Пример #1
def generateOrders():
    print ("Genearting Orders")
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire = fo.getEmpire()
    planetID = empire.capitalID
    planet = universe.getPlanet(planetID)
    print "EmpireID:    " + str(empire.empireID) + " Name: " + empire.name + " Turn: " + str(fo.currentTurn())
    print "CapitalID: " + str(planetID) + " Name: " + planet.name + " Species: " + planet.speciesName 

    # turn cleanup

    foAIstate.clean(ExplorationAI.getHomeSystemID(), FleetUtilsAI.getEmpireFleetIDs())
    # ...missions
    # ...demands/priorities

    print("Calling AI Modules")

    # call AI modules

Пример #2
def calculatePriorities():
    "calculates the priorities of the AI player"    

    ColonisationAI.getColonyFleets() # sets AIstate.colonisablePlanetIDs and AIstate.outpostPlanetIDs
    InvasionAI.getInvasionFleets() # sets AIstate.opponentPlanetIDs

    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_EXPLORATION, calculateExplorationPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_OUTPOST, calculateOutpostPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_COLONISATION, calculateColonisationPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_INVASION, calculateInvasionPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_MILITARY, 20)
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_BUILDINGS, 25)

    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESOURCE_FOOD, calculateFoodPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESOURCE_PRODUCTION, calculateIndustryPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESOURCE_MINERALS, calculateMineralsPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESOURCE_RESEARCH, 10)
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESOURCE_TRADE, 0)

    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_LEARNING, calculateLearningPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_GROWTH, calculateGrowthPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_PRODUCTION, calculateTechsProductionPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_CONSTRUCTION, calculateConstructionPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_ECONOMICS, 0)
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_SHIPS, calculateShipsPriority())
Пример #3
def calculatePriorities():
    "calculates the priorities of the AI player"
    print("calculating priorities")
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESOURCE_RESEARCH, calculateResearchPriority())
    ColonisationAI.getColonyFleets() # sets foAI.foAIstate.colonisablePlanetIDs and foAI.foAIstate.outpostPlanetIDs
    InvasionAI.getInvasionFleets() # sets AIstate.invasionFleetIDs, AIstate.opponentPlanetIDs, and AIstate.invasionTargetedPlanetIDs
    MilitaryAI.getMilitaryFleets() # sets AIstate.militaryFleetIDs and AIstate.militaryTargetedSystemIDs

    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESOURCE_PRODUCTION, calculateIndustryPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESOURCE_TRADE, 0)
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESOURCE_CONSTRUCTION, 0)

    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_EXPLORATION, calculateExplorationPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_OUTPOST, calculateOutpostPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_COLONISATION, calculateColonisationPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_INVASION, calculateInvasionPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_MILITARY, calculateMilitaryPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_BUILDINGS, 25)

    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_LEARNING, calculateLearningPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_GROWTH, calculateGrowthPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_PRODUCTION, calculateTechsProductionPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_CONSTRUCTION, calculateConstructionPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_ECONOMICS, 0)
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_SHIPS, calculateShipsPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_DEFENSE, 0)
Пример #4
def calculatePriorities():
    "calculates the priorities of the AI player"
    print("checking statuses")
    # Industry, Research, Colony, Invasion, Military
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESOURCE_PRODUCTION, 50) # let this one stay fixed & just adjust Research
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESOURCE_RESEARCH, calculateResearchPriority())
    ColonisationAI.getColonyFleets() # sets foAI.foAIstate.colonisablePlanetIDs and foAI.foAIstate.outpostPlanetIDs  and many other values used by other modules
    InvasionAI.getInvasionFleets() # sets AIstate.invasionFleetIDs, AIstate.opponentPlanetIDs, and AIstate.invasionTargetedPlanetIDs
    MilitaryAI.getMilitaryFleets() # sets AIstate.militaryFleetIDs and AIstate.militaryTargetedSystemIDs

    print("calculating priorities")
    calculateIndustryPriority()#purely for reporting purposes

    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESOURCE_TRADE, 0)
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESOURCE_CONSTRUCTION, 0)

    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_EXPLORATION, calculateExplorationPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_OUTPOST, calculateOutpostPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_COLONISATION, calculateColonisationPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_INVASION, calculateInvasionPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_MILITARY, calculateMilitaryPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_BUILDINGS, 25)

    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_LEARNING, calculateLearningPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_GROWTH, calculateGrowthPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_PRODUCTION, calculateTechsProductionPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_CONSTRUCTION, calculateConstructionPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_ECONOMICS, 0)
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_SHIPS, calculateShipsPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_DEFENSE, 0)
Пример #5
def generateOrders():
    empire = fo.getEmpire()
    print "Empire:  " + empire.name + " TURN: " + str(fo.currentTurn())
    print "Capital: " + str(empire.capitalID)

    # turn cleanup

    foAIstate.clean(ExplorationAI.getHomeSystemID(), FleetUtilsAI.getEmpireFleetIDs())
    # ...missions
    # ...demands/priorities

    # call AI modules

Пример #6
def calculate_priorities():
    """Calculates the priorities of the AI player."""
    debug("\n=== Preparing to Calculate Priorities ===")
    prioritiees_timer.start("setting Production Priority")
    aistate = get_aistate()
    # let this one stay fixed & just adjust Research and Influence
    aistate.set_priority(PriorityType.RESOURCE_PRODUCTION, 50)
    # RESOURCE_INFLUENCE priority is calculated in PolicyAI

    debug("\n*** Calculating Research Priority ***\n")
    prioritiees_timer.start("setting Research Priority")
        _calculate_research_priority())  # TODO: do univ _survey before this

    debug("\n*** Updating Colonization Status ***\n")
    prioritiees_timer.start("Evaluating Colonization Status")
    )  # sets aistate.colonisablePlanetIDs and many other values used by other modules

    debug("\n*** Updating Invasion Status ***\n")
    prioritiees_timer.start("Evaluating Invasion Status")
    )  # sets AIstate.opponentPlanetIDs, and AIstate.invasionTargetedPlanetIDs

    debug("\n*** Updating Military Status ***\n")
    prioritiees_timer.start("Evaluating Military Status")

    debug("\n** Calculating Production Priorities ***\n")
    prioritiees_timer.start("reporting Production Priority")
    _calculate_industry_priority()  # purely for reporting purposes
    prioritiees_timer.start("setting Exploration Priority")

    aistate.set_priority(PriorityType.RESOURCE_TRADE, 0)
    aistate.set_priority(PriorityType.RESOURCE_CONSTRUCTION, 0)

    prioritiees_timer.start("setting Colony Priority")
    prioritiees_timer.start("setting Outpost Priority")
    prioritiees_timer.start("setting Invasion Priority")
    prioritiees_timer.start("setting Military Priority")
    prioritiees_timer.start("setting other priorities")
    aistate.set_priority(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_BUILDINGS, 25)

Пример #7
def calculate_priorities():
    """Calculates the priorities of the AI player."""
    print "\n", 10 * "=", "Preparing to Calculate Priorities", 10 * "="
    prioritiees_timer.start('setting Production Priority')
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(PriorityType.RESOURCE_PRODUCTION, 50)  # let this one stay fixed & just adjust Research

    print "\n*** Calculating Research Priority ***\n"
    prioritiees_timer.start('setting Research Priority')
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(PriorityType.RESOURCE_RESEARCH, _calculate_research_priority())  # TODO: do univ _survey before this

    print "\n*** Updating Colonization Status ***\n"
    prioritiees_timer.start('Evaluating Colonization Status')
    ColonisationAI.get_colony_fleets()  # sets foAI.foAIstate.colonisablePlanetIDs and foAI.foAIstate.outpostPlanetIDs and many other values used by other modules

    print "\n*** Updating Invasion Status ***\n"
    prioritiees_timer.start('Evaluating Invasion Status')
    InvasionAI.get_invasion_fleets()  # sets AIstate.invasionFleetIDs, AIstate.opponentPlanetIDs, and AIstate.invasionTargetedPlanetIDs

    print "\n*** Updating Military Status ***\n"
    prioritiees_timer.start('Evaluating Military Status')

    print("\n** Calculating Production Priorities ***\n")
    prioritiees_timer.start('reporting Production Priority')
    _calculate_industry_priority()  # purely for reporting purposes
    prioritiees_timer.start('setting Exploration Priority')

    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(PriorityType.RESOURCE_TRADE, 0)
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(PriorityType.RESOURCE_CONSTRUCTION, 0)

    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_EXPLORATION, _calculate_exploration_priority())
    prioritiees_timer.start('setting Colony Priority')
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_COLONISATION, _calculate_colonisation_priority())
    prioritiees_timer.start('setting Outpost Priority')
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_OUTPOST, _calculate_outpost_priority())
    prioritiees_timer.start('setting Invasion Priority')
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_INVASION, _calculate_invasion_priority())
    prioritiees_timer.start('setting Military Priority')
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_MILITARY, _calculate_military_priority())
    prioritiees_timer.start('setting other priorities')
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_BUILDINGS, 25)

    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(PriorityType.RESEARCH_LEARNING, _calculate_learning_priority())
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(PriorityType.RESEARCH_GROWTH, _calculate_growth_priority())
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(PriorityType.RESEARCH_PRODUCTION, _calculate_techs_production_priority())
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(PriorityType.RESEARCH_CONSTRUCTION, _calculate_construction_priority())
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(PriorityType.RESEARCH_ECONOMICS, 0)
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(PriorityType.RESEARCH_SHIPS, _calculate_ships_priority())
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(PriorityType.RESEARCH_DEFENSE, 0)
Пример #8
def calculate_priorities():
    """calculates the priorities of the AI player"""
    print ("checking statuses")
    # Industry, Research, Colony, Invasion, Military

    prioritiees_timer.start("setting Production Priority")
    )  # let this one stay fixed & just adjust Research
    prioritiees_timer.start("setting Research Priority")
        EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESOURCE_RESEARCH, calculateResearchPriority()
    )  # TODO: do univ _survey before this
    prioritiees_timer.start("Evaluating Colonization Status")

    ColonisationAI.get_colony_fleets()  # sets foAI.foAIstate.colonisablePlanetIDs and foAI.foAIstate.outpostPlanetIDs and many other values used by other modules
    prioritiees_timer.start("Evaluating Invasion Status")
    InvasionAI.get_invasion_fleets()  # sets AIstate.invasionFleetIDs, AIstate.opponentPlanetIDs, and AIstate.invasionTargetedPlanetIDs
    prioritiees_timer.start("Evaluating Military Status")
    MilitaryAI.get_military_fleets()  # sets AIstate.militaryFleetIDs and AIstate.militaryTargetedSystemIDs
    prioritiees_timer.start("reporting Production Priority")
    print ("calculating priorities")
    calculateIndustryPriority()  # purely for reporting purposes
    prioritiees_timer.start("setting Exploration Priority")

    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESOURCE_TRADE, 0)
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESOURCE_CONSTRUCTION, 0)

    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_EXPLORATION, calculateExplorationPriority())
    prioritiees_timer.start("setting Colony Priority")
        EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_COLONISATION, calculateColonisationPriority()
    prioritiees_timer.start("setting Outpost Priority")
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_OUTPOST, calculateOutpostPriority())
    prioritiees_timer.start("setting Invasion Priority")
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_INVASION, calculateInvasionPriority())
    prioritiees_timer.start("setting Military Priority")
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_MILITARY, calculateMilitaryPriority())
    prioritiees_timer.start("setting other priorities")
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_BUILDINGS, 25)

    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_LEARNING, calculateLearningPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_GROWTH, calculateGrowthPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_PRODUCTION, calculateTechsProductionPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_CONSTRUCTION, calculateConstructionPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_ECONOMICS, 0)
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_SHIPS, calculateShipsPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_DEFENSE, 0)
Пример #9
def _calculate_colonisation_priority():
    """Calculates the demand for colony ships by colonisable planets."""
    global allottedColonyTargets
    enemies_sighted = foAI.foAIstate.misc.get('enemies_sighted', {})
    galaxy_is_sparse = ColonisationAI.galaxy_is_sparse()
    total_pp = fo.getEmpire().productionPoints
    num_colonies = len(list(AIstate.popCtrIDs))
    colony_growth_barrier = foAI.foAIstate.character.max_number_colonies()
    colony_cost = AIDependencies.COLONY_POD_COST * (
        1 + AIDependencies.COLONY_POD_UPKEEP * num_colonies)
    turns_to_build = 8  # TODO: check for susp anim pods, build time 10
    mil_prio = foAI.foAIstate.get_priority(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_MILITARY)
    allotted_portion = ([[[0.6, 0.8], [0.3, 0.4]],
                         [[0.8, 0.9],
                          [0.4, 0.6]]][galaxy_is_sparse][any(enemies_sighted)])
    allotted_portion = foAI.foAIstate.character.preferred_colonization_portion(
    # if ( foAI.foAIstate.get_priority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_COLONISATION)
    # > 2 * foAI.foAIstate.get_priority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_MILITARY)):
    # allotted_portion *= 1.5
    if mil_prio < 100:
        allotted_portion *= 2
    elif mil_prio < 200:
        allotted_portion *= 1.5
    elif fo.currentTurn() > 100:
        allotted_portion *= 0.75**(num_colonies / 10.0)
    # allottedColonyTargets = 1+ int(fo.currentTurn()/50)
    allottedColonyTargets = 1 + int(
        total_pp * turns_to_build * allotted_portion / colony_cost)
    outpost_prio = foAI.foAIstate.get_priority(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_OUTPOST)
    # if have any outposts to build, don't build colony ships TODO: make more complex assessment
    if outpost_prio > 0 or num_colonies > colony_growth_barrier:
        return 0.0

    if num_colonies > colony_growth_barrier:
        return 0.0
    num_colonisable_planet_ids = len([
        for (pid, (score, _)) in foAI.foAIstate.colonisablePlanetIDs.items()
        if score > 60
    ][:allottedColonyTargets + 2])
    if num_colonisable_planet_ids == 0:
        return 1

    colony_ship_ids = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(
    num_colony_ships = len(
    colonisation_priority = 60 * (1.0 + num_colonisable_planet_ids -
                                  num_colony_ships) / (
                                      num_colonisable_planet_ids + 1)

    # print
    # print "Number of Colony Ships : " + str(num_colony_ships)
    # print "Number of Colonisable planets : " + str(num_colonisable_planet_ids)
    # print "Priority for colony ships : " + str(colonisation_priority)

    if colonisation_priority < 1:
        return 0
    return colonisation_priority
Пример #10
def calculateColonisationPriority():
    """calculates the demand for colony ships by colonisable planets"""
    global allottedColonyTargets, colony_growth_barrier
    enemies_sighted = foAI.foAIstate.misc.get('enemies_sighted', {})
    galaxy_is_sparse = ColonisationAI.galaxy_is_sparse()
    total_pp = fo.getEmpire().productionPoints
    num_colonies = len(list(AIstate.popCtrIDs))
    # significant growth barrier for low aggression, negligible for high aggression
    colony_growth_barrier = 2 + (
        (0.5 + foAI.foAIstate.aggression)**2) * fo.currentTurn() / 50.0
    colonyCost = AIDependencies.COLONY_POD_COST * (
        1 + AIDependencies.COLONY_POD_UPKEEP * num_colonies)
    turnsToBuild = 8  # TODO: check for susp anim pods, build time 10
    mil_prio = foAI.foAIstate.get_priority(
    allottedPortion = ([[[0.6, 0.8], [0.3, 0.4]], [[0.8, 0.9], [
        0.3, 0.4
    ]]][galaxy_is_sparse][any(enemies_sighted)][fo.empireID() % 2])
    #if ( foAI.foAIstate.get_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_COLONISATION)
    # > 2 * foAI.foAIstate.get_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_MILITARY)):
    # allottedPortion *= 1.5
    if mil_prio < 100:
        allottedPortion *= 2
    elif mil_prio < 200:
        allottedPortion *= 1.5
    elif fo.currentTurn() > 100:
        allottedPortion *= 0.75**(num_colonies / 10.0)
    #allottedColonyTargets = 1+ int(fo.currentTurn()/50)
    allottedColonyTargets = 1 + int(
        total_pp * turnsToBuild * allottedPortion / colonyCost)
    outpost_prio = foAI.foAIstate.get_priority(
    # if have any outposts to build, don't build colony ships TODO: make more complex assessment
    if outpost_prio > 0 or num_colonies > colony_growth_barrier:
        return 0.0

    if num_colonies > colony_growth_barrier:
        return 0.0
    numColonisablePlanetIDs = len([
        for (pid, (score, _)) in foAI.foAIstate.colonisablePlanetIDs.items()
        if score > 60
    ][:allottedColonyTargets + 2])
    if numColonisablePlanetIDs == 0: return 1

    colonyshipIDs = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(
    numColonyships = len(
    colonisationPriority = 60 * (1 + numColonisablePlanetIDs - numColonyships
                                 ) / (numColonisablePlanetIDs + 1)

    # print
    # print "Number of Colony Ships : " + str(numColonyships)
    # print "Number of Colonisable planets : " + str(numColonisablePlanetIDs)
    # print "Priority for colony ships : " + str(colonisationPriority)

    if colonisationPriority < 1: return 0
    return colonisationPriority
Пример #11
def calculate_priorities():
    """calculates the priorities of the AI player"""
    print("checking statuses")
    # Industry, Research, Colony, Invasion, Military

    prioritiees_timer.start('setting Production Priority')
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESOURCE_PRODUCTION, 50) # let this one stay fixed & just adjust Research
    prioritiees_timer.start('setting Research Priority')
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESOURCE_RESEARCH, calculateResearchPriority()) #TODO: do univ _survey before this
    prioritiees_timer.start('Evaluating Colonization Status')

    ColonisationAI.get_colony_fleets() # sets foAI.foAIstate.colonisablePlanetIDs and foAI.foAIstate.outpostPlanetIDs and many other values used by other modules
    prioritiees_timer.start('Evaluating Invasion Status')
    InvasionAI.get_invasion_fleets() # sets AIstate.invasionFleetIDs, AIstate.opponentPlanetIDs, and AIstate.invasionTargetedPlanetIDs
    prioritiees_timer.start('Evaluating Military Status')
    MilitaryAI.get_military_fleets() # sets AIstate.militaryFleetIDs and AIstate.militaryTargetedSystemIDs
    prioritiees_timer.start('reporting Production Priority')
    print("calculating priorities")
    calculateIndustryPriority()#purely for reporting purposes
    prioritiees_timer.start('setting Exploration Priority')

    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESOURCE_TRADE, 0)
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESOURCE_CONSTRUCTION, 0)

    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_EXPLORATION, calculateExplorationPriority())
    prioritiees_timer.start('setting Colony Priority')
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_COLONISATION, calculateColonisationPriority())
    prioritiees_timer.start('setting Outpost Priority')
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_OUTPOST, calculateOutpostPriority())
    prioritiees_timer.start('setting Invasion Priority')
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_INVASION, calculateInvasionPriority())
    prioritiees_timer.start('setting Military Priority')
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_MILITARY, calculateMilitaryPriority())
    prioritiees_timer.start('setting other priorities')
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_BUILDINGS, 25)

    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_LEARNING, calculateLearningPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_GROWTH, calculateGrowthPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_PRODUCTION, calculateTechsProductionPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_CONSTRUCTION, calculateConstructionPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_ECONOMICS, 0)
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_SHIPS, calculateShipsPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_DEFENSE, 0)
Пример #12
def _calculate_outpost_priority():
    """Calculates the demand for outpost ships by colonisable planets."""
    global allotted_outpost_targets
    base_outpost_cost = AIDependencies.OUTPOST_POD_COST

    enemies_sighted = foAI.foAIstate.misc.get('enemies_sighted', {})
    galaxy_is_sparse = ColonisationAI.galaxy_is_sparse()
    total_pp = fo.getEmpire().productionPoints
    num_colonies = len(list(AIstate.popCtrIDs))
    colony_growth_barrier = foAI.foAIstate.character.max_number_colonies()
    if num_colonies > colony_growth_barrier:
        return 0.0
    mil_prio = foAI.foAIstate.get_priority(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_MILITARY)

    not_sparse, enemy_unseen = 0, 0
    is_sparse, enemy_seen = 1, 1
    allotted_portion = {
        (not_sparse, enemy_unseen): (0.6, 0.8),
        (not_sparse, enemy_seen): (0.3, 0.4),
        (is_sparse, enemy_unseen): (0.8, 0.9),
        (is_sparse, enemy_seen): (0.3, 0.4),
    }[(galaxy_is_sparse, any(enemies_sighted))]
    allotted_portion = foAI.foAIstate.character.preferred_outpost_portion(
    if mil_prio < 100:
        allotted_portion *= 2
    elif mil_prio < 200:
        allotted_portion *= 1.5
    allotted_outpost_targets = 1 + int(
        total_pp * 3 * allotted_portion / base_outpost_cost)

    num_outpost_targets = len([
        for (pid, (score,
                   specName)) in foAI.foAIstate.colonisableOutpostIDs.items()
        if score > 1.0 * base_outpost_cost / 3.0
    if num_outpost_targets == 0 or not tech_is_complete(
        return 0

    outpost_ship_ids = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(
    num_outpost_ships = len(
    outpost_priority = (
        50.0 * (num_outpost_targets - num_outpost_ships)) / num_outpost_targets

    # print
    # print "Number of Outpost Ships : " + str(num_outpost_ships)
    # print "Number of Colonisable outposts: " + str(num_outpost_planet_ids)
    print "Priority for outpost ships: " + str(outpost_priority)

    if outpost_priority < 1:
        return 0
    return outpost_priority
Пример #13
def calculate_priorities():
    """Calculates the priorities of the AI player."""
    print "\n", 10 * "=", "Preparing to Calculate Priorities", 10 * "="
    prioritiees_timer.start('setting Production Priority')
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(PriorityType.RESOURCE_PRODUCTION, 50)  # let this one stay fixed & just adjust Research

    print "\n*** Calculating Research Priority ***\n"
    prioritiees_timer.start('setting Research Priority')
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(PriorityType.RESOURCE_RESEARCH, _calculate_research_priority())  # TODO: do univ _survey before this

    print "\n*** Updating Colonization Status ***\n"
    prioritiees_timer.start('Evaluating Colonization Status')
    ColonisationAI.get_colony_fleets()  # sets foAI.foAIstate.colonisablePlanetIDs and many other values used by other modules

    print "\n*** Updating Invasion Status ***\n"
    prioritiees_timer.start('Evaluating Invasion Status')
    InvasionAI.get_invasion_fleets()  # sets AIstate.opponentPlanetIDs, and AIstate.invasionTargetedPlanetIDs

    print "\n*** Updating Military Status ***\n"
    prioritiees_timer.start('Evaluating Military Status')

    print("\n** Calculating Production Priorities ***\n")
    prioritiees_timer.start('reporting Production Priority')
    _calculate_industry_priority()  # purely for reporting purposes
    prioritiees_timer.start('setting Exploration Priority')

    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(PriorityType.RESOURCE_TRADE, 0)
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(PriorityType.RESOURCE_CONSTRUCTION, 0)

    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_EXPLORATION, _calculate_exploration_priority())
    prioritiees_timer.start('setting Colony Priority')
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_COLONISATION, _calculate_colonisation_priority())
    prioritiees_timer.start('setting Outpost Priority')
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_OUTPOST, _calculate_outpost_priority())
    prioritiees_timer.start('setting Invasion Priority')
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_INVASION, _calculate_invasion_priority())
    prioritiees_timer.start('setting Military Priority')
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_MILITARY, _calculate_military_priority())
    prioritiees_timer.start('setting other priorities')
    foAI.foAIstate.set_priority(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_BUILDINGS, 25)

