def multilin_mult(U, T1, dims): """ Performs the multilinear multiplication (U[0]^T,...,U[L-1]^T)*T, where dims = T.shape. We need the first unfolding T1 of T to start the computations. Inputs ------ U: list of 2-D arrays T1: 2-D array First unfolding of T. dims: list of ints Dimension of T. Outputs ------- S: float array S is the resulting multidimensional of the multilinear multiplication (U[0]^T,...,U[L-1]^T)*T. """ L = len(dims) # dims_out are the dimensions of the output tensor. dims_out = list(dims) unfolding1 = T1 for l in range(L): unfolding2 = dot(U[l], unfolding1) # Update the current dimension of dims_out. dims_out[l] = U[l].shape[0] S = empty(dims_out) S = cnv.foldback(S, unfolding2, l+1) if l < L-1: unfolding1 = cnv.unfold(S, l+2) else: return S
def processing_new(self): try: self.loader.close() except: True self.setWindowTitle(self.list_filename[0]) self.save_file.setEnabled(True) self.save_roi.setEnabled(True) self.popup_() self.list_mode_processor=List_Mode() s=time.time() self.sync_time,sync_channel=Conversion.convert(self.sync_filename[0]) del sync_channel self.list_time,self.list_channel=Conversion.convert(self.list_filename[0]) print('Imported and conveted in {:.2f}s'.format(time.time()-s)) winsound.MessageBeep() delt=(self.sync_time[2]-self.sync_time[1]) #set the maximum value for the end time and start times maxe=int((self.list_time[-1]-self.list_time[0])*1e-6) self.end_time.setMaximum(maxe) self.end_time.setValue(maxe) self.start_time.setMaximum(maxe-1) self.start_time.setValue(0) self.offset.setMaximum(int(delt-self.duty_cycle.value()/100*delt)) self.offset.setMinimum(int(-(delt*self.duty_cycle.value()/100)*.5)) self.view_pop.setEnabled(True) self.updater()
def test_truncation(T, trunc_list, display=True, n_iter=2, power_iteration_normalizer='none'): """ This function test one or several possible truncations for the MLSVD of T, showing the error of the truncations. It is possible to accomplish the same results calling the function mlsvd with display=3 but this is not advisable since each call recomputes the same unfolding SVD's. The variable trunc_list must be a list of truncations. Even if it is only one truncation, it must be a list with one truncation only. """ # Set the main variables about T. dims = T.shape L = len(dims) Tsize = norm(T) # Transform list into array and get the maximum for each dimension. max_trunc_dims = np.max(array(trunc_list), axis=0) # Compute truncated SVD of all unfoldings of T. sigmas = [] U = [] T1 = empty((dims[0], prod(dims) // dims[0]), dtype=float64) for l in range(L): Tl = cnv.unfold(T, l+1) if l == 0: T1 = cnv.unfold_C(T, l+1) low_rank = min(dims[l], max_trunc_dims[l]) Ul, sigma_l, Vlt = rand_svd(Tl, low_rank, n_iter=n_iter, power_iteration_normalizer=power_iteration_normalizer) sigmas.append(sigma_l) U.append(Ul) # Save errors in a list. trunc_error = [] # Truncated MLSVD. for trunc in trunc_list: # S, U and UT truncated. current_dims = trunc current_U = [] current_sigmas = [] for l in range(L): current_U.append(U[l][:, :current_dims[l]]) current_sigmas.append(sigmas[l][:current_dims[l]]) current_UT = [current_U[l].T for l in range(L)] S = mlinalg.multilin_mult(current_UT, T1, dims) # Error of truncation. S1 = cnv.unfold(S, 1) current_error = mlinalg.compute_error(T, Tsize, S1, current_U, current_dims) trunc_error.append(current_error) # Display results. if display: print('Truncation:', current_dims) print('Error:', current_error) print() return trunc_error
def test_century(self): self.assertEqual(cv.century(1905), 20) self.assertEqual(cv.century('1905'), 20) self.assertEqual(cv.century(1700), 17) self.assertEqual(cv.century(200), 2) self.assertEqual(cv.century(-200), 2)
def compute_dogleg_steps(Tsize, Tl, T1_approx, factors, grad, JT_J_grad, x, y, error, inner_parameters): """ Compute Dogleg step. """ count = 0 best_x = x.copy() best_y = y.copy() best_error = error best_factors = deepcopy(factors) gain_ratio = 1 delta = 1 while gain_ratio > 0: # Keep the previous value of x and error to compare with the new ones in the next iteration. old_x = x old_y = y old_error = error damp, inner_method, cg_maxiter, cg_factor, cg_tol, tol_jump, symm, factors_norm, fix_mode = inner_parameters # Apply dog leg method. y = dogleg(y, grad, JT_J_grad, delta) # Update results. x = x + y # Balance and transform factors. factors = cnv.x2cpd(x, factors, eq=False) factors = cnv.transform(factors, symm, factors_norm) # Compute error. T1_approx = cnv.cpd2unfold1(T1_approx, factors) error = crt.fastnorm(Tl[0], T1_approx) / Tsize # Update gain ratio. gain_ratio = update_gain_ratio(damp, old_error, error, Tsize, old_x, x, grad) if error < old_error: best_x = x.copy() best_y = y.copy() best_error = error best_factors = deepcopy(factors) # Update delta. delta = update_delta(delta, gain_ratio, norm(x - old_x)) count += 1 if count > 10: break return best_factors, best_x, best_y, best_error
