Пример #1
def context_morphs(all_sentence, word_list):
  num = re.compile(r'[0-9]')
  for word in word_list:
    chunk_list = module(word)
    for sent in chunk_list:
      for j in range(len(sent)):
        context = []
        for k in sent[j].morph:
          if k.pos == '名詞':

            if len(context) >= 2:
              a = ' '.join(context)
              if a in nouns_100:
                for b in sent[int(sent[j].dst)].morph:
                  if b.pos == '名詞' or b.pos == '動詞' or b.pos == '形容詞':
                    print a + '\t -> ' + b.base
                for c in sent[j].srcs:
                  for d in sent[int(c)].morph:
                    if b.pos == '名詞' or b.pos == '動詞' or b.pos == '形容詞':
                      print a + '\t <- ' + d.base

            context = []

        if len(context) >= 2:
          a = ' '.join(context)
          if a in nouns_100:
            for i in sent[int(sent[j].dst)].morph:
              if b.pos == '名詞' or b.pos == '動詞' or b.pos == '形容詞':
                print a + '\t -> ' + b.base
Пример #2
def noun_verb(FILE):
  chunk_list = module(FILE)

  for chunk in chunk_list:
    for i in range(len(chunk)):
      if chunk[i].dst != '-1':
        noun, verb = '', ''
        noun_check, verb_check = 0, 0

        for j1 in chunk[i].morphs:
          if j1.surface != '、 ' and j1.surface != '。 ':
            noun += j1.surface
          if j1.pos == '名詞':
            noun_check = 1

        if noun_check == 0:

        for j2 in chunk[int(chunk[i].dst)].morphs:
          if j2.surface != '、 ' and j1.surface != '。 ':
            verb += j2.surface
          if j1.pos == '動詞':
            verb_check = 1

        if verb_check == 0:

        print noun + '\t' + verb + '\n'
Пример #3
def main():

	print module.__dict__
	print "**********start *************"
	print m
	# print "general method in python other package"
	# m.details()
	print "*********Eastablish data connection *******"
	print conn
Пример #4
def tab_extract(FILE):
  chunk_list = module(FILE)

  for chunk in chunk_list:
    for i in range(len(chunk)):
      if chunk[i].dst != '-1':
        moto, saki = '', ''

        for j1 in chunk[i].morphs:
          if j1.pos != '記号':
            moto += j1.surface

        for j2 in chunk[int(chunk[i].dst)].morphs:
          if j2.pos != '記号':
            saki += j2.surface

        print moto + '\t' + saki + '\n'
def more_than_2_phrase(FILE):
  chunk_list = module(FILE)

  for chunk in chunk_list:
    for i in range(len(chunk)):
      if len(chunk[i].srcs) >= 2:
        print chunk[i].srcs
        saki = ''
        for j in chunk[i].morphs:
          saki += j.surface
        print saki + '\n'
        for src in chunk[i].srcs:
          moto = ''
          for k in chunk[int(src)].morphs:
            moto += k.surface
          print moto
def phrase_expression(FILE):
  chunk_list = module(FILE)

  chunk1, chunk2 = '', ''

  for chunk1 in chunk_list:
    for chunk2 in chunk_list:

      for i in range(len(chunk1)):
        for j in range(len(chunk2)):

          if chunk1[i].dst == chunk2[j].num:

            for j1 in chunk1[i].morphs:
              for j2 in chunk2[j].morphs:

                if j1.pos == '名詞' and j2.pos == '名詞':
                  print j1.surface + '\t' + j2.surface + '\n'
                  print chunk2[j].num + '->' + chunk1[i].num
Пример #7
def load_shelve (file_name, progress_bar=None):
    Load a module from disk.

    @see: dump_shelve()

    @type  name: String
    @param name: File name to import from

    @rtype:  pida.module
    @return: Imported module

    import shelve

    sh  = shelve.open(file_name, flag='r', protocol=2)
    mod = module()

    # attributes from pida.module
    mod.name      = sh["name"]
    mod.base      = sh["base"]
    mod.depth     = sh["depth"]
    mod.analysis  = sh["analysis"]
    mod.signature = sh["signature"]
    mod.version   = sh["version"]
    mod.ext       = sh["ext"]

    # attributes inherited from pgraph.graph
    mod.id        = sh["id"]
    mod.clusters  = sh["clusters"]
    mod.edges     = sh["edges"]
    mod.nodes     = {}

    # we restore the node dictionary piece by piece to avoid out of memory conditions.
    for key, val in sh["nodes"].items():
        mod.nodes[key] = val

