Пример #1
    def matchPairs(self, KNN=True, filter=True):
        this function will create a matrix self.kpMatrix like the following:
        [a, b, none, c, none]
        [d, e, f, g, none]
        [h, none, j, k, l]
        [none, none, m, o, p]
        if these matches exist: 
           image1:a - image2:d
           image2:d - image3:h
           image1:b - image2:e
        where a,b,c... are pixel coordinates
        for i in range(len(self.imageList)-1):
            if KNN:
                if filter:
                    points1, points2, matches = CVFuncs.findMatchesKnn(self.imageList[i], self.imageList[i+1],filter=True, ratio=True)
                    points1, points2, matches = CVFuncs.findMatchesKnn(self.imageList[i], self.imageList[i+1],filter=False, ratio=True)
                if filter:
                    points1, points2, matches = CVFuncs.findMatches(self.imageList[i], self.imageList[i+1],filter=True)
                    points1, points2, matches = CVFuncs.findMatches(self.imageList[i], self.imageList[i+1],filter=False)
            # for each match...
            for match in matches:
                point1 = match.queryIdx #self.imageList[i].kps[match.queryIdx]

                # find out if the self.imageList[i] point was matched to already
                # if the point has been matched already, add its corresponding point in self.imageList[i+1] to the matrix at the same index
                if self.kpMatrix[i].count(point1):
                    idx = self.kpMatrix[i].index(point1)
                    self.kpMatrix[i+1][idx] = match.trainIdx#self.imageList[i+1].kps[match.trainIdx]
                    # otherwise, at a new entry to every image's row in the matrix
                    for j in range(len(self.imageList)):

                        #if it's not image i or i+1, then make it empty
                        if j not in [i,i+1]:
                        #otherwise, add the appropriate points
                        elif j == i:
                            self.kpMatrix[i].append(match.queryIdx) #self.imageList[i].kps[match.queryIdx])
                        else: #j == i+1
                            self.kpMatrix[i+1].append(match.trainIdx) #self.imageList[i+1].kps[match.trainIdx])