def getBluetoothStr(wait): if(wait): print("Waiting for Commands...") while(True): ble.println("AT+BLEUARTRX") rx=ble.readLine() #print(rx) #print(ble.rxText) if(rx=="OK\r\n"): continue if(ble.rxText!=""): #print(ble.rxText) ble.rx="" break ble.waitForOK() else: ble.println("AT+BLEUARTRX") rx=ble.readLine() #print(rx) #print(ble.rxText) # if(rx=="OK\r\n"): # # continue #if(ble.rxText!=""): # print(ble.rxText) # ble.rxText="" # break ble.waitForOK() rxVal=ble.rxText ble.rxText='' return rxVal
def getBluetoothStr(): print("Waiting for Commands...") while(True): ble.println("AT+BLEUARTRX") rx=ble.readLine() #print(rx) #print(ble.rxText) if(rx=="OK\r\n"): continue if(ble.rxText!=""): #print(ble.rxText) ble.rx="" break ble.waitForOK() return ble.rxText
def checkOut(): """ function to prompt for location password to retrieve vehicle and vacate location """ leave = "abcdef" print("\nCheck-out selected.") parkedCars = allParkingSpots.values() currentCars = [car.MAC for car in parkedCars if car.MAC != "0"] if currentCars: print("please have customer enter in their confirmation number") selectCar = LCDandKeypad.exit() for key, value in allParkingSpots.items(): if selectCar == value.Confirmation: LCDandKeypad.exitWrite("retrieving car") currentCar = allParkingSpots[key] car = BLE(defaultAddr="0", defaultName="0") try: car.Connect(MAC=currentCar.MAC) except Exception as e: print("something went wrong: ", e) break if car.addr != "0": print("connected\n") totalPrice = getPrice(currentCar.StartTime) print("Customer total is ${:.2f}".format(totalPrice)) LCDandKeypad.exitWrite("Amount owed:", "${:.2f}".format(totalPrice)) if not queryYesNo("Has the customer paid? "): LCDandKeypad.exitWrite("NO $ NO CAR") print("Customer must pay to retrieve vehicle") break try: print("\nRetrieving vehicle from location {}.".format(key)) arduinoCom(leave[int(key)-1]) car.sendMessage('b') arduinoCom('x') car.sendMessage('g') except Exception as e: print("something went wrong:", e) blankSpot = [key, "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"] dictBlankSpot = dict(zip(parkingSpot.allowedAttributes, blankSpot)) allParkingSpots[key] = parkingSpot(dictBlankSpot) print("Location {} is now vacant.".format(key)) car.Disconnect() del car saveCustomerInfo() break else: print("couldn't connect to device") break else: print("Parking pass is invalid") LCDandKeypad.exitWrite("Parking pass", "is invalid") else: print("There are currently no cars parked")
def read_measurement(): """Read serial port and surface reconstruction using machine learning model in a dead loop. The function calls a dead loop. In the dead loop, the sensor voltage in the serial port sent by microcontroller is read continuously. Then based on the read voltage surface vertices coordinates are computed using machine learning model. Finally, The voltage data and coordinates data are stores in global variable sensor_data_sharing for visualization in Once the microcontroller stops get sensor data, the loop is over. Returns: None """ while True: # temp_bytes = # # # voltage # temp_float = np.frombuffer(temp_bytes, dtype=np.uint16).reshape(glc.sensor_num_y, glc.sensor_num_x).astype(np.float) # start = time.time() temp_data = glc.ble.BLE_data_update() # print(temp_data) glv.sensor_v = BLE.dataDecoder(temp_data) print(glv.sensor_v) # print(time.time() - start) # glv.sensor_v = ((temp_data / float(glc.dacNMax)) * glc.dacRef) - glc.dacRefOffset # glv.sensor_v = glv.sensor_v * glv.sensor_enable # x-,y-,z-coordinates # Because the input variables of the defect sensors V12, V25 and V30 are deleted when the model is trained. # So the corresponding input variables of the new observation here also have to be deleted sensor_values_delete_zero = np.delete(glv.sensor_v, [12, 25, 30]).reshape(1, -1) displacement_svr = glc.svr_model.predict(sensor_values_delete_zero) displacement_krr = glc.svr_model.predict(sensor_values_delete_zero) displacement_knn = glc.svr_model.predict(sensor_values_delete_zero) displacement = (displacement_svr + displacement_krr + displacement_knn) / 3 x = displacement[:, :36].reshape(6, 6) y = displacement[:, 36:72].reshape(6, 6) z = displacement[:, 72:].reshape(6, 6) glv.sensor_xyz = [x, y, z] glv.sensor_data_sharing[:] = [glv.sensor_v, glv.sensor_xyz] if not glv.measurement_running: return
def getNewCoords(Coords, ListenFlag): temp = BLE.listen() temp = temp.replace('_', '') print(temp) positions = encoder.decodeMessage(temp) #Work on this for i in range(len(positions)): if myID is positions[i][0]: myCoords = positions[i] Coords = (myCoords[1], myCoords[2]) ListenFlag = 0 f = open("settings.csv", "w") f.write(f"L,X,Y\n{ListenFlag},{Coords[0]},{Coords[1]}") f.close() return Coords
def getNewCoords(Coords): global ListenFlag #Gets f****d up / in some type of infinite loop on the next line temp = BLE.listen() #End f*****g up temp = temp.replace('_', '') print(temp) positions = encoder.decodeMessage(temp) #Work on this for i in range(len(positions)): if myID is positions[i][0]: myCoords = positions[i] Coords = (myCoords[1], myCoords[2]) ListenFlag = 0 f = open(settings_address, "w") f.write(f"L,X,Y,ID\n{ListenFlag},{Coords[0]},{Coords[1]},{myID}") f.close() return Coords
def checkIn(): """ function for selecting parking location and receiving location password """ print("\nCheck-in selected") try: car = BLE(defaultAddr="0", defaultName="0") parkedCars = allParkingSpots.values() currentCars = [car.MAC for car in parkedCars if car.MAC != "0"] car.newConnect(currentCars) except Exception as e: print("something went wrong: ", e) if car.addr != "0": print("connected\n") carAttr = ["0",, car.addr, str(, "0"] dictCar = dict(zip(parkingSpot.allowedAttributes, carAttr)) newCar = parkingSpot(dictCar) while True: print("vacant locations: ") for key, value in allParkingSpots.items(): if value.MAC == '0': print(key) selectSpot = input("Please select a location: ") currentSpot = allParkingSpots[selectSpot] if selectSpot in allParkingSpots.keys() and currentSpot.MAC == "0": print("You have selected location {}.".format(selectSpot)) arduinoCom(selectSpot) car.sendMessage('g') print("Generating parking pass...") newCar.Spot = selectSpot rand = newCar.Confirmation = str(randint(10000000, 99999999)) print("Your confirmation number is {}.".format(rand)) LCDandKeypad.entranceWrite("Confirmation #:", str(rand)) allParkingSpots[selectSpot] = newCar saveCustomerInfo() if queryYesNo("Would you like an email or text confirmation? "): sendConfirmation(newCar.Confirmation) break print("\nInvalid. Parking location is occupied or non-existant.") car.Disconnect() del car
def initBluetooth(): print("Beginning...") ble.begin() print("Resetting...") ble.factoryReset()
def receiveMessages(): if self.device_type == 0: msg = BLE.listen()
import BLE device_type = 0 # Rx Messages # def listen(UUID = "ABC4", maxNumMessages = 5) if device_type == 0: message = BLE.listen() #Tx Messages # def broadcast_setup() # def broadcast(data, UUID = "ABC4", Number_of_Broadcast_Cycles = 3, Time_Between_Transmissions = 15) if device_type: message = "Hello!" broadcast_setup() # Only need to call this once after boot (or after using listen function) broadcast(message)