Пример #14
def calculateOutpostPriority():
    """calculates the demand for outpost ships by colonisable planets"""
    global allotted_outpost_targets
    base_outpost_cost = AIDependencies.OUTPOST_POD_COST

    enemies_sighted = foAI.foAIstate.misc.get('enemies_sighted', {})
    galaxy_is_sparse = ColonisationAI.galaxy_is_sparse()
    total_pp = fo.getEmpire().productionPoints
    num_colonies = len(list(AIstate.popCtrIDs))
    # significant growth barrier for low aggression, negligible for high aggression
    if num_colonies > colony_growth_barrier:
        return 0.0
    mil_prio = foAI.foAIstate.get_priority(

    allotted_portion = {
        (NOT_SPARCE, ENEMY_UNSEEN): (0.6, 0.8),
        (NOT_SPARCE, ENEMY_SEEN): (0.3, 0.4),
        (IS_SPARCE, ENEMY_UNSEEN): (0.8, 0.9),
        (IS_SPARCE, ENEMY_SEEN): (0.3, 0.4),
    }[(galaxy_is_sparse, any(enemies_sighted))][fo.empireID() % 2]
    if mil_prio < 100:
        allotted_portion *= 2
    elif mil_prio < 200:
        allotted_portion *= 1.5
    allotted_outpost_targets = 1 + int(
        total_pp * 3 * allotted_portion / base_outpost_cost)

    num_outpost_targets = len([
        for (pid, (score,
                   specName)) in foAI.foAIstate.colonisableOutpostIDs.items()
        if score > 1.0 * base_outpost_cost / 3.0
    if num_outpost_targets == 0 or not tech_is_complete(
        return 0

    outpostShipIDs = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(
    num_outpost_ships = len(
    outpost_priority = 50 * (num_outpost_targets -
                             num_outpost_ships) / num_outpost_targets

    # print
    # print "Number of Outpost Ships : " + str(num_outpost_ships)
    # print "Number of Colonisable outposts: " + str(num_outpost_planet_ids)
    print "Priority for outpost ships : " + str(outpost_priority)

    if outpost_priority < 1: return 0

    return outpost_priority
Пример #15
def calculateColonisationPriority():
    """calculates the demand for colony ships by colonisable planets"""
    global allottedColonyTargets, colony_growth_barrier
    enemies_sighted = foAI.foAIstate.misc.get("enemies_sighted", {})
    galaxy_is_sparse = ColonisationAI.galaxy_is_sparse()
    total_pp = fo.getEmpire().productionPoints
    num_colonies = len(list(AIstate.popCtrIDs))
    # significant growth barrier for low aggression, negligible for high aggression
    colony_growth_barrier = 2 + ((0.5 + foAI.foAIstate.aggression) ** 2) * fo.currentTurn() / 50.0
    colonyCost = AIDependencies.COLONY_POD_COST * (1 + AIDependencies.COLONY_POD_UPKEEP * num_colonies)
    turnsToBuild = 8  # TODO: check for susp anim pods, build time 10
    mil_prio = foAI.foAIstate.get_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_MILITARY)
    allottedPortion = [[[0.6, 0.8], [0.3, 0.4]], [[0.8, 0.9], [0.3, 0.4]]][galaxy_is_sparse][any(enemies_sighted)][
        fo.empireID() % 2
    # if ( foAI.foAIstate.get_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_COLONISATION)
    # > 2 * foAI.foAIstate.get_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_MILITARY)):
    # allottedPortion *= 1.5
    if mil_prio < 100:
        allottedPortion *= 2
    elif mil_prio < 200:
        allottedPortion *= 1.5
    elif fo.currentTurn() > 100:
        allottedPortion *= 0.75 ** (num_colonies / 10.0)
    # allottedColonyTargets = 1+ int(fo.currentTurn()/50)
    allottedColonyTargets = 1 + int(total_pp * turnsToBuild * allottedPortion / colonyCost)
    outpost_prio = foAI.foAIstate.get_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_OUTPOST)
    # if have any outposts to build, don't build colony ships TODO: make more complex assessment
    if outpost_prio > 0 or num_colonies > colony_growth_barrier:
        return 0.0

    if num_colonies > colony_growth_barrier:
        return 0.0
    numColonisablePlanetIDs = len(
        [pid for (pid, (score, _)) in foAI.foAIstate.colonisablePlanetIDs.items() if score > 60][
            : allottedColonyTargets + 2
    if numColonisablePlanetIDs == 0:
        return 1

    colonyshipIDs = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_COLONISATION)
    numColonyships = len(FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types(colonyshipIDs))
    colonisationPriority = 60 * (1 + numColonisablePlanetIDs - numColonyships) / (numColonisablePlanetIDs + 1)

    # print
    # print "Number of Colony Ships : " + str(numColonyships)
    # print "Number of Colonisable planets : " + str(numColonisablePlanetIDs)
    # print "Priority for colony ships : " + str(colonisationPriority)

    if colonisationPriority < 1:
        return 0
    return colonisationPriority
Пример #16
def _calculate_outpost_priority():
    """Calculates the demand for outpost ships by colonisable planets."""
    global allotted_outpost_targets
    base_outpost_cost = AIDependencies.OUTPOST_POD_COST

    enemies_sighted = foAI.foAIstate.misc.get('enemies_sighted', {})
    galaxy_is_sparse = ColonisationAI.galaxy_is_sparse()
    total_pp = fo.getEmpire().productionPoints
    colony_growth_barrier = foAI.foAIstate.character.max_number_colonies()
    if state.get_number_of_colonies() > colony_growth_barrier:
        return 0.0
    mil_prio = foAI.foAIstate.get_priority(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_MILITARY)

    not_sparse, enemy_unseen = 0, 0
    is_sparse, enemy_seen = 1, 1
    allotted_portion = {
        (not_sparse, enemy_unseen): (0.6, 0.8),
        (not_sparse, enemy_seen): (0.3, 0.4),
        (is_sparse, enemy_unseen): (0.8, 0.9),
        (is_sparse, enemy_seen): (0.3, 0.4),
    }[(galaxy_is_sparse, any(enemies_sighted))]
    allotted_portion = foAI.foAIstate.character.preferred_outpost_portion(allotted_portion)
    if mil_prio < 100:
        allotted_portion *= 2
    elif mil_prio < 200:
        allotted_portion *= 1.5
    allotted_outpost_targets = 1 + int(total_pp * 3 * allotted_portion / base_outpost_cost)

    num_outpost_targets = len([pid for (pid, (score, specName)) in foAI.foAIstate.colonisableOutpostIDs.items()
                               if score > max(1.0 * base_outpost_cost / 3.0, ColonisationAI.MINIMUM_COLONY_SCORE)]
    if num_outpost_targets == 0 or not tech_is_complete(AIDependencies.OUTPOSTING_TECH):
        return 0

    outpost_ship_ids = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(MissionType.OUTPOST)
    num_outpost_ships = len(FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types(outpost_ship_ids))
    outpost_priority = (50.0 * (num_outpost_targets - num_outpost_ships)) / num_outpost_targets

    # discourage early outposting for SP_SLY, due to supply and stealth considerations they are best off
    # using colony ships until they have other colonizers (and more established military)
    if list(ColonisationAI.empire_colonizers) == ["SP_SLY"]:
        outpost_priority /= 3.0

    # print
    # print "Number of Outpost Ships : " + str(num_outpost_ships)
    # print "Number of Colonisable outposts: " + str(num_outpost_planet_ids)
    print "Priority for outpost ships: " + str(outpost_priority)

    if outpost_priority < 1:
        return 0
    return outpost_priority
Пример #17
def calculateOutpostPriority():
    """calculates the demand for outpost ships by colonisable planets"""
    global allotted_outpost_targets
    base_outpost_cost = AIDependencies.OUTPOST_POD_COST

    enemies_sighted = foAI.foAIstate.misc.get("enemies_sighted", {})
    galaxy_is_sparse = ColonisationAI.galaxy_is_sparse()
    total_pp = fo.getEmpire().productionPoints
    num_colonies = len(list(AIstate.popCtrIDs))
    # significant growth barrier for low aggression, negligible for high aggression
    if num_colonies > colony_growth_barrier:
        return 0.0
    mil_prio = foAI.foAIstate.get_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_MILITARY)

    allotted_portion = {
        (NOT_SPARCE, ENEMY_UNSEEN): (0.6, 0.8),
        (NOT_SPARCE, ENEMY_SEEN): (0.3, 0.4),
        (IS_SPARCE, ENEMY_UNSEEN): (0.8, 0.9),
        (IS_SPARCE, ENEMY_SEEN): (0.3, 0.4),
    }[(galaxy_is_sparse, any(enemies_sighted))][fo.empireID() % 2]
    if mil_prio < 100:
        allotted_portion *= 2
    elif mil_prio < 200:
        allotted_portion *= 1.5
    allotted_outpost_targets = 1 + int(total_pp * 3 * allotted_portion / base_outpost_cost)

    num_outpost_targets = len(
            for (pid, (score, specName)) in foAI.foAIstate.colonisableOutpostIDs.items()
            if score > 1.0 * base_outpost_cost / 3.0
    if num_outpost_targets == 0 or not tech_is_complete(AIDependencies.OUTPOSTING_TECH):
        return 0

    outpostShipIDs = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_OUTPOST)
    num_outpost_ships = len(FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types(outpostShipIDs))
    outpost_priority = 50 * (num_outpost_targets - num_outpost_ships) / num_outpost_targets

    # print
    # print "Number of Outpost Ships : " + str(num_outpost_ships)
    # print "Number of Colonisable outposts: " + str(num_outpost_planet_ids)
    print "Priority for outpost ships : " + str(outpost_priority)

    if outpost_priority < 1:
        return 0

    return outpost_priority
Пример #18
def _calculate_colonisation_priority():
    """Calculates the demand for colony ships by colonisable planets."""
    global allottedColonyTargets
    enemies_sighted = foAI.foAIstate.misc.get('enemies_sighted', {})
    galaxy_is_sparse = ColonisationAI.galaxy_is_sparse()
    total_pp = fo.getEmpire().productionPoints
    num_colonies = len(list(AIstate.popCtrIDs))
    colony_growth_barrier = foAI.foAIstate.character.max_number_colonies()
    colony_cost = AIDependencies.COLONY_POD_COST * (1 + AIDependencies.COLONY_POD_UPKEEP * num_colonies)
    turns_to_build = 8  # TODO: check for susp anim pods, build time 10
    mil_prio = foAI.foAIstate.get_priority(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_MILITARY)
    allotted_portion = ([[[0.6, 0.8], [0.3, 0.4]], [[0.8, 0.9], [0.4, 0.6]]][galaxy_is_sparse]
    allotted_portion = foAI.foAIstate.character.preferred_colonization_portion(allotted_portion)
    # if ( foAI.foAIstate.get_priority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_COLONISATION)
    # > 2 * foAI.foAIstate.get_priority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_MILITARY)):
    # allotted_portion *= 1.5
    if mil_prio < 100:
        allotted_portion *= 2
    elif mil_prio < 200:
        allotted_portion *= 1.5
    elif fo.currentTurn() > 100:
        allotted_portion *= 0.75 ** (num_colonies / 10.0)
    # allottedColonyTargets = 1+ int(fo.currentTurn()/50)
    allottedColonyTargets = 1 + int(total_pp * turns_to_build * allotted_portion / colony_cost)
    outpost_prio = foAI.foAIstate.get_priority(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_OUTPOST)
    # if have any outposts to build, don't build colony ships TODO: make more complex assessment
    if outpost_prio > 0 or num_colonies > colony_growth_barrier:
        return 0.0

    if num_colonies > colony_growth_barrier:
        return 0.0
    num_colonisable_planet_ids = len([pid for (pid, (score, _)) in foAI.foAIstate.colonisablePlanetIDs.items()
                                   if score > 60][:allottedColonyTargets + 2])
    if num_colonisable_planet_ids == 0:
        return 1

    colony_ship_ids = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(MissionType.COLONISATION)
    num_colony_ships = len(FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types(colony_ship_ids))
    colonisation_priority = 60 * (1 + num_colonisable_planet_ids - num_colony_ships) / (num_colonisable_planet_ids + 1)

    # print
    # print "Number of Colony Ships : " + str(num_colony_ships)
    # print "Number of Colonisable planets : " + str(num_colonisable_planet_ids)
    # print "Priority for colony ships : " + str(colonisation_priority)

    if colonisation_priority < 1:
        return 0
    return colonisation_priority
Пример #19
def _calculate_outpost_priority():
    """Calculates the demand for outpost ships by colonisable planets."""
    global allotted_outpost_targets
    base_outpost_cost = AIDependencies.OUTPOST_POD_COST

    enemies_sighted = foAI.foAIstate.misc.get('enemies_sighted', {})
    galaxy_is_sparse = ColonisationAI.galaxy_is_sparse()
    total_pp = fo.getEmpire().productionPoints
    num_colonies = len(list(AIstate.popCtrIDs))
    colony_growth_barrier = foAI.foAIstate.character.max_number_colonies()
    if num_colonies > colony_growth_barrier:
        return 0.0
    mil_prio = foAI.foAIstate.get_priority(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_MILITARY)

    not_sparse, enemy_unseen = 0, 0
    is_sparse, enemy_seen = 1, 1
    allotted_portion = {
        (not_sparse, enemy_unseen): (0.6, 0.8),
        (not_sparse, enemy_seen): (0.3, 0.4),
        (is_sparse, enemy_unseen): (0.8, 0.9),
        (is_sparse, enemy_seen): (0.3, 0.4),
    }[(galaxy_is_sparse, any(enemies_sighted))]
    allotted_portion = foAI.foAIstate.character.preferred_outpost_portion(allotted_portion)
    if mil_prio < 100:
        allotted_portion *= 2
    elif mil_prio < 200:
        allotted_portion *= 1.5
    allotted_outpost_targets = 1 + int(total_pp * 3 * allotted_portion / base_outpost_cost)

    num_outpost_targets = len([pid for (pid, (score, specName)) in foAI.foAIstate.colonisableOutpostIDs.items()
                               if score > 1.0 * base_outpost_cost / 3.0][:allotted_outpost_targets])
    if num_outpost_targets == 0 or not tech_is_complete(AIDependencies.OUTPOSTING_TECH):
        return 0

    outpost_ship_ids = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(MissionType.OUTPOST)
    num_outpost_ships = len(FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types(outpost_ship_ids))
    outpost_priority = 50 * (num_outpost_targets - num_outpost_ships) / num_outpost_targets

    # print
    # print "Number of Outpost Ships : " + str(num_outpost_ships)
    # print "Number of Colonisable outposts: " + str(num_outpost_planet_ids)
    print "Priority for outpost ships: " + str(outpost_priority)

    if outpost_priority < 1:
        return 0
    return outpost_priority
Пример #20
def calculateColonisationPriority():
    """calculates the demand for colony ships by colonisable planets"""
    global allottedColonyTargets, colonyGrowthBarrier
    enemies_sighted = foAI.foAIstate.misc.get('enemies_sighted',{})
    galaxy_is_sparse = ColonisationAI.galaxy_is_sparse()
    num_colonies = len( list(AIstate.popCtrIDs) )
    colonyGrowthBarrier = 2 + ((0.5+foAI.foAIstate.aggression)**2)*fo.currentTurn()/50.0 #significant for low aggression, negligible for high aggression
    if num_colonies > colonyGrowthBarrier:
        return 0.0
    colonyCost=120*(1+ 0.06*num_colonies)
    turnsToBuild=8#TODO: check for susp anim pods, build time 10
    mil_prio = foAI.foAIstate.get_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_MILITARY)
    allottedPortion = [[[0.6, 0.8],[0.3, 0.4]],[[0.8, 0.9],[0.3, 0.4]]][galaxy_is_sparse][any(enemies_sighted)][fo.empireID() % 2]  #
    #if ( foAI.foAIstate.get_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_COLONISATION)
    # > 2 * foAI.foAIstate.get_priority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_MILITARY)):
    # allottedPortion *= 1.5
    if mil_prio < 100:
        allottedPortion *= 2
    elif mil_prio < 200:
        allottedPortion *= 1.5
    elif fo.currentTurn() > 100:
        allottedPortion *= 0.75**(num_colonies/10.0)
    #allottedColonyTargets = 1+ int(fo.currentTurn()/50)
    allottedColonyTargets = 1 + int( totalPP*turnsToBuild*allottedPortion/colonyCost)

    numColonisablePlanetIDs = len( [  pid for (pid, (score, specName) ) in foAI.foAIstate.colonisablePlanetIDs if score > 60 ][:allottedColonyTargets+2] )
    if numColonisablePlanetIDs == 0: return 1

    colonyshipIDs = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_COLONISATION)
    numColonyships = len(FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types(colonyshipIDs))
    colonisationPriority = 60 * (1+numColonisablePlanetIDs - numColonyships) / (numColonisablePlanetIDs+1)

    # print
    # print "Number of Colony Ships : " + str(numColonyships)
    # print "Number of Colonisable planets : " + str(numColonisablePlanetIDs)
    # print "Priority for colony ships : " + str(colonisationPriority)

    if colonisationPriority < 1: return 1
    return colonisationPriority
Пример #21
def convert_to_version(state, version):
    """Convert a savegame AIstate to the next version.

    :param dict state: savegame state, modified in function
    :param int version: Version to convert to
    debug("Trying to convert savegame state to version %d..." % version)
    current_version = state.get("version", -1)
    debug("  Current version: %d" % current_version)
    if current_version == version:
        raise ConversionError("Can't convert AI savegame to the same compatibility version.")

    if current_version > version:
        raise ConversionError("Can't convert AI savegame to an older compatibility version.")

    if version != current_version + 1:
        raise ConversionError("Can't skip a compatibility version when converting AI savegame.")

    # Starting with version 3, we switched from pickle to json-style encoding
    # Do not try to load an older savegame even if it magically passed the encoder.
    if version <= 3:
        raise ConversionError("The AI savegame version is no longer supported.")

    if version == 4:
        del state['qualifyingOutpostBaseTargets']
        del state['qualifyingColonyBaseTargets']
        state['orbital_colonization_manager'] = ColonisationAI.OrbitalColonizationManager()

    if version == 5:
        state['last_turn_played'] = 0

    #   state["some_new_member"] = some_default_value
    #   del state["some_removed_member"]
    #   state["list_changed_to_set"] = set(state["list_changed_to_set"])

    debug("  All updates set. Setting new version number.")
    state["version"] = version
Пример #22
def _calculate_colonisation_priority():
    """Calculates the demand for colony ships by colonisable planets."""
    global allottedColonyTargets
    aistate = get_aistate()
    enemies_sighted = aistate.misc.get('enemies_sighted', {})
    galaxy_is_sparse = ColonisationAI.galaxy_is_sparse()
    total_pp = fo.getEmpire().productionPoints
    num_colonies = state.get_number_of_colonies()
    colony_growth_barrier = aistate.character.max_number_colonies()
    if num_colonies > colony_growth_barrier:
        return 0.0
    colony_cost = AIDependencies.COLONY_POD_COST * (
        1 + AIDependencies.COLONY_POD_UPKEEP * num_colonies)
    turns_to_build = 8  # TODO: check for susp anim pods, build time 10
    mil_prio = aistate.get_priority(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_MILITARY)
    allotted_portion = ([[[0.6, 0.8], [0.3, 0.4]],
                         [[0.8, 0.9],
                          [0.4, 0.6]]][galaxy_is_sparse][any(enemies_sighted)])
    allotted_portion = aistate.character.preferred_colonization_portion(
    # if ( get_aistate().get_priority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_COLONISATION)
    # > 2 * get_aistate().get_priority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_MILITARY)):
    # allotted_portion *= 1.5
    if mil_prio < 100:
        allotted_portion *= 2
    elif mil_prio < 200:
        allotted_portion *= 1.5
    elif fo.currentTurn() > 100:
        allotted_portion *= 0.75**(num_colonies / 10.0)
    # allottedColonyTargets = 1+ int(fo.currentTurn()/50)
    allottedColonyTargets = 1 + int(
        total_pp * turns_to_build * allotted_portion / colony_cost)
    outpost_prio = aistate.get_priority(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_OUTPOST)

    # if have no SP_SLY, and have any outposts to build, don't build colony ships TODO: make more complex assessment
    colonizers = list(ColonisationAI.empire_colonizers)
    if "SP_SLY" not in colonizers and outpost_prio > 0:
        return 0.0
    min_score = ColonisationAI.MINIMUM_COLONY_SCORE
    minimal_top = min_score + 2  # one more than the conditional floor set by ColonisationAI.revise_threat_factor()
    minimal_opportunities = [
        for (_, (score, species_name)) in aistate.colonisablePlanetIDs.items()
        if min_score < score <= minimal_top
    decent_opportunities = [
        for (_, (score, species_name)) in aistate.colonisablePlanetIDs.items()
        if score > minimal_top
    minimal_planet_factor = 0.2  # count them for something, but not much
    num_colonisable_planet_ids = len(
    ) + minimal_planet_factor * len(minimal_opportunities)
    if num_colonisable_planet_ids == 0:
        return 1

    colony_ship_ids = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(
    num_colony_ships = len(
    colonisation_priority = 60 * (1.0 + num_colonisable_planet_ids -
                                  num_colony_ships) / (
                                      num_colonisable_planet_ids + 1)

    if colonizers == ["SP_SLY"]:
        colonisation_priority *= 2
    elif "SP_SLY" in colonizers:
        colony_opportunities = minimal_opportunities + decent_opportunities
        colonisation_priority *= (1.0 + colony_opportunities.count("SP_SLY")
                                  ) / len(colony_opportunities)

