def NREL_station_lookup(lat, lon, year, interval='60', utc='false'): """ Returns dataframe of NREL weather observations for the given latitude, longitude, and year :param float lat: lat to lookup weather data on :param float lon: lon to lookup weather data on :param integer year: year to look date up in :param string interval: 30 or 60 intervals for weather observations (string to fit in url) :param string utc: TRUE/FALSE to convert observations to UTC (string to fit in url) :return: dataframe of NREL weather observations for that year :rtype: dataframe """ cred = Credentials.Credentials() leap_year = is_leap_year(year) # According to site pressure could also be added but was unable to work it out # attributes = 'wind_speed,air_temperature,solar_zenith_angle,wind_direction,dew_point,relative_humidity' attributes = 'ghi,dhi,dni,wind_speed,air_temperature,solar_zenith_angle,wind_direction,dew_point,relative_humidity' api_key = cred.api_key() your_name = cred.your_name() reason_for_use = cred.reason_for_use() your_affiliation = cred.your_affiliation() your_email = cred.your_email() mailing_list = cred.mailing_list() url = '{lon}%20{lat})&names={year}&leap_day={leap}&interval={interval}&utc={utc}&full_name={name}&email={email}&affiliation={affiliation}&mailing_list={mailing_list}&reason={reason}&api_key={api}&attributes={attr}'.format( year=year, lat=lat, lon=lon, leap=leap_year, interval=interval, utc=utc, name=your_name, email=your_email, mailing_list=mailing_list, affiliation=your_affiliation, reason=reason_for_use, api=api_key, attr=attributes) dftemp = pd.read_csv(url, skiprows=2) dftemp['Wind Speed'] = dftemp[ 'Wind Speed'] * 2.236936 # Convert wind speed from m/s to mph dftemp['lat'] = lat dftemp['lon'] = lon # Set the time index in the pandas dataframe: dftemp = dftemp.set_index( pd.date_range('1/1/{yr}'.format(yr=year), freq=interval + 'Min', periods=525600 / int(interval))) return dftemp
def __init__(self, coms, master=None): super().__init__(master) # initializing the gui window self.coms = coms self.width = 1000 self.height = 700 master.geometry("" + str(self.width) + "x" + str(self.height)) master.title("Pacemaker Control Center") self.pack() self.master = master self.create_login() self.creds = Credentials()
def connect(self, given_password): # type: (Optional[str]) -> None if not given_password: creds = Credentials(self.account_key, self.username, None) try: stored_access_token = self.get_credentials(creds) except Exception as e: print(e) raise Exception("For user %s: Password not provided and not found in keyring" % self.username) self.connection = teslajson.Connection(email=self.username, access_token=stored_access_token) else: self.connection = teslajson.Connection(email=self.username, password=given_password)
def test_that_user_can_create_an_account_with_valid_data(self): driver = self.driver driver.get(URL) time.sleep(5) register = HomePage(driver) register.accept_agreement() register.select_signup() time.sleep(5) register.enter_email_to_register(email=Credentials.random_char(7)+"") register.enter_password_to_register(password=Credentials.password) register.verify_password_entered(password=Credentials.password) register.accept_condition() register.register() time.sleep(10) MyAccount = MyAccountPage(driver) text = MyAccount.get_my_account_text() if text == 'MIJN ACCOUNT': print("User registered successfully") time.sleep(10)
def __init__(self, hostname='', credentials='cred.yml', db='bubbles', port=49162): self.hostname = hostname self.cred = Credentials(credentials).get() self.db = db self.port = port #Create Connection information conn_url = { 'drivername': 'postgres', 'username': self.cred['user'], 'password': self.cred['password'], 'host': self.hostname, 'port': self.port, 'database': self.db } self.eng = create_engine(URL(**conn_url), client_encoding='utf8') self.meta = MetaData(bind=self.eng, reflect=True)
class Imap: creds = Credentials.Credentials() def init(self): pass def checkAccount(self, email, pw): con = Imap.creds.getConnectionInfo(email) if (con == False): print(Fore.RED + "[!]\tNo connection data in connections.json!" + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n") else: print("[!]\tTesting Imap connection: " + con['host'] + " ...") c = None # print(con['host']) try: c = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(con['host']) #5 second timeout # socket.setdefaulttimeout(5) c.login(email, pw) print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN + "[+]\tSuccess!" + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n") return True except imaplib.IMAP4.abort as e: print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW + "[-]\tIMAP Aborted: " + str(e) + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n") except imaplib.IMAP4.error as ie: print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + "[-]\tIMAP Error: " + str(ie) + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n") except Exception as e: print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + "[-]\tFail: " + str(e) + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n") print traceback.format_exc() finally: if (c is not None): c.logout() return False
