ... ] ] , ... } cellSegmentDict = load_cells() from pylab import * ## USAGE: ## python2.6 <networkmlfile.xml> ## OR ## python2.6 SYN_DECAY ## The plots are for weights and numbers of all exc/inh synapses on the central/lateral mitrals. ## The printing on the terminal gives weights located proximally vs distally from central mits. TWOGLOMS = False#True # whether to check for mits 0,2 (True) or 0,1 (False) INCLUDEMULTIS = True # whether to include multi-s in joint connectivity
try: import moose except ImportError: print "ERROR: Could not import moose. Please add the directory containing in your PYTHONPATH" import sys sys.exit(1) from pylab import * SETTLETIME = 0.25 # s RUNTIME = 1.0 + SETTLETIME # s SIMDT = 5e-6 #s PLOTDT = 5e-6 #s if __name__ == "__main__": load_synapses(1.0) idx = test_synapse_index syn_name = synapse_names[idx] context = moose.PyMooseBase.getContext() soma = moose.Compartment('/soma') soma.length = 1e-6 # m soma.diameter = 1e-6 # m soma.Cm = 0.01 * 3.14159 * soma.length * soma.diameter synid = context.deepCopy(context.pathToId('/library/' + syn_name),, syn_name) syn = moose.SynChan(synid) #### connect the soma to the synapse if syn.getField( 'mgblock'