def handle(content, server): """ Handles the content returned from a lp poll """ try: content = json.loads(content) except: logging.debug(traceback.format_exc()) gevent.sleep(5) return block = Conversion.extract_block(content) if block not in blocks: blocks[block] = {} bitHopper.LongPoll.trigger(content) else: #Some pools like p2pool need to send a lot of longpolls #Always pass through the longpoll bitHopper.LongPoll.trigger(content) return if server not in blocks[block]: blocks[block][server] = int(time.time()) logging.debug('%s, %s' % (server, block)) gevent.spawn(learn_block, blocks, block)
def rank1_terms_list(factors): """ Compute each rank 1 term, as a multidimensional array, of the CPD. Let T be the corresponding the tensor, in coordinates, of thr CPD given by factors, and let rank1_terms = [T_1, T_2, ..., T_R] be the output of this function. Then we have that T_1 + T_2 + ... + T_R = T. Inputs ------ factors: list of float 2-D ndarrays with shape (dims[i], R) each The CPD factors of some tensor. Outputs ------- rank1_terms: list of float ndarrays Each tensor rank1_terms[r] is the r-th rank-1 term of the given CPD. """ R = factors[0].shape[1] L = len(factors) rank1_terms = [] for r in range(R): vectors = [] for l in range(L): # vectors[l] = [w_r^(1),w_r^(2),...,w_r^(L)], which represents w_r^(1) ⊗ w_r^(2) ⊗ ... ⊗ w_r^(L). v = factors[l][:, r] vectors.append(v.reshape(v.size, 1)) term = cnv.cpd2tens(vectors) rank1_terms.append(term) return rank1_terms
def multilin_mult_cpd(U, W, dims): """ Performs the multilinear multiplication (U[0],...,U[L-1])*(W[0], ..., W[L-1])*I = (U[0]*W[0],...,U[L-1]*W[L-1])*I, where I.shape = dims = (W[0].shape[1],...,W[L-1].shape[1]) are the size of the columns of the W's. Inputs ------ U: list of 2-D arrays W: list of 2-D arrays dims: list of ints Outputs ------- S: float array S is the resulting multidimensional of the mentioned multiplication. """ L = len(dims) # dims_out are the dimensions of the output tensor. dims_out = [] W_new = [] for l in range(L): W_new.append( dot(U[l], W[l]) ) dims_out.append(W_new[l].shape[0]) S = cnv.cpd2tens(W_new) return S
def multirank_approx(T, multi_rank, options): """ This function computes an approximation of T with multilinear rank = multi_rank. Truncation the core tensor of the MLSVD doesn't gives the best low multirank approximation, but gives very good approximations. Inputs ------ T: float array multi_rank: list of int The desired low multilinear rank. Outputs ------- T_approx: float array The approximating tensor with multilinear rank = multi_rank. """ # Compute dimensions and norm of T. dims = T.shape sorted_dims = sort(array(dims)) L = len(dims) Tsize = norm(T) # Compute truncated MLSVD of T. options = aux.make_options(options, L) options.display = 0 options.trunc_dims = multi_rank R_gen = int(ceil( prod(sorted_dims)/(np.sum(sorted_dims) - L + 1) )) S, U, UT, sigmas = cmpr.mlsvd(T, Tsize, R_gen, options) # Construct the corresponding tensor T_approx. S1 = cnv.unfold(S, 1) T_approx = multilin_mult(U, S1, multi_rank) return T_approx
def hessian(factors, P1, P2, sum_dims): """ Approximate Hessian matrix of the error function. """ L = len(factors) R = factors[0].shape[1] dims = [factors[l].shape[0] for l in range(L)] H = zeros((R * sum(dims), R * sum(dims))) vec_factors = [zeros(R * dims[l]) for l in range(L)] fortran_factors = [np.array(factors[l], order='F') for l in range(L)] for l in range(L): vec_factors[l] = cnv.vec(factors[l], vec_factors[l], dims[l], R) vec_factors[l] = vec_factors[l].reshape(R * dims[l], 1).T for l in range(L): I = identity(dims[l]) # Block H_{ll}. H[sum_dims[l]:sum_dims[l + 1], sum_dims[l]:sum_dims[l + 1]] = mlinalg.kronecker(P1[l, :, :], I) for ll in range(l): I = ones((dims[l], dims[ll])) tmp1 = mlinalg.kronecker(P2[l, ll, :, :], I) tmp2 = zeros((R * dims[l], R * dims[ll])) tmp2 = compute_blocks(tmp2, fortran_factors[l], vec_factors[ll], tuple(dims), R, l, ll) # Blocks H_{l, ll} and H_{ll, l}. H[sum_dims[l]:sum_dims[l+1], sum_dims[ll]:sum_dims[ll+1]] = \ mlinalg.hadamard(tmp1, tmp2, H[sum_dims[l]:sum_dims[l+1], sum_dims[ll]:sum_dims[ll+1]]) H[sum_dims[ll]:sum_dims[ll + 1], sum_dims[l]:sum_dims[l + 1]] = H[sum_dims[l]:sum_dims[l + 1], sum_dims[ll]:sum_dims[ll + 1]].T return H
