Пример #1
def main():
    p.display.set_caption('Chess -B Nayak')
    screen = p.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT))
    clock = p.time.Clock()
    gs = ChessEngine.gameState()
    validMoves = gs.getValidMoves()
    moveMade = False  # Flag variable for when move is made
    animate = False  # Flag variable for when we should animate a move
    running = True
    sqSelected = (
    )  # no squareis selected , keep track of the last click of the user (tuple(row,column))
    playerClicks = []  # keep track of player clicks [two tuple: [(6,4),(6,8)]]
    gameOver = False

    while running:
        for event in p.event.get():
            if event.type == p.QUIT:
                running = False

            # Mouse Button Down
            elif event.type == p.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                if not gameOver:
                    location = p.mouse.get_pos(
                    )  #get the mouse position as a tuple (x,y)
                    col = location[0] // SQ_SIZE
                    row = location[1] // SQ_SIZE

                    if sqSelected == (row, col):  # The user clicked twice
                        sqSelected = ()  # deselected the square
                        playerClicks = []  # clear player clicks
                        sqSelected = (row, col)
                        )  # append for both first and second click

                    if len(playerClicks) == 2:
                        move = ChessEngine.Move(playerClicks[0],
                                                playerClicks[1], gs.board)

                        for select_move in validMoves:
                            if move == select_move:
                                moveMade = True
                                animate = True
                                sqSelected = ()  # Reset user clicks
                                playerClicks = []
                        if not moveMade:
                            playerClicks = [sqSelected]

            # Key Button Down
            elif event.type == p.KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == p.K_z:  #Undo when 'z' is pressed
                    moveMade = True
                    animate = False
                if event.key == p.K_r:  #Reset the board when 'r' is pressed
                    gs = ChessEngine.gameState()
                    validMoves = gs.getValidMoves()
                    sqSelected = ()
                    playerClicks = []
                    moveMade = False
                    animate = False

        if moveMade:
            if animate:
                animateMove(gs.moveLog[-1], screen, gs.board, clock)
            validMoves = gs.getValidMoves()
            moveMade = False
            animate = False

        drawGameState(screen, gs, validMoves, sqSelected)

        if gs.checkMate:
            gameOver = True
            if gs.whiteToMove:
                drawText(screen, ' Black Wins CHECKMATE')
                drawText(screen, ' White Wins CHECKMATE')
        elif gs.staleMate:
            gameOver = True
            drawText(screen, ' Stalemate')

        p.display.flip()  # Update the full display Surface to the screen
def main():
    clock = p.time.Clock()
    start_screen = True
    end_screen = False
    running = True
    is_fischer = False
    is_random = False
    screen = p.display.set_mode((WIDTH+50, 50+HEIGHT))
    gs = ChessEngine.GameState()
    prev_board = gs.board

    # print(chess.Board())

    validMoves = gs.getValidMoves()
    moveMade = False  # flag variable when a move is made
    animate = False  # flag variable for when we should animate a move
    initial = ()
    final = ()
    sqSelected = ()  # keeps track of last call of user
    playerClicks = []  # keeps track of players click
    pvcn = False
    pvcf = False
    full_move = 1
    half_move = 0
    prev_half = 0
    preference = 0
    flag_undo = False
    prev_bstring = -1
    #if_fill_or_fischer = False
    msg = ''
    while running:
        print_board = board_to_fen(
            gs.board, gs.whiteToMove, gs.enpassantPossible, half_move, full_move)
        # print(gs.enpassantPossible)
        # print(convert_c2p(gs.enpassantPossible))

        if start_screen:
            return_val = show_startscreen(clock)
            screen = p.display.set_mode((WIDTH+50, 50+HEIGHT))
            running = return_val[0]
            is_fischer = return_val[1]
            is_random = return_val[2]
            pvcn = return_val[3]
            pvcf = return_val[4]
            full_move = 1
            half_move = 0
            prev_half = 0
            prev_bstring = -1

            if pvcf or pvcn:
                temp_pref = input("Enter Your Preference (W/B) :")
                if(temp_pref == 'W' or temp_pref == 'w'):
                    preference = 1
                elif(temp_pref == 'B' or temp_pref == 'b'):
                    preference = 2
                    print(" Wrong Preference ")
                    preference = 0

            if is_random:
                prev_board = is_fill_function()
                gs.board = prev_board
                is_random = False
                # print("2")
            elif is_fischer or pvcf:
                prev_board = is_fischer_function()
                gs.board = prev_board
                if is_fischer:
                    is_fischer = False
                flag_temp = 0
                for k1 in range(0,8):
                    if gs.board[0][k1][1]=='R' and not flag_temp:
                        gs.blackleft = k1
                    elif flag_temp:
                        gs.blackright = k1

                flag_temp = 0
                for k1 in range(0,8):
                    if gs.board[7][k1][1]=='R' and not flag_temp:
                        gs.whiteleft = k1
                    elif flag_temp:
                        gs.whiteright = k1
            elif not is_fischer or not is_random or not pvcf:
                gs.board = [
                    ["bR", "bN", "bB", "bQ", "bK", "bB", "bN", "bR"],
                    ["bp", "bp", "bp", "bp", "bp", "bp", "bp", "bp"],
                    ["--", "--", "--", "--", "--", "--", "--", "--"],
                    ["--", "--", "--", "--", "--", "--", "--", "--"],
                    ["--", "--", "--", "--", "--", "--", "--", "--"],
                    ["--", "--", "--", "--", "--", "--", "--", "--"],
                    ["wp", "wp", "wp", "wp", "wp", "wp", "wp", "wp"],
                    ["wR", "wN", "wB", "wQ", "wK", "wB", "wN", "wR"]]
            gs.gameOver = False
            start_screen = False