etc. """ import serial from joblib import load import BLE as blec # Configuration of the serial port serialPortName = 'COM4' serialBaudRate = 230400 serialDataBits = serial.EIGHTBITS serialParity = serial.PARITY_NONE serialByteOrder = 'littleEndian' serialStopBits = serial.STOPBITS_ONE serialTimeout = None ble = blec.BLE() # ADC parameter dacRef = 2.5 # Reference voltage of the DAC/ADC on the microcontroller dacRefOffset = dacRef / 2 # The measurement voltage is shifted up by this voltage to be able to measure negative voltage differences down to (-1) * dacRefOffset. dacNMax = 4095 # Maximum value of a digital conversion # Sensor array parameter sensor_num_x = 6 # Size of the sensor matrix in x direction sensor_num_y = 6 # Size of the sensor matrix in y direction xMin = 0 # Minimum x index of the sensors that shall be measured xMax = 5 # Maximum x index yMin = 0 # Minimum y index yMax = 5 # Maximum y index # Get sensor parameter
import BLE BLE.listen()
def main(): global news_archive global cmd global SoundLevel, CurrentTemp, SongPlayer # getTempAndHumity() ### initialize['sudo', 'insmod', './eslab/final/dht11.ko']) #['sudo', 'insmod', './dht11.ko']) fanDevice = BLE.BLEdevice() CurrentTemp = getTemp() util.ChangeSoundLevel(SoundLevel) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) ## Use board pin numbering GPIO.setup(37, GPIO.OUT) ## Setup GPIO Pin 7 to OUT ### print("Current temp is {}".format(CurrentTemp)) print("initialize done") while True: print(">>>> command : {}".format(cmd)) while True: if fanDevice.fanPower == 'on': tmpTemp = getTemp() if tmpTemp - CurrentTemp > 1.0: os.system('mpv ./sounds/tempup.mp3') fanDevice.speedUpFan() elif CurrentTemp - tmpTemp > 1.0: os.system('mpv ./sounds/tempdown.mp3') fanDevice.speedDownFan() ## listen print("[main] Listening") if DEBUG: print("DEBUG is on, please type your command") cmd = input() else: cmd = recognition.rec() print("command is : ",cmd) if cmd == 0 : continue else : break if "天氣" in cmd: print(">>>> command : {}".format(cmd)) flag = 0 for it in city_dict: if it in cmd: city = it flag = 1 break if flag == 0: city = '台北' sstr = weather_crawer.get_weather(city) recognition.t2speech(sstr) ## call craw_weather elif "現在" in cmd: if "時間" in cmd: sstr = getCTime() recognition.t2speech(sstr) cmd = '' elif "氣溫" in cmd or "溫度" in cmd or "溫濕度" in cmd: sstr = getTempAndHumity() recognition.t2speech(sstr) cmd = '' elif "新聞" in cmd: if news_archive == None: util.SayCrawingNews() sstr = news_crawer.craw_hot() news_archive = sstr if '第' in cmd: idx = util.getint(cmd) if idx > len(news_archive): recognition.t2speech("錯誤,請再念一次") else: print("[main] Get index : ",idx) readNews(idx) else: recognition.t2speech("以下為今日的熱門新聞") tmp = [] for it in sstr: tmp.append(str(it['rank']) + ',' + it['title']) # recognition.t2speech("{},,{}".format(it['rank'], it['title'])) tmp = ',,'.join(tmp) recognition.t2speech(tmp) elif "關機" in cmd or "掰掰" in cmd: recognition.t2speech("掰掰") break elif "歌" in cmd or '音樂' in cmd: recognition.t2speech("請問你要聽什麼歌") if DEBUG: print("DEBUG is on, please type your command") quer = input() else: quer = recognition.rec() print(quer) play_music_from_youtube(quer) elif "風扇" in cmd or "電扇" in cmd: if '打開' in cmd or '關' in cmd: fanDevice.fanPowerSwitch() sstr = None elif '強' in cmd or '快' in cmd: sstr = fanDevice.speedUpFan() elif '弱' in cmd or '慢' in cmd: sstr = fanDevice.speedDownFan() if sstr != None: recognition.t2speech(sstr) elif "音量" in cmd or "聲音" in cmd: if "大" in cmd or '高' in cmd: if SoundLevel != 80: SoundLevel +=5 util.ChangeSoundLevel(SoundLevel) os.system('mpv ./sounds/IncreaseSound.mp3') else: os.system('mpv ./sounds/AlreadyMaxSound.mp3') # recognition.t2speech("已經是最大聲了") elif "小" in cmd or "低" in cmd: if SoundLevel != 5: SoundLevel -=5 util.ChangeSoundLevel(SoundLevel) os.system('mpv ./sounds/DecreaseSound.mp3') else: os.system('mpv ./sounds/AlreadyMinSound.mp3') # recognition.t2speech("已經是最小聲了") else: print("cmd is none of anyone") print("cmd :",cmd) os.system('mpv ./sounds/sayagain.mp3') cmd=''