def testFahrenheitToKelvin(self): for val in self.knownvals: f = val[1] k = val[2] expect = conversions.convertFahrenheitToKelvin(f) self.assertEqual(expect, k, msg=('{} degrees K ' 'is not equal to {}' ' degrees K.').format(f, k))
def testFahrenheitToCelsius(self): for val in self.knownvals: f = val[1] c = val[0] expect = conversions.convertFahrenheitToCelsius(f) self.assertEqual(expect, c, msg=('{} degrees C ' 'is not equal to {}' ' degrees C.').format(f, c))
def testCelsiustoKelvin(self): for val in self.knownvals: c = val[0] k = val[2] expect = conversions.convertCelsiusToKelvin(c) self.assertEqual(expect, k, msg=('{} degrees K ' 'is not equal to {}' ' degrees K.').format(c, k))
def testKelvinToCelsius(self): for val in self.knownvals: k = val[2] c = val[0] expect = conversions.convertKelvinToCelsius(k) self.assertEqual(expect, c, msg=('{} degrees C ' 'is not equal to {}' ' degrees C.').format(k, c))
def testCelsiustoFahrenheit(self): for val in self.knownvals: c = val[0] f = val[1] expect = conversions.convertCelsiusToFahrenheit(c) self.assertEqual(expect, f, msg=('{} degrees F ' 'is not equal to {}' ' degrees F.').format(c, f))
def testKelvinToFahrenheit(self): for val in self.knownvals: k = val[2] f = val[1] expect = conversions.convertKelvinToFahrenheit(k) self.assertEqual(expect, f, msg=('{} degrees F ' ' is not equal to {}' ' degrees F.').format(k, f))
def Launch(name): #S'il n'y a rien, utilisateur a appuyé sans avoir selectionné de programme a lancer if (len(name) == 0): return root.destroy() #éxécute une fenêtre choisie dans la combobox if (name == "Multi-Compteur"): Comptmots.Comptmot() if (name == "Mini-jeu"): Jeu.jeu() if (name == "Feedback"): feedback.fb() if (name == "Calcul de la moyenne"): Moyenne.Moyenne() if (name == "Convertisseur d'unité"): Conversion.conversion()
def hill_cipher_algorithm(message_to_encrypt, key_size): success = False count = 0 while success == False: message_matrix = Conversion.generate_cipher_matrix( message_to_encrypt, key_size) encryption_key = Generate_Encryption_Key.generate_encryption_key( key_size) encrypted_message = Conversion.encrypt_message(encryption_key, message_matrix) decryption_key = Generate_Encryption_Key.generate_sympy_decryption_key( encryption_key) decrypted_message = Conversion.decrypt_message(decryption_key, encrypted_message) if np.array_equiv(message_matrix, decrypted_message) == True: success = True else: pass count += 1 return count
def auditoryFilterbank(x_t, fs, win_size, hop_size, min_freq, max_freq, num_subbands): # ============================================================================ overlap = win_size - hop_size windowF = np.hamming(win_size) s, f, t, image = plt.specgram(x_t, Fs=fs, window=windowF, NFFT=win_size, noverlap=overlap, mode='magnitude') #s = abs(s); fs_fft = hop_size / fs min_mel = convert.hz2mel(min_freq) max_mel = convert.hz2mel(max_freq) mel_c = np.linspace(min_mel, max_mel, num=num_subbands + 2) freq_c = convert.mel2hz(mel_c) #Rounding to closest bin bin_c = convert.find_nearest(f, freq_c) bank = np.zeros((np.size(f), num_subbands)) bank_norm = np.zeros((np.size(f), num_subbands)) #Constructing individual filterbank for i in range(0, num_subbands): pre = np.zeros(((bin_c[i])), up = np.linspace(0, 1, num=(bin_c[i + 1] - bin_c[i]) + 1) down = np.linspace(1, 0, num=(bin_c[i + 2] - bin_c[i + 1]) + 1) down = down[1:] post = np.zeros(((np.size(f) - bin_c[i + 2]) - 1), bank[:, i] = np.concatenate([pre, up, down, post]) bank_norm[:, i] = np.divide(bank[:, i], (np.sum(bank[:, i]))) #plt(bank_norm) #Log magnitude & multiplication with filterbank logmag = 20 * np.log10(, (bank_norm))) return logmag, fs_fft
