def _addClicked(self, *args): result = _pmCore.promptDialog(title='New Category', message="Enter Name: ", button=['OK', 'Cancel'], defaultButton='OK', cancelButton='Cancel', dismissString='Cancel') if result == 'OK': newCategory = _pmCore.promptDialog(query=True, text=True) _Database.addCategory(newCategory) _pmCore.textScrollList(self._textScrollList, edit=True, append=newCategory) self._updateCallback(newCategory)
def _buildupWindow(self): if isinstance(self._window, _pmCore.uitypes.Window) and self._window.exists( _pmCore.deleteUI(self._window, window=True) self._window = _pmCore.window(title=self._winTitle) _pmCore.columnLayout(adjustableColumn=True) _pmCore.scrollLayout(width=300, height=250, childResizable=True) _pmCore.gridLayout(numberOfColumns=2, cellHeight = self._iconSize, cellWidth=self._iconSize) for versionNum in _Database.getVersionList(self._fileID): versionInfo = _Database.getVersionInfo(self._fileID, versionNum) print versionInfo thumbnailPath = versionInfo[3] if not _os.path.exists(versionInfo[3]): thumbnailPath = "cube.png" button = _pmCore.iconTextButton(self._versionBtnName(versionNum), style='iconAndTextVertical', image1=thumbnailPath, label=self._versionBtnName(versionNum), command=_pmCore.Callback(self._versionSelected, versionNum)) self._uiWidget[self._versionBtnName(versionNum)] = button _pmCore.setParent('..') _pmCore.setParent('..') _pmCore.separator(style='none', height=10) _pmCore.text(label="Comments: ", align='left') self._uiWidget['commentLayout'] = _pmCore.scrollLayout(width=300, height=120, childResizable=True) _pmCore.setParent('..') _pmCore.separator(style='none', height=10) self._uiWidget['comment'] = _pmCore.scrollField(width=300, height=80) _pmCore.button(label='Add Comment', command=_pmCore.Callback(self._commentAdded))
def setUp(self): self.tempdb = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() self.database = 'sqlite:///{}'.format( Database.initialize_database(['test.dat.bgz'], self.database) self.SessionMaker = Database.get_sessionmaker(self.database) with open('test2.dat') as test_data: self.raw_record =
def filterSignatures( inclusionDatabaseLocation, exclusionDatabaseLocation, totalInclusion, totalExclusion, candidatesLocation, filteredOutputLocation, sortedOutputLocation, filterLength, filterPercent, seedSize): filterSignatures = FilterSignatures( candidatesLocation, filteredOutputLocation, sortedOutputLocation, totalInclusion, totalExclusion, filterLength) # QUERY DB - EXCLUSION exclusionQueryLocation = Database.queryDatabase( exclusionDatabaseLocation, candidatesLocation, filteredOutputLocation, filterPercent, seedSize) # FILTER filterSignatures.reportSignatures(exclusionQueryLocation) # QUERY DB - INCLUSION inclusionQueryLocation = Database.queryDatabase( inclusionDatabaseLocation, filteredOutputLocation, sortedOutputLocation, filterPercent, seedSize) # SORT filterSignatures.sortSignatures(inclusionQueryLocation)
def results(): global warning, logged_in, user, name, projects, currProj if request.method=="GET" and 'user' in session: user = session['user'] name['first'] = misc.getName(user)[0] name['last'] = misc.getName(user)[1] byMe = Database.getRatingsName(user) forMe = Database.forMe(user) return render_template("results.html", logged_in='user' in session, user=user, name=name, byMe=byMe, forMe=forMe, q=q, projects=projects, currProj=currProj) elif 'user' not in session: flash("Please log in first!") return redirect(url_for('login')) else: button = request.form['button'] if button == 'Go': currProj = request.form['projects'] return redirect(url_for('results')) elif button == 'Back': currProj = '' return redirect(url_for('home')) elif button == 'Logout': return redirect(url_for('logout'))
def testMergeDataDictDataBothOverride(self): dest = {'a': {'a1': 'DEST'}} src = {'a': {'a1': 'SRC'}} Database.mergeData(dest, src, override=True) self.assertEqual(dest, {'a': {'a1': 'SRC'}})
def _insertRuleset(self, none, result, ruleset): """Callback used by store() to insert a new or modified ruleset into the SQL database""" import Database d = Database.pool.runOperation("INSERT INTO rulesets (uri, xml) values(%s, %s)" % ( Database.quote(ruleset.uri, 'text'), Database.quote(ruleset.get_source(), 'text'))) d.addCallback(result.callback) d.addErrback(result.errback)
def register_post(self): username_is_taken = False passwords_dont_match = False username_is_invalid = False username = self.request.get('username')"Username: "******"^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,20}$", username) is None: username_is_invalid = True"Invalid username: "******"Invalid registration attempted.") self.render_home(passwords_dont_match=passwords_dont_match, username_is_taken=username_is_taken, username_is_invalid=username_is_invalid) return Database.add_user(page_name, username, password, email) self.redirect('#!accountcreated')
def post(self): username_is_taken = False passwords_dont_match = False username_is_invalid = False email_is_invalid = False username = self.request.get('username') password = self.request.get('password') password_repeat = self.request.get('password-repeat') email = self.request.get('email') first_name = self.request.get('first-name') last_name = self.request.get('last-name') username_is_taken = username in Database.get_all_users() passwords_dont_match = password != password_repeat username_is_invalid = re.match("^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,20}$", username) is None if not re.match(r"[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+", email): email_is_invalid = True if username_is_taken or passwords_dont_match or username_is_invalid or email_is_invalid: s = "Failure" if username_is_taken: s += " username_is_taken" if passwords_dont_match: s += " passwords_dont_match" if username_is_invalid: s += ' username_is_invalid' if email_is_invalid: s += ' email_is_invalid' self.response.out.write(s) else: Database.add_user(first_name, last_name, username, password, email) self.login(Database.get_user(username)) self.response.out.write("Success")
def saveSceneForVersion(): filePath = _pmCore.sceneName() fileID = _Database.getIDByFilePath(filePath)[0] _pmCore.saveFile() versionNum, _, thumbnailPath = _Database.addVersion(filePath, _os.environ.get('AM_USERNAME')) _makeThumbnail(128, 128, thumbnailPath) return fileID, versionNum, thumbnailPath
def store(self, recordType, msg): if recordType.lower() == "general": ID = self.General[0] elif recordType.lower() == "medical": ID = self.Medical[0] elif recordType.lower() == "training": ID = self.Training[0] else: print("Please enter the correct record type") return ct = self.pre.encrypt(self.params, ID, msg) # Serialise the ct for storage in MySql using appropriate charm API for each element type # Differentiate between the Integer element and the PairingGroup elements (Otherwise cannot seialise) # After serialisation, type is byte db = Database() ctI = serialize(ct['C']['C']) # type of ctI is Integer. Use serialise API del ct['C']['C'] ctPg = objectToBytes(ct, # type of ctPG is PairingGroup. Use objectToBytes API ################### #MD: Todo: Add date to signature ###################### # Get the mastser public key from the SignKeys table # mPK_bytes = db.getSignPubKey("master") # bytes of the master public key # mPK = bytesToObject(mPK_bytes, self.signGroup) # de-serialize the key before usage date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") signature = objectToBytes(self.waters.sign(self.masterPK, self.signK, ''.join(msg + date)), self.signGroup) db.insertRecord(ID, ctI, ctPg, signature, date, self.ID) db.done()
def logProtectedCall(result, path, args, user, allowed=True): """This should be called when a protected call was attempted, successful or not. It logs the attempt and its results in the audit_trail database. This audit trail can be used for several things- listing recently updated metadata (perhaps for a 'whats new?' page) or detecting and recovering from malicious use of keys. """ # Store the first argument separately so we can relatively efficiently search for it if args: main_param = str(args[0]) else: main_param = None # Get the user's UID. If it hasn't even been looked up successfully, # this is just a failed operation on a nonexistent user and it's not worth logging. uid = user.getCachedUid() if uid is None: return Database.pool.runOperation( "INSERT INTO audit_trail (timestamp, uid, action_domain, action_name," " main_param, params, allowed, results)" " VALUES(%d, %d, 'protected_call', %s, %s, '%s', %d, '%s')" % ( time.time(), uid, Database.quote(".".join(path), 'text'), Database.quote(main_param, 'text'), Database.quoteBlob(cPickle.dumps(args)), allowed, Database.quoteBlob(cPickle.dumps(result)))) return result
def __init__(self ,natoms,r_ij ,eleNums,eleNames ,eleMasses,nPool ,stride,subString ,boxAdd,surface ,surfGA): self.natoms = natoms self.r_ij = r_ij self.eleNums = eleNums self.eleNames = eleNames self.eleMasses = eleMasses self.nPool = nPool self.stride = stride self.subString = subString self.boxAdd = boxAdd ''' Surface Object. ''' self.surface = surface self.surfGA = surfGA db.lock() self.calcNum = db.findLastDir() + 1 os.system("mkdir " + str(self.calcNum)) db.unlock() self.genRan()
def mark_selection_as_invoiceable(self): def do_mark(): for row in self.transactions_tbl.selected_rows: t = self.transactions_tbl.rows[row] Q.markTransactionAsInvoiceable(t, True) D.withSession(do_mark) self.transactions_tbl._ns_inner_view.reloadData()
def testMergeDataDataOnlyInDest(self): dest = {'a': 'A'} src = {} Database.mergeData(dest, src) self.assertEqual(dest, {'a': 'A'})
def testMergeDataBothEmpty(self): dest = {} src = {} Database.mergeData(dest, src) self.assertEqual(dest, {})
def testMergeDataDataInBothNoOverride(self): dest = {'a': 'DEST'} src = {'a': 'SRC'} Database.mergeData(dest, src, override=False) self.assertEqual(dest, {'a': 'DEST'})
def testMergeDataDictOnlyInSrc(self): dest = {} src = {'a': {'a1': 'A1'}} Database.mergeData(dest, src) self.assertEqual(dest, {'a': {'a1': 'A1'}})
def GET(self): user_data = web.input() projectId = user_data['project_id'] show_statuses = [] if user_data.has_key('show_active'): show_statuses.append('show_active') if user_data.has_key('show_inactive'): show_statuses.append('show_inactive') if user_data.has_key('show_complete'): show_statuses.append('show_complete') if user_data.has_key('show_canceled'): show_statuses.append('show_canceled') session = Database.Session() project = Database.getProject(projectId) projectTasks = Database.loadProjectPageData(projectId, show_statuses) PWP = Database.ProjectWikiPage pwp = session.query(PWP.project_wiki_page).filter_by(project_id=projectId).scalar() return render.view_project(project, projectTasks, pwp, show_statuses)
def loadDocumentsAndVocabulary(self, availabilityLag): print "\nLoading documents from MySQL" db = Database() sql = u"select id, test_train, stemmed_tokens from property where usable = 1 and availability_lag <= {0};" sql = sql.format(availabilityLag) table = db.runSqlQueryTable(sql) self.propertyIds = [row[0] for row in table] self.testTrain = [row[1] for row in table] self.documents = [row[2].split(" ") for row in table] print len(self.documents), " documents loaded" print "\nLoading vocabulary" vocab = set() for document in self.documents: for token in document: vocab.add(token) self.vocabulary = sorted(vocab) print len(self.vocabulary), " terms loaded"
