Пример #1
    def sendBillingInfoRecordsToGratia(self):
        This is the public method for starting the dCache-transfer reporting.

        This will query records no more than _maxAge old, and always starts
        queries on hour time boundaries (i.e., 1:00:00 not 1:02:00).

        This will continue to query until we hit records starting less than 75
        minutes ago, then return.

        By default, we start with querying 60-second intervals, but will shrink
        this window if we encounter lots of data.

        If not summarizing: this method uses _execute to get all the data for
           a given interval, then uses _processResults to send them to Gratia.
           Once the query for a time interval is done, then we immediately

        If summarizing: this method continues to query until it hits the end of
           an hour interval.  At that point, it summarizes once again, and sends
           the summaries up to Gratia.  We then only checkpoint on the hour.

        # Query no more than a set number of days in the past
        minTime = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(self._maxAge, 0)
        minTime = datetime.datetime(minTime.year, minTime.month, minTime.day,
            minTime.hour, 0, 0)

        # The latest allowed record is 75 minutes in the past, in order to make
        # sure we only query complete intervals
        latestAllowed = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(0, 75*60)

        if ( TestContainer.isTest() ):
           latestAllowed = TestContainer.getEndDateTime()

        # Start with either the last checkpoint or minTime days ago, whichever
        # is more recent.
        starttime = max(self._BIcheckpoint.lastDateStamp(), minTime)
        self._log.info("Starting queries at time %s." % starttime)

        dictRecordAgg = TimeBinRange.DictRecordAggregator(DCACHE_AGG_FIELDS,

        nextSummary = self._determineNextEndtime(starttime, summary=True)
        if self._summarize:
            self._log.debug("Next summary send time: %s." % nextSummary)

        results = []
        endtime = self._determineNextEndtime(starttime)
        totalRecords = 0
        # Loop until we have caught up to latestAllowed.
        while starttime < latestAllowed:
            assert starttime < endtime
            self._log.debug('sendBillingInfoRecordsToGratia: Processing ' \
                'starting at %s.' % starttime)
            # We are guaranteed that starttime will move forward to the value of
            # endtime every time we call execute.
            next_starttime, rows = self._execute(starttime, endtime, self._maxSelect)

	    results += rows
            totalRecords += len(rows)
            if self._summarize:
                # Summarize the partial results
                results = Collapse.collapse(results, dictRecordAgg)
            assert next_starttime > starttime
            next_endtime = self._determineNextEndtime(next_starttime)

            # If we're not summarizing, we send up records each loop.
            if (not self._summarize) and results:
                totalRecords = 0
                # We now have all the rows we want; process them
                self._BIcheckpoint.createPending(endtime, '')
                if (self._range < STARTING_RANGE and len(results)*4 < \
                    self._range = STARTING_RANGE
                results = []
            # If we are summarizing, send records only per hour of data
            elif (next_endtime > nextSummary) and results:
                num_agg = totalRecords - len(results)
                if num_agg:
                    factor = float(totalRecords)/float(len(results))
                    self._log.info("Aggregated %i of %i records for time " \
                        "interval ending in %s.  %.1fx reduction." % \
                        (num_agg, totalRecords, nextSummary, factor))
                    self._log.debug("Unable to aggregate any of %i records" \
                        % totalRecords)
                totalRecords = 0
                self._BIcheckpoint.createPending(nextSummary, '')
                results = []
                self._range = STARTING_RANGE

            nextSummary = self._determineNextEndtime(next_starttime,

            endtime = next_endtime
            starttime = next_starttime

            # Check to see if the stop file has been created.  If so, break
            if os.path.exists(self._stopFileName):
		#Neha - 03/17/2011
	        #Don't need to commit anything since we are only doing select and no inserts or updates
Пример #2
    global recordsToSend
    if (not TEST):
    log.info("Send to gratia:")
    dump(log, createStatistics(recordsToSend))

    dump(log, createStatistics(BillingRecSimulator.sqlTableContent))

def dump(log, (overall, initiator, errorcode, totalRecords)):
    log.info("Overall %s" % overall)
    log.info("initiator %s" % initiator)
    log.info("errorcode %s" % errorcode)
    log.info("num records %s" % totalRecords)

if __name__ == "__main__":

    recordsToSend = BillingRecSimulator.generateTableContent()
    print "Pre aggregation"
    print createStatistics(recordsToSend)

    recordsToSend = Collapse.collapse(
            ['initiator', 'client', 'protocol', 'errorcode', 'isnew'],
            ['njobs', 'transfersize', 'connectiontime']))
    print "Post Aggregation"
    print createStatistics(recordsToSend)
Пример #3
    return sum