    # print
    # print "Number of Colony Ships : " + str(num_colony_ships)
    # print "Number of Colonisable planets : " + str(num_colonisable_planet_ids)
    # print "Priority for colony ships : " + str(colonisation_priority)

    if colonisation_priority < 1:
        return 0
    return colonisation_priority
Пример #23
def evaluate_invasion_planet(planet_id, empire, secure_fleet_missions, verbose=True):
    """Return the invasion value (score, troops) of a planet."""
    detail = []
    building_values = {"BLD_IMPERIAL_PALACE": 1000,
                       "BLD_CULTURE_ARCHIVES": 1000,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_BASE": 100,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_ORB_INC": 200,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_XENO_FAC": 200,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_CELL_GRO_CHAMB": 200,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_NANOROBO": 300,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_GEOINT": 400,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_ADV_ENGINE": 1000,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_AST": 300,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_AST_REF": 1000,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ENRG_SOLAR": 1500,
                       "BLD_INDUSTRY_CENTER": 500,
                       "BLD_GAS_GIANT_GEN": 200,
                       "BLD_SOL_ORB_GEN": 800,
                       "BLD_BLACK_HOLE_POW_GEN": 2000,
                       "BLD_ENCLAVE_VOID": 500,
                       "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_EXTRACTOR": 2000,
                       "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_SYNTH": 2000,
                       "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_FORGE": 1000,
                       "BLD_CONC_CAMP": 100,
                       "BLD_BIOTERROR_PROJECTOR": 1000,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ENRG_COMP": 3000,
    # TODO: add more factors, as used for colonization
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire_id = empire.empireID
    max_jumps = 8
    planet = universe.getPlanet(planet_id)
    if planet is None:  # TODO: exclude planets with stealth higher than empireDetection
        print "invasion AI couldn't access any info for planet id %d" % planet_id
        return [0, 0]

    sys_partial_vis_turn = universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(planet.systemID, empire_id).get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)
    planet_partial_vis_turn = universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(planet_id, empire_id).get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)

    if planet_partial_vis_turn < sys_partial_vis_turn:
        print "invasion AI couldn't get current info on planet id %d (was stealthed at last sighting)" % planet_id
        # TODO: track detection strength, order new scouting when it goes up
        return [0, 0]  # last time we had partial vis of the system, the planet was stealthed to us

    species_name = planet.speciesName
    species = fo.getSpecies(species_name)
    if not species:  # this call iterates over this Empire's available species with which it could colonize after an invasion
        planet_eval = ColonisationAI.assign_colonisation_values([planet_id], EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_INVASION, None, empire, detail)
        pop_val = max(0.75*planet_eval.get(planet_id, [0])[0], ColonisationAI.evaluate_planet(planet_id, EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_OUTPOST, None, empire, detail))
        pop_val = ColonisationAI.evaluate_planet(planet_id, EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_INVASION, species_name, empire, detail)

    bld_tally = 0
    for bldType in [universe.getObject(bldg).buildingTypeName for bldg in planet.buildingIDs]:
        bval = building_values.get(bldType, 50)
        bld_tally += bval
        detail.append("%s: %d" % (bldType, bval))

    p_sys_id = planet.systemID
    capitol_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital()
    least_jumps_path = []
    clear_path = True
    if capitol_id:
        homeworld = universe.getPlanet(capitol_id)
        if homeworld:
            home_system_id = homeworld.systemID
            eval_system_id = planet.systemID
            if (home_system_id != -1) and (eval_system_id != -1):
                least_jumps_path = list(universe.leastJumpsPath(home_system_id, eval_system_id, empire_id))
                max_jumps = len(least_jumps_path)
    system_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(p_sys_id, {})
    system_fleet_treat = system_status.get('fleetThreat', 1000)
    system_monster_threat = system_status.get('monsterThreat', 0)
    sys_total_threat = system_fleet_treat + system_monster_threat + system_status.get('planetThreat', 0)
    max_path_threat = system_fleet_treat
    mil_ship_rating = MilitaryAI.cur_best_mil_ship_rating()
    for path_sys_id in least_jumps_path:
        path_leg_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(path_sys_id, {})
        path_leg_threat = path_leg_status.get('fleetThreat', 1000) + path_leg_status.get('monsterThreat', 0)
        if path_leg_threat > 0.5 * mil_ship_rating:
            clear_path = False
            if path_leg_threat > max_path_threat:
                max_path_threat = path_leg_threat

    troops = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.troops)
    max_troops = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxTroops)

    this_system = universe.getSystem(p_sys_id)
    secure_targets = [p_sys_id] + list(this_system.planetIDs)
    system_secured = False
    for mission in secure_fleet_missions:
        if system_secured:
        secure_fleet_id = mission.target_id
        s_fleet = universe.getFleet(secure_fleet_id)
        if not s_fleet or s_fleet.systemID != p_sys_id:
        for ai_target in mission.get_targets(EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_SECURE):
            target_obj = ai_target.target_obj
            if (target_obj is not None) and target_obj.id in secure_targets:
                system_secured = True

    if verbose:
        print "invasion eval of %s %d --- maxShields %.1f -- sysFleetThreat %.1f -- sysMonsterThreat %.1f" % (
            planet.name, planet_id, planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxShield), system_fleet_treat,
    supply_val = 0
    enemy_val = 0
    if planet.owner != -1:  # value in taking this away from an enemy
        enemy_val = 20 * (planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetIndustry) + 2*planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetResearch))
    if p_sys_id in ColonisationAI.annexable_system_ids:  # TODO: extend to rings
        supply_val = 100
    elif p_sys_id in ColonisationAI.annexable_ring1:
        supply_val = 200
    elif p_sys_id in ColonisationAI.annexable_ring2:
        supply_val = 300
    elif p_sys_id in ColonisationAI.annexable_ring3:
        supply_val = 400
    if max_path_threat > 0.5 * mil_ship_rating:
        if max_path_threat < 3 * mil_ship_rating:
            supply_val *= 0.5
            supply_val *= 0.2
    threat_factor = min(1, 0.2*MilitaryAI.totMilRating/(sys_total_threat+0.001))**2  # devalue invasions that would require too much military force
    build_time = 4

    planned_troops = troops if system_secured else min(troops+max_jumps+build_time, max_troops)
    if not tech_is_complete("SHP_ORG_HULL"):
        troop_cost = math.ceil(planned_troops/6.0) * (40*(1+foAI.foAIstate.shipCount * AIDependencies.SHIP_UPKEEP))
        troop_cost = math.ceil(planned_troops/6.0) * (20*(1+foAI.foAIstate.shipCount * AIDependencies.SHIP_UPKEEP))
    planet_score = retaliation_risk_factor(planet.owner) * threat_factor * max(0, pop_val+supply_val+bld_tally+enemy_val-0.8*troop_cost)
    if clear_path:
        planet_score *= 1.5
    invasion_score = [planet_score, planned_troops]
    print invasion_score, "projected Troop Cost:", troop_cost, ", threatFactor: ", threat_factor, ", planet detail ", detail, "popval, supplyval, bldval, enemyval", pop_val, supply_val, bld_tally, enemy_val
    return invasion_score
Пример #24
def evaluate_invasion_planet(planet_id, empire, secure_fleet_missions, verbose=True):
    """Return the invasion value (score, troops) of a planet."""
    detail = []
    building_values = {"BLD_IMPERIAL_PALACE": 1000,
                       "BLD_CULTURE_ARCHIVES": 1000,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_BASE": 100,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_ORB_INC": 200,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_XENO_FAC": 200,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_CELL_GRO_CHAMB": 200,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_NANOROBO": 300,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_GEOINT": 400,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_ADV_ENGINE": 1000,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_AST": 300,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_AST_REF": 1000,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ENRG_SOLAR": 1500,
                       "BLD_INDUSTRY_CENTER": 500,
                       "BLD_GAS_GIANT_GEN": 200,
                       "BLD_SOL_ORB_GEN": 800,
                       "BLD_BLACK_HOLE_POW_GEN": 2000,
                       "BLD_ENCLAVE_VOID": 500,
                       "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_EXTRACTOR": 2000,
                       "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_SYNTH": 2000,
                       "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_FORGE": 1000,
                       "BLD_CONC_CAMP": 100,
                       "BLD_BIOTERROR_PROJECTOR": 1000,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ENRG_COMP": 3000,
    # TODO: add more factors, as used for colonization
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire_id = empire.empireID
    max_jumps = 8
    planet = universe.getPlanet(planet_id)
    if planet is None:  # TODO: exclude planets with stealth higher than empireDetection
        print "invasion AI couldn't access any info for planet id %d" % planet_id
        return [0, 0]

    sys_partial_vis_turn = universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(planet.systemID, empire_id).get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)
    planet_partial_vis_turn = universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(planet_id, empire_id).get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)

    if planet_partial_vis_turn < sys_partial_vis_turn:
        print "invasion AI couldn't get current info on planet id %d (was stealthed at last sighting)" % planet_id
        # TODO: track detection strength, order new scouting when it goes up
        return [0, 0]  # last time we had partial vis of the system, the planet was stealthed to us

    species_name = planet.speciesName
    species = fo.getSpecies(species_name)
    if not species:  # this call iterates over this Empire's available species with which it could colonize after an invasion
        planet_eval = ColonisationAI.assign_colonisation_values([planet_id], EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_INVASION, None, empire, detail)
        pop_val = max(0.75*planet_eval.get(planet_id, [0])[0], ColonisationAI.evaluate_planet(planet_id, EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_OUTPOST, None, empire, detail))
        pop_val = ColonisationAI.evaluate_planet(planet_id, EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_INVASION, species_name, empire, detail)

    bld_tally = 0
    for bldType in [universe.getObject(bldg).buildingTypeName for bldg in planet.buildingIDs]:
        bval = building_values.get(bldType, 50)
        bld_tally += bval
        detail.append("%s: %d" % (bldType, bval))

    p_sys_id = planet.systemID
    capitol_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital()
    least_jumps_path = []
    clear_path = True
    if capitol_id:
        homeworld = universe.getPlanet(capitol_id)
        if homeworld:
            home_system_id = homeworld.systemID
            eval_system_id = planet.systemID
            if (home_system_id != -1) and (eval_system_id != -1):
                least_jumps_path = list(universe.leastJumpsPath(home_system_id, eval_system_id, empire_id))
                max_jumps = len(least_jumps_path)
    system_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(p_sys_id, {})
    system_fleet_treat = system_status.get('fleetThreat', 1000)
    system_monster_threat = system_status.get('monsterThreat', 0)
    sys_total_threat = system_fleet_treat + system_monster_threat + system_status.get('planetThreat', 0)
    max_path_threat = system_fleet_treat
    mil_ship_rating = MilitaryAI.cur_best_mil_ship_rating()
    for path_sys_id in least_jumps_path:
        path_leg_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(path_sys_id, {})
        path_leg_threat = path_leg_status.get('fleetThreat', 1000) + path_leg_status.get('monsterThreat', 0)
        if path_leg_threat > 0.5 * mil_ship_rating:
            clear_path = False
            if path_leg_threat > max_path_threat:
                max_path_threat = path_leg_threat

    pop = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.population)
    target_pop = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetPopulation)
    troops = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.troops)
    max_troops = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxTroops)
    # TODO: refactor troop determination into function for use in mid-mission updates and also consider defender techs
    max_troops += AIDependencies.TROOPS_PER_POP * (target_pop - pop)

    this_system = universe.getSystem(p_sys_id)
    secure_targets = [p_sys_id] + list(this_system.planetIDs)
    system_secured = False
    for mission in secure_fleet_missions:
        if system_secured:
        secure_fleet_id = mission.target_id
        s_fleet = universe.getFleet(secure_fleet_id)
        if not s_fleet or s_fleet.systemID != p_sys_id:
        for ai_target in mission.get_targets(EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_SECURE):
            target_obj = ai_target.target_obj
            if (target_obj is not None) and target_obj.id in secure_targets:
                system_secured = True
    system_secured = system_secured and system_status.get('myFleetRating',0)

    if verbose:
        print "invasion eval of %s %d --- maxShields %.1f -- sysFleetThreat %.1f -- sysMonsterThreat %.1f" % (
            planet.name, planet_id, planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxShield), system_fleet_treat,
    supply_val = 0
    enemy_val = 0
    if planet.owner != -1:  # value in taking this away from an enemy
        enemy_val = 20 * (planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetIndustry) + 2*planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetResearch))
    if p_sys_id in ColonisationAI.annexable_system_ids:  # TODO: extend to rings
        supply_val = 100
    elif p_sys_id in ColonisationAI.annexable_ring1:
        supply_val = 200
    elif p_sys_id in ColonisationAI.annexable_ring2:
        supply_val = 300
    elif p_sys_id in ColonisationAI.annexable_ring3:
        supply_val = 400
    if max_path_threat > 0.5 * mil_ship_rating:
        if max_path_threat < 3 * mil_ship_rating:
            supply_val *= 0.5
            supply_val *= 0.2
    threat_factor = min(1, 0.2*MilitaryAI.totMilRating/(sys_total_threat+0.001))**2  # devalue invasions that would require too much military force
    build_time = 4

    planned_troops = troops if system_secured else min(troops+max_jumps+build_time, max_troops)
    if not tech_is_complete("SHP_ORG_HULL"):
        troop_cost = math.ceil(planned_troops/6.0) * (40*(1+foAI.foAIstate.shipCount * AIDependencies.SHIP_UPKEEP))
        troop_cost = math.ceil(planned_troops/6.0) * (20*(1+foAI.foAIstate.shipCount * AIDependencies.SHIP_UPKEEP))
    planet_score = retaliation_risk_factor(planet.owner) * threat_factor * max(0, pop_val+supply_val+bld_tally+enemy_val-0.8*troop_cost)
    if clear_path:
        planet_score *= 1.5
    invasion_score = [planet_score, planned_troops]
    print invasion_score, "projected Troop Cost:", troop_cost, ", threatFactor: ", threat_factor, ", planet detail ", detail, "popval, supplyval, bldval, enemyval", pop_val, supply_val, bld_tally, enemy_val
    return invasion_score
Пример #25
def generateOrders():
    global lastTurnTimestamp
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    turnStartTime=time() #starting AI timer here, to be sure AI doesn't get blame for any  lags in server being able to provide the Universe object
    empire = fo.getEmpire()
    planetID = PlanetUtilsAI.getCapital()
    if planetID is not None:
        planet = universe.getPlanet(planetID)
    print "***************************************************************************"
    print "***************************************************************************"
    print ("Generating Orders")
    print "EmpireID:    " + str(empire.empireID) + " Name: " + empire.name+ "_"+str(empire.empireID-1) +"_pid:"+str(fo.playerID())+"_"+fo.playerName()+"_"+aggressions.get(foAIstate.aggression,  "?") + " Turn: " + str(fo.currentTurn())
    print "EmpireColors: %d %d %d %d"%(empireColor.r,  empireColor.g,  empireColor.b,  empireColor.a)
    if planet: 
        print "CapitalID: " + str(planetID) + " Name: " + planet.name + " Species: " + planet.speciesName 
        print "CapitalID: None Currently      Name: None     Species: None "
    print "***************************************************************************"
    print "***************************************************************************"
    if fo.currentTurn() == 1:

    # turn cleanup !!! this was formerly done at start of every turn -- not sure why

    #updateShipDesigns()   #should not be needed anymore;
    foAIstate.clean() #checks exploration border & clears roles/missions of missing fleets & updates fleet locs
    # ...missions
    # ...demands/priorities

    print("Calling AI Modules")

    # call AI modules
    try: PriorityAI.calculatePriorities()
    except: print "Error: exception triggered and caught:  ",  traceback.format_exc() # try traceback.print_exc()
    timer.append( time()  )
    try: ExplorationAI.assignScoutsToExploreSystems()
    except: print "Error: exception triggered and caught:  ",  traceback.format_exc()
    timer.append( time()  )
    try: ColonisationAI.assignColonyFleetsToColonise()
    except: print "Error: exception triggered and caught:  ",  traceback.format_exc()
    timer.append( time()  )
    try: InvasionAI.assignInvasionFleetsToInvade()
    except: print "Error: exception triggered and caught:  ",  traceback.format_exc()
    timer.append( time()  )
    try: MilitaryAI.assignMilitaryFleetsToSystems()
    except: print "Error: exception triggered and caught:  ",  traceback.format_exc()
    timer.append( time()  )
    try: FleetUtilsAI.generateAIFleetOrdersForAIFleetMissions()
    except: print "Error: exception triggered and caught:  ",  traceback.format_exc()
    timer.append( time()  )
    try: FleetUtilsAI.issueAIFleetOrdersForAIFleetMissions()
    except: print "Error: exception triggered and caught:  ",  traceback.format_exc()
    timer.append( time()  )
    try: ResearchAI.generateResearchOrders()
    except: print "Error: exception triggered and caught:  ",  traceback.format_exc()
    timer.append( time()  )
    try: ProductionAI.generateProductionOrders()
    except: print "Error: exception triggered and caught:  ",  traceback.format_exc()
    timer.append( time()  )
    try: ResourcesAI.generateResourcesOrders()    
    except: print "Error: exception triggered and caught:  ",  traceback.format_exc()
    timer.append( time()  )
    try: foAIstate.afterTurnCleanup()
    except: print "Error: exception triggered and caught:  ",  traceback.format_exc()
    timer.append( time()  )
    times = [timer[i] - timer[i-1] for i in range(1,  len(timer) ) ]
    timeFmt = "%30s: %8d msec  "
    print "AI Module Time Requirements:"
    for mod,  modTime in zip(__timerEntries,  times):
        print timeFmt%((30*' '+mod)[-30:],  int(1000*modTime))
    if __timerFile:
        __timerFile.write(  __timerFileFmt%tuple( [ fo.currentTurn() ]+map(lambda x: int(1000*x),  times )) +'\n')
    if __timerBucketFile:
        __timerBucketFile.write(  __timerBucketFileFmt%tuple( [ fo.currentTurn(),  (turnStartTime-lastTurnTimestamp)*1000, (turnEndTime-turnStartTime)*1000   ]) +'\n')
        lastTurnTimestamp = time()
    try: fo.doneTurn()
    except: print "Error: exception triggered and caught:  ",  traceback.format_exc()
Пример #26
def evaluate_invasion_planet(planet_id, secure_fleet_missions, verbose=True):
    """Return the invasion value (score, troops) of a planet."""
    detail = []
    building_values = {"BLD_IMPERIAL_PALACE": 1000,
                       "BLD_CULTURE_ARCHIVES": 1000,
                       "BLD_AUTO_HISTORY_ANALYSER": 100,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_BASE": 100,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_ORB_INC": 200,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_XENO_FAC": 200,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_CELL_GRO_CHAMB": 200,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_NANOROBO": 300,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_GEOINT": 400,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_ADV_ENGINE": 1000,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_AST": 300,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_AST_REF": 1000,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ENRG_SOLAR": 1500,
                       "BLD_INDUSTRY_CENTER": 500,
                       "BLD_GAS_GIANT_GEN": 200,
                       "BLD_SOL_ORB_GEN": 800,
                       "BLD_BLACK_HOLE_POW_GEN": 2000,
                       "BLD_ENCLAVE_VOID": 500,
                       "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_EXTRACTOR": 2000,
                       "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_SYNTH": 2000,
                       "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_FORGE": 1000,
                       "BLD_CONC_CAMP": 100,
                       "BLD_BIOTERROR_PROJECTOR": 1000,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ENRG_COMP": 3000,
    # TODO: add more factors, as used for colonization
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire_id = fo.empireID()
    max_jumps = 8
    planet = universe.getPlanet(planet_id)
    if planet is None:  # TODO: exclude planets with stealth higher than empireDetection
        print "invasion AI couldn't access any info for planet id %d" % planet_id
        return [0, 0]

    sys_partial_vis_turn = universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(planet.systemID, empire_id).get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)
    planet_partial_vis_turn = universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(planet_id, empire_id).get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)

    if planet_partial_vis_turn < sys_partial_vis_turn:
        print "invasion AI couldn't get current info on planet id %d (was stealthed at last sighting)" % planet_id
        # TODO: track detection strength, order new scouting when it goes up
        return [0, 0]  # last time we had partial vis of the system, the planet was stealthed to us

    species_name = planet.speciesName
    species = fo.getSpecies(species_name)
    if not species or AIDependencies.TAG_DESTROYED_ON_CONQUEST in species.tags:
        # this call iterates over this Empire's available species with which it could colonize after an invasion
        planet_eval = ColonisationAI.assign_colonisation_values([planet_id], MissionType.INVASION, None, detail)
        pop_val = max(0.75 * planet_eval.get(planet_id, [0])[0],
                      ColonisationAI.evaluate_planet(planet_id, MissionType.OUTPOST, None, detail))
        pop_val = ColonisationAI.evaluate_planet(planet_id, MissionType.INVASION, species_name, detail)

    bld_tally = 0
    for bldType in [universe.getBuilding(bldg).buildingTypeName for bldg in planet.buildingIDs]:
        bval = building_values.get(bldType, 50)
        bld_tally += bval
        detail.append("%s: %d" % (bldType, bval))

    tech_tally = 0
    for unlocked_tech in AIDependencies.SPECIES_TECH_UNLOCKS.get(species_name, []):
        if not tech_is_complete(unlocked_tech):
            rp_cost = fo.getTech(unlocked_tech).researchCost(empire_id)
            tech_tally += rp_cost * 4
            detail.append("%s: %d" % (unlocked_tech, rp_cost * 4))

    p_sys_id = planet.systemID
    capitol_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital()
    least_jumps_path = []
    clear_path = True
    if capitol_id:
        homeworld = universe.getPlanet(capitol_id)
        if homeworld:
            home_system_id = homeworld.systemID
            eval_system_id = planet.systemID
            if (home_system_id != INVALID_ID) and (eval_system_id != INVALID_ID):
                least_jumps_path = list(universe.leastJumpsPath(home_system_id, eval_system_id, empire_id))
                max_jumps = len(least_jumps_path)
    system_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(p_sys_id, {})
    system_fleet_treat = system_status.get('fleetThreat', 1000)
    system_monster_threat = system_status.get('monsterThreat', 0)
    sys_total_threat = system_fleet_treat + system_monster_threat + system_status.get('planetThreat', 0)
    max_path_threat = system_fleet_treat
    mil_ship_rating = MilitaryAI.cur_best_mil_ship_rating()
    for path_sys_id in least_jumps_path:
        path_leg_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(path_sys_id, {})
        path_leg_threat = path_leg_status.get('fleetThreat', 1000) + path_leg_status.get('monsterThreat', 0)
        if path_leg_threat > 0.5 * mil_ship_rating:
            clear_path = False
            if path_leg_threat > max_path_threat:
                max_path_threat = path_leg_threat

    pop = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.population)
    target_pop = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetPopulation)
    troops = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.troops)
    max_troops = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxTroops)
    # TODO: refactor troop determination into function for use in mid-mission updates and also consider defender techs
    max_troops += AIDependencies.TROOPS_PER_POP * (target_pop - pop)

    this_system = universe.getSystem(p_sys_id)
    secure_targets = [p_sys_id] + list(this_system.planetIDs)
    system_secured = False
    for mission in secure_fleet_missions:
        if system_secured:
        secure_fleet_id = mission.fleet.id
        s_fleet = universe.getFleet(secure_fleet_id)
        if not s_fleet or s_fleet.systemID != p_sys_id:
        if mission.type == MissionType.SECURE:
            target_obj = mission.target.get_object()
            if target_obj is not None and target_obj.id in secure_targets:
                system_secured = True
    system_secured = system_secured and system_status.get('myFleetRating', 0)

    if verbose:
        print ("Invasion eval of %s\n"
               " - maxShields: %.1f\n"
               " - sysFleetThreat: %.1f\n"
               " - sysMonsterThreat: %.1f") % (
            planet, planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxShield), system_fleet_treat,
    supply_val = 0
    enemy_val = 0
    if planet.owner != -1:  # value in taking this away from an enemy
        enemy_val = 20 * (planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetIndustry) + 2*planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetResearch))
    if p_sys_id in ColonisationAI.annexable_system_ids:  # TODO: extend to rings
        supply_val = 100
    elif p_sys_id in ColonisationAI.annexable_ring1:
        supply_val = 200
    elif p_sys_id in ColonisationAI.annexable_ring2:
        supply_val = 300
    elif p_sys_id in ColonisationAI.annexable_ring3:
        supply_val = 400
    if max_path_threat > 0.5 * mil_ship_rating:
        if max_path_threat < 3 * mil_ship_rating:
            supply_val *= 0.5
            supply_val *= 0.2

    threat_factor = min(1, 0.2*MilitaryAI.get_tot_mil_rating()/(sys_total_threat+0.001))**2  # devalue invasions that would require too much military force

    design_id, _, locs = ProductionAI.get_best_ship_info(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_INVASION)
    if not locs or not universe.getPlanet(locs[0]):
        # We are in trouble anyway, so just calculate whatever approximation...
        build_time = 4
        planned_troops = troops if system_secured else min(troops + max_jumps + build_time, max_troops)
        planned_troops += .01  # we must attack with more troops than there are defenders
        troop_cost = math.ceil((planned_troops+_TROOPS_SAFETY_MARGIN) / 6.0) * 20 * FleetUtilsAI.get_fleet_upkeep()
        loc = locs[0]
        species_here = universe.getPlanet(loc).speciesName
        design = fo.getShipDesign(design_id)
        cost_per_ship = design.productionCost(empire_id, loc)
        build_time = design.productionTime(empire_id, loc)
        troops_per_ship = CombatRatingsAI.weight_attack_troops(design.troopCapacity,
        planned_troops = troops if system_secured else min(troops + max_jumps + build_time, max_troops)
        planned_troops += .01  # we must attack with more troops than there are defenders
        ships_needed = math.ceil((planned_troops+_TROOPS_SAFETY_MARGIN) / float(troops_per_ship))
        troop_cost = ships_needed * cost_per_ship  # fleet upkeep is already included in query from server