def decide(self): ''' Should cluster be added to pool.dat? ''' if os.path.exists("pool.dat"): with open("pool.dat","r") as pool: poolList = pool.readlines() poolSize = len(poolList) / (self.natoms + 2) if poolSize < self.nPool: self.addToPool() else: AcceptReject = checkPool() Accept = AcceptReject.checkEnergy(float(self.finalEnergy)) if Accept: Index = AcceptReject.lowestIndex Index = (Index*self.stride)+1 db.updatePool("Finish" ,Index,self.eleNums ,self.eleNames,self.eleMasses ,self.finalEnergy,self.finalCoords ,self.stride, else: self.addToPool()
def post(self): if self.get_argument("auth")=="PCBOSS": requestType = self.get_argument("type") if requestType == "add_user": email = self.get_argument("email") password = self.get_argument("password") first_name = self.get_argument("first_name") last_name = self.get_argument("last_name") if Database.addUser(email, password, first_name, last_name): self.write("Success") else: self.write("Failure") elif requestType == "list_jobs": self.write(str(Database.listJobs())) elif requestType == "request_file": filenum = self.get_argument("file_number") self.write(str(Database.getJob(filenum))) elif requestType == "update_job_status": filenum = int(self.get_argument("file_number")) status = self.get_argument("status") Database.updateStatus(filenum, status) elif requestType == "recent_file": self.write(str(Database.mostRecentFile())) elif requestType == "recent_file_timestamp": self.write(str(Database.mostRecentTimestamp())) elif requestType == "get_users": self.write(str(Database.listUsers())) elif requestType == "edit_user": email = self.get_argument("email") fname = self.get_argument("first_name") lname = self.get_argument("last_name") pword = self.get_argument("password") Database.updateAccount(email, fname, lname, pword) else: self.write("Error: Unrecognized Request")
def post(self): username = self.request.get('username') content = self.request.get('content') entry_id = self.request.get('entry-id') entry_index = int(entry_id) Database.replace_entry_content(Database.get_user(username), content, entry_index) self.redirect('/entryeditor')
def mark_selection_as_payment(self): def do_mark(): t = self.transactions_tbl.rows[self.transactions_tbl.selected_row] person = PersonPicker().pick() if person: Q.markTransactionAsPayment(t, person) D.withSession(do_mark)
def get(self): users = [] for username in Database.get_all_users(): user = Database.get_user(username) users.append({"username": user.username, "pageName": user.page_name}) obj = json.dumps(users) self.response.write(str(obj))
def _parse_guild(self, xml_file_object, site, get_characters=False): """Parse a guild page.""" xml = minidom.parse(xml_file_object) guild_nodes = xml.getElementsByTagName("guildHeader") guild_node = guild_nodes[0] name = guild_node.attributes["name"].value realm = guild_node.attributes["realm"].value site = site guild = Guild(name, realm, site)"Creating guild " + unicode(guild).encode("utf-8")) Database.insert(guild) # cflewis | 2009-03-28 | Now need to put in guild's characters if get_characters: log.debug("Parsing guild character") characters = self._parse_guild_characters(name, realm, site) #guild.characters = characters else: log.debug("Not parsing guild characters") # cflewis | 2009-03-28 | SQLAlchemy wasn't actually committing, # so I'm merging twice, and it seems to bite now. Database.insert(guild) return guild
def post(self): user = self.get_user() if user and user.has_a_bio: image_url_is_valid = True description_is_valid = True description = self.request.get('description') image_url = self.request.get('image_url') # check if image is valid maintype= mimetypes.guess_type(urlparse.urlparse(image_url).path)[0] if maintype not in ('image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif'): image_url_is_valid = False # check if description is valid description_is_valid = description != '' if image_url_is_valid and description_is_valid: bio = Database.Bio(description=description, image_url=image_url) = bio user.put() Database.update_user_memcache() self.render('my_bio.html', page='bio', user=user, image_url_is_valid=image_url_is_valid, description_is_valid=description_is_valid, submission_successful=True) else: self.render('my_bio.html', page='bio', user=user, image_url_is_valid=image_url_is_valid, description_is_valid=description_is_valid, submission_successful=False, new_image_url=image_url) else: self.render('permission_denied.html', user=user)
def getFilme(idIMDB, categoria): url = ',images' % idIMDB urlpt = '' % idIMDB resultado = abrir_url(url, header=__HEADERS_TRAKT__) resultado = json.loads(resultado) resultadopt = abrir_url(urlpt, header=__HEADERS_TRAKT__) resultadopt = json.loads(resultadopt) if resultado["trailer"] is None: trailer = '-' else: trailer = resultado["trailer"] try: plot = resultadopt[0]["overview"] except: plot = resultado["overview"] if resultado["year"] is None: ano = "-" else: ano = str(resultado["year"]) if resultado["images"]["poster"]["full"] is None: url2 = '' % idIMDB resultado2 = abrir_url(url2, header=__HEADERS__) resultado2 = json.loads(resultado2) poster = resultado2["Poster"] else: poster = resultado["images"]["poster"]["full"] if resultado["images"]["fanart"]["full"] is None: url2 = '' % idIMDB resultado2 = abrir_url(url2, header=__HEADERS__) resultado2 = json.loads(resultado2) fanart = resultado2["Poster"] else: fanart = resultado["images"]["fanart"]["full"] traktid = resultado["ids"]["trakt"] slug = resultado["ids"]["slug"] Database.insertFilmeDB(nome=resultado["title"], plot=plot, traktid=traktid, imdb=idIMDB, poster=poster, fanart=fanart, trailer=trailer, ano=ano, categoria=categoria, slug=slug) data = {} data["nome"] = resultado["title"] data["plot"] = plot data["imdb"] = idIMDB data["poster"] = poster data["fanart"] = fanart data["trailer"] = trailer data["ano"] = ano data["categoria"] = categoria return json.dumps(data)
def post(self): username = self.request.get('username') password = self.request.get('password') if (Database.valid_password(username, password)): self.login(Database.get_user(username)) self.response.out.write("Success") else: self.response.out.write("Failure")
def addToPool(self): ''' Add Final Geometry and energy to pool.dat. ''' clus = [] output = DFTout(self.calcNum,self.natoms) self.finalEnergy = output.getEnergy() self.finalCoords = output.getCoords() db.lock() with open("pool.dat","a") as pool: pool.write(str(self.natoms)+"\n") pool.write("Energy = "+str(self.finalEnergy)) pool.write(" Dir = "+str(self.calcNum)+"\n") ''' Move coordinates from centre of the simulation cell. ''' box = self.finalCoords = [float(i) - box/2 for i in self.finalCoords] ''' Change format of the coordinates. ''' for i in range(0,self.natoms*3,3): x = self.finalCoords[i] y = self.finalCoords[i+1] z = self.finalCoords[i+2] clus.append([x,y,z]) ''' Add the element types and write to pool file. ''' count = 0 for i in range(len(self.eleNames)): for j in range(self.eleNums[i]): ele = self.eleNames[i] x,y,z = clus[count] atom = ele+" "+str(x)+" "+str(y)+" "+str(z)+"\n" pool.write(atom) count += 1 db.unlock()
def test_get_prof_quality_by_instructorFullName(self): assert Database.get_prof_quality_by_instructorFullName( self.cursor, "David Liu") == { 'average_enthusiasm': 4.47, 'average_course_atmosphere': 4.41 }
def handle_send(self): """ Handles all of the sending options and sends correctly formatted messages """ while True: # Wait for the user to press ENTER input() with self.console_lock: user_input = input("> ") command = Command(user_input) # Logs user out if command.is_logout(): self.logout() # Adds a user to the contacts list (sends handshake) # :add username # Example: :add alice elif command.is_add_contact(): username =[1] # Check whether the user exists self.populate_public_keys(username) if not username in self.contacts: print( "Specified user does not exist. Please try again.") continue # Check whether we have to send handshake if not "aes_key" in self.contacts[username]: self.send_direct_handshake(username) else: print("User is already in your contacts.") # Creates a new group chat # :newGroup name members # Example: :newGroup testGroup alice,bob,john elif command.is_new_group(): group_name =[1] group_members =[2].split(",") if Database.check_group( group_name) or self.is_group_in_groups(group_name): print( "Group name already exists. Please enter a different name and try again." ) else: self.send_group_handshake(group_name, group_members) # Sends a group message to the specified group. # :group name message # Example: :group testGroup "Hello testGroup" elif command.is_group_message(): group_name =[1] message =[2] if not self.is_group_in_groups(group_name): print("The group was not found.") else: Send.send_group_message( message, self.username, group_name, self.s, self.groups[group_name]["members"], self.groups) # Sends a direct message to the specified user. # :direct name message # Example: :direct alice "Hello, Alice" elif command.is_direct_message(): recipient =[1] message =[2] if self.is_username_in_contacts(recipient): Send.send_direct(self.username, recipient, self.contacts, message, self.s) else: print( "User not found in your contacts. Please first add the user using :add command. Type :help for more details." ) # Displays members associated with the specified group. # :info group name # Example: :info group testGroup elif command.is_group_info(): group_name =[2] if not group_name in self.groups: print("Group " + group_name + " not found.") else: print("Group " + group_name + " members: ") for member in self.groups[group_name]["members"]: print(member) # Lists user's contacts. # :contacts elif command.is_list_contacts(): print("Your contacts:") for contact in self.contacts: print(contact) # Lists user's groups. # :groups elif command.is_list_groups(): print("Your groups:") for group in self.groups: print(group) elif command.is_help(): help_instructions = """ Available commands Description: log out of account Usage: :logout Example: :logout Description: add user to the contacts list Usage: :add username Example: :add alice Description: create a new group chat Usage: :newGroup groupName members Example: :newGroup testGroup alice,bob,john Description: send a group message to a group chat Usage: :group groupName message Example: :group testGroup "Hello testGroup" Description: send a direct message to a user Usage: :direct username message Example: :direct alice "Hello, Alice" Description: list contacts in contacts list Usage: :contacts Example: :contacts Description: list groups Usage: :groups Example: :groups Description: list members of a group chat Usage: :info group groupName Example: :info group testGroup """ print(help_instructions) else: print( "Command not recognized. Type :help for more details.")
