Пример #1
def makeReport(inputFileName, outputDir, projectDir):

    print '\n Processing input file ' + inputFileName, 'Time:', time.asctime()

    #try :
    # For each input file create a separate subfolder for all the related files
    [inputId, subFolder] = CheckFolders.MakeSubfolder(inputFileName, outputDir)

    # Move the prefilled Tex files into the subfolder
    BuildTex.MoveFiles(subFolder, projectDir)

    # Parse the input file
    [graphData, statData] = ParseInput.dataFromFile(inputFileName, inputId,
                                                    outputDir, subFolder)

    # Compute the statistics values and build the charts
    StatValues.computeValues(subFolder, statData)

    orgSize = len(statData)
    if orgSize < 8:
        print '\nNo graph data!'
            # Create graphs for the reports
            graphObject = BuildGraphs.makeGraphObject(graphData)
            BuildGraphs.BuildAllGraphs(inputId, subFolder, graphObject)
        except Exception as e:
            print e.message

    # Create PDF
    if orgSize > 37:
        BuildTex.insertTables(subFolder, orgSize)
        BuildTex.splitTables(subFolder, orgSize)
    BuildTex.CreatePdf(outputDir, subFolder, inputId, inputFileName)