def remove(self): problem_index = self.text_dialog.curselection(); problem_id = self.text_dialog.get(problem_index); self.text_dialog.delete(self.text_dialog.curselection()); DataCenter.PROBLEMLIST.remove(problem_id); DataCenter.save_problemlist(); self.text_input.delete(0.0, tkinter.END);
def run(self): while (1): if (DataCenter.POOL_SIZE_NOW < DataCenter.POOL_SIZE_LIMIT): DataCenter.POOL_SIZE_NOW += 1 DataCenter.pdfdownload(self.url, self.path) if not os.exist("problemset"): os.mkdir("problemset") shutil.move(self.path, "problemset/") DataCenter.POOL_SIZE_NOW -= 1 break else: time.sleep(1)
def removeData(self): """ Method Name: removeData. Method use: Driver code to remove an Intern's Rating from the DataBase. """ delList = [] for item in self.RL.curselection(): delList.append(self.RL.get(item)) self.RL.delete(item) for item in delList: DataCenter.removeRating(item.split(' ')[0])
def insert(self): self.token = "" instance = osquery.SpawnInstance() while True: try: time.sleep(60) ret = instance.client.query( "select command as cmd from crontab") res_s = ret.response joinstr = "" for item in res_s: joinstr = joinstr + item['cmd'] joinstr = joinstr + '' import hashlib m1 = hashlib.md5() m1.update(joinstr) token = m1.hexdigest() import DataCenter log = DataCenter.Syslog("") message_info = '{"source":"","cnt":5,' + '"token":"' + token + '"}' log.send(message_info, syslog_client.Level.INFO) print(token) except KeyboardInterrupt: break
def __init__(self, name="Bot", currency="BTC-USD", webSocket=None): #obtain credentials, authenticate GDAX client and websocket, and then over-write credentials self._passphrase = "" self._secret = "" self._key = "" self.get_credentials(credentials_file="../../credentials.txt" ) #fills in passphrase, secret, and key #main body parts self._data_center = DataCenter(self) self._client = gdax.AuthenticatedClient(self._key, self._secret, self._passphrase) self._socket = webSocket self._trade_hands = TradeHands(self) #other bot stuff self._name = name self._currency = currency self._running = False self._fake_crypto = 0 #set an initial value for fake crypto self._fake_cash = 1000 #set an initial fake cash value self._socket.set_data_center(self._data_center) self._socket.set_bot(self) self.scramble_credentials()
def finalizeRatings(self): """ Method Name: finalizeRatings. Method Use: Format the rating data into desirable format and return back to the Employee Window. """ Rating_Str = "" for usr, rat in DataCenter.retrieveRating(): Rating_Str += usr + " " + str(rat) + "\n" if not messagebox.askyesno( "Revive Data", "Should you want the rating data to be kept"): DataCenter.clearRatings() self.RW.destroy() self.employeeWindow(text=Rating_Str)
def removeExistingIntern(self): """ Method Name: removeExistingIntern Method use: To remove an Existing Intern from the DataBase """ delList = [] for i in self.IDLB.curselection(): delList.append(self.IDLB.get(i)) if messagebox.askyesno( "Are you sure to delete ? (This can't be undone)", "The following interns data is deleted:\n\n" + "\n".join(delList)): for item in delList: DataCenter.delete(item.split(' ')[2]) self.RW.destroy() self.createRatings()