def dumpStatistics(log):
   global recordsToSend
   if ( not TEST ):
   log.info("Send to gratia:")

def dump(log,(overall,initiator,errorcode,totalRecords)):
   log.info("Overall %s" % overall)
   log.info("initiator %s"% initiator)
   log.info("errorcode %s" % errorcode)
   log.info("num records %s" % totalRecords)

if __name__ == "__main__":

  recordsToSend = BillingRecSimulator.generateTableContent() 
  print "Pre aggregation"
  print createStatistics(recordsToSend)

  recordsToSend = Collapse.collapse(recordsToSend,TimeBinRange.DictRecordAggregator(['initiator','client', 'protocol','errorcode','isnew' ],['njobs','transfersize','connectiontime']))
  print "Post Aggregation"
  print createStatistics(recordsToSend)

Пример #4
    def sendBillingInfoRecordsToGratia(self):
        This is the public method for starting the dCache-transfer reporting.

        This will query records no more than _maxAge old, and always starts
        queries on hour time boundaries (i.e., 1:00:00 not 1:02:00).

        This will continue to query until we hit records starting less than 75
        minutes ago, then return.

        By default, we start with querying 60-second intervals, but will shrink
        this window if we encounter lots of data.

        If not summarizing: this method uses _execute to get all the data for
           a given interval, then uses _processResults to send them to Gratia.
           Once the query for a time interval is done, then we immediately

        If summarizing: this method continues to query until it hits the end of
           an hour interval.  At that point, it summarizes once again, and sends
           the summaries up to Gratia.  We then only checkpoint on the hour.

        # Query no more than a set number of days in the past
        minTime = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(self._maxAge, 0)
        minTime = datetime.datetime(minTime.year, minTime.month, minTime.day,
                                    minTime.hour, 0, 0)

        # The latest allowed record is 75 minutes in the past, in order to make
        # sure we only query complete intervals
        latestAllowed = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(
            0, 75 * 60)

        if (TestContainer.isTest()):
            latestAllowed = TestContainer.getEndDateTime()

        # Start with either the last checkpoint or minTime days ago, whichever
        # is more recent.
        starttime = max(self._BIcheckpoint.lastDateStamp(), minTime)
        self._log.info("Starting queries at time %s." % starttime)

        dictRecordAgg = TimeBinRange.DictRecordAggregator(

        nextSummary = self._determineNextEndtime(starttime, summary=True)
        if self._summarize:
            self._log.debug("Next summary send time: %s." % nextSummary)

        results = []
        endtime = self._determineNextEndtime(starttime)
        totalRecords = 0
        # Loop until we have caught up to latestAllowed.
        while starttime < latestAllowed:
            assert starttime < endtime
            self._log.debug('sendBillingInfoRecordsToGratia: Processing ' \
                'starting at %s.' % starttime)
            # We are guaranteed that starttime will move forward to the value of
            # endtime every time we call execute.
            next_starttime, rows = self._execute(starttime, endtime,

            results += rows
            totalRecords += len(rows)
            if self._summarize:
                # Summarize the partial results
                results = Collapse.collapse(results, dictRecordAgg)
            assert next_starttime > starttime
            next_endtime = self._determineNextEndtime(next_starttime)

            # If we're not summarizing, we send up records each loop.
            if (not self._summarize) and results:
                totalRecords = 0
                # We now have all the rows we want; process them
                self._BIcheckpoint.createPending(endtime, '')
                if (self._range < STARTING_RANGE and len(results)*4 < \
                    self._range = STARTING_RANGE
                results = []
            # If we are summarizing, send records only per hour of data
            elif (next_endtime > nextSummary) and results:
                num_agg = totalRecords - len(results)
                if num_agg:
                    factor = float(totalRecords) / float(len(results))
                    self._log.info("Aggregated %i of %i records for time " \
                        "interval ending in %s.  %.1fx reduction." % \
                        (num_agg, totalRecords, nextSummary, factor))
                    self._log.debug("Unable to aggregate any of %i records" \
                        % totalRecords)
                totalRecords = 0
                self._BIcheckpoint.createPending(nextSummary, '')
                results = []
                self._range = STARTING_RANGE

            nextSummary = self._determineNextEndtime(next_starttime,

            endtime = next_endtime
            starttime = next_starttime

            # Check to see if the stop file has been created.  If so, break
            if os.path.exists(self._stopFileName):
                #Neha - 03/17/2011
                #Don't need to commit anything since we are only doing select and no inserts or updates