def __init__(self, config, querylist, mainwin, debug=True): QSplitter.__init__(self, None) self.debug = debug self.conf = config self.main_window = mainwin self.sql = querylist self.liststore = [ ] # gtk.ListStore[] stores the contents of the grids self.listcols = [ ] # gtk.TreeViewColumn[][] stores the columns in the grids self.MYSQL_INNODB = 2 self.PGSQL = 3 self.SQLITE = 4 # create new db connection to avoid conflicts with other threads self.db = Database.Database(self.conf, sql=self.sql) self.cursor = self.db.cursor settings = {} settings.update(self.conf.get_db_parameters()) settings.update(self.conf.get_import_parameters()) settings.update(self.conf.get_default_paths()) # text used on screen stored here so that it can be configured self.filterText = { 'handhead': _('Hand Breakdown for all levels listed above') } filters_display = { "Heroes": True, "Sites": True, "Games": True, "Currencies": True, "Limits": True, "LimitSep": True, "LimitType": True, "Type": True, "Seats": True, "SeatSep": True, "Dates": True, "Groups": True, "GroupsAll": True, "Button1": True, "Button2": True } self.filters = Filters.Filters(self.db, display=filters_display) self.filters.registerButton1Name(_("Filters")) self.filters.registerButton1Callback(self.showDetailFilter) self.filters.registerButton2Name(_("Refresh Stats")) self.filters.registerButton2Callback(self.refreshStats) scroll = QScrollArea() scroll.setWidget(self.filters) # ToDo: store in config # ToDo: create popup to adjust column config # columns to display, keys match column name returned by sql, values in tuple are: # is column displayed(summary then position), column heading, xalignment, formatting, celltype self.columns = self.conf.get_gui_cash_stat_params() # Detail filters: This holds the data used in the popup window, extra values are # added at the end of these lists during processing # sql test, screen description, min, max self.handtests = [ # already in filter class : ['h.seats', 'Number of Players', 2, 10] ['gt.maxSeats', 'Size of Table', 2, 10], ['h.playersVpi', 'Players who VPI', 0, 10], ['h.playersAtStreet1', 'Players at Flop', 0, 10], ['h.playersAtStreet2', 'Players at Turn', 0, 10], ['h.playersAtStreet3', 'Players at River', 0, 10], ['h.playersAtStreet4', 'Players at Street7', 0, 10], ['h.playersAtShowdown', 'Players at Showdown', 0, 10], ['h.street0Raises', 'Bets to See Flop', 0, 5], ['h.street1Raises', 'Bets to See Turn', 0, 5], ['h.street2Raises', 'Bets to See River', 0, 5], ['h.street3Raises', 'Bets to See Street7', 0, 5], ['h.street4Raises', 'Bets to See Showdown', 0, 5] ] self.cardstests = [ [Card.DATABASE_FILTERS['pair'], _('Pocket pairs')], [Card.DATABASE_FILTERS['suited'], _('Suited')], [ Card.DATABASE_FILTERS['suited_connectors'], _('Suited connectors') ], [Card.DATABASE_FILTERS['offsuit'], _('Offsuit')], [ Card.DATABASE_FILTERS['offsuit_connectors'], _('Offsuit connectors') ], ] self.stats_frame = None self.stats_vbox = None self.detailFilters = [] # the data used to enhance the sql select self.cardsFilters = [] self.stats_frame = QFrame() self.stats_frame.setLayout(QVBoxLayout()) self.stats_vbox = QSplitter(Qt.Vertical) self.stats_frame.layout().addWidget(self.stats_vbox) self.addWidget(scroll) self.addWidget(self.stats_frame) self.setStretchFactor(0, 0) self.setStretchFactor(1, 1) # Make sure Hand column is not displayed. hand_column = (x for x in self.columns if x[0] == 'hand').next() hand_column[colshowsumm] = hand_column[colshowposn] = False # If rfi and steal both on for summaries, turn rfi off. rfi_column = (x for x in self.columns if x[0] == 'rfi').next() steals_column = (x for x in self.columns if x[0] == 'steals').next() if rfi_column[colshowsumm] and steals_column[colshowsumm]: rfi_column[colshowsumm] = False # If rfi and steal both on for position breakdowns, turn steals off. if rfi_column[colshowposn] and steals_column[colshowposn]: steals_column[colshowposn] = False
3 = EXIT""") @staticmethod def tak_choose(): choose = input('SELECT MENU SECTION [1/2/EXIT]: ') return choose @staticmethod def take_choose2(): choose2 = input('SELECT OPTION: [1-7]: ') return choose2 if __name__ == "__main__": while True: menu = Interface() menu.display_menu() c1 = menu.tak_choose() ob = Vehicle() dr = Driver() if c1 == '1': c2 = menu.take_choose2() if c2 == '1': os.system('cls') print('Vehicle List') ob.show_v_list()
def setThreads(self, value): self.settings['threads'] = value if self.settings["threads"] > len(self.writerdbs): for i in xrange(self.settings['threads'] - len(self.writerdbs)): self.writerdbs.append( Database.Database(self.config, sql=self.sql))
import locale import time import Downloader import Database import Page import urllib import traceback if __name__ == '__main__': locale.setlocale(0, 'en_US.UTF-8') n = 0 try: while True: if n % 5 == 0: print('Read the League_ids ...') league_id = Database.read_league_id('League_ids.xlsx') print('\tdone !!!') for league in league_id: if league.split('|')[0] in ['Europe', 'England', 'Spain', 'Germany', 'Italy', 'France']: continue if league.split('|')[0] in ['World', 'North America', 'Portugal', 'Scotland', 'Brazil', 'Denmark', 'Finland', 'Ireland', 'Netherlands', 'Poland', 'Russia', 'Turkey', 'Argentina']: continue print('Begin processing matches in ' + league + ' ...') connecting_time = 0 while True: try: connecting_time += 1 page = Downloader.odds_page(league_id[league]) except urllib.error.HTTPError as err:
def Repeater(): logObj = Logger.LoggerClass() buttBot = CheckButton.ButtonBot() while (True): try: print "Instance" logObj.AddLog() buttBot.Check() MPDQueueFixer.Fix() time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "was exited by user!" return except: print "error happened in loop" if __name__ == "__main__": conn = Database.GetConnection() c = conn.cursor() # Create table #c.execute('''CREATE TABLE songPlays (fileName TEXT PRIMARY KEY, times INTEGER)''') conn.commit() conn.close() Repeater()
tuneList.append(tuneAttempts[(i)]) for i in range(10): n = '#' + str(i+1) print '**********', n , '**********' tuneList[i].display() score(tuneList[i], True) print '************************' def createMIDIs(): print 'not implemented yet' menu = '1) Create tunes\n' + '2) Results\n' + '3) Score your own melody\n' + '4) Give feedback\n' + '5) Create MIDIs\n' + '6) Exit\n' resultsMenu = '1) Display best 10\n' + '2) Display Sample of Results\n' + '3) Display Worst 10\n' blockPrint() Database.initializeFiles() Database.storeHarmonies() enablePrint() num = '' type = '' length = '' done = False t1 = time.time() total = t1-t0 print 'Database initialized in', total, 'seconds' print 'Three note permutations scanned:\t', Database.threeNoteDatabase['total'] print 'Two note permutations scanned:\t\t', Database.twoNoteDatabase['total'] print 'Four note permutations scanned:\t\t', Database.fourNoteDatabase['total'] print 'Harmonic combinations scanned:\t\t', Database.harmonicDatabase['total'] while not done:
app.config.from_object(__name__) #Session(app) import jinja2 import os JINJA_ENVIRONMENT = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader( os.path.dirname(__file__)), extensions=['jinja2.ext.autoescape']) #s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) #s.connect(('', 8194)) # Our socket for Calling Search Worker conn = Server('http://localhost:1006') # RPC Server global db db = Database("mongodb://localhost:27017/") # Set the secret key to some random bytes. Keep this really secret! import os import random app.secret_key = os.urandom( 32) #bytes(str(hex(random.getrandbits(128))), 'ascii') @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(e): return render_template("/404.html") @app.route("/logout", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def logout():
class EchoBot(Client): KEY = "AIzaSyB_R-OTY2BwfqtjqWQ3eBPRfoTb8WywqFU" URL = "" # key: str(thread_id) # value: list[queue] conversations = {} database = Database.Database(threading.Lock()) def onMessage(self, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type, **kwargs): self.markAsDelivered(thread_id, message_object.uid) self.markAsRead(thread_id) print("author_id: {}, thread_id: {}, thread_type: {}, UID: {}".format( author_id, thread_id, thread_type, self.uid))"{} from {} in {}".format(message_object, thread_id, print(message_object.text) # If you're not the author, echo if author_id != self.uid: self.check_open_conversation(thread_id, thread_type, message_object) # self.send(message_object, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) def check_open_conversation(self, thread_id, thread_type, message_object): if thread_id not in self.conversations: q = queue.Queue() self.conversations[thread_id] = q t = threading.Thread(target=self.start_conversation, args=(thread_id, thread_type), daemon=True) t.start() else: self.conversations[thread_id].put(message_object.text) def start_conversation(self, thread_id, thread_type): self.send(Message(text="Hello Welcome to The Molly Report"), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) self.send_main_menu(thread_id, thread_type) try: user_input = int(self.conversations[thread_id].get()) except: self.send_goodbye(thread_id, thread_type) self.conversations.pop(thread_id) return logged_in = False while not logged_in: if user_input == 1: msg = "attempting to