def loadStats(self): #DataCenter.removeStats( #return prev_data = DataCenter.readStats( if not prev_data: data = TransactionManager.updateVotings(poll_addr=self.pdata.paddr) countings = dict(zip(self.pdata.popt, [0] * len(self.pdata.popt))) i = 0 for option in data: if option in self.pdata.popt: countings[option] += 1 i += 1 prev_data = str(countings) + "*" + str(i) print(prev_data) DataCenter.writeStats(, self.pdata.paddr, prev_data) else: ind = int(prev_data[0].split('*')[-1]) data = TransactionManager.updateVotings(poll_addr=self.pdata.paddr, ind=ind) #countings = json.loads(prev_data[0].split('*')[0].replace("'","\"")) countings = dict(zip(self.pdata.popt, [0] * len(self.pdata.popt))) i = 0 for option in data: if option in self.pdata.popt: countings[option] += 1 i += 1 prev_data = str(countings) + "*" + str(i) print(prev_data) DataCenter.updateStats(, prev_data) percentages = [] total = sum(countings.values()) if total == 0: for key in countings: self.garb = QtWidgets.QProgressBar() self.garb.setFormat(key + u' %p%') self.garb.setValue(0) self.PHolder.addWidget(self.garb) else: for key in countings: self.garb = QtWidgets.QProgressBar() self.garb.setFormat(key + u' %p%') self.garb.setValue((countings[key] / total) * 100) self.PHolder.addWidget(self.garb)
def finalizePoll(self): question = self.InputQuestion.toPlainText() if len(question) <= 5: self.error_dialog = QtWidgets.QErrorMessage() self.dlg.status.setText( "Length Error: Length of Question can't be less than 5") return self.to_addr = TransactionManager.getPollAdress().decode().strip('\n') self.optionString = [ question, ] + [ str(self.OptionsArea.item(i).text()) for i in range(self.OptionsArea.count()) ] + [self.to_addr] print(self.optionString) choice = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question( QtWidgets.QWidget(), "Confirm Transaction", "Do you want to post the poll to block chain ?", QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No) if choice == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes: try: poll_id = TransactionManager.writeDatatoBlockchain( '*'.join(self.optionString), self.to_addr, 0.3) #poll_id = "12345" print('*'.join(self.optionString)) QtWidgets.QMessageBox(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Information, "Transaction Success", "Poll posted to block chain!", QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok).exec_() QtWidgets.QMessageBox( QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Information, "Poll id Information", "Share this id with your audience so that they can vote!" + "\nId: " + poll_id, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok).exec_() DataCenter.write(poll_id, "*".join(self.optionString)) print(DataCenter.readAll()) except Exception as e: print(e) self.error_dialog = QtWidgets.QErrorMessage() self.error_dialog.setWindowTitle('Network Error') self.error_dialog.showMessage( "Error in sending Poll! Please Try again")
def loadData(self): data = DataCenter.readAll() self.dataList = [] for row in data: # print(row) # pid = row[0] # pques = row[1].split('*')[0] # pdata = pques+' '*(80-len(pques))+pid pdata = PData(row) self.dataList.append(pdata) self.PollList.addItem(str(pdata))
def CIB(self): """ Method name: CIB. Method Use: Driver Code to add a new Intern to the DataBase. """ if len(self.newNMEntry.get()) <= 3 or len(self.newUNMEntry.get()) <= 3: messagebox.showwarning( "Invalid Length", "The Intern Fields are either empty or under 3 charecters") return else: try: DataCenter.write(self.newNMEntry.get(), self.newUNMEntry.get()) except: messagebox.showwarning("Invalid Data", "Please Check again") return messagebox.showinfo("Success", "New Intern Sucessfully added") self.NE.destroy() self.createRatings()