def test_that_registered_user_can_add_a_new_address(self): driver = self.driver driver.get(URL) time.sleep(5) register = HomePage(driver) register.accept_agreement() register.select_signup() time.sleep(5) email = Credentials.random_char(7)+"" password = Credentials.password register.enter_email_to_register(email) register.enter_password_to_register(password) register.verify_password_entered(password) register.accept_condition() register.register() MyAccount = MyAccountPage(driver) time.sleep(15) MyAccount.go_to_address_book() time.sleep(10) MyAccount.add_new_address() time.sleep(10) MyAccount.enter_first_name(fname=Credentials.fName) MyAccount.enter_last_name(lname=Credentials.lName) MyAccount.enter_street(street=Credentials.street) MyAccount.enter_house_number(house_number=Credentials.houseno) MyAccount.enter_city( MyAccount.enter_zip_code( MyAccount.save_address() time.sleep(10) #After hitting save, the My Account page loaded with given address details, in this page title = My Account and sub title is addressbook title = MyAccount.get_my_account_text() sub_title = MyAccount.get_address_as_subtitle() if title == 'MIJN ACCOUNT' and sub_title == 'ADRESBOEK': print('address added successfully by newly registered user') time.sleep(10)
import Credentials youtube = def add_playlist(youtube, title, description=None, privacyStatus='private'): body = dict(snippet=dict(title=title, description=None), status=dict(privacyStatus='private')) try: playlists_insert_response = youtube.playlists().insert( part='snippet,status', body=body).execute() except: print("CreatePlaylist Error") return None print('New playlist Name: %s' % title) print('New playlist ID: %s' % playlists_insert_response['id']) return playlists_insert_response['id'] def run(youtube, title, privacy): playlistID = [] for index in range(len(title)): playlistID = add_playlist(youtube, title[index], privacy) return playlistID
import Credentials import State import pprint from json import loads, dumps from watson_developer_cloud import PersonalityInsightsV3 as PIV3 from watson_developer_cloud.personality_insights_v3 import Content service = PIV3(version='2017-10-13', iam_apikey=Credentials.watsonKey(), url='') def analisarTexto(): texto = 'Just arrived in the United Kingdom. The only problem is that @CNN is the primary source of news available from the U.S. After watching it for a short while, I turned it off. All negative & so much Fake News, very bad for U.S. Big ratings drop. Why doesn’t owner @ATT do something? London part of trip is going really well. The Queen and the entire Royal family have been fantastic. The relationship with the United Kingdom is very strong. Tremendous crowds of well wishers and people that love our Country. Haven’t seen any protests yet, but I’m sure the Fake News will be working hard to find them. Great love all around.Also, big Trade Deal is possible once U.K. gets rid of the shackles. Already starting to talk!' #texto = State.load() #json content_type='application/json' profile = service.profile(texto, content_type='text/plain;charset=utf-8', raw_scores=True, consumption_preferences=False, accept_language='pt-br').get_result() pprint.pprint(profile)
def run(self): self.done = False print "Welcome! Type '/quit' to exit or '/help' for assistance." print "Login/sign-up below:\n" while True: tempUser = raw_input("Please enter a username: "******"InvalidUsername"] + "\n").strip() if tempUser == "/quit": self.quit() elif tempUser == "/help": print self.helpText continue tempPass = raw_input( "Please enter your password, if your account does not exist, you will be prompted to sign up: " + self.credential_errors["InvalidPassword"] + "\n").strip() if tempPass == "/quit": self.quit() elif tempPass == "/help": print self.helpText continue try: self.userId = self.wrapper.login(tempUser, tempPass) print "Login complete!" break except (invalidCredentialsException, parametersMissingException, ServerWrapperException) as ex: if type(ex) == invalidCredentialsException: print self.credential_errors["Invalid_pairing"] elif type(ex) == parametersMissingException: print self.credential_errors["ParametersMissing"] else: print "Error occured while trying to perform operation" while True: response = raw_input( "Press 's' to sign up as a new user