Пример #1
def convert(mbx, embedded_dir=None, opts=None):
	Start at the Eudora specific pattern "^From ???@???" and keep gathering
	all headers.  When an empty line is found, emit the headers.

	Replace ???@??? with the e-mail address in "From: " (if found), or else
	use "Sender: " or else "Return-Path: " or else use the magic address
	"*****@*****.**" for later analysis (easily greppable).

	Also add a "Date: " if missing (mostly for outbound mail sent by
	yourself) which is extracted from the Eudora "From ???@??? ..." line,
	but is reformatted, because Eudora has the order in the datum items
	Eudora uses:
		dayname-abbr monthname-abbr monthnumber-nn time-hh:mm:ss
	whereas it should be:
		dayname-abbr monthnumber-nn monthname-abbr year-yyyy
		Thu 03 Jan 2002 11:42:42    (24 characters)


    global attachments_listed, attachments_found, attachments_missing, attachments_dirs

    global paths_found, paths_missing, message_count

    global re_initial_whitespace

    global toc_info, replies, target
    global edir

    attachments_listed = 0
    attachments_found = 0
    attachments_missing = 0

    edir = embedded_dir

    print "Converting %s" % (mbx, )

    if not mbx:
        EudoraLog.fatal(P + ': usage: Eudora2Mbox.py eudora-mailbox-file.mbx')
        return 0

    attachments_dirs = []
    target = ''
    format = None

    if opts:
        for f, v in opts:
            if f == '-a':
                attachments_dirs = v.split(':')
            elif f == '-f':
                format = v.strip().lower()
            elif f == '-t':
                target = v

    EudoraLog.log = EudoraLog.Log(mbx)

        INPUT = open(mbx, 'r')
    except IOError, (errno, strerror):
        INPUT = None
        return EudoraLog.fatal(P + ': cannot open "' + mbx + '", ' + strerror)