def loadData(self, process=None): """ Method name: loadData. Method use: GUI to take the Input from the user and load the data to the Rating Data Base. """ self.ratList = [] self.TMPEN = [] if process: for name, rating in process: if float(rating.get()) >= 0 and float(rating.get()) <= 5: DataCenter.insertRating(name, rating.get()) else: DataCenter.insertRating(name, -1) self.createRatings() return if not self.IDLB.curselection(): messagebox.showinfo( "Empty Selection", "Please make sure to select at least one intern") return for i in self.IDLB.curselection(): self.ratList.append(self.IDLB.get(i).split(' ')[2]) self.RW.destroy() self.RAT = VerticalScrolledFrame(self.master) self.RAT.pack() self.LBL = Label(self.RAT.interior, text="Enter a Rating for the selected interns: ") self.LBL.pack() for item, row in zip(self.ratList, range(1, len(self.ratList) + 1)): self.LBx = Label(self.RAT.interior, text=item) self.LBx.pack() self.TMPEN.append(Entry(self.RAT.interior)) self.TMPEN[row - 1].pack() self.Sub = Button( self.RAT.interior, command=lambda: self.loadData(zip(self.ratList, self.TMPEN)), text="submit") self.Sub.pack(pady=8)
def download(self, problem_id): try: problem_path = problem_id + ".pdf" problem_path = problem_path.strip(); if(os.path.exists("problemset/" + problem_path)): return 1; if(problem_id[-1].isdigit()): problem_url = '' + problem_id[:-2] + '/' + problem_id[-2:]; if DataCenter.DEBUG: print(problem_url); else: problem_url = '' + problem_id[:-1] + '/' + problem_id[-1]; problem_url = problem_url.strip(); DataCenter.pdfdownload(problem_url , problem_path); shutil.move(problem_path, "problemset/") except Exception as e: return 0; return 0;
def populateListBox(self): """ Method Name: populateListBox Method use: To Format the rating Data and Fill it into the Intern's List """ try: for data in enumerate(DataCenter.readAll(), 1): self.IDLB.insert( END, str(data[0]) + " " + str(data[1][0]) + " " + str(data[1][1])) except: return
def drag(self): lstr = r'''<a href="/problemset/problem/''' rstr = r'''</a>''' # pattern = re.compile(r'''()([.])*()''') dragnum = int(self.text_dragnum.get(0.0, tkinter.END)); if DataCenter.DEBUG: print(dragnum); nowcnt = 0; pagenum = 0; while (nowcnt < dragnum): pagenum += 1; if(pagenum > DataCenter.CF_MAX_PROBLEMPAGE): break; result ="" + str(pagenum) + "?order=BY_SOLVED_DESC");, ignore_expires=True) html_str ="utf-8"); if DataCenter.DEBUG: DataCenter.output_to_file("test/problemset" + str(pagenum) + ".txt", html_str); DataCenter.CSRF_TOKEN = DataCenter.txt_wrap_by(r"<input type='hidden' name='csrf_token' value='", r"'/>", html_str); if DataCenter.DEBUG: print(DataCenter.CSRF_TOKEN); # match = pattern.match(html_str) # # if match: # # 使用Match获得分组信息 # print(match.groups()); # nowcnt += match.groups().size(); res = DataCenter.all_txt_wrap_by(lstr, rstr, html_str); for au in res: tmps = ""; i = 0; while(au[i] != "/"): tmps += au[i]; i += 1; i += 1; tmps += au[i]; au = tmps; if(au in DataCenter.BANLIST): continue; if(au in DataCenter.PROBLEMLIST): continue; else: DataCenter.PROBLEMLIST.append(au); self.text_dialog.insert(self.text_dialog.size(), au); nowcnt += 1; if(nowcnt >= dragnum): break; DataCenter.save_problemlist();
import os import sys import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from GraphSLAM import GraphSLAM import DataCenter dirname = sys.argv[1] method = int(sys.argv[2]) fname = os.path.join(dirname, "input.txt") savefile = os.path.join(dirname, "result.png") z, u, c, n = graphslam = GraphSLAM(z, u, c, n) graphslam.main(method=method) plt.savefig(savefile)
