Пример #1
    def PyExec(self):
        # Get the run workspace
        input_ws = self.getProperty('InputWorkspace').value

        # Get spectra indices either from bank or direct list of indices, checking for errors
        bank = self.getProperty('Bank').value
        spectra = self.getProperty(self.INDICES_PROP_NAME).value
        indices = EnggUtils.get_ws_indices_from_input_properties(input_ws, bank, spectra)

        detector_positions = self.getProperty("DetectorPositions").value
        n_reports = 8
        prog = Progress(self, start=0, end=1, nreports=n_reports)

        # Leave only the data for the bank/spectra list requested
        prog.report('Selecting spectra from input workspace')
        input_ws = EnggUtils.crop_data(self, input_ws, indices)

        prog.report('Masking some bins if requested')
        self._mask_bins(input_ws, self.getProperty('MaskBinsXMins').value, self.getProperty('MaskBinsXMaxs').value)

        prog.report('Applying vanadium corrections')
        # Leave data for the same bank in the vanadium workspace too
        vanadium_ws = self.getProperty('VanadiumWorkspace').value
        van_integration_ws = self.getProperty('VanIntegrationWorkspace').value
        van_curves_ws = self.getProperty('VanCurvesWorkspace').value
        EnggUtils.apply_vanadium_corrections(parent=self, ws=input_ws, indices=indices, vanadium_ws=vanadium_ws,
                                             van_integration_ws=van_integration_ws, van_curves_ws=van_curves_ws,
                                             progress_range=(0.65, 0.8))

        prog.report("Applying calibration if requested")
        # Apply calibration
        if detector_positions:
            self._apply_calibration(input_ws, detector_positions)

        # Convert to dSpacing
        prog.report("Converting to d")
        input_ws = EnggUtils.convert_to_d_spacing(self, input_ws)

        prog.report('Summing spectra')
        # Sum the values across spectra
        input_ws = EnggUtils.sum_spectra(self, input_ws)

        prog.report('Preparing output workspace')
        # Convert back to time of flight
        input_ws = EnggUtils.convert_to_TOF(self, input_ws)

        prog.report('Normalizing input workspace if needed')
        if self.getProperty('NormaliseByCurrent').value:

        # OpenGenie displays distributions instead of pure counts (this is done implicitly when
        # converting units), so I guess that's what users will expect

        if bank:
            self._add_bank_number(input_ws, bank)

        self.setProperty("OutputWorkspace", input_ws)
Пример #2
    def PyExec(self):
        # Get the run workspace
        input_ws = self.getProperty('InputWorkspace').value

        # Get spectra indices either from bank or direct list of indices, checking for errors
        bank = self.getProperty('Bank').value
        spectra = self.getProperty(self.INDICES_PROP_NAME).value
        indices = EnggUtils.get_ws_indices_from_input_properties(input_ws, bank, spectra)

        detector_positions = self.getProperty("DetectorPositions").value
        n_reports = 8
        prog = Progress(self, start=0, end=1, nreports=n_reports)

        # Leave only the data for the bank/spectra list requested
        prog.report('Selecting spectra from input workspace')
        input_ws = EnggUtils.crop_data(self, input_ws, indices)

        prog.report('Masking some bins if requested')
        self._mask_bins(input_ws, self.getProperty('MaskBinsXMins').value, self.getProperty('MaskBinsXMaxs').value)

        prog.report('Applying vanadium corrections')
        # Leave data for the same bank in the vanadium workspace too
        vanadium_ws = self.getProperty('VanadiumWorkspace').value
        van_integration_ws = self.getProperty('VanIntegrationWorkspace').value
        van_curves_ws = self.getProperty('VanCurvesWorkspace').value
        EnggUtils.apply_vanadium_corrections(parent=self, ws=input_ws, indices=indices, vanadium_ws=vanadium_ws,
                                             van_integration_ws=van_integration_ws, van_curves_ws=van_curves_ws,
                                             progress_range=(0.65, 0.8))

        prog.report("Applying calibration if requested")
        # Apply calibration
        if detector_positions:
            self._apply_calibration(input_ws, detector_positions)