    # apply some bias to expensive operations
    normalized_cost = float(troop_cost) / max(fo.getEmpire().productionPoints, 1)
    normalized_cost = max(1, normalized_cost)
    cost_score = (normalized_cost**2 / 50.0) * troop_cost

    base_score = pop_val + supply_val + bld_tally + tech_tally + enemy_val - cost_score
    planet_score = retaliation_risk_factor(planet.owner) * threat_factor * max(0, base_score)
    if clear_path:
        planet_score *= 1.5
    if verbose:
        print (' - planet score: %.2f\n'
               ' - troop score: %.2f\n'
               ' - projected troop cost: %.1f\n'
               ' - threat factor: %s\n'
               ' - planet detail: %s\n'
               ' - popval: %.1f\n'
               ' - supplyval: %.1f\n'
               ' - bldval: %s\n'
               ' - enemyval: %s') % (planet_score, planned_troops, troop_cost,
                                     threat_factor, detail, pop_val, supply_val, bld_tally, enemy_val)
    return [planet_score, planned_troops]
Пример #27
def calculatePriorities():
    "calculates the priorities of the AI player"
    print("checking statuses")
    # Industry, Research, Colony, Invasion, Military
    tasks = []
    times.append( time() )
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESOURCE_PRODUCTION, 50) # let this one stay fixed & just adjust Research
    times.append( time() )
    tasks.append( "setting Production Priority" )
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESOURCE_RESEARCH, calculateResearchPriority())
    times.append( time() )
    tasks.append(  "setting Research Priority")
    ColonisationAI.getColonyFleets() # sets foAI.foAIstate.colonisablePlanetIDs and foAI.foAIstate.outpostPlanetIDs  and many other values used by other modules
    times.append( time() )
    tasks.append(  "Evaluating Colonization Status")
    InvasionAI.getInvasionFleets() # sets AIstate.invasionFleetIDs, AIstate.opponentPlanetIDs, and AIstate.invasionTargetedPlanetIDs
    times.append( time() )
    tasks.append(  "Evaluating Invasion Status")
    MilitaryAI.getMilitaryFleets() # sets AIstate.militaryFleetIDs and AIstate.militaryTargetedSystemIDs
    times.append( time() )
    tasks.append(  "Evaluating Military Status")

    print("calculating priorities")
    calculateIndustryPriority()#purely for reporting purposes
    times.append( time() )
    tasks.append(  "reporting Production Priority")

    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESOURCE_TRADE, 0)
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESOURCE_CONSTRUCTION, 0)

    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_EXPLORATION, calculateExplorationPriority())
    times.append( time() )
    tasks.append(  "setting Exploration Priority")
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_OUTPOST, calculateOutpostPriority())
    times.append( time() )
    tasks.append(  "setting Outpost Priority")
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_COLONISATION, calculateColonisationPriority())
    times.append( time() )
    tasks.append(  "setting Colony Priority")
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_INVASION, calculateInvasionPriority())
    times.append( time() )
    tasks.append(  "setting Invasion Priority")
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_MILITARY, calculateMilitaryPriority())
    times.append( time() )
    tasks.append(  "setting Military Priority")
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_BUILDINGS, 25)

    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_LEARNING, calculateLearningPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_GROWTH, calculateGrowthPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_PRODUCTION, calculateTechsProductionPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_CONSTRUCTION, calculateConstructionPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_ECONOMICS, 0)
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_SHIPS, calculateShipsPriority())
    foAI.foAIstate.setPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESEARCH_DEFENSE, 0)
    times.append( time() )
    tasks.append(  "total processing")
    for t_index in range(1, len(times)-1):
        print "calculatePriorities(): %40s took %d msec"%(tasks[t_index],  int(1000*(times[t_index]-times[t_index-1])))
    print "calculatePriorities(): %40s took %d msec"%(tasks[-1],  int(1000*(times[-1]-times[0])))
Пример #28
def generate_research_orders():
    """generate research orders"""
    report_adjustments = False
    empire = fo.getEmpire()
    empire_id = empire.empireID
    enemies_sighted = foAI.foAIstate.misc.get('enemies_sighted', {})
    galaxy_is_sparse = ColonisationAI.galaxy_is_sparse()
    print "Research Queue Management:"
    resource_production = empire.resourceProduction(fo.resourceType.research)
    print "\nTotal Current Research Points: %.2f\n" % resource_production
    print "Techs researched and available for use:"
    completed_techs = sorted(list(get_completed_techs()))
    tlist = completed_techs+3*[" "]
    tlines = zip(tlist[0::3], tlist[1::3], tlist[2::3])
    for tline in tlines:
        print "%25s %25s %25s" % tline
    # report techs currently at head of research queue
    research_queue = empire.researchQueue
    research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
    tech_turns_left = {}
    if research_queue_list:
        print "Techs currently at head of Research Queue:"
        for element in list(research_queue)[:10]:
            tech_turns_left[element.tech] = element.turnsLeft
            if element.allocation > 0.0:
                inProgressTechs[element.tech] = True
            this_tech = fo.getTech(element.tech)
            if not this_tech:
                print "Error: can't retrieve tech ", element.tech
            missing_prereqs = [preReq for preReq in this_tech.recursivePrerequisites(empire_id) if preReq not in completed_techs]
            # unlocked_items = [(uli.name, uli.type) for uli in this_tech.unlocked_items]
            unlocked_items = [uli.name for uli in this_tech.unlockedItems]
            if not missing_prereqs:
                print "    %25s allocated %6.2f RP -- unlockable items: %s " % (element.tech, element.allocation, unlocked_items)
                print "    %25s allocated %6.2f RP -- missing preReqs: %s -- unlockable items: %s " % (element.tech, element.allocation, missing_prereqs, unlocked_items)
    # set starting techs, or after turn 100 add any additional default techs
    if (fo.currentTurn() == 1) or ((fo.currentTurn() < 5) and (len(research_queue_list) == 0)):
        research_index = get_research_index()
        new_tech = TechsListsAI.sparse_galaxy_techs(research_index) if galaxy_is_sparse else TechsListsAI.primary_meta_techs(research_index)
        print "Empire %s (%d) is selecting research index %d" % (empire.name, empire_id, research_index)
        # techs_to_enqueue = (set(new_tech)-(set(completed_techs)|set(research_queue_list)))
        techs_to_enqueue = new_tech[:]
        tech_base = set(completed_techs+research_queue_list)
        techs_to_add = []
        for tech in techs_to_enqueue:
            if tech not in tech_base:
                this_tech = fo.getTech(tech)
                if this_tech is None:
                    print "Error: desired tech '%s' appears to not exist" % tech
                missing_prereqs = [preReq for preReq in this_tech.recursivePrerequisites(empire_id) if preReq not in tech_base]
                techs_to_add.extend(missing_prereqs + [tech])
        cum_cost = 0
        print "  Enqueued Tech: %20s \t\t %8s \t %s" % ("Name", "Cost", "CumulativeCost")
        for name in techs_to_add:
                enqueue_res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(name, -1)
                if enqueue_res == 1:
                    this_tech = fo.getTech(name)
                    this_cost = 0
                    if this_tech:
                        this_cost = this_tech.researchCost(empire_id)
                        cum_cost += this_cost
                    print "    Enqueued Tech: %20s \t\t %8.0f \t %8.0f" % (name, this_cost, cum_cost)
                    print "    Error: failed attempt to enqueued Tech: " + name
                print "    Error: failed attempt to enqueued Tech: " + name
                print "    Error: exception triggered and caught: ", traceback.format_exc()
        if foAI.foAIstate.aggression <= fo.aggression.cautious:
            research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
            def_techs = TechsListsAI.defense_techs_1()
            for def_tech in def_techs:
                if def_tech not in research_queue_list[:5] and not tech_is_complete(def_tech):
                    res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(def_tech, min(3, len(research_queue_list)))
                    print "Empire is very defensive, so attempted to fast-track %s, got result %d" % (def_tech, res)
        if False and foAI.foAIstate.aggression >= fo.aggression.aggressive:  # with current stats of Conc Camps, disabling this fast-track
            research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
            if "CON_CONC_CAMP" in research_queue_list:
                insert_idx = min(40, research_queue_list.index("CON_CONC_CAMP"))
                insert_idx = max(0, min(40, len(research_queue_list)-10))
            if "SHP_DEFLECTOR_SHIELD" in research_queue_list:
                insert_idx = min(insert_idx, research_queue_list.index("SHP_DEFLECTOR_SHIELD"))
            for cc_tech in ["CON_ARCH_PSYCH", "CON_CONC_CAMP"]:
                if cc_tech not in research_queue_list[:insert_idx + 1] and not tech_is_complete(cc_tech):
                    res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(cc_tech, insert_idx)
                    msg = "Empire is very aggressive, so attempted to fast-track %s, got result %d" % (cc_tech, res)
                    if report_adjustments:
                        print msg


        print "\n\nAll techs:"
        alltechs = fo.techs()  # returns names of all techs
        for tname in alltechs:
            print tname
        print "\n-------------------------------\nAll unqueued techs:"
        # coveredTechs = new_tech+completed_techs
        for tname in [tn for tn in alltechs if tn not in tech_base]:
            print tname

    elif fo.currentTurn() > 100:

    research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
    num_techs_accelerated = 1  # will ensure leading tech doesn't get dislodged
    got_ggg_tech = tech_is_complete("PRO_ORBITAL_GEN")
    got_sym_bio = tech_is_complete("GRO_SYMBIOTIC_BIO")
    got_xeno_gen = tech_is_complete("GRO_XENO_GENETICS")
    # Consider accelerating techs; priority is
    # Supply/Detect range
    # xeno arch
    # ast / GG
    # gro xeno gen
    # distrib thought
    # quant net
    # pro sing gen
    # death ray 1 cleanup

    # Supply range and detection range
    if False:  # disabled for now, otherwise just to help with cold-folding / organization
        if len(foAI.foAIstate.colonisablePlanetIDs) == 0:
            best_colony_site_score = 0
            best_colony_site_score = foAI.foAIstate.colonisablePlanetIDs.items()[0][1]
        if len(foAI.foAIstate.colonisableOutpostIDs) == 0:
            best_outpost_site_score = 0
            best_outpost_site_score = foAI.foAIstate.colonisableOutpostIDs.items()[0][1]
        need_improved_scouting = (best_colony_site_score < 150 or best_outpost_site_score < 200)

        if need_improved_scouting:
            if not tech_is_complete("CON_ORBITAL_CON"):
                num_techs_accelerated += 1
                if ("CON_ORBITAL_CON" not in research_queue_list[:1 + num_techs_accelerated]) and (
                        tech_is_complete("PRO_FUSION_GEN") or ("PRO_FUSION_GEN" in research_queue_list[:1 + num_techs_accelerated])):
                    res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder("CON_ORBITAL_CON", num_techs_accelerated)
                    msg = "Empire has poor colony/outpost prospects, so attempted to fast-track %s, got result %d" % ("CON_ORBITAL_CON", res)
                    if report_adjustments:
                        print msg
            elif not tech_is_complete("CON_CONTGRAV_ARCH"):
                num_techs_accelerated += 1
                if ("CON_CONTGRAV_ARCH" not in research_queue_list[:1+num_techs_accelerated]) and (
                    for supply_tech in [_s_tech for _s_tech in ["CON_ARCH_MONOFILS", "CON_CONTGRAV_ARCH"] if not tech_is_complete(_s_tech)]:
                        res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(supply_tech, num_techs_accelerated)
                        msg = "Empire has poor colony/outpost prospects, so attempted to fast-track %s, got result %d" % (supply_tech, res)
                        if report_adjustments:
                            print msg
            elif not tech_is_complete("CON_GAL_INFRA"):
                num_techs_accelerated += 1
                if ("CON_GAL_INFRA" not in research_queue_list[:1+num_techs_accelerated]) and (
                    res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder("CON_GAL_INFRA", num_techs_accelerated)
                    msg = "Empire has poor colony/outpost prospects, so attempted to fast-track %s, got result %d" % ("CON_GAL_INFRA", res)
                    if report_adjustments:
                        print msg
            research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
            # could add more supply tech

            if False and not tech_is_complete("SPY_DETECT_2"):  # disabled for now, detect2
                num_techs_accelerated += 1
                if "SPY_DETECT_2" not in research_queue_list[:2+num_techs_accelerated] and tech_is_complete("PRO_FUSION_GEN"):
                    if "CON_ORBITAL_CON" not in research_queue_list[:1+num_techs_accelerated]:
                        res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder("SPY_DETECT_2", num_techs_accelerated)
                        co_idx = research_queue_list.index("CON_ORBITAL_CON")
                        res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder("SPY_DETECT_2", co_idx + 1)
                    msg = "Empire has poor colony/outpost prospects, so attempted to fast-track %s, got result %d" % ("CON_ORBITAL_CON", res)
                    if report_adjustments:
                        print msg
                research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()

    # check to accelerate xeno_arch
    if True:  # just to help with cold-folding /  organization
        if (ColonisationAI.gotRuins and not tech_is_complete("LRN_XENOARCH") and
                foAI.foAIstate.aggression >= fo.aggression.typical):
            if "LRN_ARTIF_MINDS" in research_queue_list:
                insert_idx = 7 + research_queue_list.index("LRN_ARTIF_MINDS")
            elif "GRO_SYMBIOTIC_BIO" in research_queue_list:
                insert_idx = research_queue_list.index("GRO_SYMBIOTIC_BIO") + 1
                insert_idx = num_techs_accelerated
            if "LRN_XENOARCH" not in research_queue_list[:insert_idx]:
                for xenoTech in ["LRN_XENOARCH", "LRN_TRANSLING_THT", "LRN_PHYS_BRAIN", "LRN_ALGO_ELEGANCE"]:
                    if not tech_is_complete(xenoTech) and xenoTech not in research_queue_list[:(insert_idx + 4)]:
                        res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(xenoTech, insert_idx)
                        num_techs_accelerated += 1
                        msg = "ANCIENT_RUINS: have an ancient ruins, so attempted to fast-track %s to enable LRN_XENOARCH, got result %d" % (xenoTech, res)
                        if report_adjustments:
                            print msg
                research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()

    if False and not enemies_sighted:  # curently disabled
        # params = [ (tech, gate, target_slot, add_tech_list), ]
        for (tech, gate, target_slot, add_tech_list) in params:
            if tech_is_complete(tech):
            if tech_turns_left.get(gate, 0) not in [0, 1, 2]:  # needs to exclude -1, the flag for no predicted completion
            if target_slot in research_queue_list:
                target_index = 1 + research_queue_list.index(target_slot)
                target_index = num_techs_accelerated
            for move_tech in add_tech_list:
                print "for tech %s, target_slot %s, target_index:%s ; num_techs_accelerated:%s" % (move_tech, target_slot, target_index, num_techs_accelerated)
                if tech_is_complete(move_tech):
                if target_index <= num_techs_accelerated:
                    num_techs_accelerated += 1
                if move_tech not in research_queue_list[:1 + target_index]:
                    res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(move_tech, target_index)
                    msg = "Research: To prioritize %s, have advanced %s to slot %d" % (tech, move_tech, target_index)
                    if report_adjustments:
                        print msg
                    target_index += 1
    # check to accelerate asteroid or GG tech
    if True:  # just to help with cold-folding / organization
        if ColonisationAI.got_ast:
            insert_idx = num_techs_accelerated if "GRO_SYMBIOTIC_BIO" not in research_queue_list else research_queue_list.index("GRO_SYMBIOTIC_BIO")
            ast_tech = "PRO_MICROGRAV_MAN"
            if not (tech_is_complete(ast_tech) or ast_tech in research_queue_list[:(1 + insert_idx)]):
                res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(ast_tech, insert_idx)
                num_techs_accelerated += 1
                msg = "Asteroids: plan to colonize an asteroid belt, so attempted to fast-track %s , got result %d" % (ast_tech, res)
                if report_adjustments:
                    print msg
                research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
            elif tech_is_complete("SHP_ZORTRIUM_PLATE"):
                insert_idx = (1 + insert_idx) if "LRN_FORCE_FIELD" not in research_queue_list else max(1 + insert_idx, research_queue_list.index("LRN_FORCE_FIELD") - 1)
                for ast_tech in ["SHP_ASTEROID_HULLS", "SHP_IMPROVED_ENGINE_COUPLINGS"]:
                    if not tech_is_complete(ast_tech) and ast_tech not in research_queue_list[:insert_idx + 1]:
                        res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(ast_tech, insert_idx)
                        num_techs_accelerated += 1
                        insert_idx += 1
                        msg = "Asteroids: plan to colonize an asteroid belt, so attempted to fast-track %s , got result %d" % (ast_tech, res)
                        print msg
                        if report_adjustments:
                research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
        if ColonisationAI.got_gg and not tech_is_complete("PRO_ORBITAL_GEN"):
            fusion_idx = 0 if "PRO_FUSION_GEN" not in research_queue_list else (1 + research_queue_list.index("PRO_FUSION_GEN"))
            forcefields_idx = 0 if "LRN_FORCE_FIELD" not in research_queue_list else (1 + research_queue_list.index("LRN_FORCE_FIELD"))
            insert_idx = max(fusion_idx, forcefields_idx) if enemies_sighted else fusion_idx
            if "PRO_ORBITAL_GEN" not in research_queue_list[:insert_idx+1]:
                res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder("PRO_ORBITAL_GEN", insert_idx)
                num_techs_accelerated += 1
                msg = "GasGiant: plan to colonize a gas giant, so attempted to fast-track %s, got result %d" % ("PRO_ORBITAL_GEN", res)
                print msg
                if report_adjustments:
                research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
    # assess if our empire has any non-lousy colonizers, & boost gro_xeno_gen if we don't
    if True:  # just to help with cold-folding / organization
        if got_ggg_tech and got_sym_bio and (not got_xeno_gen) and foAI.foAIstate.aggression >= fo.aggression.cautious:
            most_adequate = 0
            for specName in ColonisationAI.empire_colonizers:
                environs = {}
                this_spec = fo.getSpecies(specName)
                if not this_spec:
                for ptype in [fo.planetType.swamp, fo.planetType.radiated, fo.planetType.toxic, fo.planetType.inferno, fo.planetType.barren, fo.planetType.tundra, fo.planetType.desert, fo.planetType.terran, fo.planetType.ocean, fo.planetType.asteroids]:
                    environ = this_spec.getPlanetEnvironment(ptype)
                    environs.setdefault(environ, []).append(ptype)
                most_adequate = max(most_adequate, len(environs.get(fo.planetEnvironment.adequate, [])))
            if most_adequate == 0:
                insert_idx = num_techs_accelerated
                for xg_tech in ["GRO_XENO_GENETICS", "GRO_GENETIC_ENG"]:
                    if xg_tech not in research_queue_list[:1+num_techs_accelerated] and not tech_is_complete(xg_tech):
                        res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(xg_tech, insert_idx)
                        num_techs_accelerated += 1
                        msg = "Empire has poor colonizers, so attempted to fast-track %s, got result %d" % (xg_tech, res)
                        print msg
                        if report_adjustments:
                research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
    # check to accelerate distrib thought
    if True:  # just to help with cold-folding / organization
        if not tech_is_complete("LRN_DISTRIB_THOUGHT"):
            got_telepathy = False
            for specName in ColonisationAI.empire_species:
                this_spec = fo.getSpecies(specName)
                if this_spec and ("TELEPATHIC" in list(this_spec.tags)):
                    got_telepathy = True
            if (foAI.foAIstate.aggression > fo.aggression.cautious) and (empire.population() > ([300, 100][got_telepathy])):
                insert_idx = num_techs_accelerated
                    if dt_ech not in research_queue_list[:insert_idx + 2] and not tech_is_complete(dt_ech):
                        res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(dt_ech, insert_idx)
                        num_techs_accelerated += 1
                        insert_idx += 1
                        fmt_str = "Empire has a telepathic race, so attempted to fast-track %s (got result %d)"
                        fmt_str += " with current target_RP %.1f and current pop %.1f, on turn %d"
                        msg = fmt_str % (dt_ech, res, resource_production, empire.population(), fo.currentTurn())
                        print msg
                        if report_adjustments:
                research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
    # check to accelerate quant net
    if False:  # disabled for now, otherwise just to help with cold-folding / organization
        if (foAI.foAIstate.aggression > fo.aggression.cautious) and (ColonisationAI.empire_status.get('researchers', 0) >= 40):
            if not tech_is_complete("LRN_QUANT_NET"):
                insert_idx = num_techs_accelerated  # TODO determine min target slot if reenabling
                for qnTech in ["LRN_NDIM_SUBSPACE", "LRN_QUANT_NET"]:
                    if qnTech not in research_queue_list[:insert_idx + 2] and not tech_is_complete(qnTech):
                        res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(qnTech, insert_idx)
                        num_techs_accelerated += 1
                        insert_idx += 1
                        msg = "Empire has many researchers, so attempted to fast-track %s (got result %d) on turn %d" % (qnTech, res, fo.currentTurn())
                        print msg
                        if report_adjustments:
                research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()

    # if we own a blackhole, accelerate sing_gen and conc camp
    if True:  # just to help with cold-folding / organization
        if (fo.currentTurn() > 50 and len(AIstate.empireStars.get(fo.starType.blackHole, [])) != 0 and
                foAI.foAIstate.aggression > fo.aggression.cautious and not tech_is_complete(AIDependencies.PRO_SINGULAR_GEN) and
            # sing_tech_list = [ "LRN_GRAVITONICS" , "PRO_SINGULAR_GEN"]  # formerly also "CON_ARCH_PSYCH", "CON_CONC_CAMP",
            sing_gen_tech = fo.getTech(AIDependencies.PRO_SINGULAR_GEN)
            sing_tech_list = [pre_req for pre_req in sing_gen_tech.recursivePrerequisites(empire_id) if not tech_is_complete(pre_req)]
            sing_tech_list += [AIDependencies.PRO_SINGULAR_GEN]
            for singTech in sing_tech_list:
                if singTech not in research_queue_list[:num_techs_accelerated+1]:
                    res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(singTech, num_techs_accelerated)
                    num_techs_accelerated += 1
                    msg = "have a black hole star outpost/colony, so attempted to fast-track %s, got result %d" % (singTech, res)
                    print msg
                    if report_adjustments:
            research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()

    # if got deathray from Ruins, remove most prereqs from queue
    if True:  # just to help with cold-folding / organization
        if tech_is_complete("SHP_WEAPON_4_1"):
            this_tech = fo.getTech("SHP_WEAPON_4_1")
            if this_tech:
                missing_prereqs = [preReq for preReq in this_tech.recursivePrerequisites(empire_id) if preReq in research_queue_list]
                if len(missing_prereqs) > 2:  # leave plasma 4 and 3 if up to them already
                    for preReq in missing_prereqs:  # sorted(missing_prereqs, reverse=True)[2:]
                        if preReq in research_queue_list:
                    research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
                    if "SHP_WEAPON_4_2" in research_queue_list:  # (should be)
                        idx = research_queue_list.index("SHP_WEAPON_4_2")
                        fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder("SHP_WEAPON_4_2", max(0, idx-18))
Пример #29
def generate_research_orders():
    """generate research orders"""
    report_adjustments = False
    empire = fo.getEmpire()
    empire_id = empire.empireID
    enemies_sighted = foAI.foAIstate.misc.get('enemies_sighted', {})
    galaxy_is_sparse = ColonisationAI.galaxy_is_sparse()
    print "Research Queue Management:"
    resource_production = empire.resourceProduction(fo.resourceType.research)
    print "\nTotal Current Research Points: %.2f\n" % resource_production
    print "Techs researched and available for use:"
    completed_techs = sorted(list(get_completed_techs()))
    tlist = completed_techs + 3 * [" "]
    tlines = zip(tlist[0::3], tlist[1::3], tlist[2::3])
    for tline in tlines:
        print "%25s %25s %25s" % tline