login..." self.send(Message(text=msg), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) self.send(Message(text="Enter your username: "******"Enter your password: "******"you are now logged in"), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) else: self.send(Message(text="unable to login"), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) elif user_input == 2: self.send(Message(text="Enter in first name: "), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) first = self.conversations[thread_id].get() self.send(Message(text="Enter in last name: "), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) last = self.conversations[thread_id].get() self.send(Message(text="Enter in username: "******"Enter in password: "******"account has been created"), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) else: self.send_goodbye(thread_id, thread_type) self.conversations.pop(thread_id) return if not logged_in: self.send_main_menu(thread_id, thread_type) try: user_input = int(self.conversations[thread_id].get()) except: self.send_goodbye(thread_id, thread_type) self.conversations.pop(thread_id) return self.route_main_page(thread_id, thread_type, username) def check_username(self, username, thread_id, thread_type): self.database.cur.execute("SELECT username FROM Accounts") all_usernames = self.database.cur.fetchall() clean_all_user = [] for user in all_usernames: clean_all_user.append(user[0]) while username in clean_all_user: self.send(Message( text= "Username: \"{}\" is already taken. Please choose a new username." .format(username)), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) self.send(Message(text="Enter in new username: "******"--- Home ---\nPlease enter in the number of the choice below.\n1. Login\n2. Signup\nAnything else to quit\n\nNumber:" self.send(Message(text=msg), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) def send_route_menu(self, thread_id, thread_type): msg = "--- Routes ---\n1. View Routes\n2. Create Route\n3. Delete Route\n4. Update Route\nAnything else to quit and logout\n\nNumber of Choice:" self.send(Message(text=msg), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) def send_goodbye(self, thread_id, thread_type): self.send( Message(text="Thank you for using the Molly Report! Goodbye"), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) def route_main_page(self, thread_id, thread_type, username): self.send_route_menu(thread_id, thread_type) try: user_input = int(self.conversations[thread_id].get()) except: self.send_goodbye(thread_id, thread_type) self.conversations.pop(thread_id) return done = False while not done: if user_input == 1: self.view_routes(thread_id, thread_type, username) elif user_input == 2: self.create_route(thread_id, thread_type, username) elif user_input == 3: self.delete_route(thread_id, thread_type, username) elif user_input == 4: self.update_route(thread_id, thread_type, username) elif user_input == 5: self.update_account(thread_id, thread_type, username) else: done = True self.send_goodbye(thread_id, thread_type) self.conversations.pop(thread_id) return self.send_route_menu(thread_id, thread_type) try: user_input = int(self.conversations[thread_id].get()) except: done = True self.send_goodbye(thread_id, thread_type) self.conversations.pop(thread_id) return def view_routes(self, thread_id, thread_type, username): # this shows the whoel database, need to prettify and make it more useful to the user self.send(Message(text="--- Viewing all your routes ---"), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) data = self.database.get_all_routes(username) if data == []: self.send(Message(text="You have no routes."), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) else: for route in data: print(route) msg = "Route Name: {}\nStart: {}\nEnd: {}\nDeparture Time: {}".format( route[1], route[3], route[4], route[2]) self.send(Message(text=msg.replace('+', ' ')), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) def create_route(self, thread_id, thread_type, username): self.send(Message(text="--- Create Route --- "), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) self.send(Message(text="Enter your route name: "), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) name = self.conversations[thread_id].get() self.send(Message(text="Enter in your starting location:"), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) self.send( Message(text="Enter in Address line (ex. 123 Main Street): "), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) address_line = self.conversations[thread_id].get() self.send(Message(text="Enter in City (ex. Los Angelos): "), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) city = self.conversations[thread_id].get() self.send(Message(text="Enter in State abbreviation (ex. CA): "), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) state = self.conversations[thread_id].get() self.send(Message(text="Enter in zip code (ex. 90210): "), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) zip = self.conversations[thread_id].get() start = address_line + '+' + city + '+' + state + '+' + zip self.send(Message(text="Enter in your ending location:"), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) self.send( Message(text="Enter in Address line (ex. 123 Main Street): "), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) address_line = self.conversations[thread_id].get() self.send(Message(text="Enter in City (ex. Los Angelos): "), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) city = self.conversations[thread_id].get() self.send(Message(text="Enter in State abbreviation (ex. CA): "), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) state = self.conversations[thread_id].get() self.send(Message(text="Enter in zip code (ex. 90210): "), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) zip = self.conversations[thread_id].get() end = address_line + '+' + city + '+' + state + '+' + zip self.send(Message( text= "Enter departure time in military time in PST (ex. 4:30 PM => 1630 or 6:00 AM => 600): " ), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) time = self.conversations[thread_id].get() self.database.create_route(start, end, time, name, username) self.send(Message(text="Your route has been created."), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) def delete_route(self, thread_id, thread_type, username): self.view_routes(thread_id, thread_type, username) self.send(Message( text="Enter the number for the route you want to delete: "), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) route_number = int(self.conversations[thread_id].get()) name = self.database.delete_route(username, route_number) msg = "\'{}\' has successfully been deleted".format(name) self.send(Message(text=msg), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) def update_route(self, thread_id, thread_type, username): self.view_routes(thread_id, thread_type, username) self.send(Message( text="Enter the number for the route you want to update: "), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) route_number = int(self.conversations[thread_id].get()) msg = "What would you like to update about your route?\n1. Route Name\n2. Departuret time\n3. Start Location\n4. End Location\n\nChoice: " self.send(Message(text=msg), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) route_update = int(self.conversations[thread_id].get()) msg = "Enter in the new data: " self.send(Message(text=msg), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) route_info = self.conversations[thread_id].get() self.database.update_route(username, route_number, route_update, route_info) msg = "Your route has been updated." self.send(Message(text=msg), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) def update_account(self, thread_id, thread_type, username): msg = "What would you like to update about your account?\n1. First Name\n2. Last Name\n3. Username\n4. Password\nAnything else to quit.\n\nChoice: " self.send(Message(text=msg), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) user_input = int(self.conversations[thread_id].get()) if user_input == 1: pass elif user_input == 2: pass elif user_input == 3: pass elif user_input == 4: pass def send_route_info(self, time): routes, user_info_list = self.database.get_routes_with_time(time) for route in routes: query = { "key": self.KEY, "destination": route[4], "origin": route[3], "avoid": "tolls", "departure_time": "now", "traffic_model": "best_guess" } r = requests.get(self.URL, params=query) info = r.json() # pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent = 4) # pp.pprint(info) print("URL: " + r.url) if info["status"] == "OK": print("Distance: " + info["routes"][0]["legs"][0]["distance"]["text"]) print("Duration in Traffic: " + info["routes"][0]["legs"][0] ["duration_in_traffic"]["text"]) else: print("status != OK") print() route_msg = '' leg_num = 1 for step in info["routes"][0]["legs"][0]["steps"]: inst = step["html_instructions"] present = True while present: start = inst.find('<') if start >= 0: end = inst.find('>') inst = inst[:start].strip() + ' ' + inst[end + 1:].strip() # print(inst) else: present = False route_msg += str(leg_num) + ") " + inst + '\n' leg_num += 1 # msg = "Distance: " + info["routes"][0]["legs"][0]["distance"]["text"] + '\n' + "Duration in Traffic: " + \ # info["routes"][0]["legs"][0]["duration_in_traffic"]["text"] + '\n' + route name = '' thread_id = '' thread_type = '' for i in user_info_list: if route[5] == i[1]: name = i[0] thread_id = i[2] thread_type = i[3] break print(thread_id) print(thread_type) route_msg = "Hi " + name + '\n' + "\nYour \'" + route[1] + "\' route report for today is:\n\n" + \ "Distance: " + info["routes"][0]["legs"][0]["distance"]["text"] + '\n' + \ "Duration in Traffic: " + info["routes"][0]["legs"][0]["duration_in_traffic"]["text"] + \ "\n\nYour route instructinos is: \n" + route_msg + "\n\nOpen in Google Maps? Coming Soon" self.send(Message(text=route_msg), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=ThreadType.USER)
