Пример #1
    def merge_file(self, kitchen, recipe, file_path, file_contents, orig_head, last_file_sha):
        Returns the result of merging a local file with the latest version on the remote.
        This does not cause any side-effects on the server, and no actual merge is performed in the remote repo.
        /v2/file/merge/<string:kitchenname>/<string:recipename>/<path:filepath>, methods=['POST']
        :param kitchen: name of the kitchen where this file lives
        :param recipe: name of the recipe that owns this file
        :param file_path: path to the file, relative to the recipe
        :param file_contents: contents of the file
        :param orig_head: sha of commit head of the branch when this file was obtained.
        :param last_file_sha: The sha of the file when it was obtained from the server.
        :return: dict
        rc = DKReturnCode()
        if kitchen is None or isinstance(kitchen, basestring) is False or \
                recipe is None or isinstance(recipe, basestring) is False or \
                file_path is None or isinstance(file_path, basestring) is False or \
                orig_head is None or isinstance(orig_head, basestring) is False or \
                last_file_sha is None or isinstance(last_file_sha, basestring) is False or \
                file_contents is None:
            rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'One or more parameters is invalid. ')
            return rc

        params = dict()
        params['orig_head'] = orig_head
        params['last_file_sha'] = last_file_sha
        params['content'] = file_contents
        adjusted_file_path = file_path
        url = '%s/v2/file/merge/%s/%s/%s' % (self.get_url_for_direct_rest_call(), kitchen, recipe, adjusted_file_path)
            response = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(params), headers=self._get_common_headers())
            rdict = self._get_json(response)
        except (RequestException, ValueError, TypeError), c:
            print "merge_file: exception: %s" % str(c)
            return None
Пример #2
 def orderrun_detail(self, kitchen, pdict, return_all_data=False):
     api.add_resource(OrderDetailsV2, '/v2/order/details/<string:kitchenname>', methods=['POST'])
     :param self: DKCloudAPI
     :param kitchen: string
     :param pdict: dict
     :param return_all_data: boolean
     :rtype: DKReturnCode
     rc = DKReturnCode()
     if kitchen is None or isinstance(kitchen, basestring) is False:
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'issue with kitchen')
         return rc
     url = '%s/v2/order/details/%s' % (self.get_url_for_direct_rest_call(),
         response = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(pdict), headers=self._get_common_headers())
         rdict = self._get_json(response)
         if False:
             import pickle
             pickle.dump(rdict, open("files/orderrun_detail.p", "wb"))
     except (RequestException, ValueError), c:
         s = "orderrun_detail: exception: %s" % str(c)
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, s)
         return rc
Пример #3
 def list_kitchen(self):
     rc = DKReturnCode()
     url = '%s/v2/kitchen/list' % (self.get_url_for_direct_rest_call())
         response = requests.get(url, headers=self._get_common_headers())
         rdict = self._get_json(response)
     except (RequestException, ValueError, TypeError), c:
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'list_kitchen: exception: %s' % str(c))
         return rc
Пример #4
 def delete_orderrun(self, orderrun_id):
     api.add_resource(ServingDeleteV2, '/v2/serving/delete/<string:servingid>', methods=['DELETE'])
     :param self: DKCloudAPI
     :param orderrun_id: string
     :rtype: DKReturnCode
     rc = DKReturnCode()
     if orderrun_id is None or isinstance(orderrun_id, basestring) is False:
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'issue with orderrun_id')
         return rc
     orderrun_id2 = urllib.quote(orderrun_id)
     url = '%s/v2/serving/delete/%s' % (self.get_url_for_direct_rest_call(), orderrun_id2)
         response = requests.delete(url, headers=self._get_common_headers())
         rdict = self._get_json(response)
         if DKCloudAPI._valid_response(response):
             rc.set(rc.DK_SUCCESS, None, None)
             return rc
             arc = DKAPIReturnCode(rdict, response)
             rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, arc.get_message())
             return rc
     except (RequestException, ValueError), c:
         s = "orderrun_delete: exception: %s" % str(c)
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, s)
         return rc
Пример #5
    def put_kitchen_settings(self, kitchen_name, kitchen_dict, msg):
        rc = DKReturnCode()