Пример #8
    pre_w = 'None'
    pre_pos = 'None'
    for one_chunk in one_sentence:
      if one_chunk.chunk == 'B-NP':
        if word.startswith('#'):
          make_feature(word, features, one_chunk.w, one_chunk.pos, pre_pos)

        head_w = find_head(one_chunk.w.lower())
        features = feature(pre_w, pre_pos, head_w, one_chunk.pos)
        word = '# ' + one_chunk.w

      elif one_chunk.chunk == 'I-NP' and word != ' ':
        if features.head_w != 'NONE':
          features.f_pos = one_chunk.pos

        word += ' ' + one_chunk.w

      elif word != ' ':
        make_feature(word, features, one_chunk.w, one_chunk.pos, pre_pos)
        word = ' '

      else: pass
      pre_w = one_chunk.w
      pre_pos = one_chunk.pos

if __name__ == '__main__':
  for name in glob.glob('8_071_GENIA_tagger_?.txt'):
    result = open('8_076_output' + name[-5] + '.f', 'w')
Пример #9
        for k in sent[j].morph:
          if k.pos == '名詞':

            if len(context) >= 2:
              a = ' '.join(context)
              if a in nouns_100:
                for b in sent[int(sent[j].dst)].morph:
                  if b.pos == '名詞' or b.pos == '動詞' or b.pos == '形容詞':
                    print a + '\t -> ' + b.base
                for c in sent[j].srcs:
                  for d in sent[int(c)].morph:
                    if b.pos == '名詞' or b.pos == '動詞' or b.pos == '形容詞':
                      print a + '\t <- ' + d.base

            context = []

        if len(context) >= 2:
          a = ' '.join(context)
          if a in nouns_100:
            for i in sent[int(sent[j].dst)].morph:
              if b.pos == '名詞' or b.pos == '動詞' or b.pos == '形容詞':
                print a + '\t -> ' + b.base

if __name__ == '__main__':
  word_list = make_word_list()
  for num in glob.glob('7_061_output_?.txt'):
    all_sentence = module(num)
    context_morphs(all_sentence, word_list)
Пример #10
def a_the_none(all_sentence):
  for one_sentence in all_sentence:
    word = ''
    pre_w = 'None'
    pre_pos = 'None'
    for one_chunk in one_sentence:
      if one_chunk.chunk == 'B-NP':
        if word.startswith('#'):
          make_feature(word, features, one_chunk.w, one_chunk.pos, pre_pos)

        head_w = find_head(one_chunk.w.lower())
        features = feature(pre_w, pre_pos, head_w, one_chunk.pos)
        word = '# ' + one_chunk.w

      elif one_chunk.chunk == 'I-NP' and word != '':
        if features.head_w != 'NONE':
          features.f_pos = one_chunk.pos

        word += ' ' + one_chunk.w

      elif word != ' ':
        make_feature(word, features, one_chunk.w, one_chunk.pos, pre_pos)
        word = ' '

      else: pass
      pre_w = one_chunk.w
      pre_pos = one_chunk.pos

if __name__ == '__main__':
Пример #11
def _start(module, args=None):
Пример #12
from module import *
m = module(".bashrc")
print m.commentCharacter
print m.activeFile
print m.homePath
print m.activeFile
print (m.activeFile)
Пример #13
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

from module import *
import sys

def np(all_sentence):
  for one_sentence in all_sentence:
    word = ''
    for one_chunk in one_sentence:
      if one_chunk.chunk == 'B-NP':
        if word.startswith('#'):
          print word

        word = '# ' + one_chunk.w

      elif one_chunk.chunk == 'I-NP' and word != ' ':
        word += ' ' + one_chunk.w

      elif word != ' ':
        print word
        word = ' '

      else: pass

if __name__ == '__main__':
Пример #14
def labels():
  text = module('Cristiano',10)
  return str(text)
Пример #15
app = Flask(__name__)

def hello_world():
    return """
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    	<title> API Exercise pt. 2 </title>
    	<p> Andre's Code is being tested with the twitter handle 'Cristiano' and a number of 10 tweets </p>  
      <p> To view the labels returned by the Google Cloud Vision API, type '/labels' after the current URL </p>
    	<p> OUTPUT VIDEO as a .mp4 file: </p>
    	<video controls>
  			<source src="/output.mp4" type="video/mp4">

#only way i could think of printing a result from a module
def labels():
  text = module('Cristiano',10)
  return str(text)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    text = module('Cristiano',10)
    app.run(debug = True, use_reloader = True)