# Nevow imports from nevow import rend, loaders, tags from twisted.application import service, internet, strports, app from twisted.web import server, static from twisted.python import failure from twisted.internet import reactor from nevow import inevow, rend, appserver, static, guard, url, loaders, stan from nevow.taglibrary import tabbedPane # Tums imports import Tree, Realm, Database, xmlrpc from Core import Utils, FlowCollector from Pages import Index try: db = Database.DatabaseBroker('mysql://*****:*****@localhost/exilog') except Exception, c: print "No database to initialise" print c print "--- End of DB failure ---" try: l = open(Settings.BaseDir+'/initial').read() if "1" in l: #Settings.BaseDir = '/usr/local/tcs/tums' db = "FIRSTRUN" except: print "No first" # Not first run pass
import Database from Query.Optimizer import Optimizer from Query.GreedyOptimizer import GreedyOptimizer from Catalog.Schema import DBSchema from time import time db = Database.Database() deptSchema = DBSchema('department', [('d_id', 'int'), ('d_name', 'char(30)')]); emplSchema = DBSchema('employee', [('e_id', 'int'), ('e_name', 'char(30)'), ('e_projectid', 'int')]) projSchema = DBSchema('project', [('p_id','int'), ('p_name', 'char(30)')]) gratSchema = DBSchema('grant', [('g_id','int'), ('g_projectid', 'int'), ('g_source', 'char(30)')]) synSchema1 = DBSchema('syn1', [('a','int'), ('b', 'char(30)')]) synSchema2 = DBSchema('syn2', [('c','int'), ('d', 'char(30)'), ('e','int')]) db.createRelation('department', [('d_id', 'int'), ('d_name', 'char(30)')]) db.createRelation('employee', [('e_id', 'int'), ('e_name', 'char(30)'), ('e_projectid', 'int')]) db.createRelation('project', [('p_id','int'), ('p_name', 'char(30)')]) db.createRelation('grant', [('g_id','int'), ('g_projectid', 'int'), ('g_source', 'char(30)')]) db.createRelation('syn1', [('a','int'), ('b', 'char(30)')]); db.createRelation('syn2', [('c','int'), ('d', 'char(30)'), ('e','int')]); for tup in [deptSchema.pack(deptSchema.instantiate(i, "Nature"+str(i))) for i in range(4000)]: _ = db.insertTuple('department', tup); for tup in [deptSchema.pack(deptSchema.instantiate(i, "Science"+str(i))) for i in range(4000, 8000)]: _ = db.insertTuple('department', tup); ename = ["John", "Mike", "Davis", "Alex"]; for tup in [emplSchema.pack(emplSchema.instantiate(i, ename[i%4], i%10)) for i in range(8000)]: _ = db.insertTuple('employee', tup); projectName = ["CS","EE","Biophysics","Biostats","NeuroScience", "Cell Biology"]; for tup in [projSchema.pack(projSchema.instantiate(i, projectName[i%6])) for i in range(8000)]: _ = db.insertTuple('project', tup);
def __init__(self, parent=None): QtGui.QSplitter.__init__(self, parent) self.setWindowTitle('Daign Image Organizer') self.selected_range = [] self.selected_image = None Database.create_database() # View self.view = DioView(self) # Controls self.scan_dialog = DioScanDialog(None) scan_button = QtGui.QPushButton('Scan Folders', self) scan_button.clicked.connect( search_tags_button = QtGui.QPushButton('Load Tags', self) search_tags_button.clicked.connect(self.load_tags) self.search_tags_list = QtGui.QListWidget(self) search_names_button = QtGui.QPushButton('Load Names', self) search_names_button.clicked.connect(self.load_names) self.search_names_list = QtGui.QListWidget(self) search_stars_label = QtGui.QLabel('Stars') self.search_stars_from_input = QtGui.QSpinBox(self) self.search_stars_from_input.setRange(0, 7) self.search_stars_from_input.setValue(0) search_stars_to_label = QtGui.QLabel('to') self.search_stars_to_input = QtGui.QSpinBox(self) self.search_stars_to_input.setRange(0, 7) self.search_stars_to_input.setValue(7) search_stars_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() search_stars_layout.addWidget(search_stars_label) search_stars_layout.addWidget(self.search_stars_from_input) search_stars_layout.addWidget(search_stars_to_label) search_stars_layout.addWidget(self.search_stars_to_input) search_stars_layout.addStretch(1) search_stars_widget = QtGui.QWidget(self) search_stars_widget.setLayout(search_stars_layout) show_random_button = QtGui.QPushButton('Random Image', self) show_random_button.clicked.connect(self.show_random_image) show_all_button = QtGui.QPushButton('All Images', self) show_all_button.clicked.connect(self.show_all_images) search_box = QtGui.QGroupBox('Image Search', self) search_grid = QtGui.QGridLayout() search_grid.addWidget(search_tags_button, 0, 0, 1, 1) search_grid.addWidget(search_names_button, 0, 1, 1, 1) search_grid.addWidget(self.search_tags_list, 1, 0, 1, 1) search_grid.addWidget(self.search_names_list, 1, 1, 1, 1) search_grid.addWidget(search_stars_widget, 2, 0, 1, 2) search_grid.addWidget(show_random_button, 3, 0, 1, 1) search_grid.addWidget(show_all_button, 3, 1, 1, 1) search_box.setLayout(search_grid) self.details = DioDetails(self) controls_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() controls_layout.addWidget(scan_button, 1) controls_layout.addWidget(search_box, 2) controls_layout.addWidget(self.details, 1) controls_widget = QtGui.QWidget(self) controls_widget.setLayout(controls_layout) self.addWidget(self.view) self.addWidget(controls_widget) self.setSizes([600, 200])
def Publish(self, user, label): Database.PublishPlaylist(self.playlistID, user, label)
def setUp(self): self.db = Database.get_connection_with_dict_cursor( '../', 'uoftcourses') self.cursor = self.db.cursor()
api_key = os.getenv("MAPBOX_API_KEY") api_url_stem = "/api/v1/nyc/livemap" from config import config #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sources # # api approach adapted from # query parameter handling after #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------- INITIALIZATION --------------- db_connect = create_engine( db.get_db_url(config.config['dbuser'], config.config['dbpassword'], config.config['dbhost'], config.config['dbname']) ) # todo need a production override for this to set to 'localhost' for debugging? app = Flask(__name__, template_folder='./api-www/templates', static_url_path='/static', static_folder="api-www/static/") api = Api(app) CORS(app) #--------------- HELPER FUNCTIONS --------------- def unpack_query_results(query): return [dict(zip(tuple(query.keys()), i)) for i in query.cursor]
search_button.grid(column=0, row=5, columnspan=2) add_button = tk.Button(self.root, text="Add Student", command=add_fn) add_button.grid(column=2, row=5, columnspan=2) add_button = tk.Button(self.root, text="Edit Topics", command=edit_tp_fn) add_button.grid(column=0, row=6, columnspan=2) add_button = tk.Button(self.root, text="Export/Reset DB", command=export_csv) add_button.grid(column=2, row=6, columnspan=2) self.root.grab_set() # self.root.lift() #make the window appears screen_width = self.root.winfo_screenwidth() screen_height = self.root.winfo_screenheight() self.root.geometry("290x230+%d+%d" % (screen_width / 2 - 285, screen_height / 2 - 230)) self.root.lift() self.root.mainloop() if __name__ == "__main__": #connecting with the database db = DB.Database('database/cup.db') new = gui_search(db)
def refresh(self): =db.get_response('StudentInfo').get_all_data() self.update_user_info(
def search_data(self): std_name = self.src_ent.get() obj = db.get_response('StudentInfo') req_data = obj.get_data_by_query(std_name) self.update_user_info(req_data)