    # report techs currently at head of research queue
    research_queue = empire.researchQueue
    research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
    tech_turns_left = {}
    if research_queue_list:
        print "Techs currently at head of Research Queue:"
        for element in list(research_queue)[:10]:
            tech_turns_left[element.tech] = element.turnsLeft
            if element.allocation > 0.0:
                inProgressTechs[element.tech] = True
            this_tech = fo.getTech(element.tech)
            if not this_tech:
                print "Error: can't retrieve tech ", element.tech
            missing_prereqs = [
                for preReq in this_tech.recursivePrerequisites(empire_id)
                if preReq not in completed_techs
            # unlocked_items = [(uli.name, uli.type) for uli in this_tech.unlocked_items]
            unlocked_items = [uli.name for uli in this_tech.unlockedItems]
            if not missing_prereqs:
                print "    %25s allocated %6.2f RP -- unlockable items: %s " % (
                    element.tech, element.allocation, unlocked_items)
                print "    %25s allocated %6.2f RP -- missing preReqs: %s -- unlockable items: %s " % (
                    element.tech, element.allocation, missing_prereqs,
    # set starting techs, or after turn 100 add any additional default techs
    if (fo.currentTurn() == 1) or ((fo.currentTurn() < 5) and
                                   (len(research_queue_list) == 0)):
        research_index = get_research_index()
        new_tech = TechsListsAI.sparse_galaxy_techs(
        ) if galaxy_is_sparse else TechsListsAI.primary_meta_techs(
        print "Empire %s (%d) is selecting research index %d" % (
            empire.name, empire_id, research_index)
        # techs_to_enqueue = (set(new_tech)-(set(completed_techs)|set(research_queue_list)))
        techs_to_enqueue = new_tech[:]
        tech_base = set(completed_techs + research_queue_list)
        techs_to_add = []
        for tech in techs_to_enqueue:
            if tech not in tech_base:
                this_tech = fo.getTech(tech)
                if this_tech is None:
                    print "Error: desired tech '%s' appears to not exist" % tech
                missing_prereqs = [
                    for preReq in this_tech.recursivePrerequisites(empire_id)
                    if preReq not in tech_base
                techs_to_add.extend(missing_prereqs + [tech])
                tech_base.update(missing_prereqs + [tech])
        cum_cost = 0
        print "  Enqueued Tech: %20s \t\t %8s \t %s" % ("Name", "Cost",
        for name in techs_to_add:
                enqueue_res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(name, -1)
                if enqueue_res == 1:
                    this_tech = fo.getTech(name)
                    this_cost = 0
                    if this_tech:
                        this_cost = this_tech.researchCost(empire_id)
                        cum_cost += this_cost
                    print "    Enqueued Tech: %20s \t\t %8.0f \t %8.0f" % (
                        name, this_cost, cum_cost)
                    print "    Error: failed attempt to enqueued Tech: " + name
                print "    Error: failed attempt to enqueued Tech: " + name
                print "    Error: exception triggered and caught: ", traceback.format_exc(
        if foAI.foAIstate.aggression <= fo.aggression.cautious:
            research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
            def_techs = TechsListsAI.defense_techs_1()
            for def_tech in def_techs:
                if def_tech not in research_queue_list[:
                                                       5] and not tech_is_complete(
                    res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(
                        def_tech, min(3, len(research_queue_list)))
                    print "Empire is very defensive, so attempted to fast-track %s, got result %d" % (
                        def_tech, res)
        if False and foAI.foAIstate.aggression >= fo.aggression.aggressive:  # with current stats of Conc Camps, disabling this fast-track
            research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
            if "CON_CONC_CAMP" in research_queue_list:
                insert_idx = min(40,
                insert_idx = max(0, min(40, len(research_queue_list) - 10))
            if "SHP_DEFLECTOR_SHIELD" in research_queue_list:
                insert_idx = min(
            for cc_tech in ["CON_ARCH_PSYCH", "CON_CONC_CAMP"]:
                if cc_tech not in research_queue_list[:insert_idx +
                                                      1] and not tech_is_complete(
                    res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(cc_tech, insert_idx)
                    msg = "Empire is very aggressive, so attempted to fast-track %s, got result %d" % (
                        cc_tech, res)
                    if report_adjustments:
                        print msg

        print ""

        print "\n\nAll techs:"
        alltechs = fo.techs()  # returns names of all techs
        for tname in alltechs:
            print tname
        print "\n-------------------------------\nAll unqueued techs:"
        # coveredTechs = new_tech+completed_techs
        for tname in [tn for tn in alltechs if tn not in tech_base]:
            print tname

    elif fo.currentTurn() > 100:

    research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
    num_techs_accelerated = 1  # will ensure leading tech doesn't get dislodged
    got_ggg_tech = tech_is_complete("PRO_ORBITAL_GEN")
    got_sym_bio = tech_is_complete("GRO_SYMBIOTIC_BIO")
    got_xeno_gen = tech_is_complete("GRO_XENO_GENETICS")
    # Consider accelerating techs; priority is
    # Supply/Detect range
    # xeno arch
    # ast / GG
    # gro xeno gen
    # distrib thought
    # quant net
    # pro sing gen
    # death ray 1 cleanup

    # Supply range and detection range
    if False:  # disabled for now, otherwise just to help with cold-folding / organization
        if len(foAI.foAIstate.colonisablePlanetIDs) == 0:
            best_colony_site_score = 0
            best_colony_site_score = foAI.foAIstate.colonisablePlanetIDs.items(
        if len(foAI.foAIstate.colonisableOutpostIDs) == 0:
            best_outpost_site_score = 0
            best_outpost_site_score = foAI.foAIstate.colonisableOutpostIDs.items(
        need_improved_scouting = (best_colony_site_score < 150
                                  or best_outpost_site_score < 200)

        if need_improved_scouting:
            if not tech_is_complete("CON_ORBITAL_CON"):
                num_techs_accelerated += 1
                if ("CON_ORBITAL_CON"
                        not in research_queue_list[:1 + num_techs_accelerated]
                    ) and (tech_is_complete("PRO_FUSION_GEN") or
                            in research_queue_list[:1 +
                    res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder("CON_ORBITAL_CON",
                    msg = "Empire has poor colony/outpost prospects, so attempted to fast-track %s, got result %d" % (
                        "CON_ORBITAL_CON", res)
                    if report_adjustments:
                        print msg
            elif not tech_is_complete("CON_CONTGRAV_ARCH"):
                num_techs_accelerated += 1
                if ("CON_CONTGRAV_ARCH"
                        not in research_queue_list[:1 + num_techs_accelerated]
                    ) and (tech_is_complete("CON_METRO_INFRA")):
                    for supply_tech in [
                            _s_tech for _s_tech in
                        ["CON_ARCH_MONOFILS", "CON_CONTGRAV_ARCH"]
                            if not tech_is_complete(_s_tech)
                        res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(supply_tech,
                        msg = "Empire has poor colony/outpost prospects, so attempted to fast-track %s, got result %d" % (
                            supply_tech, res)
                        if report_adjustments:
                            print msg
            elif not tech_is_complete("CON_GAL_INFRA"):
                num_techs_accelerated += 1
                if ("CON_GAL_INFRA"
                        not in research_queue_list[:1 + num_techs_accelerated]
                    ) and (tech_is_complete("PRO_SINGULAR_GEN")):
                    res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder("CON_GAL_INFRA",
                    msg = "Empire has poor colony/outpost prospects, so attempted to fast-track %s, got result %d" % (
                        "CON_GAL_INFRA", res)
                    if report_adjustments:
                        print msg
            research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
            # could add more supply tech

            if False and not tech_is_complete(
                    "SPY_DETECT_2"):  # disabled for now, detect2
                num_techs_accelerated += 1
                if "SPY_DETECT_2" not in research_queue_list[:2 +
                                                             num_techs_accelerated] and tech_is_complete(
                    if "CON_ORBITAL_CON" not in research_queue_list[:1 +
                        res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder("SPY_DETECT_2",
                        co_idx = research_queue_list.index("CON_ORBITAL_CON")
                        res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder("SPY_DETECT_2",
                                                       co_idx + 1)
                    msg = "Empire has poor colony/outpost prospects, so attempted to fast-track %s, got result %d" % (
                        "CON_ORBITAL_CON", res)
                    if report_adjustments:
                        print msg
                research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()

    # check to accelerate xeno_arch
    if True:  # just to help with cold-folding /  organization
        if (ColonisationAI.gotRuins and not tech_is_complete("LRN_XENOARCH")
                and foAI.foAIstate.aggression >= fo.aggression.typical):
            if "LRN_ARTIF_MINDS" in research_queue_list:
                insert_idx = 7 + research_queue_list.index("LRN_ARTIF_MINDS")
            elif "GRO_SYMBIOTIC_BIO" in research_queue_list:
                insert_idx = research_queue_list.index("GRO_SYMBIOTIC_BIO") + 1
                insert_idx = num_techs_accelerated
            if "LRN_XENOARCH" not in research_queue_list[:insert_idx]:
                for xenoTech in [
                        "LRN_XENOARCH", "LRN_TRANSLING_THT", "LRN_PHYS_BRAIN",
                    if not tech_is_complete(
                    ) and xenoTech not in research_queue_list[:(insert_idx +
                        res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(xenoTech, insert_idx)
                        num_techs_accelerated += 1
                        msg = "ANCIENT_RUINS: have an ancient ruins, so attempted to fast-track %s to enable LRN_XENOARCH, got result %d" % (
                            xenoTech, res)
                        if report_adjustments:
                            print msg
                research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()

    if False and not enemies_sighted:  # curently disabled
        # params = [ (tech, gate, target_slot, add_tech_list), ]
        params = [
        for (tech, gate, target_slot, add_tech_list) in params:
            if tech_is_complete(tech):
            if tech_turns_left.get(gate, 0) not in [
                    0, 1, 2
            ]:  # needs to exclude -1, the flag for no predicted completion
            if target_slot in research_queue_list:
                target_index = 1 + research_queue_list.index(target_slot)
                target_index = num_techs_accelerated
            for move_tech in add_tech_list:
                print "for tech %s, target_slot %s, target_index:%s ; num_techs_accelerated:%s" % (
                    move_tech, target_slot, target_index,
                if tech_is_complete(move_tech):
                if target_index <= num_techs_accelerated:
                    num_techs_accelerated += 1
                if move_tech not in research_queue_list[:1 + target_index]:
                    res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(move_tech, target_index)
                    msg = "Research: To prioritize %s, have advanced %s to slot %d" % (
                        tech, move_tech, target_index)
                    if report_adjustments:
                        print msg
                    target_index += 1
    # check to accelerate asteroid or GG tech
    if True:  # just to help with cold-folding / organization
        if ColonisationAI.got_ast:
            insert_idx = num_techs_accelerated if "GRO_SYMBIOTIC_BIO" not in research_queue_list else research_queue_list.index(
            ast_tech = "PRO_MICROGRAV_MAN"
            if not (tech_is_complete(ast_tech)
                    or ast_tech in research_queue_list[:(1 + insert_idx)]):
                res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(ast_tech, insert_idx)
                num_techs_accelerated += 1
                msg = "Asteroids: plan to colonize an asteroid belt, so attempted to fast-track %s , got result %d" % (
                    ast_tech, res)
                if report_adjustments:
                    print msg
                research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
            elif tech_is_complete("SHP_ZORTRIUM_PLATE"):
                insert_idx = (
                    1 + insert_idx
                ) if "LRN_FORCE_FIELD" not in research_queue_list else max(
                    1 + insert_idx,
                    research_queue_list.index("LRN_FORCE_FIELD") - 1)
                for ast_tech in [
                    if not tech_is_complete(
                    ) and ast_tech not in research_queue_list[:insert_idx + 1]:
                        res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(ast_tech, insert_idx)
                        num_techs_accelerated += 1
                        insert_idx += 1
                        msg = "Asteroids: plan to colonize an asteroid belt, so attempted to fast-track %s , got result %d" % (
                            ast_tech, res)
                        print msg
                        if report_adjustments:
                research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
        if ColonisationAI.got_gg and not tech_is_complete("PRO_ORBITAL_GEN"):
            fusion_idx = 0 if "PRO_FUSION_GEN" not in research_queue_list else (
                1 + research_queue_list.index("PRO_FUSION_GEN"))
            forcefields_idx = 0 if "LRN_FORCE_FIELD" not in research_queue_list else (
                1 + research_queue_list.index("LRN_FORCE_FIELD"))
            insert_idx = max(
                fusion_idx, forcefields_idx) if enemies_sighted else fusion_idx
            if "PRO_ORBITAL_GEN" not in research_queue_list[:insert_idx + 1]:
                res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder("PRO_ORBITAL_GEN", insert_idx)
                num_techs_accelerated += 1
                msg = "GasGiant: plan to colonize a gas giant, so attempted to fast-track %s, got result %d" % (
                    "PRO_ORBITAL_GEN", res)
                print msg
                if report_adjustments:
                research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
    # assess if our empire has any non-lousy colonizers, & boost gro_xeno_gen if we don't
    if True:  # just to help with cold-folding / organization
        if got_ggg_tech and got_sym_bio and (
                not got_xeno_gen
        ) and foAI.foAIstate.aggression >= fo.aggression.cautious:
            most_adequate = 0
            for specName in ColonisationAI.empire_colonizers:
                environs = {}
                this_spec = fo.getSpecies(specName)
                if not this_spec:
                for ptype in [
                        fo.planetType.swamp, fo.planetType.radiated,
                        fo.planetType.toxic, fo.planetType.inferno,
                        fo.planetType.barren, fo.planetType.tundra,
                        fo.planetType.desert, fo.planetType.terran,
                        fo.planetType.ocean, fo.planetType.asteroids
                    environ = this_spec.getPlanetEnvironment(ptype)
                    environs.setdefault(environ, []).append(ptype)
                most_adequate = max(
                    len(environs.get(fo.planetEnvironment.adequate, [])))
            if most_adequate == 0:
                insert_idx = num_techs_accelerated
                for xg_tech in ["GRO_XENO_GENETICS", "GRO_GENETIC_ENG"]:
                    if xg_tech not in research_queue_list[:1 +
                                                          num_techs_accelerated] and not tech_is_complete(
                        res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(xg_tech, insert_idx)
                        num_techs_accelerated += 1
                        msg = "Empire has poor colonizers, so attempted to fast-track %s, got result %d" % (
                            xg_tech, res)
                        print msg
                        if report_adjustments:
                research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
    # check to accelerate distrib thought
    if True:  # just to help with cold-folding / organization
        if not tech_is_complete("LRN_DISTRIB_THOUGHT"):
            got_telepathy = False
            for specName in ColonisationAI.empire_species:
                this_spec = fo.getSpecies(specName)
                if this_spec and ("TELEPATHIC" in list(this_spec.tags)):
                    got_telepathy = True
            if (foAI.foAIstate.aggression >
                    fo.aggression.cautious) and (empire.population() >
                                                 ([300, 100][got_telepathy])):
                insert_idx = num_techs_accelerated
                for dt_ech in [
                        "LRN_PHYS_BRAIN", "LRN_TRANSLING_THT", "LRN_PSIONICS",
                    if dt_ech not in research_queue_list[:insert_idx +
                                                         2] and not tech_is_complete(
                        res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(dt_ech, insert_idx)
                        num_techs_accelerated += 1
                        insert_idx += 1
                        fmt_str = "Empire has a telepathic race, so attempted to fast-track %s (got result %d)"
                        fmt_str += " with current target_RP %.1f and current pop %.1f, on turn %d"
                        msg = fmt_str % (dt_ech, res, resource_production,
                                         empire.population(), fo.currentTurn())
                        print msg
                        if report_adjustments:
                research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
    # check to accelerate quant net
    if False:  # disabled for now, otherwise just to help with cold-folding / organization
        if (foAI.foAIstate.aggression > fo.aggression.cautious) and (
                ColonisationAI.empire_status.get('researchers', 0) >= 40):
            if not tech_is_complete("LRN_QUANT_NET"):
                insert_idx = num_techs_accelerated  # TODO determine min target slot if reenabling
                for qnTech in ["LRN_NDIM_SUBSPACE", "LRN_QUANT_NET"]:
                    if qnTech not in research_queue_list[:insert_idx +
                                                         2] and not tech_is_complete(
                        res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(qnTech, insert_idx)
                        num_techs_accelerated += 1
                        insert_idx += 1
                        msg = "Empire has many researchers, so attempted to fast-track %s (got result %d) on turn %d" % (
                            qnTech, res, fo.currentTurn())
                        print msg
                        if report_adjustments:
                research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()

    # if we own a blackhole, accelerate sing_gen and conc camp
    if True:  # just to help with cold-folding / organization
        if (fo.currentTurn() > 50 and
                len(AIstate.empireStars.get(fo.starType.blackHole, [])) != 0
                and foAI.foAIstate.aggression > fo.aggression.cautious
                and not tech_is_complete(AIDependencies.PRO_SINGULAR_GEN)
                and tech_is_complete(AIDependencies.PRO_SOL_ORB_GEN)):
            # sing_tech_list = [ "LRN_GRAVITONICS" , "PRO_SINGULAR_GEN"]  # formerly also "CON_ARCH_PSYCH", "CON_CONC_CAMP",
            sing_gen_tech = fo.getTech(AIDependencies.PRO_SINGULAR_GEN)
            sing_tech_list = [
                for pre_req in sing_gen_tech.recursivePrerequisites(empire_id)
                if not tech_is_complete(pre_req)
            sing_tech_list += [AIDependencies.PRO_SINGULAR_GEN]
            for singTech in sing_tech_list:
                if singTech not in research_queue_list[:num_techs_accelerated +
                    res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(singTech,
                    num_techs_accelerated += 1
                    msg = "have a black hole star outpost/colony, so attempted to fast-track %s, got result %d" % (
                        singTech, res)
                    print msg
                    if report_adjustments:
            research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()

    # if got deathray from Ruins, remove most prereqs from queue
    if True:  # just to help with cold-folding / organization
        if tech_is_complete("SHP_WEAPON_4_1"):
            this_tech = fo.getTech("SHP_WEAPON_4_1")
            if this_tech:
                missing_prereqs = [
                    for preReq in this_tech.recursivePrerequisites(empire_id)
                    if preReq in research_queue_list
                if len(missing_prereqs
                       ) > 2:  # leave plasma 4 and 3 if up to them already
                    for preReq in missing_prereqs:  # sorted(missing_prereqs, reverse=True)[2:]
                        if preReq in research_queue_list:
                    research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
                    if "SHP_WEAPON_4_2" in research_queue_list:  # (should be)
                        idx = research_queue_list.index("SHP_WEAPON_4_2")
                                                 max(0, idx - 18))
Пример #30
def generate_classic_research_orders():
    """generate research orders"""
    empire = fo.getEmpire()
    empire_id = empire.empireID
    aistate = get_aistate()
    enemies_sighted = aistate.misc.get("enemies_sighted", {})
    galaxy_is_sparse = ColonisationAI.galaxy_is_sparse()

    resource_production = empire.resourceProduction(fo.resourceType.research)
    completed_techs = sorted(list(get_completed_techs()))
    _print_reserch_order_header(resource_production, completed_techs)

    # report techs currently at head of research queue
    research_queue = empire.researchQueue
    research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
    total_rp = empire.resourceProduction(fo.resourceType.research)
    tech_turns_left = {}
    if research_queue_list:
        debug("Techs currently at head of Research Queue:")
        for element in list(research_queue)[:10]:
            tech_turns_left[element.tech] = element.turnsLeft
            this_tech = fo.getTech(element.tech)
            if not this_tech:
                warning("Can't retrieve tech ", element.tech)
            missing_prereqs = [
                for preReq in this_tech.recursivePrerequisites(empire_id)
                if preReq not in completed_techs
            # unlocked_items = [(uli.name, uli.type) for uli in this_tech.unlocked_items]
            unlocked_items = [uli.name for uli in this_tech.unlockedItems]
            if not missing_prereqs:
                    "    %25s allocated %6.2f RP (%d turns left)-- unlockable items: %s ",
                    "    %25s allocated %6.2f RP -- missing preReqs: %s -- unlockable items: %s ",
    # set starting techs, or after turn 100 add any additional default techs
    if (fo.currentTurn() <= 2) or ((total_rp - research_queue.totalSpent) > 0):
        research_index = get_research_index()
        if fo.currentTurn() == 1:
            # do only this one on first turn, to facilitate use of a turn-1 savegame for testing of alternate
            # research strategies
            new_tech = ["LRN_PHYS_BRAIN", "GRO_PLANET_ECOL"]
            new_tech = (TechsListsAI.sparse_galaxy_techs(research_index)
                        if galaxy_is_sparse else
        debug("Empire %s (%d) is selecting research index %d", empire.name,
              empire_id, research_index)
        # techs_to_enqueue = (set(new_tech)-(set(completed_techs)|set(research_queue_list)))
        techs_to_enqueue = new_tech[:]
        tech_base = set(completed_techs + research_queue_list)
        techs_to_add = []
        for tech in techs_to_enqueue:
            if tech not in tech_base:
                this_tech = fo.getTech(tech)
                if this_tech is None:
                    error("Desired tech '%s' appears to not exist" % tech)
                missing_prereqs = [
                    for preReq in this_tech.recursivePrerequisites(empire_id)
                    if preReq not in tech_base
                techs_to_add.extend(missing_prereqs + [tech])
                tech_base.update(missing_prereqs + [tech])
        cum_cost = 0
        debug("  Enqueued Tech: %20s \t\t %8s \t %s", "Name", "Cost",
        for name in techs_to_add:
                enqueue_res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(name, -1)
                if enqueue_res == 1:
                    this_tech = fo.getTech(name)
                    this_cost = 0
                    if this_tech:
                        this_cost = this_tech.researchCost(empire_id)
                        cum_cost += this_cost
                    debug("    Enqueued Tech: %20s \t\t %8.0f \t %8.0f", name,
                          this_cost, cum_cost)
                    warning("    Failed attempt to enqueued Tech: " + name)
            except:  # noqa: E722
                warning("    Failed attempt to enqueued Tech: " + name,

        debug("\n\nAll techs:")
        debug("=" * 20)
        alltechs = fo.techs()
        print_in_columns(sorted(fo.techs()), columns=3)

        debug("\n\nAll unqueued techs:")
        debug("=" * 20)
        # coveredTechs = new_tech+completed_techs
        print_in_columns([tn for tn in alltechs if tn not in tech_base],

        if fo.currentTurn() == 1:
        if True:
            research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
            def_techs = TechsListsAI.defense_techs_1()
            for def_tech in def_techs:
                if (aistate.character.may_research_tech_classic(def_tech)
                        and def_tech not in research_queue_list[:5]
                        and not tech_is_complete(def_tech)):
                    res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(
                        def_tech, min(3, len(research_queue_list)))
                        "Empire is very defensive, so attempted to fast-track %s, got result %d",
                        def_tech, res)
        if False:  # with current stats of Conc Camps, disabling this fast-track
            research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
            if "CON_CONC_CAMP" in research_queue_list and aistate.character.may_research_tech_classic(
                insert_idx = min(40,
                insert_idx = max(0, min(40, len(research_queue_list) - 10))
            if "SHP_DEFLECTOR_SHIELD" in research_queue_list and aistate.character.may_research_tech_classic(
                insert_idx = min(
            for cc_tech in ["CON_ARCH_PSYCH", "CON_CONC_CAMP"]:
                if (cc_tech not in research_queue_list[:insert_idx + 1]
                        and not tech_is_complete(cc_tech) and
                    res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(cc_tech, insert_idx)
                        "Empire is very aggressive, so attempted to fast-track %s, got result %d",
                        cc_tech, res)

    elif fo.currentTurn() > 100:

    research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
    num_techs_accelerated = 1  # will ensure leading tech doesn't get dislodged
    got_ggg_tech = tech_is_complete("PRO_ORBITAL_GEN")
    got_sym_bio = tech_is_complete("GRO_SYMBIOTIC_BIO")
    got_xeno_gen = tech_is_complete("GRO_XENO_GENETICS")
    # Consider accelerating techs; priority is
    # Supply/Detect range
    # xeno arch
    # ast / GG
    # gro xeno gen
    # distrib thought
    # quant net
    # pro sing gen
    # death ray 1 cleanup

    artif_minds = Dep.LRN_ARTIF_MINDS_1

    if have_nest() and not tech_is_complete(nest_tech):
        if artif_minds in research_queue_list:
            insert_idx = 1 + research_queue_list.index(artif_minds)
            insert_idx = 1
        res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(nest_tech, insert_idx)
        num_techs_accelerated += 1
            "Have a monster nest, so attempted to fast-track %s, got result %d",
            nest_tech, res)
        research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()