        # print(prev_board)
        # inside_c=False
        for e in p.event.get():

            if e.type == p.QUIT:
                running = False

            # mouse handler

            elif e.type == p.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN   :
                # print("Inside 2nd")
                if not gs.gameOver:  # check here for bug
                    if ((preference == 0) or (preference == 1 and gs.whiteToMove) or (preference == 2 and gs.whiteToMove == 0)):
                        # inside_c=False
                        location = p.mouse.get_pos()  # get mouse coordinates
                        if location[0]>=800:
                        if location[1]>=800:
                        col = location[0]//SQ_SIZE
                        row = location[1]//SQ_SIZE
                        if sqSelected == (row, col):  # reset if clicked on same block
                            sqSelected = ()
                            playerClicks = []
                            sqSelected = (row, col)
                            # append for both first and second clicks
                        if len(playerClicks) == 2:  # after 2nd click
                            move = ChessEngine.Move(
                                playerClicks[0], playerClicks[1], gs.board)
                            for i in range(len(validMoves)):
                                if move == validMoves[i]:

                                    moveMade = True
                                    animate = True
                                    sqSelected = ()  # reset user clicks
                                    playerClicks = []
                            if not moveMade:
                                playerClicks = [sqSelected]

            elif e.type == p.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
                # print("Inside 1st")
                if ((preference == 1 and not gs.whiteToMove) or (preference == 2 and gs.whiteToMove)):
                    # inside_c=True
                    move_stime = time()
                    move = next_move(gs)
                    print(f"move time {time()-move_stime}\n")
                    for i in range(len(validMoves)):
                        if move == validMoves[i]:
                            gs.makeMove(validMoves[i], by_AI=True)
                            moveMade = True
                            animate = True

            # key handler

            elif e.type == p.KEYDOWN:
                if e.key == p.K_z:  # undo a move by pressing z
                    # need to implement this using undo button also %%
                    if(gs.whiteToMove and full_move > 1):
                        #print("hello 1")
                        full_move -= 1
                    if(half_move > 0):
                        half_move -= 1
                    flag_undo = True
                    moveMade = True
                    animate = False
                if e.key == p.K_r:  # reset the board when 'r' is pressed
                    gs = ChessEngine.GameState()
                    validMoves = gs.getValidMoves()
                    final = ()
                    initial = ()
                    sqSelected = ()
                    final = ()
                    initial = ()
                    playerClicks = []
                    moveMade = False
                    animate = False
                    gs.staleMate = False
                    gs.checkMate = False
                    full_move = 1
                    half_move = 0
                    prev_half = 0
                    prev_bstring = -1
                    gs.checks = False
                    gs.board = prev_board

                if e.key == p.K_m:
                    gs = ChessEngine.GameState()
                    validMoves = gs.getValidMoves()
                    final = ()
                    initial = ()
                    sqSelected = ()
                    final = ()
                    initial = ()
                    playerClicks = []
                    moveMade = False
                    animate = False
                    gs.staleMate = False
                    gs.checkMate = False
                    gs.checks = False
                    start_screen = True

        if moveMade:
            if(gs.whiteToMove and not flag_undo):
                #print("hello 3")
                full_move += 1
            if(not flag_undo):
                half_move += 1
            flag_undo = False
            if(len(gs.moveLog) >= 1):
                r, c = (gs.moveLog[-1].endRow, gs.moveLog[-1].endCol)
                if(gs.board[r][c][1] == 'p'):
                    half_move = 0
            if animate:
                animateMove(gs.moveLog[-1], screen, gs.board, clock)
            validMoves = gs.getValidMoves()
            #board_to_fen(gs.board,gs.whiteToMove,gs.enpassantPossible,half_move,full_move )
            var_board = count_pieces(print_board)
            if(var_board != prev_bstring):
                half_move = 0
            prev_bstring = var_board
            moveMade = False
            animate = False
            # if(gs.moveLog[-1]):
            if(len(gs.moveLog) >= 1):
                final = (gs.moveLog[-1].endRow, gs.moveLog[-1].endCol)
                initial = (gs.moveLog[-1].startRow, gs.moveLog[-1].startCol)
                initial = ()
                final = ()

        drawGameState(screen, gs, validMoves, sqSelected, initial, final)
        if gs.checkMate:
            gs.gameOver = True
            if gs.whiteToMove:
                drawText(screen, 'Black wins by checkmate')
                msg = 'Black wins by checkmate'
                drawText(screen, 'White wins by checkmate')
                msg = 'White wins by checkmate'
            end_screen = True
        elif gs.staleMate:
            gs.gameOver = True
            drawText(screen, 'Stalemate')
            msg = 'Draw'
            end_screen = True

        if end_screen:
            return_val = show_endscreen(clock, msg)
            if not return_val:
                running = False
            gs = ChessEngine.GameState()
            validMoves = gs.getValidMoves()
            gs.gameOver = False
            final = ()
            initial = ()
            sqSelected = ()
            final = ()
            initial = ()
            playerClicks = []
            moveMade = False
            animate = False
            end_screen = False
            gs.staleMate = False
            gs.checkMate = False
            gs.checks = False
            start_screen = True