def __init__(self, parent, controller): tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.controller = controller self.mainframe = tk.Frame(self) lbl_frm_table = ttk.LabelFrame(self.mainframe, text = "Student Data") lbl_frm_data = ttk.LabelFrame(self.mainframe , text = "Information") lbl_frm_info = ttk.LabelFrame(self.mainframe , text = "Data Entry") # ----------------------------------------------------/\/\ micellaneous/\/\----------------------------------------------- self.v1 = tk.StringVar() #textvar of src_ent self.v2 = tk.StringVar() #self.name_ent self.v3 = tk.StringVar() #self.class_ent self.v4 = tk.StringVar() #self.sec_ent self.v5 = tk.StringVar() #self.roll_ent self.v6 = tk.StringVar() # # ----------------------------------------------------/\/\ micellaneous/\/\----------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------/\/\ Frame table (lbl_frm_table) (s)/\/\----------------------------------------------- self.trview = ttk.Treeview(lbl_frm_table , columns = (1,2,3,4),show = "headings" , height = 6) self.trview.pack(fill = "both" ,expand=True , ipady = 5) self.trview.heading(1,text="Name") self.trview.heading(2,text="Class") self.trview.heading(3,text="Section") self.trview.heading(4,text="Roll no") self.trview.bind("<Double-Button-1>" , self.idrow) # ----------------------------------------------------/\/\ Frame table (lbl_frm_table)(e) /\/\----------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------/\/\ Frame data (lbl_frm_data)(s) /\/\----------------------------------------------- src_lbl = ttk.Label(lbl_frm_data, text="Search by name : ") self.src_ent = ttk.Entry(lbl_frm_data , textvariable = self.v1 ) src_btn = ttk.Button(lbl_frm_data, text="Search", command= self.search_data) src_lbl.pack(side = "left" , padx = 20) self.src_ent.pack(side="left" ) src_btn.pack(side="left", padx = 10) rfs_btn = ttk.Button(lbl_frm_data , text = "Refresh" , command=self.refresh) rfs_btn.pack(side="left", padx=10) # ----------------------------------------------------/\/\ Frame data (lbl_frm_data)(e) /\/\----------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------/\/\ Frame info (lbl_frm_info)(s) /\/\----------------------------------------------- name_lbl = ttk.Label(lbl_frm_info , text = "Name ") class_lbl = ttk.Label(lbl_frm_info , text = "Class ") sec_lbl = ttk.Label(lbl_frm_info , text = "Section ") roll_lbl = ttk.Label(lbl_frm_info , text = "Roll no ") name_lbl.grid(row = 0 , column = 0 , pady = 10) class_lbl.grid(row = 1 , column = 0, pady = 10) sec_lbl.grid(row = 2 , column = 0, pady = 10) roll_lbl.grid(row = 3 , column = 0, pady = 10) self.name_ent = ttk.Entry(lbl_frm_info , width = 35 , textvariable = self.v2) self.class_ent = ttk.Entry(lbl_frm_info, width = 35, textvariable = self.v3) self.sec_ent = ttk.Entry(lbl_frm_info, width = 35, textvariable = self.v4) self.roll_ent = ttk.Entry(lbl_frm_info, width = 35, textvariable = self.v5) self.name_ent.grid(row = 0 , column = 1 , pady = 10) self.class_ent.grid(row = 1 , column = 1, pady = 10) self.sec_ent.grid(row = 2 , column = 1, pady = 10) self.roll_ent.grid(row = 3 , column = 1, pady = 10) frm_btn = tk.Frame(lbl_frm_info) frm_btn.grid(row = 4,column = 1) add_btn = ttk.Button(frm_btn , text = "Add " , command = self.add_user_info) update_btn = ttk.Button(frm_btn, text = "Update ",command = self.update_data) del_btn = ttk.Button(frm_btn, text = "Delete ",command = self.delete_user_info) add_btn.grid(row = 0 , column = 0 ,padx =10) update_btn.grid(row = 0 , column = 1,padx =10) del_btn.grid(row = 0 , column = 2,padx =10) std_data = db.get_response("StudentInfo") =std_data.get_all_data() self.update_user_info( # ----------------------------------------------------/\/\ Frame info (lbl_frm_info)(e) /\/\----------------------------------------------- lbl_frm_table.pack(fill = "both" , expand = True , padx=20 , pady = 10) lbl_frm_data.pack(fill = "both" , expand = True , padx=20 , pady = 10) lbl_frm_info.pack(fill = "both" , expand = True , padx=20 , pady = 10) self.mainframe.pack(fill = "both" , expand = True) # Packing of the mainframe
'''This file is deprecated.''' import sys sys.path.append('../util/') import Database import argparse import json if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('instructor', help="The full name of instructor") parser.add_argument('campus', help="The campus where the instructor stays") args = parser.parse_args() instructorFullName = args.instructor campus = args.campus connection = Database.get_connection_with_dict_cursor( '../../', 'uoftcourses') dict_cursor = connection.cursor() course_list = Database.get_course_list_by_instructor( dict_cursor, instructorFullName, campus) json_course_list = json.dumps(course_list) print(json_course_list) sys.stdout.flush()
def __init__(self, querylist, config, parent, debug=True): """Constructor for GraphViewer""" self.sql = querylist self.conf = config self.debug = debug self.parent = parent #print "start of GraphViewer constructor" self.db = Database.Database(self.conf, sql=self.sql) filters_display = { "Heroes": True, "Sites": True, "Games": True, "Currencies": True, "Limits": True, "LimitSep": True, "LimitType": True, "Type": False, "UseType": 'ring', "Seats": False, "SeatSep": False, "Dates": True, "GraphOps": True, "Groups": False, "Button1": True, "Button2": True } self.filters = Filters.Filters(self.db, self.conf, self.sql, display=filters_display) self.filters.registerButton1Name(_("Refresh _Graph")) self.filters.registerButton1Callback(self.generateGraph) self.filters.registerButton2Name(_("_Export to File")) self.filters.registerButton2Callback(self.exportGraph) self.mainHBox = gtk.HBox(False, 0) self.leftPanelBox = self.filters.get_vbox() self.hpane = gtk.HPaned() self.hpane.pack1(self.leftPanelBox) self.mainHBox.add(self.hpane) # hierarchy: self.mainHBox / self.hpane / self.graphBox / self.canvas / self.fig / self.graphBox = gtk.VBox(False, 0) self.hpane.pack2(self.graphBox) self.fig = None #self.exportButton.set_sensitive(False) self.canvas = None self.exportFile = None self.db.rollback() #update the graph at entry (simulate a "Refresh Graph" click) gobject.GObject.emit(self.filters.Button1, "clicked")
def __init__(self): # Version and Copyright self.VersionNumber = ("0.01" + " " + gBUILD_VERSION) self.Version = "%prog Version " + self.VersionNumber self.Copyright = "Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010, Intel Corporation All rights reserved." self.InitDefaultConfigIni() self.OutputFile = 'output.txt' self.ReportFile = 'Report.csv' self.ExceptionFile = 'exception.xml' self.IsInit = True self.ScanSourceCode = True self.ScanMetaData = True self.MetaFile = '' self.OnlyScan = None # Parse the options and args self.ParseOption() # # Check EFI_SOURCE (Edk build convention). EDK_SOURCE will always point to ECP # WorkspaceDir = os.path.normcase( os.path.normpath(os.environ["WORKSPACE"])) os.environ["WORKSPACE"] = WorkspaceDir if "ECP_SOURCE" not in os.environ: os.environ["ECP_SOURCE"] = os.path.join( WorkspaceDir, GlobalData.gEdkCompatibilityPkg) if "EFI_SOURCE" not in os.environ: os.environ["EFI_SOURCE"] = os.environ["ECP_SOURCE"] if "EDK_SOURCE" not in os.environ: os.environ["EDK_SOURCE"] = os.environ["ECP_SOURCE"] # # Unify case of characters on case-insensitive systems # EfiSourceDir = os.path.normcase( os.path.normpath(os.environ["EFI_SOURCE"])) EdkSourceDir = os.path.normcase( os.path.normpath(os.environ["EDK_SOURCE"])) EcpSourceDir = os.path.normcase( os.path.normpath(os.environ["ECP_SOURCE"])) os.environ["EFI_SOURCE"] = EfiSourceDir os.environ["EDK_SOURCE"] = EdkSourceDir os.environ["ECP_SOURCE"] = EcpSourceDir GlobalData.gWorkspace = WorkspaceDir GlobalData.gEfiSource = EfiSourceDir GlobalData.gEdkSource = EdkSourceDir GlobalData.gEcpSource = EcpSourceDir GlobalData.gGlobalDefines["WORKSPACE"] = WorkspaceDir GlobalData.gGlobalDefines["EFI_SOURCE"] = EfiSourceDir GlobalData.gGlobalDefines["EDK_SOURCE"] = EdkSourceDir GlobalData.gGlobalDefines["ECP_SOURCE"] = EcpSourceDir # Generate checkpoints list EccGlobalData.gConfig = Configuration(self.ConfigFile) # Generate exception list EccGlobalData.gException = ExceptionCheck(self.ExceptionFile) # Init Ecc database EccGlobalData.gDb = Database.Database(Database.DATABASE_PATH) EccGlobalData.gDb.InitDatabase(self.IsInit) # # Get files real name in workspace dir # GlobalData.gAllFiles = DirCache(GlobalData.gWorkspace) # Build ECC database # self.BuildDatabase() self.DetectOnlyScanDirs() # Start to check self.Check() # Show report self.GenReport() # Close Database EccGlobalData.gDb.Close()
def test_get_avg_prof_quality_by_department(self): assert Database.get_avg_prof_quality_by_department( self.cursor, "CSC") == { 'average_course_atmosphere': 3.9, 'average_enthusiasm': 3.95 }
def read_stdin(self): # This is the thread function """Do all the non-gui heavy lifting for the HUD program.""" # This db connection is for the read_stdin thread only. It should not # be passed to HUDs for use in the gui thread. HUD objects should not # need their own access to the database, but should open their own # if it is required. self.db_connection = Database.Database(self.config, self.db_name, 'temp') # self.db_connection.init_hud_stat_vars(hud_days) tourny_finder = re.compile('(\d+) (\d+)') while 1: # wait for a new hand number on stdin new_hand_id = sys.stdin.readline() new_hand_id = string.rstrip(new_hand_id) if new_hand_id == "": # blank line means quit self.destroy() break # this thread is not always killed immediately with gtk.main_quit() # get basic info about the new hand from the db # if there is a db error, complain, skip hand, and proceed try: (table_name, max, poker_game, type, fast, site_id, numseats) = self.db_connection.get_table_name(new_hand_id) stat_dict = self.db_connection.get_stats_from_hand( new_hand_id, aggregate_stats[type], hud_style, agg_bb_mult) cards = self.db_connection.get_cards(new_hand_id) comm_cards = self.db_connection.get_common_cards(new_hand_id) if comm_cards != {}: # stud! cards['common'] = comm_cards['common'] except Exception, err: err = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])[-1] #print _("db error: skipping ")+str(new_hand_id)+" "+err[2]+"("+str(err[1])+"): "+str(sys.exc_info()[1]) if new_hand_id: # new_hand_id is none if we had an error prior to the store sys.stderr.write( _("Database error %s in hand %d. Skipping.") % (err, int(new_hand_id)) + "\n") continue if type == "tour": # hand is from a tournament mat_obj = if mat_obj: (tour_number, tab_number) =, 2) temp_key = tour_number else: # tourney, but can't get number and table #print _("could not find tournament: skipping") sys.stderr.write( _("Could not find tournament %d in hand %d. Skipping.") % (int(tour_number), int(new_hand_id)) + "\n") continue else: temp_key = table_name # Update an existing HUD if temp_key in self.hud_dict: self.hud_dict[temp_key].stat_dict = stat_dict self.hud_dict[temp_key].cards = cards [ aw.update_data(new_hand_id, self.db_connection) for aw in self.hud_dict[temp_key].aux_windows ] self.update_HUD(new_hand_id, temp_key, self.config) # Or create a new HUD else: if type == "tour": tablewindow = Tables.discover_tournament_table( self.config, tour_number, tab_number) else: tablewindow = Tables.discover_table_by_name( self.config, table_name) if tablewindow is None: # If no client window is found on the screen, complain and continue if type == "tour": table_name = "%s %s" % (tour_number, tab_number) sys.stderr.write( _("Table name %s not found, skipping.") % table_name) else: self.create_HUD(new_hand_id, tablewindow, temp_key, max, poker_game, stat_dict, cards) self.db_connection.connection.rollback()