    # Supply range and detection range
    if False:  # disabled for now, otherwise just to help with cold-folding / organization
        if len(aistate.colonisablePlanetIDs) == 0:
            best_colony_site_score = 0
            best_colony_site_score = next(
        if len(aistate.colonisableOutpostIDs) == 0:
            best_outpost_site_score = 0
            best_outpost_site_score = next(
        need_improved_scouting = best_colony_site_score < 150 or best_outpost_site_score < 200

        if need_improved_scouting:
            if not tech_is_complete("CON_ORBITAL_CON"):
                num_techs_accelerated += 1
                if ("CON_ORBITAL_CON"
                        not in research_queue_list[:1 + num_techs_accelerated]
                    ) and (tech_is_complete("PRO_FUSION_GEN") or
                            in research_queue_list[:1 +
                    res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder("CON_ORBITAL_CON",
                        "Empire has poor colony/outpost prospects, so attempted to fast-track %s, got result %d",
            elif not tech_is_complete("CON_CONTGRAV_ARCH"):
                num_techs_accelerated += 1
                if ("CON_CONTGRAV_ARCH"
                        not in research_queue_list[:1 + num_techs_accelerated]
                    ) and (tech_is_complete("CON_METRO_INFRA")):
                    for supply_tech in [
                            _s_tech for _s_tech in
                        ["CON_ARCH_MONOFILS", "CON_CONTGRAV_ARCH"]
                            if not tech_is_complete(_s_tech)
                        res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(supply_tech,
                            "Empire has poor colony/outpost prospects, so attempted to fast-track %s, got result %d",
            research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
            # could add more supply tech

            if False and not tech_is_complete(
                    "SPY_DETECT_2"):  # disabled for now, detect2
                num_techs_accelerated += 1
                if "SPY_DETECT_2" not in research_queue_list[:2 +
                                                             num_techs_accelerated] and tech_is_complete(
                    if "CON_ORBITAL_CON" not in research_queue_list[:1 +
                        res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder("SPY_DETECT_2",
                        co_idx = research_queue_list.index("CON_ORBITAL_CON")
                        res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder("SPY_DETECT_2",
                                                       co_idx + 1)
                        "Empire has poor colony/outpost prospects, so attempted to fast-track %s, got result %d"
                research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()

    # check to accelerate xeno_arch
    if True:  # just to help with cold-folding /  organization
        if (have_ruins() and not tech_is_complete("LRN_XENOARCH") and
            if artif_minds in research_queue_list:
                insert_idx = 7 + research_queue_list.index(artif_minds)
            elif "GRO_SYMBIOTIC_BIO" in research_queue_list:
                insert_idx = research_queue_list.index("GRO_SYMBIOTIC_BIO") + 1
                insert_idx = num_techs_accelerated
            if "LRN_XENOARCH" not in research_queue_list[:insert_idx]:
                for xenoTech in [
                        "LRN_XENOARCH", "LRN_TRANSLING_THT", "LRN_PHYS_BRAIN",
                    if not tech_is_complete(
                    ) and xenoTech not in research_queue_list[:(insert_idx +
                        res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(xenoTech, insert_idx)
                        num_techs_accelerated += 1
                            "ANCIENT_RUINS: have an ancient ruins, so attempted to fast-track %s to enable LRN_XENOARCH, got result %d",
                research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()

    if False and not enemies_sighted:  # curently disabled
        # params = [ (tech, gate, target_slot, add_tech_list), ]
        params = [
                    "PRO_ROBOTIC_PROD", "PRO_FUSION_GEN",
        for (tech, gate, target_slot, add_tech_list) in params:
            if tech_is_complete(tech):
            if tech_turns_left.get(gate, 0) not in [
            ]:  # needs to exclude -1, the flag for no predicted completion
            if target_slot in research_queue_list:
                target_index = 1 + research_queue_list.index(target_slot)
                target_index = num_techs_accelerated
            for move_tech in add_tech_list:
                    "for tech %s, target_slot %s, target_index:%s ; num_techs_accelerated:%s",
                if tech_is_complete(move_tech):
                if target_index <= num_techs_accelerated:
                    num_techs_accelerated += 1
                if move_tech not in research_queue_list[:1 + target_index]:
                    fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(move_tech, target_index)
                        "Research: To prioritize %s, have advanced %s to slot %d",
                        tech, move_tech, target_index)
                    target_index += 1
    # check to accelerate asteroid or GG tech
    if True:  # just to help with cold-folding / organization
        if have_asteroids():
            insert_idx = (num_techs_accelerated
                          if "GRO_SYMBIOTIC_BIO" not in research_queue_list
                          else research_queue_list.index("GRO_SYMBIOTIC_BIO"))
            ast_tech = "PRO_MICROGRAV_MAN"
            if not (tech_is_complete(ast_tech)
                    or ast_tech in research_queue_list[:(1 + insert_idx)]):
                res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(ast_tech, insert_idx)
                num_techs_accelerated += 1
                    "Asteroids: plan to colonize an asteroid belt, so attempted to fast-track %s , got result %d",
                research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
            elif tech_is_complete("SHP_ZORTRIUM_PLATE"):
                insert_idx = (
                    (1 + insert_idx)
                    if "LRN_FORCE_FIELD" not in research_queue_list else max(
                        1 + insert_idx,
                        research_queue_list.index("LRN_FORCE_FIELD") - 1))
                for ast_tech in [
                    if not tech_is_complete(
                    ) and ast_tech not in research_queue_list[:insert_idx + 1]:
                        res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(ast_tech, insert_idx)
                        num_techs_accelerated += 1
                        insert_idx += 1
                            "Asteroids: plan to colonize an asteroid belt, so attempted to fast-track %s , got result %d",
                research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
        if have_gas_giant() and not tech_is_complete("PRO_ORBITAL_GEN"):
            fusion_idx = (0 if "PRO_FUSION_GEN" not in research_queue_list else
                          (1 + research_queue_list.index("PRO_FUSION_GEN")))
            forcefields_idx = (0 if "LRN_FORCE_FIELD"
                               not in research_queue_list else
                               (1 +
            insert_idx = max(
                fusion_idx, forcefields_idx) if enemies_sighted else fusion_idx
            if "PRO_ORBITAL_GEN" not in research_queue_list[:insert_idx + 1]:
                res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder("PRO_ORBITAL_GEN", insert_idx)
                num_techs_accelerated += 1
                    "GasGiant: plan to colonize a gas giant, so attempted to fast-track %s, got result %d",
                research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
    # assess if our empire has any non-lousy colonizers, & boost gro_xeno_gen if we don't
    if True:  # just to help with cold-folding / organization
        if got_ggg_tech and got_sym_bio and (not got_xeno_gen):
            most_adequate = 0
            for specName in get_colony_builders():
                environs = {}
                this_spec = fo.getSpecies(specName)
                if not this_spec:
                for ptype in [
                    environ = this_spec.getPlanetEnvironment(ptype)
                    environs.setdefault(environ, []).append(ptype)
                most_adequate = max(
                    len(environs.get(fo.planetEnvironment.adequate, [])))
            if most_adequate == 0:
                insert_idx = num_techs_accelerated
                for xg_tech in ["GRO_XENO_GENETICS", "GRO_GENETIC_ENG"]:
                    if (xg_tech
                            not in research_queue_list[:1 +
                            and not tech_is_complete(xg_tech)
                            and aistate.character.may_research_tech_classic(
                        res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(xg_tech, insert_idx)
                        num_techs_accelerated += 1
                            "Empire has poor colonizers, so attempted to fast-track %s, got result %d",
                research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
    # check to accelerate translinguistics
    if True:  # just to help with cold-folding / organization
        # planet is needed to determine the cost. Without a capital we have bigger problems anyway...
        if not tech_is_complete("LRN_TRANSLING_THT") and translators_wanted():
            insert_idx = num_techs_accelerated
            for dt_ech in [
                if (dt_ech not in research_queue_list[:insert_idx + 2]
                        and not tech_is_complete(dt_ech) and
                    res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(dt_ech, insert_idx)
                    num_techs_accelerated += 1
                    insert_idx += 1
                    fmt_str = "Empire wants to build translators, so attempted to fast-track %s (got result %d)"
                    fmt_str += " with current target_RP %.1f and current pop %.1f, on turn %d"
                    debug(fmt_str, dt_ech, res, resource_production,
                          empire.population(), fo.currentTurn())
            research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
    # check to accelerate distrib thought
    if True:  # just to help with cold-folding / organization
        if not tech_is_complete("LRN_DISTRIB_THOUGHT"):
            got_telepathy = False
            for specName in get_empire_planets_by_species():
                this_spec = fo.getSpecies(specName)
                if this_spec and ("TELEPATHIC" in list(this_spec.tags)):
                    got_telepathy = True
            pop_threshold = 100 if got_telepathy else 300
            if empire.population() > pop_threshold:
                insert_idx = num_techs_accelerated
                for dt_ech in [
                        "LRN_PHYS_BRAIN", "LRN_TRANSLING_THT", "LRN_PSIONICS",
                    if (dt_ech not in research_queue_list[:insert_idx + 2]
                            and not tech_is_complete(dt_ech)
                            and aistate.character.may_research_tech_classic(
                        res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(dt_ech, insert_idx)
                        num_techs_accelerated += 1
                        insert_idx += 1
                        fmt_str = "Empire has a telepathic race, so attempted to fast-track %s (got result %d)"
                        fmt_str += " with current target_RP %.1f and current pop %.1f, on turn %d"
                        debug(fmt_str, dt_ech, res, resource_production,
                              empire.population(), fo.currentTurn())
                research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
    # check to accelerate quant net
    if False:  # disabled for now, otherwise just to help with cold-folding / organization
        if aistate.character.may_research_tech_classic("LRN_QUANT_NET") and (
                population_with_research_focus() >= 40):
            if not tech_is_complete("LRN_QUANT_NET"):
                insert_idx = num_techs_accelerated  # TODO determine min target slot if reenabling
                for qnTech in ["LRN_NDIM_SUBSPACE", "LRN_QUANT_NET"]:
                    if qnTech not in research_queue_list[:insert_idx +
                                                         2] and not tech_is_complete(
                        res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(qnTech, insert_idx)
                        num_techs_accelerated += 1
                        insert_idx += 1
                            "Empire has many researchers, so attempted to fast-track %s (got result %d) on turn %d",
                research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()

    # if we own a blackhole, accelerate sing_gen and conc camp
    if True:  # just to help with cold-folding / organization
        if (fo.currentTurn() > 50 and
                len(AIstate.empireStars.get(fo.starType.blackHole, [])) != 0
                and not tech_is_complete(Dep.PRO_SINGULAR_GEN)
                and tech_is_complete("LRN_EVERYTHING")):
            # sing_tech_list = [ "LRN_GRAVITONICS" , "PRO_SINGULAR_GEN"]  # formerly also "CON_ARCH_PSYCH", "CON_CONC_CAMP",
            sing_gen_tech = fo.getTech(Dep.PRO_SINGULAR_GEN)
            sing_tech_list = [
                for pre_req in sing_gen_tech.recursivePrerequisites(empire_id)
                if not tech_is_complete(pre_req)
            sing_tech_list += [Dep.PRO_SINGULAR_GEN]
            for singTech in sing_tech_list:
                if singTech not in research_queue_list[:num_techs_accelerated +
                    res = fo.issueEnqueueTechOrder(singTech,
                    num_techs_accelerated += 1
                        "have a black hole star outpost/colony, so attempted to fast-track %s, got result %d",
            research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()

    # if got deathray from Ruins, remove most prereqs from queue
    if True:  # just to help with cold-folding / organization
        if tech_is_complete("SHP_WEAPON_4_1"):
            this_tech = fo.getTech("SHP_WEAPON_4_1")
            if this_tech:
                missing_prereqs = [
                    for preReq in this_tech.recursivePrerequisites(empire_id)
                    if preReq in research_queue_list
                if len(missing_prereqs
                       ) > 2:  # leave plasma 4 and 3 if up to them already
                    for preReq in missing_prereqs:  # sorted(missing_prereqs, reverse=True)[2:]
                        if preReq in research_queue_list:
                    research_queue_list = get_research_queue_techs()
                    if "SHP_WEAPON_4_2" in research_queue_list:  # (should be)
                        idx = research_queue_list.index("SHP_WEAPON_4_2")
                                                 max(0, idx - 18))

    # TODO: Remove the following example code
    # Example/Test code for the new ShipDesigner functionality
    techs = [
        "SHP_ASTEROID_HULLS", ""
    for tech in techs:
        this_tech = fo.getTech(tech)
        if not this_tech:
            debug("Invalid Tech specified")
        unlocked_items = this_tech.unlockedItems
        unlocked_hulls = []
        unlocked_parts = []
        for item in unlocked_items:
            if item.type == fo.unlockableItemType.shipPart:
                debug("Tech %s unlocks a ShipPart: %s", tech, item.name)
            elif item.type == fo.unlockableItemType.shipHull:
                debug("Tech %s unlocks a ShipHull: %s", tech, item.name)
        if not (unlocked_parts or unlocked_hulls):
            debug("No new ship parts/hulls unlocked by tech %s", tech)
        old_designs = ShipDesignAI.WarShipDesigner().optimize_design(
        new_designs = ShipDesignAI.WarShipDesigner().optimize_design(
        if not (old_designs and new_designs):
            # AI is likely defeated; don't bother with logging error message
        old_rating, old_pid, old_design_id, old_cost, old_stats = old_designs[
        old_design = fo.getShipDesign(old_design_id)
        new_rating, new_pid, new_design_id, new_cost, new_stats = new_designs[
        new_design = fo.getShipDesign(new_design_id)
        if new_rating > old_rating:
            debug("Tech %s gives access to a better design!", tech)
            debug("old best design: Rating %.5f", old_rating)
            debug("old design specs: %s - %s", old_design.hull,
            debug("new best design: Rating %.5f", new_rating)
            debug("new design specs: %s - %s", new_design.hull,
                "Tech %s gives access to new parts or hulls but there seems to be no military advantage.",
Пример #31
def evaluate_invasion_planet(planet_id, secure_fleet_missions, verbose=True):
    """Return the invasion value (score, troops) of a planet."""
    detail = []
    building_values = {"BLD_IMPERIAL_PALACE": 1000,
                       "BLD_CULTURE_ARCHIVES": 1000,
                       "BLD_AUTO_HISTORY_ANALYSER": 100,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_BASE": 100,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_ORB_INC": 200,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_XENO_FAC": 200,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_CELL_GRO_CHAMB": 200,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_NANOROBO": 300,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_GEOINT": 400,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_ADV_ENGINE": 1000,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_AST": 300,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_AST_REF": 1000,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ENRG_SOLAR": 1500,
                       "BLD_INDUSTRY_CENTER": 500,
                       "BLD_GAS_GIANT_GEN": 200,
                       "BLD_SOL_ORB_GEN": 800,
                       "BLD_BLACK_HOLE_POW_GEN": 2000,
                       "BLD_ENCLAVE_VOID": 500,
                       "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_EXTRACTOR": 2000,
                       "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_SYNTH": 2000,
                       "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_FORGE": 1000,
                       "BLD_CONC_CAMP": 100,
                       "BLD_BIOTERROR_PROJECTOR": 1000,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ENRG_COMP": 3000,
    # TODO: add more factors, as used for colonization
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire_id = fo.empireID()
    max_jumps = 8
    planet = universe.getPlanet(planet_id)
    if planet is None:  # TODO: exclude planets with stealth higher than empireDetection
        print "invasion AI couldn't access any info for planet id %d" % planet_id
        return [0, 0]

    sys_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(planet.systemID)
    planet_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(planet_id)

    if planet_partial_vis_turn < sys_partial_vis_turn:
        print "invasion AI couldn't get current info on planet id %d (was stealthed at last sighting)" % planet_id
        # TODO: track detection strength, order new scouting when it goes up
        return [0, 0]  # last time we had partial vis of the system, the planet was stealthed to us

    species_name = planet.speciesName
    species = fo.getSpecies(species_name)
    if not species or AIDependencies.TAG_DESTROYED_ON_CONQUEST in species.tags:
        # this call iterates over this Empire's available species with which it could colonize after an invasion
        planet_eval = ColonisationAI.assign_colonisation_values([planet_id], MissionType.INVASION, None, detail)
        pop_val = max(0.75 * planet_eval.get(planet_id, [0])[0],
                      ColonisationAI.evaluate_planet(planet_id, MissionType.OUTPOST, None, detail))
        pop_val = ColonisationAI.evaluate_planet(planet_id, MissionType.INVASION, species_name, detail)

    bld_tally = 0
    for bldType in [universe.getBuilding(bldg).buildingTypeName for bldg in planet.buildingIDs]:
        bval = building_values.get(bldType, 50)
        bld_tally += bval
        detail.append("%s: %d" % (bldType, bval))

    tech_tally = 0
    for unlocked_tech in AIDependencies.SPECIES_TECH_UNLOCKS.get(species_name, []):
        if not tech_is_complete(unlocked_tech):
            rp_cost = fo.getTech(unlocked_tech).researchCost(empire_id)
            tech_tally += rp_cost * 4
            detail.append("%s: %d" % (unlocked_tech, rp_cost * 4))

    p_sys_id = planet.systemID
    capitol_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital()
    least_jumps_path = []
    clear_path = True
    if capitol_id:
        homeworld = universe.getPlanet(capitol_id)
        if homeworld:
            home_system_id = homeworld.systemID
            eval_system_id = planet.systemID
            if (home_system_id != INVALID_ID) and (eval_system_id != INVALID_ID):
                least_jumps_path = list(universe.leastJumpsPath(home_system_id, eval_system_id, empire_id))
                max_jumps = len(least_jumps_path)
    system_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(p_sys_id, {})
    system_fleet_treat = system_status.get('fleetThreat', 1000)
    system_monster_threat = system_status.get('monsterThreat', 0)
    sys_total_threat = system_fleet_treat + system_monster_threat + system_status.get('planetThreat', 0)
    max_path_threat = system_fleet_treat
    mil_ship_rating = MilitaryAI.cur_best_mil_ship_rating()
    for path_sys_id in least_jumps_path:
        path_leg_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(path_sys_id, {})
        path_leg_threat = path_leg_status.get('fleetThreat', 1000) + path_leg_status.get('monsterThreat', 0)
        if path_leg_threat > 0.5 * mil_ship_rating:
            clear_path = False
            if path_leg_threat > max_path_threat:
                max_path_threat = path_leg_threat

    pop = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.population)
    target_pop = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetPopulation)
    troops = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.troops)
    max_troops = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxTroops)
    # TODO: refactor troop determination into function for use in mid-mission updates and also consider defender techs
    max_troops += AIDependencies.TROOPS_PER_POP * (target_pop - pop)

    this_system = universe.getSystem(p_sys_id)
    secure_targets = [p_sys_id] + list(this_system.planetIDs)
    system_secured = False
    for mission in secure_fleet_missions:
        if system_secured:
        secure_fleet_id = mission.fleet.id
        s_fleet = universe.getFleet(secure_fleet_id)
        if not s_fleet or s_fleet.systemID != p_sys_id:
        if mission.type == MissionType.SECURE:
            target_obj = mission.target.get_object()
            if target_obj is not None and target_obj.id in secure_targets:
                system_secured = True
    system_secured = system_secured and system_status.get('myFleetRating', 0)

    if verbose:
        print ("Invasion eval of %s\n"
               " - maxShields: %.1f\n"
               " - sysFleetThreat: %.1f\n"
               " - sysMonsterThreat: %.1f") % (
            planet, planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxShield), system_fleet_treat,
    supply_val = 0
    enemy_val = 0
    if planet.owner != -1:  # value in taking this away from an enemy
        enemy_val = 20 * (planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetIndustry) +
    if p_sys_id in ColonisationAI.annexable_system_ids:  # TODO: extend to rings
        supply_val = 100
    elif p_sys_id in state.get_systems_by_supply_tier(-1):
        supply_val = 200
    elif p_sys_id in state.get_systems_by_supply_tier(-2):
        supply_val = 300
    elif p_sys_id in state.get_systems_by_supply_tier(-3):
        supply_val = 400
    if max_path_threat > 0.5 * mil_ship_rating:
        if max_path_threat < 3 * mil_ship_rating:
            supply_val *= 0.5
            supply_val *= 0.2

    # devalue invasions that would require too much military force
    threat_factor = min(1, 0.2*MilitaryAI.get_tot_mil_rating()/(sys_total_threat+0.001))**2

    design_id, _, locs = ProductionAI.get_best_ship_info(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_INVASION)
    if not locs or not universe.getPlanet(locs[0]):
        # We are in trouble anyway, so just calculate whatever approximation...
        build_time = 4
        planned_troops = troops if system_secured else min(troops + max_jumps + build_time, max_troops)
        planned_troops += .01  # we must attack with more troops than there are defenders
        troop_cost = math.ceil((planned_troops+_TROOPS_SAFETY_MARGIN) / 6.0) * 20 * FleetUtilsAI.get_fleet_upkeep()
        loc = locs[0]
        species_here = universe.getPlanet(loc).speciesName
        design = fo.getShipDesign(design_id)
        cost_per_ship = design.productionCost(empire_id, loc)
        build_time = design.productionTime(empire_id, loc)
        troops_per_ship = CombatRatingsAI.weight_attack_troops(design.troopCapacity,
        planned_troops = troops if system_secured else min(troops + max_jumps + build_time, max_troops)
        planned_troops += .01  # we must attack with more troops than there are defenders
        ships_needed = math.ceil((planned_troops+_TROOPS_SAFETY_MARGIN) / float(troops_per_ship))
        troop_cost = ships_needed * cost_per_ship  # fleet upkeep is already included in query from server