with the credentials you enetered or press any key to retry login\n" ).strip() if response == 's': print "Beginnng sign up process..." try: self.userId = self.wrapper.signup( tempUser, tempPass) print "Sign up complete, you are now logged in" self.done = True break except (duplicateUsernameException, invalidUsernameException, invalidPasswordException, parametersMissingException, ServerWrapperException) as exx: if type(ex) == duplicateUsernameException: print self.credential_errors[ "DuplicateUsername"] elif type(ex) == invalidUsernameException: print self.credential_errors["InvalidUsername"] elif type(ex) == invalidPasswordException: print self.credential_errors["InvalidPassword"] elif type(ex) == ServerWrapperException: print "Error occured while trying to perform operation" else: print self.credential_errors[ "ParametersMissing"] elif response == "/quit": self.quit() elif response == "/help": print self.helpText continue else: break if self.done: break print self.helpText print "This guide can be accessed again with the /help command\n" self.cred = Credentials(self.userId, tempPass) = Chat(self.cred, self.wrapper)
def main(): data_df = pd.read_csv("companies_list.csv") cred = CD.Credentials() accessToken = cred.getAccessToken() counter = 1 row_count = 0 searchCriteria = SC.SearchCriteria(accessToken) dataConnection = DC.DataConnection(accessToken) folderName = str(time.strftime("%d%m%Y_%H%M%S")) os.makedirs(folderName) print("Data is being stored in the " + folderName + " folder") path_list = [] for index, row in data_df.iterrows(): if counter + 71 <= 1000: timer = random.randrange(5, 60, 1) duns_list = searchCriteria.getDunsNumber(row["searchTerm"], row["countryCode"]) counter += 1 #time.sleep(timer) for duns in duns_list: api_retrived_data = dataConnection.AASMCU(duns) counter += 1 #time.sleep(timer) path = JFW.JsonFileWriter(folderName + "/AASMCU.txt").write( api_retrived_data, duns, "AASMCU") if path not in path_list: if path is not None: path_list.append(path) api_retrived_data = dataConnection.AASDHQ(duns) counter += 1 #time.sleep(timer) path = JFW.JsonFileWriter(folderName + "/AASDHQ.txt").write( api_retrived_data, duns, "AASDHQ") if path not in path_list: if path is not None: path_list.append(path) api_retrived_data = dataConnection.LNKALT(duns) counter += 1 #time.sleep(timer) path = JFW.JsonFileWriter(folderName + "/LNKALT.txt").write( api_retrived_data, duns, "LNKALT") if path not in path_list: if path is not None: path_list.append(path) api_retrived_data = dataConnection.LNKUPD(duns) counter += 1 #time.sleep(timer) path = JFW.JsonFileWriter(folderName + "/LNKUPD.txt").write( api_retrived_data, duns, "LNKUPD") if path not in path_list: if path is not None: path_list.append(path) api_retrived_data = dataConnection.CMPELK(duns) counter += 1 #time.sleep(timer) path = JFW.JsonFileWriter(folderName + "/CMPELK.txt").write( api_retrived_data, duns, "CMPELK") if path not in path_list: if path is not None: path_list.append(path) if row["countryCode"] == "US": api_retrived_data = dataConnection.AASBIG(duns) counter += 1 #time.sleep(timer) path = JFW.JsonFileWriter(folderName + "/AASBIG.txt").write( api_retrived_data, duns, "AASBIG") if path not in path_list: if path is not None: path_list.append(path) api_retrived_data = dataConnection.LNKMIN(duns) counter += 1 #time.sleep(timer) path = JFW.JsonFileWriter(folderName + "/LNKMIN.txt").write( api_retrived_data, duns, "LNKMIN") if path not in path_list: if path is not None: path_list.append(path) row_count = row_count + 1 fileCloser(path_list) data_df[0:row_count].to_csv("completed_list.csv") data_df[row_count:].to_csv("companies_list.csv")
def __parseCSV(self): c = None cred = Credentials.Credentials() try: pprint( # if tor flag isset will attempt to connect if ( self.tor.connect( lines = 0 c = open( ch = csv.reader(c) # lines = int(len(list(ch))) # if ( # print("[!] Total Lines: %u" % lines) #default email/password columns emailCol = 0 passwdCol = 1 hasHeader = True # gets some basic info about file to properly parse file firstLineHeader = raw_input( "[?] Does the first row contain column titles? [Y/n]: ") if (firstLineHeader.upper() == 'N'): hasHeader = False lines -= 1 emailCol = int( raw_input( "[?] Enter column number of email login. 0 equals column A. [0]: " ) or emailCol) passwdCol = int( raw_input("[?] Enter column number of passwords [1]: ") or passwdCol) o = Output.Output() if ( is not None): # print("OUTPUT:" + oFile = o.createFile( for k, r in enumerate(ch): if (k == 0 and hasHeader == True): if ( print("\n[!] Skipping header row") continue email = cred.checkEmail(r[emailCol]) pw = cred.checkPassword(r[passwdCol]) if (email == False): print("[-] Not a valid email address... skipping.") continue if (pw == False): print(Fore.RED + "[-] " + email + ": Password is empty... skipping." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n") continue print(Style.BRIGHT + "[" + str(k + 1) + "] Checking: " + email + ":" + pw + Style.RESET_ALL) if ( validImap = self.imap.checkAccount(email, pw) if (validImap == True and is not None): o.addRow(email, pw) # if valid login and saving success result - will add csv row if ( print("POP not currently supported") # if delay is set # print('DELAY:' + if float( or 0.5) > 0: sleep(float( or 0.5)) except ValueError: print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + "[-] Invalid input value: " + str(e) + Style.RESET_ALL) except Exception as e: print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + "[-] Error parsing CSV File: " + str(e) + Style.RESET_ALL) print traceback.format_exc() finally: c.close() # if tor flag is set, will disconnect before exiting if ( baseController.tor.disconnect() print("\n" + Style.BRIGHT + "[*] Finished. Exiting!" + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n") return True
# Show how many tweets have been stored self.tweetsStored += 1 print('Tweets stored: ' + str(self.tweetsStored)) # Check if time limit has been surpassed current_time = time.time() has_duration_ended = (current_time - self.start_time) > self.duration # Returning false will stop collection of tweets return not has_duration_ended def on_error(self, status_code): print status_code return False if __name__ == '__main__': credentials_Location = "TwitterAPICredentials.json" auth = Credentials.getAuthentication(credentials_Location) output_location = 'tweets.db' streaming_duration = input('How many seconds would you like to collect Tweets for? ') myStreamListener = SQLDurationStreamListener(streaming_duration, output_location.strip()) myStream = tweepy.Stream(auth, myStreamListener) try: myStream.filter(track=['python']) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass print_db_values(output_location, 'tweets')
def main(topic_list, conf_matrix, save_master_data): skill_list = process_list_argument(topic_list, val_type=str) master_skill_id = None # so exception works master_thresh = Credentials.calculate_workspace_thresh("master") try: id_dict = { skill: Credentials.workspace_id[active_adoption][skill] for skill in skill_list } timestr = generate_timestamp() # for use in all filenames # authenticate if "apikey" in instance_creds: logger.debug("Authenticating (apikey)") bs = blindset.blindset( apikey=instance_creds["apikey"], url=instance_creds["url"], version=conversation_version, ) elif "password" in instance_creds: logger.debug("Authenticating (username/password)") bs = blindset.blindset( username=instance_creds["username"], password=instance_creds["password"], url=instance_creds["url"], version=conversation_version, ) # check skills exist check_skills_exist(skill_list) # import blindsets and generate master"Importing all blindsets and combining into master") blind_dict = dict() for skill in skill_list: bs_path = os.path.join(config.data_dir, f"{skill}_blindset.csv") blind_dict[skill] = bs.import_blindset(bs_path) master_blind_allcols = pd.concat( [v.assign(topic=k) for k, v in blind_dict.items()], axis=0, ignore_index=True, sort=False, ) master_blind = master_blind_allcols[[ "utterance", "topic" ]].rename(columns={"topic": "expected intent"}) # generate master from topic training and push to WA"Getting training data from WA") train_dict = dict() for skill in skill_list: train_dict[skill] = wa_utils.get_training_data( bs.assistant, id_dict[skill])"Creating temporary master skill") master_train = pd.concat( [ v.drop(columns=["intent"]).assign(intent=k) for k, v in train_dict.items() ], axis=0, ignore_index=True, sort=False, ) master_skill_id = wa_utils.create_workspace_from_df( bs.assistant, name="master", train_df=master_train, description="generated by intent_training_tools", ) # run blindset on master"Running blindset on master..") results_master = bs.run_blind_test(master_blind, master_skill_id, threshold=master_thresh) results_master["routing"] = results_master["intent1"] results_master.loc[results_master["confidence1"] < master_thresh, "routing"] = "anything_else" # create blindsets for topics based on master results newblind_dict = dict() for skill in skill_list: # blindset for each skill is made up of utterances that have landed in that skill for master blind_utterances = results_master.loc[ (results_master["intent1"] == skill) & (results_master["confidence1"] >= master_thresh), "original_text", ].tolist() newblind = master_blind_allcols[master_blind_allcols["utterance"]. isin(blind_utterances)].copy() newblind.loc[newblind["topic"] != skill, "expected