def read_xfaster_newdata_output( file, pol=False, win=1, old=False, otit="XF T-P spectra", res=False, xpol=False, lmax=2000, chkbb=False, verbose=False ): code = ' > read_xfaster_newdata_output: ' xfdir = '/global/scratch2/sd/dpietrob/Software/XFaster/' if verbose: print code+'XFaster folder = '+xfdir tcl = hp.fitsfunc.read_cl(xfdir+'data/planck_lcdm_cl_uK_xf1.e-3.fits') tcl[4] = 0. tcl[5] = 0. nl = len( tcl[0] ) l = np.arange( len( tcl[0] ) ) ll = l * (l+1)/2./np.pi ### NB consistent with my definition of .newdat if old: nbtt,nbee,nbbb,nbtb,nbte,nbeb = readcol(file, format=np.arange(6)+1, skipline=1, numline=1, verbose=verbose) else: nbtt,nbee,nbbb,nbte,nbtb,nbeb = readcol(file, format=np.arange(6)+1, skipline=1, numline=1, verbose=verbose) print ' TT # bin = ', nbtt print ' EE # bin = ', nbee print ' TE # bin = ', nbte print ' BB # bin = ', nbbb print ' TB # bin = ', nbtb print ' EB # bin = ', nbeb #if verbose: #print code+'binning theoretical power spectrum...' btcltt = bp_binning( tcl[0]*ll, xfdir+'data/bins/ctp/CTP_bin_TT', verbose=verbose )
def bp_binning( cls, bin_file, verbose=False): code = ' > bp_binning: ' if verbose: print code+'Assuming l=0, len(cl)-1; lmax=len(cl)-1' print code+'Reading bin_file %s' %bin_file nl = len(cls) fl,ll = readcol(bin_file, verbose=verbose) nb = len(ll) if verbose: print nb, ll[nb-1], ll[nb] lmax = np.min( [nl-1,ll[nb]] ) if verbose: print 'lmax = %s' %lmax #bok = (ll - lmax) > 0 #bmax = nb-1 #if bok[0] > 0: # bmax = bok[0]-1 bin_cls = np.zeros( nb ) # for ib=0,bmax do bin_cls[ib] = total( cls[fl[ib]:ll[ib]] ) / (ll[ib]-fl[ib]+1) for ib in np.arange( nb ): #bin_cls[ib] = np.sum( cls[fl[ib]:ll[ib]] ) / (ll[ib]-fl[ib]+1) bnl = np.sum( np.nonzero( cls[fl[ib]:ll[ib]] ) ) bin_cls[ib] = np.sum( cls[fl[ib]:ll[ib]] ) / bnl #(ll[ib]-fl[ib]+1) if verbose: print ib, fl[ib], ll[ib], bin_cls[ib] tnl = np.sum( np.nonzero( bin_cls ) ) return bin_cls[0:tnl]
def items(): csv_path = "csvs"+os.sep pickle_path = "pickles"+os.sep files = glob.glob(csv_path+"*.csv") for f in files: dict = readcol(f,asdict=True,fsep="`") dict.pop("\n", None) #for some reason readcol grabs the newline character for k in dict.keys(): if "\n" in k: dict[k.rstrip()] = dict.pop(k) unique_dict = {} key_list = ["name","Sells For","Purchase Price","reorderable","cataloged"] #keys that aren't useful to sort by for k,v in dict.iteritems(): if k not in key_list: #keys that I want to sort by unique_dict[k] = list(collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(v)) #list removes non-unique values if unique_dict[k] == ['-']: #if the only value is -, then that is not something useful to sort by unique_dict.pop(k, None) with open(pickle_path+f[len(csv_path):-3]+"pickle", 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump((collections.OrderedDict(sorted(dict.items())), collections.OrderedDict(sorted(unique_dict.items()))), handle) #depositing dict by pickle, lazy and this is fast
#!bin/python from readcol import * import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import as cm from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm num=1 LUNIT=1.49597871e13 rad0=readcol("rad_chart.txt") size0=readcol("size_chart.txt"); n_rad=len(rad0) n_size=len(size0) print n_rad,n_size dens_grid=np.ndarray(shape=(n_size,n_rad),dtype=float) dr=rad0[1]-rad0[0] dens=np.ndarray(shape=(n_size,n_rad),dtype=float) print dens #print np.shape(dens) #print np.shape(dens[0]) rad,size=np.meshgrid(rad0,size0) X = 10*np.random.rand(5,3) dens=np.random.rand(n_size,n_rad) print dens fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.imshow(X, cmap=cm.jet)#, interpolation='nearest') print X
