Пример #1
def generateEccKey():
    "Tạo khoá cho hệ mật Elgamal"

    n = Curve.getCurve()[1]
    G = Curve.getCurve()[4]
    k = get_privateKey(n)
    pk = get_publicKey(k, G)

    return k, pk
Пример #2
def main():

    hexagon = Straight(Point(0, 2), Point(2, 4)).make() + Straight(
        Point(2, 4), Point(4, 4)).make() + Straight(Point(4, 4), Point(
            6, 2)).make() + Straight(Point(6, 2), Point(
                4, 0)).make() + Straight(Point(4, 0), Point(
                    2, 0)).make() + Straight(Point(2, 0), Point(0, 2)).make()
    print("Hexagon points:\n" + str(hexagon))
    draw(hexagon, "hexagon.png")

    hexagonTranslated = Transformation.translate(hexagon, 1, 2)
    print("Translated hexagon points:\n" + str(hexagonTranslated))
    draw(hexagonTranslated, "hexagonTranslated.png")

    hexagonRotated = Transformation.rotate(hexagon, 45)
    print("Rotated hexagon points:\n" + str(hexagonRotated))
    draw(hexagonRotated, "hexagonRotated.png")

    hexagonScalated = Transformation.scale(hexagon, 2)
    print("Scalated hexagon points:\n" + str(hexagonScalated))
    draw(hexagonScalated, "hexagonScalated.png")

    poligon = [Point(0, 10),
               Point(40, 30)], [Point(40, 30), Point(20, 50)], [
                   Point(20, 50), Point(60, 70)
               ], [Point(60, 70), Point(110, 30)
                   ], [Point(110, 30),
                             0)], [Point(130, 0),
                                   Point(100, 30)
                                   ], [Point(100, 30),
                                             0)], [Point(80, 0),
                                                   Point(0, 10)]
        Straight(Point(0, 10), Point(40, 30)).make() +
        Straight(Point(40, 30), Point(20, 50)).make() +
        Straight(Point(20, 50), Point(60, 70)).make() +
        Straight(Point(60, 70), Point(110, 30)).make() +
        Straight(Point(110, 30), Point(130, 0)).make() +
        Straight(Point(130, 0), Point(100, 30)).make() +
        Straight(Point(100, 30), Point(80, 0)).make() +
        Straight(Point(80, 0), Point(0, 10)).make(), "poligon.png")
    poligonFill = Fill.scanline(poligon)

    draw(poligonFill, "poligonFill.png")

    circle = Circle(50).make()
    print("Circle points:\n" + str(circle))
    draw(circle, "circle.png")

    curve = Curve([Point(0, 0), Point(1, 5), Point(2, 0), Point(3, 3)]).make()
    print("Curve points:\n" + str(curve))
    draw(curve, "curve.png")

    fill = []
    Fill.recursive(Point(2, 3), hexagon, fill)
    draw(hexagon + fill, "hexagonFill.png")
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, oBodyBase, sNameCloth, sClothType, sNameClothSrc):
        "Separate cloth mesh between skinned and simulated parts, calculating the 'twin verts' that will pin the simulated part to the skinned part at runtime."

            "=== CCloth.ctor()  oBodyBase = '{}'  sNameCloth = '{}'  sClothType = '{}'  sNameClothSrc = '{}' ==="
            .format(oBodyBase.sMeshPrefix, sNameCloth, sClothType,

        self.oBodyBase = oBodyBase  # The back-reference to the owning bodybase that owns / manages this instance
        self.sNameCloth = sNameCloth  # The human-readable name of this cloth.  Is whatever Unity wants to set it.  Acts as key in owning CBody.aCloths[]
        self.sClothType = sClothType  # Is one of { 'Shirt', 'Underwear', etc } and determines the cloth collider mesh source.  Must match previously-defined meshes created for each body!   ###IMPROVE: Define all choices
        self.sNameClothSrc = sNameClothSrc  # The Blender name of the mesh we cut from.  (e.g. 'Bodysuit')
        self.oClothSrc = G.CGlobals.cm_aClothSources[
            sNameClothSrc]  # Convenience reference to our cloth source.  We 'cut' from this at every cloth cutting update

        self.aMapPinnedParticles = CByteArray(
        )  # The final flattened map of what verts from the 'skinned cloth vert' map to which verts in the (untouched) Flex-simulated mesh.  Flex needs this to create extra springs to keep the skinned part close to where it should be on the body!

        self.aCurves = [
        ]  # Array of CCurve objects responsible to cut this cloth as per user directions

