ts = time.time()
	# expID = "exp" + str(exp_id)
	expID = str(int(ts))
	clientID = client + "_" + expID
	## Run baseline DASH client
	simple_dash(video, clientID, closest_srv_ip)

	## Get Intrazone Candidate Servers
	cand1 = get_candidates(cache_agent, srvs_closest_zone, cache_agents, 2)
	## Get Interzone Candidate Servers
	cand2 = get_candidates(cache_agent, srvs_closest_region, cache_agents, 2)

	## Save candidate servers for the experiment
	candidatesFile = "./data/" + clientID + "_intra_CANDS.json"
	with open(candidatesFile, 'w') as outfile:
		json.dump(cand1, outfile, sort_keys = True, indent = 4, ensure_ascii = False)
	candidatesFile = "./data/" + clientID + "_inter_CANDS.json"
	with open(candidatesFile, 'w') as outfile:
		json.dump(cand2, outfile, sort_keys = True, indent = 4, ensure_ascii = False)

	## Run Intra-zone server selection algorithms
	intra_clientID = clientID + "_intra"
	qas_dash_agent(intra_clientID, cache_agent, cand1, cache_agents, port, video)
	cqas_dash_agent(intra_clientID, cache_agent, cand1, cache_agents, port, video)
	## Run Inter-zone server selection algorithms
	inter_clientID = clientID + "_inter"
	qas_dash_agent(inter_clientID, cache_agent, cand2, cache_agents, port, video)
	cqas_dash_agent(inter_clientID, cache_agent, cand2, cache_agents, port, video)
Пример #2
expID = 'exp5'
clientID = client + "_" + expID

## The first candidate server is the closest server
candidates = {}
candidates[cache_agent] = cache_agents[cache_agent]

## The second candidate server is randomly selected from the same zone
second_srv = random.choice(srvs_closest_region)
candidates[second_srv] = cache_agents[second_srv]

## Save candidate servers for the experiment
candidatesFile = "./data/" + clientID + "_CANDS.json"
with open(candidatesFile, 'w') as outfile:

## Run QAS_DASH client
qas_dash_agent(clientID, cache_agent, candidates, cache_agents, port, video)

## Wait 20 minutes between two types of clients

## Run CQAS_DASH client
cqas_dash_agent(clientID, cache_agent, candidates, cache_agents, port, video)
Пример #3
    ## Run baseline DASH client
    simple_dash(video, clientID, closest_srv_ip)

    ## Get Intrazone Candidate Servers
    cand1 = get_candidates(cache_agent, srvs_closest_zone, cache_agents, 2)
    ## Get Interzone Candidate Servers
    cand2 = get_candidates(cache_agent, srvs_closest_region, cache_agents, 2)

    ## Save candidate servers for the experiment
    candidatesFile = "./data/" + clientID + "_intra_CANDS.json"
    with open(candidatesFile, 'w') as outfile:
        json.dump(cand1, outfile, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
    candidatesFile = "./data/" + clientID + "_inter_CANDS.json"
    with open(candidatesFile, 'w') as outfile:
        json.dump(cand2, outfile, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)

    ## Run Intra-zone server selection algorithms
    intra_clientID = clientID + "_intra"
    qas_dash_agent(intra_clientID, cache_agent, cand1, cache_agents, port,
    cqas_dash_agent(intra_clientID, cache_agent, cand1, cache_agents, port,

    ## Run Inter-zone server selection algorithms
    inter_clientID = clientID + "_inter"
    qas_dash_agent(inter_clientID, cache_agent, cand2, cache_agents, port,
    cqas_dash_agent(inter_clientID, cache_agent, cand2, cache_agents, port,
#	print "Failed to write file ", pingFile

cache_agent = attach_cache_agent(cache_agent_rtts)
print "=============== Cache Agent for Client: ", client, " is ", cache_agent, " ======================"

expNum = 1

for i in range(1, expNum + 1):
	expID = 'exp' + str(i)
	candidate_srvs = random.sample(set(cache_agents.keys()), 2)
	candidates = {}
	for s in candidate_srvs:
		candidates[s] = cache_agents[s]
	clientID = client + "_" + expID

	## Save candidate servers for the experiment
	candidatesFile = "./data/" + clientID + "_QAS_CANDS.json"
	#	cFile = open(candidatesFile, 'w')
	#	json.dump(candidates, cFile, sort_keys = True, indent = 4, ensure_ascii = False)
	#except IOError:
	#	print "Failed to write file ", candidatesFile
	with open(candidatesFile, 'w') as outfile:
		json.dump(candidates, outfile, sort_keys = True, indent = 4, ensure_ascii = False)

	print "Selected candidate servers for ", clientID, " are :"
	for srv in candidate_srvs:
		print srv
	qas_dash_agent(clientID, cache_agent, candidates, cache_agents, port, video)
	waitRandom(10, 1000)