def proj_aerosols(AA, piControl, H85, start=None, stop=None): if start is None: start = cdtime.comptime(1945, 1, 1) if stop is None: stop = cdtime.comptime(1984, 12, 31) data = [H85.reshaped["west"], H85.reshaped["east"]] nmod, nyears, nmonths = H85.reshaped["west"].shape P = MV.zeros((nmod, nyears)) msolver = AA.solvers["multi"] fac = da.get_orientation(msolver) for i in range(nmod): to_proj = [H85.reshaped["west"][i], H85.reshaped["east"][i]] P[i] = msolver.projectField(to_proj)[:, 0] * fac P.setAxis(0, H85.reshaped["west"].getAxis(0)) timeax = H85.reshaped["west"].getAxis(1) = "time" P.setAxis(1, timeax) piCdata = [piControl.reshaped["west"], piControl.reshaped["east"]] pc = msolver.projectField(piCdata)[:, 0] Pt = P(time=(start, stop)) nt = len(Pt.getTime()) hslopes = cmip5.get_linear_trends(Pt) pslopes = da.get_slopes(pc, nt)
def DA_histogram(self, experiment, direction, start=None, stop=None, datasets=None): fingerprint = getattr(self, experiment) if start is None: start = cmip5.start_time(self.gpcp.reshaped["east"]) start = cdtime.comptime(start.year, start.month, 1) if stop is None: stop = cmip5.stop_time(self.gpcp.reshaped["east"]) stop = cdtime.comptime(stop.year, stop.month, 30) #get the h85 projections over the same time period H85m = self.model_projections(experiment, direction)(time=(start, stop)) H85 = cmip5.cdms_clone(, H85m) H85_trends = cmip5.get_linear_trends(H85) #get the piControl projection time series noise = self.noise_projections(experiment, direction) L = stop.year - start.year + 1 noise_trends = da.get_slopes(noise, L) #plot plt.hist(H85_trends.compressed(), 25, color=da_colors("h85"), alpha=.5, normed=True) plt.hist(noise_trends, 25, color=da_colors("piC"), alpha=.5, normed=True) da.fit_normals_to_data(H85_trends, color=da_colors("h85"), lw=3, label="H85") da.fit_normals_to_data(noise_trends, color=da_colors("piC"), lw=3, label="piControl") # plt.axvline(obs_trend,label=obs.dataset,color=da_colors(obs.dataset)) #Project the observations if datasets is None: datasets = ["gpcp", "cmap", "precl"] if type(datasets) != type([]): datasets = [datasets] for dataset in datasets: obs_proj = self.obs_projections(experiment, dataset, direction)(time=(start, stop)) obs_trend = cmip5.get_linear_trends(obs_proj) plt.axvline(obs_trend, label=dataset, color=da_colors(dataset)) print dataset + "S/N is: " + str(obs_trend / np.std(noise_trends))
def sn_at_time(self,start_time,L,overlapping=True): if not hasattr(self,"P"): self.model_projections() stop_time=start_time.add(L,cdtime.Years) modslopes = cmip5.get_linear_trends(self.P(time=(start_time,stop_time))) if overlapping: noiseterm = bootstrap_slopes(self.noise,L) else: noiseterm = da.get_slopes(self.noise,L)/365. return modslopes,noiseterm
def DA_histogram(fingerprint, obslist, h85, piC, direction, start=None, stop=None): if type(obslist) == type([]): obs = obslist[0] else: obs = obslist if start is None: start = cmip5.start_time(obs.reshaped["east"]) start = cdtime.comptime(start.year, start.month, 1) if stop is None: stop = cmip5.stop_time(obs.reshaped["east"]) stop = cdtime.comptime(stop.year, stop.month, 30) #project the observations onto the fingerprint obs_proj = obs_projections(fingerprint, obs, direction)(time=(start, stop)) obs_trend = cmip5.get_linear_trends(obs_proj) #get the h85 projections over the same time period H85m = model_projections(fingerprint, h85, direction)(time=(start, stop)) H85 = cmip5.cdms_clone(, H85m) H85_trends = cmip5.get_linear_trends(H85) #get the piControl projection time series noise = noise_projections(fingerprint, piC, direction) L = len(obs_proj) noise_trends = da.get_slopes(noise, L) #plot plt.hist(H85_trends.compressed(), 