def login(self): """ Login to the user account. This involves setting all contact information by pulling and decrypting information from the database """ self.username = input("Please enter email: ") password = input("Please enter your password: "******"Account not verified. Please check username and password and try again." ) self.authenticate() return # Receive contact information that is stored in the database contacts = Database.get_user_contact_info(self.username) for contact in contacts: # Ensure necesary information is there keys = ("contact", "contact_aes", "hmac_key", "signature", "iv_aes", "iv_hmac") invalid = False for key in keys: # Make sure all the keys are present if key not in contact: invalid = True print("Not all fields in contact return") if invalid: continue for key in keys: if not contact[key]: # Make sure each entry has a value print("Not all fields in contact have value return") invalid = True if invalid: continue # Get contact info recipient = contact["contact"] enc_aes_b64 = contact["contact_aes"].encode()[2:-1] enc_aes = base64.b64decode(enc_aes_b64) enc_hmac_b64 = contact["hmac_key"].encode()[2:-1] enc_hmac = base64.b64decode(enc_hmac_b64) signed_b64 = contact["signature"].encode()[2:-1] signed = base64.b64decode(signed_b64) iv_aes_b64 = contact["iv_aes"].encode()[2:-1] iv_aes = base64.b64decode(iv_aes_b64) iv_hmac_b64 = contact["iv_hmac"].encode()[2:-1] iv_hmac = base64.b64decode(iv_hmac_b64) # Check signature signature_contents = self.username + recipient + contact[ "contact_aes"] + contact["hmac_key"] + contact[ "iv_aes"] + contact["iv_hmac"] if not Crypto_Functions.check_hmac_b64(signature_contents.encode(), signed, self.password_hmac): print( "The password you entered does not match the stored data. This could be caused by an incorrect password, or the data could be corrupted." ) self.login() return # Decrypt keys try: aes_key = Crypto_Functions.aes_decrypt(enc_aes, iv_aes, self.password_aes) aes_key = base64.b64decode(aes_key.encode()[2:-1]) hmac_key = Crypto_Functions.aes_decrypt( enc_hmac, iv_hmac, self.password_aes) hmac_key = base64.b64decode(hmac_key.encode()[2:-1]) self.contacts[recipient] = { "aes_key": aes_key, "hmac_key": hmac_key } except: print("Incorrect Decryption") # Reveive group information that is stored in the database groups = Database.get_username_groups(self.username) for contact in groups: # Ensure necesary information is there # print("12", contact) keys = ("group_name", "participant", "aes_key", "hmac_key", "signature", "aes_iv", "hmac_iv") invalid = False for key in keys: # Make sure all the keys are present if key not in contact: print("Not all fields in contact return 1") invalid = True if invalid: continue for key in keys: if not contact[key]: # Make sure each entry has a value print("Not all fields in contact have value return 1") invalid = True if invalid: continue # Get information from database line group_name = contact["group_name"] recipient = contact["participant"] enc_aes_b64 = contact["aes_key"].encode()[2:-1] enc_aes = base64.b64decode(enc_aes_b64) enc_hmac_b64 = contact["hmac_key"].encode()[2:-1] enc_hmac = base64.b64decode(enc_hmac_b64) signed_b64 = contact["signature"].encode()[2:-1] signed = base64.b64decode(signed_b64) iv_aes_b64 = contact["aes_iv"].encode()[2:-1] iv_aes = base64.b64decode(iv_aes_b64) iv_hmac_b64 = contact["hmac_iv"].encode()[2:-1] iv_hmac = base64.b64decode(iv_hmac_b64) # Check the signature # signature_contents = email + contact + enc_group_aes + enc_hmac_key + iv_aes + iv_hmac # signature = str(Crypto_Functions.hmac_b64(signature_contents.encode(), self.password_hmac)) signature_contents = self.username + recipient + contact[ "aes_key"] + contact["hmac_key"] + contact["aes_iv"] + contact[ "hmac_iv"] # print(signature_contents) if not Crypto_Functions.check_hmac_b64(signature_contents.encode(), signed, self.password_hmac): print( "The password you entered does not match the stored data. This could be caused by an incorrect password, or the data could be corrupted." ) self.login() return # Decrypt keys try: aes_key = Crypto_Functions.aes_decrypt(enc_aes, iv_aes, self.password_aes) aes_key = base64.b64decode(aes_key.encode()[2:-1]) hmac_key = Crypto_Functions.aes_decrypt( enc_hmac, iv_hmac, self.password_aes) hmac_key = base64.b64decode(hmac_key.encode()[2:-1]) # Make sure group has been added to group dict if group_name not in self.groups: self.groups[group_name] = {} # Group has already been added to groups dict self.groups[group_name]["aes_key"] = aes_key self.groups[group_name]["hmac_key"] = hmac_key # Member list already created and current recipient not in it if "members" in self.groups[ group_name] and recipient not in self.groups[ group_name]: self.groups[group_name]["members"].append(recipient) # If the user isn't in list add them to a new list elif recipient not in self.groups[group_name]: self.groups[group_name]["members"] = [recipient] except: print("Incorrect Decryption") request = Requests.login(self.username) self.s.send(request) self.loggedin = True print("Welcome, " + self.username + "!") print( "You're currently in the listening mode. To issue a command, press ENTER. You can type :help to see all the available commands." )
def create_account(self): valid_username = False while not valid_username: self.username = input("Enter email: ") if (Database.check_user(self.username)): print("Username already exists in the system.") else: valid_username = True # Here for email verification valid_email = False while not valid_email: email = self.username print(email) if not self.check_email_valid(email): print("Email entered not valid") self.create_account() else: request = Requests.send_email(email) code = input( "Please enter the verification code sent to your email address: " ) request2 = Requests.verify_email(code) data = request = Requests.parse_request(data) if request.is_ca_response_email_valid(): print("Authentication was successful") valid_email = True elif request.is_ca_response_email_invalid(): print("Code was not valid. Please try again.") strong_password = False while not strong_password: password = input("Create new password: "******"Waiting for CA...") data = request = Requests.parse_request(data) if len( == 0: print( "There was in issue with the received data. Received the following raw data: ", data) elif request.is_ca_response_valid(): print("Received a valid response from CA.") print("Sending account information to the server.") username =["username"] public_key =["public_key"] ca_signature =["signature"] request = Requests.create_new_account( username, public_key, ca_signature) private_key_b64 = base64.b64encode(self.private_key) enc_private_key, aes_iv = Crypto_Functions.aes_encrypt( str(private_key_b64), self.password_aes) enc_private_key_b64 = base64.b64encode(enc_private_key) aes_iv_b64 = base64.b64encode(aes_iv) tag_contents = str(enc_private_key_b64) + str( aes_iv_b64) hmac = Crypto_Functions.hmac_b64( tag_contents.encode(), self.password_hmac) hmac_b64 = hmac Database.add_user_account(self.username, str(enc_private_key_b64), str(aes_iv_b64), str(hmac_b64)) self.s.send(request) break elif request.is_ca_response_invalid(): print( "CA indicated an invalid request. Please try again with a different username." ) self.create_account() break # When we get to this point, we know CA sent back a valid response and that we sent a request # to the server to create an account. Now we wait for the server to send a confirmation that # the account has been created. while True: print("Waiting for the server...") data = self.s.recv(4096) request = Requests.parse_request(data) if len( == 0: print( "There was in issue with the received data. Received the following raw data: ", data) elif request.is_account_created(): print( "Account successfully created! Please log in with your new credentials." ) break elif request.is_account_not_created(): print("Account was not created. Please try again.") self.create_account() else: print( "The password you typed was not secure. Password must use letters and numbers and must be at least 8 characters." ) # When we get to this point, we know that the user's account has been created and we prompt the user to login # with their new credentials to proceed. self.login()