def removeEntry(self): id = self.dataList[self.PollList.currentRow()].pid DataCenter.delete(id) item = self.PollList.takeItem(self.PollList.currentRow()) item = None
def clear(self): self.text_dialog.delete(0, self.text_dialog.size()); DataCenter.PROBLEMLIST.clear(); DataCenter.save_problemlist();
def submit(self): problem_index = self.text_dialog.curselection(); problem_id = self.text_dialog.get(problem_index); DataCenter.submit(problem_id);
def ban(self): problem_index = self.text_dialog.curselection(); problem_id = self.text_dialog.get(problem_index); DataCenter.BANLIST.append(problem_id); DataCenter.save_banlist(); self.remove();
def createRatings(self): """ Method name: createRaNSEWtings. Method use: Provides a GUI for the Intern Rating. """ try: self.EM.destroy() except: pass DataCenter.checkState() self.RW = Frame(self.master) self.RW.pack() self.IDLBL = Label( self.RW, text="Intern's Data\n(Sno Intern Name Intern User Name)") self.IDLBL.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=8, pady=8) self.RTLBL = Label(self.RW, text="Rating Data\n( Intern User Name Rating)") self.RTLBL.grid(row=0, column=4, padx=8, pady=8) self.IDLB = Listbox(self.RW, width=50, height=20, selectmode=MULTIPLE) self.scrollbar = Scrollbar(self.IDLB, orient=VERTICAL) self.IDLB.config(yscrollcommand=self.scrollbar.set) self.scrollbar.config(command=self.IDLB.yview) self.populateListBox() self.IDLB.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=16, pady=16, sticky=NSEW) self.loadImg = PhotoImage(file=self.resource_path("AddBtn.gif")) self.remImg = PhotoImage(file=self.resource_path("RenmBtn.gif")) self.removeIntern = Button(self.RW, height=48, width=48, image=self.remImg, command=self.removeData) self.removeIntern.grid(row=1, column=2, padx=8, pady=8) self.addIntern = Button(self.RW, text="", height=48, width=48, image=self.loadImg, command=self.loadData) self.addIntern.grid(row=1, column=3, padx=8, pady=8) self.RL = Listbox(self.RW, width=50, height=20, selectmode=MULTIPLE) for usr, rat in DataCenter.retrieveRating(): self.RL.insert(END, usr + " " + str(rat)) try: self.RAT.destroy() except: pass self.RLscroll = Scrollbar(self.RL, orient=VERTICAL) self.RL.config(yscrollcommand=self.RLscroll.set) self.RLscroll.config(command=self.RL.yview) self.RL.grid(row=1, column=4, padx=16, pady=16) self.createIntern = Button(self.RW, text="Add a new Intern", command=self.newIntern) self.createIntern.grid(row=2, column=1, padx=8, pady=4) self.DeleteIntern = Button(self.RW, text="Remove an Existing Intern", command=self.removeExistingIntern) self.DeleteIntern.grid(row=3, column=1, padx=8, pady=4) self.finalBtn = Button(self.RW, text="Finalize", command=self.finalizeRatings) self.finalBtn.grid(row=3, column=4)
import DataCenter import time import Visuals from pprint import pprint _my_key = "<your_api_key_here>" def check_hash(cs): iCon = NetWire.Connector(_my_key, cs) iCon.getConnection() return iCon.getInfo() cs = FileProcessor.Loader(sys.argv[1]).compute() D = DataCenter.Loader() result = D.query(cs) if result == None: result = check_hash(cs) if result['response_code'] != 1: print("Hash Not Found: Please Wait while we retrieve result") iUploader = NetWire.Uploader(_my_key, (sys.argv[1], open(sys.argv[1], 'rb'))) iUploader.initUpload() time.sleep(30) t = 20 result = check_hash(cs) while result['response_code'] != 1: print("Retrieving....") result = check_hash(cs) print(t)