            kitchen_json = json.dumps(kitchen_dict)
        except ValueError as ve:
            # Make sure this is valid json
            rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, ve.message)
            return rc

        d1 = dict()
        d1['kitchen.json'] = kitchen_dict
        d1['message'] = msg
        url = '%s/v2/kitchen/settings/%s' % (self.get_url_for_direct_rest_call(), kitchen_name)
            response = requests.put(url, headers=self._get_common_headers(), data=json.dumps(d1))
            rdict = self._get_json(response)
        except (RequestException, ValueError, TypeError) as c:
            rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'settings_kitchen: exception: %s' % str(c))
            return rc
        if DKCloudAPI._valid_response(response):
            rc.set(rc.DK_SUCCESS, None, rdict)
            arc = DKAPIReturnCode(rdict, response)
            rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, arc.get_message())
        return rc
Пример #6
    def modify_kitchen_settings(self, kitchen_name, add=(), unset=()):
        rc = self.get_kitchen_settings(kitchen_name)
        if not rc.ok():
            return rc

        kitchen_json = rc.get_payload()
        overrides = kitchen_json['recipeoverrides']

        msg = ''
        commit_message = ''

        if len(add) > 0:
            for add_this in add:
                matches = [existing_override for existing_override in overrides if existing_override['variable'] == add_this[0]]
                if len(matches) == 0:
                    overrides.append({'variable': add_this[0], 'value': add_this[1], 'category':'from_command_line'})
                    matches[0]['value'] = add_this[1]

                msg += "{} added with value '{}'\n".format(add_this[0], add_this[1])
                if len(commit_message) != 0:
                    commit_message += " ; {} added".format(add_this[0])
                    commit_message += "{} added".format(add_this[0])

        # tom_index = next(index for (index, d) in enumerate(lst) if d["name"] == "Tom")
        # might be a string?
        if len(unset) > 0:
            if isinstance(unset, list) or isinstance(unset, tuple):
                for unset_this in unset:
                    match_index = next((index for (index, d) in enumerate(overrides) if d["variable"] == unset_this), None)
                    if match_index is not None:
                        del overrides[match_index]
                        msg += "{} unset".format(unset_this)
                        if len(commit_message) != 0:
                            commit_message += " ; {} unset".format(unset_this)
                            commit_message += "{} unset".format(unset_this)
                match_index = next((index for (index, d) in enumerate(overrides) if d["variable"] == unset), None)
                if match_index is not None:
                    del overrides[match_index]
                    msg += "{} unset".format(unset)
                    if len(commit_message) != 0:
                        commit_message += " ; {} unset".format(unset)
                        commit_message += "{} unset".format(unset)

        rc = self.put_kitchen_settings(kitchen_name, kitchen_json, commit_message)
        if not rc.ok():
            return rc