intent"] = "anything_else" newblind_dict[skill] = newblind[["utterance", "expected intent" ]].reset_index(drop=True) # run blindsets on topics"Running blindset on topic skills..") results_dict = dict() for skill in skill_list: results_dict[skill] = bs.run_blind_test( newblind_dict[skill], id_dict[skill], threshold=Credentials.calculate_workspace_thresh(skill), ) # plot confusion matrices if conf_matrix: from conversation_test.confusionmatrix import ConfusionMatrix conf_output_path = lambda s: os.path.join( config.output_folder, f"{s}_multi_confmat_{timestr}.png") # master cfn = ConfusionMatrix(workspace_thresh=master_thresh) cfn.create(results_master, fig_path=conf_output_path("master")) # topics for skill in skill_list: cfn = ConfusionMatrix(workspace_thresh=Credentials. calculate_workspace_thresh(skill)) cfn.create(results_dict[skill], fig_path=conf_output_path(skill))"Confusion matrix saved to results folder") # calculate metrics # master met = Metrics(workspace_thresh=master_thresh) metrics_master, _ = met.get_all_metrics(results_master, detailed_results=True) # topics metrics_dict = dict() res_with_conf_dict = dict() for skill in skill_list: met = Metrics( workspace_thresh=Credentials.calculate_workspace_thresh(skill)) metrics_dict[skill], res_with_conf_dict[ skill] = met.get_all_metrics(results_dict[skill], detailed_results=True) # topics - create overall view as if it's a single skill topics_res_with_conf = pd.concat( [v for k, v in res_with_conf_dict.items()], ignore_index=True, sort=False) results_master.loc[results_master["routing"] == "anything_else", 'confusion'] = 'FN' topics_res_with_conf = topics_res_with_conf.append( results_master, ignore_index=True, sort=False, ) metrics_overall = met.calculate_metrics_per_intent( topics_res_with_conf, detailed_results=True) metrics_overall.loc[metrics_overall.index.isin(skill_list), 'threshold'] = master_thresh metrics_overall = metrics_overall.rename( index={s: s + ' - anything else' for s in skill_list}) # export results for skill in skill_list: results_dict[skill].to_csv( os.path.join(config.output_folder, f"{skill}_multi_results_{timestr}.csv"), index=None, ) metrics_dict[skill].to_csv( os.path.join(config.output_folder, f"{skill}_multi_metrics_{timestr}.csv")) results_master.to_csv( os.path.join(config.output_folder, f"master_multi_results_{timestr}.csv"), index=None, ) metrics_master.to_csv( os.path.join(config.output_folder, f"master_multi_metrics_{timestr}.csv")) metrics_overall.to_csv( os.path.join(config.output_folder, f"overall_multi_metrics_{timestr}.csv"))"Results and metrics saved to output folder") if save_master_data: # export master blindset with both intent and topic labels to CSV master_blind_allcols.to_csv( os.path.join(config.data_dir, f"master_blindset_{timestr}.csv"), index=None, ) # export master training to CSV master_train.to_csv( os.path.join(config.data_dir, f"master_training_{timestr}.csv"), header=None, index=None, ) "Master blindset and training have also been saved to the data folder" ) # delete master skill"Deleting temporary master skill") wa_utils.delete_workspace(bs.assistant, master_skill_id) except Exception as e: if master_skill_id is not None: # make sure master deleted anyway"Deleting temporary master skill before exit") wa_utils.delete_workspace(bs.assistant, master_skill_id) raise e
def __init__(self, params): self.params = params self.credentials = Credentials.Credentials(params["credentials"])
NBClassifier, bestCount_Vectorizer, best_tfidf, interestLabels = train( trainingSet) print() print("Initiating Testing...") print() testClassifier(NBClassifier, testSet, bestCount_Vectorizer) printMetrics(NBClassifier, best_tfidf, interestLabels, "NBClassifier") print() print("Starting Live tweets") print("Press Control+C to exit...") def on_status(self, status): tweet = str(status.text).lower() if any(i in tweet for i in targetWords): preprocessedtweet = preprocess(tweet) predictedlabel = predictInterest([preprocessedtweet], NBClassifier, bestCount_Vectorizer) print(tweet) print(label[predictedlabel[0]]) def on_error(self, status_code): if status_code == 420: return False auth = Credentials.authenticate() twitterStream = Stream(auth, listener()) twitterStream.filter(locations=[-97.318268, 32.760717, -96.600723, 33.207095], languages=["en"], stall_warnings=True)
import spotipy.util as util import spotipy import time import Credentials scope = "user-read-currently-playing" Credentials.SetCreditentials() token = util.prompt_for_user_token(username='', scope=scope) track = spotipy.Spotify(token).current_user_playing_track() #JSON to Dict nameTrack = track['item']['name'] artistsTrack = track['item']['artists'][0]['name'] albumTrack = track['item']['album']['name'] progressTrack = track['progress_ms'] / 1000 durationTrack = track['item']['duration_ms'] / 1000 statusTrack = track['is_playing'] print(f"Nome: {nameTrack}") print(f"Artista: {artistsTrack}") print(f"Album: {albumTrack}") print(f"Porcentagem já ouvida: {int((progressTrack/durationTrack)*100)}%")