    # apply some bias to expensive operations
    normalized_cost = float(troop_cost) / max(fo.getEmpire().productionPoints, 1)
    normalized_cost = max(1., normalized_cost)
    cost_score = (normalized_cost**2 / 50.0) * troop_cost

    base_score = pop_val + supply_val + bld_tally + tech_tally + enemy_val - cost_score
    planet_score = retaliation_risk_factor(planet.owner) * threat_factor * max(0, base_score)
    if clear_path:
        planet_score *= 1.5
    if verbose:
        print (' - planet score: %.2f\n'
               ' - troop score: %.2f\n'
               ' - projected troop cost: %.1f\n'
               ' - threat factor: %s\n'
               ' - planet detail: %s\n'
               ' - popval: %.1f\n'
               ' - supplyval: %.1f\n'
               ' - bldval: %s\n'
               ' - enemyval: %s') % (planet_score, planned_troops, troop_cost,
                                     threat_factor, detail, pop_val, supply_val, bld_tally, enemy_val)
    return [planet_score, planned_troops]
Пример #32
def _calculate_research_priority():
    """Calculates the AI empire's demand for research."""
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire = fo.getEmpire()
    empire_id = empire.empireID
    current_turn = fo.currentTurn()
    enemies_sighted = foAI.foAIstate.misc.get('enemies_sighted', {})
    recent_enemies = [x for x in enemies_sighted if x > current_turn - 8]

    industry_priority = foAI.foAIstate.get_priority(PriorityType.RESOURCE_PRODUCTION)

    got_algo = tech_is_complete(AIDependencies.LRN_ALGO_ELEGANCE)
    got_quant = tech_is_complete(AIDependencies.LRN_QUANT_NET)
    research_queue_list = ResearchAI.get_research_queue_techs()
    orb_gen_tech = AIDependencies.PRO_ORBITAL_GEN
    got_orb_gen = tech_is_complete(orb_gen_tech)
    mgrav_prod_tech = AIDependencies.PRO_MICROGRAV_MAN
    got_mgrav_prod = tech_is_complete(mgrav_prod_tech)
    # got_solar_gen = tech_is_complete(AIDependencies.PRO_SOL_ORB_GEN)
    milestones_done = [mstone for mstone in milestone_techs if tech_is_complete(mstone)]
    print "Research Milestones accomplished at turn %d: %s" % (current_turn, milestones_done)

    total_pp = empire.productionPoints
    total_rp = empire.resourceProduction(fo.resourceType.research)
    industry_surge = (foAI.foAIstate.character.may_surge_industry(total_pp, total_rp) and
                      (((orb_gen_tech in research_queue_list[:2] or got_orb_gen) and state.have_gas_giant) or
                       ((mgrav_prod_tech in research_queue_list[:2] or got_mgrav_prod) and state.have_asteroids)) and
                      (not (len(AIstate.popCtrIDs) >= 12)))
    # get current industry production & Target
    owned_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_owned_planets_by_empire(universe.planetIDs)
    planets = map(universe.getPlanet, owned_planet_ids)
    target_rp = sum(map(lambda x: x.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetResearch), planets))
    galaxy_is_sparse = ColonisationAI.galaxy_is_sparse()
    enemies_sighted = foAI.foAIstate.misc.get('enemies_sighted', {})

    style_index = foAI.foAIstate.character.preferred_research_cutoff([0, 1])
    if foAI.foAIstate.character.may_maximize_research():
        style_index += 1

    cutoff_sets = [[25, 45, 70, 110], [30, 45, 70, 150], [25, 40, 80, 160]]
    cutoffs = cutoff_sets[style_index]
    settings = [[1.3, .7, .5, .4, .35], [1.4, 0.8, 0.6, 0.5, 0.35], [1.4, 0.8, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4]][style_index]

    if (current_turn < cutoffs[0]) or (not got_algo) or ((style_index == 0) and not got_orb_gen and (current_turn < cutoffs[1])):
        research_priority = settings[0] * industry_priority  # high research at beginning of game to get easy gro tech and to get research booster Algotrithmic Elegance
    elif (not got_orb_gen) or (current_turn < cutoffs[1]):
        research_priority = settings[1] * industry_priority  # med-high research
    elif current_turn < cutoffs[2]:
        research_priority = settings[2] * industry_priority  # med-high industry
    elif current_turn < cutoffs[3]:
        research_priority = settings[3] * industry_priority  # med-high industry
        research_queue = list(empire.researchQueue)
        research_priority = settings[4] * industry_priority  # high industry , low research
        if len(research_queue) == 0:
            research_priority = 0  # done with research
        elif len(research_queue) < 5 and research_queue[-1].allocation > 0:
            research_priority = len(research_queue) * 0.01 * industry_priority  # barely not done with research
        elif len(research_queue) < 10 and research_queue[-1].allocation > 0:
            research_priority = (4 + 2 * len(research_queue)) * 0.01 * industry_priority  # almost done with research
        elif len(research_queue) < 20 and research_queue[int(len(research_queue) / 2)].allocation > 0:
            research_priority *= 0.7  # closing in on end of research
    if industry_surge:
        if galaxy_is_sparse and not any(enemies_sighted):
            research_priority *= 0.5
            research_priority *= 0.8
    if ((tech_is_complete("SHP_WEAPON_2_4") or
         tech_is_complete("SHP_WEAPON_4_1")) and
        # industry_factor = [ [0.25, 0.2], [0.3, 0.25], [0.3, 0.25] ][style_index ]
        # researchPriority = min(researchPriority, industry_factor[got_solar_gen]*industryPriority)
        research_priority *= 0.9
    if got_quant:
        research_priority = min(research_priority + 0.1 * industry_priority, research_priority * 1.3)
    research_priority = int(research_priority)
    print "Research Production (current/target) : ( %.1f / %.1f )" % (total_rp, target_rp)
    print "Priority for Research: %d (new target ~ %d RP)" % (research_priority, total_pp * research_priority / industry_priority)

    if len(enemies_sighted) < (2 + current_turn/20.0):  # TODO: adjust for colonisation priority
        research_priority *= 1.2
    if (current_turn > 20) and (len(recent_enemies) > 3):
        research_priority *= 0.8
    return research_priority
Пример #33
def evaluateInvasionPlanet(planetID, missionType, fleetSupplyablePlanetIDs, empire):
    "return the invasion value of a planet"
    detail = []
    buildingValues = {"BLD_IMPERIAL_PALACE":                    1000, 
                                            "BLD_CULTURE_ARCHIVES":                 1000, 
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_BASE":                        100, 
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_ORB_INC":     200, 
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_XENO_FAC": 200, 
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_CELL_GRO_CHAMB": 200, 
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_NANOROBO": 300, 
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_GEOINT":      400, 
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_ADV_ENGINE": 1000, 
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_AST":                             150, 
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_AST_REF":                     500, 
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_ENRG_COMP":           500, 
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_ENRG_SOLAR":          1500, 
                                            "BLD_INDUSTRY_CENTER":                   500, 
                                            "BLD_GAS_GIANT_GEN":                           200, 
                                            "BLD_SOL_ORB_GEN":                              800, 
                                            "BLD_BLACK_HOLE_POW_GEN":       2000, 
                                            "BLD_ENCLAVE_VOID":                             500, 
                                            "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_EXTRACTOR": 2000, 
                                            "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_SYNTH":             2000, 
                                            "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_FORGE":             1000, 
                                            "BLD_CONC_CAMP":                                    100, 
                                            "BLD_BIOTERROR_PROJECTOR":      1000, 
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_ENRG_COMP":         3000, 
    #TODO: add more factors, as used for colonization
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empireID = empire.empireID
    planet = universe.getPlanet(planetID)
    if (planet == None) :  #TODO: exclude planets with stealth higher than empireDetection
        print "invasion AI couldn't get current info on planet %d"%planetID
        return 0, 0

    if not species:#TODO:  probably stealth makes planet inacccesible & should abort
        return 0, 0
        popVal = ColonisationAI.evaluatePlanet(planetID,  EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_COLONISATION,  [planetID],  species,  empire, detail) #evaluatePlanet is imported from ColonisationAI

    for bldType in [universe.getObject(bldg).buildingTypeName for bldg in planet.buildingIDs]:
        bval = buildingValues.get(bldType,  50)
        bldTally += bval
        detail.append("%s: %d"%(bldType,  bval))
        capitolID = PlanetUtilsAI.getCapital()
        if capitolID:
            homeworld = universe.getPlanet(capitolID)
            if homeworld:
                homeSystemID = homeworld.systemID
                evalSystemID = planet.systemID
                leastJumpsPath = len(universe.leastJumpsPath(homeSystemID, evalSystemID, empireID))
            maxJumps =  leastJumpsPath
    troops = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.troops)
    maxTroops = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxTroops)
    popTSize = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetPopulation)#TODO: adjust for empire tech
    planetSpecials = list(planet.specials)
    pSysID = planet.systemID#TODO: check star value
    pmaxShield = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxShield)
    sysFThrt = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(pSysID, {}).get('fleetThreat', 1000 )
    sysMThrt = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(pSysID, {}).get('monsterThreat', 0 )
    print "invasion eval of %s  %d --- maxShields %.1f -- sysFleetThreat %.1f  -- sysMonsterThreat %.1f"%(planet.name,  planetID,  pmaxShield,  sysFThrt,  sysMThrt)
    if planet.owner!=-1 : #value in taking this away from an enemy
        enemyVal= 20* (planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetIndustry) +  2*planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetResearch))
    if planetID  in fleetSupplyablePlanetIDs: #TODO: extend to rings
        supplyVal =  100
        if planet.owner== -1:
        #if  (pmaxShield <10):
            if ( sysFThrt < 0.5*ProductionAI.curBestMilShipRating() ):
               if ( sysMThrt < 3*ProductionAI.curBestMilShipRating()):
                    supplyVal = 50
                    supplyVal = 20
                supplyVal *= int( min(1, ProductionAI.curBestMilShipRating() /  sysFThrt )  )
    plannedTroops = min(troops+maxJumps+buildTime,  maxTroops)
    if ( empire.getTechStatus("SHP_ORG_HULL") != fo.techStatus.complete ):
        troopCost = math.ceil( plannedTroops/6.0) *  ( 40*( 1+foAI.foAIstate.shipCount * AIDependencies.shipUpkeep ) )
        troopCost = math.ceil( plannedTroops/6.0) *  ( 20*( 1+foAI.foAIstate.shipCount * AIDependencies.shipUpkeep ) )
    invscore =  max(0,  popVal+supplyVal+bldTally+enemyVal-0.8*troopCost),  plannedTroops
    print invscore, "projected Troop Cost:",  troopCost,  "planet detail ",   detail,  popVal,  supplyVal,  bldTally,  enemyVal
    return   invscore
Пример #34
def _calculate_research_priority():
    """Calculates the AI empire's demand for research."""
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire = fo.getEmpire()
    current_turn = fo.currentTurn()
    enemies_sighted = foAI.foAIstate.misc.get('enemies_sighted', {})
    recent_enemies = [x for x in enemies_sighted if x > current_turn - 8]

    industry_priority = foAI.foAIstate.get_priority(PriorityType.RESOURCE_PRODUCTION)

    got_algo = tech_is_complete(AIDependencies.LRN_ALGO_ELEGANCE)
    got_quant = tech_is_complete(AIDependencies.LRN_QUANT_NET)
    research_queue_list = ResearchAI.get_research_queue_techs()
    orb_gen_tech = AIDependencies.PRO_ORBITAL_GEN
    got_orb_gen = tech_is_complete(orb_gen_tech)
    mgrav_prod_tech = AIDependencies.PRO_MICROGRAV_MAN
    got_mgrav_prod = tech_is_complete(mgrav_prod_tech)
    # got_solar_gen = tech_is_complete(AIDependencies.PRO_SOL_ORB_GEN)

    milestones_done = [mstone for mstone in milestone_techs if tech_is_complete(mstone)]
    print "Research Milestones accomplished at turn %d: %s" % (current_turn, milestones_done)

    total_pp = empire.productionPoints
    total_rp = empire.resourceProduction(fo.resourceType.research)
    industry_surge = (foAI.foAIstate.character.may_surge_industry(total_pp, total_rp) and
                      (((orb_gen_tech in research_queue_list[:2] or got_orb_gen) and state.have_gas_giant) or
                       ((mgrav_prod_tech in research_queue_list[:2] or got_mgrav_prod) and state.have_asteroids)) and
                      (state.get_number_of_colonies() < 12))
    # get current industry production & Target
    owned_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_owned_planets_by_empire(universe.planetIDs)
    planets = map(universe.getPlanet, owned_planet_ids)
    target_rp = sum(map(lambda x: x.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetResearch), planets))
    galaxy_is_sparse = ColonisationAI.galaxy_is_sparse()
    enemies_sighted = foAI.foAIstate.misc.get('enemies_sighted', {})

    style_index = foAI.foAIstate.character.preferred_research_cutoff([0, 1])
    if foAI.foAIstate.character.may_maximize_research():
        style_index += 1

    cutoff_sets = [[25, 45, 70, 110], [30, 45, 70, 150], [25, 40, 80, 160]]
    cutoffs = cutoff_sets[style_index]
    settings = [[1.3, .7, .5, .4, .35], [1.4, 0.8, 0.6, 0.5, 0.35], [1.4, 0.8, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4]][style_index]

    if (current_turn < cutoffs[0]) or (not got_algo) or ((style_index == 0) and not got_orb_gen and (current_turn < cutoffs[1])):
        research_priority = settings[0] * industry_priority  # high research at beginning of game to get easy gro tech and to get research booster Algotrithmic Elegance
    elif (not got_orb_gen) or (current_turn < cutoffs[1]):
        research_priority = settings[1] * industry_priority  # med-high research
    elif current_turn < cutoffs[2]:
        research_priority = settings[2] * industry_priority  # med-high industry
    elif current_turn < cutoffs[3]:
        research_priority = settings[3] * industry_priority  # med-high industry
        research_queue = list(empire.researchQueue)
        research_priority = settings[4] * industry_priority  # high industry , low research
        if len(research_queue) == 0:
            research_priority = 0  # done with research
        elif len(research_queue) < 5 and research_queue[-1].allocation > 0:
            research_priority = len(research_queue) * 0.01 * industry_priority  # barely not done with research
        elif len(research_queue) < 10 and research_queue[-1].allocation > 0:
            research_priority = (4 + 2 * len(research_queue)) * 0.01 * industry_priority  # almost done with research
        elif len(research_queue) < 20 and research_queue[int(len(research_queue) / 2)].allocation > 0:
            research_priority *= 0.7  # closing in on end of research
    if industry_surge:
        if galaxy_is_sparse and not any(enemies_sighted):
            research_priority *= 0.5
            research_priority *= 0.8

    if ((tech_is_complete("SHP_WEAPON_2_4") or
         tech_is_complete("SHP_WEAPON_4_1")) and
        # industry_factor = [ [0.25, 0.2], [0.3, 0.25], [0.3, 0.25] ][style_index ]
        # researchPriority = min(researchPriority, industry_factor[got_solar_gen]*industryPriority)
        research_priority *= 0.9
    if got_quant:
        research_priority = min(research_priority + 0.1 * industry_priority, research_priority * 1.3)
    research_priority = int(research_priority)
    print "Research Production (current/target) : ( %.1f / %.1f )" % (total_rp, target_rp)
    print "Priority for Research: %d (new target ~ %d RP)" % (research_priority, total_pp * research_priority / industry_priority)

    if len(enemies_sighted) < (2 + current_turn/20.0):  # TODO: adjust for colonisation priority
        research_priority *= 1.2
    if (current_turn > 20) and (len(recent_enemies) > 3):
        research_priority *= 0.8
    return research_priority
Пример #35
def evaluate_invasion_planet(planet_id, secure_fleet_missions, verbose=True):
    """Return the invasion value (score, troops) of a planet."""
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire_id = fo.empireID()
    detail = []

    planet = universe.getPlanet(planet_id)
    if planet is None:
        debug("Invasion AI couldn't access any info for planet id %d" % planet_id)
        return [0, 0]

    system_id = planet.systemID

    # by using the following instead of simply relying on stealth meter reading, can (sometimes) plan ahead even if
    # planet is temporarily shrouded by an ion storm
    predicted_detectable = EspionageAI.colony_detectable_by_empire(planet_id, empire=fo.empireID(),
    if not predicted_detectable:
        if get_partial_visibility_turn(planet_id) < fo.currentTurn():
            debug("InvasionAI predicts planet id %d to be stealthed" % planet_id)
            return [0, 0]
            debug("InvasionAI predicts planet id %d to be stealthed" % planet_id +
                  ", but somehow have current visibity anyway, will still consider as target")

    # Check if the target planet was extra-stealthed somehow its system was last viewed
    # this test below may augment the tests above, but can be thrown off by temporary combat-related sighting
    system_last_seen = get_partial_visibility_turn(planet_id)
    planet_last_seen = get_partial_visibility_turn(system_id)
    if planet_last_seen < system_last_seen:
        # TODO: track detection strength, order new scouting when it goes up
        debug("Invasion AI considering planet id %d (stealthed at last view), still proceeding." % planet_id)

    # get a baseline evaluation of the planet as determined by ColonisationAI
    species_name = planet.speciesName
    species = fo.getSpecies(species_name)
    if not species or AIDependencies.TAG_DESTROYED_ON_CONQUEST in species.tags:
        # this call iterates over this Empire's available species with which it could colonize after an invasion
        planet_eval = ColonisationAI.assign_colonisation_values([planet_id], MissionType.INVASION, None, detail)
        colony_base_value = max(0.75 * planet_eval.get(planet_id, [0])[0],
                                ColonisationAI.evaluate_planet(planet_id, MissionType.OUTPOST, None, detail))
        colony_base_value = ColonisationAI.evaluate_planet(planet_id, MissionType.INVASION, species_name, detail)

    # Add extra score for all buildings on the planet
    building_values = {"BLD_IMPERIAL_PALACE": 1000,
                       "BLD_CULTURE_ARCHIVES": 1000,
                       "BLD_AUTO_HISTORY_ANALYSER": 100,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_BASE": 100,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_ORB_INC": 200,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_XENO_FAC": 200,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_CELL_GRO_CHAMB": 200,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_NANOROBO": 300,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_GEOINT": 400,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_ADV_ENGINE": 1000,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_AST": 300,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_AST_REF": 1000,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ENRG_SOLAR": 1500,
                       "BLD_INDUSTRY_CENTER": 500,
                       "BLD_GAS_GIANT_GEN": 200,
                       "BLD_SOL_ORB_GEN": 800,
                       "BLD_BLACK_HOLE_POW_GEN": 2000,
                       "BLD_ENCLAVE_VOID": 500,
                       "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_EXTRACTOR": 2000,
                       "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_SYNTH": 2000,
                       "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_FORGE": 1000,
                       "BLD_CONC_CAMP": 100,
                       "BLD_BIOTERROR_PROJECTOR": 1000,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ENRG_COMP": 3000,
    bld_tally = 0
    for bldType in [universe.getBuilding(bldg).buildingTypeName for bldg in planet.buildingIDs]:
        bval = building_values.get(bldType, 50)
        bld_tally += bval
        detail.append("%s: %d" % (bldType, bval))

    # Add extra score for unlocked techs when we conquer the species
    tech_tally = 0
    value_per_pp = 4
    for unlocked_tech in AIDependencies.SPECIES_TECH_UNLOCKS.get(species_name, []):
        if not tech_is_complete(unlocked_tech):
            rp_cost = fo.getTech(unlocked_tech).researchCost(empire_id)
            tech_value = value_per_pp * rp_cost
            tech_tally += tech_value
            detail.append("%s: %d" % (unlocked_tech, tech_value))

    max_jumps = 8
    capitol_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital()
    least_jumps_path = []
    clear_path = True
    if capitol_id:
        homeworld = universe.getPlanet(capitol_id)
        if homeworld and homeworld.systemID != INVALID_ID and system_id != INVALID_ID:
            least_jumps_path = list(universe.leastJumpsPath(homeworld.systemID, system_id, empire_id))
            max_jumps = len(least_jumps_path)
    aistate = get_aistate()
    system_status = aistate.systemStatus.get(system_id, {})
    system_fleet_treat = system_status.get('fleetThreat', 1000)
    system_monster_threat = system_status.get('monsterThreat', 0)
    sys_total_threat = system_fleet_treat + system_monster_threat + system_status.get('planetThreat', 0)
    max_path_threat = system_fleet_treat
    mil_ship_rating = MilitaryAI.cur_best_mil_ship_rating()
    for path_sys_id in least_jumps_path:
        path_leg_status = aistate.systemStatus.get(path_sys_id, {})
        path_leg_threat = path_leg_status.get('fleetThreat', 1000) + path_leg_status.get('monsterThreat', 0)
        if path_leg_threat > 0.5 * mil_ship_rating:
            clear_path = False
            if path_leg_threat > max_path_threat:
                max_path_threat = path_leg_threat

    pop = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.population)
    target_pop = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetPopulation)
    troops = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.troops)
    troop_regen = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.troops) - planet.initialMeterValue(fo.meterType.troops)
    max_troops = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxTroops)
    # TODO: refactor troop determination into function for use in mid-mission updates and also consider defender techs
    max_troops += AIDependencies.TROOPS_PER_POP * (target_pop - pop)

    this_system = universe.getSystem(system_id)
    secure_targets = [system_id] + list(this_system.planetIDs)
    system_secured = False
    for mission in secure_fleet_missions:
        if system_secured:
        secure_fleet_id = mission.fleet.id
        s_fleet = universe.getFleet(secure_fleet_id)
        if not s_fleet or s_fleet.systemID != system_id:
        if mission.type in [MissionType.SECURE, MissionType.MILITARY]:
            target_obj = mission.target.get_object()
            if target_obj is not None and target_obj.id in secure_targets:
                system_secured = True
    system_secured = system_secured and system_status.get('myFleetRating', 0)

    if verbose:
        debug("Invasion eval of %s\n"
              " - maxShields: %.1f\n"
              " - sysFleetThreat: %.1f\n"
              " - sysMonsterThreat: %.1f",
              planet, planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxShield), system_fleet_treat, system_monster_threat)
    enemy_val = 0
    if planet.owner != -1:  # value in taking this away from an enemy
        enemy_val = 20 * (planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetIndustry) +

    # devalue invasions that would require too much military force
    preferred_max_portion = MilitaryAI.get_preferred_max_military_portion_for_single_battle()
    total_max_mil_rating = MilitaryAI.get_concentrated_tot_mil_rating()
    threat_exponent = 2  # TODO: make this a character trait; higher aggression with a lower exponent
    threat_factor = min(1, preferred_max_portion * total_max_mil_rating/(sys_total_threat+0.001))**threat_exponent

    design_id, _, locs = ProductionAI.get_best_ship_info(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_INVASION)
    if not locs or not universe.getPlanet(locs[0]):
        # We are in trouble anyway, so just calculate whatever approximation...
        build_time = 4
        planned_troops = troops if system_secured else min(troops + troop_regen*(max_jumps + build_time), max_troops)
        planned_troops += .01  # we must attack with more troops than there are defenders
        troop_cost = math.ceil((planned_troops+_TROOPS_SAFETY_MARGIN) / 6.0) * 20 * FleetUtilsAI.get_fleet_upkeep()
        loc = locs[0]
        species_here = universe.getPlanet(loc).speciesName
        design = fo.getShipDesign(design_id)
        cost_per_ship = design.productionCost(empire_id, loc)
        build_time = design.productionTime(empire_id, loc)
        troops_per_ship = CombatRatingsAI.weight_attack_troops(design.troopCapacity,
        planned_troops = troops if system_secured else min(troops + troop_regen*(max_jumps + build_time), max_troops)
        planned_troops += .01  # we must attack with more troops than there are defenders
        ships_needed = math.ceil((planned_troops+_TROOPS_SAFETY_MARGIN) / float(troops_per_ship))
        troop_cost = ships_needed * cost_per_ship  # fleet upkeep is already included in query from server