        #--- UV-domain related ---
        self.oMeshO_UVF = None  # Our copy of our ClothSrc's front UV cloth source mesh. We cut this as per user's cutting curves
        self.oMeshO_UVB = None  # Back version of the above
        self.oMeshO_3DD = None  # The resultant cut cloth back into 3D domain.  This is what is sent to Unity.
        self.oMesh_3DD = None  # Convenience mesh reference to the above

        self.oMeshClothSimulated = None  # The simulated part of the runtime cloth mesh.  Simulated by Flex at runtime.
        self.oMeshClothSkinned = None  # The skinned part of the runtime cloth mesh.  Skinned at runtime just like its owning skinned body.  (Also responsible to pins simulated mesh)

        #--- Unity-public properties ===
        self.oObj = CObject.CObject("Cloth Global Parameters")
        self.oPropNeckStrapThickness = self.oObj.PropAdd(
            "NeckStrapThickness", "", 0.01, 0.001, 0.1)  ###TODO17:

        #=== Create a empty node in game folder where every mesh related to this body will go ===
        self.oNodeRoot = CreateEmptyBlenderNode(
            self.oBodyBase.sMeshPrefix + "-Cloth-" + self.sNameCloth,

        #===== Add references to the cutting curves that can cut this cloth =====    ###IMPROVE: More complex cloths will have more complexity here to select which curves...
        self.aCurves.append(Curve.CCurveNeck(self, "Neck"))  ###TEMP18:
        self.aCurves.append(Curve.CCurveSide(self, "Side"))
        self.aCurves.append(Curve.CCurveTorsoSplit(self, "TorsoSplit"))
Пример #4
 def __init__(self, canvasobj, pt0, pt1):
     #.create_oval(10, 10, 80, 80, outline="#f11",
     #                   fill="#1f1", width=2)
     self.uipts = [pt0, pt1]
     self.dataline = curv.Line(pt0.datapt, pt1.datapt)
     self.canvasobj = canvasobj
     self.view = self.canvasobj.viewer
     self.style = self.dataline.style
     #create a second line that is a screen projected version
     self.scrnline = self.dataline.in_coordsys(
     self.visible = True
     self.canvasline = None
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, directory, color):
        # initialize curves array
        self.curves = []
        # set directoryName to directory parameter and set color
        self.directoryPath = directory
        filename = str(directory)
        filepathString = filename.split("/")
        end = filepathString[len(filepathString) - 1]
        #        name = end.split(".")
        self.directoryName = end
        self.color = color
        # search the directory folder for all .tsv files
        files = glob.glob(directory + '/*.tsv')
        # cycle through all .tsv files
        for fileName in files:
            # open each file, read all lines of the file and store to string
            file = open(fileName, "r")
            fullFileString = file.readlines()
            data = fullFileString
            #            directory = []
            x = []
            y = []
            #            index = 0
            for index, line in enumerate(data):
                # split each element in line by delimited character (\t)
                values = line.split('\t')
                # store the first value as the offset (#TODO not currently used)
                if index == 5:
                    baseXOffset = 0 - float(values[2])
                    baseYOffset = 0 - float(values[4])
                # skip the first 27 rows of header information, and store
                # remaining rows to x and y arrays
                elif index > 27:
                    if values[3] != '':
#                index = index + 1
# Create a curve object and set it's x and y attributes to x and
# y arrays
            curve = Curve.Curve()
            curve.x = x
            curve.y = y
            # find the name of the curve file and set the Curve runID attribute
            # to the name of the file
            filepathString = fileName.split("\\")
            end = filepathString[len(filepathString) - 1]
            name = end.split(".")
            curve.runID = name[0]
Пример #6
def saveShapes(filePath, module, objects):
        Will store shape data in file
    # objects = self.getRegisteredObjects(module , regAttr)
    writeData = ""