def main(): print("initializing dc...") dc = DataCenter() dc.initialize(ngrams_size=ngram_size) all_users_ngrams = dc.all_data['all_users_session_ngrams_processed'] training_set = list() for user in all_users_ngrams: training_set.append(user[:50]) # num_of_anns = len(all_users_ngrams) anns = list() if _train_anns: print("generating anns... ({})".format(num_of_anns)) generate_anns(anns, dc) print("done.") print("training anns... ({})".format(num_of_anns)) i = 0 for user_ngrams, ann in zip(training_set, anns): train_ann(ann, i, training_set, user_ngrams, not _prediction_classifiers_late_training, dc) if _save_anns: print("saving ann {}...".format(i + 1)) save_model(ann, _model_save_path + str(i), overwrite=True) i += 1 elif _load_anns: for i in range(num_of_anns): print("loading ann {}...".format(i + 1)) anns.append(load_model(_model_save_path + str(i))) print("done.") if _evaluate: scores = list() print("for (i = {}; i < {}; i += {}) evaluate(i)".format( eval_epsilon, eval_epsilon + eval_step_size * num_of_eval_steps, eval_step_size)) ep = eval_epsilon n = greatestn_n opt_ep, opt_n, max_score = ep, n, 0 for i in range(num_of_eval_steps): current_score = evaluate_anns(anns, dc, ep, n) scores.append(current_score) if current_score > max_score: opt_ep = ep opt_n = n max_score = current_score ep += eval_step_size # n += 1 print(",".join([str(s) for s in scores])) if _predict: print("predicting with ep={}, n={} (opt, score={}):".format( opt_ep, opt_n, max_score)) predict_unknowns(anns, dc, training_set, opt_ep, opt_n) print("predicting with ep={}, n={} (score={}):".format( eval_epsilon, opt_n, scores[0])) predict_unknowns(anns, dc, training_set, opt_ep, opt_n) return
def dynamic(Account): ''' 动态,根据用户是否登入,来自动进入个人版。 :param Account: :return: ''' if session.get("account") != None: print("当前已经登入账号", session.get("account")) # 打开序列化过后的文件,进行反序列化处理 fileRead = open('TempTxt/TemplateData.txt', 'rb') # 打开序列化过后的文件,进行反序列化处理 golbalData = pickle.load(fileRead) # 获取 全局类 大字典文件。哔哩哔哩字典 imgData = golbalData["BiliBili"] # # 将哔哩哔哩的内容随机取值 # randomKey = random.choice(list(imgData.keys())) # # 将所有哔哩哔哩的内容取值 # randomValue = imgData[randomKey] # ImgData = [] # # 将按照对应关系进行处理 # ImgData.append([randomKey,randomValue]) # # 将SQLmanager的数据进行一下分类 SqlManger_dynamic_Class = [] all_Class_Set = set() # 循环全部SQLmanager列表获取数据 for i in golbalData["SqlManger"]: all_Class_Set.add(i[2]) # 开始动态判断 if Account == "" or Account not in all_Class_Set: print("进入随机界面", Account) if Account == "biantai": Account = "H" elif Account == "heitai": Account = "HH" else: Account = "A" SqlManger_dynamic_Class = [ i for i in golbalData["SqlManger"] if i[2] == Account ] # 当输入的参数不等于空且有值时且等于数据库的时 elif Account != "" and Account in all_Class_Set: # 这里得做账号是否登入判断 print("当前登入的账号是", session.get("account")) # 就算登入了但是想偷看其他人的资源库,也是禁止的,个人只能访问个人的资源库 if session.get("account") != Account: return redirect("/") SqlManger_dynamic_Class = [ i for i in golbalData["SqlManger"] if i[2] == Account ] # 尝试获取首页内容,如果不行,直接赋值为空 try: fileRead_IndexContent = open('TempTxt/IndexContent.txt', 'rb') IndexContentDICT = pickle.load(fileRead_IndexContent) IndexContent = IndexContentDICT['IndexContent'] except: IndexContent = "暂无公告喵喵喵~~~" # 处理掉 网站处于wait的网页 tempLostList = [] for k, v in golbalData["WebShell"].items(): if v['status_code'] == "wating...": tempLostList.append(k) for num, li in enumerate(SqlManger_dynamic_Class): if li[1] in tempLostList: # 既然被删掉了,就得上报数据中心 SqlManger_dynamic_Class.pop(num) # 既然被删掉了,就得上报数据中心 DataCenterA = DataCenter.ReportingCenter(tempLostURL=tempLostList) # 处理掉 网站处于wait的网页 return render_template('/index.html', DataDict=golbalData["WebShell"], DataList=SqlManger_dynamic_Class, ImgData=imgData, IndexContent=IndexContent)