25, color=da_colors("h85"), alpha=.5, normed=True) plt.hist(noise_trends, 25, color=da_colors("piC"), alpha=.5, normed=True) da.fit_normals_to_data(H85_trends, color=da_colors("h85"), lw=3, label="H85") da.fit_normals_to_data(noise_trends, color=da_colors("piC"), lw=3, label="piControl") plt.axvline(obs_trend, label=obs.dataset, color=da_colors(obs.dataset)) if type(obslist) == type([]): for obs in obslist[1:]: obs_proj = obs_projections(fingerprint, obs, direction)(time=(start, stop)) obs_trend = cmip5.get_linear_trends(obs_proj) plt.axvline(obs_trend, label=obs.dataset, color=da_colors(obs.dataset)) return H85, noise, obs_proj
def sn_at_time(self, start_time, L, depth, overlapping=True): self.project_piControl_on_solver(depth) self.model_projections(depth) stop_time = start_time.add(L, cdtime.Years) modslopes = cmip5.get_linear_trends(self.P[depth](time=(start_time, stop_time))) if overlapping: noiseterm = b.bootstrap_slopes(self.noise[depth], L) else: noiseterm = da.get_slopes(self.noise[depth], L) / 365. return modslopes, noiseterm
def signal_to_noise_map(drought_atlas,start_year=1100,modern_start=1979): preindustrial = drought_atlas[start_year:1850] modern = drought_atlas[modern_start:] modern_times = modern.shape[0] nt,nlat,nlon=drought_atlas.shape SN = MV.zeros(drought_atlas.shape[1:])+1.e20 signals = cmip5.get_linear_trends(modern) for i in range(nlat): for j in range(nlon): if not drought_atlas.mask[-1,i,j]: noise = da.get_slopes(preindustrial[:,i,j],modern_times)/365. #get_slopes assumes time units are days; these are years signal = signals[i,j] SN[i,j]=signal/width return SN
def sn_at_time(self, start_time, L, overlapping=True, noisestart=None, solver=None): if noisestart is None: noisestart = cmip5.start_time(self.obs) noisestop = cmip5.stop_time(self.get_noise(solver=solver)) stop_time = start_time.add(L, cdtime.Years) modslopes = cmip5.get_linear_trends( self.get_forced(solver=solver)(time=(start_time, stop_time))) if overlapping: noiseterm = bootstrap_slopes( self.get_noise(solver=solver)(time=(noisestart, noisestop)), L) else: noiseterm = da.get_slopes( self.get_noise(solver=solver)(time=(noisestart, noisestop)), L) / 365. return modslopes, noiseterm
def TOE(OnePct, piControl, H85, start=None): #Calculate the time of emergence: data = [H85.reshaped["west"], H85.reshaped["east"]] nmod, nyears, nmonths = H85.reshaped["west"].shape P = MV.zeros((nmod, nyears)) msolver = OnePct.solvers["multi"] fac = da.get_orientation(msolver) for i in range(nmod): to_proj = [H85.reshaped["west"][i], H85.reshaped["east"][i]] P[i] = msolver.projectField(to_proj)[:, 0] * fac P.setAxis(0, H85.reshaped["west"].getAxis(0)) timeax = H85.reshaped["west"].getAxis(1) = "time" P.setAxis(1, timeax) piCdata = [piControl.reshaped["west"], piControl.reshaped["east"]] pc = msolver.projectField(piCdata)[:, 0] if start is None: start = cdtime.comptime(2000, 1, 1) stop = start.add(1, cdtime.Years) final_year = cdtime.comptime(2099, 12, 31) tl = final_year.year - start.year + 1 NOISE = MV.zeros(tl) SIGNAL = MV.zeros((nmod, tl)) i = 0 while stop.cmp(final_year) < 0: modelproj = P(time=(start, stop)) L = modelproj.shape[1] slopes = da.get_slopes(pc, L) SIGNAL[:, i] = cmip5.get_linear_trends(modelproj) NOISE[i] = stop = stop.add(1, cdtime.Years) i += 1 return SIGNAL, NOISE