#!bin/python from readcol import * import matplotlib #matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import as cm from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm import sys num=1 LUNIT=1.49597871e13 rad0=readcol("rad_chart.txt") size0=readcol("size_chart.txt"); n_rad=len(rad0) n_size=len(size0) print n_rad,n_size dens_grid=np.ndarray(shape=(n_size,n_rad),dtype=float) dr=rad0[1]-rad0[0] v_rel=np.ndarray(shape=(n_size,n_size),dtype=float) print v_rel #print np.shape(dens) #print np.shape(dens[0]) rad,size=np.meshgrid(size0,size0) lev=np.linspace(0,0,256) lev2=np.linspace(0,10000,256) plt.rc('text',usetex=True) for i in range(0,256): lev[i]=0.00001*np.exp(i*1.0/256*np.log(0.1/0.00001)) for i in range(0000,0001,50):
b[nvis:, 0] = np.rad2deg(np.arctan(np.tan(np.deg2rad(b[nvis:, 0])))) f1 = functions.norm_l1(lambda_=l) f2 = functions.norm_l2(y=b, A=A) step = 0.5 / np.linalg.norm(A, ord=2)**2 solver = solvers.forward_backward(step=step) ret = solvers.solve([f1, f2], x, solver, rtol=1e-6, maxit=maxit) return ret oi_data = 'CALIB_SIM_DATA_uncalib_t_disk_small2_0__PSF_MASK_NRM_F430M_x11_0.82_ref__00.oifits' #input_path = ['/Users/donut/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/JWST_CS/dataset/disks_clean/'] input_path = [ '/Users/donut/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/JWST_CS/dataset/forms/' ] input_files = readcol(input_path[0] + 'data_cgauss.txt', twod=True) scale = 10.0 ## mas hyperparameter = 0.05 maxit = 10000 for i in range(len(input_files)): temp = input_path[0] + input_files[i][0] im_atom = pyfits.getdata(temp) if i == 0: v_model, phi_model, t3phi_model = oitools.compute_obs( oi_data, im_atom, scale) else: v_model_temp, phi_model_temp, t3phi_model_temp = oitools.compute_obs( oi_data, im_atom, scale) v_model = np.dstack((v_model, v_model_temp)) phi_model = np.dstack((phi_model, phi_model_temp))
# if ERROR: PLIO: reference out of bounds on mask error happen then use image[*,*,1] in input image as ur image may be more then 2 dim or [*,*,1] # if ERROR: segmentation violation in xgterm use terminal or use linux machine os.system("sed s/F.fits/F.fits[*,*,1]/g>") crmasks = '0, 0, 0, 0, 0' # total 5 frames: 2 AGN frame and 3 standard frames. iraf.crutil.cosmicrays("", "@rm_cosmic.out", interactive='no', crmasks=crmasks) #os.system("sed s/bfc.fits/bfc.fits[10:507,10:507]/g rm_cosmic.out>") # Note: Check the limits. This is for 512 times 512 image size #os.system("sed s/bfc.fits/bfct.fits/g rm_cosmic.out > trim.out") filenames = readcol('rm_cosmic.out') photometry(filenames) os.chdir('..') ''' dirlist=glob.glob('*2015*') file1=open('mag.out', 'w') day=np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 14]) for i in range(len(dirlist)): Bmagfile=glob.glob(strcompress(dirlist[i]+'/'+'mcg*_b1*phot*')) print("Bmagfile:", Bmagfile[0]) ap=readcol(Bmagfile[0], skipline=107) Bmag = float(ap[0, 4]) Bemag = float(ap[0, 5]) Vmagfile=glob.glob(strcompress(dirlist[i]+'/'+'mcg*_v1*phot*'))
qualflag) else: return np.array(line_pos_fitted), np.array( line_sigma_fitted), np.array(line_amp_fitted) else: if return_qualflag: return np.array(line_pos_fitted), np.array(qualflag) else: return np.array(line_pos_fitted) ########################################### ########################################### thar_refwlord01, thar_relintord01, flag = readcol( '/Users/christoph/UNSW/linelists/test_thar_list_order_01.dat', fsep=';', twod=False) thar_refwlord01 *= 1e3 refdata = {} refdata['order_01'] = {} refdata['order_01']['wl'] = thar_refwlord01[np.argwhere( flag == ' resolved')][::-1] #note the array is turned around to match other arrays refdata['order_01']['relint'] = thar_relintord01[np.argwhere( flag == ' resolved')][::-1] #note the array is turned around to match other arrays ########################################### def get_dispsol_from_thar(thardata, refdata,
