Пример #1
def generateDicts(sock):
    severityMap = {
        "0": "emerg",
        "1": "alert",
        "2": "crit",
        "3": "err",
        "4": "warning",
        "5": "notice",
        "6": "info",
        "7": "debug"

    facilityMap = {
        "0": "kernel",
        "1": "user",
        "2": "mail",
        "3": "system",
        "4": "auth",
        "5": "syslog",
        "6": "lpd",
        "7": "news",
        "8": "uucp",
        "9": "time",
        "10": "auth",
        "11": "ftp",
        "12": "ntp",
        "13": "logaudit",
        "14": "logalert",
        "15": "clock",
        "16": "local0",
        "17": "local1",
        "18": "local2",
        "19": "local3",
        "20": "local4",
        "21": "local5",
        "22": "local6",
        "23": "local7"

    skip = 0
    skipcount = 0
    ssec = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%S")
    yieldcount = 0

    # Compile regex patterns for iteration on each component of the message
    pats = {}

    pristrings = [r'^<(?P<pri>\d{1,3})>(\d*:?)?']
    pats['pri'] = []
    for i in pristrings:
        pats['pri'].append(re.compile(i + r'(?P<space>\s?)\S+'))

    # Date/time
    datestrings = [
        r'(?P<date>[A-Za-z]+ [ \d]?\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d( [A-Z]{3}:)?)',
        r'(?P<date>\d{4} [A-Za-z]+ [ \d]?\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d( [A-Z]{3}:)?)',
    pats['date'] = []
    for i in datestrings:
        pats['date'].append(re.compile(i + r'(?P<space>\s+)\S+'))

    # Host/IP
    hoststrings = [
    pats['host'] = []
    for i in hoststrings:
        pats['host'].append(re.compile(i + r'(?P<space>\s+)\S+',

    # Rest of line
    pats['message'] = [re.compile(r'(?P<message>.*)(?P<space>\s*)$')]

    currentDict = {}

    a10 = Device.A10('logs')
    arista = Device.Arista('logs')
    brocade = Device.Brocade('logs')
    f5 = Device.F5('logs')
    force10 = Device.Force10('logs')
    juniper = Device.Juniper('logs')
    linux = Device.Linux('logs')

    pktbuf = []
    pktbuf_peak = 0
    packets = 0
    processed = 0

    while True:
            data, (src_ip, port) = sock.recvfrom(8192)
            pktbuf.append((data, src_ip, port))
            packets += 1
        except socket.error:
            if int(datetime.utcnow().strftime("%S")) != ssec:
                ssec = int(datetime.utcnow().strftime("%S"))
                    "%28s Messages in buffer (peak): %d read: %d processed: %d yielded: %d skipped: %d"
                    % (str(datetime.utcnow()), pktbuf_peak, packets, processed,
                       yieldcount, skipcount))
                pktbuf_peak = 0

            if len(pktbuf) == 0:
                buf_len = len(pktbuf)
                if buf_len > pktbuf_peak:
                    pktbuf_peak = buf_len

            while pktbuf:
                line, src_ip, port = pktbuf.pop(0)
                processed += 1

                # We can safely init the dict here because multiline messages are
                # still contained within single datagrams
                currentDict = {}

                # Pristine copy of what we received
                currentDict['raw_message'] = line

                # Strip any leading junk
                if line[0] == '\0':
                    line = line.lstrip('\r\n\0 ')

                for pname in ['pri', 'date', 'host', 'message']:
                    for p in pats[pname]:
                        matched = p.match(line)

                        if matched:
                            if pname == 'pri':
                                currentDict['severity_int'] = str(
                                    int(matched.group('pri')) & 7)
                                currentDict['facility_int'] = str(
                                    int(matched.group('pri')) >> 3 & 23)
                                currentDict['severity_label'] = severityMap[
                                currentDict['facility_label'] = facilityMap[

                            currentDict[pname] = matched.group(pname)

                            # Trim the line up to the ending space from the last match
                            line = line[matched.end('space'):]

                            # We matched this element so no need to keep looping on it

                    # None of the patterns matched for this field
                    if pname not in currentDict:
                        eprint("Did not match for %s: %s" % (pname, line))

                # Chop off any remaining crap
                line = line.rstrip()

                # Finished parsing but did not consume the whole line (should never happen)
                if len(line) > 0:
                    eprint("still some line left: [%s]" % line)

                # Did not match anything at all?
                if currentDict == {}:
                    eprint("matched nothing: [%s]" % line)
                    skipcount += 1

                    skip = 0
                    vendor = None
                    #currentDict['fromhost'] = resolveHostname(src_ip)
                    currentDict['fromhost'] = src_ip
                    currentDict['fromhost-ip'] = src_ip
                    if 'host' not in currentDict:
                        currentDict['host'] = currentDict['fromhost'].lower()
                        currentDict['host'] = currentDict['host'].lower()

                        if currentDict['host'].find('v-') >= 0 and currentDict[
                                'host'].find('-net') >= 7:
                            vendor = linux

                        elif currentDict['host'].find(
                                'bar') == 0 or currentDict['host'].find(
                                    'bcr') == 0 or currentDict['host'].find(
                                    ) == 0 or currentDict['host'].find(
                                    ) == 0 or currentDict['host'].find(
                                    ) == 0 or currentDict['host'].find(
                                        're') == 0 or currentDict['host'].find(
                                        ) == 0 or currentDict['host'].find(
                                        ) == 0 or currentDict['host'].find(
                                            'r1') == 0 or currentDict[
                                                'host'].find('r2') == 0:
                            vendor = juniper

                        elif currentDict['host'].find(
                                'ma') == 0 or currentDict['host'].find(
                                    'trr') == 0 or currentDict['host'].find(
                                    ) == 0 or currentDict['host'].find(
                                        'ssr') == 0 or currentDict[
                                            'host'].find('ser') == 0:
                            vendor = arista

                        elif currentDict['host'].find(
                                'slb') == 0 or currentDict['host'].find(
                                    'mlb') == 0 or currentDict['host'].find(
                                        'glb') == 0 or currentDict[
                                            'host'].find('vpr') == 0:
                            vendor = a10

                        elif currentDict['host'].find('lb') == 0:
                            vendor = f5

                        elif currentDict['host'].find('sw') == 0:
                            vendor = brocade

                        elif currentDict['host'].find('10.1') == 0:
                            vendor = force10

                        if vendor:
                            currentDict['vendor'] = vendor.vendor
                            if not vendor.matchLogPattern(currentDict):
                                    "Did not match %s message for host %s: %s"
                                    % (vendor.vendor, currentDict['host'],
                                # Flag as unmatched message
                                currentDict['state'] = 5

                                "Did not match host pattern for host: %s  message: %s"
                                (currentDict['host'], currentDict['message']))

                    except KeyError:
                        eprint("Field not found:", currentDict)

                        skip = 1
                        skipcount += 1

                    if skip == 0:
                        yield (currentDict)
                        yieldcount += 1