def run_kfold(topic, no_folds, results_type, conf_matrix): """ Runs kfold test using credentials in ../ """ # get credentials, import + export folders import Credentials active_adoption = Credentials.active_adoption instance_creds = Credentials.ctx[active_adoption] workspace_id = Credentials.workspace_id[active_adoption][topic] workspace_thresh = Credentials.calculate_workspace_thresh(topic) conversation_version = Credentials.conversation_version # import + export folders import config import time data_folder = config.data_dir export_folder = config.output_folder timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M") output_loc_results = os.path.join( export_folder, "{}_kfold_results_raw_{}.csv".format(topic, timestr)) output_loc_metrics = os.path.join( export_folder, "{}_kfold_results_metrics_{}.csv".format(topic, timestr)) output_loc_confmat = os.path.join( export_folder, "{}_kfold_confmat_{}.png".format(topic, timestr)) # authenticate if 'apikey' in instance_creds: logger.debug("Authenticating (apikey)") kf = kfoldtest(n_folds=no_folds, apikey=instance_creds['apikey'], url=instance_creds['url'], threshold=workspace_thresh, version=conversation_version) elif 'password' in instance_creds: logger.debug("Authenticating (username/password)") kf = kfoldtest(n_folds=no_folds, username=instance_creds['username'], password=instance_creds['password'], url=instance_creds['url'], threshold=workspace_thresh, version=conversation_version) # get train df from watson + check there are sufficient workspaces to run the test train_df = kf.intent_df_from_watson(workspace_id) kf.check_sufficient_workspaces() # create folds in WA if above is true folds = kf.create_folds(method='kfold') kf.create_kfold_WA(folds) available_flag = False while available_flag == False:"Checking workspaces..") available_flag = kf.check_workspaces_status() time.sleep(20) # run kfold test try: results = kf.run_kfold_test(folds) if (results_type == 'raw') or (results_type == 'all'): results.to_csv(output_loc_results) classification_report = kf.create_classification_report(results) if (results_type == 'metrics') or (results_type == 'all'): metrics = Metrics(workspace_thresh) metric_df = metrics.get_all_metrics_CV( results, fold_col='fold', detailed_results=False) metric_df.to_csv(output_loc_metrics) # TODO: confusion matrix if conf_matrix: from confusionmatrix import ConfusionMatrix cfn = ConfusionMatrix(workspace_thresh=workspace_thresh) cfn.create(results, fig_path=output_loc_confmat)"Confusion matrix saved to {}".format( output_loc_confmat)) finally: # regardless of what happens above, delete the temporary workspaces before exiting kf.delete_kfold_workspaces()
import Subnet import NIC import VirtualMachine # Required Variables GROUP_NAME = 'Python-Sachin' LOCATION = 'southeastasia' AVLSET_NAME = 'DemoAVSet' PIP_NAME = 'DemoPIP' VNET_NAME = 'DemoVNET' SUBNET_NAME = 'DemoSubnet' NIC_NAME = 'DemoNIC' VM_NAME = 'DemoVM' if __name__ == "__main__": credentials = Credentials.get_credentials() rg_client = ResourceManagementClient(credentials, Credentials.SUBSCRIPTION_ID) network_client = NetworkManagementClient(credentials, Credentials.SUBSCRIPTION_ID) compute_client = ComputeManagementClient(credentials, Credentials.SUBSCRIPTION_ID) print(ResourceGroup.create_resource_group(rg_client, GROUP_NAME, LOCATION)) print( AvailabilitySet.create_availability_set(compute_client, GROUP_NAME, LOCATION, AVLSET_NAME)) print( PIP.create_public_ip_address(network_client, GROUP_NAME, LOCATION, PIP_NAME)) print( VirtualNetwork.create_virtual_network(network_client, GROUP_NAME,
noResults = 10; return = calId, timeMin = timeNow, maxResults = noResults, singleEvents = True, q = queryText, orderBy = 'startTime').execute() def fetch_events(): calIds = calendar.getList('seminars'); events = []; for item in calIds: print "For calendarId: ", item; q = generate_query(calId = item, queryText='Test'); events.extend(q.get('items', [])); if not events: print 'No upcoming events found.'; for event in events: start = event['start'].get('dateTime', event['start'].get('date')); print start, event['summary']; calendar = Calendar.Calendar(); credentials = Credentials.get_credentials(); service = build('calendar', 'v3', http=credentials.authorize(Http())) print 'Getting the upcoming 10 events' fetch_events()