def average_histogram(obslist, h85, piC, direction, start=None, stop=None, months="JJ"): if months is "JJ": mmean = lambda x: MV.average(x[:, 5:7], axis=1) bigmmean = lambda X: MV.average(X[:, :, 5:7], axis=2) elif months is "SO": mmean = lambda x: MV.average(x[:, 8:10], axis=1) bigmmean = lambda X: MV.average(X[:, :, 8:10], axis=2) elif months is "JJA": mmean = lambda x: MV.average(x[:, 5:8], axis=1) bigmmean = lambda X: MV.average(X[:, :, 5:8], axis=2) elif months is "Jun": mmean = lambda x: x[:, 5] bigmmean = lambda X: MV.average(X[:, :, 5]) if type(obslist) == type([]): obs = obslist[0] else: obs = obslist if start is None: start = cmip5.start_time(obs.reshaped["east"]) start = cdtime.comptime(start.year, start.month, 1) if stop is None: stop = cmip5.stop_time(obs.reshaped["west"]) stop = cdtime.comptime(stop.year, stop.month, 30) #calculate the trend in the observations obs_avg = mmean(obs.reshaped[direction](time=(start, stop))) obs_trend = cmip5.get_linear_trends(obs_avg) #get the h85 trends over the same time period H85m = bigmmean(h85.reshaped[direction])(time=(start, stop)) H85 = cmip5.cdms_clone(, H85m) H85_trends = cmip5.get_linear_trends(H85) #get the piControl projection time series noise = mmean(piC.reshaped[direction]) L = len(obs_avg) noise_trends = da.get_slopes(noise, L) #plot plt.hist(H85_trends.compressed(), 25, color=da_colors("h85"), alpha=.5, normed=True) plt.hist(noise_trends, 25, color=da_colors("piC"), alpha=.5, normed=True) da.fit_normals_to_data(H85_trends, color=da_colors("h85"), lw=3, label="H85") da.fit_normals_to_data(noise_trends, color=da_colors("piC"), lw=3, label="piControl") plt.axvline(obs_trend, label=obs.dataset, color=da_colors(obs.dataset)) if type(obslist) == type([]): for obs in obslist[1:]: obs_avg = mmean(obs.reshaped[direction](time=(start, stop))) obs_trend = cmip5.get_linear_trends(obs_avg) plt.axvline(obs_trend, label=obs.dataset, color=da_colors(obs.dataset)) plt.xlabel("S/N") plt.ylabel("Frequency") plt.legend(loc=0)
def average_histogram(self, direction, start=None, stop=None, months="JJ", datasets=None): if months is "JJ": mmean = lambda x: MV.average(x[:, 5:7], axis=1) bigmmean = lambda X: MV.average(X[:, :, 5:7], axis=2) elif months is "SO": mmean = lambda x: MV.average(x[:, 8:10], axis=1) bigmmean = lambda X: MV.average(X[:, :, 8:10], axis=2) elif months is "JJA": mmean = lambda x: MV.average(x[:, 5:8], axis=1) bigmmean = lambda X: MV.average(X[:, :, 5:8], axis=2) elif months is "JAS": mmean = lambda x: MV.average(x[:, 6:9], axis=1) bigmmean = lambda X: MV.average(X[:, :, 6:9], axis=2) elif months is "Jun": mmean = lambda x: x[:, 5] bigmmean = lambda X: MV.average(X[:, :, 5]) elif months is "YEAR": mmean = lambda x: MV.average(x, axis=1) bigmmean = lambda X: MV.average(X, axis=2) if start is None: start = cmip5.start_time(self.gpcp.reshaped["east"]) start = cdtime.comptime(start.year, start.month, 1) if stop is None: stop = cmip5.stop_time(self.gpcp.reshaped["east"]) stop = cdtime.comptime(stop.year, stop.month, 30) #get the h85 trends over the same time period H85m = bigmmean(self.h85.reshaped[direction])(time=(start, stop)) H85 = cmip5.cdms_clone(, H85m) H85_trends = cmip5.get_linear_trends(H85) #get the piControl projection time series noise = mmean(self.piC.reshaped[direction]) L = stop.year - start.year + 1 noise_trends = da.get_slopes(noise, L) #plot plt.hist(H85_trends.compressed(), 25, color=da_colors("h85"), alpha=.5, normed=True) plt.hist(noise_trends, 25, color=da_colors("piC"), alpha=.5, normed=True) da.fit_normals_to_data(H85_trends, color=da_colors("h85"), lw=3, label="H85") da.fit_normals_to_data(noise_trends, color=da_colors("piC"), lw=3, label="piControl") #calculate the trend in the observations if datasets is None: datasets = ["gpcp", "cmap", "precl"] if type(datasets) != type([]): datasets = [datasets] for dataset in datasets: X = self.OBS[string.upper(dataset)] obs_avg = mmean(X.reshaped[direction](time=(start, stop))) obs_trend = cmip5.get_linear_trends(obs_avg) plt.axvline(obs_trend, label=dataset, color=da_colors(dataset)) plt.xlabel("S/N") plt.ylabel("Frequency") plt.legend(loc=0)