        rc = DKReturnCode()
        rc.set(rc.DK_SUCCESS, msg, overrides)
        return rc
Пример #7
 def get_compiled_serving(self, kitchen, recipe_name, variation_name):
     get the compiled version of arecipe with variables applied for a specific variation in a kitchen
     returns a dictionary
     '/v2/servings/compiled/get/<string:kitchenname>/<string:recipename>/<string:variationname>', methods=['GET']
     :param self: DKCloudAPI
     :param kitchen: basestring
     :param recipe_name: basestring  -- kitchen name, basestring
     :param variation_name: basestring message -- name of variation, basestring
     :rtype: dict
     rc = DKReturnCode()
     if kitchen is None or isinstance(kitchen, basestring) is False:
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'issue with kitchen')
         return rc
     if recipe_name is None or isinstance(recipe_name, basestring) is False:
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'issue with recipe_name')
         return rc
     if variation_name is None or isinstance(variation_name, basestring) is False:
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'issue with variation_name')
         return rc
     url = '%s/v2/servings/compiled/get/%s/%s/%s' % (self.get_url_for_direct_rest_call(),
                                                     kitchen, recipe_name, variation_name)
         response = requests.get(url, headers=self._get_common_headers())
         rdict = self._get_json(response)
     except (RequestException, ValueError, TypeError), c:
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, "get_compiled_serving: exception: %s" % str(c))
         return rc
Пример #8
 def recipe_tree(self, kitchen, recipe):
     gets the status of a recipe
     :param self: DKCloudAPI
     :param kitchen: string
     :param recipe: string
     :rtype: dict
     rc = DKReturnCode()
     if kitchen is None or isinstance(kitchen, basestring) is False:
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'issue with kitchen parameter')
         return rc
     if recipe is None or isinstance(recipe, basestring) is False:
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'issue with recipe parameter')
         return rc
     url = '%s/v2/recipe/tree/%s/%s' % (self.get_url_for_direct_rest_call(),
                                        kitchen, recipe)
         response = requests.get(url, headers=self._get_common_headers())
         rdict = self._get_json(response)
     except (RequestException, ValueError, TypeError), c:
         s = "recipe_tree: exception: %s" % str(c)
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, s)
         return rc
Пример #9
 def merge_kitchens_improved(self, from_kitchen, to_kitchen, resolved_conflicts=None):
     merges kitchens
     '/v2/kitchen/merge/<string:kitchenname>/<string:kitchenname>', methods=['POST']
     :param resolved_conflicts:
     :param self: DKCloudAPI
     :param from_kitchen: string
     :param to_kitchen: string
     :rtype: dict
     rc = DKReturnCode()
     if from_kitchen is None or isinstance(from_kitchen, basestring) is False:
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'issue with from kitchen')
         return rc
     if to_kitchen is None or isinstance(to_kitchen, basestring) is False:
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'issue with to kitchen')
         return rc
     url = '%s/v2/kitchen/merge/%s/%s' % (self.get_url_for_direct_rest_call(), from_kitchen, to_kitchen)
         if resolved_conflicts is not None and len(resolved_conflicts) > 0:
             data = dict()
             data['resolved_conflicts'] = resolved_conflicts
             response = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(data), headers=self._get_common_headers())
             response = requests.post(url, headers=self._get_common_headers())
         rdict = self._get_json(response)
     except (RequestException, ValueError, TypeError), c:
         rc.set("merge_kitchens: exception: %s" % str(c))
         return rc
Пример #10
    def list_order(self, kitchen, save_to_file=None):
        List the orders for a kitchen or recipe
        rc = DKReturnCode()
        if kitchen is None or isinstance(kitchen, basestring) is False:
            rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'issue with kitchen parameter')
            return rc

        url = '%s/v2/order/status/%s' % (self.get_url_for_direct_rest_call(), kitchen)
            response = requests.get(url, headers=self._get_common_headers())
            rdict = self._get_json(response)
        except (RequestException, ValueError, TypeError), c:
            s = "get_recipe: exception: %s" % str(c)
            rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, s)
            return rc
Пример #11
    def recipe_create(self, kitchen, name):
        rc = DKReturnCode()
        if kitchen is None or isinstance(kitchen, basestring) is False:
            rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'issue with kitchen parameter')
            return rc
        url = '%s/v2/recipe/create/%s/%s' % (self.get_url_for_direct_rest_call(), kitchen,name)
            start_time = time.time()
            response = requests.post(url, headers=self._get_common_headers())
            elapsed_recipe_status = time.time() - start_time
            print 'list_recipe - elapsed: %d' % elapsed_recipe_status