def startfederation(self): #'Starting') if self.validateFields() == 1: self.pb_start.setText('Working')'Validating Fields') #logging #textBoxUpdater = updatetextbox.UpdatetextBox(self.te_log) server1creds = '' server2creds = '' if self.cb_cup.isChecked(): logging.debug('Found server 1 credentials') server1creds = Credentials.Credentials(self.le_appid1.text(), self.le_apppw1.text(), self.le_platid1.text(), self.le_platpw1.text()) plat_tuple1 = server1creds._platid, server1creds._platpw if self.cb_copy.isChecked(): logging.debug('Found server 2 credentials') server2creds = server1creds else: if self.cb_cup.isChecked(): logging.debug('Copying Server 2 credentials from server 1') server2creds = Credentials.Credentials( self.le_appid2.text(), self.le_apppw2.text(), self.le_platid2.text(), self.le_platpw2.text()) plat_tuple2 = server2creds._platid, server2creds._platpw #self.log('server1creds') #self.log(server1creds._appid) #self.log(str(server1creds._apppw)) # self.log('startfederation') hn1 = self.le_server1_hn.text() ip1 = self.le_server1_ip.text() dn1 = self.le_server1_dn.text() hn2 = self.le_server2_hn.text() ip2 = self.le_server2_ip.text() dn2 = self.le_server2_dn.text() dnsip = self.le_dns.text() dbsecret = self.le_dialback.text( ) #needed since dbsecret is optional if not dbsecret: dbsecret = '1234'"Using default dial back secret") self.advancedTab = advancedTab.AdvancedTab( dbsecret, self.cb_certs.isChecked(), self.cb_sasl1.isChecked(), self.cb_sasl2.isChecked()) tlsoption = self.cb_tls.currentIndex() worker1 = FedController.WorkerThread(ip1, tlsoption, 'r', hn1, dn1, dnsip, server1creds, self.advancedTab) worker2 = FedController.WorkerThread(ip2, tlsoption, 'r', hn2, dn2, dnsip, server2creds, self.advancedTab) if self.cb_tls.currentIndex() == 1 or self.cb_tls.currentIndex( ) == 2:'inside if block tls enabled') worker1.downloadCerts() worker2.downloadCerts() dnldir1 = worker1.downloaddir dnldir2 = worker2.downloaddir"Server 1 certs downloaded to " + str(dnldir1))'Server 2 certs downloaded to ' + str(dnldir2)) uploader1 = uploadCerts.UploadCerts(ip1, 'xmpp', plat_tuple1, dnldir2) uploader2 = uploadCerts.UploadCerts(ip2, 'xmpp', plat_tuple2, dnldir1) else: pass
class LazyLinkedIn(object): driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path="C:\\Users\\Stratos\\Desktop\\LazyLinkedIn\\venv\\chromedriver.exe") driver.implicitly_wait(4) driver.maximize_window() user = Credentials.User(); def login(self): self.driver.get("") usernameField = self.driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id = "login-email"]') passwordField = self.driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id = "login-password"]') usernameField.send_keys(self.user.username) passwordField.send_keys(self.user.password) passwordField.send_keys(Keys.RETURN) return self def jobs(self): jobsButton = self.driver.find_element_by_id("jobs-tab-icon") jobName=self.driver.find_element(By.XPATH,"//input[contains(@id,'jobs-search-box-keyword-id')]") jobLocation=self.driver.find_element(By.XPATH,"//input[contains(@id,'jobs-search-box-location')]") time.sleep(1.2) jobName.send_keys(self.user.job) #TODO FIND SOMETHING BETTER CAUSE THIS SUX jobLocation.send_keys(self.user.location) time.sleep(2) jobLocation.send_keys(Keys.RETURN) return self def filters(self): self.driver.find_element(By.XPATH,"//h3[contains(.,'LinkedIn Features')]").click() self.driver.find_element(By.XPATH,"//label[contains(.,'"+self.user.linkedInFeature+"')]").click() self.driver.find_element(By.XPATH,"//*[@id='linkedin-features-facet-values']//button[contains(.,'Apply')]").click() self.driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//h3[contains(.,'Experience')]").click() self.driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//label[contains(.,'" + self.user.experience+"')]").click() self.driver.find_element(By.XPATH,"//*[@id='experience-level-facet-values']//button[contains(.,'Apply')]").click() return self def getJobList(self): totalJobs=self.driver.find_element(By.XPATH,"//div[contains(.,'results') and contains(@class,'t-12')]").get_attribute("innerText") return [totalJobs, self.driver.find_elements(By.XPATH,"//ul[contains(@class,'jobs-search-results__list')]/li")] def parseThroughList(self,current=1): self.currentPage=current i = 0 #currentPage=1 time.sleep(2) totalJobs= self.getJobList()[0] list = self.getJobList()[1] for x in list: i = i + 1 print("vlepw doulia noumero:",i,"selida:",self.currentPage) if(i==25): self.currentPage+=1 print("paw selida:", self.currentPage) self.driver.find_element(By.XPATH,"//button[contains(@aria-label,'Page "+str(self.currentPage)+"')]").click() self.parseThroughList(self.currentPage) try: except: pass try: self.driver.find_element(By.XPATH,"//button[@class='jobs-apply-button--top-card artdeco-button--3 artdeco-button--primary jobs-apply-button artdeco-button