def smart_random(S, dims, R): """ This function generates 1 + int(sqrt(prod(dims))) samples of random possible initializations. The closest to S is saved. This method draws R random points in S and generates a tensor with rank <= R from them. The distribution is such that it tries to maximize the energy of the sampled tensor, so the error is minimized. Inputs ------ S: float array The core tensor of the MLSVD of T. dims: list or tuple The dimensions (shape) of S. R: int The desired rank. Outputs ------- best_factors: list of float 2D arrays """ # Initialize auxiliary values and arrays. dims = array(dims) samples = 1 + int(sqrt(prod(dims))) best_error = inf S1 = cnv.unfold(S, 1) Ssize = norm(S) # Start search for a good initial point. for sample in range(samples): init_factors = smart_sample(S, dims, R) # Compute error. S1_init = empty(S1.shape) S1_init = cnv.cpd2unfold1(S1_init, init_factors) rel_error = norm(S1 - S1_init) / Ssize if rel_error < best_error: best_error = rel_error best_factors = init_factors.copy() return best_factors
def hill_cipher_algorithm(message_to_encrypt, key_size): success = False while success == False: message_matrix = Conversion.generate_cipher_matrix( message_to_encrypt, key_size) encryption_key = Generate_Encryption_Key.generate_encryption_key( key_size) print('Encryption Key:') print(encryption_key) print() encrypted_matrix = Conversion.encrypt_message(encryption_key, message_matrix) decryption_key = Generate_Encryption_Key.generate_sympy_decryption_key( encryption_key) print('Decryption Key:') print(decryption_key) print() decrypted_matrix = Conversion.decrypt_message(decryption_key, encrypted_matrix) if np.array_equiv(message_matrix, decrypted_matrix) == True: success = True else: pass folder = os.getcwd() + '//Encryption' if not os.path.exists(folder): os.mkdir(folder) encrypted_text = Conversion.convert_matrix_to_text(encrypted_matrix) decrypted_text = Conversion.convert_matrix_to_text(decrypted_matrix) print('Encrypted Text:') print(encrypted_text) print() print('Decrypted Text:') print(decrypted_text) write_encrypted_message(encrypted_text, decryption_key, encryption_key, folder)
def run(): x = InputNumbers.input_numbers1() y = InputNumbers.input_numbers2() print ("\nFirst decimal number: " +str (x)) print ("Second decimal number: " +str (y)) binary_num1 = (Conversion.bitToByte(''.join(map(str,Conversion.dectobin(x)[::-1])))) print("\nFirst decimal number in binary: " + str(binary_num1)) binary_num2 = (Conversion.bitToByte(''.join(map(str,Conversion.dectobin(y)[::-1])))) print("Second decimal number in binary: " + str(binary_num2)) final_sum = str(BinaryAddition.addition(binary_num1,binary_num2)) print("\nThe bitwise addition of above binary numbers is:" + final_sum) while True: restart = input("\nDo you want to start again? (Y/N): ") print(end='') if restart == "Y": run() elif restart == "N": sys.exit()
def matvec(factors, P2, P_VT_W, result, result_tmp, z, A, B, dims, sum_dims): """ Makes the matrix-vector computation (Jf^T * Jf)*v. """ L = len(factors) R = factors[0].shape[1] result_tmp *= 0 result_tmp = matvec_inner(A, P2, P_VT_W, result_tmp, L) for l in range(L): dot(factors[l], result_tmp[l], out=result[l]) result[l] += B[l] z[sum_dims[l]:sum_dims[l + 1]] = cnv.vec( result[l], z[sum_dims[l]:sum_dims[l + 1]], dims[l], R) return z
def handle(content, server): """ Handles the content returned from a lp poll """ try: content = json.loads(content) except: logging.debug(traceback.format_exc()) gevent.sleep(5) return block = Conversion.extract_block(content) if block not in blocks: blocks[block] = {} bitHopper.LongPoll.trigger(content) if server not in blocks[block]: blocks[block][server] = int(time.time()) logging.debug("%s, %s" % (server, block))
# Encryption # padding with ~ to make it divisible by 8 length = len(plaintext) if length % 8 != 0: remain = 8 - (length % 8) for i in range(0, remain): plaintext = plaintext + "~" length = len(plaintext) chunks = length // 8 cipher_text = "" # convert key to bit key_in_64bits = Conversion.tobits(key) # convert key into 56 bits key_in_56bits = Conversion.to56bits(key_in_64bits) SHIFT = [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1] keys = [] for j in range(0, 16): # get first and second half after shifting firsthalf_from_key = Conversion.getfirsthalf(key_in_56bits, SHIFT[j]) secondhalf_from_key = Conversion.getsecondhalf(key_in_56bits, SHIFT[j]) current_key = [] for k in range(0, 28): current_key.append(firsthalf_from_key[k]) for k in range(0, 28): current_key.append(secondhalf_from_key[k])
def doLogic(self) : output_ = self.doLogic_(Conversion.getPointValues(self.input_)) for out in self.output : out.pushState(output_)