    for object in objects:
        writeLine = object + " "
        # Get shape
        shape = Transform.getShape(object)
        # Get CV number
        cvNum = Curve.getCurveCVNumber(shape)
        for x in xrange(cvNum):
            pos = cmds.xform((object + ".cv[" + x + "]"), q=True, ws=True, t=True)
            writeLine += pos[0] + " " + pos[1] + " " + pos[2] + " "
        writeData += writeLine + "\n"
    FILE = open(filePath, "wb")
    blueprintData = FILE.write(writeData)
    print ("Saved shape data to : " + filePath)
Пример #7
TempS = input()
while TempS[-1] not in ['N', 'n']:
    if TempS[-1] in ['8']:
        straight.straightLeg(100, 90, 1000)
        TempS = input()
    if TempS[-1] in ['2']:
        straight.straightLeg(-100, 90, 1000)
        TempS = input()
    if TempS[-1] in ['4']:
        shrinkage.shrinkageLeg(60, 1000)
        TempS = input()
    if TempS[-1] in ['6']:
        straight.straightLeg(60, 0, 1000)
        TempS = input()
    if TempS[-1] in ['7']:
        Curve.CurveLeg(-300, 8, 1000)
        TempS = input()
    if TempS[-1] in ['9']:
        Curve.CurveLeg(300, 8, 1000)
        TempS = input()
    if TempS[-1] in ['1']:
        Curve.CurveLeg(-300, -8, 1000)
        TempS = input()
    if TempS[-1] in ['3']:
        Curve.CurveLeg(300, -8, 1000)
        TempS = input()
    if TempS[-1] in ['5']:
        Curve.CurveLeg(0, 20, 1000)
        TempS = input()
    if TempS[-1] in ['0']:
        Curve.CurveLeg(0, -20, 1000)
Пример #8
def main():
    while True:
        evbuf = jsdev.read(8)
        if evbuf:
            time, value, type, number = struct.unpack('IhBB', evbuf)
            if type & 0x01:
                if number == XBOX_BUTTON_A:
                    button_states["A"] = value
                    if (value):
                        #if (Index != 1):
                        #if (Index == 1):
                        straight.straightLeg(120, 90, 500)
                        #Index = 1
                elif number == XBOX_BUTTON_B:
                    button_states["B"] = value
                    if (value):
                        #if (Index != 2):
                        #if (Index == 2):
                        straight.straightLeg(60, 0, 1000)
                        #Index = 2
                elif number == XBOX_BUTTON_X:
                    button_states["X"] = value
                    if (value):
                        #if (Index != 3):
                        #if (Index == 3):
                        straight.straightLeg(-120, 90, 1000)
                        #Index = 3
                elif number == XBOX_BUTTON_Y:
                    button_states["Y"] = value
                    if (value):
                        #if (Index != 4):
                        #if (Index == 4):
                        straight.straightLeg(60, 180, 1000)
                        #Index = 4
                elif number == XBOX_BUTTON_LB:
                    button_states["LB"] = value
                    if (value):
                        #if (Index != 4):
                        #if (Index == 4):
                        straight.straightLeg(120, 120, 1000)
                elif number == XBOX_BUTTON_RB:
                    button_states["RB"] = value
                    if (value):
                        #if (Index != 4):
                        #if (Index == 4):
                        straight.straightLeg(120, 60, 1000)
                elif number == XBOX_BUTTON_START:
                    button_states["START"] = value
                elif number == XBOX_BUTTON_BACK:
                    button_states["BACK"] = value
                elif number == XBOX_BUTTON_HOME:
                    button_states["HOME"] = value
                elif number == XBOX_BUTTON_LO:
                    button_states["LO"] = value
                    if (value):
                        #if (Index != 4):
                        #if (Index == 4):
                        straight.straightLeg(60, 240, 1000)
                elif number == XBOX_BUTTON_RO:
                    button_states["RO"] = value
                    if (value):
                        #if (Index != 4):
                        #if (Index == 4):
                        straight.straightLeg(60, 270, 1000)
            elif type & 0x02:
                if number == XBOX_AXIS_LX:
                    axis_states["LX"] = value
                    if (value):
                        Curve.CurveLeg(0, 20, 1000)
                elif number == XBOX_AXIS_LY:
                    axis_states["LY"] = value
                    if (value):
                        Curve.CurveLeg(0, -20, 1000)
                elif number == XBOX_AXIS_RX:
                    axis_states["RX"] = value
                elif number == XBOX_AXIS_RY:
                    axis_states["RY"] = value
                elif number == XBOX_AXIS_LT:
                    axis_states["LT"] = value
                elif number == XBOX_AXIS_RT:
                    axis_states["RT"] = value
                elif number == XBOX_AXIS_XX:
                    axis_states["XX"] = value
                elif number == XBOX_AXIS_YY:
                    axis_states["YY"] = value
Пример #9
from Data import *
from ElGammal import *
from STS import *

center = 7 * "\t"

print center + "Opening file ..."
path = "./elliptic_curves/Weierstrass/"
folder = "cw256/"
file = "w256-001.gp"
file_path = path + folder + file
print center + file_path
print center + "Loading data ..."
data = Data(file_path)
c = Curve(data.p, data.n, data.a4, data.a6)
point = Point(data.gx, data.gy, c, False)
print center + "Data Loaded!"

print center + "###########################################"
print center + "               Diffre-Hellman"
print center + "###########################################"

raw_input(center + "              Start ?")
dh_return, error_m = start_DH(point, data.p)
print center + error_m
print center + "###########################################"
print center + "               El Gammal"
Пример #10

dict_names = {
    "Eurostoxx 50 Price Index":
    "Eurostoxx 50 Equal Weight decrement 5% Price Index ( 5% dividend)":

Nb_Sim = int(sht.range("C13").value)
DM = DataManager()