            rdict = self._get_json(response)
        except (RequestException, ValueError, TypeError), c:
            s = "list_recipe: exception: %s" % str(c)
            rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, s)
            return rc
Пример #12
 def order_delete_all(self, kitchen):
     api.add_resource(OrderDeleteAllV2, '/v2/order/deleteall/<string:kitchenname>', methods=['DELETE'])
     :param self: DKCloudAPI
     :param kitchen: string
     :rtype: DKReturnCode
     rc = DKReturnCode()
     if kitchen is None or isinstance(kitchen, basestring) is False:
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'issue with kitchen')
         return rc
     url = '%s/v2/order/deleteall/%s' % (self.get_url_for_direct_rest_call(),
         response = requests.delete(url, headers=self._get_common_headers())
         rdict = self._get_json(response)
     except (RequestException, ValueError), c:
         s = "order_delete_all: exception: %s" % str(c)
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, s)
         return rc
Пример #13
 def order_delete_one(self, order_id):
     api.add_resource(OrderDeleteV2, '/v2/order/delete/<string:orderid>', methods=['DELETE'])
     :param self: DKCloudAPI
     :param order_id: string
     :rtype: DKReturnCode
     rc = DKReturnCode()
     if order_id is None or isinstance(order_id, basestring) is False:
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'issue with order_id')
         return rc
     order_id2 = urllib.quote(order_id)
     url = '%s/v2/order/delete/%s' % (self.get_url_for_direct_rest_call(),
         response = requests.delete(url, headers=self._get_common_headers())
         rdict = self._get_json(response)
     except (RequestException, ValueError), c:
         s = "order_delete_one: exception: %s" % str(c)
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, s)
         return rc
Пример #14
 def orderrun_stop(self, orderrun_id):
     api.add_resource(ServingStopV2, '/v2/serving/stop/<string:servingid>', methods=['Put'])
     :param self: DKCloudAPI
     :param orderrun_id: string
     :rtype: DKReturnCode
     rc = DKReturnCode()
     if orderrun_id is None or isinstance(orderrun_id, basestring) is False:
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'issue with orderrun_id')
         return rc
     orderrun_id2 = urllib.quote(orderrun_id)
     url = '%s/v2/serving/stop/%s' % (self.get_url_for_direct_rest_call(),
         response = requests.put(url, headers=self._get_common_headers())
         rdict = self._get_json(response)
     except (RequestException, ValueError), c:
         s = "order_stop: exception: %s" % str(c)
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, s)
         return rc
Пример #15
 def get_kitchen_settings(self, kitchen_name):
     rc = DKReturnCode()
     url = '%s/v2/kitchen/settings/%s' % (self.get_url_for_direct_rest_call(), kitchen_name)
         response = requests.get(url, headers=self._get_common_headers())
         rdict = self._get_json(response)
     except (RequestException, ValueError, TypeError) as c:
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'settings_kitchen: exception: %s' % str(c))
         return rc
     if DKCloudAPI._valid_response(response):
         rc.set(rc.DK_SUCCESS, None, rdict)
         arc = DKAPIReturnCode(rdict, response)
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, arc.get_message())
     return rc
Пример #16
    def create_order(self, kitchen, recipe_name, variation_name, node_name=None):
        Full graph

        Single node

        rc = DKReturnCode()
        if kitchen is None or isinstance(kitchen, basestring) is False:
            rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'issue with kitchen')
            return rc
        if recipe_name is None or isinstance(recipe_name, basestring) is False:
            rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'issue with recipe_name')
            return rc
        if variation_name is None or isinstance(variation_name, basestring) is False:
            rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'issue with variation_name')
            return rc

        if node_name is None:
            url = '%s/v2/order/create/%s/%s/%s' % (self.get_url_for_direct_rest_call(),
                                                   kitchen, recipe_name, variation_name)
            url = '%s/v2/order/create/onenode/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (self.get_url_for_direct_rest_call(),
                                                              kitchen, recipe_name, variation_name, node_name)