def mlsvd(T, Tsize, R, options): """ This function computes a truncated MLSVD of tensors of any order. The output is such that T = (U_1,...,U_L)*S, and UT is the list of the transposes of U. The parameter n_iter of the randomized SVD is set to 2. It is only good to increase this value when the tensor has much noise. Still this issue is addressed by the low rank CPD approximation, so n_iter=2 is enough. Inputs ------ T: float array Objective tensor in coordinates. Tsize: float Frobenius norm of T. R: int An upper bound for the multilinear rank of T. Normally one will use the rank of T. options: class with the parameters previously defined. Outputs ------- S: float array Core tensor of the MLSVD. U: list of float 2-D arrays List with truncated matrices of the original U. T1: float 2-D arrays First unfolding of T. sigmas: list of float 1-D arrays List with truncated arrays of the original sigmas. """ # INITIALIZE RELEVANT VARIABLES. sigmas = [] U = [] # Verify if T is sparse, in which case it will be given as a list with the data. if type(T) == list: data, idxs, dims = T else: dims = T.shape L = len(dims) # Set options. options = aux.make_options(options, L) trunc_dims = options.trunc_dims display = options.display mlsvd_method = options.mlsvd_method tol_mlsvd = options.tol_mlsvd if type(tol_mlsvd) == list: if L > 3: tol_mlsvd = tol_mlsvd[0] else: tol_mlsvd = tol_mlsvd[1] gpu = options.gpu if gpu: import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray import pycuda.autoinit from skcuda import linalg, rlinalg # tol_mlsvd = -1 means no truncation and no compression, that is, the original tensor. if tol_mlsvd == -1: T1 = cnv.unfold(T, 1) U = [identity(dims[l]) for l in range(L)] sigmas = [ones(dims[l]) for l in range(L)] if display > 2 or display < -1: return T, U, T1, sigmas, 0.0 else: return T, U, T1, sigmas # T is sparse. elif type(T) == list: for l in range(L): Tl = cnv.sparse_unfold(data, idxs, dims, l+1) if l == 0: T1 = cnv.sparse_unfold(data, idxs, dims, l+1) mlsvd_method = 'sparse' U, sigmas, Vlt, dim = compute_svd(Tl, U, sigmas, dims, R, mlsvd_method, tol_mlsvd, gpu, L, l) # Compute (U_1^T,...,U_L^T)*T = S. new_dims = [U[l].shape[1] for l in range(L)] UT = [U[l].T for l in range(L)] S = mlinalg.sparse_multilin_mult(UT, data, idxs, new_dims) # Compute MLSVD base on sequentially truncated method. elif mlsvd_method == 'seq': S_dims = copy(dims) S = T for l in range(L): Sl = cnv.unfold(S, l+1) if l == 0: T1 = cnv.unfold_C(S, l+1) U, sigmas, Vlt, dim = compute_svd(Sl, U, sigmas, dims, R, mlsvd_method, tol_mlsvd, gpu, L, l) # Compute l-th unfolding of S truncated at the l-th mode. Sl = (Vlt.T * sigmas[-1]).T S_dims[l] = dim S = empty(S_dims, dtype=float64) S = cnv.foldback(S, Sl, l+1) # Compute MLSVD based on classic method. elif mlsvd_method == 'classic': for l in range(L): Tl = cnv.unfold(T, l+1) if l == 0: T1 = cnv.unfold_C(T, l+1) U, sigmas, Vlt, dim = compute_svd(Tl, U, sigmas, dims, R, mlsvd_method, tol_mlsvd, gpu, L, l) # Compute (U_1^T,...,U_L^T)*T = S. UT = [U[l].T for l in range(L)] S = mlinalg.multilin_mult(UT, T1, dims) # Specific truncation is given by the user. if type(trunc_dims) == list: slices = [] for l in range(L): slices.append(slice(0, trunc_dims[l])) if trunc_dims[l] > U[l].shape[1]: print('trunc_dims[', l, '] =', trunc_dims[l], 'and U[', l, '].shape =', U[l].shape) sys.exit('Must have trunc_dims[l] <= min(dims[l], R) for all mode l=1...' + str(L)) U[l] = U[l][:, :trunc_dims[l]] S = S[tuple(slices)] # Compute error of compressed tensor. if display > 2 or display < -1: if type(T) == list: best_error = mlinalg.compute_error(T, Tsize, S, U, dims) else: S1 = cnv.unfold(S, 1) best_error = mlinalg.compute_error(T, Tsize, S1, U, S.shape) return S, U, T1, sigmas, best_error return S, U, T1, sigmas
''' Author:Daniel Ramirez TFG: Steganography in TCP/IP protocols [email protected] Development by using scapy a Python Framework ''' #!/usr/bin/env python from scapy.all import * from Steganography import * from Conversion import * if __name__ == "__main__": try: print "########## [Steganography] ##########" a=steg() a.OpenFile() a.ConversiontoInteger() a.SendingPacket() print "########## [Recovering Message] ##########" #Comentar codigo b=Conversion() b.converter() except Exception as e: print e
def __repr__(self) : return "(point{}: state:{}; conns:{})".format(, Conversion.getStateAsStr(self), connections[self])