Index_Name = dict_names[sht.range(
    "C11").value]  #"STOXX" or "STOXX_DEC" (Stoxx 50 with decrement)

discount_curve = Curve(DM)
Index = Underlying(Index_Name, DM)
Maturity = int(sht.range("C3").value)
Barrier = sht.range("C4").value
Coupon_Barrier = sht.range("C5").value
KI_Barrier = sht.range("C6").value
Freq = int(sht.range("C7").value)  #in numer of times per year
Coupon = sht.range("C9").value
Snowball = convert_to_bool(sht.range("C8").value)

type_of_vol = sht.range("C12").value

def Read_Data():
    global Nb_Sim, Index_Name, Index, Maturity, Barrier, Coupon_Barrier, KI_Barrier, Freq, Coupon, Snowball, type_of_vol
    Nb_Sim = int(sht.range("C13").value)
Пример #11
TempS = input()
while TempS[-1] not in ['N', 'n']:
    if TempS[-1] in ['8']:
        straight.straightLeg(100, 90, 1000)
        TempS = input()
    if TempS[-1] in ['2']:
        straight.straightLeg(-100, 90, 1000)
        TempS = input()
    if TempS[-1] in ['4']:
        straight.straightLeg(60, 180, 1000)
        TempS = input()
    if TempS[-1] in ['6']:
        straight.straightLeg(60, 0, 1000)
        TempS = input()
    if TempS[-1] in ['7']:
        straight.straightLeg(100, 135, 1000)
        TempS = input()
    if TempS[-1] in ['9']:
        straight.straightLeg(100, 45, 1000)
        TempS = input()
    if TempS[-1] in ['1']:
        straight.straightLeg(-100, 225, 1000)
        TempS = input()
    if TempS[-1] in ['3']:
        straight.straightLeg(-100, 315, 1000)
        TempS = input()
    if TempS[-1] in ['5']:
        Curve.CurveLeg(0, 20, 1000)
        TempS = input()
Пример #12
    def __getCurves(self, run):
        # Get the curves associated with this run
        sqlcmd = "select t.IM_Type_ID, t.IM_Type_Measure, t.IM_Type_Value, t.Units, t.IM_Type_Component from Hazard_Curves c, IM_Types t where c.IM_Type_ID = t.IM_Type_ID and c.Run_ID=%d order by t.IM_Type_Value asc" % (
        if (self.database.execsql(sqlcmd) != 0):
            self._printError("Unable to retrieve hazard curves.")
            return None
            curve_data = self.database.getResultsAll()
            if ((curve_data == None) or (len(curve_data) == 0)):
                #self._printError("Matching runs not found in DB.")
                return None
                curves = []
                for c in curve_data:
                    # Populate curve object
                    newcurve = Curve()

                return curves
Пример #13
def test_keypair():
    c = Curve('secp256r1')
    assert c 
Пример #14
import Curve

def f(x):
    return x*x -2*x +1

def g(x):
    return 2*x-2

x_start 下降起点
step 步长
g 梯度
def gd(x_start,step,g):
    x = x_start
    for i in range(20):
        grad = g(x)
        x -= grad*step
        print('[Epoch{0}] grad={1},x={2}'.format(i,grad,x) )
        if abs(grad) < 1e-6:
    return x;


Пример #15
def bring_robot():
    rate = rospy.Rate(1)
    counts = 1
    while (not rospy.is_shutdown()):
        #get param
        parameter1 = rospy.get_param("/int_param")  #在node下的私有变量
        # parameter2 = rospy.get_param("/param2", default=222)  #全局变量
        # print(type(parameter1))  #参数类型
        # print(type(parameter2))  #参数类型
        rospy.loginfo('Get param1 = %s', parameter1)
        # rospy.loginfo('Get param2 = %d', parameter2)

        if parameter1 == 1:
            straight.straightLeg(100, 90, 1000)
        if parameter1 == 2:
            # straight.straightLeg(60,180,1000)
            straight_h.straightLeg_h(60, 90, 1000)
        if parameter1 == 3:
            if counts <= 3:
                Curve.CurveLeg(0, -20, 1000)
                counts += 1
                shrinkage.shrinkageLeg(-100, 1000)
                counts + +1

        if counts == 8:
            counts = 1

#     if TempS == 2:
#         print("前")
#         straight.straightLeg(100,90,1000)
#     if TempS == -2:
#         print("后")
#         straight.straightLeg(-100,90,1000)

#delete param 删除
# rospy.delete_param('/param2')
# #set param 设置
# rospy.set_param('/param2',2)

# gain_param = rospy.get_param('gains')
# p, i, d = gain_param['P'], gain_param['I'], gain_param['D']
# rospy.loginfo("gains are %s, %s, %s", p, i, d)

# #get all param names
# params = rospy.get_param_names()
# rospy.loginfo('param list: %s', params)

#check param  判断是否存在
# ifparam = rospy.has_param('/int_param')
# if(ifparam):
#     rospy.loginfo('/int_param exists')
# else:
#     rospy.loginfo('/int_param does not exist')