            response = requests.put(url, headers=self._get_common_headers())
            rdict = self._get_json(response)
        except (RequestException, ValueError), c:
            s = "create_order: exception: %s" % str(c)
            rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, s)
            return rc
Пример #17
 def delete_kitchen(self, existing_kitchen_name, message):
     rc = DKReturnCode()
     if existing_kitchen_name is None:
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'Need to supply an existing kitchen name')
         return rc
     if isinstance(existing_kitchen_name, basestring) is False:
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'Kitchen name needs to be a string')
         return rc
     if message is None or isinstance(message, basestring) is False:
         message = 'delete_kitchen'
     pdict = dict()
     pdict[DKCloudAPI.MESSAGE] = message
     url = '%s/v2/kitchen/delete/%s' % (self.get_url_for_direct_rest_call(), existing_kitchen_name)
         response = requests.delete(url, data=json.dumps(pdict), headers=self._get_common_headers())
         rdict = self._get_json(response)
     except (RequestException, ValueError, TypeError), c:
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'delete_kitchens: exception: %s' % str(c))
         return rc
Пример #18
 def secret_delete(self,path):
     rc = DKReturnCode()
     path = path or ''
     url = '%s/v2/secret/%s' % (self.get_url_for_direct_rest_call(), path)
         start_time = time.time()
         response = requests.delete(url, headers=self._get_common_headers())
         elapsed_recipe_status = time.time() - start_time
         print 'secret_write - elapsed: %d' % elapsed_recipe_status
         rdict = self._get_json(response)
         if DKCloudAPI._valid_response(response):
             rc.set(rc.DK_SUCCESS, None, None)
             arc = DKAPIReturnCode(rdict, response)
             rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, arc.get_message())
         return rc
     except (RequestException, ValueError, TypeError), c:
         s = "secret_delete: exception: %s" % str(c)
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, s)
         return rc
Пример #19
 def get_recipe(self, kitchen, recipe, list_of_files=None):
     rc = DKReturnCode()
     if kitchen is None or isinstance(kitchen, basestring) is False:
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'issue with kitchen parameter')
         return rc
     if recipe is None or isinstance(recipe, basestring) is False:
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'issue with recipe parameter')
         return rc
     url = '%s/v2/recipe/get/%s/%s' % (self.get_url_for_direct_rest_call(),
                                       kitchen, recipe)
         if list_of_files is not None:
             params = dict()
             params['recipe-files'] = list_of_files
             response = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(params), headers=self._get_common_headers())
             response = requests.post(url, headers=self._get_common_headers())
         rdict = self._get_json(response)
     except (RequestException, ValueError, TypeError), c:
         s = "get_recipe: exception: %s" % str(c)
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, s)
         return rc
Пример #20
 def delete_file(self, kitchen, recipe, message, recipe_file_key, recipe_file):
     rc = DKReturnCode()
     if kitchen is None or isinstance(kitchen, basestring) is False:
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'issue with kitchen parameter')
         return rc
     if recipe is None or isinstance(recipe, basestring) is False:
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'issue with recipe parameter')
         return rc
     if recipe_file_key is None or isinstance(recipe_file_key, basestring) is False:
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'issue with recipe_file_key parameter')
         return rc
     if recipe_file is None or isinstance(recipe_file, basestring) is False:
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'issue with recipe_file parameter')
         return rc
     pdict = dict()
     pdict[self.MESSAGE] = message
     pdict[self.FILEPATH] = recipe_file_key
     pdict[self.FILE] = recipe_file
     url = '%s/v2/recipe/delete/%s/%s' % (self.get_url_for_direct_rest_call(),
                                          kitchen, recipe)
         response = requests.delete(url, data=json.dumps(pdict), headers=self._get_common_headers())
         rdict = self._get_json(response)
     except (RequestException, ValueError, TypeError), c:
         s = "delete_file: exception: %s" % str(c)
         rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, s)
         return rc
Пример #21
    def add_file(self, kitchen, recipe, message, api_file_key, file_contents):
        returns True for success or False for failure
        '/v2/recipe/create/<string:kitchenname>/<string:recipename>', methods=['PUT']
        :param self: DKCloudAPI
        :param kitchen: basestring
        :param recipe: basestring  -- kitchen name, basestring
        :param message: basestring message -- commit message, basestring
        :param api_file_key:  -- file name and path to the file name, relative to the recipe root
        :param file_contents: -- character string of the recipe file to update

        :rtype: boolean
        rc = DKReturnCode()
        if kitchen is None or isinstance(kitchen, basestring) is False:
            rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'issue with kitchen parameter')
            return rc
        if recipe is None or isinstance(recipe, basestring) is False:
            rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'issue with recipe parameter')
            return rc
        if api_file_key is None or isinstance(api_file_key, basestring) is False:
            rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'issue with api_file_key parameter')
            return rc
        if file_contents is None or isinstance(file_contents, basestring) is False:
            rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, 'issue with file_contents parameter')
            return rc
        pdict = dict()
        pdict[self.MESSAGE] = message
        pdict[self.FILEPATH] = api_file_key
        pdict[self.FILE] = file_contents
        url = '%s/v2/recipe/create/%s/%s' % (self.get_url_for_direct_rest_call(), kitchen, recipe)
            response = requests.put(url, data=json.dumps(pdict), headers=self._get_common_headers())
            rdict = self._get_json(response)
        except (RequestException, ValueError, TypeError), c:
            s = "add_file: exception: %s" % str(c)
            rc.set(rc.DK_FAIL, s)
            return rc