ember-view']").click() time.sleep(1) except: continue try: self.currentTabApplication() except: self.newTabApplication() def currentTabApplication(self): self.driver.find_element(By.XPATH,"//button[@class='jobs-apply-form__submit-button button-primary-large ']").click() time.sleep(2) self.driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//button[@class='artdeco-dismiss']").click() def newTabApplication(self): self.driver.switch_to_window(self.driver.window_handles[1]) time.sleep(2) self.driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//button[contains(.,'Submit')]").click() time.sleep(2) self.driver.close() time.sleep(2) self.driver.switch_to_window(self.driver.window_handles[0]) time.sleep(3) self.parseThroughList(self.currentPage)
import Credentials from twilio import twiml from import Client from twilio.twiml.messaging_response import MessagingResponse from flask import Flask, request, redirect import openpyxl from openpyxl import Workbook account_sid = Credentials.get_sid() auth_token = Credentials.get_auth() path = Credentials.path app = Flask(__name__) def update_xl(message_body): wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(path) sheet = lastRow = sheet.max_row sheet.cell(column=1, row=lastRow + 1, value="{0}".format(message_body)) @app.route("/sms", methods=['GET', 'POST']) def sms_reply(): #Retrieve actual message message_body = request.form['Body']
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Éditeur de Spyder Ceci est un script temporaire. """ import time import hashlib from Credentials import * from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys cred = Credentials() user_login = cred.get_login() user_password = cred.get_password() print(user_login) browser = webdriver.Chrome( executable_path= "//" ) """browser.get("") username = browser.find_element_by_id("username").send_keys(user_login) password = browser.find_element_by_id("password").send_keys(user_password + Keys.ENTER) """ browser.execute_script('''"","_blank");''') browser.switch_to.window(browser.window_handles[1]) #
def run_blindset(topic, results_type, conf_matrix, blindset_name): """ Runs blindset test using credentials in ../ """ # get credentials, import + export folders import Credentials active_adoption = Credentials.active_adoption instance_creds = Credentials.ctx[active_adoption] print(instance_creds) print('print works') workspace_id = Credentials.workspace_id[active_adoption][topic] workspace_thresh = Credentials.calculate_workspace_thresh(topic) conversation_version = Credentials.conversation_version # import + export folders import config import time data_folder = config.data_dir export_folder = config.output_folder timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M") blindset_name = blindset_name or topic + "_blindset.csv" output_loc_results = os.path.join( export_folder, "{}_results_raw_{}.csv".format(topic, timestr)) output_loc_metrics = os.path.join( export_folder, "{}_results_metrics_{}.csv".format(topic, timestr)) output_loc_confmat = os.path.join( export_folder, "{}_confmat_{}.png".format(topic, timestr)) # authenticate if 'apikey' in instance_creds: logger.debug("Authenticating (apikey)") bs = blindset(apikey=instance_creds['apikey'], url=instance_creds['url'], threshold=workspace_thresh, version=conversation_version) elif 'password' in instance_creds: logger.debug("Authenticating (username/password)") bs = blindset(username=instance_creds['username'], password=instance_creds['password'], url=instance_creds['url'], threshold=workspace_thresh, version=conversation_version) # run test blindset_df = bs.import_blindset(os.path.join(data_folder, blindset_name)) # TODO: check blindset df results = bs.run_blind_test(blindset_df, workspace_id) # exports + metrics if (results_type == 'raw') or (results_type == 'all'): cols_export = [ col for col in results.columns.values if col != 'intent_correct' ] results[cols_export].to_csv(output_loc_results, encoding='utf-8')"Raw results exported to {}".format(output_loc_results)) if (results_type == 'metrics') or (results_type == 'all'): met = Metrics(workspace_thresh) metric_df, _ = met.get_all_metrics(results, detailed_results=True) metric_df.to_csv(output_loc_metrics, encoding='utf-8') "Metrics per intent exported to {}".format(output_loc_metrics)) # confusion matrix if conf_matrix: from confusionmatrix import ConfusionMatrix cfn = ConfusionMatrix(workspace_thresh=workspace_thresh) cfn.create(results, fig_path=output_loc_confmat) #bs.plot_confusion_matrix(results, output_loc_confmat)"Confusion matrix saved to {}".format(output_loc_confmat)) # print high-level metrics overall_metrics = bs.calculate_overall_metrics(results, av_method="weighted")"Overall metrics for the workspace (weighted):")