def starting_point(T, Tsize, S, U, R, ordering, options): """ This function generates a starting point to begin the iterations. There are three options: - list: the user may give a list with the factor matrices to be used as starting point. - 'random': the entries the factor matrices are generated by the normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 1. - 'smart_random': generates a random starting point with a method based on the MLSVD which always guarantee a small relative error. Check the function 'smart_random' for more details about this method. - 'smart': works similar as the smart_random method, but this one is deterministic and generates the best rank-R approximation based on the MLSVD. Inputs ------ T: float array Tsize: float S: float array The core tensor of the MLSVD of T. U: list of float 2D arrays Each element of U is a orthogonal matrix of the MLSVD of T. R: int the desired rank. ordering: list of ints Since the cpd may change the index ordering, this list may be necessary if the user gives an initialization, which will be based on the original ordering. options: class Outputs ------- init_factors: list of float 2D arrays """ # Extract all variable from the class of options. initialization = options.initialization c = options.factors_norm symm = options.symm display = options.display dims = S.shape L = len(dims) if type(initialization) == list: init_factors = [dot(U[l].T, initialization[ordering[l]]) for l in range(L)] elif initialization == 'random': init_factors = [randn(dims[l], R) for l in range(L)] elif initialization == 'smart_random': init_factors = smart_random(S, dims, R) elif initialization == 'smart': init_factors = smart(S, dims, R) else: sys.exit('Error with init parameter.') if type(initialization) != list: # Depending on the tensor, the factors may have null entries. We want to avoid that. The solution is to # introduce a very small random noise. init_factors = clean_zeros(init_factors, dims, R) # Make all factors balanced. init_factors = cnv.equalize(init_factors, R) # Apply additional transformations if requested. init_factors = cnv.transform(init_factors, symm, c) if display > 2 or display < -1: S_init = cnv.cpd2tens(init_factors) if type(T) == list: rel_error = mlinalg.compute_error(T, Tsize, S_init, U, dims) else: S1_init = cnv.unfold(S_init, 1) rel_error = mlinalg.compute_error(T, Tsize, S1_init, U, dims) return init_factors, rel_error return init_factors
#plt.scatter([point[1] for point in points], [point[0] for point in points], s=0.2) # Ignoring the distorted (?) regions. #points_truncated = [point for point in points if 2 <= point[1] <= 4.5 and point[0] > 3105] #plt.scatter([point[1] for point in points_truncated], [point[0] for point in points_truncated], s=0.2) h, bin_edges = Detection.points_histogram( [point[0] for point in points_truncated]) #plt.hist([point[0] for point in points_truncated], bin_edges) # To do: the inclusion threshold would be a good thing to expose to the user grooves = Detection.points_to_grooves(h, bin_edges, 1000, points_truncated) irregular_audio = Conversion.Stylus() for i, groove in enumerate(grooves): #plt.scatter(groove.get_theta_axis(), groove.get_rho_axis(), s=0.2), irregular_audio.append(Conversion.Stylus(groove, i + 1)) # print("Max Gap: " + str(irregular_audio.get_max_gap())) plt.scatter(range(len(,, s=0.2), # audio = DataConversion.Audio(48000, irregular_audio) # plt.scatter([i for i in range(len(],, s=0.2), Conversion.audio_to_wave(
import Conversion import Comparisons from UserInterface import UserInterface from APIFunctions import Path import PySimpleGUI as sg totalCarbon = 0 tripCarbon = 0 path = Path() path.GUI.SecondInterface() kwh = path.GUI.kwh * 12 gallonsPropane = path.GUI.gallonsPropane * 12 cubicFeetNatGas = path.GUI.cubicFeetNatGas * 12 gallonsHeatOil = path.GUI.gallonsHeatOil * 12 distance = path.distance distance = Conversion.MetersToMiles(distance) totalDistance = path.GUI.carDistance time = path.time fuelEconomy = path.GUI.fuelEconomy diesel = path.GUI.diesel airDistance = path.GUI.airDistance gallonsDriven = Conversion.GallonsUsed(fuelEconomy, distance) totalGallonsDriven = Conversion.GallonsUsed(fuelEconomy, totalDistance) totalCarbon += Conversion.ElecToCO2(kwh) totalCarbon += Conversion.HeatingOilToCO2(gallonsHeatOil) totalCarbon += Conversion.NatGasToCO2(cubicFeetNatGas) totalCarbon += Conversion.PropaneToCO2(gallonsPropane) if diesel: tripCarbon += Conversion.DieseltoCO2(gallonsDriven) totalCarbon += Conversion.DieseltoCO2(totalGallonsDriven) else:
from DFA import DFA import Conversion # Get a data from JSON file dfa = Conversion.collectData(); # Draw an input data as a diagram and dfa.drawAutomata('Initial DFA', "DFA1")
def als(T, factors, R, options): """ This function uses the ALS method to compute an approximation of T with rank R. Inputs ------ T: float array factors: list of float 2-D array The factor matrices to be used as starting point. R: int. The desired rank of the approximating tensor. options: class See the function cpd for more information about the options available. Outputs ------- factors: list of float 2-D array The factor matrices of the CPD of T. step_sizes: float 1-D array Distance between the computed points at each iteration. errors: float 1-D array Error of the computed approximating tensor at each iteration. improv: float 1-D array Improvement of the error at each iteration. More precisely, the difference between the relative error of the current iteration and the previous one. gradients: float 1-D array Gradient of the error function at each iteration. stop: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 This value indicates why the function stopped. See the function dGN for more details. """ # INITIALIZE RELEVANT VARIABLES # Extract all relevant variables from the class of options. maxiter = options.maxiter tol = options.tol tol_step = options.tol_step tol_improv = options.tol_improv tol_grad = options.tol_grad symm = options.symm display = options.display factors_norm = options.factors_norm # Verify if some factor should be fixed or not. This only happens when the bicpd function was called. L = len(factors) fix_mode = -1 orig_factors = [[] for l in range(L)] for l in range(L): if type(factors[l]) == list: fix_mode = l orig_factors[l] = factors[l][0].copy() factors[l] = factors[l][0] # Set the other variables. Tsize = norm(T) error = 1 best_error = inf stop = 5 const = 1 + int(maxiter / 10) # INITIALIZE RELEVANT ARRAYS x = concatenate([factors[l].flatten('F') for l in range(L)]) step_sizes = empty(maxiter) errors = empty(maxiter) improv = empty(maxiter) gradients = empty(maxiter) best_factors = [copy(factors[l]) for l in range(L)] # Compute unfoldings. Tl = [cnv.unfold(T, l + 1) for l in range(L)] T1_approx = empty(Tl[0].shape, dtype=float64) if display > 1: if display == 4: print(' ', '{:^9}'.format('Iteration'), '| {:^11}'.format('Rel error'), '| {:^11}'.format('Step size'), '| {:^11}'.format('Improvement'), '| {:^11}'.format('norm(grad)')) else: print(' ', '{:^9}'.format('Iteration'), '| {:^9}'.format('Rel error'), '| {:^11}'.format('Step size'), '| {:^10}'.format('Improvement'), '| {:^10}'.format('norm(grad)')) # START ALS ITERATIONS for it in range(maxiter): # Keep the previous value of x and error to compare with the new ones in the next iteration. old_x = x old_error = error # ALS iteration call. factors = als_iteration(Tl, factors, fix_mode) x = concatenate([factors[l].flatten('F') for l in range(L)]) # Transform factors. factors = cnv.transform(factors, symm, factors_norm) # Some mode may be fixed when the bicpd is called. if L == 3: for l in range(L): if fix_mode == l: factors[l] = copy(orig_factors[l]) # Compute error. T1_approx = cnv.cpd2unfold1(T1_approx, factors) error = crt.fastnorm(Tl[0], T1_approx) / Tsize # Update best solution. if error < best_error: best_error = error for l in range(L): best_factors[l] = copy(factors[l]) # Save relevant information about the current iteration. step_sizes[it] = norm(x - old_x) errors[it] = error gradients[it] = np.abs(old_error - error) / step_sizes[it] if it == 0: improv[it] = errors[it] else: improv[it] = np.abs(errors[it - 1] - errors[it]) # Show information about current iteration. if display > 1: if display == 4: print(' ', '{:^8}'.format(it + 1), '| {:^10.5e}'.format(errors[it]), '| {:^10.5e}'.format(step_sizes[it]), '| {:^10.5e}'.format(improv[it]), '| {:^11.5e}'.format(gradients[it])) else: print(' ', '{:^9}'.format(it + 1), '| {:^9.2e}'.format(errors[it]), '| {:^11.2e}'.format(step_sizes[it]), '| {:^11.2e}'.format(improv[it]), '| {:^10.2e}'.format(gradients[it])) # Stopping conditions. if it > 1: if errors[it] < tol: stop = 0 break if step_sizes[it] < tol_step: stop = 1 break if improv[it] < tol_improv: stop = 2 break if gradients[it] < tol_grad: stop = 3 break if it > 2 * const and it % const == 0: # Let const=1+int(maxiter/10). Comparing the average errors of const consecutive iterations prevents # the program to continue iterating when the error starts to oscillate without decreasing. mean1 = mean(errors[it - 2 * const:it - const]) mean2 = mean(errors[it - const:it]) if mean1 - mean2 <= tol_improv: stop = 4 break # If the average improvements is too small compared to the average errors, the program stops. mean3 = mean(improv[it - const:it]) if mean3 < 1e-3 * mean2: stop = 7 break # Prevent blow ups. if error > max(1, Tsize**2) / (1e-16 + tol): stop = 6 break # SAVE LAST COMPUTED INFORMATION errors = errors[0:it + 1] step_sizes = step_sizes[0:it + 1] improv = improv[0:it + 1] gradients = gradients[0:it + 1] return factors, step_sizes, errors, improv, gradients, stop
def decodePacket(line, wayPointCount): ret = 1 #returns the the type of Packet, 0 for bad packet package= {} wayList = [] #storage for waypoints from truck line.replace(" ","") #gets rids of leading spaces in truck output tmpByteCount = len(line) dline = line.split(';') if (dline[0] == '~'): #handshake ret = 1 elif(dline[0] == 'G'): #ground station packets if(tmpByteCount == 14 ): #Packet A ret = 2 package['version'] = float(dline[1]) #Version # if(str(package['version']).__len__() <= 0): ret = 0 #bad packet package['alive'] = float(Conversion.timeAliveConvert(line[9:11])) if(str(package['alive']).__len__() <= 0): ret = 0 #bad packet #time alive in ms package['battery_voltage'] = float(Conversion.voltageConversion(line[12:])) if(str(package['battery_voltage']).__len__() <= 0): ret = 0 #bad packet if(tmpByteCount==22): #Packet B ret = 3 tmp = Conversion.string2gps(dline[1]).split(',') #seperate direction package['latitude'] = tmp[0] #Latitude if(str(package['latitude']).__len__() <= 0): ret = 0 #bad packet tmp = Conversion.string2gps(dline[2]).split(',') #seperate direction package['longitude'] = tmp[0] #Longitude if(str(package['longitude']).__len__() <= 0): ret = 0 #bad packet package['altitude'] = Conversion.string2gps(dline[3]) #Altitude if(str(package['altitude']).__len__() <= 0): ret = 0 #bad packet package['heading'] = Conversion.string2gps(dline[4]) #Heading if(str(package['heading']).__len__() <= 0): ret = 0 #bad packet package['air_pressure'] =((float(Conversion.string2gps(dline[5]))/1023) + .095)/.009 #Heading if(str(package['air_pressure']).__len__() <= 0): ret = 0 #bad packet #package['xpos'] = dline[4] #X-Position #package['ypos'] = dline[5] #Y-position if(dline[1]=='c'): #antenna packet ret =6 else: #vehicle packets try: if(len(dline)==9): ret = 4 package['mode'] = int((dline[0])[1]) if(str(package['mode']).__len__() <= 0): ret = 0 #bad packet package['speed'] = float((dline[1])[1:len(dline[1])]) if(str(package['speed']).__len__() <= 0): ret = 0 #bad packet package['heading'] = float((dline[2])[1:len(dline[2])]) if(str(package['heading']).__len__() <= 0): ret = 0 #bad packet package['temperature'] = float((dline[3])[1:len(dline[3])]) if(str(package['temperature']).__len__() <= 0): ret = 0 #bad packet package['range'] = float((dline[4])[1:len(dline[4])]) if(str(package['range']).__len__() <= 0): ret = 0 #bad packet package['battery_voltage'] = float((dline[5])[1:len(dline[5])]) if(str(package['battery_voltage']).__len__() <= 0): ret = 0 #bad packet package['latitude'] = float((dline[6])[1:len(dline[6])]) if(str(package['latitude']).__len__() <= 0): ret = 0 #bad packet package['longitude'] = float((dline[7])[1:len(dline[7])]) if(str(package['longitude']).__len__() <= 0): ret = 0 #bad packet except Exception: ret = 0 #bad packet if(str(dline[0]).rfind("CURRENT WAYPOINTSIndex:")!=-1): ret=5 #waypoints tmpWayPointCount = str(((dline[0])[24:25])).rstrip() #get waypoint count return from vechile if ((tmpWayPointCount+1) !=wayPointCount): #test for consistency between variables print "Error: Waypoint counts do not match!" wayPointCount= int(tmpWayPointCount+1) #correct inconsistencies (dline[0]).replace ( 'CURRENT WAYPOINTSIndex: 0', '' ) #remove misc. characters (dline[0]).lstrip() for w in range(0,wayPointCount): #create test waylist wayList.append(Waypoint((dline[w])[1:], (dline[w+1])[1:],None)) return(ret,wayList) return (ret,package)