import Database import datetime import twitter_activities test_act_db = Database.ActionDB(testing=1) test_req_db = Database.RequestDB(testing=1) # sample_a_dict = {'row_date':, # 'link': '', # 'directive': 'like', # 'testing': 1} # # sample_b_dict = {'row_date':, # 'link': 'http:sample_b.comment', # 'directive': 'comment', # 'text': 'I am comment_text_var', # 'testing': 1} # # sample_c_dict = {'row_date':, # 'link': 'http:sample_c.retweet', # 'directive': 'retweet', # 'testing': 1} # # my_dicts_list = [Database.ActionRow(sample_a_dict), # Database.ActionRow(sample_b_dict), # Database.ActionRow(sample_c_dict)] # # # # x = my_dicts_list[0] # # for i in my_dicts_list: # test_act_db.add_to_db(row_obj=i)
def handle_receive(self): """ Handles all of the different receiving requests from server """ while True: data = self.s.recv(4096) request = Requests.parse_request(data) with self.console_lock: # Handle different message types if request.is_direct_message(): Receive.receive_direct(, self.contacts, self.received_timestamps) elif request.is_group_message(): Receive.receive_group(, self.groups, self.received_timestamps) elif request.is_broadcast(): print(["message"]) # Initiate the group chat and save keys elif request.is_initiate_group_chat(): print("Initiating new group chat...") requester =["requester"] # Make sure we have the contact if requester not in self.contacts or "public_key" not in self.contacts[ requester].keys(): self.populate_public_keys(requester) # Recieve the handshake keys = Receive.receive_group_handshake(, self.username, self.groups, self.contacts, self.private_key) group_name = keys["group_name"] aes_key = keys["aes"] hmac_key = keys["hmac"] members = keys["members"] # This will completely overwrite or add a new one self.groups[group_name] = { "aes_key": aes_key, "hmac_key": hmac_key, "members": members } email = self.username # Get encrypted aes under self.password_aes group_aes = str(base64.b64encode(aes_key)) enc_goup_aes, iv_aes = Crypto_Functions.aes_encrypt( group_aes, self.password_aes) enc_goup_aes = str(base64.b64encode(enc_goup_aes)) iv_aes = str(base64.b64encode(iv_aes)) # get encrypted hmac under self.password_aes hmac_key = str(base64.b64encode(hmac_key)) enc_hmac_key, iv_hmac = Crypto_Functions.aes_encrypt( hmac_key, self.password_aes) enc_hmac_key = str(base64.b64encode(enc_hmac_key)) iv_hmac = str(base64.b64encode(iv_hmac)) # Add line for each member for member in members: contact = member signature_contents = email + contact + enc_goup_aes + enc_hmac_key + iv_aes + iv_hmac signature = str( Crypto_Functions.hmac_b64( signature_contents.encode(), self.password_hmac)) Database.add_group(self.username, group_name, contact, signature, enc_goup_aes, iv_aes, enc_hmac_key, iv_hmac) elif request.is_initiate_direct_message(): requester =["requester"] if requester not in self.contacts: self.populate_public_keys(requester) keys = Receive.receive_direct_handshake(, self.contacts, self.contacts[requester]["public_key"], self.private_key) aes_key = keys["aes"] hmac_key = keys["hmac"] # This will add or overwrite two fields to the requester's contact, leaving the others self.contacts[requester]["aes_key"] = aes_key self.contacts[requester]["hmac_key"] = hmac_key email = self.username contact = requester # Get encrypted aes under self.password_aes contact_aes = str(base64.b64encode(aes_key)) enc_contact_aes, iv_aes = Crypto_Functions.aes_encrypt( contact_aes, self.password_aes) enc_contact_aes = str(base64.b64encode(enc_contact_aes)) iv_aes = str(base64.b64encode(iv_aes)) # Get encrypted hmac under self.password_aes hmac_key = str(base64.b64encode(hmac_key)) enc_hmac_key, iv_hmac = Crypto_Functions.aes_encrypt( hmac_key, self.password_aes) enc_hmac_key = str(base64.b64encode(enc_hmac_key)) iv_hmac = str(base64.b64encode(iv_hmac)) # Create the signature signature_contents = self.username + contact + enc_contact_aes + enc_hmac_key + iv_aes + iv_hmac signature = str( Crypto_Functions.hmac_b64(signature_contents.encode(), self.password_hmac)) Database.add_contact_info(email, contact, enc_contact_aes, signature, iv_aes, enc_hmac_key, iv_hmac)
class Menu: def __init__(self): pygame.init() Var.infoObject = pygame.display.Info() self.tetris = Tetris() self.database = Database() self.w = Var.menu_display_w self.h = Var.menu_display_h self.Mode = Var.initial_mode = Var.initial_id self.score = Var.initial_score = Var.initial_page self.surface = pygame.display.set_mode((self.w, self.h), RESIZABLE) self.mytheme = Var.mytheme self.mytheme2 = Var.mytheme_help = pygame_menu.Menu(self.h, self.w, '', theme=self.mytheme) self.font_main = Var.font_main # 메인 폰트 사이즈 self.font_sub = Var.font_sub # 서브 폰트 사이즈 self.widget_margin_main = Var.widget_margin_main #메인 위젯 사이 간격 self.widget_margin_showpage = Var.widget_margin_showpage #show 페이지 위젯 사이 간격 self.widget_margin_rank = Var.widget_margin_rank #rank 페이지 위젯 사이 간격 self.margin_main = Var.margin_main #메인 페이지 x,y 위젯 시작 위치 self.margin_show = Var.margin_show #show 페이지 x,y 위젯 시작 위치 self.margin_help = Var.margin_help #help 페이지 back 위치 self.margin_rank = Var.margin_rank #rank 페이지 x,y 위젯 시작 위치 def run(self): print('test2') = Var.initial_page self.mytheme.widget_margin = self.widget_margin_main' Select mode ', self.show_game, font_size=self.font_main)' Show Rank ', self.show_rank, font_size=self.font_main)' Help ',, font_size=self.font_main)' Quit ',, font_size=self.font_main) def reset(self): ## 뒤로 갈때 보여줄 목록들 self.surface = pygame.display.set_mode((self.w, self.h), RESIZABLE) = pygame_menu.Menu(self.h, self.w, '', theme=self.mytheme) = 'page0' self.mytheme.widget_margin = self.widget_margin_main = Var.initial_page' Select mode ', self.show_game, font_size=self.font_main)' Show Rank ', self.show_rank, font_size=self.font_main)' Help ',, font_size=self.font_main)' Quit ',, font_size=self.font_main) def help(self): = 'page7' self.surface = pygame.display.set_mode((self.w, self.h), RESIZABLE) = pygame_menu.Menu(self.h, self.w, '', theme=self.mytheme2)' back ', self.reset, font_size=self.font_sub) def show_game(self): ## 게임 목록 들어가면 나오는 목록들 = 'page1' self.mytheme.widget_margin = self.widget_margin_showpage" --Start game-- ", selectable=False, font_size=self.font_main)' Single mode ', self.start_the_game, font_size=self.font_main)' MiNi mode ', self.start_the_Mini, font_size=self.font_main)' Twohands mode ', self.start_the_Twohands, font_size=self.font_main)' Ai mode ', self.start_the_Ai, font_size=self.font_main)' back ', self.reset, font_size=self.font_main) def show_rank(self): ## 랭크 들어가면 나오는 목록들기 = 'page2' self.mytheme.widget_margin = self.widget_margin_showpage" --Show Rank-- ", max_char=0, selectable=False, font_size=self.font_main)' Single mode ', self.Single_the_rank, font_size=self.font_main)' Twohands mode ', self.Twohands_the_rank, font_size=self.font_main)' MiNi mode ', self.Mini_the_rank, font_size=self.font_main)' back ', self.reset, font_size=self.font_main) def show_score(self, game_mode, game_score): = 'page6' self.Mode = game_mode self.score = game_score self.surface = pygame.display.set_mode((self.w, self.h), RESIZABLE) self.mytheme.widget_margin = self.widget_margin_main + ' Mode', self.pass_, font_size=self.font_main)'ID: ', maxchar=Var.rank_id_max, onreturn=self.save_id, font_size=self.font_main)"Exit",, font_size=self.font_main) def save_id(self, value): = value self.database.add_data(self.Mode,, self.score) self.reset() def stop(self): def Single_the_rank(self): = 'page3' self.mytheme.widget_margin = self.widget_margin_rank"--Single Rank--", selectable=False, font_size=self.font_main)" ID Score", self.Mini_the_rank, font_size=self.font_sub) original_data = self.database.load_data("basic") for i in range(Var.rank_max): original_name = str(original_data[i]['ID']) original_score = '{0:>05s}'.format(str(original_data[i]['score'])) r = "#{} : ".format(i + 1) + original_name + " " + original_score, self.pass_, font_size=self.font_sub)'back', self.reset, font_size=self.font_sub) def Twohands_the_rank(self): = 'page4' self.mytheme.widget_margin = self.widget_margin_rank twohadns_data = self.database.load_data("two")"--Two Rank--", selectable=False, font_size=self.font_main)" ID Score", self.pass_, font_size=self.font_sub) for i in range(Var.rank_max): original_name = str(twohadns_data[i]['ID']) original_score = '{0:>05s}'.format(str(twohadns_data[i]['score'])) r = "#{} : ".format(i + 1) + original_name + " " + original_score, self.pass_, font_size=self.font_sub)'back', self.reset, font_size=self.font_sub) def Mini_the_rank(self): = 'page5' self.mytheme.widget_margin = self.widget_margin_rank mini_data = self.database.load_data("mini")"--Mini Rank--", selectable=False, font_size=self.font_main)" ID Score", self.pass_, font_size=self.font_sub) for i in range(Var.rank_max): original_name = str(mini_data[i]['ID']) original_score = '{0:>05s}'.format(str(mini_data[i]['score'])) r = "#{} : ".format(i + 1) + original_name + " " + original_score, self.pass_, font_size=self.font_sub)'back', self.reset, font_size=self.font_sub) def start_the_game(self): self.Mode = 'basic' self.tetris.mode = 'basic' self.show_score(self.Mode, self.tetris.Score) def start_the_Mini(self): self.Mode = 'mini' self.tetris.mode = 'mini' self.show_score(self.Mode, self.tetris.Score) def start_the_Twohands(self): self.Mode = 'two' self.tetris.mode = 'two' self.show_score(self.Mode, self.tetris.Score) def start_the_Ai(self): self.Mode = 'ai' self.tetris.mode = 'ai' self.reset() def pass_(self): pass