def handleInput(userinput): """ Communicates input between input thread and player thread """ if any(userinput in string for string in nextStrings): elif any(userinput in string for string in stopStrings): p.stop() elif any(userinput in string for string in pauseStrings): p.pause() elif any(userinput in string for string in quitStrings): p.stop() isPlaying = False sys.exit() elif any(userinput.split(' ', 1)[0] in string for string in playStrings): #"play x" command = userinput.split(' ', 1)[0] #split once at first space try: song = userinput.split(' ', 1)[1] if any(song in string for string in p.Files): #if song is in list of p.Files p.playSong([s for s in p.Files if (song in s)]) #returns a list of songs that contain the same string as userinput except IndexError: #no song appended to the command. "play" else: sys.stdout.write(ConsoleManip.up_line()) sys.stdout.write(ConsoleManip.up_line()) sys.stdout.write(ConsoleManip.clear_line()) print 'YololPlayer cannot process ' + userinput + '\n'
def getInput(): while True: cmd = raw_input('YololPlayer: ') handleInput(cmd) sys.stdout.write(ConsoleManip.up_line()) sys.stdout.write(ConsoleManip.clear_line())
def __printCurrentSong(self): sys.stdout.write(ConsoleManip.up_line()) sys.stdout.write(ConsoleManip.up_line()) sys.stdout.write(ConsoleManip.clear_line()) print ("Now playing: " + self.Files[self.CurrentPosition] + "\n")