    # apply some bias to expensive operations
    normalized_cost = float(troop_cost) / max(fo.getEmpire().productionPoints, 1)
    normalized_cost = max(1., normalized_cost)
    cost_score = (normalized_cost**2 / 50.0) * troop_cost

    base_score = colony_base_value + bld_tally + tech_tally + enemy_val - cost_score
    # If the AI does have enough total miltary to attack this target, and the target is more than minimally valuable,
    # don't let the threat_factor discount the adjusted value below MIN_INVASION_SCORE +1, so that if there are no
    # other targets the AI could still pursue this one.  Otherwise, scoring pressure from
    # MilitaryAI.get_preferred_max_military_portion_for_single_battle might prevent the AI from attacking heavily
    # defended but still defeatable targets even if it has no softer targets available.
    if total_max_mil_rating > sys_total_threat and base_score > 2 * MIN_INVASION_SCORE:
        threat_factor = max(threat_factor, (MIN_INVASION_SCORE + 1)/base_score)
    planet_score = retaliation_risk_factor(planet.owner) * threat_factor * max(0, base_score)
    if clear_path:
        planet_score *= 1.5
    if verbose:
        debug(' - planet score: %.2f\n'
              ' - planned troops: %.2f\n'
              ' - projected troop cost: %.1f\n'
              ' - threat factor: %s\n'
              ' - planet detail: %s\n'
              ' - popval: %.1f\n'
              ' - bldval: %s\n'
              ' - enemyval: %s',
              planet_score, planned_troops, troop_cost, threat_factor, detail, colony_base_value, bld_tally, enemy_val)
        debug(' - system secured: %s' % system_secured)
    return [planet_score, planned_troops]
Пример #36
def evaluateInvasionPlanet(planetID, missionType, fleetSupplyablePlanetIDs, empire,  secureAIFleetMissions,  verbose=True):
    "return the invasion value (score, troops) of a planet"
    detail = []
    buildingValues = {"BLD_IMPERIAL_PALACE":                    1000,
                                            "BLD_CULTURE_ARCHIVES":                 1000,
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_BASE":                        100,
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_ORB_INC":     200,
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_XENO_FAC": 200,
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_CELL_GRO_CHAMB": 200,
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_NANOROBO": 300,
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_GEOINT":      400,
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_ADV_ENGINE": 1000,
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_AST":                             300,
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_AST_REF":                     1000,
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_ENRG_SOLAR":          1500,
                                            "BLD_INDUSTRY_CENTER":                   500,
                                            "BLD_GAS_GIANT_GEN":                           200,
                                            "BLD_SOL_ORB_GEN":                              800,
                                            "BLD_BLACK_HOLE_POW_GEN":       2000,
                                            "BLD_ENCLAVE_VOID":                             500,
                                            "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_EXTRACTOR": 2000,
                                            "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_SYNTH":             2000,
                                            "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_FORGE":             1000,
                                            "BLD_CONC_CAMP":                                    100,
                                            "BLD_BIOTERROR_PROJECTOR":      1000,
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_ENRG_COMP":         3000,
    #TODO: add more factors, as used for colonization
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empireID = empire.empireID
    planet = universe.getPlanet(planetID)
    if (planet == None) :  #TODO: exclude planets with stealth higher than empireDetection
        print "invasion AI couldn't access any info for planet id %d"%planetID
        return [0, 0]

    sysPartialVisTurn = dictFromMap(universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(planet.systemID,  empireID)).get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)
    planetPartialVisTurn = dictFromMap(universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(planetID,  empireID)).get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)

    if planetPartialVisTurn < sysPartialVisTurn:
        print "invasion AI couldn't get current info on planet id %d (was stealthed at last sighting)"%planetID
        return [0, 0]  #last time we had partial vis of the system, the planet was stealthed to us #TODO: track detection strength, order new scouting when it goes up

    if not species: #this call iterates over this Empire's available species with which it could colonize after an invasion
        planetEval = ColonisationAI.assignColonisationValues([planetID],  EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_COLONISATION,  [planetID],  None,  empire, detail) #evaluatePlanet is imported from ColonisationAI
        popVal = max( 0.75*planetEval.get(planetID,  [0])[0],   ColonisationAI.evaluatePlanet(planetID,  EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_OUTPOST,  [planetID],  None,  empire, detail)  )
        popVal = ColonisationAI.evaluatePlanet(planetID,  EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_COLONISATION,  [planetID],  specName,  empire, detail) #evaluatePlanet is imported from ColonisationAI

    for bldType in [universe.getObject(bldg).buildingTypeName for bldg in planet.buildingIDs]:
        bval = buildingValues.get(bldType,  50)
        bldTally += bval
        detail.append("%s: %d"%(bldType,  bval))

    pSysID = planet.systemID
    capitolID = PlanetUtilsAI.getCapital()
    leastJumpsPath = []
    clear_path = True
    if capitolID:
        homeworld = universe.getPlanet(capitolID)
        if homeworld:
            homeSystemID = homeworld.systemID
            evalSystemID = planet.systemID
            if (homeSystemID != -1) and (evalSystemID != -1):
                leastJumpsPath = list(universe.leastJumpsPath(homeSystemID, evalSystemID, empireID))
                maxJumps =  len(leastJumpsPath)
    system_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(pSysID, {})
    sysFThrt = system_status.get('fleetThreat', 1000 )
    sysMThrt = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(pSysID, {}).get('monsterThreat', 0 )
    sysPThrt = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(pSysID, {}).get('planetThreat', 0 )
    sysTotThrt = sysFThrt + sysMThrt + sysPThrt
    max_path_threat = sysFThrt
    mil_ship_rating = ProductionAI.curBestMilShipRating()
    for path_sys_id in leastJumpsPath:
        path_leg_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(path_sys_id,  {})
        path_leg_threat = path_leg_status.get('fleetThreat', 1000 ) + path_leg_status.get('monsterThreat', 0 )
        if  path_leg_threat > 0.5 * mil_ship_rating:
            clear_path = False
            if path_leg_threat > max_path_threat:
                max_path_threat = path_leg_threat

    troops = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.troops)
    maxTroops = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxTroops)

    this_system = universe.getSystem(pSysID)
    secure_targets = [pSysID] + list(this_system.planetIDs)
    system_secured = False
    for mission in secureAIFleetMissions:
        if system_secured:
        secure_fleet_id = mission.target_id
        s_fleet = universe.getFleet(secure_fleet_id)
        if (not s_fleet) or (s_fleet.systemID != pSysID):
        for ai_target in mission.getAITargets(EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_SECURE):
            target_obj = ai_target.target_obj
            if (target_obj is not None) and target_obj.id in secure_targets:
                system_secured = True

    pmaxShield = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxShield)
    if verbose:
        print "invasion eval of %s  %d --- maxShields %.1f -- sysFleetThreat %.1f  -- sysMonsterThreat %.1f"%(planet.name,  planetID,  pmaxShield,  sysFThrt,  sysMThrt)
    if planet.owner!=-1 : #value in taking this away from an enemy
        enemyVal= 20* (planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetIndustry) +  2*planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetResearch))
    if pSysID  in ColonisationAI.annexableSystemIDs: #TODO: extend to rings
        supplyVal =  100
    elif pSysID in ColonisationAI.annexableRing1:
        supplyVal =  200
    elif pSysID in ColonisationAI.annexableRing2:
        supplyVal =  300
    elif pSysID in ColonisationAI.annexableRing2:
        supplyVal =  400
    if ( max_path_threat > 0.5 * mil_ship_rating ):
        if ( max_path_threat < 3 * mil_ship_rating ):
            supplyVal *= 0.5
            supplyVal *= 0.2
    threatFactor = min(1,  0.2*MilitaryAI.totMilRating/(sysTotThrt+0.001))**2  #devalue invasions that would require too much military force
    if system_secured:
        plannedTroops = troops
        plannedTroops = min(troops+maxJumps+buildTime,  maxTroops)
    if ( empire.getTechStatus("SHP_ORG_HULL") != fo.techStatus.complete ):
        troopCost = math.ceil( plannedTroops/6.0) *  ( 40*( 1+foAI.foAIstate.shipCount * AIDependencies.shipUpkeep ) )
        troopCost = math.ceil( plannedTroops/6.0) *  ( 20*( 1+foAI.foAIstate.shipCount * AIDependencies.shipUpkeep ) )
    planet_score = threatFactor*max(0,  popVal+supplyVal+bldTally+enemyVal-0.8*troopCost)
    if clear_path:
        planet_score *= 1.5
    invscore =  [ planet_score,  plannedTroops ]
    print invscore, "projected Troop Cost:",  troopCost,  ", threatFactor: ", threatFactor,  ", planet detail ",   detail, "popval,  supplyval,  bldval,  enemyval",   popVal,  supplyVal,  bldTally,  enemyVal
    return   invscore
Пример #37
    def __init__(self, aggression):
        # Do not allow to create AIstate instances with an invalid version number.
        if not hasattr(AIstate, 'version'):
            raise ConversionError("AIstate must have an integer version attribute for savegame compatibility")
        if not isinstance(AIstate.version, int):
            raise ConversionError("Version attribute of AIstate must be an integer!")
        if AIstate.version < 0:
            raise ConversionError("AIstate savegame compatibility version must be a positive integer!")

        # need to store the version explicitly as the class variable "version" is only stored in the
        # self.__class__.__dict__ while we only pickle the object (i.e. self.__dict__ )
        self.version = AIstate.version

        # Debug info
        # unique id for game
        self.uid = self.generate_uid(first=True)
        # unique ids for turns.  {turn: uid}
        self.turn_uids = {}

        # see AIstate docstring re importance of int cast for aggression
        self._aggression = int(aggression)

        # 'global' (?) variables
        self.colonisablePlanetIDs = odict()
        self.colonisableOutpostIDs = odict()  #
        self.__aiMissionsByFleetID = {}
        self.__shipRoleByDesignID = {}
        self.__fleetRoleByID = {}
        self.diplomatic_logs = {}
        self.__priorityByType = {}

        # initialize home system knowledge
        universe = fo.getUniverse()
        empire = fo.getEmpire()
        self.empireID = empire.empireID
        homeworld = universe.getPlanet(empire.capitalID)
        self.__origin_home_system_id = homeworld.systemID if homeworld else INVALID_ID
        self.visBorderSystemIDs = {self.__origin_home_system_id}
        self.visInteriorSystemIDs = set()
        self.exploredSystemIDs = set()
        self.unexploredSystemIDs = {self.__origin_home_system_id}
        self.fleetStatus = {}  # keys: 'sysID', 'nships', 'rating'
        # systemStatus keys:
        # 'name', 'neighbors' (sysIDs), '2jump_ring' (sysIDs), '3jump_ring', '4jump_ring', 'enemy_ship_count',
        # 'fleetThreat', 'planetThreat', 'monsterThreat' (specifically, immobile nonplanet threat), 'totalThreat',
        # 'localEnemyFleetIDs', 'neighborThreat', 'max_neighbor_threat', 'jump2_threat' (up to 2 jumps away),
        # 'jump3_threat', 'jump4_threat', 'regional_threat', 'myDefenses' (planet rating), 'myfleets',
        # 'myFleetsAccessible'(not just next desitination), 'myFleetRating', 'my_neighbor_rating' (up to 1 jump away),
        # 'my_jump2_rating', 'my_jump3_rating', my_jump4_rating', 'local_fleet_threats',
        # 'regional_fleet_threats' <== these are only for mobile fleet threats
        self.systemStatus = {}
        self.needsEmergencyExploration = []
        self.newlySplitFleets = {}
        self.militaryRating = 0
        self.shipCount = 4
        self.misc = {}  # Keys: "enemies_sighted" (dict[turn: list[fleetIDs]]),
        #                       "observed_empires" (set[enemy empire IDs]),
        #                       "ReassignedFleetMissions" (list[FleetMissions])
        self.orbital_colonization_manager = ColonisationAI.OrbitalColonizationManager()
        self.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets = {}
        # TODO: track on a per-empire basis
        self.__empire_standard_enemy = CombatRatingsAI.default_ship_stats().get_stats(hashable=True)
        self.empire_standard_enemy_rating = 0  # TODO: track on a per-empire basis
        self.character = create_character(aggression, self.empireID)
        self.last_turn_played = 0
Пример #38
def evaluate_invasion_planet(planet_id):
    """Return the invasion value (score, troops) of a planet."""
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire_id = fo.empireID()
    detail = []

    planet = universe.getPlanet(planet_id)
    if planet is None:
        debug("Invasion AI couldn't access any info for planet id %d" %
        return [0, 0]

    system_id = planet.systemID

    # by using the following instead of simply relying on stealth meter reading,
    # can (sometimes) plan ahead even if planet is temporarily shrouded by an ion storm
    predicted_detectable = EspionageAI.colony_detectable_by_empire(
        planet_id, empire=fo.empireID(), default_result=False)
    if not predicted_detectable:
        if get_partial_visibility_turn(planet_id) < fo.currentTurn():
            debug("InvasionAI predicts planet id %d to be stealthed" %
            return [0, 0]
                "InvasionAI predicts planet id %d to be stealthed" %
                planet_id +
                ", but somehow have current visibility anyway, will still consider as target"

    # Check if the target planet was extra-stealthed somehow its system was last viewed
    # this test below may augment the tests above,
    # but can be thrown off by temporary combat-related sighting
    system_last_seen = get_partial_visibility_turn(planet_id)
    planet_last_seen = get_partial_visibility_turn(system_id)
    if planet_last_seen < system_last_seen:
        # TODO: track detection strength, order new scouting when it goes up
            "Invasion AI considering planet id %d (stealthed at last view), still proceeding."
            % planet_id)

    # get a baseline evaluation of the planet as determined by ColonisationAI
    species_name = planet.speciesName
    species = fo.getSpecies(species_name)
    empire_research_list = tuple(element.tech
                                 for element in fo.getEmpire().researchQueue)
    if not species or AIDependencies.TAG_DESTROYED_ON_CONQUEST in species.tags:
        # this call iterates over this Empire's available species with which it could colonize after an invasion
        planet_eval = ColonisationAI.assign_colonisation_values(
            [planet_id], MissionType.INVASION, None, detail)
        colony_base_value = max(
            0.75 * planet_eval.get(planet_id, [0])[0],
        colony_base_value = calculate_planet_colonization_rating.calculate_planet_colonization_rating(

    # Add extra score for all buildings on the planet
    building_values = {
        "BLD_IMPERIAL_PALACE": 1000,
        "BLD_CULTURE_ARCHIVES": 1000,
        "BLD_SHIPYARD_BASE": 100,
        "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_ORB_INC": 200,
        "BLD_SHIPYARD_AST": 300,
        "BLD_SHIPYARD_AST_REF": 1000,
        "BLD_SHIPYARD_ENRG_SOLAR": 1500,
        "BLD_INDUSTRY_CENTER": 500,
        "BLD_GAS_GIANT_GEN": 200,
        "BLD_SOL_ORB_GEN": 800,
        "BLD_BLACK_HOLE_POW_GEN": 2000,
        "BLD_ENCLAVE_VOID": 500,
        "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_SYNTH": 2000,
        "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_FORGE": 1000,
        "BLD_CONC_CAMP": 100,
        "BLD_SHIPYARD_ENRG_COMP": 3000,
    bld_tally = 0
    for bldType in [
            for bldg in planet.buildingIDs
        bval = building_values.get(bldType, 50)
        bld_tally += bval
        detail.append("%s: %d" % (bldType, bval))

    # Add extra score for unlocked techs when we conquer the species
    tech_tally = 0
    value_per_pp = 4
    for unlocked_tech in AIDependencies.SPECIES_TECH_UNLOCKS.get(
            species_name, []):
        if not tech_is_complete(unlocked_tech):
            rp_cost = fo.getTech(unlocked_tech).researchCost(empire_id)
            tech_value = value_per_pp * rp_cost
            tech_tally += tech_value
            detail.append("%s: %d" % (unlocked_tech, tech_value))

    least_jumps_path, max_jumps = _get_path_from_capital(planet)
    clear_path = True

    aistate = get_aistate()
    system_status = aistate.systemStatus.get(system_id, {})
    system_fleet_treat = system_status.get("fleetThreat", 1000)
    system_monster_threat = system_status.get("monsterThreat", 0)
    sys_total_threat = system_fleet_treat + system_monster_threat + system_status.get(
        "planetThreat", 0)
    max_path_threat = system_fleet_treat
    mil_ship_rating = MilitaryAI.cur_best_mil_ship_rating()
    for path_sys_id in least_jumps_path:
        path_leg_status = aistate.systemStatus.get(path_sys_id, {})
        path_leg_threat = path_leg_status.get(
            "fleetThreat", 1000) + path_leg_status.get("monsterThreat", 0)
        if path_leg_threat > 0.5 * mil_ship_rating:
            clear_path = False
            if path_leg_threat > max_path_threat:
                max_path_threat = path_leg_threat

    pop = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.population)
    target_pop = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetPopulation)
    troops = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.troops)
    troop_regen = planet.currentMeterValue(
        fo.meterType.troops) - planet.initialMeterValue(fo.meterType.troops)
    max_troops = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxTroops)
    # TODO: refactor troop determination into function for use in mid-mission updates and also consider defender techs
    max_troops += AIDependencies.TROOPS_PER_POP * (target_pop - pop)

    this_system = universe.getSystem(system_id)
    secure_targets = [system_id] + list(this_system.planetIDs)
    system_secured = False

    secure_fleets = get_aistate().get_fleet_missions_with_any_mission_types(
        [MissionType.SECURE, MissionType.MILITARY])
    for mission in secure_fleets:
        secure_fleet_id = mission.fleet.id
        s_fleet = universe.getFleet(secure_fleet_id)
        if not s_fleet or s_fleet.systemID != system_id:
        if mission.type in [MissionType.SECURE, MissionType.MILITARY]:
            target_obj = mission.target.get_object()
            if target_obj is not None and target_obj.id in secure_targets:
                system_secured = True
    system_secured = system_secured and system_status.get("myFleetRating", 0)
        "Invasion eval of %s\n"
        " - maxShields: %.1f\n"
        " - sysFleetThreat: %.1f\n"
        " - sysMonsterThreat: %.1f",
    enemy_val = 0
    if planet.owner != -1:  # value in taking this away from an enemy
        enemy_val = 20 * (
            planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetIndustry) +
            2 * planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetResearch))

    # devalue invasions that would require too much military force
    preferred_max_portion = MilitaryAI.get_preferred_max_military_portion_for_single_battle(
    total_max_mil_rating = MilitaryAI.get_concentrated_tot_mil_rating()
    threat_exponent = 2  # TODO: make this a character trait; higher aggression with a lower exponent
    threat_factor = min(
        1, preferred_max_portion * total_max_mil_rating /
        (sys_total_threat + 0.001))**threat_exponent

    design_id, _, locs = get_best_ship_info(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_INVASION)
    if not locs or not universe.getPlanet(locs[0]):
        # We are in trouble anyway, so just calculate whatever approximation...
        build_time = 4
        planned_troops = troops if system_secured else min(
            troops + troop_regen * (max_jumps + build_time), max_troops)
        planned_troops += 0.01  # we must attack with more troops than there are defenders
        troop_cost = math.ceil((planned_troops + _TROOPS_SAFETY_MARGIN) /
                               6.0) * 20 * FleetUtilsAI.get_fleet_upkeep()
        loc = locs[0]
        species_here = universe.getPlanet(loc).speciesName
        design = fo.getShipDesign(design_id)
        cost_per_ship = design.productionCost(empire_id, loc)
        build_time = design.productionTime(empire_id, loc)
        troops_per_ship = CombatRatingsAI.weight_attack_troops(
            get_species_tag_grade(species_here, Tags.ATTACKTROOPS))
        planned_troops = troops if system_secured else min(
            troops + troop_regen * (max_jumps + build_time), max_troops)
        planned_troops += 0.01  # we must attack with more troops than there are defenders
        ships_needed = math.ceil(
            (planned_troops + _TROOPS_SAFETY_MARGIN) / float(troops_per_ship))
        troop_cost = ships_needed * cost_per_ship  # fleet upkeep is already included in query from server

    # apply some bias to expensive operations
    normalized_cost = float(troop_cost) / max(fo.getEmpire().productionPoints,
    normalized_cost = max(1.0, normalized_cost)
    cost_score = (normalized_cost**2 / 50.0) * troop_cost

    base_score = colony_base_value + bld_tally + tech_tally + enemy_val - cost_score
    # If the AI does have enough total military to attack this target, and the target is more than minimally valuable,
    # don't let the threat_factor discount the adjusted value below MIN_INVASION_SCORE +1, so that if there are no
    # other targets the AI could still pursue this one.  Otherwise, scoring pressure from
    # MilitaryAI.get_preferred_max_military_portion_for_single_battle might prevent the AI from attacking heavily
    # defended but still defeatable targets even if it has no softer targets available.
    if total_max_mil_rating > sys_total_threat and base_score > 2 * MIN_INVASION_SCORE:
        threat_factor = max(threat_factor,
                            (MIN_INVASION_SCORE + 1) / base_score)
    planet_score = retaliation_risk_factor(planet.owner) * threat_factor * max(
        0, base_score)
    if clear_path:
        planet_score *= 1.5
        " - planet score: %.2f\n"
        " - planned troops: %.2f\n"
        " - projected troop cost: %.1f\n"
        " - threat factor: %s\n"
        " - planet detail: %s\n"
        " - popval: %.1f\n"
        " - bldval: %s\n"
        " - enemyval: %s",
    debug(" - system secured: %s" % system_secured)
    return [planet_score, planned_troops]
Пример #39
def _calculate_colonisation_priority():
    """Calculates the demand for colony ships by colonisable planets."""
    global allottedColonyTargets
    enemies_sighted = foAI.foAIstate.misc.get('enemies_sighted', {})
    galaxy_is_sparse = ColonisationAI.galaxy_is_sparse()
    total_pp = fo.getEmpire().productionPoints
    num_colonies = state.get_number_of_colonies()
    colony_growth_barrier = foAI.foAIstate.character.max_number_colonies()
    if num_colonies > colony_growth_barrier:
        return 0.0
    colony_cost = AIDependencies.COLONY_POD_COST * (1 + AIDependencies.COLONY_POD_UPKEEP * num_colonies)
    turns_to_build = 8  # TODO: check for susp anim pods, build time 10
    mil_prio = foAI.foAIstate.get_priority(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_MILITARY)
    allotted_portion = ([[[0.6, 0.8], [0.3, 0.4]], [[0.8, 0.9], [0.4, 0.6]]][galaxy_is_sparse]
    allotted_portion = foAI.foAIstate.character.preferred_colonization_portion(allotted_portion)
    # if ( foAI.foAIstate.get_priority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_COLONISATION)
    # > 2 * foAI.foAIstate.get_priority(AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_MILITARY)):
    # allotted_portion *= 1.5
    if mil_prio < 100:
        allotted_portion *= 2
    elif mil_prio < 200:
        allotted_portion *= 1.5
    elif fo.currentTurn() > 100:
        allotted_portion *= 0.75 ** (num_colonies / 10.0)
    # allottedColonyTargets = 1+ int(fo.currentTurn()/50)
    allottedColonyTargets = 1 + int(total_pp * turns_to_build * allotted_portion / colony_cost)
    outpost_prio = foAI.foAIstate.get_priority(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_OUTPOST)

    # if have no SP_SLY, and have any outposts to build, don't build colony ships TODO: make more complex assessment
    colonizers = list(ColonisationAI.empire_colonizers)
    if "SP_SLY" not in colonizers and outpost_prio > 0:
        return 0.0
    min_score = ColonisationAI.MINIMUM_COLONY_SCORE
    minimal_top = min_score + 2  # one more than the conditional floor set by ColonisationAI.revise_threat_factor()
    minimal_opportunities = [species_name for (_, (score, species_name)) in foAI.foAIstate.colonisablePlanetIDs.items()
                             if min_score < score <= minimal_top]
    decent_opportunities = [species_name for (_, (score, species_name)) in foAI.foAIstate.colonisablePlanetIDs.items()
                            if score > minimal_top]
    minimal_planet_factor = 0.2  # count them for something, but not much
    num_colonisable_planet_ids = len(decent_opportunities) + minimal_planet_factor * len(minimal_opportunities)
    if num_colonisable_planet_ids == 0:
        return 1

    colony_ship_ids = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(MissionType.COLONISATION)
    num_colony_ships = len(FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types(colony_ship_ids))
    colonisation_priority = 60 * (1.0 + num_colonisable_planet_ids - num_colony_ships) / (num_colonisable_planet_ids + 1)

    if colonizers == ["SP_SLY"]:
        colonisation_priority *= 2
    elif "SP_SLY" in colonizers:
        colony_opportunities = minimal_opportunities + decent_opportunities
        colonisation_priority *= (1.0 + colony_opportunities.count("SP_SLY")) / len(colony_opportunities)

    # print
    # print "Number of Colony Ships : " + str(num_colony_ships)
    # print "Number of Colonisable planets : " + str(num_colonisable_planet_ids)
    # print "Priority for colony ships : " + str(colonisation_priority)

    if colonisation_priority < 1:
        return 0
    return colonisation_priority