#line = str(separations[j])+ " "+str(e_separations[j])+ " "+str(separations[j]*dist) + " "+str(e_separations[j]*dist) +"\n" # outputfileseps.writelines(line) cl.close() # outputfilefits.close() # outputfileseps.close() print 'end of extract' dist=230.0 #sources=['Per2','Per11','Per12','Per17','Per18','Per22','Per26','Per27','Per33','Per35','Per36','Per40','Per44','Per48','Per49','Per55','Per106','Per107','Per120','Per122'] #comps=[2,3,2,2,3,2,2,2,4,2,2,2,5,2,2,2,2,2,2,2] inp(taskname='imfit') cl.close() imagelisttemp=readcol("images.txt") #imagelist=imagelisttemp.array().tolist() imagelist=[] for image in imagelisttemp: imagelist.append(image[:][0]) # print image #print imagelist sourcestemp=[line.replace('.B.Ka.cont.image.tt0','') for line in imagelist] sources=[source.replace('../','') for source in sourcestemp] #print imagelist #print sources sources.append('Per110') sources.append('Per21')
t0 = t t = (1. + sqrt(1. + 4. * t**2)) / 2. z = x + ((t0 - 1.) / t) * (x - xold) this_pobj = 0.5 * linalg.norm( - b)**2 + l * linalg.norm(x, 1) pobj.append((time.time() - time0, this_pobj)) print(this_pobj) times, pobj = map(np.array, zip(*pobj)) return x, pobj, times ### INPUT PARAMETERS ### oi_data = 'COMB_JWST_SAM_tot.fits' dict_filename = 'Dict3.npy' input_path = ['dataset/'] input_files = readcol(input_path[0] + 'ring_gauss.txt', twod=True) scale = 10.0 ## mas hyperparameter = 0.01 maxit = 10000 output_filename = 'recovered_im_lasso.fits' #Output filename ####### AUTOMATIC FROM HERE ################# ### Append, normalize and reshape the data : obs = oitools.extract_data(oi_data) v2_data = obs['vis2'].reshape(-1) phi_data = obs['phi'].reshape(-1) t3phi_data = obs['t3'].reshape(-1) v2_data = prepro.scale(v2_data)
#!bin/python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from readcol import * a1, a2 = readcol("vr_estimate.txt", twod=False) plt.plot(a1, a2, ls="--", label="estimate") a1, a2 = readcol("drift_velocity.txt", twod=False) plt.plot(a1, a2, label="calculate")
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pdb import as pyfits import oitools from readcol import * import as cm import matplotlib.colors as colors from matplotlib import gridspec oi_data = 's0_a200_COMB_pa_2018_HD163296.fits' [ims] = readcol('new_mean_ims_ring_2018.txt', twod=False) tit = 'Observables from BSMEM Images [Ring Model 2019]' year = 2019 #wave_range = [2.30e-6, 2.40e-6] scale = 0.1 ## mas oidata = oi_wave = oidata['OI_WAVELENGTH'].data #oi_vis = oidata['OI_VIS'].data oi_vis2 = oidata['OI_VIS2'].data oi_t3 = oidata['OI_T3'].data waves = oi_wave['EFF_WAVE'] #vis = oi_vis['VISAMP'] #vis_err = oi_vis['VISAMPERR'] #phase = oi_vis['VISPHI'] #phase_err = oi_vis['VISPHIERR'] vis2 = oi_vis2['VIS2DATA'] vis2_err = oi_vis2['VIS2ERR']
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from readcol import * for i in range(0, 40, 1): in_name = "pebble_num_" + str(i) + ".txt" rad, yr, a1, a2 = readcol(in_name, twod=False) plt.plot(rad, yr) plt.yscale("log") # plt.xscale("log") plt.xlabel("r (AU)") plt.ylabel("time (yr)")
from readcol import * cd = True if cd == True: import oi_merge as oi_merge else: import oi_merge2 as oi_merges # import importlib importlib.reload(oi_merge) data = 'combine_data_tot.txt' [files] = readcol(data, twod=False) merged = oi_merge.oi_merge(files) merged.write('COMB_JWST_SAM_tot.fits')
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm LUNIT = 1.49597871e13 TUNIT = 3.15569e7 m_earth = 5.97219e27 rho_peb = 1.4 TWO_POP = False name = sys.argv[1] num = sys.argv[2] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2) #,width_ratios=[1,1]) r = readcol(name + "/rad.txt") sig0 = readcol(name + "/dust_sigma0.txt") sig = readcol(name + "/dust_sigma" + num + ".txt") size0 = readcol(name + "/dust_size0.txt") size = readcol(name + "/dust_size" + num + ".txt") if TWO_POP: a_drift = readcol(name + "/dust_drift" + num + ".txt") a_frag = readcol(name + "/dust_frag" + num + ".txt") a_df = readcol(name + "/dust_df" + num + ".txt") a_gr = readcol(name + "/dust_gr" + num + ".txt") tau_gr = readcol(name + "/tau_gr" + num + ".txt") rB = np.load('rB.npy')