        # Convert to dSpacing
        prog.report("Converting to d")
        input_ws = EnggUtils.convert_to_d_spacing(self, input_ws)

        prog.report('Summing spectra')
        # Sum the values across spectra
        input_ws = EnggUtils.sum_spectra(self, input_ws)

        prog.report('Preparing output workspace')
        # Convert back to time of flight
        input_ws = EnggUtils.convert_to_TOF(self, input_ws)

        prog.report('Normalizing input workspace if needed')
        if self.getProperty('NormaliseByCurrent').value:

        # OpenGenie displays distributions instead of pure counts (this is done implicitly when
        # converting units), so I guess that's what users will expect

        self._add_bank_number(input_ws, bank)

        self.setProperty("OutputWorkspace", input_ws)
    def _fit_curves_per_bank(self, vanadium_ws, banks, spline_breaks, prog):
        Fits one curve to every bank (where for every bank the data fitted is the result of
        summing up all the spectra of the bank). The fitting is done in d-spacing.

        @param vanadium_ws :: Vanadium run workspace to fit, expected in TOF units as they are archived
        @param banks :: list of banks to consider which is normally all the banks of the instrument
        @param spline_breaks :: number of break points when fitting spline functions
        @param prog :: progress reporter

        @returns a workspace with fitting results for all banks (3 spectra per bank). The spectra
        are in dSpacing units.
        curves = {}
        for bank_number, bank in enumerate(banks):
            prog.report("Fitting bank {} of {}".format(bank_number + 1,
            indices = EnggUtils.get_ws_indices_for_bank(vanadium_ws, bank)
            if not indices:
                # no indices at all for this bank, not interested in it, don't add it to the dictionary
                # (as when doing Calibrate (not-full)) which does CropData() the original workspace

            ws_to_fit = EnggUtils.crop_data(self, vanadium_ws, indices)
            prog.report("Converting to d-spacing")
            ws_to_fit = EnggUtils.convert_to_d_spacing(self, ws_to_fit)
            prog.report("Summing spectra")
            ws_to_fit = EnggUtils.sum_spectra(self, ws_to_fit)

            prog.report("Fitting bank {} to curve".format(bank_number))
            fit_ws = self._fit_bank_curve(ws_to_fit, bank, spline_breaks, prog)
            curves.update({bank: fit_ws})

        curves_ws = self._prepare_curves_ws(curves)

        return curves_ws
    def _fit_curves_per_bank(self, vanadium_ws, banks, spline_breaks, prog):
        Fits one curve to every bank (where for every bank the data fitted is the result of
        summing up all the spectra of the bank). The fitting is done in d-spacing.

        @param vanadium_ws :: Vanadium run workspace to fit, expected in TOF units as they are archived
        @param banks :: list of banks to consider which is normally all the banks of the instrument
        @param spline_breaks :: number of break points when fitting spline functions
        @param prog :: progress reporter

        @returns a workspace with fitting results for all banks (3 spectra per bank). The spectra
        are in dSpacing units.
        curves = {}
        for bank_number, bank in enumerate(banks):
            prog.report("Fitting bank {} of {}".format(bank_number + 1, len(banks)))
            indices = EnggUtils.get_ws_indices_for_bank(vanadium_ws, bank)
            if not indices:
                # no indices at all for this bank, not interested in it, don't add it to the dictionary
                # (as when doing Calibrate (not-full)) which does CropData() the original workspace

            ws_to_fit = EnggUtils.crop_data(self, vanadium_ws, indices)
            prog.report("Converting to d-spacing")
            ws_to_fit = EnggUtils.convert_to_d_spacing(self, ws_to_fit)
            prog.report("Summing spectra")
            ws_to_fit = EnggUtils.sum_spectra(self, ws_to_fit)

            prog.report("Fitting bank {} to curve".format(bank_number))
            fit_ws = self._fit_bank_curve(ws_to_fit, bank, spline_breaks, prog)
            curves.update({bank: fit_ws})

        curves_ws = self._prepare_curves_ws(curves)

        return curves_ws